SML Parody: Junior's Cursed Popsicle!

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oh guys it's so hot outside yeah Junior I can't believe I'm saying this but can we please go in your pool I'm dying over here no all your water evaporated it evaporated I mean how hot is it outside I don't know please over 100 degrees 100 oh my God Junior why is the AC not working because Mario can't afford to keep it on for longer than five seconds ah okay here's my plan we need to get a really really big fan all right I'm on it hey guys if you're watching this video type down in the comments if you're not that kind of fan I mean like a cooling fan that we plug in but wait a minute instead of doing that what if we just cream oh dude I like ice cream it's better than the stupid fan idea yeah that's true that would work too do you have any ice cream no but then how are we gonna get some I don't know what let's call the ice cream man he has ice cream let's call the ice cream man yeah I don't think you call the ice cream man I think he just shows up well no Cody obviously you call the ice cream man how's he supposed to know to come here well I don't know it's like Santa Claus like he shows up and it's just kind of random he shows up at random Cody are you stalking me ice cream man do you know his routine I wish I knew are you friends with the ice cream I am not friends with the ice cream man I'm just saying we don't know if he's gonna show up so why don't we walk to the store and buy ice cream like normal people fine we'll go walk through the store in the 100 degree weather come on guys let's go yeah oh God we finally made it back guys oh come on let's get inside I hate Florida so much it's practically unlivable oh great my ice pops melting in the bag let's just go inside yeah let's just go inside it is so hot uh Cody you're uh your ice cream's on fire but wait what yeah oh my God oh my God it was on fire oh my God oh my God oh my God yeah whatever cookie it's fine look Joseph will just share some of his okay let's just go inside I'm melting out here no my popsicle it's still salvageable holy stop what are you doing this gross it's all hot now just get inside Joseph will share his okay I've been waiting for this all day finally it's our chance to cool off I know dude I can't wait to eat my orange Squeeze Pop but wait a minute dude you actually got the curse SpongeBob pop are you crazy wait it's not cursed Joe so it doesn't make any sense oh my God Junior you have the cursed SpongeBob popsicle you're gonna die in 24 hours wait what actually it's really cursed yeah Junior like they don't even sell these anymore like that is dangerous I can't believe you bought that I I you know I I thought we should do more ice pop I'm just kidding it's just a marketing scene they're not actually cursed see Joseph I told you that's stupid you can't curse ice cream no don't do it's true one time I knew this guy who knew this to this friend and my friend ain't that possible and you got cursed well that's vague getting cursed can mean a lot of things you could be cursed with infinite money that doesn't seem so bad no dude it was a bad curse he was like growing up and hey I think he got possessed or he died okay well getting cursed and dying are two different things why wouldn't you just say he died guys can I please just eat my ice cream I mean listen if nobody else wants it the gumball eyes all right I'm gonna eat it now and you better not touch my ice cream oh you need help there but I don't know I got it nah finally I got my SpongeBob ice pop oh man he looks normal I was kind of hoping he looked like he got hit by a bus oh yeah well sometimes you get unlucky with those things wait a minute what where is it what are you looking for where is it it's right here junior are you an idiot no no I'm not talking about the stupid popsicle where are the gumball eyes no Junior it says on the packaging with chocolate chip eyes they changed the recipe what no it's because idiots like Joseph who think these things are cursed aren't buying them because they thought oh it's all scary and cursed so then they change the recipe so people would buy them again what what it's stupid I wanted to Gumball I said I want stupid chocolate I I I'm not gonna return this one you don't have to go back turn it around look now it has no eyes no flip it around Junior see no eyes I don't care Cody I only bought this for the gumball I see you know what that's Junior we're going back to the store now you can't return to popsicle we already opened it oh I'm not returning it I'm throwing this thing away down there I'll eat it don't throw it away no no no nobody's gonna let me do no oh no no one's gonna eat the stupid brain dead chocolate popsicle we're gonna go get it taste the same Junior no you didn't even eat it you're not hearing me oh let's go back we're going back I don't care how far I have to walk yeah no Cody oh my God check it out I got three more SpongeBob ice pops Junior why they all say made with chocolate chips what are you expecting well here's what I'm thinking Cody I'm thinking since it's so hot outside somebody in the factory screwed up and they put gumballs on one of these popsicles and I'm thinking about to open up the one with the gumball eyes I don't know why you would think that Junior it's 105 degrees out your AC doesn't work your pool has no water in it please can I have one it's so hot we'll be sending a message to the popsicle company that we like them and we don't you already sent the message Junior you bought for it today for all they know you love them but I didn't eat them they don't know that Junior when I buy something from the store I could throw it out they don't care they got their money it doesn't matter but all right Kobe fine if it's such a big deal to you when I get the gumball ice you can have all the Popsicles that I don't eat there but you're not gonna get the gumball ice because they don't exist not with that attitude bud yeah now let's get these popsicles open but you just called me bud all right nope no Gumball eyes let's try this one all right third time's a charm here we go come on SpongeBob get out ah