SKYRIM A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Can You Beat Skyrim Unarmed Only Challenge

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Few things i saw that i feel should be cleared up
1. The armor cap is 667 (567 displayed + 100 hidden) so having 2 million armor rating is the same as having 700
2. The fists of steel perk only adds the base armor rating so improving the gauntlets wouldn't have any effect

  1. You dont have to do anything with the thieves guild, you can just walk straight into the ratway without having to talk to Brynjolf or even look at him
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DevonTheNard ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 05 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Haven't got the data to spare to watch, so what conditions are they using? After all, unarmed builds are trivial (Khajiit + Heavy Armor + Enchanting, plus whatever else you want as filler), especially on Adept (or lower).

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JDGumby ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

How to break your game in one short video. Clearly "No Exploits" is lvl 100 sarcasm.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fireshadowlemon ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Zazqen ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
how old are the ladies and gentlemen I am the spiffing Britain today you join me back once again in the fantastic world of Skyrim with our legendary hero who is it ladies and gentlemen it's Rio no Kives look at this beautiful majestic man oh is he not so powerful as he stands out above this entire universe which he really controls I mean just look at how powerful he is and to think the only thing protecting you at home from Rio no Kives is the fact that Todd Howard managed to create a fantastic containment system which was sold to the wider world as Skyrim you see Skyrim is actually just an elaborate ploy to contain Rio no keys to stop him breaking out into the wider world and the issue is Rihanna cubes is ever-expanding and for this sole reason Todd Howard needed supports go into more and more consoles because Skyrim needs to be stored in more and more locations so that we can slowly split apart Rihanna keeps powers you see if you were to ever get say about 20 copies of Skyrim and rub them against each other Briana Keys would come into contact with himself too much that he might even be able to escape the physical realm of the game if we were to ever reach that point it's game over ladies and gentlemen the entire universe is done for but luckily thanks to the fight to the Todd Howard recently released Skyrim on the Samsung smart fridge we should be safe for at least another few weeks however the people have reported they're a little bit worried because the original plan was to move Rio no keys into fallout 76 as they were expecting that to be bought by literally everyone the issue is no one did buy it so apparently they can't move Riano keys across so they're trying to hurry on with the production of Elder Scrolls 6 as fast as possible so that we can move Rihanna cubes into a greater wider realm to hopefully keep him distracted anyway today ladies and gentlemen we are with Rihanna Kives and we are going to be demonstrating some fantastical wonderful exploits in Skyrim previously in Skyrim I've shown you just the fantastic fortify enchantment loop where you can basically take all of your gear from being just standard normal weapons to going completely off the rails allow me to demonstrate you see a normal weapon in Skyrim would look something like this mace over here this iron mace which is fantastic and does what start n down very good that's absolutely wonderful ten damage is great you know you could be wailing away on a boss and eventually you might actually manage to defeat it however there are some other weapons in this game that are much more powerful like for example Bernie Sanders a fork which does 5521 points of fire damage that is effectively the equivalent of 550 hits of this iron mace except in one gentle quick stab of a fork as well as the legendary fork give me which has the ability to absorb the life force of the entire universe in one hit but of course in the last episode we decided to test out the wooden sword we managed to get the wooden swords base damage up to 341 and 221 and create of course a wooden sword which manages to absorb 17 million health but today you know what I've had enough of weapons we don't need weapons I was actually wondering where to put our weapons because of course we don't really want anyone stumbling upon them so we basically just want to place them somewhere where no one goes and that way hopefully no one's ever going to steal the power of reorder Kives so what's an aspect of this game which no one has ever visited before well I think I found a pretty decent location I mean here's a Marines house an NPC who I've just not heard of at all hello she just said excuse me to me she doesn't seem too happy well anyway we've just come into a house and I'm noticing there's a chest up here if I crouch down I am completely hidden so I'm just gonna use this chest up here which has seven golden it and just deposit all of our weapons yeah we don't want