SKYRIM 1HP CHALLENGE IS BROKEN - Skyrim Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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okay that's another death turns out i can kill myself by just walking a bucket against a wall and standing next to it hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing bridge and today we are playing the fantastic game of skyrim but this time with a twist we're going to completely and utterly smash this game using only one hit point that's right our character will only have one single sliver of health meaning if so much as a gusty fart from a dragon comes wafting our direction we will fall over dead now of course this game is skyrim created by the legendary video game designer todd howard who as we all know is effectively our one true god now todd in his infinite wisdom made skyrim one of the most difficult and challenging games ever created and just like thanos himself he even perfectly balanced the game to make sure there were no bugs or exploits and instead only intended features now today using a whole array of intended features and game mechanics added by the one and only god todd we will be showing just how incredibly fun skyrim can be when you only have one hit point this is the ultimate challenge of skyrim and ladies and gentlemen it's going to be perfectly balanced so make sure you sat back relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video now without further ado ladies and gentlemen strap yourselves in for this is going to be one of the greatest videos of all time so let's jump right into it and make a brand new character for our legendary one health adventure let's go my friends oh my goodness here we go ladies and gentlemen the low sounds of rumbling the lovely introduction you know what time it is it's probably my 70th time starting skyrim again but my goodness what an experience it always is ah the glorious beautiful world of skyrim created by a whole bunch of visionaries working complete over time my goodness isn't it truly lovely now when it comes to designing our character at the end of the day our character is only going to have one hp which does generally make the game slightly more difficult than it was ever intended because so much as an arrow or a skeleton simply swinging in our general direction will instantaneously kill us there is basically nothing you can do to avoid this i mean sure there are ways to of course add additional health by say leveling up or having items that fortify your health however i believe that would completely and utterly destroy the balance of a one hp run consequently we will not be adding any more health to our character beyond one meaning the only way we can defeat this game is if we manage to convince all enemies to either not attack us or we kill them before they can even land a hit this is going to take one hell of a broken overpowered build to beat and trust me i know exactly what i want to do so let's design our lovely hero so we're gonna be playing as a lovely wood elf of course we could make the bulkiest wood elf imaginable but no we are noodle wood elf um so i've created my character he's a little bit unique uh he's really long in terms of head shape and my goodness is he just the finest specimen of beautifulness that i've ever seen so it's time for us to finish and name our glorious character well here we have it ladies and gentlemen the ultimate glorious character it is nigel the noodle he is the living embodiment of a wet noodle it does basically no damage but my goodness is he not a beautiful little sausage now of course i can't actually lower my health until i get a health bar and that won't happen until the legendary dragon x machina happens and we get saved from getting our head lobbed off as in is that man over there smiling why are you smiling we are literally all about to get murdered everyone else is looking pretty sad but nope you're looking pretty happy over there oh my goodness oh lovely it's a glorious dragon here to save us fantastic now of course if we were to get hit by anything from that dragon we're dead instantly but now's the time because we finally get to take control of our character and we can move lovely fantastic let's make our way into the keep and this is where the hellscape of our life begins because now i need to simply set the command to lower my own health to 1 hp so it's time for the ultimate command player dot set av health to one there we go now that is our entire health point lowered to one health how enough can we test it well if we stand up here and get breathed on by a dragon uh we should die instantly there we go one single hit and we're dead the health bar doesn't even appear because that is how little health we have so naturally we have to stand up here wait for the dragon to arrive and good lord right away as far as possible because yeah uh we really can't die right up the tower we go right now all i have to do is jump through the roof and get onto the other roof although one slight issue uh one hp that's gonna make jumping to the other side quite the challenge as we can't take any full damage okay this is gonna be challenged overwatch my goodness is there a way to do this jump without dying oh yes but touching the fire is nice to death this is gonna be a challenge