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I feel bad for the rest of the sidemen after JJ eats all the chicken

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mystic-Hybrids 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
- All right boys, sometimes things go wrong. So, we had a mental shoot planned this week, I flew back over just for it and it all fell in the bin. So instead we're doing a mukbang. (members laughing and cheering) So, earlier we decided who was gonna get the stinky meal. Roll that footage. Okay, to decide who gets the stinky meal, well, it's not really a stinky meal, it's just the others pick what they have to eat. We're gonna play a little game of throw the thing into the bin. - [All] Ooh... - So essentially, if you get it in you're safe, if you miss, Well if one person misses they lose, but then if you, you'll know what's happening, okay. Nah, you wish. (members cheering and laughing) Come on! - He's safe, he's safe. (Simon laughs) (indistinct chatter) - Oh ! - Ah! - You've missed! - Oh, Steph Curry. - Oh! - Ah! - Oh wow. - That was terrible. - I told you. - Oh no. - Oh, no. - Oh my God. (indistinct chatter) - Oh you are so bad, you know? - Okay, this is the last. (indistinct chatter) - If everyone misses this, - We're gonna be (mumbles). - If everyone misses this- - Harry (voice gets drowned by members mumbling). - Relax. - There you go. - Yeah. (members laughing) - If I just asked him to mukbang for this long. - I can't do it, I don't understand. - This long. - This video was basically JJ's idea. (members cheering) - (yells) Yes, let's go, yes. - So yeah. (members laughing) All right, we got a few topics to talk about. We got a couple, "Would you Rather " we've got some booms as well, you never know, but first of all Tobi, this is what we got you. - I'm starving. - I'm begging, nice meal. (members cheering) - It's a great meal. (members cheering) - Please bless me. - Pickle mix. (members cheering) - The king of glucose. - [members] Glucose, glucose, glucose, glucose. - Why is this thing white? - You're a walking jelly, baby (chuckles). - Well I kinda feel like this is a scene in Metodo with (voice gets drowned by members chatting and laughing). - Bruce, Bruce. - This is sickening. - Yes. - Right, give us a twist. - Yeah, let's see. - Cheese. - Wait, wait, come closer, let me see. - No, no, no, you stay away from me. - No I want to see a bit closer. - (shouting) Oh my God. - Aye yo, let me see it in high definition. Let me see it in high definition. - If you sneeze on my food, bro. - No, no, no. - If you sneeze. This still doesn't change it. - [Josh] It's easy bro, that's a hard drive. - All right, now let me see it in 3D. - It's only 4D. - It's that one 4D. - I'm gonna get- - We're only kidding Tobi. We got you your favourite, we got you roosters. Here you go my friend. - Thank you, thank you mate. - What is roosters? - Okay but, can I have some pickle, man? - Or is it just chicken? Fucking Nandos? - All right, what did everyone order? - KFC. - What KFC? - Just the KFC stuff, in it? Chicken. - [Ethan] Just the KFC stuff? - Yeah, a lot of fucking chickens, you got hot wings, I've got mini fillets. - That's mukbang material. That's true mukbang material. - Yeah, yeah. - I got a Chipotle burrito, - [Harry] Chipotle! - And a KFC. - Good stuff, good stuff. - I thought you know what? - [Vic] Double dipping. - Yeah. - Hey JJ, tell them what you got. - Aye your boy went back to Africa. (speaks in foreign language) Get the jollof. Jollof with the chicken. And I got the dodo, I got dodo. There was no pounded yam, so. - They don't know what dodo is. - A dodo is, well I don't know what it is. (members laughing) Oh, plantain. - [Harry] Thank you. - Plantain. I got dodo, that's we like to call it, you know what I mean? - Oh, banana? (members laughing) - [Harry] What did you get, mate? - I got Hache. I got myself a nice big beefy burger. - [Harry] Oh. - And some sweet potato fries. - That looks massive compared to you. - The size of my head. - He got me the curly fries, I love it. - I know you, don't worry. - I Got Thai food. And before this, they all judged me. I nearly ordered noodles. - [Harry] That's Thai food as well, isn't it? - Yeah, pretty much. But I'm happy. I've got Thai food, I'm excited. - Boys, he said he got jollof? - Yeah, yeah. - He actually got 700 grammes of rice this time. (members laughing) - Damn. - [Harry] He actually got a kilo of rice. I got a spicy How do you? - [Ethan] Nduja. - Nduja? Spicy nduja pizza. But anyway, before we tuck in boys, we can talk a little bit, we're going to do a little show and tell. We've each brought some stuff to show. - Some stuff? Everyone brought one thing, right? - Yeah, well I bought, yeah. Well I'll go first, I'll go first. - [Josh] I didn't have anything to bring, then. - This is fucking incredible, oh my God. I got my first ever table tennis bat from when I was young. There you go. - Was this in the Harry picture of you? - It was, it was. - What did you win using the bat? - What did you win? - I didn't win anything with it really. (members laughing) But I was skilled with it. - Weren't you like a champion of some something in Guernsey or something? - [Harry] Yeah, like second place. (members laugh) - [Josh] In Guernsey. - [Vic] When did you start Harry? - [Harry] When I was like seven, eight. - [Vic] That's in sick condition. - And this is the first 69 mix tape vinyl, which I got. - Oh my God (laughs). - [Ethan] I rate that, I rate that. - Are we going round in a circle? - Here you go, Ethan. - I have brought with myself today, "This Is My Life", by Ethan. This is a book from when I was three. And in here, it's got a lot of information about me. I'll pass it around so you guys can. - [Harry] Show the camera, look around, look around. - [Ethan] So you guys can sort of have a feel. There's a lot of stories in here. - [Vic] Look at the front. - That's a self portrait by the way. - We're not drawing shit. - We're not fucking three. - When you were three years old and you did that? - I did a lot of things mate. The Magic Apple. - You're