to really be using weapons today I kind of just don't really have need for weapons at all it's not the reality as a pacifist because trust me he's much more of a pacifier you see it's just that Rhian O'Keefe's he doesn't really want to be constrained by channeling is powering to say a physical object it much rather just release it from its body and so that's why today ladies and gentlemen we're going to be using no weapons whatsoever and demonstrating to you the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home how you can completely utterly break Skyrim a perfectly balanced game with no exploits by the way by maxing out your unarmed damage to ridiculous quantities meaning you will never ever ever need to pick up a weapon again in fact picking up a weapon would probably be worse than just using your bare hands so let's begin ladies and gentlemen without further ado make sure you sat back you're relaxed you've got a nice warm cup of tea in front of you and hey you might be one of those fantastic and lovely people who like the video if you are Riano Kives he's over the moon he'd love to take you out somewhere I've spoken to him we're gonna be doing an extra SuperDuper special offer just for all of you lovely ladies and gentle at home the first fantastic 10,000 of you lovely ladies in general term to like the video will be taken out tonight by Rihanna keys for a fantastic romantic candlelit dinner with Rihanna keeve's as he stares lovingly into your eyes whilst you stare into the abyss of his soul and best of all you don't even need to pay for the meal Rihanna cubes is so good at trading and haggling he can convince the waiter who's serving you to pay for your meal so why not like the video today and secure your place with a romantic Rihanna Kives isn't he just handsome anyway so we probably begin our adventure so where we headed first well there's one or two little exploits I'd like to show you lovely ladies and gentlemen for just quickly before we head out into the wider world of Skyrim and so for that we're going to need to go to the drunken Huntsman a fantastic little pub in Whiterun now in the dragon Hudson you can quite often find lots and lots of people who will be mercenaries and follow you like for example janazah Sojin acid costs about 500 tyre so there we go we'll hide your NASA and I'll show you as to why Joe NASA is actually a wise investment now over your many travels in Skyrim chances are you're probably going to have a large amount of pretty valuable resources lying around in your pockets however you don't really want to sell them because let's say you don't have too many of them for example these flawless sapphires worth 500 each they're absolutely fantastic now what if there was a way to say take your two flawless sapphires and kind of merge them together and then separate them into more flawless sapphires likes a free flawless sapphire as well to do that ladies and gentlemen you're going to first need a janessa and then you're going to want to get your flawless sapphires ready and just drop them on the ground they go the both on the ground was ratted let's drop some rubies and some flawless diamonds worth a thousand each there we go fantastic so lying down here on the ground we'd probably have a cash value worth of around about 3,600 now how are we going to try and duplicate those items well how you put to do it ladies and gents let's do a little quick save because we know we've got them already they're on the ground ready for Riano Kives know what you want to do is talk to janessa and say that I need you to do something now at this point you can basically command her to do things for you so what you do is you simply point on what you wanted to do and in this case by hovering over an object you can make her pick things up for you so what you want to do is basically stand early close to this door over here and then asked your NASA to take that that that that that and that go go so we basically told her to pick up all of those items there and then immediately you want to run out of here exit into the wider world of Skyrim but then as soon as you load out of here you want to immediately hit em and then fast travel back into Whiterun and you should arrive at the fantastic gates Oh what's this lying down on the floor it would appear to be one diamond two sapphires and a ruby so go we've picked up some of the gems off of the floor which we had janessa pick up but what's quite interesting is if we click I need to trade some items with you inside chalices inventory we already have two flawless diamonds and two rubies and two sapphires if we check our own inventory we now have three diamonds and free rubies and four sapphires so that's how you can turn the five hundred gold investment into NASA into basically infinite money now this works with genuinely any item in the game including say your very expensive and fancy fortify potions of smithing of restoration heck we can even start duplicating the leather armor which gives us 12,000 hit points and that ladies and gentlemen is proof that this game just works it's fantastic Thank You Todd Howard so ladies and gentlemen welcome back on the adventures of Rio new keys what do we need to do now well we've evidently demonstrated a way to duplicate whatever we want