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- [Tobi] Hello, and welcome back to the Sidemen channel, for yet another Sidemen Sunday. My name is Tobi, and this week I have organised, for the Sidemen, to complete a series of challenges, whilst handcuffed to each other. - Oh, I got the fluffy one. (Simon laughs) - [Tobi] Unfortunately, myself, I'm currently injured, and so I will not be participating in this video. Fortunately enough for me. But, I will be spending the day, observing the rest of the guys instead. They're going to be split into two teams, and each team will have a captain. The unfortunate thing about the captain is, that they're gonna be stuck in the middle of their group. So without further ado, let's announce the teams. Captain Vik and captain best. - [Everyone] Whoa. - [Tobi] Joining Vik on team one, is Harry. - I'll take that, I'll take that. I'll take that, I'll take that. - [Tobi] Joining Ethan, on team two, is Josh. - Oh, yes. Yes, yes. - And also joining Ethan, is gonna be, (suspense music) Simon. (upbeat music) (Sidemen cheer) - I've got to go. (Vik mumbles) - Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes. - Yes. Hey Vik where are you going fam? Hey Vik where are you going fam? Hey, yow, unless you're touched, I need to pee real quick. (Sidemen laughing) (upbeat music) - [Tobi] Let the games begin. - All right. So we've come outside because Tobi has told us to go, to Old Street, for some mini-golf. So, if we do this now, we can go get a train, to Old Street. So. - The thing is I like mini golf, but I can't be complaining. - We'll play with you though. - Yeah we'll play, we'll be like this. - So, you'll play with me, will you? You're gonna mess up my shots. (all laugh) - All right, here we go. - Guys, it's time for me to give up, my hands for the day. You're keen. - I'm very keen bro. - Oh. - Mine's, not very comfortable, I'm not gonna lie. - No, it's actually not. - There we go. - Oh, my God. - Are we going this way? - Or this way? (Ethan laughs) - Look at that. (all laugh) - For God's sake. Oh, my God. It's already broken. (Olajide laughs) (Simon laughs) - It's broken already. - It broke. (Simon laughs) I guess that's that then. - Yeah, already. - I can't check my phone to see the task. - The task number one, is you have to cook some food up. - Should we just go to like a supermarket? - I don't know the way. - I know it. (upbeat music) - No. We do it. Hey. Ah, no! No! No, think about this. - I was gonna say, I know, some fetish shops. Don't ask me why I know that. (upbeat music) (Ethan screaming) (upbeat music) - We should like, you make like a line format. - Sorry, sorry, sorry. (team Vik laughing) I can't do anything. You know, when you do like the shuffle left or right, but I'm here, like I can't, I can't do anything. - All right, so we're going into Harmony. - Yeah. - Because we need to buy some more heavy duty handcuffs. - Yeah, these are just. - Ours are fine. - Oh, is that so. - They're not. - These were comfortable. - Why did we just break them? - All right. What are we getting then? - I don't know how to cook anything. - Okay. - Cook eggs. Eggs are pretty easy. - Okay. - We can fry an egg. - Yeah. - Okay, then, what do we cook with it? Toast? - We can toast. - Egg and toast. - Bacon maybe. - Maybe a bit of salmon as well. - Oh, don't bring Olajide down here. (all laughing) Don't bring Olajide down here lads. - Okay, I think eggs is... - Dairy. - All right, yeah. So, what. - Eggs are dairy, right? - No. I was like no. - Eggs are dairy, eggs are dairy. - No, eggs are. - [Tobi] Bro, mad. That looks like a big terrazzo. (all laughing) - I bet that does, mothers. I bet that does a mother's. - Milk is dairy. - [Harry] A milk? - Lactose, lactase is dairy. - Where are we gonna get eggs? - Eggs are. - Wait, we need eggs, Salmon, okay. - Eggs, salmon and bread. - Let's think about this. - [Simon] High right? We're looking for some handcuffs, more heavy duty than this. - [Ethan] Yeah, some agile better ones. - Now, you've killed Harry. (Harry mumbles) - Wait, I'm just. I'm confused. Boy, what's going on? (Olajide laughing) - But I'm stuck in the middle. (Olajide