SML Parody: Help Wanted!

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it's finally time i can't wait to watch the entire whippy kid trailer oh this is gonna be so good here i go first of all this is a journal not a diary tomorrow is the first day of middle school oh man first day of middle school that is scary guys look greg happily here's what you need to know watch where you sit on the first day of school don't use the bathroom on the second floor and finally don't get the cheese touch oh man not the cheese touch anything with the cheese touch we're out of our league here maybe my mom can homeschool me oh i want to be homeschooled want to come over and play play play oh that's not funny at all he just wanted to play why would it be so mean to rally frankly want to see my secret freckle oh wow it's friendly he looks just as gross as he did in the book look at these little nerds i'll pass their bedtime oh man i'm a nerd too one day i'm gonna be rich and famous but for now i'm stuck in middle school surrounded by morons oh zooey mama that was the best trophy we've ever seen i have to watch it right now but i can't because it doesn't come out for another week what am i gonna do till then what doing uh oh hey jeffy i saw a trailer for the diver whippy kid movie and it looks so awesome wanna come see in theaters with me next week uh morty i would but i got banned from going to movie theaters wait how well me and daddy were seeing peter rabbit two last week and i kept screaming all the scary parts wait what scary parts jeffy that movie for three-year-olds morty the bunny rabbit was talking they're not supposed to talk oh well i guess it sucks to be you because i get to watch the movie oh i better get there a week early so i don't miss it uh morty look here it says it's only on disney plus wait let me see that only on disney plus no no no no wait it's okay i'll just use your disney plus account uh i don't have disney plus you what i don't have it what am i gonna do how much does it cost it's only eight bucks a month eight bucks a month i don't have eight bucks a month just don't buy the next wimpy kid book then oh no no no i already got those on reserve i can't not buy them oh what am i gonna do what am i gonna do whatever nerd oh wow what a nice day out nice and cool i love sitting out here nothing can ruin this day oh is that a bunny rabbit wow i've never seen one up close before uh maybe i can uh just get a pet or two oh wow oh that's soft oh man i'm so bored today wait is that frank what's he doing over there wow this is good for a while bunny oh is that peter rabbit oh i gotta go save frank before he gets get lucky i always carry my trusty mallet with me time to go save frank wow you're a good bunny so soft man i can pet you for days [Music] oh kid why would you shatter my hands with that dumb hammer i was trying to save it from peter rabbit peter rabbit kid that was a normal rabbit that wasn't a fictional bunny he was being nice he was let me pet him and you broke my hands oh i think they really are broken i can't feel them here let me check wait what oh oh yeah they're definitely broken now oh yeah i can see the bones what am i gonna do kid i have work in 30 minutes i can't get another sick day oh man because i got all my days off from 19. well then just don't go in frank it's fine i can't not go in i'll get fired oh what am i gonna do you you you're gonna have to do my job for me uh frank i can't work uh yes you can otherwise i'll sue you for everything you got everything i got yep the urinal mine the switch mine your computer also mine and your toilet fine frank but you're no fair oh man i can't believe to sell all my whippy kid books just so i can watch the movie maybe it'll be worth it though i bet the movie's really really good i can't believe i broke frank's hands and have to do his dumb job i wish i could get some sucker to do the job for me oh who am i kidding i can't sell my whippy kid books oh i gotta get like a job or something morty would you just say oh that i'm selling my wimpy kid books i don't know if i can do it no not that the other part look that i'm hungry and i want a sandwich no more what you just said that i'm looking for a job yes morty do you want a job yeah i want a job wait how much does it pay uh like one dollar an hour window an hour that means i only have to work one two three four eight hours i like to work eight hours yeah i want that job wait really yeah i'll do it all right let's go okay all right morty we made it to where we're gonna work oh wow uh what are we doing for work anyway i actually don't know but first we gotta go to frank's cubicle and see what work he has to get done okay that sounds good wait what's a cubicle oh one of these miserable boxes you gotta work in and get all the stuff done oh it looks really isolating but i don't care as long as i get money to watch that movie alright let's go okay all right which one did frank say it was uh c4 no not c2 nope definitely not c3 no it's not c7 i think frank said it was c9 all right there we go c9 i guess this is my cubicle uh i do believe you mean my cubicle uh who are you uh the name's dave the squirrel i mean number one kill you you might dave the squirrel where's frank's cubicle oh you're looking for frank well he's cubicle can't be guaranteed he ate but he's not here today i i know he's not here i'm covering for him something funny what just yet frank's never gonna work anyway now he's got some dumb kid taking this for him wow he's a shocker i'm not some dumb kid i'm gonna do more work than frank ever did watch well all right then i better get back to work hey jeffy jeffy i think i found frank's office this looks like it's it morty oh wow it's a really unorganized it's a little messy morty but you ready to get to work me no we're supposed to work on this together not just me well you're getting paid morty you're not well no i'm getting paid too come on where do you gotta get started on whatever this is i don't know i can start faxing the papers well that sounds like an easy job why do i have the hard job come on maury you're good with the computer stuff i don't even know i don't really know what this is but i guess i'll give it a shot i hope i don't screw anything up i'll be over here [Music] [Music] oh this place is so boring morty are you done