in this game but what we would really really like to do is to try and find a way to make our fists as powerful as possible now there is a very special place where we can go and that's Rifton as in Riften there is a special pair of gauntlets which have a unique enchantment which increases unarmed damage and they are the only pair in the entirety of the game you can't find it wandering around on a cause you trade or anything like that so sadly we have to make our way to Rifton but how do we make her way to rift in janazah well quite simply there are two ways you can hire this cat over here hello there Beulah m-- I would like to hire your couch to Rifton that's 20 gold not bad not the other way to get to Rifton after hiring out that carriages to alternatively go to Skov are here and buy his lovely little horse you see only costs a thousand gold but it's much better than paying 20 to sit in a wooden cart as you get to Rifton a little bit faster using this technique and you want to work your way up to the top of one of these houses right about here seems quite good actually Popat quicksave down but where your ever so slightly zoomed out and you want to run back to your horse and make sure you're in firm so yes you single the horse's head into the Shadow Realm and suddenly you've got a pretty perfect setup so now we're just gonna zoom in and we're gonna take a look at we are no keys and he and away we go there we go we've just where where we gone actually I mean where did the body even start heading there Riano where were you going you just teleporting off into a random and away we go and this is scaring me welcome to Skyrim ladies and gentlemen this is the special edition it stands for being extremely unique oh goodness how do I can I die right this Todd okay I can I can okay let's angle in this direction Todd cool oops we all know what's happening Rihanna Rihanna please Rio don't be careful oh good this I just keeps going does the I see we're next to solitude we ended up all the way next to solitude from where do we start we started over the Whiterun stables so um ladies and gentlemen that's how to beat the fast travel in Skyrim to get to your location before you even knew it was your location or that you even wanted to fast travel there I mean that probably is faster than the normal loading time with the fine art of horse tilting you can never really be too certain where you're going to end up but I mean at the cost of a thousand pounds it's much more fun than just taking a horse and carriage welcome back ladies and gentlemen we've made our way to Rifton with a fantastic Riano Kives and just in time to hopefully help out a few members of the Thieves Guild with their adventure but just before I do so I'd like to mention that I have a slightly special video in the work now many of you will have probably watched my Steam cell is a perfectly balanced game video and that's because I mean it is pretty interesting and it does kind of teach you a little bit about the Steam sale however the main issue that stops that exploit from being ridiculously overpowered and actually breaking the complete economy of steam is the fact that there's a points limit now there is technically a way to break that points limit and get it to increase for free and at a unlimited rate however doing so is a massively blatant violation of the steams Terms of Service so consequently I will not be making a video on it until after the steam summer sale has ended because doing so now might have my Steam account suspended and I was most certainly not like that happening so if you guys are interested in seeing how I managed to break the steam sale to effectively stack an unlimited amount of -5 pound discount coupons for free then feel free to tell me in the comment section that you'd like to see it and I'll make sure to bump my editor along and see if we can get it done as soon as possible anyway onwards with joining this feebs guild now when I say joining the Thieves Guild we're not exactly completely joining it I mean realistically we're just kind of wandering down their hallways and stealing a few items as we go as is the Thieves Guild way also a perfect okay it is perfect oh this is beautiful there we go just leave that there there we go it's bucket man oh I love this game right anyway we're going to say hello to this lovely man here now he's basically going to give us a special little quest and our special little quest involves stealing a certain item from someone so what we have to do is quite simply steal an item from this lovely lizard man here and then get it out of his lovely little box over there and then plot it on that man elf over there in the distance now to actually get into that box we'd actually need to get a key however I'm not really that interested in keys and so instead I'm just going to pop on a special little item I made earlier this is of course the silver ring which has the effect of pickpocket success is 10,000 percent better so what you want to do is pickpocket Maday see here drop down an autosave in case this goes horribly awry and then pickpocket their market key there we go success and then you want to leave and crouched out come on over here and then open up the sliding doors steel from the box first you're hidden and grab Maday seize