SML Movie: Jeffy The Sketch Artist!

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oh it's still Danny hold still Danny I said hold still I've been holding still and done it's your Masterpiece I present to you Daddy Ralph oh Jeffy that's such a good drawing of Marvin I mean it's a good drawing in my face not really my body I will now draw Mommy's face on his silverback gorilla making sweet love to a squirrel Marvin look the news breaking news the police station is looking for a sketch artist and is willing to pay 250 000 a year so if you're good at drawing come down to the police department 250 000 a year to draw pictures Marvin Jiffy could do that job he's great at drawing people oh I'm sorry to interrupt mommy but if you want to have a mirror how big would it be what actually I should probably draw a Silverback gorillas winner to keep the theme going I wonder how big they are should I Google it I'm gonna google it Jeffy do you want to draw pictures for the cops for 250 000 a year that's crazy I know it's so much money just to draw pictures a Silverback Gorilla's wieners only three to six centimeters long that means my weiner is barely bigger than the Silverback gorillas because I clocked mine at six and a half centimeters Jeffy huh do you want to draw pictures for the cops more kind of pictures all you'd have to do is draw pictures of people without animal bodies just normal people and they'll pay you 250 000 a year all right Daddy but first let me add to three to six centimeter hog to this gorilla no no Hogs definitely listen I need you to draw a picture of just me so we can show the cops how good you are okay Daddy but this squirrel was about to get the business all right let's just draw a normal picture of me with my clothes on okay all right daddy squirrel humping or no squirrel No squirrel humping just a picture of me and done what do you think about that Daddy pretty lame if you ask me I could have given you some Udders or stoma that looks so Jeffy this is exactly what the cops are gonna want you to draw every single time every time yeah just normal people no animals just like that just like this just like that okay I got it Danny locked in my brain all right let's go down to the cop office and show them that drawing the police station that's what I said no you said cop office cop office police station it's the same thing look let's go down to the police station and show them the drawing come on foreign so uh this is my drawing of a bad guy what do you think it's pretty good right it's crap oh man ah girl these people suck next person Jeffy get in here Jeffy come on come on all right Mr Chief this is my son Jeffy he's really good at drawing look at the drawing he did at me well that's pretty good he even colors them too that'll come in handy okay he's hired wait he's hired already yeah we're pretty desperate desperate for sketch artists Jeffy you got the job yay so when does he start right now oh oh wow well all right Jeffy just do your job and come home when you're done all right Daddy all right Jeffy sit right there and use this sketch pad to draw the suspect based on the victim's description oh send in the victims okay Jessica I have the first victim here ma'am tell him what happened all right I'm ready well there was a man with a big old cowboy hat on and he lassoed Me Up Tied me to the train track so the train would run me over and kill me cowboy hat huh yeah it's a big cowboy hat all right I think I got him is this your man oh well he has the cowboy hat on I guess that's him ma'am if you're telling me that's who attacked you I know where that guy is I can arrest him yes that's him okay I'll go get him baby Jeffy got the job he did yes the police chief loved jeffy's drawing of me that's amazing Marvin I know I love that Jeffy actually got a job that somebody's good at and he's gonna make a lot of money let's just hope Jeffy doesn't mess this up freeze Marvin you're under arrest for what for attempted murder and kidnapping what are you talking about oh don't pretend like you didn't just tie a woman to railroad tracks like you're in some kind of western movie I did it yeah well we have all the proof we need let's let the judge decide [Music] today we will be hearing the case of a most brutal crime Marvin you are being accused of lassoing a woman like a cowboy dying her up and then placing her on the railroad tracks in hope that she would be run over by its rain how do you bleed not guilty not guilty you say very interesting well I suppose I'll let you go if you can explain this this drawing that our professional and very overpaid sketch artists made of the suspect based on the victim's description explain it that's a drawing my son may he's the police sketch artist he made a mistake and Drew me well Marvin based on this sketch looking exactly like you and there being no other evidence brought into court today I have no choice but to find you guilty and sentence you to 30 days in the county jail I didn't do anything wrong yeah yeah I hear that all the time I'm not guilty you saw that sketch it was spot on it looked just like you listen my son is the sketch artist and he accidentally drew a picture of me no no your son knows he'd get fired if he drew a sketch of the wrong person he should be fired he drew me well just because he's untattle-tailed on you doesn't mean you're getting out of this listen please I don't want to be in prison no you should just do your 30 days and be happy that you only got 30 days for trying to kill a lady with a train that's brutal I did not do that look don't do the crying if you can't do the time the time is what