SKYRIM ABSORB MAGIC ONLY CHALLENGE IS BROKEN - Skyrim is a Perfectly Balanced game with no exploits

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okay we're gonna be here for a while trying to kill these bad boys but the good news is that we can no longer take damage from them and we are effectively immune meaning even though it might take me five hours to kill them that's fine hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the spitting Britt and today you join me in a fantastic world of Skyrim that's right it's the Elder Scrolls 5 scarm special edition and today I'm going to be building one of the most silliest and stupidest builds imaginable a character build which quite simply makes no sense it has 100% mean potential we're going to be taking a v' exceedingly low level character and giving them the ability to resist 100% of magic no longer will you have to worry about dragons breathing fire upon you mages being angry and the Nerds over in the college trying to tell you what you can and can't do with your necromancy nope from this point on you're going to be a free Skyrim player one who is able to conquer the entire world with all of your dark magic and if another wizard comes along you can quite simply yawn as all of their fireballs bounce off of your magical skin so sit back relax grab yourself a cup of tea as we're about to create the silliest mage possible without further ado I think it's time for us to dive into the video of your set comfortably intere if you're feeling especially fantastic today you might even like the video Mike goodness thank you very much you lovely person right let's froze into the game welcome ladies and gentlemen we're back into the fantastical body of the legendary berry boned razor our fantastical necromancer has the ability to resurrect the dead I mean it's quite impressive you can literally do it like so well BAM yes your dead bodies come back to life oh we need a we need to do again oh no a couple of mammoths have toppled over but yes as you can see our power is exceedingly incredible because we've the ability to resurrect just about everything but the only downside is this kind of dark magic well it draws the wrong kind of attention rival wizards look at us and go my god that's a war crime you should stop and so we need to stop those rival wizards and the best way to do so is to become immune to their magic now in order to do so we quite simply need basically nothing be done at any stage in the game and is exceedingly easy it is quite simply the fortify restoration loop we only need to do it once into a very small amount and then we're going to be able to be immune to magic now many people believe the fortify restoration loop is exceedingly complicated and requires lots of difficult setup fun fact ladies and gentlemen it doesn't we're going to be pulling this bad boy off at level 3 if you didn't see last week's episode then I strongly recommend you catch it up to see the glorious creation of berry Bone racer who raises everyone's bones including my own and anyway with all of that said I think it's time we take our lovely party and start collecting the ingredients we need to break the game now we're going to have to say goodbye to most of our undead companions because they quite simply don't fast travel in the same way we do and far as travelling is exactly what we're going to need to do you see we have this lovely bjorlin here and we're going to need to use him to make our way over to Rifton now you might wonder wife rifton's even important considering its a pretty garbage halt Rifton has exceedingly fantastic value in the fact that the rift and docks contain naturally spawning locations for two ingredients necessary in the creation of restoration potions and here we have with the lovely rift in front gates let's make our way through oh hold Oh of course the god damn visit attacks yet this is a scam this is obviously a shakedown my friend you could never shake down barry bone raiser of silly sausages and iperfect we're in Riften and i'm just going to pass through all of the annoying people trying to proposition me and instead i want to make my way down here to the rifts and docks you see the rift and docks are fantastic because no one cares if you take anything from any of the dogs most importantly they have a whole bunch of salt and fish and that's what we need but sings we're in Riften we're also going to nip by into this lovely alchemy shop to pick up some supplies that we might need it's the owner of this alchemy shop we're enough are they are they're asleep oh do they just leave the doors open ok I mean that's fine I'll just Rob the things that I might need now of some of the items you need to make a restoration potion salt is very important but beyond that we're going to need fish so it's time for us to leave but with free additional bits of salt added to our collection of ingredients or off to a flying start oh and of course outside the shop there's just two salt lying in this along with free more salt here of salt is so easy to find oh and here we have it Worf to an even greater start the Sura Dilek spade tale ladies and gentlemen this is once again yet another ingredient we're going to need let's just grab all of the