but it only needs to be done once right i'm standing here there's no fire i'm not dead there we go i've made it i'm not dead quick safe let's go it's only taken seven deaths now we drop down here avoid all of the fire all right let's go follow hadra oh my goodness i just got pushed by the dragon am i dead i'm dead it was literally a strong gust of wind that just completely murdered our character all right and run run run run run straight into the keep avoid all of the dragons oh look rylov's here hi railoff you know i'm gonna join railoff this time screw the imperials the doors close up there we go oh fantastic ah there we go fantastic my bindings are off oh now some imperial soldiers are coming over here uh and they're going to fight us but of course i'm gonna have to leave them for railoff to fight because my goodness i cannot fight any of them i have so little health so um if you just want to fight all of them yep that would be fantastic oh and fantastic our journey can continue okay that's another death turns out i can kill myself by just walking a bucket against a wall and standing next to it alright here we go this is the room where we finally get to uh gain a bow for the first time however we don't actually need to fight in that room at all because it's a bit of a challenge as they have a whole bunch of arches and until we have a bow of our own it is basically just suicide however if we just simply walk away from the room and let rayloff do all the fighting it's a win-win for us right now has ralof dealt with all of them oh my goodness he has look at that wonderful man doesn't even need me here now luckily we have a whole bunch of longbows and arrows scattered all over the ground for us to pick up and take and trust me we're going to be needing them ah fantastic so it's time for us to equip our actual weapon of choice now which is going to be a long bow until we can find something a little bit more powerful are and now it's time for the most important section of the game the bear section because there's an enemy over there and it's technically sleeping so it's not aggroed on us now is the perfect time to meta game our sneaking stat because we're going to need the highest sneaking level possible to actually beat this game so you know exactly what that means ladies and gentlemen it means turning on the auto walk and walking into a wall for about half an hour so that our character can survive so let us simply walk up to this wall whilst being crouched and just walk against this wall perfect and there we go now we're in a perfect spot to increase our sneak skill because we're close enough to them and the skill is actually leveling up and so what i'll do is i'll just leave my character here for a good 40 or so minutes and then i'll be back and hopefully we'll be nice and high level in terms of sneaking so i'll see each and every one of you in a short while well um after standing and sneaking into a wall for a stupidly long time uh we've actually achieved a very high level of stealth if i press tab and go into the level up section we've even leveled up quite a few times and i can sync all of my level up points into some of these various attributes of course i'm going to mostly sink them all into stamina because um but we can't exactly add anything to health that's just completely illegal now the issue of leveling up my stealth so much is that i'm now level 10 but honestly that's okay it's okay to be level 10 because if anything that allows me to sink some perk points into maybe allowing bows to do a little bit more damage that's right bows now do 40 bonus damage but more importantly deadly aim so that sneak attacks with bows do three times the damage right now let us simply kill this bear in one single shot because stealth attacks now exist perfect this is part of the joy of glorious perfectly balanced skyrim where you can finish the tutorial section at level 10 because why not who needs to play the game normally so it's often to the glorious wider world we go because we have a fantastic mission to do so what i've done ladies and gentlemen is i've made my way all the way over to dawn star where over at the mine of the side of this hold there is of course this very very famous little rock here behind the tree and of course if you crouch on over to it you get a chest which is hidden in the floor containing all of these really awesome and lovely items which of course we're going to steal now who actually owns these items well this is the chest which contains the entire inventory of the various khajiit traders that come back and forth between this hold and several others so all we want is to basically take all of their various items but what we're going to want to do is basically wait for the khajiit traders to arrive in a few days time so that we can continuously punch them to reset their inventories because what we're going to want in order to make our character actually safe are a couple of very important items that allow us to basically craft a set of equipment with the correct enchantments to keep our legendary character nigel the noodle alive because he's just a weak little noodle he needs protection every minute in skyrim a nigel the noodle dies of purely natural causes but with your help and with just one like on this video