you should think about before you do the crime crime doing equals time doing hard crimes gets you hard times the the time is what happens when you do crime you don't don't do the crime because you should think about the time before you do the the crime okay look I'm just gonna go no please let me out of here I can't spend 30 days in here all right Jeffy good job on that last one here's your next victim ma'am tell him what happened so I was cleaning the house with Windex but when I go to karate Windex I realize we are out of Windex so I go downstairs to grab some Lemon Pledge and then I see this man climbing through the window they found a heart and he trying to steer things and shot him in his side Santa Claus hat huh CC Santa Claus and a big Shack yeah CeCe all right I think I got him is this your man see see that's my mom no no not Marvin again oh how was your 30 days in jail Marvin I was forced in prison well the judge convicted you so obviously there was enough evidence no baby listen jeffy's a sketch artist and for some reason he drew a picture of me wearing a cowboy hat and they arrested me based on jeffy's Photo oh no Marvin we have to fix that so it doesn't happen again you're right I'ma call the cops and explain what happened freeze Marvin you're exactly who I want to talk to you're under arrest for what so pretend like you didn't impersonate Santa Claus and break into someone's house and try to be the Grinch what don't want me mister you're going to jail I am very disappointed to see your face in my courtroom again did those 30 days teach you nothing I didn't do anything well we'll see about that won't we you are being accused of breaking into a house dressed like Santa Claus and instead of leaving jolly good gifts for the little boys and girls stealing their valuables how do you plea against this grinching not guilty very cute too bad I have this had wrong of you dressed like Santa Claus based on the victim's description 60 days in the county jail 60 days come on have fun in there listen I didn't do anything I promise oh you promise yes oh well in that case I guess I'll let you out wait really no you idiot I'm not stupid I have a GED I wasn't born yesterday two months in jail okay Jeffy you've been doing a great job so far thanks okay here's your next victim tell them what happened dolphin well I was just riding my Harley and then I pulled into a gas station to get some Hubba Bubba chewing gum and some white powdered Donuts because I really like those and I left my keys in my Harley because I didn't think anyone had the balls to try to steal it from me but then I look out the window and I see this guy wearing sunglasses and he jumped on my Harley and just drove off with it I didn't really get a chance to see what he looked like just him oh yeah that's definitely him I know those sunglasses anywhere oh damn it oh kill me Marvin you deserve those 60 days in jail if you really did try to impersonate Santa Claus just to steal baby are you kidding me I'm not actually doing these crimes I've been next to you the whole time it's because jeffy's the sketch artist and he keeps drawing me as all these criminals it's the only evidence the judge has so he keeps arresting me oh no Marvin we have to fix that in case it happens again I know so if they keep arresting me then you gotta tell them that's Jeffy doing fake drawings freeze Robin you're under arrest dealing a dolphin's motorcycle what well you did it Marvin why am I seeing your face in my courtroom again did 60 days in jail not teach you your lesson what do I have to do to rehabilitate you I didn't do it I didn't do it Do It Marvin you sound like a broken record if you did not do it then explain this that's a drawing my son did he keeps drawing Me Marvin this is the face of a hardened criminal someone with no remorse look at you with your sunglasses you must think you're a real cool dude especially because you stole a motorcycle from a dolphin you did it on purpose why would a dolphin be driving a motorcycle I don't don't know Marvin it's not my job to understand sea animals and their means of transportation it is my job to convict criminals like you and you've been on quite a crime spree lately so based on this drawing and the complete lack of remorse on his face I sentence you to 90 days in jail and for every Prime you commit from now on we will increase your sentence by six months to hopefully teach you a lesson go 90 days I can't do it how can you convict over a drawing you must really like it in here listen I really don't I have one question for you okay you're falsely imprisoning me so that means the real people that are doing those crimes are out there causing more crimes oh I have a feeling that the real criminal is right here in the cell that's you what you you're my little criminal yes you are okay nobody I hate it in here okay Jeffy here's your next victim ma'am tell him what happened well I didn't see what the guy looked like but here's what happened I was walking to the grocery store to buy tampons heavy flow and then all of a sudden this man walked up to me and he smacked me in the face with a chicken and he stole my purse hold it right there ma'am is this him oh oh yeah I mean I didn't see what he looked like but that rubber chicken is very familiar oh no hey Marvin did you enjoy those 90 days in jail Marvin it was alone like three months for me listen I was the one that was in jail for three months I'm the one that was lonely I'm looking out for the cops I don't have much time because they're gonna arrest me again I just know it listen this is what we can do go to the police station