SML Movie: Cody Goes To Kindergarten!

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all right crra today is February 29th 2024 and it is a leap year usually February has 28 days but every four years February gains an extra day because every frog on Earth leaps at the exact same time making Earth a little bit lighter and then it pushes Earth further away from the Sun and then when all the frogs on Earth land back on the ground then it pushes Earth back into a normal orbit and that is aipia I was wondering why I didn't see any frogs today yeah dude I usually eat fro for breakfast but I couldn't find anybody a river guys that's not what a leap year is oh yeah then what's a leap year nerd well the Earth takes 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46 seconds to orbit the Sun but we round that down to 365 days for a normal year but then every four years we make up for those extra 6 hours by adding an extra day to the end of February why do you like look weird today like did you get a haircut yeah something's different about you dude no and another crazy thing is that if your birthday is on February 29th you only age every 4 years imagine having a birthday today I know dude so depressing I'd rather have a birthday on September 11th or Coline yeah days that actually matter dude if my birthday was the day I would jump off the tallest bridge yeah like the tallest bridge like my life doesn't matter face yeah so funny right Cody Cody why you wearing a dunce cap it's not a dunce cap it's a birthday hat dude it's not your birthday today yeah your birthday is not today yes it is oh wait Joseph today is his birthday oh happy birthday dude yeah happy birthday you butt Humper thanks guys I mean we don't understand why you do it but we're still your friend that's great you can stop so how many times do I get to hit you though well I'm turning 16 wait how many birthdays have you actually had four so you're 4 years old no we've had this conversation I'm still 16 how many February 29ths have existed since you've been born four so you're 4 years old no that doesn't mean time didn't still pass for 16 years okay hold on so when February 29th doesn't exist what day do you celebrate your birthday on March 1st but were you born on March 1st no so you can't celebrate your birthday on the day you were actually born on Cody yeah you don't get to pick and choose dude yeah I want my birthday on Christmas n mine is on 4th of July yeah I want my birthday every single day that's what I want guys we've been through this before I'm still 16 teacher Cody's birthday is today how old is he wait Cody your birthday is on February 29th that means you're only 4 years old you can't be 4 years old in my crass you have to go back to kindergarten get out of my class right now what I'm the smartest kid in this class I don't belong in kindergarten go to the kindergarten pross right now oh screw all of you guys here you going have my stupid birthday hat look at the four-year-old throwing a temper tantrum a I thought he was out of his terrible tool you need your apple juice and your animal crackers I hope you all die Mrs Fitz Patrick's kindergarten class I'm not supposed to be in kindergarten I'm the smartest kid in the school oh my God Mickey Mouse is purple Mouse PO with the block no my block DJ Mikey won't let me play with the block Mikey Mikey share your block oh class class we have a new student class class one 2 three eyes on me give me a Block M no it's my block oh that color R Mickey Mouse all done now it's time for dappy duck dappy duck that Pur uh guys guys she said 1 2 3 all eyes on me I think that means you got to shut the [ __ ] up I want to hit it with the hammer my hammer class class if you're not quiet right now no animal crackers or jeice Mikey I'm calling your mother my mom's dead that is it I'm putting my foot down no animal crackers or juice no animal crack Your [Applause] [Music] Juice Jesus Christ that's right no animal crackers or juice unless you're quiet by the time I count to three one 2 three good Mikey God damn it get your ass in the timeout chair a man H you know it was me Mikey you sit there and think about what you've done I think my dad killed my mom okay now class we have a new student come here young man I'm Miss Fitzpatrick and what's your name Cody class use your manners everyone say hi to Cody hi Cody ow Mikey little [ __ ] now Cody that's no no language we don't use that that was a no no word okay but Mikey's still a piece of [ __ ] I know that but we don't say it right Mikey Mikey you little [ __ ] I'm glad we're on the same page about Mikey Cody now why don't you go introduce yourselves to your other classmates and try to make new friends find somewhere to sit okay hey what are you CHS up to I'm coloring it out the puss that's cool I spell penis B nice two of my favorite things oh a dizzy character is purple wow you have a very vivid imagination young man why is he only pushing bear bear is his favorite animal the teacher say he's on the Spectrum okay well let's try a different animal never mind to let's go bear y you guys have fun sitting here I'm going to go look for a different seat wow this is cool you guys get to just sit here and play with toys all day can I try ow ow ow ow okay okay never mind I'm not sitting here oh cool blocks I wouldn't touch those blocks didn't there Mikey's blocks yeah well guess what Mikey's [ __ ] ass is in timeout so these are Cody's blocks now wow can I play