a nigel the noodle can be saved do your part so that no nigel the noodle has to live a disappointing life of death they can be saved with your help thank you for watching who are these people oh it's the khajiits they're here fantastic now one of these various khajiits is the actual uh owner of the caravan pretty sure it's a lovely sausage here yes it's madran uh and so all we have to do is to basically go into his inventory and see what he has to sell now of course as we can see here's some pretty jazzy items he actually has one item that i want which are the iron gauntlets of minor archery this is an item that i'd really like to get my hands on so what i'm going to do is sell him a few of his items that i actually stole from him like the iron great sword of sparks we don't need this iron sword wooden sword i know it's the most powerful weapon in the game but it's got to go but what we definitely do need and want are his very important iron gauntlets of minor archery because what we can do is we can break down this item and basically learn the enchantment of how to create items that increase the amount of damage bows do so we buy that that's 1 300 gold that we lose but don't worry we can simply get it back by selling all of these other items now of course what we're going to do is we want to reset his inventory and reset that chest over there so the way to do so is simply drop down on auto save attack him and then reload that safe that temporarily makes him aggressive and of course you'll notice he's temporarily aggressive for a moment when he reloads in and that's enough to completely and utterly reset not only his inventory but also the chest that is tied to his inventory so we're gonna go over and simply loot his chest and now what i'm going to be doing is simply farming the khajiit trade by going back and forth punching the khajiit waiting for there to be an item that i'm looking for and then going over to this chest to pick it up once we're done we should have all of the ingredients necessary to pull off this exploit and that will take our incredible wet noodle here and turn him into a supreme fiberglass coated noodle of ultimate power yes that is the plan ah soon the entire world will learn to fear the legendary nigel nude and here we have it bam hyde braces of major alchemy this is actually really really good this means that crafted potions are 17 more powerful if we wear it but more importantly if we break down this item we gain the ability to add the alchemy buff to any items that we own eg basic silver rings now of course what i'm going to do is not actually spend 1 200 gold to buy these instead we're going to do the 5 000 iq trade of instead of buying something just go and rob it instead so we're going to run our way over to the lovely mine and find that glorious little chest so well ma'am here's our lovely little chest in the ground and would you look at that it's the hide braces of major alchemy and yoink they're now mine and you know what i think we're ready to move on to the next stage of the exploit because we've got items of smithing and we've got items of enchanting so i'm pretty sure this is now the perfect opportunity to move on to the next location so for the next stage of making our character into a god we're going to need to simply travel on over to whiterun which is something we actually haven't done yet and the reason we're doing that is because whiterun has basically the easiest locations to pull off this exploit in terms of having access to a forge and also having access to an alchemy enchanting table that are next to each other which is absolutely imperative now basically we need as many bits of jewelry as we can get basically as many silver rings now we currently have two in our inventory but that's honestly not enough so the way we're gonna have to do it is to generally buy them from traders now in terms of having access to a good supply of silver rings this lovely lady over here in whiterun always has a good supply of silver rings so we can buy two of them off of her that gives us four silver rings but of course we need more so we're just going to punch her in the head and then press f9 uh some would say that this is beating up the elderly but it is necessary because this is the only way to force her to refresh her inventory and trust me we need it right now what we're going to do is head on up to whiterun now that we have a whole bunch of rings in our inventory remember they have to be vaguely identical silver rings and we're going to basically make our way up to the alchemy table because we've got some things that we need to get started on now is of course the time when we're going to want to start doing a nice little bit of alchemy so what do we need to do well it's pretty simple we need to actually use the enchanter here and learn a few enchantments so that we can improve items so in order to do that we must disenchant items basically destroying them to learn their abilities permanently in our case that means destroying these lovely height braces to learn how to make better crafted potions smithing is of course an important one basically just as many of these items that we can break down as possible the better because that's going to increase our ability to enchant future items anyway so bam