SML Parody: The Halloween Party!

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so guys what do you think of my super cool Halloween costume yeah Junior honestly I think mine is better how can you speak saber oh yeah well I have a broomstick really Cody that's your argument My lightsaber cuts to your broom's taking like a second you're right yours is cooler yeah I know I'm right what are you supposed to be a librarian wait no I'm supposed to be Harry Potter who you haven't seen Harry Potter or read the books what's a Harry Potter there's no way and Cody why you have six eyes instead of your usual four well because the costume came with glasses and my mom bought it I wasn't just gonna leave the glasses at home so I had to wear them on top of my normal glasses but oh you're already wearing glasses can you even see what no it cancels out my prescription so I'm basically blind oh well why don't you just take them off because they're taped in my head oh well what are you supposed to be Joseph oh dude that's easy I'm Tom Brady I'm surprised you ain't nose earlier Tom Brady I'm gonna be like Antonio Brown why do I have to be Antonio Brown well I'm just saying because I mean you can be talking I want to be Tom Brady dude I want to be Antonio Brown yeah yeah he's my costume yeah you can be Tom Brady right yeah he can be Tom Brady I'm not trying to get canceled yeah yeah so guys you're ready for the super cool Halloween party oh yeah wait we're invited to a party yeah Cody if you're in my house right now you're invited wait really I've never been to a party before hey calm down spaz wait you're invited who's hosting the party whoa thank you so much about me with the webbings Buddy it looks great now I know you're poor and I am poor too so I got you five bucks it's compensation for helping that should get you a slice of pizza in New York actually maybe not that's pretty expensive oh it's spiky on your way up can you get some wedding on the roof I gotta fill up that candy bucket all right that should be enough candy for the next contest hey Daddy can we please invite Spider-Man to the Halloween party tonight oh you know what Jiffy you just missed him he was here spinning webs for decorations a minute ago but he had to leave Spider-Man was in our house and you didn't even get an autograph are you crazy no he was busy so you know it's the webs okay these kitchen is candy no no back off that's not for you it's for the guests and people with costumes which you don't have you don't have a costume either yes I do it's me Amari really you're just gonna be yourself that's so lame no it's a cool joke see that's my old face and this is me we're both Mario so it's cool fine I'll just be Jeffy then what you're not famous No One's Gonna recognize the joke really yes you'll go get a real costume Jeffy otherwise you're not getting any candy fine I'll go get a costume oh no Cody Alvin and the Chipmunks is not a horror movie hey Junior can I ask you a question real quick yeah sure cookie go make yourself useful and get some candy junior can I please borrow your Harry Potter Halloween costume real quick I'm not Harry Harry Potter no you can't have it please Junior I need a costume or else Daddy won't let me get candy well it sounds like a you problem you had plenty of time to get a costume well yeah Junior it is a me problem and I'm asking you to help come on be a good friend all right fine my dad did get me this costume that I wasn't gonna wear because it's too big but I guess it'll fit you really yeah you can have it oh thanks Junior hey Daddy I'm a pretty princess unicorn really that's the costume you're doing well it's not my fault you're too poor to buy me one you know what touche so where's the candy uh no you can't have any candy yet why not because it's for the guests it's for the party when does the party start uh when the guests get here and when do they get here I don't know soon how mad would you be if I broke this Punch Bowl right now very mad I worked hard on that out of ten oh like you're not getting any candy out of 10. oh man I still have decorations that need to be hung up before the guests get here so can you go do that it's outside well can I get candy if I do that you get one piece really that's it don't complain for any more you get one man there we go all the decorations are done oh wait no way is that the losers Halloween costume no way he's actually gonna be that oh great what do you want bully Bill hey hey loser get over here I have to get a better look at your Halloween costume and well oh boy bill please get this over quickly because I gotta get inside oh don't worry loser this will be quick wait what are you doing wait no bully bill I didn't give you consent I gotta post this on my Instagram wait no delete it now oh my God it's got 100 likes already stop I will break your phone no way we're trending oh my God why you do this to me because it's funny loser look at you your unicorn costume so why it's so lame why are you even wearing that it's not trick-or-treating time uh because me and my friends are gonna have a super cool party tonight and you're not invited oh yeah but where are you having this party at my house I'll be there wait no wait why did I do that oh God hey Junior can you help me burn this costume no way I can't believe I know the Unicorn boy wait why do you want to burn your costume I thought you wanted candy well I did but bully bill is going to ruin my life so I gotta get rid of this thing oh well I think he kind of already did that wait what yeah look you're a mean now no please tell me you're joking see unicorn boy you're training on Twitter Facebook Instagram and Tick Tock well my life is officially over oh come on don't see it you're a really funny meme oh wait a minute I did the guests are here oh wait a minute oh that must be the guess oh you guys can all come in let's get this party started Cody Joseph the party starting come on let's go uh you can come with this too if you want unicorn boy [Music] whoa