salt you can find and then we'll pick up some Cyrillic Spade tales hopefully in the market tomorrow but as you can see salt is very easy to come by some would say it's easy to gain access to fine salt in Riften than it is to tune into one of my games of csgo now down here on the docks outside of Rifton you'll run into the Rifton fishery which is a perfect spot because naturally it sources all of the fish which we need to add to our salt in order to make a restoration potion so what I'm going to do is just simply let some time pass and then once this shop opens up we're going to buy all of the fish that they physically have access to and there we go now it's ten the fishery is opened up and we can hop on in now luckily I've come to the alchemy shop and of course lo and behold they have lovely half of York here who is selling the fantastical serie Dilek spade tail which we need now she only has two which is a bit of a fundamental issue for me because I need more so when you need more Cyril expect a less than half you log actually has what you want to do is quite simply shoot her in the head with an arrow and then immediately reload the save you see by absolutely turning her into a ggressive mode entire inventory resets and I can go into our ingredients and hopefully yep there we go it's anniversary Dalek spade tail Thank You half York so after taking that we know for sarah deluxe Patos in our inventory as well as 23 salt piles good stuff but I'm afraid half York I'm going to need more and so which is going to have to be continuously repeating the agro now after collecting all of your lovely Sir Alec Spade tails and adding them to your ingredients section by repeatedly punching the shopkeepers you're going to want to make sure you have one over item just any piece of apparel which increases alchemy skills in my case I've picked up this lovely necklace of eminent alchemy this item isn't too hard to come by you can either pick it up off of loot from dead bodies provided you're above level 30 or in my case as I'm only level 4 and said just have to murder the bard in Whiterun and steal it off of his corpse or you can pickpocket it from him you know whichever one is easier but I find murder farmer exciting now once you have this item worn simply go over to this lovely alchemy lab here and make yourself a potion to fortify restoration now by using this lovely necklace we're going to be able to make a restoration spell which fortifies restoration by 26% so we'll be drinking that bad boy and backing out of this alchemy tab now then before you make sure to drink this potion make sure to remove your necklace this is because the alchemy skill is kind of absolutely buggered in Skyrim which is the restoration fortification actually generally for some reason improves all effects off of literally just about every item you can use fortify restoration for example for equipping an amulet of Tallis to get a - 500 percent reduction in shout cost time it's absolutely silly some of the things you can make anyway we're going to be drinking our fortify restoration potion now remember that this necklace as a base only actually makes crafted potions 20% more powerful but we're able to break this by drinking this potion of fortify restoration so we drink that potion and then pop on our apparel and then use that improved apparel to make a brand new fortify restoration spell of 26% back on out of the menu make sure to take off my necklace and have that register then drink my improved restoration ocean wait for the potion to take effect then pop on my necklace and oh my god I'm going to need more items than this welcome back ladies and gentlemen I've collected all of my necessary ingredients as well as also scouring the landscape of Skyrim to pick up three very important items item number one a necklace of mine alchemy this can be purchased from pretty much any trader it's exceedingly cheap as well and so is not difficult to come by these next few items can be a little bit more of a challenge though these are the hide braces of alchemy now these are a natural spawning drop which can appear on enemies however if you go to the halted stream camp you can find this bad boy in a chest now if we were to where all of our fantastical items that make ourselves a restoration potion right now we'd only be able to make a potion which increased our restoration by 25% this simply isn't good enough so we're going to have to back on out of this menu and actually level up our character just a little bit you see I have to poke points left to spend and I'm going to sync them both into being an alchemist which means that my crafted potions are ever so slightly stronger this is a very easy thing to do you can train yourself an alchemy if necessary and other if some of those additional points into alchemy if I go into the alchemy lab here suddenly restoration spells are 35% stronger and so what I'm good to do is craft myself a restoration spell and simply drop on out of the alchemy tab then all you want to do is simply take off all of your alchemy gear and drink your brand-new fortify restoration potion by doing this all of your alchemy gear like this necklace here has suddenly become more powerful this necklaces of 216 percent meaning