funny - That's a really good story. That's a really good story, The Magic Apple. There's also a story about how I went to Africa as a child and I made friends with a crocodile. But I wrote that by myself. - [Vic] When you were three? - [Ethan] Yeah, look, and this is funny. My day in here is great. At seven o'clock I wake up and I have my breakfast and some biscuits and milkshake. - [Simon] Why does this sound a lot like (mumbles). Why does this content sound the same as the Sidemen book? - At eight o'clock , guys, at eight o'clock, I have lunch again. Okay, merely an hour after breakfast, I have lunch and it is baked beans and sausages. And it's spelled S-O-S-G-I-S, sosgis. It's great. I'll pass it around for people to have a read. But yeah, "This Is My Life", by Ethan, age three. - [Harry] Lovely. - [Josh] Very sick. - You should revisit that and make your own autobiography in five years. - [Tobi] Relive it for a video, very sick. - Bro I went to Africa and made friends with a crocodile bro. - [Tobi] Exactly. Relive it. - I ain't trying to make friends with a crocodile. - Why not? - [Ethan] I would die. - I'd die, I'd die. - I sat on a crocodile in Africa. - I'd die. - No, you ain't Micky Mouse. - [Josh] No, no. So what, when I - (JJ yells) - We're dying! - [Harry] What'd you bring Vic? What'd you bring? - I have a pen. I have an Apple. - [JJ] Oh my God. - I have a pineapple pen, pen pineapple apple pen. - You messed it up. - Huh? - You messed it up. (Vic laughs) - When you say "I have a pen, I have an apple, apple pen." - [Ethan] It's a stinker anyway. - It's a pen with a pineapple on it. And I think it's called, pineapples are called. I don't write anything anymore, so I don't use it. - You probably write sausages. (members laughing) - But yeah, it's a pen with a pineapple. - [Simon] What is going on? - That's my outcome. - Tobi, save us. ( Josh laughs) - All right, I brought, the backpack, you know? What I used to navigate my flat at night. Night vision goggles. - Jeez! - [members] Whoa ! - [Harry] Modern warfare things. - Oh! - [Ethan] That's quite cool. - That's actually sick, going dark - [Ethan] Cyber mate, fancy another, you know? ( Ethan laughing) - That's not yours. - It is mine. - [Harry] Is it actually? - Yeah. - Freezy has the exact same thing downstairs, have you not looked? - They send them out. - They may be (voice gets drowned by members laughing). - Fair enough, fair enough. - We had some lying in our flat for a while then JJ tripped over one. (JJ mumbles) - No, we have them in our flat. ( Tobi mumbles) - Why have you never told me? - He genuinely kicked the box. - [Tobi] Can I turn them on? - They actually work, they're sick. - Oh it's my turn, all right. - Well this is relatively spicy. - You want to have another meal, mate? - Who? - Ethan. I didn't get it. - Another meal? - Oh that's the fucking Modern Warfare thing. - Oh yeah, yeah. - They're from Modern Warfare, night vision goggles. - Captain (indistinct). - I got some (voice gets drowned by members talking). I got some jewellery. - [Ethan] Jesus Christ. - This is what I said the other day. - You don't know, man's out here. - Okay so how much did that one cost? - This is about 200,000. - No. - Bro, fuck no. - No, it's only 150. - What? - [Harry] So why did you do that? - [Vic] It was a birthday present to himself. - It actually is. - Yeah, pretty much. - Fuck sake man. - This is very sick. - Are you gonna wear that? Because you never wear your- - This one I will actually wear. - Feel the difference between that and the Beerus one. - [Vic] I don't want to touch it. If I touch it, I am not worthy. - [Ethan] That's a big Cuban. - [JJ] But it's not too heavy. - But you just held chicken wings with those hands. You're gonna. (JJ laughs) Okay. Wow. - Well mine look shit now, compared to that. (members laughing) - Can we retitle this video, KSI's new 150 K chain? - Now the Beerus one, I'd be scared to touch that one. - [JJ] Yeah that's a bit. - This is very, very sick. - [Ethan] All those chicken joints- - It feels like a normal chain though. (members laughing) - [Harry] What about you Simon? What have you got? - Well, it's a bit of a stinker now. (members laugh) But I brought a picture of all your favourite things. - [Harry] Oh, okay. - It can change. (Simon laughs) - So now it's that. - [Ethan] Oh, for fuck's sake. - What? - So what's on it there then? - That's your one? - Whatever you want it to be. - [Josh] What do you want it to be? - I just see green. - That's cause you like green. - Tobi what do you like? - Football. - There's a football on it now. - Oh my God. (JJ laughs) (members laughing) - Bro, did you see (voice gets drowned by members talking). - [Josh] What's gonna happen now though? - Nothing's gonna happen. It's gonna be a green square the whole time. - No, no, no, no. You know, what's gonna happen? My red is going to ruin you. (members laughing and mumbling) (JJ laughs loudly) - [Harry] All your favourite (mumbles). - No, that aint me. This ain't me, this ain't me. - He's read it. - This ain't me, this ain't me fam. - That's a perfect picture. - Nah, nah this ain't me (laughs). Why would you do that? (Josh laughs) - Oh my God. - My one, I've got a little history lesson for you. It's my first ever cell phone, mobile phone. Look it has buttons. - Is it 3310? - It's a 3210. - Does it have snake? - This is where snake is from. - (mumbles) it's got snake? - It doesn't turn on though. - [ Harry] Oh. - [Vic] Oh . - Well what's the point then? - To look at it, you know? - He had nine X Boxes in the first house. It's true. - I like to hoard things, keep on to, you know? This is when I was texting girls and I was like 11. - You was texting girls at 11? - They were also 11, just saying. (members laughing) - (mumbles) 11 year olds, nonce. (members laughing) - I have a question for you lads. - Okay. - What's the biggest animal. (Josh laughs) That you could beat in a fight? - I've thought about this. - With your bare hands. - Why do you have to read off your phone? - What do you mean you've thought about it? We just heard it. - Oh