silver rink lovely oh and also the fifty gold in the sapphire that seems good and then what you want to do is crouch down and go over here to branchy and in branchy you want to deposit that silver ring there you go oh no you noticed now basically even though we'd bugger up this quest we've still been invited to the Thieves Guild provided we can fight our way there now actually fighting our way there isn't too difficult I mean we just have to wander through the main entrance although I now realize that I've actually left all of my weapons behind so uh but today you know what I've had enough of weapons we don't need weapons looks like we're gonna be using the woodcutters axe today all right okay it's combat time let's get to chopping some lovely bandits hello right lucky we do have almost infinite health so really we can just leave janessa up to do everything but know we might as well help out a little bit I mean this is the weakest Triano Kives has ever been technically and when I say weak I don't really mean weak I mean the guy is absolutely mental err we just gotta walk past all of that it doesn't really interest us and instead drop down here and through this doorway here there you go if you go through this doorway here and then immediately turn left you'll end up with our lovely friend through here there it is guy in the fist now guy in the fist has a very unique weapon except you keep stuff observe bear traps anyway so yes what you want to do is just steal his fist off of him there we go so you just want to beat him with your little axe until he eventually gives up there we go fantastic enjoy and the fist has been defeated and all his body you will find gloves of the pugilist I have no idea how to pronounce this but basically it is the only item in game which has the enchantment of unarmed strikes do ten additional damage so naturally you want to grab these bad boys and that's basically us done we don't need to do anything else in the Thieves Guild so they probably just want to leave really good bye few skilled it's been a pleasure so there we go thieves guild is being completed now it's time for us to leave oh and there we go ladies and gentlemen we finally managed to horse teleport our way back all those safety sets had some kind of lasting damage on the game because they'd seen entire front of the stable house has been turned to play-doh not only that but um a few of these grand figs are now having an issue yeah toward um what's going on here Todd Todd can you give me back my stone walk Todd anything other than the seizure wall would be good Todd I mean just whatever this play-doh thing is just take you away please how come this anyway hopefully it'll fix itself now that we finally have the in shaman that we needed we can finally actually get on with what we need to do in today's video and that is to become the single greatest one-armed punching machine now there are a few ways to increase your unarmed damage the main way which most people will probably know in this game is to go into the skill section and come on over here to heavy armor and then over to the left of heavy armor just after juggernaut which we might as well pick up is this section here fists of Steel and this means that unarmed attacks with heavy armored gauntlets do their armor rating in extra damage now that's very impressive but of course to actually get this we're going to need a high level in heavy armor and sadly we're only level 20 so we need to get to level 30 now how could we get to level 30 well there are a few ways to do it but I told turn ative Lee there's the absolute mega Chi's wave and as you know come on weary on o'keefe so we're gonna go the chesse way so for that what you want to do is go into skills and move one all the way over to smithing and by steel smithing and get a perfect steel smithing purchased now you just want to run on over down to the forge so we're back we find ourselves in front of the blacksmith's forge where we can actually start making steel armor now this is heavy armor it's very powerful as you can see an armor rating of 41 look without niceties fantastic now we'd like to make one of these is by wearing this we're going to be able to increase our heavy armor skill and once it's high enough we can finally make those heavy armored coordinates but first we actually need to start making them so let's make some steel armor what do we need free lever strips well sadly don't have any lever strips I don't think very well if that's the case we must simply wait for day time right here we go we can finally start buying some equipment from these lovely little traders here look leather strips fantastic I'd love to buy you know we'll buy all of these why not so I'm going to do is forge a piece of armor which is going to basically guarantee incredible strength so what you want to do before you go to the forge is chug your potion of smithing and then use the blacksmith's forge to create some steel armor craft it and then you want to run on over to this bench and use the workbench and improve that steel armor and there you go so this is the steel armor that we've just created and with our potion activated we can craft it as you can see we BAM the armor rating of this single piece of steel armor is two hundred and ninety three