we can now use the alchemy lab born small and now if we craft ourselves a potion of restoration it's now 52 percent stronger so we craft a 52 percent strength restoration potion and back on out of the alchemy menu then what you want to do is once again take off all of your apparel and then drink your brand-new 52 percent force to 5 restoration spell and now you'll notice when we put on our necklace of mine alchemy crafted potions and after being 18% more powerful that's right we've hit the loop ladies and gentlemen the only way from here is up and now when we craft fortify restoration it's 62% stronger once again we back on out of here and take off those cloves and drink that potion and now that means when we make our next fortify restoration potion it's 68 percent stronger which has actually increased our alchemy as well and actually leveled us up fantastic and now we're up to 72 percent stronger restorations potion now after repeating this looper again and again we've managed to hit a hundred and eighteen percent restoration which is a fantastical point and technically you can stop here as soon as you manage to get a restoration potion to go above a hundred percent this exploit is complete however I like to choose things a little bit more than they have to and so for that reason we're going to drink this potion and continue the process and now things are really heating up because we've just hit a hundred and thirty nine percent ladies and gentlemen with each potion we make now we're seeing a big jump now the way this exploit works for those of you that don't know is that it basically glitches the restoration spell which for some reason has the ability to increase the stats on items that's what you do is you have an item which basically increases your ability to make potions in our case it's our necklace our braces and hat and by drinking this restoration potion were able to increase the percentage of our ability of making potions so basically we have items which means we can make potions better and we make a potion to make a item of potion making even better and then we during that potion and then we make that potion again but now it's Sunday stronger and what you do is you complete this cycle many many many times and then you end up with a potion like this which is two hundred and twenty seven percent anyway so now ladies and gentlemen all of our potion making is now complete I can take off all of my alchemy items for no longer ever need them again well we've ended up with two very important potions to fortify restoration potions both over two hundred and seventy percent strength now we only need one of these strategy pull off the exploit and I just have the second one lying around just in case I need to do another fortify restoration loop and don't want to start from scratch considering how easy the actual ingredients are to come by this exploit is ridiculously easy to pull off early game and I strongly recommend all of you give it an attempt if I don't think I've ever seen anyone pull it off from level one I'm pretty sure most people give it a go around level two or three but I would judge you any way out into the wider world we go four we have something important to find luckily we're very close by to actually where we need to end up am I've jumped in to the midpoint of this video when you least expected it ladies and gentlemen to say that I hope that you're having an absolutely fantastic day but I've just spoken to Barry bone racer and he says that if anyone is not drinking tea whilst watching this video well he's going to forcibly raise their bones out of their human body causing them to immediately probably die the only way to escape such a fate is to drink tea and also as a sign of amnesty apparently the first six thousand coffee drinkers to like this video will also be spared as a show of good faith but they best clean up their act in the future anyway onward with the exploiting by the end of this video I want to be able to eat a fireball to the face and have absolutely nothing change that's the dream what you want to do after finishing up in Britain is simply hop over to the stables here and we're going to be taking our lovely alchemists on a journey you see now that we have our fortify restoration spell we can now gain perfect immunity to magic how we're going to do this what we're going to need to head on over to a very important location ladies and gentlemen you see right around here is a certain stone of power one which I want to gain control of and so we're going to go on a lovely adventure over there well hello there cuz she'd murder now I've made my way over to shore stone which tells me I'm pretty close by um roughly about halfway there I just need to make my way around Mountain and then we'll have made our way over to the Atronach stone ladies and gentlemen now what is this stone well there are many stones of power in Skyrim as I've demonstrated in last week's episode where we found the stone of absolutely destroy the necromancy site of Skyrim this stone however is something slightly different the Atronach stone fortifies Magica by 50 points basically meaning you permanently gain an increase of 50 magic however it comes at a cost that cost is that the wearer