SML Theory: What Happened To Roy Gethard?

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have you ever wondered where Roy gethard went after losing the cool-off contest in SML movie PJ kingshaw where PJ forced Roy out of town because Roy was overusing the same excuse of getting Super Bowl tickets for free to prove he was cool well I'm going to answer that but first where did Roy even come from well Roy is a complicated character as he's based off of a real person which goes into the drama of SML however I'm not involving myself I'm simply just stating what happened going back to late 2019 and early 2020 lavel the voice actor for Joseph went on a few Instagram live sessions that explained a few things based on Chile Elena and other behindth scenes situations lavel stated in his Instagram lives that behind the scenes Chile for whatever reason wanted to catch Logan the director cheating on her with Elena Elena being the voice actor for Rosalina however this was never confirmed but was actually one of the big reasons why Elena wasn't in videos in late 2019 Chile then distanced herself from Logan and eventually both Chile and Logan confirmed by updating on Instagram that they were broken up in early 2020 it was also revealed at this point in time that Chile had also been possibly cheating on Logan with a guy named Roy giard pronounced Gard but giard sounds like Roy gith hard and this spiral into the joke of Roy gith hard the character we have today uh hello Roy gith hard Ro is the name getting hard's the game apparently Chile had wanted to break out with Logan for a long time but because because he was making so much money from YouTube she stayed and this is according to lvll again I'm just stating things I've heard lvll also said that Chile gave Roy Super Bowl tickets that not only she didn't pay for but it wasn't even meant for Roy as Logan bought them the ticket to the Super Bowl was apparently supposed to go to Chile's mother so that she could experience a Super Bowl for the first time but instead Chile used the ticket to get a married man that she was cheating on Logan with to go to the Super Bowl with him lvll stated that originally the Super Bowl tickets were for him and this is where the Roy gith hard came from as well as the running joke of him going to the Super Bowl without having to pay for tickets or anything else oh hey Roy what's up my man go on in what you didn't ID Roy come on dude it's Roy giard he doesn't need an ID he can get to the Super Bowl without a ticket if he needed to but he had a ticket but he didn't pay for it I'll tell you that much his first debut was an SML movie the school dance and it's apparent right out of the gate that he's extremely confident and he's cool but he doesn't like to do much work as when all the kids went to the school dance Junior goes over to Maria to try to make her jealous because she rejected him earlier but then Junior realizes it didn't work and complains to Cody about it but Cody said that Maria went to the school dance with Roy who's immediately showing off his Super Bowl tickets and this is where the Super Bowl joke originally started and it gives small details poking fun at the real life Roy when Cody says that he already has a wife and kids guys why do you think Maria didn't want to go to the dance with me well probably cuz she's at the dance with Roy giard Roy giard who's Roy giard who is Roy giard hard junor he's only the coolest guy in school I I've never heard of him before yeah rumor has it he's already got a divorce and a kid but we're so young though oh dude he's lived a full life yeah his parents own a dog grooming place what how'd he get that Super Bowl ticket he didn't pay for it I'll tell you that much and at 12 minutes and 0 seconds the drama has poked fun at again as at the time that the drama was happening with SML Chile had blonde hair and why I bring this up is that in the next scene Chef Pee is wearing a blonde wig presumably trying to imitate Chile and even Chef peee got with Roy Chef peee where's the scissors Roy junior it's not what it looks like okay it is what it looks like but it's Roy look look he treats me special it's something that you can never do but why did Roy disappear well we have to talk about the person who made Roy leave the city PJ kinshaw PJ crenshaw's backstory starts originally as a real person as well apparently he was Logan the director's real bully in school which Lance revealed at SML BTS the end of Roy when Lance says I wonder what the real PJ kinshaw would think of this but PJ kinshaw actually debuts twice in SML technically his first appearance isn't physical as in 2016 in SML movie Chef pee's kids PJ used to go to the school with Junior and Cody's kids when Cody Jor and Chef peipi are arguing about Chef peipi being a deadbeat father Cody tells Chef Pee that Chaz his kid was bullied and beat up on the playground at recess by PJ crena at school and Junior is shocked by this as he knew exactly who PJ kinshaw was I stay in the kitchen I clean I cook for your father so what more do you want from me Junior well see money that that's that doesn't show that you care yeah exactly being there shows you care yeah we want you to be there like take a few days off work you know do shorter shifts mhm yeah I mean do you know what happened to Chaz today at school what happened to Chaz at school he got beat up on the playground PJ crena PJ crena PJ crena P Jamie crer Jamie jamesa that one that one wow wow PJ however this is a bit of a plot hole as before PJ even showed up to Wu Dum Elementary School which is where all the kids in the SML Universe go he was homeschooled as shown in SML movie PJ kinshaw that after he walks into the classroom Jackie Chu asks PJ why he's now in public school but then PJ said that he was kicked out of homeschool for sleeping with a teacher PJ kingshaw what are you doing here I thought you were homeschooled by a mom yeah but I got kicked out of home