SML Movie: Chef Junior!

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so guys what do you want to do tonight well me and Cody are going to go see a movie oh dude I didn't know they made a sequel to broke bad Mountain no I wish so what movie you going to go see Madam web Oh I thought that movie sucks it does the only reason we're going is cuz the theater's going to be empty and we're going to sit on the top row with a blanket yeah so I'll let you know if it sucks and if the movie's bad dude when are we going to kick Cody out of the group I don't know whatever happened to that hairy guy you'll never know I'm starting to think Pablo got rid of the hairy puppet yeah we got to keep our eyes on him so Joseph what do you want to do tonight oh dude I always wanted to eat fried ice cream but I don't know how they make it it's impossible wait what's fried ice cream dude it's ice cream that's fried wait wouldn't it melt if they tried frying it bro you got to eat it fast it's crazy let's ask chip can fry ice cream oh he better know how to make it m- my pig in the blanket is almost done shpy shpy oh what do you want junior I'm busy making pig in the blanket I thought it was pigs in the blanket well only had one hot dog so it's one big ass big in a blanket well can you make us fried ice cream hell no I'm not making fried ice cream I'm busy well do you even know how to make fried ice cream of course I know how to make fried ice cream I'm a certified Chef how dare you even judge me well why don't you just make us fried ice cream then because I'm busy with my piggy duh I don't think you know how to make fried ice cream I don't think he knows how to make it yeah he doesn't know how to make it dude you don't know how to make it I know how to make a d fried ice cream then make it God damn it I'll make it all right Junior I got a scoop of cookies and cream ice cream now watch it fry all right eat it eat it eat it what it's melting shpi eat it eat it eat it it's supposed to melt it's fried ice cream that's how you fry it okay how am I supposed to eat it shipi uh here here here you go it's a spoon eat it but it's melting I know it's going to be a little hot but you know it's fried it's fried ice cream I don't think you know how to make it Chef people I know how to make damn fried ice cream I'm a certifi sh and then you eat it come on so disrespectful Junior let's take his pig in the blanket he this my pig in the blanket give my damn pig in the blanket eat this ice cream shut up Chef Pee you suck at being a chef yeah do a better job a junior he always does this to me I need a vacation oh Braxton I'm so lonely I haven't been with a woman in years oh I guess I need to go to my favorite dirty website oo my favorite video Hey Big Boy hey do you have your lotion ready uh I got hand soap that's going to have to do for today do you think I'm hot yes do you want me to take my clothes off yes how about this yes Braxton I hate junior I hate working here I deserve a vacation can I go yes really I I thought I had to argue with you a little longer you know uh can I go anywhere I want yes damn that was quick can I use your credit card oh yes damn you're generous today this being generous so uh I'm thinking about going to the Bahamas is that cool oh I'm coming oh uh I I didn't think about you going with me I just plan on it being a solo trip but you know uh that that's cool with you right you can have anything you want you deserve the world you're perfect baby a thanks Braxton I'll see you in a week man oh it gets better every single time done already shut up you stupid oh it's just a video it's not like we're dating or anything man I deserve something to eat oh Chef bipi made me something to eat Chef B I worked up a sweat I watched that video again and now I'm hungry R wait what's this thank you Braxton for letting me go on vacation with your credit card you're the best boss ever L that b is he on drugs or something I would never let him go on vacation especially with my credit card what the hell is wrong with him and did he in that pan that's disgusting oh where's my phone I need to call him and go off on him oh sh better answer the damn phone so I can cuss him out yo what's good Braxton my favorite person in the world man oh I'm chilling in the Bahamas with all these fine ass masas man titties are everywhere all in my face it's crazy all thanks to you my what's good who said you could go to the Bahamas with my credit card you did wait I did yes you did you said you were coming and then you changed your mind at the last minute you said I deserve the world or some like that oh I don't remember that damn my old age oh well I guess half foot or something something like that oh I'm so hungry who's going to cook for me now Junior oh man Joseph this weener in the blanket was so good I can't believe you didn't want any nah dude I don't want to end up like Cody all it takes is one wiener Junior what's going on Dad Chef peipi is on vacation and I need you to cook for me Chef peip is not on vacation he's downstairs in the kitchen no the hell he's not he's in the Bahamas look I need you to cook for me right now I don't know how to cook well you're going to learn today God damn it cook for me become a man why don't you become a man and cook for me oh you going to challenge me right now I'll beat your ass in front of your friend look cook for me or you're grounded oh my dad's such a dick yeah dude your dad's a dick super dick wait hey don't call my dad a dick at least my dad's alive your dad's dead let's go cook for my dad I'm going to disrespect my dad like that how about I kill your dad and see if you like it all right Joseph the only thing I found in the freezer to cook my dad was this PF Changs chicken dumplings thing okay let's cook it I think he'll like it dude all right pour him in the thing oh yeah wait those look a little dry I'm going to go get some sauce to put on them all right I'll watch the food make sure nothing happens to it nothing bad I need to find some poison so I can kill his dad make sure he feels it all I can find was mirax maybe I could put so much on it that he so much he does oh yeah that's going to be a lot he's going to his brains out all right Joseph I thought maybe we could pour some Dr Pepper and hot sauce on it for flavor oh yeah he'll definitely like that wait what's what's with all this white powder on it oh it's nothing but some fun dip so he can have a fun time oh yeah fun dip all right let me put the Dr Pepper on it oh that