SML Parody: The Cereal Killer!

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Daddy can you help me get fortnite on this thing whoa is I get fortnite on so can you help it doesn't play fortnite why don't you go play on your PS5 like a normal kid oh a PS5 well you see I was playing fortnite in the bathtub and then the PS5 slipped in of course you were playing fortnite in the bathtub so now whenever I try to turn it on it just makes a bunch of buzzing sounds well you know what you do someone's at the door he go answer I'm too angry I won't get the door you get the door no I always get the door you get it well what if I get the door and it's a big scary monster what if I get the door and it's the IRS I'll go to jail forever don't have to Jimmy get back here take your Legos come in ah hey Mario oh no the IRS look I just paid my taxes I swear I'm not the IRS oh thank God I'm just here to let you know that there's a active serial killer loose in your neighborhood oh no that's really bad I should probably start locking my doors you don't lock your doors well sometimes I forget I also forget to close them I should probably write that down yeah we're just going around letting people know so if you see anything suspicious just let us know okay well I don't really leave the house but I'll tell Jeffy not to play outside yeah and uh you want to see some pictures of the victims wait no I don't want to see if it's really gross I'll get them no no I don't want to see I don't want to see I oh I get it because serial killer yeah so he got the Cheerios last night got the cookie crisps around Monday morning and uh yeah he got the Reese's Puffs got him real bad so this Maniac is going around cutting up boxes of cereal yeah he's a real nut case well that's really weird I hope you catch him yeah so if you see anything weird just give us a call right all right sure I'm gonna lock up my Captain Crunch I guess yeah and lock your doors man that's weird fine all right Chief I let him know bad news guy they struck again what the serial killer yup while you were inside they struck another house my God this guy's a maniac we gotta find them yep come on the crime scene's not far I'll take you there all right oh oh dear God guy no how can I let this happen oh I can't look oh he was just a boy oh what are we gonna do God we gotta catch this Maniac oh God who would do that wait a minute chief he left a note what does it say I will continue my Rampage until there are none left here is a clue and he left a Cheerio what does that mean mean I don't know but do you know anybody that likes Cheerios I do know one person ah there we go daddy why are you hiding all the cereal because there's a serial killer on the loose oh what I don't know he's just going around stealing people's cereal and like stabbing it or something I don't know why but I don't know he's weird I'm just walking up all the cereals so he doesn't get my Captain Crunch or my money but you don't have any money that's not funny Jeffy someone's at the door I'm gonna go answer it you just guard the cereal uh hello what are you doing here again hey man uh is your son home uh yeah he's guarding the cereal yeah well uh the serial killer just got another victim and he left this is that a Cheerio yeah and I know Jeffy likes Cheerios wait are you accusing my son of being the serial killer well I'm not saying he is the serial killer but I'm definitely not saying he isn't the serial killer which if he hasn't even left the house today how could he be the serial killer I know but we got no other leads and I just gotta make sure so can you ask him a few questions for me fine give me the note hey Jeffy I'm supposed to ask you a few questions Jimmy what are you doing oh Daddy's Cheerios are busting you can't be eating Cheerios right now why not because the police think you're the perpetrator what's your perpetrator the serial killer look do you recognize this note uh what's it say wait you can't even read it no well it's obviously you didn't write it then but do you recognize this picture oh are those Cheerios Daddy what would you like the Cheerios that's what we're trying to figure out I can't even look that's terrible well it's obvious you didn't do this look I'm gonna tell me you're innocent so I just asked my son about this note and that picture in there and he kind of had a meltdown so I don't think he's the perpetrator yeah I figured he's not smart enough to do this anyway but listen we got word that the serial killer plans on striking in this neighborhood tonight tonight what are you gonna do about it well the chief asked if I can put together like a neighborhood watch to keep an eye on things uh okay I hope you find people for that neighborhood watch do you uh do you want to be in it me no that's too dangerous what if he thinks I'm a cereal box well come on man it's your neighborhood you should stand for this sort of thing well I mean are you gonna make sure we're safe yeah we'll make sure you're safe No One's Gonna Get hurt it'll be fine all right fine I guess I'll do it yeah and ask around see if anybody else wants to help the more help we can get the better all right hey Jeffy so I can see you're upset oh good morning Daddy yeah I I can see that but Brooklyn T guy has something to ask well actually he asked me to ask you but do you want to be on the neighborhood watch tonight what but we're trying to catch the serial killer and we need your help because we need a lot of people to be on the watch so do you and your friends want to be on the watch there's no way I'm doing this myself will it help protect Cheerios uh yeah I guess so if there's any boxes left all right I'm in all right good I'll go tell them you're in all right everybody I gathered you all today since we have exclusive Intel that the serial killer will strike here tonight now I've paired you all in teams of two Jeffy you're with Junior Morty you're with Bowser and Mario you're with me now what we have here is a bunch of cereal boxes that we're going to be using is bait now if I was a serial killer there's no way I could resist this so we anticipate him coming here either today or tonight and if we see him we will bring them into Justice any questions Brooklyn guy what do we do if we see the bad guy well great question kid if at any point you or your partner sees the serial killer I need you to scream the secret phrase I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs is that understood I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs no no you only scream that if you see the serial killer listen when we find him I'm gonna put him in cuffs we're all gonna kick him a few times and then I'll take him to the slammer all right everybody get in your positions all right Junior if you were a serial killer where would you be uh nowhere what do you mean well it's really stupid if you think about it I mean why would I break into somebody's house steal all your boxes of cereal and then just stab it I would eat it it's a waste of cereal that's true honestly hey Junior you wanna go cop a box of Lucky Charms nobody's looking do I bet oh this is such a waste of time wait no it's not we have to make sure this Maniac can't get any more cereal boxes this is just cereal who cares what you don't like cereal no I'm over an oatmeal kind of guy the Brooklyn guy I think I'm cooking for Cocoa Puffs shut up you idiot why would I go after cereal that yeah that's true you mostly just spend time in your room I'm just gonna go back inside no no you can't you can't stand watch fine I'll just watch Charlie on my phone wait what you have Charlie on your phone can I watch yeah sure all right we should have everything we need we're gonna catch the serial killer man what were you staring at with those wow you can see everything with this thing hey did you know you have a massive pimple on your forehead yeah I know stuff's staring at it look somewhere else man you might want to get that checked out it looks bad listen I don't care man we just gotta stay on guard okay but what's with the Rope well they don't let me have handcuffs but they don't let you have handcuffs but they let you have that well no it's from home well can I have one are you trained well no but are you all right no whatever let's just stay on guard our junior is anybody looking uh no I think the coast is clear all right these Lucky Charms are gonna taste so good what what the what hey Brooklyn guy I think jeffy's stealing a box of cereal hey hey Brian dead what are you doing with the cereal in the bay pile oh we're hungry Brooklyn guy I don't care get food somewhere else don't touch the bait oh no we want Lucky Charms grab it Junior okay oh God now we're down a box hey you got any cereal that meat no no I don't have any cigarettes no I thought you bought some Captain Crunch no no I didn't buy any Captain Crunch no no I think you did go get it go ahead no please don't make me use my Captain Crunch if anything bad I'm gonna lose my mind listen do you want to catch a serial killer or not I I guess so then go get your Captain Crunch oh man oh man I can't believe I have to do this to my Captain Crunch be safe crunch man it's gonna be fine it'll be worth it when we catch the serial killer oh you promised nothing bad will happen to my Captain Crunch well I can't promise because he hasn't got any Captain Crunch so we probably really wants to get one did I change my mind we're not doing Captain Crunch no no no man we need a good variety here so he's sure to come out fine but if anything bad happens to my cabinet crunch I'm gonna be mad at you oh man Junior these Lucky Charms are busting I know right they taste even better when they're stolen yeah I'm about to take a quick nap will you stay on guard why do I have to stay on guard it'll just be a quick nap five minutes and then when I wake up I'll stay on guard and then you can take a nap fine later that night what was that huh Jimmy Jimmy wake up Jeffy what Junior I'm tired I think there's something in the bushes I don't care do I think it might be the serial killer [Music] Jesse wake up what Junior I think I'm cuckoo for Coco Puffs well then yell it done go go for Coco Pops no God no don't run don't run he's here foreign keep it together man I'll be right back no no no no you can't run from us did I get him nice job Bowser all right let's bring this guy inside ah you thought you could get away he was trying to run yeah he did he thought you'd get away with stabbing my captain crunchbox I don't think so nope now it's time to figure out who it was behind this yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what do you uh do you think I could do it all right well usually I'd do it well yeah I know usually you do it but I really think I should do it this time well I mean I'm the police officer so like I understand that but like I I don't want you getting hurt you know no no I'm fine I don't want you getting out oh no no but it's okay because I I think I should do it you know I think I deserve it but no I I like I like I mean I put in the work no but like I put in the work like I like that it's like it's like satisfying I get it but I really want to have the Scooby-Doo moment where you take off the mask he's like oh yeah and that great dad of yours with the gorgeous hairline yep so I'm gonna do it if you don't mind no I really think I should do it it's just your problem now I think it is I think I'm asking I have to rope in the garage why am I here who needs me right why do we need you honestly right I'm just gonna lock myself out then sure go ahead I'll bring him down to the station all right let's see who's under this mask we finally got you gotten away with it too everyone in front of my own kids in that wretched father what wretched Bill why are you doing this bill oh you must be thinking about my brother Bill Jefferson no I'm kill kill Jefferson so kill Jefferson that's right so there's a bill Jefferson uh Phil Jefferson and a kill Jefferson yup so are there any other Jeffersons I should know about uh yeah my sister oh what's her name Jill Jefferson no Samantha but why are you doing this to serial kill Jefferson I just hate cereal the way it tastes how it cuts their roof of your mouth when you're done eating it and the whole milk situation shunny do you do the milk first or do you do the cereal first it's such a pain well it doesn't matter for you because you're doing the time first you're under arrest by who I don't see a cop well no the cop went home but by me I'm doing a citizen's arrest okay that's funny shunny wait no no no I'm sure someone else would catch him [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 991,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BG6pvoPKiBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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