and Vik laughing) (upbeat music) - Yeah, now this isn't coming off now, is it? - These are, these are way stronger. (Simon groans) - This is strong now, this is strong. - I wish I was strong. Whoa. All right, we need to go get the train. No, no, no. (Ethan laughs) You know that football stretch where you go like this? (all laughing) - I'm all alone. There's no one here beside me. I'm currently alone, in the flat, with my crutch. And, I'm waiting for team one to come back and make a snack. And then, we're gonna go check, on team two, and what they're doing. This injury could not have come up at a better time for me. Like I could not imagine, being handcuffed to any of those boys. That's stress. Big up my Achilles. (upbeat music) - Come on. (metal clinks) (Ethan and Simon laugh) - I thought it couldn't just break. - But okay, should we actually make it to mini golf? - Yeah, yeah. - Hi guys. Nice, so, we got. (Vik chuckles) Do what? (Olajide mumbles) (Olajide and Vik laughing) So we have, our ingredients, for our food. (Olajide laughing) We're gonna need some butter. - So, I'll go get some butter. I'll get the butter, I'll get the butter. Oh, this ain't too bad, you know, after all. - No, you can't. Can you come over a bit. - No, I'm good. - I'm almost done, I'm almost done. - I'm good here fam. - JJ why do you have, Twinkies, in the fridge? - I thought you're cutting. - Okay, so, we're now about to go to the station, so we can go to mini golf, but we're handcuffed, so we're trying to get through. Tonnes of barriers, whilst handcuffed. So this is, it's just not gonna work well, at all. It's just not gonna work. (upbeat music) (Josh chuckles) We made it. - You guys. - Well JJ, JJ are you cooking the salmon or the eggs? What do you want? - Well, someone needs to do this. - Oh, whisking. We can whisk it. (Olajide hisses) - Oh, yeah, sure. (glass cracks) (upbeat music) - Okay, wait. No, that's not. - Just for now, just for now, just for now. - That's not how it works though. - Stop putting hem in there. - Where else are we gonna put them. - In the fucking bin! Which is behind you fam! Bro! (upbeat music) (Ethan groans) - Stop, stop, stop. We have a hand free. (Ethan groaning) Make him dab, make him dab. (Ethan groaning) (Simon chuckles) Stop it. - All right, you start whisking, I'll start cracking. - Fam, is that you whisking? - Oh. - What's going on? - See this is going. This is, look at this. - Fam, the eggs aren't doing nothing. - They are, they're breaking. (Harry mumbles) (JJ and Vik laugh) - There's some more of the egg in here. Harry no! Harry! (Harry mumbles) - I need to wash my hands. (Tobi chuckles) - I hate this, I hate this. I didn't like cooking in the first place. - All right. Give me this. (Vik laughing) - What are you doing? - What do I have to do now? - I'll just wait, for it to be whisked. - And don't let that distract you from the fact, JJ's still frying butter. - Fam, is this meant to be like this? - Yes, it's melting. - You're not even doing it properly fam. You've got to put some muscle in there. - Oh, there's an egg on the handcuffs, on the fluffy bit! (team Vik mumbles) - [Tobi] That's enough pepper bro. - All right, no we got a bit of salt. A little bit of salt. - That's enough, that's enough. - Hey, put this thing in man. I'm hungry. - Is that wasting off? (Harry mumbles) - I'm hungry! - The salmon or the eggs? - No, the fucking eggs! (Harry mumbles) Put the eggs man. Fam, you put the fork in. (Vik and Harry laughing) This is a mess. (Vik and Harry laughing) What, a bit of, oh my gosh. - Fork in the bowl. - Yeah, lovely. (glass clinks) (JJ mumbles) Let's get cooking. Let's get cooking. - We're doing well. - Yeah, look. - How are you feeling? - Could you pass the pepper please? - Do you want to get the pepper? (Harry mumbles) (Vik chuckles) No, we're good. We're good. (Harry mumbles) - Why? This is not necessary. - This is the position. My armpits aren't smelling, are they? - No, luckily. - All right, nice. Fam. - All right, now, can we go back. - What's going on? - Can we go back? - No, no. This is not okay. - I don't know what you mean. - Can I go back? Can I go back? Look. (Vik