there we go we've broken all of those lovely items down now if we want to actually enchant an item we can say select one of our silver rings here go to the enchantment section hit fortify alchemy use a grand soul gem and then we can have a silver ring here that means crafted potions are eight percent more powerful however we're going to need something slightly more powerful than this we're going to need to start doing a fortify restoration loop and so for that we need more rings probably some trousers for our sweet little noodly boy but also ingredients for making fortified restoration potions and the best thing is they're all exceedingly easy to get so let's go item harvesting right so i finally gathered all of the necessary ingredients to actually make my items so what we're going to be doing is enchanting items to allow us to make stronger potions and then making a potion that allows us to enchant stronger enchantments and then eventually we create an item or a potion which makes our smithing so powerful that we can create the ultimate weapon to keep our lovely one hp noodle alive so we're going to make a couple of silver rings that allow our alchemy stat to be increased and we'll spend five soul gems making these really powerful silver rings so we'll craft one and then we're just going to do this five more times and this is going to level up our character and allow us to do stronger enchantments but we don't really need to worry about that because the true power from this comes from the cycle that we're about to create now all of these rings need to have identical names so i do advise that you don't name them at all and you can make as many as you like there is absolutely no limit but i'm just making five because those are all the grand soul gems that i have and there we have it with those five rings our enchanting stat has actually increased we've actually even leveled up so now with all of our rings we're able to make stronger potions the only issue is we're not able to make potions that are really that strong i wonder if we're going to break into the loop without max leveling our character over a series of days well quite simply we're going to become a vampire or a werewolf either way works but vampires are the easiest so it's time for us to go off and join the dawnguard and then try and blitz our way through that questline to become a vampire because as soon as we gain the ability to be a vampire we're going to be able to stack these rings now after becoming a vampire i am in currently what is quite possibly one of the worst stun locks i've ever seen so because i have one hp and i accidentally decided to leave the castle after becoming a vampire whilst the sun is out that means i instantly die and i just keep responding and die i've died like maybe 15 times now oh and i don't even know why when the sun touches nigel sometimes he explodes into the skies but you know sometimes that's just the way it is my goodness right i'm gonna have to load a slightly older save here i think but hey at least we're now a vampire welcome back ladies and gentlemen we've now gained the power of the vampires thanks to the assistance of janassa and also i've done a little bit of digging around so one thing that we needed to get out of the way was basically the five silver rings we made because they don't actually have the same name technically speaking i couldn't actually use them so instead what i did was i found two identical necklaces of mine alchemy and duplicated them using the white run doors and a follower it's a nice and simple exploit if you don't know it at this point my goodness todd how would help you it's honestly one of the oldest and most basic features that todd included now using these six identical alchemy items what we're going to do is quite simply convert into a vampire whilst also talking to genesis to press the transformation key and the talk key at the same time then we do is wait for this dialogue menu to open up allow ourselves to transform into a vampire and say hey i need to trade some things with you and here we go we now trade with jin asset now what we want to do is basically get rid of all of these necklaces of minor alchemy we don't want any of them get them to go into her inventory and then in order to equip them onto ourselves simply hold down the shift key and click but yeah shift and click to equip one of these make sure to equip them one at a time by the way and this will allow us to basically stack the effects of the necklace of minor alchemy then all we have to do is back on out of the trade convert back into regular form and then we'll bam all we have to do is hop on over to the magic section and see active effects and see that all of these necklaces are boosting our ability to fortify alchemy meaning we can make better potions which is very important for the fortify alchemy loop so without further ado it's time for us to leave this area and go on over to whiterun to start the fortify alchemy loop make sure to of course also drop down a save and now go out into the wider world and hopefully i won't set on fire lovely stuff i'm not burning to death isn't that a great sign so it's over to dragon's reach we go so what we need to do is simply use the alchemy lab and make ourselves a potion of restoration