can only generate magic at a decreased 50% rate basically meaning it's harder to car spells but this does all come with an even greater buff which is that the user is given 50% spell absorption what this means is that you have a 50% chance to absorb any spell cast on you this is a really good bonus especially if you're fighting a bunch of wizards but it does come with a big downside that it's only 50% that means that the other 50% of spells are getting through that's absolutely terrible we can't possibly have that now we're getting pretty close ladies and gentlemen the actual getting down this mountain part is a little bit tricky but you can always just go for the patent-pending spiff strategy of just eating yourself down any old cliff and just watching your kneecaps snap away now you'll notice up on our lovely mini-map the fantastic icon meaning that a stone is nearby has appeared directing us towards our lovely gold it's just over here somewhere ladies and gentlemen perfect our inherit is ladies and gentlemen the fantastic stone itself I'll look at it beautiful now if we were to hit a now we'd end up with 50% spell absorption and that's fantastic that's lovely but it's it's kind of a bit useless we want more than that for that reason we're going to destroy the game a bit right now the easiest way to demonstrate what I'm about to do ladies and gentlemen is to simply use a console command that console command is quite simply player dot get a V absorb chance this currently gives the statistic for how likely we are to absorb a any spell in our case right now if anyone was to cast a spell at us we've a 0% chance to absorb that spell it's gonna hit us it's going to do whatever effect that means spells in Skyrim are literally anything and everything for example creatures which have a chance to inflict disease with their attacks both diseases are counted as magic meaning that if a wolf is to bite you and give you rock joint you immediately resisted meaning you resist that Wolf's damage as well it's a very strange complicated system but effectively absorbing magic is much more powerful than the game would have you believe because if just how many things up passed through as magic this means you can no longer even be paralyzed because quite simply even trying to paralyze yourself what's going to end up happening is that you're going to absorb the paralysis spell immediately now this is of course a zero percent absorption it's not what we want we want over a hundred percent and so what we're going to do is go to the stone here drink a lovely fortify restoration potion of a hundred and fifty six percent strength and then activate the stone here now because this potion is over a hundred and fifty percent what you'll notice is that our brand new magic absorption chance is now a hundred and twenty eight percent this is fantastic this means is we have a hundred twenty eight percent chance of every time a spell hits us we just absorb it and that means one hundred twenty percent chance that's over 100 percent that means every single spell from this point on which hits Barry bone Razer is now immediately absorbed he is immune to magic so let's actually try and demonstrate this monstrosity now what I'm going to do to demonstrate my supreme power is quite simply spawn in a whole bunch of wizards so I'm going to spawn in a arch Pyromancer high elf this is a fantastical fire wizard who is level 46 has over five hundred and seventy five hit points and a pool of over five hundred Magica this makes them very powerful so let's crank them down right here naturally they're immediately going to start attacking us but you'll notice that as they hit us nothing is happening we haven't taken any damage despite having a fire ball straight to the face and have we got another one coming yep there we go that's another spell right into the kidneys now each of these spells would normally do very large amounts of damage because this is a arch Pyromancer ladies and gentlemen and level 46 enemy certainly quite a challenge well you know what let's get a couple more of them how about another five pyromancers right go on hit me with what you've got guys no still nothing right so uh turns out they kind of rubbish and this means we can just very slowly kill them with our a plinky bow okay do you guys want to like calm down the spells for a little bit I'm actually trying to fight a pair of man for us is a bit of a challenge because they're very high level I mean just look at them ladies and gentlemen and I'll try battle X on one of them right come on over here arch Pyromancer swinging and chop swing and chop okay we're gonna be here for a while trying to kill these bad boys but the good news is that we can no longer take damage from them and we are effectively immune meaning even though it might take me five hours to kill them that's fine because this is a level 48 enemy and berry bone razor but he's technically just level 3 which makes him pretty useless as you know there is one thing I can do I'm pretty sure I can raise the dead so is there any dead around me probably not oh no so I found the much easier way of getting the mages to fight each other to quite simply stand in between the spells that they actually shoot each