SML Parody: Junior's Big Choice!

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[Music] guys did you know that there's only one week of Summer left before school starts only one week where did the time go okay we have to make sure this last week is the best week of summer yet yeah Cody's right we gotta make sure you use the best weekend summer ever so let's stay inside and play Playstation all day all right sounds good to me well actually dude I stole this Xbox earlier today and I don't have any power in my house so I was kind of hoping we could plug it in here you stole an Xbox ew Joseph we're not playing Xbox PlayStation is clearly better it's got better exclusives it's got better performance it's got better controllers can we just all be men here and accept the fact that Nintendo switch is clearly the best console it just clears you think the switch is better than the PlayStation dude you're so stupid your name is Junior Bowser Jr that's right I can say it because we didn't get sued and I don't want to give you an existential crisis but you were made for Nintendo I yeah are you all right no no no no oh come on that's my thing but yeah the news is on foreign so we do have an ongoing situation where an extremely dangerous prisoner has escaped he's currently the most wanted criminal in the country so if you do see him please contact the station and we will happily provide up to a ten thousand dollar reward and uh oh yeah in other news the national surveys came back and a PlayStation was ranked the best console of 2023 so congrats to Sony oh see guys I told you I told you PlayStation was the best uh junior am I crazy or is that your dad on the TV I don't know Cody look nice station because they cause they've got contoured okay but I think I think important things like the fact that your dad just escaped prison yeah so what he's done it before Junior you haven't seen him in like six months yeah I know I haven't seen him all summer I miss him maybe he'll show up well no you don't want that because if he shows up to his house where he lives that is the first place the police are gonna look he's obviously gonna get caught oh no Cody you're just jealous of what your dad escaping prison I mean I my dad you're just jealous super cool he has a ten thousand dollar Bounty out for him I mean what do you think he's gonna do he's not gonna show up here Cody I wish he would but oh someone wow someone's at the door Junior you probably shouldn't you know you shouldn't answer that Junior come on Cody I'm sure it's fine I'm sure it's not it's probably your dad oh hello hello Junior it's me your teacher here take all your summer homework make sure you get it done before school start um okay but doesn't school start in like a few days I know I forgot to give it to you at the start of summer now here you'll take it I have to give all the homework to the other kids now um okay thank you Jackson Chu man for a second there I thought that was my dad yeah Daddy pick catch me alive I'm never going back inside oh Junior I'm coming oh my God I'm finally back home Junior it's been so long is that really you oh it's so good to see your ugly little face and your bib in your green shorts yeah it's good to see you too okay Junior I gotta get this uniform off and I need a hot shower can you give me something to eat well I guess but I'm not a chef I don't care Junior just anything but that god-awful person food every day it was mashed potatoes oh wow that doesn't sound that bad actually Junior they were cold and they were wet and I never got any ketchup oh what I would do for some ketchup anything Junior anything okay I can get you some food I I can't promise it'll be good but I can get you food lock all the doors and if somebody knocks don't answer it I'm gonna go get changed okay Dad I guess I better get some food ah there we go that's way better than mashed potatoes uh hey Junior who is at the door oh it's just Jackie Chu oh but then I did see my dad outside oh my god did you call the cops no way let him in Jesus dude are you serious why would you do that my Dad Cody I wouldn't just not let him in and he's also a wanted criminal we both saw the news broadcast I know Cody PlayStation's better you have to keep bringing it up Jesus I'm talking about the fact he has a ten thousand dollar bounty on him Junior this is dangerous holy think about it this was your dad you'd let him inside too no I would call the cops I don't even know my dad's name oh wow Cody really showing your loyalty there Junior come on do the right thing just listen to me for once I am doing the right thing so do you think he wants ketchup on his Donuts or any waffles oh my God Junior you cannot be serious there is no way yeah you're probably right it's perfect the way it is I'm gonna give it to him no Junior don't do this yeah yeah hey Dad I got you your food dad what are you doing uh dad your five-star dinners over there hey Junior you locked all the doors right no and all the windows no we should probably close the blinds too to be safe dad why are you being so paranoid Junior you don't understand before I broke out I was on the table what's the table I was about to be put to death what over over the life hack that's what I said it your escape again they'll pull me down oh we're not gonna let you do that I want you to put down and if the dirty pigs don't do it the other prisoners Will Junior you don't understand they bullied me they called me names they pulled pranks on me it was awful well yeah I guess that sounds bad but at least you can get shanked oh they did that too what where's my food you stupid brat it's over there okay I'm gonna go eat that and catch up on Charlie I probably have at least two seasons I haven't seen yet okay Dad I won't let the cops find you so junior did you make up your mind are you turning him in no Cody I can't turn them in why the news just came back on and his Bounty doubled from ten thousand dollars to now twenty thousand dollars I just a tournament okay it's complicated okay Junior you gotta think about this logically all right this is his house I just heard five police cars I mean six police cars drive by I think there's a helicopter they're gonna find him okay you're gonna lose your dad so would you rather lose him and be broke or lose him and be twenty thousand dollars richer they're not gonna Cody they can't get in here with that morning baby they did get him Cody I I can't turn him in okay I'm sorry I just can't I think about twenty thousand dollars Junior think about it just imagine what you could do with twenty thousand dollars it's unreasonable that's a lot of money as requested sir [Applause] why the guilt Cody I wouldn't be able to live with myself Junior I understand but like he's only going to be in prison a couple more years and then he'll be out you'll have your