now as you can see already this potion is going to mean that restoration spells are 45 stronger for 60 seconds which is fantastic so we'll activate that bad boy and then kriton out of the alchemy menu now we're going to do is drink this potion of fortified restoration which is twice as strong as the last one we made and that will boost our apparel to make it slightly more powerful as you can see created potions are now 17 more powerful and that's for each of these necklaces and remember we're using six of them so when we hop back into the alchemy lab and make a new restoration potion bam 65 percent stronger so we're going to make this bad boy and now we're going to do our gather the ingredients to make a enchanting potion so that we can make ourselves another item of armor which boosts our alchemy probably something like some braces now working with the vampirism is just downright impossible it will kill us too quickly so instead now that we have all of the necklaces actually added to us we just need to cure ourselves of vampirism how do you do that well all you need to do is basically speak to any bartender about vague rumors and they'll basically direct you to a character called fallion who's all the way over in mourful who studies vampires and then all you need to do is just simply hop over there buy a special black soul gem from him fill the soul up and then he'll cure you in a lovely little stone circle this is the method we'll be using to personally get rid of our vampirism because we've used it to gain our lovely alchemy buff so from here on out it's only a hindrance so over to morefor we'll go and i'll be back as soon as we've cured ourselves of this vampiric curse well welcome back from our trip to morphel it was uh lovely and simple we basically just rocked up got killed a vampirism cost is about 700 gold but it's all fine now we also made a bit of money over there by just trading some of our excess items to traders and that allowed us to scrounge up the cash to buy some basic lever goods now we're going to use those lever goods to make a good set of equipment but in order to make that good set of equipment we first want to chug our potion of fortify restoration which means restoration spells are 45 percent stronger this then allows us to use the alchemy lamp to make two very important potions a potion of fortified restoration which is 68 more powerful but also a brand new type of potion that's right we're going to need our snowberries and sprig and sap and this allows us to make an enchanting potion so we're bam for 30 seconds items enchanted are 12 stronger not the greatest item but it will have to do because now we're going to use the arcane enchanter so for that we're going to drink the potion of fortifying enchanting pop ourselves into the arcane enchanter whack on our leather braces select the enchantment to fortify alchemy whack on a greater soul gem and uh it's not the best but it will have to do 10 will be fine so now what we can do is take off our silver ring and pop on our leather braces of increased alchemy and then equip the silver ring again and now also drink the potion of fortify restoration 68 and that's going to boost up this silver ring to 18 and these lever braces to 12 and each of these amulets now 20 now we go to the alchemy lab and we make ourselves another fortify restoration potion this one 85 stronger yep it's as powerful as that now normally you can only really pull off this fortify exploration loop when you're really into the late game of skyrim when your alchemy is at a hundred but because we've stacked so many items using the werewolf and vampire exploit of wearing as many necklaces as you like we're able to bypass the necessity of being a high level alchemist we can be a level one scrub alchemist and yet we're still able to make probably the most powerful potions in the game let's drink this potion again and yep the braces aren't improving and the silver rings aren't improving so this is it we've hit our cap until we get more items we simply can't make a better fortified restoration potion so make a couple of restoration potions and go get myself some better items right hello ladies and gentlemen we're back it's a little bit later on and our items are looking quite good we've managed to pick ourselves up this lovely circulate of eminent alchemy i've also power leveled our alchemy stat a little bit more not by too much only up to about 41 and this is going to allow us to make better potions of restoration i mean already if we combine them together using the items that we just have on our person then that's a restoration potion which is at 102 so we'll make one of those bad boys and then all we have to do to make an even stronger potion is to chug our restoration potion so restoration potion which is 102 strength of course we need to take off any enchanting gear that we can and then chug this bad boy and then whack back on all of our alchemy equipment there we go the braces are immediately up to 34 percent the circle it is up to 40 percent the silver ring is at 22 and the six necklaces are all at 24. so we're bam with that improved we can then use the alchemy lap again make another fortify restoration potion and bam 210 that's twice as strong now that's what i like to see so we take off the