SML Movie: Cody Goes To Kindergarten! Part 2

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my second day of kindergarten has anyone seen my square piece I can't find my square piece no I think you stole my square piece I didn't steal your square piece I'm coming who stole my squ Mick out talk and Miss dck purple they're not freaking purple there not where it goes idiot shove the blocks up your ass how about I shove them up yours hey guys how's it going don't touch my blocks you freaking nud okay hey Cody this piece won't fit well that's because you got the cow in the pig confused again Freddy oh you're so smart Cody you should be in a higher grade yes I should be hey Cody I learned a new word from my dad last night you want to hear it okay Hooker Hooker yeah my dad said he wanted to go eat out a hooker oh he must have been talking about a hook and ladder sub from Firehouse Subs then why did he say it was going to be so hot uh because they heat up their subs that that's why it's called Firehouse is that why he came home with red sauce all over his face yeah he must have gotten a meatball sub instead oh I want a hooker Miss Miss Patrick can I have a hooker Mikey stop it we do not say that word why are you getting so mad a hooker just means a sandwich no it's not if I hear you say that word one more time you're going in the timeout chair okay jeez I don't know why she doesn't like sandwiches all right class we're going to start the day class class 1 2 3 eyes on me quiet good all right today class I didn't take my Xanax because my prescription ran out Xanax is a fancy adult word for happy medicine my dad give me Xanax shut the [ __ ] up Mikey all right class today is blue day over the weekend you were supposed to get three blue things for show and tell who wants to go first oh Mrs fatrick pick me pick me I want to go first me me me would anybody else like to go first uh anybody oh what about you Daryl huh please anybody Freddy how about you come on up a man okay all right Freddy what three blue items did you bring well I have my blue bowling pin and my blue swimming goggles and my James PE St and snuggy very good Freddy but actually you have four blue items because you're wearing a blue striped shirt [ __ ] does that mean I fail No in fact it means you get a prize out of the prize bucket which is also blue okay I'm going choose the Grim the prize bucket what's up there Mrs spatrick how do I get something out of the prize bucket by not being you Mikey okay class who wants to go next oh me me me me me Mrs back with me no Mikey you're going last oh W Cody how about you come up okay okay I'll do it that's not [ __ ] fail hey give me a toy no it's my toy give my toy give M get back this toy God I hate him having a rough day Mrs Fitz it's okay Cody okay Cody what three blue things did you bring okay check this out I'm wearing it I got a blue bow tie a blue shirt and blue shorts very good Cody go ahead and sit down okay I just can't help but notice you didn't give me something out of the prize bucket well Cody you didn't go above and beyond on Freddy brought four blue things well he didn't even know his shirt was blue his mom dresses him all right who wants to go next okay you know what [ __ ] you I'm going to go Riley Mikey up don't you dare Cody Cody how about a sticker okay I guess I can take a sticker hey Mikey check this out I got a sticker Mrs fitchpatrick I want a sticker Mikey if you shut up for the rest of class I will give you a sticker okay you already lost Daryl how about you come up be be yes Daryl come on up get your ass up here someone help Daryl come on darl all right Daryl come on up now what three blue things did you bring for show and tell oh very good you have a blue page in your book okay what else did you bring that's blue oh blue shorts very good Daryl and what's your third blue thing uh let's see um oh here we go a blue bear good job Daryl please go sit down oh Mrs fatrick can I go next please oh pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me I promise I'll be good please okay Mikey come on just let's get this over with okay I got some really good stuff okay Mikey what three blue items did you bring okay so for my first item I have this really cool Blue Block awesome okay what else did you bring for my second item I have this really cool Blue Block Mikey did you only bring blue blocks from the class no I got a really good last item for my last item I got this pair of blue underwear from the backseat of my dad's car Mony where the hell did you get those I told you I got it from the back seat of my dad's car miky get out get go sit down do I get a prize now Mikey get out of my sight go sit down but I bought three blue things and my pants are blue that means I bought four things I deserve a priz set your ass down Mikey CU it's [ __ ] oh I freaking hate this class hey Mikey I think your dad might be boning Mrs Fitz Patrick because you found her underwear in the back of your dad's car well my dad is her top donator on her only friend so that kind of makes sense all right class I think we only have time for one more Show and Tell before lunch and I need lunch to go find myself a anx so who wants to go right now I'll go all right Alex come on up now what three blue items did you bring well I don't own anything blue but