SML Parody: The School Club!

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Subway kill please Junior what's wrong I am so bored me too what do you want to do we can go raid Daddy's wallet now we did that yesterday he didn't even have anything in there facts well I got detention at school so you can come with me for that I guess so wait why do you have to tension oh cause I was in class and we were taking a test and I really had to let out so then I did it and then everybody looked at me and I said wasn't me and then we went back to taking a test and then it went again and then everybody looked at me and I was like well they probably already know it was me so then I just turned myself in oh and now you have the tension yeah and it started like two hours ago so we should probably head over there well we don't want you to get in any more trouble all right I'll take you to detention let's go all right bet bad news Junior uh what detention ended 30 minutes ago well then what are we still doing here let's just go home yeah I know I guess I'll just have to do double time next week Jeffy look over there what is that Morty hey everybody the diary Wimpy Kid fan club still has openings I mean no one's actually joined yet but I think you really should because it's really fun you get to analyze and you annotate with Morty uh that's B by the way uh Jeff Casey show up like a book signing so I think you should really join it it's really fun oh my God Morty is such a nerd no I'm not talking about Morty we all know he's a nerd and no one's joining a stupid Club but I'm talking about the thing next the more you come look at this look at this Jeffy a party club whoa but Junior look a video game club we gotta go that we can play fortnite well yeah that's cool now but Jeffy think about how cool he would be if we go to the party club I mean all the coolest kids in school would be at the party club right we should go there so we can be cool you're right we should sign up yeah I'll take the far let's sign up homie and Jimmy we have to join the party club I know Junior it's gonna be so sick I know all the cool kids are going to be there I can't wait to meet them all and talk to them and any bunch of sugary snacks and beat everybody up wait what what should we do right we fight no that's Fight Club oh so then what's the point Jeffy have you ever been to a party before no wow that's sad I thought you just threw hands no Jeffy at least Fight Club you party at a party club you just dance and stuff you just so you're just emoting it's like a fortnight Lobby Junior that sounds lame if you call it a fortnight lobby while we're in there you will get beat good I'm ready to throw hands no don't ruin this for me come on let's just go I'll explain it on the way all right now let's get this party started come on buddies turn it up [Music] get it Mario good work Buddy Oh look The Losers are here what Boy Bill shut up uh can somebody get these losers out of here oh yeah get these dweebs out of here uh sorry Jeff you'll see at home daddy's that you yeah sorry buddies you're gonna have to go wait a minute you just take a shower I thought this was a school club we just signed up for it they're ruining the party just get them out you guys don't leave I'm gonna have to call the cops oh Junior let's just get out of here no no no sorry guys oh yeah turn it back up and come back losers already so sick oh I can't believe it's gonna get me a party club Jeffy now everyone at school is gonna think where the lamest kids ever Junior I told you we should have beat everybody up yeah you're right now we got no club to go to oh man oh hey guys I just so happened over here that you're still looking for a club you know the wimpy kid Club still has a lot of available slots left you know it's very fun uh Morty I mean it's the most nicest possible way nobody wants to join your really boring Club wait Junior what about the gaming Club oh yeah the gaming Club look we can play a Monash there well Among Us is dead but we can play Minecraft and we can play fortnite oh my God Junior I can crank 90s and own everyone there we will be the coolest kids in fortnite right not among us well you can't crank 90s in Among Us uh right because nobody plays Among Us Junior do you even play games uh I definitely don't play Among Us I play the cool ones like uh the Call of Duty and fortnite all right let's just go all right excuse me is this the gaming Club uh hello hello oh hi hi is this the gaming Club uh yeah it's the game club oh cool uh where is everybody at I'm right here you're you're the only one okay oh Nintendo switch hey do you mind if I run some fortnite Duos no no no sorry it's just mine it's my Nintendo switch I oh okay well can we take turns on your 3DS no I'm speed running Luigi's Mansion okay oh cool ranch can I have a Dorito at least hmm no okay then what's the point if I can't do anything did you not read the sign the club says to bring your own stuff but this is okay forget this oh Junior this gaming Club is lame yeah I know there's no one here you want to help me go beat up this kid and steal a switch yeah it sounds like fun wait a minute Cody hang on Jeffy I'm gonna find out