thousand basically we've just created the strongest piece of armor this game has ever seen and it's just basic steel armor and you go look it's even legendaries but the most important thing is that this is heavy armor and it braises our armor stat up to two hundred and ninety-three thousand at this level it basically means we physically can't even take damage anymore once you have your fantastic legendary piece of steel armor you want to run up two dragons reach and it's time to get in chanting because you know a piece of steel armor on its own providing you like four hundred thousand body armor it's not as good as it can be so what you want to do is run over to this enchanting table here and get ready to pop an enchantment specifically you could also do it maybe chugging a potion to fortify enchanting but be warned this can crash your game and you know what I like to take risks so that's exactly what we're going to do pop on the arcane enchanter get the steel armor ready choose the enchantment of fortify health and the game's crashed right give me a little bit to load it up alright welcome back ladies and gentlemen to a slightly more stable timeline now effectively the potion of enchanting I was using previously was a little bit too powerful so I've created one which is always exactly 50% weaker as you can see it only means that in charted items are a hundred and fifty thousand percent stronger but you know is perfectly balanced so what you want to do is make sure you have this potion ready and go to this arcane enchanter tell Ferren garter just eat off and let you use the enchanter and chug your potion of enchanting now you want to go to the enchanter itself select your fantastic steel armor of legendary and enchanted with fortify health as you can see it's quite high and then you know I don't know use a black grant soldier let's rename this item or water I think we should call it Yorkshire Tea Gold fantastic and craft Oh perfect now we've created a legendary piece of armor but let's take a look at what we've just created here today ladies and gentlemen and the implications of what we've just made and here's the item in question Yorkshire Tea Gold a legendary set of heavy steel armor the itself provides a armour point value of two hundred and ninety-three thousand of a market value of 2.8 million however the real caveat of this fantastic item is the fact that it increases your health by 20 2.4 million hit points which effectively grants you immortality just like the refreshing taste of Yorkshire Tea Gold which you can buy online today for the low low price of only $5.99 my goodness never before is such a fantastic tea ever being created hmm oh it's fantastic now you might be wondering come on spiff why would you even need a piece of heavy armor which increases your health by 20 2.4 million it's kind of pretty useless I know ladies and gentlement but in the wise words of Greek philosopher moto moto I like him big and I like them chunky which is exactly why we have this piece of Arbor in front of us today now let's go take it for a spin that's what we're going to do is fast travel to the giant camp just outside of White Rock just say hello to the Giants I mean I'm kind of hoping some of them are BFG level kind of like you know big friendly guys but um no they actually just want to defeat us however the issue is because our health is so high and our health regen scales as a percentage of our health as soon as we take damage we immediately just game it back we have reached a point where we are physically unable to take damage also janessa for goodness sake can you please stop killing the Giants I need them to damage me ah find janessa fine just you do your thing stop killing the Giants janessa but there we go you see we get hit by the Giants and our heavy armor stat is raised to 23 by they'll go it's gone up to 35 for light armor very good heavy armors now up to 24 very nice oh come on janessa you've just killed both the Giants if I add my fork right now I would genuinely eat you into oblivion I don't let's run off in this direction and hopefully there should be some bandits which can increase my heavy armor rating even more oh my goodness these mud crabs mud crabs you hardly ever get to see these guys around right mud crabs attack me come on baby mud crab oh wow no you just got defeated instantly by Joe NASA can you please stop it oh but luckily banned it's are assisting come on hit me not her come on please I'm the unarmed one note that went straight past me but I'll stand in front of the arrows that should help right come on into me there go one in the are good now we're getting a bit of magic going as well nice house a little help doing still hasn't moved from twenty two point four million just you know keep trying and eventually something will happen come on bandits okay stab me come on give me a good stab wow that's a arrows straight through the frontal lobe there but um it's not really making much of a difference I'm afraid fact I think we've reached the point where he is actually unable to be defeated and I can't bandits please come on just uh not look I'll even give you some mental assistance by just clobbering you a bit janessa stop right janessa I'm sorry but it you need to go you need to go janessa janessa have you