SML Movie: Jeffy The Dealer!

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[Music] all right Cody you go first okay oh this is so lame yeah it is you guys want to go to a real bowling alley yeah I love bowling dude you know I love bowling well I don't want to go to a bowling alley to bowl you silly [ __ ] well what else do we do at a bowling alley eat cheese sticks they have cheese sticks ooh cheese sticks are good do they have cheese sticks they have the best cheese sticks in the county and you get a deal four cheese sticks for $473 that's more than a dollar per cheese stick I know that's how good they are it's like an explosion of mozzarella in your mouth sometimes I like to take four cheese sticks and bite the tips off and let all the cheese drain into my mouth it's like cheese [ __ ] oh God you made me hate cheese sticks I think we should at least go try them if they're that good after that description dude I mean I think we should try it well let's make sure everybody has the money I do I do I don't well I have $10 Joseph so if you drink this entire gallon of hand sanitizer I'll give you the money for the cheese sticks you're on dude Joseph don't drink that hand sanitizer dude it's just like a full body cleanse no it's really not it's for your hand well I don't have $4.70 well I already gave half my money to Joseph unless he's not going to drink the hand sanitizer oh I'm going drink you dude why don't you just ask your dad but what if he says no um cry good idea I'm on it get the drinking Joseph all hey Daddy I don't want to eat my green beans daddy Jeffy what are you talking about I need to borrow $473 [ __ ] sell your toys Marvin you didn't even ask why he needs that money Jeffy why do you need almost $5 sure I can get some cheese sticks you don't need to be eating cheese sticks they're so greasy and unhealthy you need to eat something like green beans well I don't want to eat my green beans dad the answer is no give your son $5 no he needs to learn how to make money like an adult Jeffy you want to make money stop that you cut that out you need to sell your toys if you want to make money all right fine but when I get hit by a train it's all your fault what does the train have to do with selling toys okay Cody I'm going to take my turn while we wait for Jeffy okay do it I don't know why you need my approval gutter ball dude you suck man drink your [ __ ] sanitizer hey guys what' your dad say he said no did you cry of course I did and he still didn't give you the money no he told me I got to sell my toys what sell your toys what kind of toys would we sell that would even make money from all these toys are way too valuable well you could sell that old eightball oh yeah you could sell that eightball it doesn't work ever since dared Joseph to drink the liquid that was inside it dude you dare me to drink something I'm going drink it no matter what it is I'm going to go that [ __ ] down well before we sell it I think we should probably fill it up with some kind of liquid so that it actually works and it has to be a dark liquid so it actually looks like the liquid inside an eightball well I have this Coca-Cola he could fill the eightball up with Coke oh that would work all right Jeffy fill the eight ball up with this so it actually works okay all right guys I filled the eightball full of coke well shake it to make sure it works well hold on hold on I think we should ask the eightball if it wants to be sold for cheese sticks good idea Junior should we sell you for cheese sticks as I see it yes I'll sell that [ __ ] Jeffy all right dy I found the toy I want to sell Dy Jeffy you have thousands of toys and the only toy you want to sell is a stupid eightball yeah it's my eightball full of coke what why are you calling it that well because the eightball was missing the liquid out of it so I filled it up with Coca-Cola nobody's going to want to buy your stupid toy full of soda well where do I sell it at you can try to sell it at a pawn shop I guess okay stop talking like that officer Simmons officer guy get in here hey sir me and Simmons are arguing again so when we execute Somebody by firing squad only one of us has a real bullet right the rest of blanks that's right see Simmons I told you we only get one real bullet well can I have the real bullet no you're not supposed to know who has the real bullet that way you don't feel bad for shooting someone oh I won't feel bad I want to shoot someone yeah see that's the problem sir I also want to shoot someone so can we both please get real bullets no no no that's not how it works but sir if he's going to die anyway we might as well shoot him twice it' probably be quicker that way yeah I'll shoot his head and I'll shoot his heart it's a win-win look boys that's not why I called you in here now there's this pawn shop that we believe has been buying and selling illegal narcotics so we got a warrant from Judge poy for you boys to go in there and put a bug and whenever you hear them talking about illegal activity you go into that pawn shop and bust their asses well sir are you sure we have a warrant from Judge poy ask them yourself yes I granted the warrant okay good it's always good to have a warrant kids but sir if we bust this pawn shop can me and Simmons please get real bullets next time we do a firing squad I'll think about it you hear that Simmons he's going to think about letting us shoot somebody oh goody come on hey welcome to Gary's goodies pawn shop if we don't have it for the right amount of money I can get it wait doesn't a dolphin usually run this place nah he runs the pawn shop across the street so what can I get for you I have Tom Brady's Super Bowl rings I have a Dragon Ball I have the Pink Panther diamond or I have this lovely Lady of the night that's only been used twice by me but for an extra search charge I can wash it for you no I'm good wait a minute you guys aren't cops are you because your outfits look like cop outfits no these are our Halloween costumes it's February oh darn I thought it was October well I guess we need a calendar so we know what month it is all right well let me go check the back to see if we have any calendars quick Simmons plant the bug man I'm really glad we have these bug shaped microphones we don't have any cies in the back oh darn well I guess we'll check Walmart thank you hey wait wait wait wait wait you left your weird bug shape thing on my counter oh you know what you can keep it that's fine okay [ __ ] more product for me all right Simmons now we just have to sit here and listen until we hear some illegal activity going on hey welcome to Gary's goodies pod shop if we don't have it for the right amount of money I can get it well I got something to sell okay what you got to sell I got an eight balll of coke holy [ __ ] a whole eight balll of coke the street value of that's like $350 so I could probably give you like 300 right now for it okay you hear that Simmons he's straight up B buy an eightball of cocaine from someone right now we got them now let's