mumbles) Stop, stop. - [Tobi] Turn around bro. - Turn around. Okay, this, all right, you know, fuck it, okay. (suspense music) (Josh chuckles) (suspense music) - Help. Help. This is big gang. (Ethan mumbles) Help. They're taking me against my will. Help. - Get it out, get it out, get it out. - Oh. - [Tobi] Can you wash your hands first? You know he did it, he did it. - I have, I already washed my hands. I already washed my hands, don't worry. - Get the skin off, and cut it into chunks. - Can I do it with my hands? - Can we get away? - Bro, I'm literally at it. I'm gassed, my guys, my guys. - We're a bit nice. - I'm gassed. - I can wash, one hand at a time. No, no, no, soap, soap, I need soap. (Harry mumbles) Can I wash this hand now please? - What? - What do you mean? I washed this hand, now I need to wash this hand. - No man, I'm hungry. - Hold your hand out, hold your hand out. - You can't wash your hands. - Bro, I can wash your hand, all right. Bring it here. - What is going on? Makeshift hand-washing. This could work, you know? - Hey. - We're back in the slums. (Vik and Tobi laughing) - They're taking me against my will Mr. I don't want to, I don't want to do this by the way. (upbeat music) (Ethan groans) (upbeat music) Fuck me. (Simon chuckles) (bell chimes) (upbeat music) - You're not toasting the bread? - Please pour. He's an animal. - But you can't pour on it. - I'm toasting my bread. (Vik mumbles) All right, all right. Can you leave some eggs for the rest of us? - I'm gonna take this. - It was sort of a promising breakfast, until you put it, on soggy bread mate. - Just give me one sec. - Don't be eyeing this up like we owe you any of this. - What do you mean? - Man, you can't just. - Yeah, you can't go anywhere until we've made ours. - I wanna sit on the table though. - You're gonna break the handcuffs again. - What are you on about? I'm hungry. - Yeah. - So. - We're a team. We eat as a team. - Look at your hands. Yeah, but he's not gonna let me use it, is he? - Go on. (upbeat music) (Simon laughs) Stop it. - Yeah, now what? - Is the bread toasted? (upbeat music) - Man, I'm just glad I'm a few levels away from what's happening over there. - That's looking good. We need to get it on the bread. Get it on the toast, now. - Oh, speak of the devil. (upbeat music) - This is like torture. (upbeat music) (Simon laughs) - You're drenched. (upbeat music) (all laugh) - Remember, look, recycle. - Environment. - Which way? - Can you turn it off? - [Harry] I think so. - Yow, where are the plates? - JJ plates. Where are the plates? - Oh, it's up there, somewhere. - They're right there, the shift manager. - [Tobi] This isn't gonna end well. (glass shatters) - Oh, my God. - I have one, you can't give me two plates. (Harry mumbles) I thought we had a system going on. - My other hand is here. - I probably should start cleaning this up, shouldn't I? (all chuckle) - [Tobi] Sorry about your plate JJ. - All right, just give me one plate. Just one plate. - All right, okay. - There is a plate coming now Vik. Be careful. Here she comes. - I'm not gonna lie guys, I'm so happy I'm with you two. - Yeah, me too. (Ethan mumbles) - Harry's the only other one I would have taken. - Yeah. - I feel like Harry. - I would have happily been with Vik, but I know whoever's with Vik would have made it horrible. - JJ would just, JJ would just shake Vik, constantly, but Harry might have that little bit of sympathy. - How are you gonna eat? - With difficulty. Thanks bro. - No worries, mate. - Bona petite. - Can you get the salmon? - The salmon. - I'm kind of thirsty, I need some water. (glass clinks) - Oh gosh, I'm sorry mate. - This way, this way, this way. We're gonna break, we're gonna break. So you just getting yourself a water. We've come all this way, and you're the only one that gets to drink. - Yeah, yeah. I'm just thirsty, you know. (JJ groans) That's what we're talking about. (JJ coughs) (Harry laughs) Are you gonna eat that? - No, no, no. Stop, stop, stop. What the fuck is wrong with you? - What? - We got food for us. Not for you. You're supposed to be cutting. Where's the calorie deficit? When you eat the fucking