killed all of the other bandits seriously janessa you are the worst follower the single worst companion can you just go away part ways right just be gone there we go Jeunesse is finally gone now so now hopefully we can uh no wander into these cave systems get attacked by bandits come on I just need literally five of you to stand still and hit me repeatedly for a few hours oh there we go here we go we found a guy by arrow get another one off good come on let's get this damage going let's get this damage going guys good stuff good stuff keep grinding those numbers a bit though I've got more bandits down here yet there's another bandit nice any bandits no we can just open this up to Skyrim right wow these bandits are really useless they're just not even damaging me here's an idea what if we just spawn in a ton of bandits to help with this lovely little foray there we go that spawns warned bandit outlaw that's nice right what if we crank this up a bit and spawn in say ten then go that should be good suddenly ten bandit outlaws right keep wailing on us and let's try and get these stats down a bit okay oh yes heavy armor increase of twenty nine this is the stuff off finally we're grinding those gamer numbers on there it is heavy armor increase to 30 perfect now you can go to heavy armor and up here unarmed attacks with heavy armor gauntlets do their armor rating in extra damage very nice I guess it's just time I leave then right see you guys later thanks it was a pleasure meeting all of you goodbye Skyrim time no where's my horse going off for goodness take the horses trying to fight the Lord classic horse so there we have it armor level 30 but what significance does this mean for Rihanna keys well it means we can actually use the blacksmith's forge to craft something pretty wacky it's in the steel armor section you can craft a steel Imperial gauntlets or steel Nordic gauntlets all the choice go for the Empire or do you go for the Nords well come on I'm a Brits gotta go for the Empire I mean look at how jazzy they are so we Forge ourselves a set of stealin peril gauntlets fantastic now these are pretty useless because at the current rate if we were to put these bad boys on and take off our current lever braces we've ended up doing is raising our unarmed this damage to about 17 head points which you know isn't the best so what of course you'd want to do is say hop on this workbench and try and improve them using I don't know stealing goods and look how great that is you can raise it up to 30 that is fantastic however that's not what we're gonna be doing no no no instead we're gonna be running down to the alchemy shop so you want to come into Arcadia's code room where they have literally every single ingredient in the world and we need to make ourselves a special little thing a fortify smithing potion but of course we don't want to go for this basic one here no no no no what you'd want to do is take off your stealing pair of gold lids and pop on our lovely lever potion-making braces and now fortify smithing there we go for 40 seconds weapon and armor improvements are twelve thousand better lovely no we want to do is quit out of this alchemy lab and run on down to the smithing area we've got a pair of pretty overpowered gauntlets to make so now we come back to our lovely sniffing we have this workbench it what you want to do is chug your potion fortifying smithing use this workbench and improve the steel Imperial gorlitz up to 1535 arm herbs let's craft these bad boys and now they're legendary lovely now these fantastic lovely little gorlitz that we have are very overpowered and because of their fantastic armor rating they now do 1531 damage allow me to demonstrate boop-boop-boop come on Boop Oh sadly it would appear that the armor rating of these gauntlets is so high toad house is struggling to calculate it I mean he is kind of adding the damage we're doing a lot more damage than normal the tax but it's it's just not quite what I'm looking for so I think we need to make it even higher oh well janessa came back she's not even my follower and she's helping me for that I told her to go away and here she is saving me wow this is incredible janessa don't die please are you immortal you don't seem to have a health bar this is fantastic yeah I think I need to actually take out more of these guards my goodness looking a go she's fantastic this is incredible anyway I'm going to reset this type life as I don't really want to be at war with the whole of Whiterun at the moment as you can see we've made some pretty decent goal it's they do make one-on-one fist punching quite useful but they could be better isn't that right Bella for that is right Bella four isn't it yes Bella four yes so what you want to do is after your fantastic smithing of those fantastic art goals I mean don't they just look amazing you want to come on over here to our fantastic lovely little alchemy desk yeah the Arcadian charter and this time ladies and gentlemen once again you want to get your enchanting potion ready and also drop down a quick save cuz you don't know if the games gonna crash so now we're going to harvest those gรถrlitz we got earlier see these gloves of the pugilist let's get the enchantment off of those anyways there we go you get your enchantment from