SML Movie: Jeffy and The Jeffmunks!

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oh man there's so many dirty dishes Jeffy stop doing that and help me do the dishes but I don't want to do the dishes Daddy it's part of your chores chores are for [ __ ] o take these clean dishes and put them in the cabinets over there all right well I'm going to balance them on my head like a [ __ ] don't put them on your head Jeffy stop that you're going to drop them where what do you mean where I didn't understand the question and wasn't a question I said you were going to drop them how' you know are you a shyi because I knew if you tried to put them on your head you were going to drop them but how did you know that's it Jeffy you have to Swip up all this glass do the dishes vacuum go do all the chores but D show me chores figure it out a I guess I'm going to have to find some help Cody that's not where the bone goes Junior if that's not his dick what is you tell me hey guys can you'all help me do my chores chores we don't want to do your chores Jeffy yeah I don't feel like being in a house [ __ ] today dude well I wish there were three more of me so they can do my chores and I can just sit around and beat my diaper all day wait a minute Jeffy why don't we just clone you what incardination you think that's a good idea dude wait we can just clone Jeffy how are we going to clone him with my clone machine that I already have oh yeah you do have a clone machine yeah let me go get it all right there it is the cloning machine cloning machine cloning machine cloning machine patent approved it was pending for years but the patent finally got approved so I just get in this and it clones me yep just hop on in wait Cody why is there a copy of Alvin and the Chipmunks in there oh yeah sorry about that I've been cloning copies of Alvin and the Chipmunks to sell online I didn't know it was a market for it oh yeah there's a big underground monk Market this movie is a cult classic people love it they dress up like the Chipmunks and have watch parties it's great do you really make that much money cloning Alvin the chipmunks oh yeah I make Bank oh wait why are you putting it back in there if we're going to be cloning Jeffy well we can get three more Jeffy and three more copies of Alvin and the Chipmunks all right Jeffy get in there okay yeah get in there boy what was that I don't know just close the door all right Junior it's closed ow it's closed Junior God damn I want to make sure it we're shut okay so now we just have to set it for three cuz we want three jeffy's put it to toast and now we just wait my name's and I'm and I'm Simon Cody what the [ __ ] what is going on what the hell dude I'm out of here well I can only assume because there was an Elven and the Chipmunks DVD in there the DVD's DNA got mixed up with jeffy's DNA and made Jeffy and the Jeff monks why does this one look like you I don't know maybe some my dandruff got in there and my DNA got mixed in too so you guys are like Alvin and the Chipmunks yeah can you sing like them we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year we can only sing public domain songs do my chores we don't do chores we don't s the all right stop stop stop four Alvin the Chipmunk movies is enough there was four Junior these are the Chipmunks from the first movie they haven't met the chipet yet who are the chipet oh don't worry you clap some chip mug cheeks in the squeel oh hell no all right guys let me show you to my daddy come on oh they're so annoying hey Jeffy did you do your chores not yet then go away you're not allowed to come talk to me till they're done hold on I going to tell you something what I don't have to do my chores yes you do shut up I'm got to tell you something what I don't have to do my chores because I hire children to do my chorge and they're right there hello Jeffy what the [ __ ] are those things those are the Jeff monks the what it's like Alvin and the Chipmunks except it's me Jeffy I don't care who they are or how they were created I want them dead you got to get rid of them well I'm not getting rid of them cuz they're going to do my chores I already told you that we don't do chores we sing a I want to hear them sing I don't all right guys let's go ahead and sing them a song and tell them who we are [Music] ja run and Tru and looking for NS who are the M have to put a so ymy too much we are the je get to we our nuts in our BS We Are The Jeffy marks and we love that was the worst thing I've ever heard oh I loved it they should do three more movies absolutely not I want them to leave I want them to do my chores I want a song well you can sing your ass down the road when you leave cuz you're getting out of here but Marvin they sound so good and they look so cute they should record music and stay here they're not staying here they're going to leave I'm hungry me too I want tles cookies and ice cream you're not getting candy or cookies or ice cream you're getting green beans everyone's eating green beans actually you're not eating anything cuz you're leaving okay fine we'll leave but we have a song first I don't want to hear another one of your high pitched songs come on boys try to my don't know why who has to all I wanted was something good to do something C what I want but my my D want to kick us out push us around a clown but that is a clown we're live we're gone you'll never see us again you just lost your son and a Str in my friend that's right we're gone that's the r for the song that's right we're g the freaking sucked I liked it Marvin can't they stay no they're going to get out right now and you mister yes sir you're