yeah. Say it again. - Lads, what's the biggest animal you reckon you could beat with your bare hands? - [Ethan] Oh. - Oh. - He's got an answer. - A hamster for him. - I'd say a horse. - [Harry] You could not beat a horse in a fight. - No, no, no, no relax, relax. But fam, if I punch a horse, it's getting knocked out. - [All] No. - I just want to make you aware, there's a footage of football hooligans punching a horse in the face and the horse blinks at him. - Yeah but it's a football hooligan. I'm way better than a football hooligan. - They take horses into war, bro. - If I fight a football hooligan, I'm knocking them out. - So to the way it works, is you're (mumbles). - Do not go to any football game, ever again. - Don't go near Middle Stadium please. - He's also said, you're fighting a horse. - The horse is not there tied up just waiting for it to be punched. - Bro that horse will kick you so fucking hard. - How's the horse gonna kick me when I'm just not gonna stand behind him? - [Simon] It runs at you. - And then I'll move, bang! - Oh my God. You can't even throw a punch against Logan. - No, no, no fam. - A pigeon flew at this dude and he flinched. (members laughing) - The horse will come like this, I'll be like bang! Straight up. - Firstly, a horse is not this thin. - Okay, boom, well look, bang! - A horse is faster than you. - Bro, I'm knocking out a horse. - I reckon a cow. I reckon a cow you could take, not a horse though. - [Tobi] He couldn't take a cow either, bro. - You can take a cow, you're (mumbles). - Cause they're a bit stagnant, they're not that, they do just sit around fart all day. When a cow gets angry though, eventually, it kind of charges and it's not as agile. - If I kept weighing a cow in and then I ended up tipping it and I kicked the shit out of it while she was on the floor, I've won the fight against the cow. - If you tip it, it's done. It's just me there like- - I'll kick the shit out of it as well. - Did you know cows can't go downstairs? - Because I'm fighting it fam. I'm not tipping it over, I'm fighting it. - [Simon] What did you just say? - Cows can't go downstairs. - Oh no I've heard that. - So if you had cows on a platform with like three steps down on either side, they wouldn't be able to get off the platform. - All you gotta do is go downstairs and (mumbles). - [Vic] Yeah, you go downstairs. - I can take an alpaca to be fair. - I'd take an alpaca. - [Josh] Would you want to though? - Do you think you can take a dog? - Yeah I can take a dog. - Like an Alsatian? - [Harry] You couldn't take a dog? If you and an Alsatian run up, you can't stop an Alsatian. - [JJ] All you do is kick it, fam. - An Alsatian, it can bite your leg. - Yeah, yeah. - No, no, no, no. - And then it bites you. - They lock their jaw on you. - As soon as it gets on your arm or whatever, you are then going (yells). - Yeah but if I kick that thing's skull fam, it's done. - After lock down, we'll put you with police dog. - No, we don't know about this, Josh. - [Harry] Could we do that as a video? - You herd the stuff and you see how mad it is. - Oh my God. - Sidemen, I'll be busy that week. - We'll just watch him, he can't kick it though then. He can't kick the dog. - He won't get a chance to kick it, man. - I reckon I could beat a chicken. - [Harry] Yeah? - I'll back against a chicken. - I'll back against a chicken. - I am not gonna bully a chicken. - That's so sad man. - I am realistic. (JJ laughs) - [Simon] I'm realistic bro. - (clucks) you're there like yeah I could take you (laughs). - Yeah. Okay, all right, I could take a T-Rex. - You're moving mad now. - Now we're in the same league. - Now you're moving mad. - I think I'd like to fight a pig. I think I'd like to fight a pig, I'd fight a pig. And I'd dominate that fight. - [Harry] You'd be surprised. - No, no, no , no. - I've got rounds in me nowadays. (members laughing) - Do you know what would be a mad fight? A person versus a walrus. - [Simon] What does that mean? - Yeah. - That's not a fight bro, you're dead. - Yeah I know, but. - [Josh] That's not a fight. - True. - [Josh] That's death. - You gotta test yourself with a Walrus? - Well they go hard. They kill each other. They fight each other- - What do you want to scrap? - I don't know, something small for sure. - Squirrel? - Squirrel easily, yeah. - What's the biggest one you think you could take? - I'm trying to think of goat sized animals that aren't as aggressive as a goat. - [Tobi] I'd like to see you fight a seagull. - So you don't wanna fight a goat? - I don't know, a goat, it depends. A goat could- - You think a goat might get the better of you? - You have unrealistic expectations. - No, I'd jump on it, lad. - [Simon] You do, go on. Say it. - No but, you never know. You never know how mad this goat is gonna be. - A giraffe. - [Josh] I knew that was coming. - I could take a giraffe. - Have you seen them kick? - [JJ] No, no. - Have you watched nature documentaries? Have you seen these animals fighting bruh? - Yeah but I ain't going near it's feet fam. - Where are you punching them? - Where are you gonna go then? - Well it can't, bro. - They're taller than you. - Oh man, this fucking- - Put it in your pocket. - You're 5'11. - JJ, have you seen the clip? - This one's to fight a giraffe. - A giraffe ain't doing this. - But a giraffe's like a horse with a big neck. - JJ. - I'm just gaping at an asshole right now. (members laughing) - How do you look at me fam? - Their neck comes down, bro. - Right, they're gonna do this. - Yeah it's even fire. - Yeah and then mandem is like, nah fam. - They take down trees, bro. - JJ, there's a video on YouTube of a giraffe killing a lion in one kick. (Josh laughs) The giraffe kicks the lion and the lion dies. - A lion comes at me, step to the side, pow, done. - Yeah, I aint, bro. - What do we do, JJ bro, a kilo of rice? - Well, it's pretty easy. - What do you reckon? I've just weighed it it's about a kilo of rice. - Actually that's about two if I'm being honest. That's about two kilogrammes. - Its about a kilo of rice. - This is 18 bruv. (Ethan laughs) I've been eating 18 