see if they admit to anything else all right kid let me see the coke all right it's right here in this eightball holy [ __ ] you're telling me that eightball is filled to the top with Coke yep all the way to the top that's way more than 3 and 1/2 G that that's going to be a whole ass pound that's like $45,000 worth of coke listen kid I'll give you 30 grand for that right now okay I can buy a lot of cheese sticks for that yes you could holy [ __ ] he's selling a pound of cocaine that's distribution and he said he's going to buy cheese sticks for $30,000 that must be some kind of new street drug all right kid here's your 30 grand pleasure doing business with you and hey if you would to borrow my lady the night you can free a charge okay I think I will I'm going to show her to my daddy all right well I'm going to go bust this bad boy open to get all the coke out come on Simmons we got to go bust him go go go go go go go uh Mike can you unlock the door what it's not locked it is locky I can't open it hold on okay I'll unlock it I'm trying to open it it won't open what you're you're trying to open it as I'm pushing the button no no but Simmons stop stop stop just wait just wait I got it okay God damn it all right time to pour my eight ball of coke in in my father's Coke jaw wait a minute what is this this isn't Coke what is that like blackpaw heroin I'm going to be rich freeze you're under arrest for what for buying a whole bunch of coke we heard the whole thing we bugged the place yeah well I didn't buy a whole eight ball of coke because the eight ball was filled with this weird brown liquid let me see that oh that's Coca-Cola what you're telling me that I just spent 30 grand on an eight bowl of cocacola yeah you did but Simmons this means we can't arrest him cuz he didn't actually buy any drugs yeah you jerk wads the only way you'd be able to arrest me is if I had an actual eight ball of coke that look something like that right there get over all right sir we got him possession of cocaine right here why is he crying because I just spent $30,000 on an eightball of cocacola yeah some kid came in and scammed him he gave him $30,000 and the kid said he was going to spend it on cheese sticks huh $30,000 for cheese sticks that doesn't sound right it must be some new kind of drug I need you officers to investigate that well I got paperwork and I got to put this in the evidence drill I think I know where the kid lives sir I'll take care of it so what happens to me now oh you got a meeting with Big Bob he's going to give you a [ __ ] meat sandwich again all right Daddy I sold my eightball toy at the pawn shop yeah what they give you like 10 cents $30,000 wait how Jeffy who's your friend big Tia because she's got big titties wait no Jeffy do does not make any sense where did you get that doll the guy at the pawn shop gave it to me when I sold it my eightball wait wait wait wait this is not making any sense why would the pawn shop give you $330,000 in cash and a doll for a broken eightball toy with soda inside it I don't know the guy just really wanted to Coke that was inside I guess he was really thirsty baby this is not making sense now if you'll excuse me I have cheese sticks I have to go byy with my friends wait wait hold on can I have some of that money no cuz you didn't believe in me come on baby big tit what baby how did he get all that money I don't know all right guys I got $30,000 for cheese sticks that's a little bit more than the $4.70 you needed well come on guys let's go to the bowling alley I'm buying the cheese stick yeah wait dude who is her big Tia yes she is all right guys come on let's go to the bowling alley wait I don't think she want to go to the bowling alley I'm going just go and show her the bathroom floor all right wash her when you're done hey there wait you can't just come inside my house without a warrant oh man you're right and I was just talking about how important that is too uh can we just pretend I have a warrant this is really important no you better leave unless you get a warrant okay judge pooy can I have a warrant I'll allow it thank you okay I have a warrant now I think your son might be in big trouble me too he's been acting very weird yeah and I was doing a sting operation on a pawn shop earlier and he came in and sold this guy an eightball full of Coca-Cola for $330,000 yeah I know I don't that doesn't make any sense to me yeah and then he said he was going to spend that money on cheese sticks and I'm worried that might be something dangerous no it's nothing dangerous he just wants to buy cheese sticks from a bowling alley wait a minute who goes to a bowling alley just for cheese sticks that seems fishy huh if only I knew what cheese sticks really meant hold on let me check the Urban Dictionary they know everything okay this first thing says cheese sticks are the best effing food in the world I mean that's true but they don't cost $30,000 the second thing says it's a code word used by gangsters that means beer or alcohol okay but still alcohol doesn't cost $30,000 now this third thing says cheese stick it says cheese stick means unwashed penis oh God I'm so sorry to have to inform you of this but I think your son might be spending $30,000 on unwashed penis no I don't think so I think he's just going to the bowling lanes to buy cheese sticks oh God and he's going to the bowling alley where all the unwashed penis hangs out no no he just wants the food cheese sticks oh God I really hope you're right okay I'm just going to stay here and when he comes back I'm going to smell his breath Daddy I'm home and I brought that over cheese sticks let me smell your breath H I guess it kind of smells like cheese stick but then again I don't really know what unwashed penis smells like here get a whiff let me see my God it smells exactly the same it smells like cheese stick but how because I took one of the cheese sticks and rubbed it all over my unwashed Wier oh well I don't know I guess I consider this case closed I was going to have a cheese stick but I don't know which one he rubbed on weener oh I already ate that one oh great I guess I'll take this one I dropped that one on the floor you know what I'm not going to have any wait so he gets to keep all the money he took from the drug dealer yeah he didn't do anything wrong and the drug dealer is just stupid unless the drug dealer decides to escape from jail and get his revenge on Jeffy for scamming him ooh no no that's probably not going to happen we don't really do part twos unless no no they they probably don't want that unless you do H part two maybe tell us I'm going to take one I don't [Music] care
Channel: SML
Views: 2,669,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, show, puppet, puppets, brooklyn guy, simmons, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, junior, joseph, cody, jeffy the dealer, hilarious, 8 ball, coca cola, logan, lance
Id: SYeJ7kA6GhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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