circlip we take off the gauntlets we take off the ring and now we chug ourselves that restoration potion all of that equipment now is gonna start looking pretty damn good circle it's now almost making 100 more powerful potions same for the braces silver ring 53 boost these minor necklaces of alchemy 58 each and there's six of them meaning they're giving 300 boosts to our created potions which is just absolutely insane so now use the acme lamp once more make another incredible restoration potion 760 stronger oh we're into the death spiral now ladies and gentlemen this is it pop on out of the menu take off all of the gear yes this is it now this is enchanting circle it is now up to 172 the braces are at 146. the ring's at 94. necklaces are all at 100 meaning they now give 600 improved alchemy instead of just the poultry 300 they were last time oh my goodness we're dropping down a quick save right use the alchemy lab fortified restoration bam bam 1953 this is it this is the end game ladies and gentlemen we're approaching thanos levels of enchantments take off all of the apparel chug it take a look at the apparel and it's a 400 for the helmet oh my goodness the necklaces are at 246 percent okay these necklaces are now boosting our potions by about 1 400 percent oh my goodness this is perfect so there we go potion is now nine thousand percent in strength we probably want to keep going until we're at about the um ten thousand region maybe a bit more and there we have it the necklaces are now providing six thousand percent boosts to any created potion oh my goodness this is it i think this has to be the end game i don't think we can make potions more powerful than this you know we should probably make an enchanting potion at this point so take off these bad boys make a potion of enchanting enchanted items are 484 stronger perfect that's something let's quit on out of this alchemy menu chug ourselves the 45 enchanting potion use the arcane enchanter and let's make ourselves something we've got three silver rings here and we're going to see if we can fortify alchemy into them and bam yes we can create a ring fill it with a greater soul gem a silver ring that makes potions 100 more powerful right out of the gate sounds pretty darn good so bam it's the magic ring so now we have a slightly better ring to put on so we can take off the regular boring silver ring that only boosts stuff by 11 and instead put on the premium silver ring that creates potions at 100 percent more powerful very nice this allows us to basically blitz our way through the fortify restoration loop anytime we want to do it again speaking of which all we have to do is chug one of these very powerful potions the most powerful one we have at one thousand nine hundred percent that's immediately going to boost up our items to the 400 region so that we can use the alchemy lab make this super strong potion quit on out of the alchemy lab chug the super strong potion then chug the next super strong potion uh once we take our alchemy items on and off i guess oh my goodness the magic ring now makes potions forty four thousand times more powerful okay so a fortify enchanting potion five thousand times stronger enchantments you know what i think that'll do i think that might be enough to enchant an item okay right let's use the arcade chanter okay right let's back out of this bad boy and chug ourselves a potion of five thousand percent strength and let's make ourselves another magic ring actually you know i suppose we can go for a necklace here right necklace enchantment fortify alchemy whack on it just generic greater soul gem and immediately created potions are stupidly powerful i can't even calculate that and bam let us craft this item this is it we've completely broken the game this is the legendary item of todd help sure we have stacked here six necklaces of mine alchemy which was so useful to get us into the exploit but as soon as the exploit of the infinite loop of ever increasing power takes off you can then just create one todd help and we can take off all of these items although apparently we can wear this alongside the necklaces of mine alchemy i really thought these were just automatically unequipped but no apparently the game's broke so we can still wear them okay most importantly we can take off all of the other stuff because we don't need the magic ring we just need todd help todd help is all we need to make the most powerful potions in the game so what are we going to do well we're going to make one more potion a potion of fortify smithing and this potion will allow us to basically create base weapons that are more powerful so it will allow us to hopefully build a bow or some kind of ranged weapon that can do a lot of damage actually i've just realized we don't need to make a potion what was i even thinking we can use the arcane enchanter because i have an item that i can enchant this level armor i can fortify with smithing yes i can fortify a chest with the bonus of smithing and this will mean i can improve items by an increased amount oh this is it fantastic now all i need is some kind of grand stone so uh fahrenheit give me your greatest soul gem and there we go one grand soul gem that's what we're looking for fantastic stuff thank you farenga so now all we have