other in the back now the folks are fighting mages is that they have no stamina so you can basically power hit them to death in a normal environment we would have lost this fight many many years ago but naturally this isn't normal Skyrim anymore ladies and gentlemen well there's a dead wolf on the ground I can certainly use that bad boy right I've summoned some of the local wildlife to help me with this I'm not too sure how well a single wolf will do against the Pyromancer but you know it's um it's certainly something and there we go with one fire mage down we can then immediately resurrect that same fire mage to help us with the other fire mages in some kind of vicious cycle of fire mage warfare there we go we have friendly summoned Pyromancer to fight with evil Pyromancer who isn't our friend but actually you know we can probably make this fight a whole lot simpler by simply baiting all of the majors into the nearby storm cloak encampment and then the Stormcloaks will probably die to these majors but we can just resurrect those Stormcloaks and any living fire mages to kind of fight amongst themselves for us and our entertainment - come on hit me with that fireball yep look that's a pretty powerful fireball you just hit me with such a shame it doesn't do anything anyway Stormcloak you boys I bring interesting companions to for you to enjoy with alright here come the Stormcloaks they've suddenly discovered all of the fire mages Goodluck Stormcloak soldier I believe in you okay you took one shot so far oh and that's that second one than your you're done for okay so now we have two Stormcloak soldiers trying to battle off against all of these very scary five people now I'm just gonna kind of sit in the middle and absorb 90% of the magic so that my companions can hopefully get on with their bows and actually do something you know once they distract over that I'm just gonna do run up I can't fight these mages we don't have a strong enough damage weapon I'm gonna have to come back in like a part two when I've actually built the optimum magic mage deck just to truly demonstrate how powerful magic in CRM is its a stupidly powerful thing sure it's not as customizable as oblivion or morrowind but that's not to say that the developers didn't accidentally include a few crazy modifiers here and there which result in some pretty absolutely stupid and broken spells but all of that's for a future video ladies and gentlemen no no I'm being attacked by fief oh my I wasn't expecting this well luckily I'm pretty sure we can kill a fief in a fight yep there we go that's a dead fief but if only we had some kind of offensive combat magic then we'd be much safer in natural hand-to-hand combat because at the moment we're mortal to magic but we're just not dealing enough damage in return but of course with all of that ladies and gentlemen we're probably going to need to come back and look at it another day that's right coming up soon we'll eventually have the final and definitive ultimate Skyrim guide to magic just so that I can add additional proof to the pile to truly demonstrate that scarm is a perfectly balanced game with no experts whatsoever but of course if you want to see that I strongly recommend you consider subscribing and joining our lovely community so that you get notified when I make my next Skyrim video channel actually just crossed the 1.5 million subscriber mark which is absolutely stupid so thank you very much ladies and gentlemen all of you are really really lovely and I can't wait to see where this channel goes in the future but as always hop down to the comment section and tell me what you want to see next in Skyrim do you want to see how to level up your character to stupid levels don't to see how smithing is a perfectly balanced fing or would you rather see the ultimate wizard build for all of your wizard wars that choice is yours ladies and gentlemen don't as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously without you we wouldn't be able to make all these silly videos they are absolutely fantastic so thank you very much and how if you sat there and you'd like a little bit more of the spiffing Britain your life book then look no further than these videos on screen now hand chosen by myself to be exactly what you're looking for they'll fill that lovely little spot in your life where you're like you know what I need a bit of tea but for whatever reason I can't have liquid at the moment and I just like audible and visual tea or that's what these videos are audible tea no it's fantastic anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,705,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, skyrim, the elder scrolls v: skyrim, the elder scrolls, magic only, 100% magic resistance, skyrim challenge, skyrim necromancy, skyrim is broken, elder scrolls, elder scrolls 6, exploit, challenge, rpg, video game exploit, skyrim exploit, spiffing brit, skyrim only, beat skyrim, skyrim special edition, funny moments, skyrim build, overpowered skyrim, skyrim exploits, perefectly balanced game with no exploits, rt game, can you beat skyrim, english, magic challenge
Id: PUCr3RrEm1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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