your gloves of the pugilist and then what you want to do go items potions and chug your potion of enchanting and then go back into the Arcana Charter and forge yourself a pair of steel Imperial gauntlets with fortify unarmed and whack on a black soldier you know rename this what are we gonna have to call it well something that befits one punching everything out of existence and of course it has to be the heat force 9000 and craft lovely stuff and that's immediately leveled our enchanting 243 s there we have it we have a total overall armor rating of around 400,000 but most importantly our goal let's do an extra twenty two point eight million additional damage in an unarmed strike but we can improve this technically even more go to your alchemy lab pop one of your potions of restoration of some kind go to your alchemy lab take off your amazing gauntlets Oh No but suddenly you need to actually turn on your crafting potion stuff so put on the crafting braces go to the alchemy lab and craft yourself a restoration potion quit the alchemy go into items chug the restoration potion go back into the alchemy and make yourself an enchanting potion fantastic make yourself a few of these as well and you want to back on out of that come up to the arcane enchanter pop your fantastic enchanting potions and use the enchanter to just each other ring so you want to get I don't know a silver ring enchantment of fortify unarmed and whack it into a grand soldier lovely now this is just quite minor this lovely ring we've made it does 2288 increase unarmed damage but when you really think about it that is actually going to one hit effectively all of the final bosses in the game so there you go ladies and gentlemen we have accidentally created something that can one punch everything out of this game so let's drop down a quick safe and balgruuf oh and it's fair and guard fair and goes down sorry guys so sorry but yeah these white run guards and just um they don't really stand up to anything I'm afraid even if they try and block you know you just go through the shield apparently and so yeah they're all gone sorry guys white run is no ours sorry guys no wait sorry on Oh Kives is there it can't take damage for a start or cannae no no he's still car still twenty two point four million health sorry bout roof and you're gone but I mean where does this realistically put us in a position I mean we can't really be defeated we have the ability to one punch almost everything I'm almost considering what happens if we were to take on say the ebony warrior because last time we could fight him very successfully like really successfully and we could defeat him in about one or two hits now we can probably defeat him in one but not only that I'm not even certain if Rianna keeps can actually physically take damage anymore it honestly feels like he's just become resilient to everything his damage resistance is just off the charts to think he's powered by the liquid gold that is Yorkshire tea mm-hmm it is tasty welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the adventures of Riano Kives where as you can see he is asserting his dominance over most of Skyrim by just power posing on top of this tiny tower we found but he has finally reached a point where his weapons have just overtaken everything in the universe I mean I say weapons his weapons tap is actually emptier than these lion arrows but hey we'll get rid of those as you can see it doesn't even need to hold weapons to be the most powerful being all he needs is the ye'd force 9000 and a small amount of York City gold and suddenly we find ourselves with a immortal character with 22 million health who also has an armor stat so high he physically can take damage and what better way to demonstrate this than in the fantastic world of Skyrim where today ladies and gentlemen dan ice open space and see if we can get some challenges for our lovely hero to fight oh this is a good start you see we have wolves in front of us now one wolf however it's not going to be that effective but what if we had multiple of these bad boys like for example 25 of them there we go suddenly we have a lot of wolves hang on a second these are wolves these are actual saber-tooth Tigers okay well um let's see how they do against Rio no Kives it would appear most of them are not really managing to do any damage but what if we are no Keys starts to fight back well all it takes is a yeet and that's one down yeet again a booth of the whack Oh fine yes readรถ keys the greatest for bajo what a nice triple ko there and a yonk and there we go all of the wolves have been defeated well and also the SaberCats now that wasn't too difficult was it so what if we try and find a slightly more difficult boss to fight I was wondering it might be a good idea to try and summon the ghost of a frost giant because you know it does seem like quite an impressive little enemy to fight I mean I'm pretty sure this is one of the most powerful enemies in the game it was added in the Dragonborn DLC and he's immediately increased my heavy armor skill just with every hit he does what a lovely guy well look we've leveled up so maybe we should have a few more of them like say 30 I don't know if that seems like a good amount to have right come on grind up these levels if