made it look yummy oh yeah super yummy yeah well Timmy I think the theater's empty so we don't really have to do the hole at the bottom of the popcorn bucket trick no I want to eat through all the popcorn to get the surprise at the bottom okay but I don't know why we got an extra large you're going to have to eat a lot of popcorn you're going to get full oh man Joseph it turned out great it looks so delicious yeah Exquisite he's defin going to love this we should take it to him so he can eat it yeah he's going to think I'm a young Gordon Ramsay how good this turned out whatever I think I should take a bite to make sure it tastes good no dude don't eat that uhuh we should take it to your dad his taste bus is the only one that should enjoy it um I'm going to take one little bite no dude oh man it's a little spicy oh I did not expect that oh oh no my stomach's killing me I got to use the bathroom oh god oh man my stomach hurts so bad oh my God it hurts so bad I got to call a doctor hey there somebody call a doctor oh yeah doctor my stomach hurts so bad I can't stop pooping oh what did you eat I ate some frozen dinner PF Chang chicken dubling thing oh yeah that'll do it yeah I had some Chipotle earlier quesadilla covered in queso yeah my toilet's not going to be happy later God could you imagine being a toilet just having people in your face all day hey they should make that into a picture movie you know about a sad little truck stop toilet where all this big truck driver ass just comes and shits on him all day and it pisses all over his toilet seat and nobody ever flushes until one day this nice old man comes and says I want to save you from this life and he undrill him and takes the toilet back to his house where he shits in him but he flushes every time maybe that would be like a short in front of a Pixar movie oh I feel like I'm going to poop my pants Oh I pooped my pants one time actually I pooped it lots of times but oh the worst one oh let me tell you about it so I was a sophomore in high school and the homecoming dance was was coming up and I wanted to go with Samantha knob gobler because word around the school was if you went on a date with her she'd gobble your knob like corn on the cob so I asked her out before anyone else and she said yes I was so excited I was about to get my knob gobbled at homecoming so I got myself a tuxedo and I looked damn good I looked like a young James Bond I was ready the only weird thing was my mom drove us to the dance and she smokes with the windows rolled up but I didn't care I only had one thing on my mind getting my knob gobbled so she dropped us off at the dance and I started Boogie woing and there was a snack bar and the local gas station was catering Sushi my school didn't have a big budget so I ate a few pieces of the sushi and I went back out on the Dance Floor to break it down then the song Witch Doctor came on you know the song that goes o e you know o a a don't forget the ting tang walla Wala end it with a bing bang you know that song and that song was my so when I went to twerk I did my pants it came out of nowhere and then right then Samantha knob goobler grabs me by my hand and says hey you want to ditch this dance and go get your knob gobbled so I said no I'm actually gay sorry because I didn't want her to know I had a massive in my pants she was so offended because nobody has ever turned down getting their knob gobbled by Samantha knob goobler so she ran away and drove off with Billy bowling hands this was before he drowned I'm sure his balls were like bowling balls so yeah there's any lesson to be learned from that story it's don't eat gas station Sushi if you think you're going to get your knob gobbled why did you tell her you were gay why didn't you just tell her you had to use the bathroom and you go in the bathroom and clean yourself up and throw your underwear away oh no it was all outside of the underwear it was just a big old mess down there there and that wasn't the end of it either no it was an all night ordeal I was on the toilet for like 8 hours I think I did the right thing although if I could do anything differently other than not eat the gas station Sushi it would be not telling her I was gay cuz then I had to go around the school and clear up all the rumors about me being gay but hey at least nobody knows I shat my pants oh my stomach hurts can you please stop it why do you have to feel better so bad you're getting your knob gobbled no I just can't stop pooping actually now that I think about it you're dating my daughter so I hope you never stop pooping help where's my damn food I'm so hungry you know what I'mma watch that video again here you go Junior's dad your food is ready uh that looks like a piece of kid I'm not eating that I'm probably going to order Uber ease no you got to eat it please look we slaved in the kitchen for you so you have to eat it right now please look I don't like how you refer to yourself as a slave it made me uncomfortable you being black and all so um I'm probably going to order Uber e no you have to eat it right now so eat it please but look I don't like how you raised your voice at me kid get out of my house right now screw you dude look all I want you to do is eat the food so you could die kids these days with that stupid ass attitude God where's my laptop hey dude how you feeling my stomach's still cramping I can't stop pooping oh man that sucks but look bro I'm going to be honest with you that's my bad yeah I just really wanted to kill your dad what yeah bro you were making fun of my dead dad so I thought I would get even and put mirax in his food and he would die or you know his brains out but I guess not oh wow Joseph yeah you ate the food it was just a bad set of circumstances you're such a true friend only a true friend would admit that to me yeah man I try I try to do better hey guys Cody's mad at me why because by the time I got to the bottom of the bucket I was so full that I wasn't in the mood because I ate too much popcorn you know the feeling when you eat too much popcorn and your stomach cramps up don't talk to me about stomach cramped [Music] y
Channel: SML
Views: 2,590,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, show, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, junior, joseph, cody, chef junior, logan, puppet, puppets, chef, cooking, chef pee pee, braxton, brooklyn guy
Id: EobFWN0BhbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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