kilogrammes right here. - Do you want a fun question next boys, or as a more serious question? - Hit me with the fun. - Which one do you wanna do? - I don't know, I feel that we should do fun, serious, fun, serious. - Do you want to do a rollercoaster? - Yeah, serious. - All right, what's kind of serious? - What about Mixer shut down? - It's a bit mad. - Ninja dab. - [Tobi] Yeah a big Ninja dab. - Do you know what, I saw a great tweet that summed it up for me. And apparently Facebook offered Ninja and Shroud double their contracts, right? On a scale of one to "I'll double your contract", how bad is your streaming platform? - [Tobi] Well, don't say that because we- - I'm not ever going to Facebook gaming. I will happily put myself out there, that I'm not going to Facebook gaming. - He's like fuck, I've been peeking to Facebook all week. - If I ever go to Facebook gaming, just know I've secured my life money. - I'll tell you actually, about that, if they had given me 30 mil, I might double deal it. But I just somehow don't think Behzenga's getting 30 mil. - 30 mil. - I don't think Mixer dying out's a bad thing. I think competition's good in the streaming industry. And they've proven that if you spend a lot of money on big names, it's not it that easy- - It's pretty much just fucked everyone else. - So basically they should cancel contracts, is what you're saying. - They should cancel contracts, big creators? - No. - No. I think what Ninja and Co. have done since then has opened up a massive door for other creators. - [Josh] That door is not as closed is what Vic's saying. They're saying because if you invest heavily into someone like Ninja- - Two of the biggest names. - But it hasn't done so. - I heard that Twitter are the next streaming platform to start. - They've tried. I feel like Twitter has tried video so many times. - [Harry] Did they buy Periscope? - They tried Vine, they tried. - They killed Periscope. They killed Periscope. - Yeah. - Yeah, Periscope doesn't exist anymore. - It still exists though, right? - That's just Twitter live now, or whatever. - Twitter just doesn't monetize it. You can't monetize. I'm pretty sure Twitter itself loses money. - Wait, Instagram live comes through? Instagram gaming? - Why don't they just let YouTube and Twitch do their thing? How about that? You know what I mean, just allow it. - They're trying to compete with Google and Amazon, and they already haven't established it. - Yeah, just leave it, leave it. - Yeah, but they came too late. That's what I'm saying. It's like when Google and- - When they're established, one thing I will get from that is that Mixer came in very late to the game. - [Harry] With the wrong approach. - Yeah. I got offered a mixer deal once before and I deliberated it. It was when I was sort of streaming a lot on Twitch and it was by the time where contract streaming exists. - Well you should have taken it mate. - No, but (voice gets drowned by members mumbling) I wasn't talking Ninja's figures. But I just decided to sort of, when I was streaming PUBG around then - PUBG best, nice, those were good days. - I was like, do you know what? I'm going to make the trade off of, I enjoy this. I enjoy it personally on the platform myself rather than fucking go on a platform that's late to the game. - [Vic] I just think their strategy was dead, man. Yeah. - Tell him. - Does anyone want duck? It's really good. - [JJ] No I'm good, bruv. - [Simon] Okay, let's eat wings. - I'm all right. - I've got my KFC now. - If I sit down there I might have to tuck in a second. - Finished my Chipotle. - Actually, how much do you think the Sidemen are worth? - Why, what do you get out of it? What do you get out of it? - For the right question- - Do you get, say I'm the investor. I've just bought the Sidemen. Do I now get Wroeteshaw, do I get Behzinga? Or do I just get Sidemen, more Sidemen and- - I tell you'll get everyone. - I don't know, I don't think (voice gets drowned by members mumbling). - [Josh] There's Sidemen brand only. - Let's do Sidemen brand and then Sidemen brand with everyone in it. - Yeah, of course. Yeah. We're saying that we're saying like everything we do together but nothing we do individually. So our own channels are separate but- - If we did it plus individual, someone like, your main channel upload schedule, they would be in control of it. - Yeah. - Which doesn't really work. - How're you gonna post daily from now on? - Ah! - How many bags? What's it worth? - I think I'd go insane before I could die, honestly. - They come up with the ideas for you. - That's even worse. - Just Sidemen. Just Sidemen and Sidemen platforms, yeah? - There's gotta be a term on it. A term that we're tied to . - Five years. - Five years? - Five years, a video a week. - What do you mean? We've been here seven years. - Yeah but, (mumbles) five, that's 12 years ago. ( Simon laughs) - I'd say a hundred million. - Just was about to say, How much would you take? You know how we've split everything equally? - A hundred mil? - How much would you- - Keep pitching bro, right now. - How much would you be satisfied with, so when it splits seven ways how much would you, once you take your 14% whatever it is equally, what would you be satisfied with? - Five years is a long time. - What's your figure to be satisfied with? - I'm with JJ, you know. Minimum a mil a year. With spaces growing as well, you have to fight for that. - For me, minimum a mil a year. - [Josh] A mil a year? (mumbles) completely. - I'd say that's what we're worth. - Yeah. So if you (mumbles). - [Simon] I was like, yo, man. - I've got a Would You Rather, that was written about this topic. It's a good one. - Okay, okay. - Would you personally, would you leave the Sidemen for 100 million pounds or keep staying with them and keep making what you're making? - This is again. - [Tobi] 100 million pounds, bro. - Imma do it Vic. You gotta specify. - [Harry] You just get bought out for 100 mil. - Can I still be mates with all of you guys? - [Tobi] So this is a game? - 100 million, so Behzenga gets 100 mil then he leaves. - That's done. I