anyone's going to inflict any damage on Rijo though it's probably gonna be you oh good this is a mess Oh what am i Doug have you Harbor 39 good keep grinding guards its gamer time now remember over them the summoning in of creatures this game was being effectively entirely vanilla Skyrim and needs no mods to recreate this fantastic Skyrim experience right have we taken any damage let's give to the level up screen no no damage has been taken my goodness just look at them continue wailing on poor Rihanna right Rihanna it's time we fight back so that's a one punch and one punch and another one punch Kowal Reata let's start lowering some of these bad boys down advantage of fighting ghosts is that you can just run through their legs and smash the attack klutzes oh we're actually I do quite a good job I think how many of these did I spawn in this appears to be going on for quite a while my goodness and this was the day that Riano Kives defeated twenty frost giants ah not even just a normal frost right this is a ghost of a massive frost giant wow what a fantastic experience this has been I'm sorry your God now Oh yeaaaah there we go fantastic now just their bodies are lying hidden on the floor yes Tata I will pretend that I can't see this rough outline of a ghost body now let's go to a good thing to increase Riano keeps karma like defeated all those bandits over there is fought gray more where they put up these little wooden defenses to protect themselves shame I can just hit them and get rid of them in one go oh hello there bandit highwaymen oh you guys look pretty impressive and a book oh no you're gone what a shame bandit highwayman can't you put up a decent fight against us oh I'm so sorry bandit meant whoa bush you know sometimes I wonder if perhaps Skyrim wasn't meant to be played this way and you actually meant it uh no take it seriously now wow did you just shoot Rio no keys yep straight through the nose well how's he meant to smell tea now how is he meant to smell Tina what have you gone and done where's that man with a boat you didn't have to pay for that mate hello bender tableau or bush there is only one last vendor total remaining my goodness that was quite easy turns up bandit on the trickiest once you have immortality in a one punch fist I'd time to help myself off the ramparts and go on an adventure although actually there is a much better way of trying to go on an adventure and that's using the random adventure location device also known as a horse and the best way to enjoy a horse is to quite simply tilted out of existence so let's see where Riano Kives adventures it going today first you tilt your faithful companion into the ground and then hit II seriously no we don't have an adventure here tilt forever horse further yes good horse right now we go and there we go it's adventure time for Rihanna Kives no it's not because the game has just crashed oh you know as Riano Kives escapes his room and moves into a different dimension i think it's time we say goodbye to him for now if you'd like to see Rihanna cubes again hey give me a shout and I'm sure we can do it know so if you have enjoyed seeing what you've watched and witnessed and partake in today then hey feel free to give the video a like and remember that hey you can do this too all it takes is a copy of Skyrim and you too can just destroy the experience and have no fun in your game whatsoever anymore it's absolutely fantastic but most importantly thank you all for watching today ladies and gentlemen you have been some of the best audience we could ever possibly ask for now we're the second to the video where I'd like to basically ask you guys in the audience what would you like to see next would you like to see more Skyrim would you like to see a bit of tropical sinks alternatively would you like me to just get on and try and release the steam video as fast as possible or do you have any experts of your own if you have exploits feel free to drop them in the discord or send me an email that's usually the best way to get them to me anyway as always thank you very much to all of my fantastic patrons these majestic people make all of these fantastically wonderfully silly videos possible so to each and every one of them effect you're very much and if you're wondering what video you'd like to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now trust me it's been handpicked by myself and also YouTube to be right up your alley if you enjoyed this kind of cup of tea this is gonna be your next cup of tea it's majestic anyway ladies and gentlemen I'll see all of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 2,725,593
Rating: 4.9037299 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, spiffing brit, funny moments, perfectly balanced game, Can You Beat Skyrim, Skyrim Unarmed Only, Unarmed Only Challenge, skyrim one punch, skyrim heavy armour, skyrim unarmed, perfectly balanced skyrim, funny montage skyrim, wooden sword, OP fork, skyrim fists, skyrim fists only, skyrim funny, skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls skyrim, skyrim exploit, spiffing brit skyrim, funny clips, steam sale, skyrim challenge, skyrim special edition
Id: 3emyu64CrPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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