meal for three? (JJ and Harry laugh) (Vik mumbles) I got two slices of salmon, and you've got it all on your fucking plate. (Vik groans) - If we work together, we can throw our hands against them. But, it's gonna take an effort. - Hey, look, you're a tree hugger. - I don't wanna mess up my brand new Sidemen clothing. Discount code is, tree hug, for 15% off. - How do you spell tree hug? - T, tree, tree. - [Simon] T, tree. - Tree and hug. - One word? - One word, yeah. Treehug, one word. - All right boys, I'm gonna love you and leave you. I'm gonna go and check on the others. Good luck. - Piss off mate. Piss off. - Yeah, I'm just gonna throw this in the bin. - I really want your salmon, but not after you put your grabby fingers all over it. (JJ groans) (toast crunches) (Harry mumbles) - You full? (Vik groans) I feel like we need, to make a moose. (Harry chuckles) Fam, what's going on? (Harry chuckles) (JJ mumbles) You keep missing. (Vik chuckles) (plate clinks) I should rub, my dick's itchy. Just a bit wedgied fam. - I don't envy you at all, I don't envy you at all. - We're good. (Harry burps) - I'm a slow eater. I'll tell you what. - I started five minutes after you guys. (plate clinks) - Done? - Come, let's go. (bell chimes) (JJ screams) (utensils clink) - All right, somehow, I'll beat the guys to, golf. They're on their way here now. Hopefully, they're a bit less of a shambles, than JJ, Vik and Harry. There they are. - Go fuck yourself mate. - [Tobi] Why? - I want you to go and fuck yourself. - [Tobi] Why? - We're also on, our fourth and fifth pair of handcuffs. - We've had to go to a sex shop, and get heavy duty cuffs, look. - [Tobi] Man, I tried to make it easy for you know, but. - But they snapped, every time. - [Tobi] Sorry. - Easy, I'm in the middle. - [Tobi] Easy for you to escape. - You lot are going to play a game of mini golf, and the loser doesn't get to eat food. I've got pizzas coming. No food if you lose. - Where have you been mate? And what have you been doing? - [Tobi] I was watching the others try and cook food. It was so funny. You might need to buy a new plate, Simon. - Oh, no. - Yeah. - All right, could you move your legs please? Thank you. - That's more like it. - Good shot mate. All right, now look, I want to be taken against the wall here. - You don't? - Oh, good effort. (team Ethan cheers) - It's really good mate. - Who's going next? - I might play it now. - Will you let me play? - Yeah. - You'll let me play. - Oh, very nice. - That's beautiful. - Simon's eating a leaf. (team Ethan groan) - Ethan choked, he choked. - [All] Whoa. - Still shot in that. Hey, free the legs. Don't look, hey. - [All] Whoa. (Ethan laughs) - Okay, maybe we're gonna have to do some teamwork here. - It's not going up. Fucking house. Just pick it up and throw it there. - Yeah. - [JJ] Okay, this, this isn't going to fucking work is it? All right, let's just put it in a little pile, and then. - [Vik] Until we get to that corner. - It will be that, we'll deal with it later pile. - Like that? - Yeah, just watching you do this, I'd much rather be doing something else. Like peeing, but I can't, cause I got watch you do this. - People live their whole life as conjoined twins, and we're complaining after an hour. (Vik chuckles) We should be more. - Yeah, cause then I have to deal with you guys. (JJ laughs) - But imagine, how much do you have to be paid, to be JJ's conjoined twin? - No, no. Numbers don't go that high. (team Vik laughs) - If you just hit the ball, man. Oh my God. Oh my God. No, no. (Simon mumbles) (Ethan mumbles) Let him play now, let him play, let him play. Oh, my God. - Go on and do it mate. - Thanks mate. - [All] Whoa. (team Ethan cheers) - [All] Whoa. - I'm not going to be able to do that. (team Ethan mumble) (all laugh) - Okay. Wait, let me pee real quick. - How's this ain't going to work. There's no, there's no feasible way it's gonna work. - All right. The hand stays up here. - What do you mean? The hands. (Harry mumbles) - There's no possible way. You break the handcuffs before, that goes anywhere near you. - Look at his face. - You know you've got another hand. You've got another hand. - I've