SML Parody: Jeffy's Science Project!

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what the who put all this stuff on my couch hey daddy this is my science fair project science fair project wait you mean you're actually doing your schoolwork for once oh wow trippy I'm actually proud of you wait why am I on here basically it's simple I need you to drink this whole bottle of coke eat these Mentos and we're seeing what happens no Jeffy I'm not doing that I'm not your guinea pig but Daddy you have to my hypothesis is that you're gonna get really mad and ground me or your head's gonna blow up I don't know yet no Jeffy I'm not doing this I'm sorry you have to do it by yourself all right listen can you just say that your head blew up so I can write that down and do tomorrow wait you waited until the last minute to do this hey I was gonna do it on the bus you can't submit this okay you gotta do something else because you're gonna fail you submit this um okay we'll do Sprite no Jimmy it's the same thing Dr Pepper and Mentos it doesn't matter what soda you use the outcome is the same it's not gonna blow up if you drink it um okay wait I got another idea what all right yeah you hold these why am I holding balloons Jeffy new experiment how many balloons does it take to make Daddy fly into space I'm not gonna fly with four balloons Jeffy that's not how logic Works true you are kind of fat we're gonna need a lot of balloons hey that's got a nice job yeah I'm not that are you even taking this seriously uh yeah well then actually do a real experiment instead of messing around with balloons okay so just fail then if you don't want me to do the Coke and you don't want to do the balloons I'll fail or Clash never go to college and then live with you for the rest of your life I'm never moving out I'll live here we can be buddies I I you know what Jeffy I I think I feel a little lighter today actually like whoa um we should go try it outside okay all right Jeffy I'm holding on to the balloons are you writing this down don't worry Daddy I'm getting it Maddie is way too fat for takeoff right there here how about this okay new plan uh let's exaggerate the truth a little bit how about you write down that I'm currently floating up really high and I might be in the clouds daddy is also trying to lie okay look Jeffy if you want to get a good grade on this we're gonna have to lie a little bit I mean this experiment's stupid No One's Gonna believe that I actually flew with balloons oh all right daddy clearly this isn't working so I'm gonna have to do with somebody way lighter okay finally if you need me I'll be inside you idiot now they're all gone sorry Jeffy they just slipped out of my hand and I wasn't thinking I just let go of them I'm sorry great now I gotta get more come on do something okay hey hey Junior what doing uh I'm working on my school project whoa is this for the science fair uh yeah I'm doing our rocks alive I think they are this guy was moving earlier but now he won't move at all come on stupid do something Junior that's cool but do you want to group up with my project with your project how many balloons does it take to fly I don't want to fly the only problem is I don't have any balloons what happened to him daddy was a big fat idiot and you let them all go so now they're in this guy so I guess we can't do it then you wanna work on my rock project with me then well I was thinking maybe I could ask Pennywise for some balloons Pennywise like Pennywise the Clown well he does owe me one and I know penny likes balloons so maybe you can hook us up oh well okay I guess if you think it'll work and he won't kill us he should be fine I'm Bros with him uh okay I guess let's ask then thanks penny for the balloons all right Junior ready to get the show on the road yeah Jeffy I'm ready to fly so I got these walkie-talkies so that way we can talk to each other and you can tell me what you see up there okay but Jeffy when I'm up there how am I gonna get down oh that's easy I'm gonna take a rope tie it to your leg and then tie it to a tree so then once when we're done I'm just gonna pull you back down oh wow that's smart Okay Junior well I go get the Rope I want you to untie these balloons from this weight and then we're gonna get you flying uh okay but whatever you do do not and I mean do not let go of the balloons because daddy did that and we lost them all oh okay I won't let go I promise I'll go get the Rope okay Junior I got the Rope um Junior where'd you go bye Jeffy oh Junior's flying the experiment with success and Junior's achieved fight okay time to panic um daddy uh hello father so I have a little bit of a problem it's not a big issue but just something you're going to want to know about to be the only problem we have is you getting that project done before tomorrow oh don't you worry the project will be done okay good it's just that when I was doing it I didn't give Junior a rope so he's