nope no Gumball eyes no Jack Junior listen Junior I'm telling you this as a friend you are going nowhere with this and you're wasting your time and your money so I recommend you just enjoy one of these maybe we can go out you know buy the pool and put water in it and and then enjoy our Hots and he's leaving and he's just he's gonna leave a why do I even try [Music] yeah yeah oh my God what oh my junior what did you do oh my God oh my God I bought it all there's nothing here okay at this point you have to recognize that you have a problem come on come on no Junior great this one doesn't have it either oh my God Junior do you not realize that you are literally you have the mindset of a gambling addict I mean honestly Cody I'm just kind of having fun looking for him at this point I think I like the thrill how did you even get money for all of these well my Dad's credit card he's not using it he's still in jail okay can I I'm gonna ask again can I please just have one no Cody I didn't get the gumball eyes I it's so hot Junior well I'm sorry Cody maybe you could cool off if the stupid possible company gave me the right one but you're not eating them I don't care Cody I'm trying to send a message oh my God I'm gonna go sleep in your freezer it's the only place I can cool off one of these has to have the eyes come on wait no no what none of them had the eyes of great I ran out of popsicles hey Junior look what I found oh my God Cody you found it where'd you get that um it was at the bottom of the freezer in the garage yeah that's where it was I don't care give it to me give it to me right now hold on Junior okay this this is a delicacy like you said these are extremely rare please the extremely rare cursed SpongeBob popsicle okay I'll give it to you but I'm gonna need something in return okay anything anything you want just give it to me all of these other ones that you're just gonna waste I don't care I don't want them well I I don't have a hundred dollars Cody how about your Dad's credit card I'm yeah sure I guess he's not using it okay okay Junior it's all yours buddy oh my God you enjoy that okay oh yes I will Cody I will okay oh man time to take a bite finally time to make my SpongeBob popsicle smoothie I've been waiting all day for this yeah oh yeah yeah [Music] oh my God that was the best SpongeBob ice pop I've ever had oh my God that was totally worth all the trips to the store in the heat right Joseph Joseph we actually I haven't seen Joseph since he got his orange Squeeze Pop where is he oh hey dude I just found her SpongeBob popsicle you want it what the oh there you are Joseph uh no thanks I'm good I just had one but didn't you say that the SpongeBob ice pops were cursed and that you didn't like them oh come on dude what are you talking about I love SpongeBob popsicles you should have another one but wait a minute Joseph is one where'd you get that oh really dude that's weird I mean SpongeBob popsicles are so good I thought you loved them too this one has to Gumball eyes in case you couldn't notice I mean [Music] uh no no thanks Joseph you know my tummy kind of hurts so I think I'm good but uh thanks anyway okay that was really weird why was Joseph acting like that oh hey Junior you want to Squad up and play some fortnite popsicle yeah sure Jeffy wait wait what did you say I said SpongeBob popsicle do you want one uh haha Jeffy yeah very funny I know I wanted a SpongeBob pop to go all day but guess what I got the one with the gumball I so I'm good now Junior I'm not asking eat the SpongeBob popsicle now wait what oh you too why is everybody acting so weird all of a sudden here comes back what's his problem I just want to get my SpongeBob popsicle why is everybody acting so weird what's going on with everybody and why is it still so hot out wait a minute oh thank God Cody what's going on [Music] Cody yeah hey Junior do you want another one of your SpongeBob popsicles I have one for you it's for you Junior take it yeah oh SpongeBob oh God wait this is because I ate your Popsicle isn't it I'm sorry SpongeBob Joseph tried to tell me it was cursed I should have listened I'm sorry foreign [Music] dude what's wrong with him you gotta fix him Cody I don't know I'm not a doctor he's probably having like a heat stroke or something I don't know no no no didn't you give him that cursed popsicle with the gumball I wasn't cursed and also it's 105 degrees out the AC doesn't work and he's been running around at different stores getting those popsicles I doubt he's had one sip of water today no wonder he's having a heat stroke oh God Junior no no no more popsicles no more popsicles please I'm sorry I'm not giving you any Popsicles Junior you had a heat stroke a heat stroke no no Cody you gave me that curse possible with the gumball ice Josh it was right okay here's what actually happened you were being annoying so while I was chilling in the freezer I found one of your old popsicles put some gumballs in the eyes and made it look all weird and then I gave it to you so you'd stop being annoying so you just took the chocolate chips out and and put gumballs in there yes because you wouldn't stop buying them and you were being weird about it and I was so hungry I just wanted some of the Popsicles as well and I could have eaten that but I was like well I'm gonna be a good friend so I I gave it to you so I never got the gumball eyes no I mean I just made it and the whole curse thing is nonsense you just had a heat stroke so just relax get some water and we'll relax on the couch for the rest of the day and watch TV or something oh thank God thank God it wasn't actually cursed guys yeah but wait wait a minute Cody if that popsicle is fake you know what that means we gotta go back to the store and get more come on come on I want another orange squeeze don't don't why do you guys do this you already bought them all I'm I'm going back in the freezer for I'm going back in the freezer [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 292,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2lP6bamuMW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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