can't collab with you. - Let's say they come to you and tell you get the hundred mil but we're not gonna pay anyone else anything else, you just get it all and you got to leave though. - Man, that's stanky, though. - I'd say yeah and then I'd give you each five mil. - No, fuck off. (members laughing) - Yeah, but you guys get to carry on with the Sidemen. - Yeah. Then you got to stay too, though, make sure you be the- - I didn't come to you with the offer, bro. (members laughing) - [Tobi] A hundred mil. - So would anyone leave for 100 mil? - No because I've got no friends. - No, that's what I'm saying. ( JJ laughs) (Simon's voice gets drowned by JJ's laughter) - That's what we're trying to iron out. - I really love you all. - [Simon] But we're still all friends. - Okay. Yeah. But say I've got the pizza, whatever but then I don't get to do the videos. I don't get to do anything. - Yeah, I know. - And then, all these people will come up to me, and they'll be like, " You made 100 mil to fuck off from your mandem?" And I'll be like, "But I really like them." - Yeah, you'd be going on a guilty holiday every single time. - I was just gonna say, why would you not just, fucking give me my piece back? - Why would you not just be (mumbles)? - If I take 100 mil, it's mine. - [Harry] But it's now a feature. - He's banned from filming with us now, he's banned. - [Harry] You've left. - You're banned basically. - You took the money to dip the law I wouldn't want it, I swear. I'd be like, "Go have fun." - If it's like a ban from hanging out with anyone for any point then no. But if I can take 100 mil and then just still, just not have to worry about More Sidemen. - You can still talk about with the boys. (members laughing) - [Simon] Take 100 mil (indistinct) the Sidemen Videos. - That's what I said to Ethan, if- - Well you could buy the Sidemen, 100 mil, you could buy the Sidemen. - So I would do it and I would buy you lot. (members laughing) - Whoa! - Hey what are you trying to say? - I looked at Josh. - [Josh] You didn't look at me. That was a smart move. - You done switched on, bro. (Josh laughs) You woke. (Josh laughs) - I'm full up. I've done the Behzinga thing of eating quick. - You did the warm up bro. - It's not really the end, lads. (sirens wail) - Okay, so 100 mil for the Sidemen. Five years, 100 mil. - I think that's how much we're worth, yeah. - [Simon] 100 mil (mumbles). - [Harry] I'll take 100 mil. - Well didn't you get us valued? - Yeah. I know. (members laughing) - I know. - If anyone out there has a spare 100 mil, hit us up. - Why buy a stupid yacht when you can buy the Sidemen? - I'll tell you what, if you buy us for 100 mil I promise we won't do another mukbang. - To be fair though, that valuation is us as current channels. So if you add in like a sideman e sports on, you add in a sideman, all these other arms. - [Vic] Yeah. - Then you can make it 100 mil. - [Vic] Yeah. - We'd have to do that now. - This is boring guys, I've got a funny question for you. (members laughing) - And this is the Sidemen's dynamic. - I'm so full, oh. - Would you, (Simon mumbles) drop kick a toddler, or take a right hook off Prime Mike Tyson? - I'm kicking the toddler. - I'm kicking the toddler. - There is not anything- - [Josh] The toddler might die. - See the footage, I have I've apologised to Vic and said, "You know what? You would have died, bro". - I'm taking the punch. - You're taking the punch? - There's Prime Mike Tyson. - Fam, all you've got to do is just go, "I'm sorry." - No, it's a drop kick, it's a drop kick. - I would. - Like a two foot, yeah. - How old is the toddler? - A drop kick is just, dropping and kicking it. - How old is the toddler? - Three, four? - A drop kick is dropping it and kicking it. - Oh, shit yeah. A goal kick, a goal kick. - A goal kick? - [Vic] You can't just go- - You can't just do that. - It has to be like a full on. - I don't know if I can do the drop kick. - I can't live with that, even if I have to die. - If I was a bit mad, if I was a bit mad. I might opt to take a punch. - Yeah, I'd take the punch. - Hey, you take that kick, you're gonna spend the rest of your life in jail. - So you would sit there with the toddler in your hands, and he's about to punch you, I think I'll just. (JJ laughs) - But you're spending the rest of your life in jail. - You know, you're right. I would like to think that I would choose the more high ground, but I think, see , if he was there, what if you swung back, I think it might be an L. - Have you seen him on the pads even just recently, yet. If he was in flow, just go like that, and then all of a sudden it will be used on the end of that finish. - It'll be over quick. - I'm sorry, I don't know you but- - Even (mumbles) my guy. - I think the kid will be all right- - It's jail, bro. - [Ethan] The kid will get over it. - Are there repercussions? - The kid will get over it, unreal. - You can't add "You won't go to jail" , but not add "You will survive the punch." - Yeah. - Yeah but it's his fault for this question. - If I survive and I don't have brain damage, I'll take the punch. - Give me clauses, do I wake up from the punch? - Vic, tell him to be specific. - The toddler will die or you die from the punch. - That's what I was saying, so I'd die. - That's weird - That's morbid. - I don't wanna continue with the question. - [JJ] Nah, wait what? - [Ethan] I don't want to continue with it. You made it morbid. - I got a more lighthearted one. - Oh, fuck off. - Would you rather shag Boris Johnson or Donald Trump? - [JJ] No, no no. - You're right, lad. - I'll take Boris Johnson I think. - I'd say Boris. - I got asked a really weird question in the main channel the other day and he was on the other end of it, but- - What was the question? - It was, would you fuck another one of the Sidemen So that JJ definitely beat Jake Paul. I said, yeah, the person I think I'd have to do because I can't have the insurance. - You would shag me? - Yes. - What ? - I could not let Jake Paul convey the infinity stones. It was gonna be like Jake Paul knocks JJ out and was like yeah, no, I cannot