got tissue in that hand. Give me my hand back. - Fuck off. - Fam. - He's gonna piss all over the floor you know. - I'll just pee on you. Yeah, there we go. Just a little bit. Yeah. - Are you holding his penis? - No. - Are you sure? - Yes I'm sure. - Y'all, I think my dick is a bit shy, you know. (Harry mumbles) - We can't go anywhere. - You guys are making me nervous. Just, it's coming, it's coming. Hey, don't be shy, man. You're used to this. (Harry chuckles) (JJ whimpers) Ah, there we go. - Oh, that's disgusting. - And you're in there with him you know. - No. - You're in there with him. - I'm here. - I can't even see the other half of you. - All right. I'm good. Thanks guys. - [Harry and Vik] Yeah, no worries. - No worries, no worries chief, no worries. (toilet flushes) - I have to wash my hands. - I have to wash mine too. (golf ball thuds) - [Ethan] No! Whoa. Hey. (Ethan mumbles) (Ethan chuckles) (all laugh) Fuck you. - Oh, my God. - Show, show, show, show them, show them. Please. - I just want to hit the ball. (golf ball thuds) (all laugh) (golf ball thuds) - [All] Four. Five! - This is not good. This is not good. - Okay, we're about to go off on our adventure, to North London. However, these are on the ropes, they won't break now but they've been breaking a lot. Like we've lost all the links in between. - These have held up quite well. - Yeah, but we've lost one pair of those. When we started the black ones broke. Channel, we're gonna go, to JJ's favourite store, and get some new handcuffs. - Alright, so I got these. - We'll be blindfolded. - Simple, strong, quick. Oh no, okay. (Vik groans) - There we go. - Why are you so excited about this? - There we go. - Yeah, this si more like it. - This is the stuff. This is the stuff. - No one's getting out of this. - All right, so now we need to go and catch a bus. We're gonna go to Camden Market. It's a tourist spot, you know, by the canal. All right, the bus stop is that way. (upbeat music) No, no, no, no, no. (upbeat music) Stop, stop, stop. (upbeat music) Stop, stop, stop. I can't. (Vik laughs) Why? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. (JJ laughs) Okay this is us doing our exercise segment, of the video. Good to see JJ training, for. - For once. - [Tobi] None of you are going to eat at this rate. (all laugh) (suspense music) - This is great. (machine beeps) This is gonna be cosy. (upbeat music) (team Ethan mumble) - Six, seven, eight. (all laughs) Let me count. Whatever. - Well this is comfortable. - This is kind of cool. - When was the last time you were on a bus JJ? - Five plus years. (all groaning) - That bus was warm. They're out of, they're out of time. They're out of time. - No, we got it, we got it, we got it. - Wait, so what are we doing here? - We're going to get a picture at the Canal. - Oh JJ head right, head right. (JJ laughing) Come on man. - I'm a tree hugger now. - For anyone that doesn't know, this is a YouTube channel. They just think we're some sort of freaks which is most people going to the busiest place in London was not a smartest idea. - [All] Ohh. (both laughs) - I don't want to play anymore. I don't want to play. - [JJ] That the one in the middle is losing (laughs). - Go easy, go easy. (both laughing) I think you cheated, are you-- - I didn't cheated. - I kill. (both laughing) I think he cheated too. (bell ringing) - [JJ] Let's go eat Pizza. (Simon laughing) - Oh, no, no, no, no, no. How, how? Now how are we getting a picture here man? (camera clicking) (upbeat music) - Hi how are are you? How are we doing this? - Everyone in boys? - Do you reckon you can shoot? - No, no. I've got no idea look. (both laughing) - Three ready now you can shoot. - Then treble. - This is our repertoire about right now, it's empty. We were here on the honesty. (upbeat music) - There we go. - Well, what a lovely day out in Camden boys. How do we wait on. Harry's enthusiasm never fails. Never fails. - Odds on you. - This is not all odds on me. - Jumping on the table and doing the fortnite dance. - You have to come with me. - I can't, I haven't got no hands. - Just try it. Just do the thing in it. (door opening) (Simon