flying up into the sky and I don't know how to get him down oh wow I bet you're gonna get an A for that I'm not kidding um Junior you're there what do you get do you get me cold up here yeah yeah okay don't worry Junior you're gonna be okay we're gonna get you down I swear oh my God I gotta call the military or the Air Force or something I gotta let them know it's ours Junior you still there wait what did he say Okay Junior let me get this straight so for your science fair project you decided to tie yourself to a bunch of balloons and just fly into the sky oh my God I can't even see how fire up did you go oh hey Cody guess what guess what huh wait what I think I can see your mom up here because she's so fat oh my God you know Junior I can just let go of this walkie-talkie and we'll probably never see you again no no wait Cody I'm sorry I'm sorry I was just kidding oh you everything you idea how about you send a spaceship up here to get me oh my God yeah Junior let me just call NASA real quick and get them to send up a spaceship for you wait really uh junior what was that huh I think one of the balloons just popped pop oh hey Junior how you doing up there I'm fine I could be better I guess all right don't worry we'll get you down soon and just so you know we are totally getting an A plus on this project oh oh so I have to write down some observations for the project so just tell me what you see up there and I'll write it down uh so I see lots all right Blue Sky what else Junior I see the sun oh ouch or I got a son oh oh I see an airplane oh wow it's really far away or in the airplane what else I'm kind of getting a little cold up here uh you know I wish I had my phone so I could take pictures and show you uh junior the balloons aren't popping are they huh wow all my balloons popped oh no Junior say something quickly I don't know how to help oh no I think the balloons popped oh Junior's dad was all my fault don't worry Junior I'll get the project done I'll make it up to you your sacrifice will not be forgotten oh man oh Junior don't worry your sacrifice won't be in vain you will be remembered alongside the great balloon flight Pioneers like Carl Fredrickson Jeffy you guys get your project done yet or what yeah oh wow it actually looks pretty good I'd probably give this thing an a really Jeffy why you keep putting me on your project cause daddy you let go of the balloons you're being dumb oh my god did you at least get Junior down oh yeah we got him down okay good well tell him that there's like why does it say with the I'm not even gonna ask just make sure this is ready for school tomorrow okay dude have you seen Junior today what Junior no oh Jesus I don't know junior is probably just at home he's probably sick today he might come in late I don't know I don't know I don't know where he is hey dude just sorry chill I don't care yeah yeah okay okay so as you always getting the safety rope Junior just started taking off into the sky and I couldn't get him back down but that means a science experiment was a success he did fly for about an hour and then all the balloons popped and he fell and I think he died oh your friend died for sake of science or making me tear up no I really can't see you you get first you definitely get first oh I get first place oh man that wish Junior could be here to see this I told you I'd make it up to you buddy hey guys sorry I'm late I had a crazy time [Music] I didn't leave what I had to go through to get this project done so basically after those balloons pop I washed up on this island right and while I was there I met the rock he was actually The Rock was Rock but it's a rock and because he was a real Rock anyway he had a whole Rock civilization and they actually let me join after they nurse me back to help and we sang songs and we worship the rock gods and eventually they told them that I kind of had to go home to get this project done so they helped me build a wrap to get back home and then I got my project done really quickly before I came here and that's how I know that rocks are alive either that or I have a really bad concussion oh you liar your friend not dead I thought he died okay he wasn't talking or he right there how he did it be right there I don't know well you know what you'll get a second place because you lie what second place you know what I'm fine with that oh my god seriously he clearly just has a concussion none of that's real oh how old is Universe third place but this took months of research that's trying to do something more interesting like Jeffy and Junior but interesting I I don't even know what this is at least you do this time you'll get participation whatever dude oh wow first place I knew I could do it [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 405,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QHbffYd9FJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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