money everybody will be happy Cody he escaped the death penalty oh oh I did not know it was that bad they were gonna kill him yikes well I mean technically you could still uh Audi seriously Junior I mean it's your big decision but like twenty thousand dollars like I don't know how hard you imagined it but like that's a really nice boat it's calling me okay Junior get in here what's up Dad oh my God finally what took you so long listen Junior I'm starving give me something to eat but Dad I just fed you a bunch of food can't you see that the food is gone you idiot oh my God give me some Chick-fil-A but I don't have your money or a car to get you Chick-fil-A Junior I've been eating cold wet mashed potatoes for the past six months the least you can do is get me some filet I also have a lemonade well I don't have any of that but maybe I can get you some like Pop-Tarts or like I forget this okay just hand me the TV remote I want to watch Charlie but Dad you're laying on the TV remote oh my God I'm sick of this back talk Junior I was in prison for six months well I'm sorry Dad but I mean you're closer can you just grab it oh my God you know what you want me to put you up for adoption I can still make that happen the more attitude you give me the more likely I am to do it okay here's your remote I don't want to watch TV anymore what you took way too long and you put way too much of an attitude oh give me a back massage a back massage really dead yeah I'm all tense from being in prison come on get in there good but I don't know how to do a massage I don't care just do it okay oh but yeah you're smelling prison I know get in there now fine all right yeah oh that's better there we go oh yeah yeah I forgot how mean my dad can be oh God what do I do hey we got heard you had a situation fill me in okay so basically my dad's gonna I'm just kidding I've been listening to the whole thing classic scenario gotta figure out whether you want to sell out your dad yeah I know but except if I do he dies he died if my dad dies does he go to heaven do you want the honest answer or the answer that'll make you feel good uh I guess the answer it makes me feel good oh yeah he's going to heaven he's going to be frolicking with the angels he's not going to heaven is he nope absolutely not not even close oh God I don't know what to do well to make a big decision like this you're gonna need some holy water drink that up but that's just Fiji Water at the prices they charge it might as well be holy I mean five dollars a bottle Jesus what a scam well God what would you do if you were me uh I'd probably sell him out but honestly in five years you're gonna be regretting whatever decision you make so no pressure or anything oh okay I guess you're gonna have some visitors in a couple seconds I gotta get out of here you can drink the holy water oh peace oh God who's at the door uh hello hi sport um hey any clue if your dad's home right now well um I mean maybe he he might be home well I don't know what you mean by you don't know I mean it's a yes or no question I mean hey you mind if we just do a walk through real quick just to check you know what um you guys wait here I'll go check and see if he's home oh man this is yay I I guess I know what I have to do now well officers here he is my dad would you would you what do you mean Junior you said there was Chick-fil-A out here why why Dad I'm giving you up to the car I'm going back to prison no Junior you can't do this to me yes I can't yeah you're mean to me and I want that twenty thousand dollars I don't want to go back my own son how could you do this job oh Dad oh oh yeah very funny I I know he's fat he's trying to fake his death so we don't take him in yeah very funny we we've been through this a thousand times buddy come on we don't fall for this dad seriously stop it you have to go to jail I'm not engineer my chest it hurts your chest hurts somebody help oh my God please help him come on knock it off this isn't funny what are you doing Bowser knock this off this isn't funny Junior even though you snitch you're the oh my God you're the best yeah no you're the best son I could have asked for I think he's actually dying stop dad Daniel wake up dude stop it oh my God easy my daddy's dead no dead I mean hey to be fair he was gonna get the death penalty and I really don't want to get my doctor uniform on oh my he's actually dead oh oh my God Junior I'm sorry dude I I can't believe this he's he's actually gone dude my dad he's gone you guys did this to him he must have been all these stress from prison how could you guys do this to my dad oh my God this is awful no kid should have to witness this oh my now I really feel bad why do I feel bad I should not feel Alyssa cheap go get the kid his money go get the 20 grand oh my God thank you this will never make up for what happened but it should cover the funeral cost yeah I have to bury my dad Hey listen Junior I I don't know what to say I'm just I'm really sorry for your loss I I've actually never lost a parent before so I can't say I know what it feels like but I if you need anything I'm right here buddy me and Joseph both of us we're right here yeah thanks Cody that was really sad wasn't it here's your cut my cut yeah each of you guys get five thousand sorry did I miss something no I mean you get the money Junior I don't your dad just died why are you giving me what he's right there oh yeah Junior what I'm sorry am I seeing a ghost right now what is happening no Cody look okay here's what my big plan was so I told my dad that we were gonna go outside and fake his own death so that way the cops would leave him alone and we get the money I mean he never goes outside anyway so they never know he's alive Junior you got it hitting me right now that is actually kind of smart I know right that is actually genius so wait why am I getting paid what did I do well because you helped out I mean your acting was so good they really bought it oh oh yeah am I acting oh yeah that I you know I actually pride myself in my acting ability yeah I know you're pretty good I can act I can I can cry on command I was like oh no Junior you're dead oh I am so sorry for your loss I am so sad Junior I dude you can knock that off now I I'm sorry but we were better outside Cody well guys listen now that we have five thousand dollars each and there's a couple days left of Summer I think we all know what we have to do oh yeah totally go to Nintendo World wait no we're gonna go to PlayStation World dude I wanna go to Xbox world but there's no set there's let's just go to Chuck E cheese oh yeah let's go yeah [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 207,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _0v8k4_h7gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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