yet what no i'm not done yet i just started and it's probably gonna take me a really long time since i don't know what i'm doing oh i've been here for like five minutes i would have gotten you done in three minutes oh shut up dave uh whatever what's this important phyllis uh hey morty who's important phyllis jeffy it's important files and don't touch those oh i'm gonna open them wow those look kind of dope hey morty what should i do with these oh fine if you're gonna touch them well then you can laminate them for me but don't shred them whatever you do oh that sounds like fun all right morty i'll go laminate them ah might as well be productive and start getting these papers laminated super important documents well do not shred luckily i got my trusty lamination machine all right time to start laminating [Applause] well one paper done 20 more to go it's gonna be easy to laminate these oh man i'm glad he's finally being productive with laminating those papers what is he doing all right all laminated what are you doing oh just laminating the papers you wanted oh you're laminating huh you're laminating with the paper shredder paper shredder yeah does this look laminated to you morty if i'm being honest i don't even know what laminate means dear hopeless we're gonna get fired i'm never gonna get to watch that movie let's just find something easier for you to do all right okay jeffy this next job is really easy now you could screw this one up now you see these files right here that say do not touch yeah well guess what i want you to touch them because i want you to take these files and i want you to sort them from void to good if they're void you put them right here and if they're good you put them right there got it uh not really well if you need my help you ring the spell right here oh okay that sounds easy enough all right now i gotta get back to work oh man i'm so behind what do you need what am i supposed to do take the files and put them in the void pile or the good pile got it yeah oh good okay what what do i do with the first one i don't know you have to figure that out okay oh man this is gonna be a nightmare what i'm bored well i don't want to do this you think i want to i wish my hands are broken oh man one hour later oh man these reports are so tiring i wish i had some help around here don't look at me i'm taking a whippy kid break all right which one because am i picking no oh the meltdown seems perfect right now because i'm about to have a meltdown okay i'm just taking in the break room ah this is just what i needed a fresh wimpy kid oh greg i wish i could be you right now instead of being stuck here but it'll be all worth it i get to watch your movie uh dave what are you doing here this is the break room oh wait you look like mortimer i'm telling you my work i don't take breaks unless you're my state man gave one even though i keep you know working you don't bother me well whatever makes you happy i guess now i'll just get back to my wimpy kid i won't bother you oh man i wonder what morty's doing [Music] oh oh shoot oh morty you're getting a call more you should come take this whatever i'll just take the dumb call hey hello hold on let me transfer your call no no no buddy you're not transferring my call i've been trying to get a hold of this number for the past five hours you're not letting me go oh well i'm sorry sir i just didn't know that you were calling no way you know i was calling i kept on doing it over and over again i used two different numbers again sir i'm really sorry about this i don't care about your sorry you're gonna get fired buddy if you don't talk to me and get my insurance renewed uh sure i'm gonna be honest right now i have no clue what an insurance is oh you're one of those you know what buddy i can just tell that you're just uh you're you're worthless oh brain dead oh stupid idiot dirty piece of garbage oh sure that wasn't necessary and you know what i'm gonna get you fired yup fired oh i'm so done with this business that wasn't nice forget this oh [Music] i'm clocking out jimmy don't do that it was just a dream a really really bad dream i better go check on jeffy quick oh man jeffy i'm back for my break i need to get back to work too i need to make up for the time i missed oh time to get started i didn't do it i didn't do it [Music] jimmy i can't believe you did that at the office thing oh my gosh my movie now well morty i got really annoyed with the guy on the phone so you broke the computer yeah that's a reasonable response oh man now i'm not gonna have enough money for disney plus did somebody say disney plus because i have disney plus what you do yeah i also have netflix i have hulu i have hbo max i have everything that's what i spent all my money on by the way that's why we're broke oh well can i get your logging yeah sure i can give it to you what do you need for oh the diaper would be kid movie i really really want to watch it but doesn't that come out like a whatever i'll give it to you let's go it's okay i can't wait to watch it i'll sit there for a week while it comes out so kid how was your first day at work it was fine what frank wear your hands oh well you see i have you to thank for that see when i got to the hospital the doctor said that my bones were fragmented beyond repair so they amputated what amputated so how are you gonna go back to work that's all right they'll grow back grow back well frank the day at work didn't go too well i got a very annoying phone call so i got super mad broke your monitor snapped your keyboard in half broke your mouse put all your pencils in the garbage disposal oh and morty shredded your important documents did are you trying to get me fired what did you do i'm gonna get so in trouble for this what am i gonna do calm down i think i might have gotten dave fired what you got dave fired yup hallelujah kid i should have asked you to work for me sooner wow this is the best day of my life i hated dave so much so uh how'd you do it oh man what's the other rookies over here mortimer iggy dave was here dave [Applause] i'm so getting fired for this [Music] bye
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,376,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lFzi1edWAos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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