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[Music] stop Jeff pancakes oh by the way if you celebrate pancake Tuesday happy pancake [Music] Tuesday well anyway Jeffy I'm stuff so I don't really feeling like doing anything too crazy want to play among us with our friends oh I'm playing that game in years Jeffy you played it [Music] yesterday anyway all right let's get into the [Music] game okay I'm in the game hey deffy hey for me all right I think our friends are joining the code now I sent them the Code what's up guys hey Junior what's up hey what's up dudes hey [Music] jph hi guys finally put in the code yeah I got the code in it was kind of difficult though Junior how do you play this game peny code is a b c d e f well I didn't know cuz I never played this game before and I'm playing with you cuz I really want to do it with you oh great penel is in the game basically penel if you're a crew mate you got to do your task and not get killed and also vote out the Imposter and if the Imposter kill everyone without getting caught that simple okay then well you have to explain in more detail no no just just start I'm just going to start the game I'm just going to start the [Music] [Applause] game guys I'm no P you're not allowed to say your V stiny yeah all right P this is where we start this is where emergency mean button is if something s happens you press this press it don't press it as the start of the game though we I'll vote you out when you I don't know that's mean Junior well that's what happens why because it's annoy when people do it all right let's just go do some tasks yeah okay here's my first task the card swipe too fast too slow bad read how do I do this task look p is easy as [Music] this how did you do that [Music] okay I'm just going to go bye okay my to clean the toilet it [Music] stinks this card swipe [Music] sucks who's [Music] that finally the toilet's all clean that was disgusting teting teting okay guys I've gaed you all here today to say the try the impostor wait wait wait wait wait why is Penelope I don't know hang on let me check Penelope died what hang on a second St back Jeffrey killed pelie and then run for me next because he di a belch which must have have me that you're trying to kill me you're trying to kill me buddy you're trying to kill me be honest here be honest here see he's denying it he's he's denying it he's denying he's denying see maybe he Bouch on you then that's just gross dude well if not him what were the rest of you doing well I was just doing my task it was pretty difficult task no there's no way a task took you that long well I had to fix this thing but instead like using oil I think I use maple syrup that could be a sabotage no no that's cuz fee that's what they want to say I'm sh ol and also Junior weren't you with Peli lost yeah no h you're shushy bushy junor because whoever killed her is the last one with her I left when she was doing a card swipe the card swipe yeah of course she was fing that she's a noob well anyway who could it be Joseph I think you should just skip we don't have enough evidence I got my arm on you Jeffy I'm still V Jeffrey I'm skipping skip around these skip okay I'm checking security dude I'm going to see if some suy activities what are you doing here junior you can on security okay seems normal now I'm just going to stay here [Music] bye chy J okay I'm going to need to clean this door cuz put my Sy there oh hey Jeffy what are you doing I'm cleaning the door because I accidentally put maple syrup on instead of oil okay okay I'm still watching cams still watching cams I'm going to catch my have you seen Junior anywhere no he left probably doing something shushy okay I'm going to go look for him okay shush um tired from that task the doors are shut okay come sabotage oh no oh no come to saage I got to go I found a dead body what happened to di I didn't get to see cuz com off so scared phoei died Phoebe died H hang on a minute weren't you doing suy activities no you sure I think he was seriously he's on my way to my task I was walking and I saw Junior ENT the room now phoe's dead well where were you I was fixing wires well where was Jeffy take poop that's not a trash dude or no hm I'm sh of Jeffy Junior and Cody and I'm shush of everybody I think we should vote on Junior but if it's not him I don't think we should jump to conclusions about anyone I don't know dude you seem pretty shush Jeffrey seems pretty shush and shers junor you all seem pretty freaking shush well not Junior then vote me sounds like a do V Junior it's not me well I guess we know who is our Shashi Baka wait what happened the timer the timer the timer five 4 3 2 Cal [Music] sabotaged work with me work with me work with me it's definitely Cody got got got we're so done let us let let me in stupid Victory to the saer true what what Cody you're such a nerd you always win as impostor you guys all suck hey that my maple syrup was so tasty and Tred me don't tell anyone I was scking the door hinges too that was that that was definitely your fault uh-uh everyone was so s you just think everyone is s Joseph cuz you're all shush well anyway Cody g g i gosh good good guys bye-bye now junor that that card swipe task was impossible then I di I'm going too yeah that was a good game of Among Us guys Cody was so good though he's a cheater I'm going to [Music] goop Bunny Hop always do hop hop hop like a bunny doing hop hop H up oh H hop h
Channel: Sub-Zero&DuckmanSML
Views: 5,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eW7HNSBgN0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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