have it. And I said I'm gonna pick Harry. - I'd agree to it too! - I feel like we'd get over it together. Eventually. - I think you would. - Would you get poked to stop him? - I think I would. Yeah, I would. - Why don't I just beat him up? I won't lie. - What we're saying is, you lose or you win but he has to do that. - Yes, you are a 100% guaranteed to knock this guy out and win that fight. - That will be fantastic. - And I just, I. - Either Harry gets beat or you get beat. Listen, I got beat so you got, listen. - [Josh] You got beat. (Harry laughs) - [Harry] You got beat , so you could beat. - It was a weird question, but I didn't wanna answer. - What's the reason you picking Harry? Cause you'll get over it? - Just because I feel like eventually I'd be like, we have to do it. - Would you say he's the most good looking? - No, it was because I feel like- - I'm what? I'm not. (members laugh) - I feel like same five years down the line, we'll look back on it and we're like, "Do you know what? I'm fucking glad we did that lunch." - I don't know, mate. I don't know. Cause he might beat him any way. He might be anyway, like, another question. - The part of the question is like, he's losing. - [Harry] Okay. All right. - I can't have this club walk away with the fucking (mumbles) gone like that. - Well, every time they look at a picture of JJ with the belt, yeah, we did that. (members laugh) - Eventually, we are- - Just wink at each other like. - I wouldn't be able to look at his (mumbles) I couldn't face it. I wouldn't be able to watch half of the movie and stuff. I'd just be like, oh no. - His dumb will be a constant reminder. - Caught loose, caught sleep. (members laugh) - Lads, it was a question that I was reluctant to answer, but I did. - [Josh] How would you do it? - Bro, (voice gets drowned my the members mumbling and laughing). - Next question. - We all need another one. (Josh laughs) - [Harry] Should we stick with the - (Josh mumbles) - Josh, how do you still . (Josh laughs) I thought I'd let you know that I do a lot for you. Like I do a lot for you. - I'm trying to find one. - Okay. This is- - Poor Harry is getting bogged , though. - But I don't know why I got thrown into this one, I was asking about Boris Johnson and Donald Trump. (JJ laughs) Who's the greatest musician of all time? - Ooh. - In our lifetimes or general? - All the time. - I think it- - Within our lifetime. Actually our lifetime. - I'm gonna say Kanye West for me. - You know what? I was actually drawing them up there. (bell rings) - [Ethan] Yeah? - Yeah. I'd agree with that. Like, when we started listening to music, not when we were like two. - Because Michael Jackson would have make it, and would make in. - He was still kicking it when we were born. - For me like Micheal Jackson. - He was still kicking. - When was that? 99 or something? - Yeah. You were alive then, Josh. - [Josh] Was filled up much for that, right? - [Simon] You were like 23 then. - [Josh] Surely. Hey, you're three days younger than me, boy. - I think only one obvious person. - Eminem. (JJ laughs) - Is it Drake or Kanye? - This is what I was about to say. - Off of my personal reference. - Beyonce. - Beyonce, so it's a shout? - It is a shout. It's a shout. - I don't think any men I don't think men can compete. - And that includes Destiny's child as well. - You've got Beyonce, you've got Adele. - [Harry] That's true. - I see, if you're going all time- - I don't. - You went out like. - Yeah, yeah. - [Ethan] Taylor Swift, fam. - I think you could say Beyonce is the best singer, but musician you're talking about producer. - That's why I would say Kanye. - Like Kanye's done ( voice gets drowned by members mumbling). - Presenting, producing, samples, etc. - Skepta. - Of all time? (JJ laughs) - You are violating Skepta? - [Tobi] It's not violating Skepta, it's respecting Kanye. (JJ laughs) - It's gonna be Kanye. - Nah. - I can only plumb up two names, personally for me and it's Kanye or Drake. - [Josh] Same. - I don't go Drake because of the production side. - It's a good point. But the Beyonce one is a shout. - Wait, so Drake made his own production? - They said musician, not just artist. - If you're just saying musician it's gonna be Kanye. - Yeah. Bro, this guy, I've never listened to so much music from one person and the work grade has been good, bro. Like each year consistent album that you might think one slips more than the other but nothing was the same (mumbles). - [Josh] What about Rihanna? - But again the reason Kanye is above it is because of the producing as well as- - [Josh] Yeah, as a musician, Kanye has got to win. - And you're not saying he's the best singer. - As an artist, not musician. - I'm in a different realm. And I've got two, I've got three, really, who are up there but they're completely different to y'all. (members laughing) I need some help on this. I wanna hear your opinions. There's three, I like electronic music so, I've got three kingpins up there. I've got Tiesto, David Guetta and Calvin Harris. - What about Avicii, though? - Avicii as well. But I still think just longevity Calvin Harris and David Guetta. (JJ laughs) Think about the last 10 years. - [Harry] He makes a point, he does make a point. - How much chart music they've just- - Calvin Harris is a producer as well- - [Simon] Rihanna's gotta be thrown in the mix. - Who? - Rihanna. - Yeah, but they can just get someone else to sing for most of them. - True. - Oh my God, I'm so in love. - What happened to Skrillex? - Skrillex fell off. - He made a whole beat. - That sound also died. - But that sound, Dubstep is now. - [Simon] Did he create dubstep? - He didn't create dub. - [JJ] I know he didn't, but- - He created the (shouts). Part of dubstep. - He created Grime, bro. - We said, if we're going to electronic Calvin, Calvin Harris. - Calvin is good. - I could back up Calvin Harris. - I could never put Calvin Harris above Kanye west. - Because that's your taste. - I mean, Tiesto's too- - [Josh] Far one direction? - So he's got his own unique- - Got one direction. - [Vic] He's got his own unique kind