what Cody's doing here yeah man you're good Junior we're playing uh I can see you were playing now you're not Junior I told you I have chess clubs Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Fridays wait that's all week I know it's all I do you're gonna make fun of me for it uh Cody how come you shared a chess club with the gaming Club because the school doesn't have the budget and barely anybody attend these things it's just I I don't know can I play what do you even know how to play chess nope I guess I can teach you but this game's ruined it would be an easy boost for my rating all right I guess we can play a quick match well Cody you better give up now Junior how are you winning you said you don't even play I guess I'm just that good at Checkers oh God I'm gonna lose my rating to Junior Junior I just stole this switch from Slicker pants over there we gotta run Jeffy you ruined my game I was about to be Cody and checkers get out of here dream we gotta get out of here all right let's go oh man Junior we're gonna be losers forever we can't get into any cool clubs yeah they won't let us in a party club the gaming Club is too dumb we're out of ideas oh man wait a minute there is a swim club you gotta swim right oh yeah I can swim foreign well that didn't work oh I guess we'll just be clubless losers forever and we're probably gonna get bullied for it too yeah you're right what do you mean Jeffy I just got the best idea what what if we make our own club oh Junior that's genius that's the best idea you've ever had and you've been having lots of bad ones wow thanks anyway I know just what they call this club oh yeah we'll call it the Jeffy Club excuse me why would we call it the junior Club that's so lame because I came up with the idea so it's my club duh but Junior nobody likes you everybody likes me I'm like the favorite character really Junior have you seen the views on these videos do you know that's cap fine we'll call it the Jeffy and Junior Club what I got a question what what are we gonna do in this club oh well that's the thing we're gonna do everything we're gonna play games we're gonna party all day and night we're probably not gonna do chess and we're gonna have a lot of snacks all right Junior let's get this set up yeah oh yeah this is gonna be the coolest Club of all time all right Jeffy I got the Flyers done okay Junior we gotta give these to everybody we know at school and we're gonna have like 10 000 people that show up wait 10 000 people I don't even think there's ten thousand people at school junior did I ask for your opinion do you want this to be a lit club or no well I do but there's only like 15 Flyers okay then give them to everybody you can and then spread the word come on all right fine you just don't gotta be so mean about it all right Jeff hey what's up buddy how you doing what the what are you doing here why are you acting so weird I'm not acting weird I'm acting because I'm cool Mario now wait a minute did you get a new helmet this is the same helmet I've had for the last six years oh is it it looks red oh are you planning a surprise oh no no don't forget my birthday no this is me and Junior's club and you're not invited because you didn't let us go to your Club well that's because you guys are dweebs oh what Jeffy what I have a secret what is it green oh I do have you been drinking tonight only a lot oh my God let me see you walking the street line what you want me to say my alphabet backwards too officer easy peasy let's get you to bed all right Jeffy I'm done hanging up all those flyers all right Junior now we just gotta sit here and wait for people to show up yep I think they'll be here any minute later any minute now any minute now many many minutes later so uh junior when do you think they're gonna show up any minute they'll be here oh wait oh never mind I thought that was the door many unbearable hours later still waiting yep oh no my spinny thing died I think it was kind of annoying true later that night well Junior I don't think anybody's gonna show up yeah you're right hey guys what's going on wow that's a lot of snacks hey Morty well we had this cool club and then nobody showed up oh you have a club well that's a coincidence because you I know on club actually you know the dark Wimpy Kid fan club yeah Morty we know oh well you know uh the first meeting for it is actually tonight so you know if you if you weren't busy which I know you you clearly are with all this stuff but you know if maybe you could make some time you know maybe you could like show up and just see how cool it is and you know maybe you'd have a good time ah sure Morty well join your Wimpy Kid Club yeah I guess it can't be much worse than this all right everyone turn to page one of diary will be kid double down and let's start annotating this is gonna be so much fun oh yes Morty oh [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 465,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, school club, sml school, jeffy sml, kable10 jeffy, jeffy school club, junior, sml movie, sml parody
Id: 30fV8_AVlwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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