and just tell Jeffy to stop drawing please just time to stop drawing he's driving you're under arrest no let me finish explain it to her no no you beat a woman with a rubber chicken and you stole the purse what come on no go to the police station please sir Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin oh Marvin poor Marvin Marvin Marvin Marvin oh Marvin Marvin what really modern assault with a rubber chicken to steal a woman's purse I just don't know what to do with you Marvin I gave you 30 days in jail it was a cakewalk 60 days big whoop 90 days that's a weekend Marvin's World let me ask you a question Marvin do you enjoy jail do you have a good time in jail is jail fun let me check hold on Marvin let me see how jail is give me a second oh I'm Marvin I love being in jail jail is so much fun I wish I could stay here forever is that you Marvin is that what you say in jail to all of your jail buddies answer me Marvin answer me when I'm speaking to you no I don't like jail could afford Me Marvin could have fooled me you know what Marvin I'm gonna drop the ball one year in jail no make it two ten it doesn't matter it's all the same to Marvin he loves jail you know what Marvin I'm gonna do a little reverse psychology here 10 minutes in jail because apparently you love it so much that being there is a reward but I better not see you back in my courtroom again 10 minutes only 10 minutes come on thank you I'm not even gonna close the door I'm not gonna lock it I think you get off on that you sick freak what oh 10 minutes I can leave okay Jeffy I'm really mad about this one somebody robbed my wife honey tell them what happened okay there was a little redhead girl who was selling Girl Scout cookies so I gave her a hundred dollars and she read Ing and didn't give me my cookies I'm sorry were you saying something yes yes oh I think I got that part is this her yes yes she's eating my cookies oh Marvin baby that was only 10 minutes Marvin please oh no come on that's come on stealing Girl Scout cookies that's horrible uh judge are you okay he's really mad Marvin here we are again Marvin just me and you another crime you're guilty another drawing it's you see Marvin I just couldn't figure you out but now I think I finally have it wasn't jail that you loved so much it was me you're in love with me that's why you keep doing these crimes so that you can come here and see me well Marvin since you're in love with me I can no longer preside over your trials so my final sentence to you is a life sentence I am sending you to Alcatraz Island yes that's right Marvin we opened it up just for you your own little playground where you can do your crimes away from civilized society and if you try to escape there are shark infested waters so you will spend the rest of your life at Alcatraz I will give you five minutes to say goodbye to your family bailiff go with him oh five sentence let's go say bye to your family all right make it quick that was fast Marvin yeah not really he's gonna be spending the rest of his life on Alcatraz whereas we're gonna call It Marvin trans what listen baby there's one favor I need from you just one he's in love with the judge all right everyone just shush please everyone just listen to me please all right you know my son Jeffy was hired as the new sketch artist at the cop office cop office police station oh yeah yeah he's pretty good all right do you notice that all of his drawings look like me well yeah because he did all the crimes no no I didn't listen please just do me one favor I'll go to Alcatraz for the rest of my life just do me one favor go up to Jeffy and describe a criminal that looks nothing like me like different skin color completely different looks and see what the drawing looks like hmm okay I'll try it okay Jeffy this time I'm gonna describe someone to you and I need you to draw him all right what do you got for me why why have you already started drawing I haven't described them yet keep going okay well he's a really large black man with one eye and he's in a wheelchair and he has 11 scars on his face all right I think I got him the same oh no oh no no no no no no no well well well Marvin it appears there's been a huge misunderstanding and to make up for all of that jail time where you were falsely imprisoned we are willing to offer you this small chocolate Frosty from Wendy's it was going to be my lunch but I am now offering it to you yeah take it go on take it before I change my mind all I get is a frosty well I I suppose I'll eat it myself then quarter turned Marvin I'm so sorry that happened to you yeah Marvin I feel really bad I probably should have put that together like how are you doing those crimes if you were already in jail I'm not apologizing is you 100 your fault what because you should to make every drawing look just like this and I clarified I said just like this and you said just like that and you say every time so every time I made the drawing look just like this this is your fault you did say that Marvin oh I'm so sorry I forgot jeffy's an idiot come give me a hug Jeff I'll forgive you really nice yeah come on come here our hey no hitting no King stop it I should probably arrest you for that he's 18. okay hey [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 19,775,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, jeffy the sketch artist, sketch artist, artist, drawing, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, show, marvin, rose, judge pooby, court, hilarious, logan, lance
Id: dzEikL83OoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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