to do is chug ourselves i guess we can chug one of these fortify restoration potions and then chug this fortify enchanting potion which will of course mean enchanted items are 5 000 stronger use the arcane enchanter and make a piece of leather armor with the enchantment of fortify smithing using the grand soul gem and now we have oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen it's the infinity chest plate oh let's craft this bad boy now the infinity chest plate is a very unique item of course designed and lovingly handcrafted by nigel here because what this item does is very simple whilst it might look like a relatively standard piece of leather armor which gives us 29 armor that's fantastic that's not going to stop anything when you have one hp what's really special about it is the fact that weapons and armor can now be improved by 250 000 now that's quite nice because normally when you improve weapons and armor you give them a nice little damage boost of two or three but now when we improve weapons we've really improved them let's go find ourselves a grindstone because we've got one hell of a weapon to create so over to the workbench this allows us to improve items of armor which aren't particularly very impressive we don't really want to do that instead we want to use the grindstone here and improve a weapon now if we were to improve the ancient old bow we can make it into a legendary ancient nord bow that does 400 damage instead of its boring um free i think and we can boost this crossbow to do 420 damage nice you know what let's make a legendary crossbow perfect now if we were to equip this very jazzy crossbow and wield it uh it's gonna do a whole bunch of damage now so um i guess what i can do is i can shoot someone and we can see how much it does like this guard yeah it seems to work don't shoot me quite run oh white red guard can still one hit me anyway of course we have to do the classic test that we always do in these videos which is of course fight the ebony warriors so i'm gonna have to do some console magic shenanigans and spawn myself in an ebony warrior just to see how well we compare against them so here we go ladies and gentlemen let us place down one ebony warrior and here he is he's a lovely friendly little guy he is um pretty tall in comparison to us i mean we just kind of come up to here on his little chest uh hello now he's quite friendly until of course we attack him so what we're going to do is do the classic fair and square thing by standing over here and shooting him with a crossbow it would seem that we have beaten skyrim ebony warrior is no match for the mighty nigel the noodle the only issue is when you spawn in two ebony warriors and nigel shoots one of them because the other one is a goddamn terrifying monstrosity oh no we missed what is happening what is happening what's that oh todd so yes fighting one ebony warrior piece of cake fighting two ebony warriors not actually possible because the second one will close the ground and gank us immediately but that is the life of the glass cannon that is nigel the noodle he's just kind of made the world a little bit more perfectly balanced if you know what i mean the ability to one hit the world and have the world one hit back now that's the perfectly balanced way of living anyway i'm afraid that's all we have time for today in the lovely world of skyrim if you've enjoyed nigel's glorious quest then of course make sure to give the video a like and hop on down into the lovely comment section and praise our glorious god and creator todd howard for giving us this fantastic experience i hope you all enjoyed celebrating a merry toddsmus in december and you're all excited to see what he has in store for us in 2021 i hope it's another skyrim release anyway as always thank you very much to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible thanks to all of their generous funding we're going to be doing some unique projects very soon so i've been working on a rust service since october and it's nearing completion and trust me it's going to be glory so thank you very much for your support anyway as always if you're new here and you want to watch more spiffing brit videos i've got a whole bunch of playlists of some of my greatest videos of all time if you enjoyed this you're going to love the skyrim playlist it is an absolute incredible wonderland where we create some of the silliest and greatest weapons of the skyrim universe because as great as a rapid-firing one-hit crossbow is it's certainly not going to be to fork which has the heat yield of a burning sun anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 822,085
Rating: 4.945313 out of 5
Keywords: skyrim special edition, elder scrolls, funny clips, spiffing brit, can you beat skyrim, skyrim overpowered, skyrim is a perfectly balanced game, skyrim challenge, skyrim funny, skyrim funny moments, funny moments, skyrim funny montage, rt game, perfectly balanced game, video game exploit, skyrim exploit, skyrim gold glitch, skyrim 1hp, 1hp, 1hp skyrim, 1 hp challenge, skyrim, skyrim is broken, skyrim fork, funny, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, skyrim build
Id: oC1YZHq3Llo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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