too sure why the hell not oh you're really cool Cody you know what I hate you the least what's your name Freddy nice to meet you Freddy you think I can stick this block in my butthole not if I beat you to it all right class since you've been so good I'm going to pass out the animal crackers and juice yeah what about Mikey does Mikey get animal crackers and juice [ __ ] off Mikey oh okay okay Mikey Mikey listen if you can be quiet for three whole minutes you can get out of timeout and get animal crackers and juice okay Mikey will not make a sound okay okay class I'm going to pass out the snacks wow you guys get animal crackers and juice it's animal crackers and juice day here you go Cody there's your animal crackers and juice no and here you go Freddy there's yours thank you you're welcome thank you for saying thank you you're welcome a thank you for saying you're welcome you're welcome again you have such good manners damn Freddy I think she has a crush on you you could probably tap that if you wanted to you're in there like swimwear I wear pull-ups when I go swimming so I I can take a dookie in the pool okay never mind all right class are you enjoying your animal crackers and juice yeah oh Mrs Fitzpatrick I got a question what is it Taylor why does Daryl get a cocacola because Daryl is special is it because it's the last day of black history move no Daryl Daryl I have a question for you what kind of animal drinks Coca Cola in the commercials very good a bear specifically a PO bear bear a bear just a regular Bear all right class I hope you're enjoying your crackers and juice um Mrs Fitzpatrick Mrs Fitzpatrick Mrs Fitzpatrick what um I've been really quiet so I was wondering if I could go out time out and eat some crackers and juice yes you can go back to your seat but but but but if you act up again Mikey you're back in timeout okay yeah Freddy I think the elephants taste better than the hippos but not as good as the Jor Raff ones hey what are you doing near my blocks this is my seed I sit here yeah well don't touch my blocks I don't see your name on them well they're my blocks what are you even doing here Mikey they let you had a timeout already yeah I did three minutes a hard time Hey where's my straw my apple juice doesn't have a straw Freddy give me a straw no I'm using it I said give me a straw no hey Mikey how about your back to [ __ ] off Freddy how about you make me full eyes you also have glasses dumb ass oh Mrs fatrick Cody said dumb ass so did you dumbass nuh dumb ass settle down class it's nap time so everyone get out your pillows and blankets and lay down your heads and shut the [ __ ] up wait you guys get nap time yeah what kind of school did you go to before we get nap time every day yeah I think the teacher uploads on our Omie fans while we're napping well good for her I guess wow this is the life I get to eat animal crackers I drink juice and I get nap time we didn't even learn anything today I can get used to this there there there there there spare SP oh good they're all asleep now I can check my only fan see how it's doing so I can get out of the shitty job sweet Jesus Freddy those animal crackers aren't settling right are they hey why you want my blocks smell like poop oh yeah we shoved those up me and Freddy's ass e maybe Freddy should have stayed Court m is been BWI Cody jump one of my blocks up his ass Freddy did too God damn it Mikey you're not supposed to be playing with your blocks it is nap time don't be mad at me because you only have two subscribers on your only fans and my dad's one of them that is it time out Mister time out again enjoy being in timeout Mikey you [ __ ] ow ow he's biting my [ __ ] head teacher get him off he's biting my hand Mikey's biting me Mikey Mikey Mikey no biting no biting Mikey oh God not again God School sucked today we have so much homework yeah dude I'm over it hey guys Cody how didd you get here before us I'm in kindergarten we get out at no you get out at noon a lucky yeah I'm 4 years old so I guess I don't have to be in school as long wait a minute you're 4 years old so that that means he a kindergarten loser how was it it was awesome I got to eat animal crackers and drink apple juice and I got nap time nap time yeah it's perfect the only thing that sucks is Mikey who's Mikey he's this annoying little [ __ ] that bit my hand I wish they had to cut his head off to see if he had rabies so you're actually going to stay in kindergarten yeah I think I'm going to stick around for a while I was going to tell my parents and have them call the school so I can go back to normal classes but I think I think it's pretty fun I'm going to hang out there well well we have a bunch of homework do you have homework yeah Miss Fitzpatrick said I have to find three things that are blue my bow ties blue my shirt's blue and my pants are blue well I guess I'm done with my homework I'm free for the afternoon guys maybe I'll go practice my napping what I want to go to kindergarten dude I hate [Music] him [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 5,448,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, puppet, puppets, show, joke, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, junior, joseph, cody, friends, friend, logan, preschool, mikey, jackie chu, leap year, february 29th, comedy, skit, adventure, part 1, kindergarten
Id: eWmhgBMVMtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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