laughing) - Oh, the great pinnacle day started. - The great day. - Right, right? - You can't answer that. I can massage it. You are not my domain. (both laughing) - Oh, there's a free table. Oh dude, my buddy knows. - You need to. (JJ laughs) - Come on Bob, get on. - All right. (upbeat music) - Keep going Bob, keep going. No keep going (laughs). Where are you going? - Go, man you deserve help a lot, I'm sorry. - My hands are tied to yours. - Everyone is looking at you- - It's a crowd. - Everyone was literally staring at you. It's like a crowd. - We need to go, I can't stand I need to go. - Oh, he's dying (laughs). He wants to leave. - Off we go. - Come on, well, right. - Hello, hi men. - Yeah, for Simon yeah. I'll see you in a bit. - Oh, it's hot isn't it? - It's really hot, okay. (Simon laughs) - They're not Scott and JJ, alright? - I'm a minute. - Friend have you touched JJ? It's funny whether he's fat or skinny. - That's enough disrespect. - That was an insult to you. - I know, I know. I've realised that's part of what he's saying Manish. (both laughing) (upbeat music) - There is the monument, which is on the night. - Did you got the hat? (both laughing) I want a Peaky Blinder's hat. I say do not touch the door. - This ain't fitting in my head. Yeah, but look. (hut ringing) - Are you in love with someone? - Come on, don't fuck yourself man. Get fitter. (both laughing) - We are different, all right? - It's my boys. They're my pals. (both mumbles) Can I comment? All right where are we doing this picture? - On here? - Right here. - Well, yeah, we've ticked off three things from our list, we've done exercise. We've been to a tourist place and got a bow and we've made some food, and eaten there. So next up we have a fun activity. We've got bowling lined up. - So as you can tell, we're out in sunny London today. Beautiful day, and we've just ticked off one of our exercises. We have taken a picture in front of the London Eye. (camera clicking) (upbeat music) - So, complete a fun group activity. - Mini-golf done. - And got hats. - Take a form of public transport. - Too done. - Make as quick snack in the kitchen. - We haven't done that. - We haven't done that. - Take a picture in front of one iconic London tourist attraction. - Boom, boom. - Get some exercise done. Hit the gym for you Ethan. - Ah. - What are we doing? - We are putting our hands down. - I wish you should just sit on him. (both laughing) - Are you counting? I'm on top of you. - Come on, one. - Hey man just be strong. - One press up. (both shouting) - We've made it to bowling. All right, so who's up there? How's up there? All right. - Are you ready boys? - All right, you don't need to run up. Don't do this Sunday. You don't need to run up. - Pro. - Oh pro - [JJ] You got to be ready. You got to be ready. You got to be ready. - Can we chill with the bowling? Go to accuracy, Not dragging me across the room. - All right, here we go from here. - All right. - There we go. That was almost - What's the point? - You got about four? - Damn it. - He's so erotic (laughs). Oh chill dude, chill. - Oh, no. - Just pull normally. (ball hitting) Why, what are you-- - What'd you mean? I tried to spin it. - Oh, that was okay, we've got a high score of four. - For God's sake. - Yeah, look this nice communal place. - This is like weirdest pic video I've ever seen in my life. - Look, we take a ride, look. - Down here. - Yeah. (both laughs off) We're turning jokes on. (both laughing) - Can we just say. - Can we say what? - Please, please do not try this at home or out on the streets anywhere we are. we're not responsible adults, we are idiots and we are risking it for your entertainment. - Really hurt. Let's put a shift to get up the hill. All right, let's have it. (Simon laughing) Let's have it. - Pulls end. - Pulls end really, pulls end. - Pulls and go. Pulls end. (upbeat music) - That goes up the road. - Well we made at 10 yards. - No crashing Tobi. - I'm just going to do as little walk in as possible, man. - He's gonna do what? - Yeah. - Get off me. - Honestly, why are you trying hard? Why are you trying hard against us? (ball hitting) - It only got him. - Oh my, all right. It's good to see we're all on an even playing field here. - We're having a single pin. - Stop. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? - No, no, this is not. - What was the point of that? - Oh yeah, here we go. I'm happy with this. - Why? - Come on big ball. It's on the balls, big. (JJ laughs) Hurry up man. - There you go, man. There you go. - Oh fuck you. - Oh, motherfucker, motherfucker, motherfucker. - All right, I can get me this shit. - All right so we decided to come to Trafalgar square to try and make our army bigger. - Yeah. - We've got our spare pair of handcuffs. So we're gonna try and basically get fourth person in. - Who needs a handcuff? Who wanna join in? - He's probably trying to get cuffed up. He actually gets cuffed up, cheers. Someone not going too well here. - Yeah, man. It's a bit of a sticky one, but you know. When you know you know. (Simon cheering) - You can't, we lost a pound today. - Well, it's all I can do. Can I pick one off this time for you? - Yeah, yeah you can. (upbeat music) - Then back then (ball moving) - Nine. - Set, is anything going great? I'm not liking your voice, it's not going great at all. - One. - Two. - Okay. - Three. - Wait when are we gonna going? - Now. (both laughing) Man this is impossible. This is impossible. (both cheering) Oh we'll take it, we'll take it, we'll take it, we'll take it, we'll take it. - Yeah this is it. - We make it at all man. (upbeat music) You're meant to use these in the bedroom. - Oh, I do. - Oh, you do? Cheers, experience in that. - Cheers. - Welcome to the game. Now we have all this very strong gang. - All right. - Come on. (upbeat music) - It spins, it spins, it spins. - Okay this means prizes. No, this is gonna go wrong. - Oh, oh okay. - Stop. - We made it Brin. (both cheering) - I can smash it before I can see it. - Calm down. - I feel a bit weird now, you know. - Yeah, we've ended up cuffing a load of people. - Yeah. - Yeah like you can just enjoy your day now. - Thank you. - Mate, how do you? - Yeah, that would be. - He's kinda battles everything on this field. (ball rolling) - Fucking why? - Imagine it, now who is the man, huh? Now who is the man? - Take it, just take it. You wanna take it? - Oh whoa, really? So now how are you gonna? (man groans in pain) - Well done, you did this. You're not an ass, okay. - No, no, no man I can't do this. - It's okay, it's okay. - No man. - Leave man, get out of my sight. (both laughing) (men cheering) - You're nice. - Stop pretending you're my friend. Give me bro my stick. (both laughing) Here we go. - A long range. - Come on son. (both cheering) - Why, why are you doing this? This is the most unproductive way. - Just bear in. - I am, I am, I'm just- - I can't bear us, now just cut this off. - You've twisted this now. We're good, we're good, we're good. - Well, I just need to go in there. - No, you don't, you don't. - No, how have you done this? - Wait so maybe-- - Let's turn off. - If I just do that, I can just cuff someone in. Okay yeah, this works. Yeah this is it. This is the one. - We're good ish. - No, I'm not good. - Wait, wait. - I think, no. (both laughing) - Now, now, how's this gonna work? How's this gonna work? How's this gonna work? - Yeah, this is perfect. So then you go here, nice - Here you go. - Here you go. - Just push it with your head. - Come on. - Just push it with your head. - Well don't turn away, don't turn away. - Strain out. - There you go, there you go. (both laughing) Please. (both laughing) All right, is this straight straight line? - I feel like it's straight, it gotta be man. - All right. Peace, bit of power. - Man, roll down, man. - That's looking prime. - Come on. - That's prime. (both cheering) - Yes, come on man. - That was it. - Okay, so we've lost our full Ben, Barb, the crew, but we're gonna go back to Wingstop at a circle. - It's not really a circle. It's a triangle. - Triangle. - Three points. - Oh, that's pretty quick, yeah. - We make the illuminate. - Not straight line, this is illuminate round. - We're bound to come out. Yeah, right. - Hi, well I'm bored. Let's do something else. - Where are you going? Any warning when you going. - What do you mean, how? - I'll play JJ. - Okay. - I do in the middle. Yes, yes, this. - I can see Wingstop. - I can see a Wingstop. - It's right there. - I can see it. - Which means we're almost done. - Wingstop. - Yeah. - Wingstop. - Answering all our friends. - Wow, I love going to play fun games with my friends. - It's so enjoyable. - Can you just use your other hand? - Yeah, shit. - You have that hand free. - I need the leverage. - Harry, please win quickly. Oh, it's over. Oh my God. - I'm so trash. This is your fault, Vik. - Oh yeah, of course. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I agree. - Why are you attached to me fam? Get off me. ♪ Wingstop ♪ - Well I guess now we just wait. (upbeat music) - It's romantic. - Shit. - I thought you loved throwing this. - I'm not throwing it into the back. (both screaming) - Oh yeah. I'm done, no. - Yes. - Vik it's all your fucking fault. Fuck Vik. (Vik laughing) Why are you here? Fuck you, get the hell out of my eyes. - That was a good last point. - Guys can we go get food, I'm hungry. - No, I wanna play again. - Place in the Indy car, 500. - I hate you guys. There's no need to stay like this. He's just having fun. I don't know what you mean man. - You're fit like ass. - Man I'm just trying to stay on track and kill him. - He's on the final lap. - No! Yes! - There it is. - Please, please. (both cheering) - Oh, yeah you got first. - I smashed it, man. I smashed it. Damn. - Jeez. - All right can we go get food now? - Wait, wait, do this slowly. Okay, here is it. - It might be easier if you go through here, yeah. - Oh, my God. (Vik laughing) - No, if you just. There we go, and then you get through here. And then yeah, nice. - All right, let's go get food. - All right. - This guy man, disgust. Disgust. - That was a fail view on. That was a fail view on, oh my God. (both screaming) - Are you mad? - [Tobi] I'm dumb to dumb, dumb. - He's retiring. - Oh, no let's stop this, stop this, stop this. We can't damn it. Well I think we had quite a nice day out, to be honest. - Yeah, and it was eventful. - I'm in need of some food. - Yeah, you've been through the worse you're not allowed to eat with me. - A drink? - Yeah. - How're you doing? Well you need an ice. - I want ice. (ice falling) Cheers. Does this count as making a snack in the kitchen? - Yeah. (bell ringing) - Again. I go right off here, I go right. Can we be closer I can go three. Boys I don't like this. Hey. - Want a straw. - Yes please. - Thanks mate. Want a straw? - Yeah, I'm gabbling along. - You want a hand? - I'm good. - I think we're good team man. - Thanks Mike, thanks. - So we're a good team man, cheers. Cheers boys. Hey lovely. - Out we go. Oh, they're here. - We made a triangle. - We get the levels. - We made a triangle. - Great, you guys decided to- - Oh, you levelled up. - We did. - I want the real sex ones. - Oh, let me in real. - Real sex ones. - Hey, come on Vik, come on Vik. I know where you're going. (both laughing) - Yeah. (both grunting) - Why does Vik look drunk? Have you been drinking? - It's been a long day. - All right, can we take these off now? - So wait, are we allowed to give up on the challenge? Are we allowed to give up? - Why does Vik seem so keen to give up? Has it been horrible, man? - Nothing, great. - Why did y'all get a hats? - For our picture. For our picture. - Fro a toy shop. - I guess it is in London hats. - Did you get a picture? - Yeah. - Harm the low. - Ah, my friends are wet. My friends are very wet. - We had a new Donnie, an old one. - Yeah, we even got someone else to join. That's why we were- - yeah, we had someone on this one. - So we had someone to join. - We actually ended up with five of us in here, one boy. - Wow. - Tobi can we please get out of this now. - [Tobi] I said that 10 minutes ago. (both cheering)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 18,030,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, sidemen handcuffed, 24 hour handcuff challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 32sec (2492 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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