school for sleeping with the teacher so maybe the PJ cring shot that Junior and Cody were talking about an SML movie Chef P's kids was just a lie but then as PJ goes to sit in Roy's seat PJ steals Roy's girls and makes Roy not cool just by saying it out loud hey get out of my seat but but but this is my seat not anymore it's PJ's seat Now ladies you can stay but but ladies I'm cool you're not cool anymore although PJ is cooler than Roy now he's a lot more lenient and laidback so when Roy declares a cool off against against PJ he accepts but whoever lost had to leave the town and never come back uh Mr PJ Roy wants to have a cool off to see who's the coolest okay if he wants to be embarrassed I'm not going to be embarrassed you're going to be the one that's embarrassed when I prove that I'm the coolest all right well how about this whoever loses the cool off has to leave town and never show their face again all right deal in the cool off there were three competitions PJ beat Roy in the Kool-Aid drinking competition Roy beats PJ in the next competition of getting to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop as PJ's tiny tongue is no match for Roy's large tongue but in the final contest PJ and Roy compete to try and win over a girl by using their coolness unfortunately Roy's cool perks were that his Super Bowl tickets were given to him for free and he got three girls pregnant and that he's a dead beat dad however this doesn't get him far as the girl eventually goes to PJ and PJ wins which meant that Roy has to leave the town of Pensacola hey babe I got three girls pregnant and I left him and I don't take care of the kids oh hey I have three iPhones you can play on one of them if you want hey babe one time I went to a Super Bowl and I didn't have to pay for anything the girl literally flew me first class all the way to Miami woo yeah well I got airpods and a PS5 W um um my parents own a poodle shop so if you ever want to pet a poodle then you can come do that wo I got some green Play-Doh you can eat it with me if you want W oh but babe the the Super Bowl see here's the ticket right here I win you can't keep milking that for the rest of your life Roy but PJ tries to be nice to Roy even after everything that happened and PJ gives Roy advice to go wherever a girl will pay for you and gives Roy a keep your head up talk as PJ sends him on his way hey yeah time to get stepping do I really have to go yeah this town ain't big enough for two cool kids but where am I supposed to go wherever a girl girl will pay for you oh but what if no girl will pay for me don't worry man they'll pay for you all right hey yeah keep your head up champ I'll try but let's look at where Roy actually went looking at the Florida Panhandle where SML takes place right off the bat Destin nville Panama City and Gulf Breeze Mark the first locations to look at however we're only going to look at two main cities being Destin and Gulf Breeze based on distance alone Gulf Breeze is the closest town next to Pensacola Roy could have gone to Gulf Breeze as Pensacola and Gulf Breeze are separated by a 7.3 M long Pensacola Bay Bridge but that's about the only thing that Gulf Breeze has going for it however because PJ told Roy to go wherever he would get a girl to pay for him he could have gone to the higher wealth city of Destin as it's more of a tourist City and Destin would be the best location based on distance and how many tourists would think that Roy is the coolest kid in town and help provide Roy with the free things he wants all around the city however there is actually a third City that Roy could have possibly gone to Roy might have actually went back to Miami there is some evidence that he may be from Miami and it's because the Super Bowl that he apparently went to for free took place in Miami as well that would be the absolute best spot for him to find women as Miami is one of the most populated cities in America and that's probably the absolute farthest that he would go as he's shown to be very lazy and makes other people do things for him however Destin is the most likely location for Roy to move to because he's lazy and it's the closest location to Pensacola other than Gulf Breeze but Gulf Breeze is a small City so I don't think he would go there Roy's parents most likely originally moved from Miami to Pensacola for a specific reason probably because of Roy's parents poodle business because during the cool off when Roy and PJ were trying to get the girl Roy mentions that the girl can pet poodles because his parents have a poodle grooming business um um my parents own a poodle shop so if you ever want to pet a poodle then you can come do that but Roy's parents didn't want to leave Florida as their headquarters was there so they stayed in pensac until Roy said that the cool off was happening but after he lost his parents could easily move because of their money and it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to move especially if Destin is just 1 hour away now while Destin isn't that far from Pensacola it does qualify as Roy getting out of town my theory is that Roy's parents didn't mean to actually settle down fully in Pensacola and because of legality Roy had to be sent to school as soon as possible or else it would be counted as a treny so Roy's parents were really just waiting for a reason to pick up and move but couldn't find a reason good enough to not get treny put on them luckily Destin was a good spot so when Roy lost to cool off they decided to go there and their poodle business wasn't that far as it's only a 1hour drive but let me know where you think Roy went down in the comments thanks for watching And subscribe
Channel: SML Theory
Views: 342,532
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Id: lTgb4cD-Xc4
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Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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