I got this purple crayon cuz purple is my favorite color okay well that is not blue you were supposed to bring three blue things but why is it going to be a purple day I mean today's blue day last week was yellow day we had a [ __ ] black mud when's it going to be purple day it's not if you keep talking like that mister this is [ __ ] all right class new rule no more cussing or I'm putting soap in your mouths your parents sign waivers I can legally do that okay how about lunch pull out your lunches and I'm going to go find me some medicine I hate turkey and cheese Lunchables I have nachos let me have one no guys guys make room for a real pimp I got a pizza Lunchable wa I've never seen one of those in person before only rich kids get to eat those yeah I go band for band can I try a piece no Mikey you have fun with your turkey and cheddar but I want to try a piece yeah well I want to play with your blocks don't touch my freaking blocks okay then you can't have my pizza can I try it sure Freddy why I say you get to try it but I don't well because Freddy's not a dick oh yeah well you know what don't Tri you me all right class I'm back how about that it was Cody it was Cody it was Cody it was him see he has the pizza Lunchable he threw it Mikey you freaking NK C Time Out Chair now you go to the timeout chair that means I can eat your pizza Lunchable screw off Mikey all right Cody sit in that timeout chair and think about what you've done I don't want to go to stupid timeout I don't care Cody you know better than to throw food well then Mikey should be in timeout because he threw turkey at me you're wearing the good boy sticker you should be setting an example you didn't find your Xanax did you no I did not then what do you have for lunch a plan B damn you're having a rough time aren't you yes I am Cody now shut up and think about what you've done all right class now I'm going to read you a Dr Seuss book Hop On Pop you hopped on my pop in the back of his car God damn it Mikey get your ass up here and sit in the timeout chair wait we can't both sit in the timeout chair yes you can until you two can learn how to get along not freaking Mikey oh man I didn't even get to finish my lunch bow Mikey sit there next to Cody move why are you pushing me Mikey move you big fat butt out of the way Mikey so help me God if you don't cut this [ __ ] out I will call your father why so you can leave more underwear in his C making it worse Mikey oh I'm going to hit him oh go ahead you can't hit me harder than my father does you know what maybe you two are perfect for each other all right class Hop On Pop N have on my pop cup pop pop in cup pop cup cup on pop this book is freaking buling you know what free day do whatever the hell you want color draw play your games I'm over it what teach you what about us can we go play you will stay there till you die but what about me can I go play no you threw a pizza at the wall I was throwing it at Mikey doesn't he deserve it no I don't care both of you will sit there and if you either one of you leave I will write a note home to your parents yeah more like a love note I want to go play why don't you go play Then [ __ ] well because unlike you my dad's not being the teacher and I don't think he'd appreciate getting a note well I'm going to go play with Mike blocks Mikey what are you doing get get back in the chair Mikey Mikey woohoo my box are so freaking fun M get back here if she sees you she's going to go both our parents M I'm going to have to get him before she sees and that one goes right there and that one goes right there and this one goes [ __ ] what we have to get back in the chair we're going to get in trouble no I'm playing with my blocks if the teacher sees us out of the chair she's going to call our parents who cares I care well I don't I'm going to play with my blocks help help my asses are done oh [ __ ] Mrs big Patrick I pooped in my pups man Joseph School sucked today I know it's like it gets harder and harder hey guys hey Cody how was Kindergarten it sucked what do you mean it sucked I thought you liked it well I liked the first day but today sucked the teacher wrote a letter home to my parents what's it say it says Dear Mr and Mrs nutkiss your son Cody was very rude and disruptive in class today he back talked me argued with the other students and threw his pizza at the wall when I put him in timeout he left without permission please speak with your son about how this behavior is unacceptable damn dude I didn't know you were that much of a Savage I don't want to show this letter to my mom I'm going to get in so much trouble just don't show it to your mom oh yeah you're right so you going to go back to kindergarten oh yeah I'm going to go back there and kick Mikey's ass you're going to fight a 5-year-old yeah and I'm going to win what if you don't well I'm going to ow he's not going to win no way my [Music] face
Channel: SML
Views: 3,289,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, show, joke, laugh, fun, cody goes to kindergarten, part 2, cody, junior, joseph, friends, puppet, puppets, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, sml movie, logan, teacher, mikey, darrell
Id: QCmpp9jvYKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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