going to do your chores and get them done in 5 minutes or you're kicked out too what I doing my chores go do them Marvin I don't know how you can be so mean sometimes because my ears are ringing from that high pitch annoying song come on guys let's get out of here but where will we go I here sounds good to meing on the [Applause] road I have to assign some new talent to my record label quick but nobody knows how to sing anymore think David Cross think wait what is that angelic music I hear I got to check this out Marvin do you hear that the Chipmunks are singing they better not be on my property they get [Music] out get the [ __ ] off my front yard you annoying chipm okay Dam come on guys so guys where are we going to go now maybe that random car can pick us up hey we're hit Hiers hey there did you guys hear some beautiful sounding music yeah that was us he okay well let me hear a tune stop stop I've heard enough you guys are good hey how would you guys like to be billionaires okay okay just hop in okay yes yes okay you guys buckle up back there so where are we doing Mr baldman oh please call me David Cross or Uncle Ian can I call your daddy H Maybe maybe but we're going on a little road trip oh a road trip no I wasn't in that one now buckle your godamn seat belts cuz we're going to the studio those damn Chipmunks are singing on the front porch I told him to get out or I'll call exterminator hey Daddy did you do your chores yeah if I go check are they done well you'll be disappointed in my effort what do you mean well let's just say I grabbed the broom and came up here and acted like I did my chores go do your chores to me but Danny I can beat Harry Potter in the game of quiddit give me that flying Golden Ball [ __ ] Marvin look the news everyone be quiet the news is on breaking news M three chipmunks with human heads are number one on the charts with their new hit song daddy is so mean you'd be a fool if you had the opportunity to sign them and gave it up number one on the charts we should have kept them Marvin I wanted to keep them you said no because you're a meanie beanie me I'm not a meanie beanie I wish we would have kept it cuz we would have gotten all the millions of dollars from their record sales Marth that's horrible and now some lucky piece of [ __ ] gets to take all their money well D I think we should go save them because they're my kids jeffy's right they're part of Jeffy so so that money should be jeffy's which is technically mine cuz he lives under my roof so if we go save them we get the money yeah come on Daddy hop on my Nimbus 3,000 I'll fly us there all right go all right I think this is David cross's house hello Amber tamin oh well hey there fellas how may I help you tonight is your husband David Cross here oh sure he's upstairs fiddling with that old piano don't you know he stole my rats oh I'm so sorry to hear that young fella yeah can we go up there and speak to him oh sure come on in for this wet ass bruss no no no that's all wrong I told you it's get a bucket in a mop for this wet ass [ __ ] now do it again and do it correctly uh Mr David Cross hi that's me TV's David Cross how did you get inside my house did my wife Amber Tamlin let you in yes Miss tamblin let us in yeah you know she was in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and now I'm in hers did you know she's 19 years younger than me she was born when I was in college anyway what can I do for you gentlemen well you see these Chipmunks right here yes the Chipmunks they're my finest musical accomplishment you know I found them on the street when they were begging for scraps and now they're famous and making me Millions well actually those Chipmunks are they they belong to Jeffy yeah they're my rats what you see their heads it looks like jeffy's oh I guess I do kind of see the resemblance but still they signed a lifetime contract they belong to me well how about you ask them who they want to be with hey you stupid ugly dumb rats do you want to come home with me and Jeffy and do his chores and not ever sing but make me money or do you want to stay here with David Cross and Amber tamblin we want to stay here with Uncle an and his wife Miss tler we love them and they give us all the candy we want oh c yeah see they rather stay with me so please leave my house well we're not going to leave until they come back with us cuz you're breaking the law I'm not breaking the law I legally hired them to sing for me which they're more than happy to do so I'm going to have to ask you to leave before I call the police and they will show up pretty quickly because they know this is David cross's house all right Jeffy they choose to stay with David Cross and Amber tamblin we have to get out of here oh okay I guess we did all we could do all right back at it so Marvin did you get the Chipmunks back no they wanted to stay with David Cross and Amber tamblin well maybe you shouldn't have been so mean to them meanie beanie all I wanted them to do was record music for me so I can make millions of dollars off of them Marvin it's wrong to use them for money that's what David Cross is doing so do I still have to do my CH yes you have to do your charge would you pull me ow [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 2,828,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, show, joke, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, brooklyn guy, marvin, rose, jeffy and the jeffmunks, alvin and the chipmunks, parody, song, high pitch, annoying, fun, adventure, david cross
Id: eu7VPPXUzdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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