of styles. - Harry Styles , yes. - What about Breaking Benjamin? - Legends, but not known. - No. I'll move on. Let's move on. - Can we do another Sidemen Charity match please? - I've- - Can we do one please? - Yes, but- - Oh (indistinct). - That's not on us. Till 2022. - Why are you saying Harry didn't wanna do the last one? - Harry's always been , he always wants to do it but he wants to do it with the people- - Yeah, I want the boys to play, I don't want the- - [Josh] He wants to say (mumbles). - We need to bring in new people. - Okay. - Unless there's a middle ground. - There's a middle ground for both. - [Ethan] Do you think that we are- - I don't know. - Do you think the boys are helping us start a stadium? - I think we're obviously going to sell a stadium or we're not going to sell a stadium. No matter who we're playing, to be honest. - To be fair, to see how events go though, because who knows what's gonna happen next year? - We can just do like a- - I haven't really done (mumbles) - Who are you bringing in? - Who am I bringing it in? - That's an issue. It'd be fun to play a match. - I just want to play, I wanna have the experience again. It was so much fun. It was so much fun. - Beta Squad, how about the- - They got a couple of bullets by the way. Sharky's decent. - Like the willinillow. (Vic laughs) - How? - Bro that's like, someone going outside the KSI guy. - That's everyone. - Yes I understand, man. - I've played six sides with Alex. - He's got a good little buzz to kick, apparently. - He's headed top. - He's not too physical - Sidemen FC versus Eboys slash Beta squad. - Could work. Why don't we bring in people - We need to find people that are gonna bring in a different audience a week. - We'll dip that. - No they, cause they're Americans (mumbles) - Always, like musicians. - He wants to play a Grime team. - It's too late now. - I'm telling you now. - We'd get patterned up by the way. - No, we'd be calm. Let's go. I'm ready. - Stormzy as a striker for them, that might work. - Bro, you see him as a grim, all right listen, Mike, if you see this, it was mad. (Josh laughs) It was mad. - [Harry] So it's up in the air? - [Tobi] Yeah. - I think we're all down , it's just finding the right way of doing it. - So we're gonna have versus Behzinga (laughs). - That'd be mad. - Dutchavelli versus Behzenga. - Dutchavelli and Abracadabra, up front. - Oh I'd be terrified. - Are you mad? - It won't be forever. - They'll have to solve the beef. - Do this shit. - Dude, the night is in the night (laughs). - [Simon] I'd put the kid's defence- - We'd just get mowed out (laughs). - Oh, no. - I'll try and do a shift, Abracadabra versus Vikkstar123. ( JJ laughs) - It's all just a mismatch. - That would be - - But I don't know if- - Packets of four( laughs) (Josh mumbles). - I don't know if they'll sell tickets to a football match. - They would. They would, fam. - [Ethan] Never forget when Vic stopped (mumbles) Dutchavelli (laughs). (Ethan and JJ laugh loudly) - Or Vikkstar, highlight (laughs). - 2021. - I did give twice. - Guys the main issue is, events as a whole- - [Simon] Events? - One down, or for every industry? - [Simon] Right now you can't do one. - Coz there's too much online. I really would like to do (mumbles). - That's why we need to prove- - The (mumbles) matches the atmosphere. - We need to improve the experience. What we put on to there. - [Josh] So fireworks go off, when you- - Cause the thing is no one- - To tell you one thing, listen, you little fucks, right? They'll be grown up enough now. Fucking get off the pitch, you fucks. You'll be old enough now so I can swear at you fucks. - [Simon] I see you at the pitch. - [Ethan] Listen, Josh was so (mumbles). (members laugh) But listen. Do you know- - [JJ] I haven't been to the gym since then. - But listen, do you know how much we've always wanted to do the lap or whatever? Like the puppets, and you're in the pitch spoiling it, just because you want to fucking run on the grass, man. - When you're saying about increasing the experience of being there. - Yeah. - People don't know that until it's done. - You have to tell them that's what happened. - I don't think it'd make a difference. - You don't go like, "Oh, this experience is gonna be sick." People won't just go, "Oh, they said it was gonna be sick, we'll go." - No. So then we have to do (mumbles). - What we do is we bring out Drake as a pre-show, a halftime Kanye comes out with Beyonce. - Yo, a million likes on the live stream. - We could get (indistinct) for a half time show. - Taylor Swift comes in and goes, sorry Ky, That was great. I'll let you finish. - This is like a fucking Grime set up. So we get Jay, we get the little boys of river- (members laugh) - I bet it'll be lit. - A million likes on live stream , we'll bring out Drake. - [Josh] Yeah, that's true. - I think if this video gets a million likes, we'll do a football event next year. - [Josh] This one? - This one. - It's a mukbang- - [Ethan] If a mukbang gets a million likes, do you know what, I might just- - We'll see how much they want it. - Sorry lads, no (indistinct), cause I aint up for that. - 100 million views. - Harry (mumbles), I'm sorry, bro. - Let's get a million likes, and we'll do a trio match. - Would we do it for- - A million likes. (laughs loudly) - If the mukbang gets a million likes, bro, - I'm doing any of the mukbangs. (voice gets drowned by members mumbling) - Cause, remember, he got a million likes, and that is bullshit. - Why are you trying to remind him, man? - He didn't forget bro, they don't forget. - I'll never forget. - He also got 600 K on the reacting to African videos. And it was to recreate one of the scenes from one of the films. - [Vic] Let's not talk about recreating stuff (laughs). (JJ laughs loudly) - I don't think anyone got what you meant. - They didn't. - You did. He didn't. - Eat the nun chucks. - I got a couple more Would you rathers, is there any food left, we still munching? - I've finished. - [Harry] You've finished? - I've finished, somehow. - We'll go a couple more, why not, I'm sure they're loving it, the