guys look at all this super cool costumes here yeah Junior who are these people I don't know I think Mario knows him oh I know Pennywise but I don't know anyone else but junior is that your dad oh God this is miserable my dad's actually out of his rookie never leave these room oh no oh no uh my broom I don't know where it is really Cody that's what you're complaining about my costume is ruined now nobody's gonna know who I am the costume is ruined from the start but no it wasn't wait Joseph is that you dude what do you mean I've been here the whole time sorry I literally can't see with these glasses like I can't see where you are why don't you just take them off I'm not taking them off speaking at Sea I wonder where unicorn boy went yo Jeffy I think he's still on the couch oh why aren't you having fun costume is so bad I knew it I knew I shouldn't have worn it should be No One's Gonna care I mean come on Pennywise is here he came to see you penny is here okay just for you he's just gonna make fun of me he wouldn't make fun of anyone oh his Boy Bill out there no why would he be here I didn't invite him oh wait someone's at the door Jeffy I'll be right back wait no don't get that Daddy don't uh hello oh wait bully bill is that you oh what a coincidence you're just talking about you uh yeah I'm here for your dumb party this is the loser I I mean unicorn boy here oh Jeffy yeah he's right over on the couch did you come to see him daddy don't let him in he's just gonna make fun of me what a man oh oh oh okay uh Jeffy says you can come in wow I'm so glad you guys are good friends now oh yeah I can't wait to see my best friend hey Junior if you see bully bill can you tell him that I died uh I guess but he's not even here I think Daddy just let him in oh wait it's bad he's got peely from fortnite oh yeah you should go say hi to him but Junior what if he doesn't like my costume Jeffy who cares it's a costume party it doesn't matter I'm nervous but I'll go say something to him uh excuse me sir but I have your skin in fortnite and I'm a really big peely fan so I just wanted to say I like your costume oh no that's not me I I don't know who that is no it's not me all right everyone I have a fun game for us to do we're gonna do a costume contest yeah I would win if I had my my broomstick seriously just stop you would not win so stop so whoever wins the contest gets a bunch of candy oh and remember no voting for yourself eating all right let's go I'm gonna get all that candy oh oh oh what I'm not even on the list [Music] nobody voted for me oh that's lame oh fine I'll vote for unicorn boy [Applause] no way I lose that dumb loser wait what how does he have more tallies than me oh I'm gonna fix that real quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] all right everyone I have the winners of the costume contest right here wow thanks guys you really didn't like my costume huh all right let's see one oh wow it was a close one between Penny and unicorn boy uh wait what unicorn boy one Jeffy you won I actually won I won the contest oh come on do a recount that's not fair I cheated I should have won believe Bill you're just jealous of course I'm jealous you wouldn't have won if I didn't post that video of you or whatever this party's crap and you're all crap well uh congratulations Jeffy uh you got the candy like you wanted well no that's done time for our next game we're gonna go Bobby for green beans who's ready oh oh come on I swear I paid the electric bill on time this month all right nobody panic this happens all the time when you're poor I'll see if I can try and fix it don't worry guys I got this ah see my lightsaber is way better than some dumb broomstick wait a minute what is that oh wait a minute this is Bully Bill's costume uh guys oh god oh no God I can't see what's happening yes guys come on relax there's no murderer here what are you doing [Applause] oh see guys the lights are back on I told you you'd be okay now you stop acting like animals now what's happening with bully Bill all right that Pennywise killed him guys come on be reasonable Pennywise would never do something like that if anybody did it it was Jeffy he had a reason to do it too he was being bullied by Boy Bill all day shut up Junior I didn't kill bully Bill even though I really wanted to guys stop accusing each other if we're gonna figure this out we have to figure out who did it as a team oh like one of those cool murder mystery movies oh a great I bet someone called the police [Music] hello who's there so like I left I love Hardy so can I come get it real quick holy Bill what what are you doing here we thought you died no I didn't die your party was just really stupid and lame and I got bored so I left uh yeah just just hold on real quick wait loser I need my costume uh Hey guys uh so funny story you guys are gonna laugh at this uh bully Bill didn't actually get killed uh he just left the party because he got bored what wait where did everyone go [Music] oh man ah well Jeffy I just remember why don't throw Halloween parties anymore hey Daddy when do I get my candy you don't Pennywise took it all well can you ask him to give it back I won that I'm not asking him you can ask him he's really nice he'll probably give you some I don't know where he lives in the sewer oh man I'm never gonna get that candy and I'm never gonna get to Bob for Greenies that was gonna be so fun I don't think anybody wanted to Bob for green beans if he why are you still wearing the unicorn costume you can take it off now the party's over oh no I like my unicorn costume now I'm unicorn boy what yeah I'm famous you're not famous more famous than you oh [Music] thank you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 700,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeffy, sml, sml halloween, jeffy halloween, halloween party, sml parody, sml movie jeffy, kable10 jeffy
Id: 1btPm5UtQiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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