audience right now. (Josh laughs) - Would you rather have a baby boy or a baby girl? - Boy. (Josh laughs) - Isn't that obvious? - It depends. - I think it's obvious what we all want. - I will feed my wife lemons, I will do, I would like a boy first. I would really like, you know how there's like little tips and tricks. - Be my wife, lemons! - You googled tips and tricks? - Of course I have. (Vic laughs). - [Simon] Are you having a baby soon? - No . - It goes like, you have to put it in this position, and then it feels a little softer- - Listen, that's your preference, anyway, even if I didn't read the tips and tricks, I would like a guy first to then be an older brother to the potential second. - [Harry] I think number six is better , you know. - I hope you get five girls, fam. - Yo, this guy would bang Harry so you can win, and you want him to get five girls? - I want him to get five girls. - Listen. Do you know what though? Do you know what the thing is? If I end up with the blood that has loads of daughters, fair facts, amazing, yeah, I would love them. Amazing. Yeah. But preferably I would like a guy first. - You know what? I just don't want, the only reason I don't want a daughter is because of you. Because of you, your kids. - Bro, what, we're not that, - Oh, okay. - If he has a boy and I have a girl he would try and make his boy- - [Harry] Yeah. - He would be like ,"Listen, go park (voice gets drowned by members mumbling). - [Ethan] My kid's gonna be disciplined. - My man's door, fam. - You have one goal in life. - Yeah, yeah. - [Harry] We said though, did we? - I need this. - When is it we said, how sick would it be if we all sort of not planned it. But if we all have kids around the same time and then they say they're all 18 at the same time, that'd be banner. But then if they do fuck each other , bro, it's vex. (members laughing) if they do, bro, it's vex. - 45 (mumbles). - If you are sudden, outtakes at my door, I think I'd cry. (crowd laughs) - Imagine if they were in a long-term relationship. I have to go to his house and I'm like, "Hey lad." (JJ laughs) - You guys would be in-laws. No. Could you imagine? - I don't think a relationship won't be built, I feel that'd be- - [Ethan] Late still. - If you're fucking and talking to her, that's worse. - If your son fucked my daughter we'd have to have words. - Words would be heard. - That would be awful. - Our relationship is seasonal. (JJ laughs) - Can we just make an agreement now, to just stay away. - Contract! - Everyone, contract. (Vic laughs) - I can't control my son, fam. (Simon laughs) - You're going to try to control them, ta-da! - Cannot be conjoined. - My kid ain't going to know you guys have kids. - JJ will be there like 40 years old in a Reddit video like , "My son fucked your daughter." (members laugh) - He forgot his (indistinct), tell him. (JJ laughs) - At least I'm getting a (mumbles). - It would be really cool to have kids all the same age, but there is just the risk though. It gets a little bit incestual. - Well, none of us have had kids yet. - It's not incestual, we're not related. - No, but like- - That would be weird. - But I know I wouldn't be like, that's incest. - No, I wouldn't accuse them of it, but it's just a little but (mumbles). - Yeah. Slightly. - All right, we'll go for one more. Would you rather walk around on all fours all the time or only speak in animal noises? - Take on fours, animal noises- - I'd take animal noises. - Fam. - Not awful. - [Josh] You can use your channel. - Do you realise how annoying that would be anytime you want to communicate anything you can? - Yeah. - Yeah, I'd walk on all fours. - Yeah, I'll be on all fours. - (mumbles) you can't find it. You're like (grunts). - I can't be on all fours all day. - Yeah, I've got to do it. - To be fair though- - But you're used to it, you make out (mumbles). - [Harry] Walk around you could like text. you can have like an LED board. - Google will translate. - You could type stuff up and it appear on your chest. - That was my last. - You spoke in animal noises, you then know how to speak in animal, so you could be the first person to actually be able to translate any animal. - When you could say you can translate it though, cause you'll be able to say what it is. - You can type it. I could go like- - [Harry] I could be at a unique angle. - I could say hello and dog, and I go (barks). And then I'm like, "Hello", and then I can- - And that could be big business. - You could be the animal. - What if dogs are just saying the same thing over and over? - Every dog actually only knows the word worth. - Yeah (laughs). - I should translate it to worth. - Yeah. (JJ laughs) - A voice is my time (laughs). - [Josh] He saw a lot the whole time. - The question that Chip got on Twitter the other day. I don't know if you saw it. - Oh, that's a good one. - Yeah. I've been asked it as well before. If you get offered a million, right? Instantly a million in cash but there is a slug following you for the rest of your life. And if it touches you, you die would you take it? - [JJ] Yeah, I've heard this. - A slug, following me? - Yeah, but it will be behind of you. - No, you can't pull a slug. Can't touch it. It kills you bro. As soon as you make contact with it in any way, it kills you. - [Tobi] That slug can't catch me. - No, but Toby, if you fly from here to Australia. - It's gonna be on the floor. - You can have 24 hours or whatever. Well, however long it takes the slug to get to Australia. - Its a lifetime for a slug to get to Australia. - A slug can get to a plane. - The concept of it is that it's right behind you. - It's always a metre behind you your entire life. From now on. - But you can't sleep. - [Harry] It's not always gonna be behind you. It's coming after you. - It's always trying to touch you. - I'm not taking the meal. (indistinct) - [JJ] I don't need the meat, fam. - I think that you've asked the question to people that already have a lot of money. - Yeah, bro, make the amount higher. - Maybe this question isn't for this group of friends. (members laugh) - Let's try a billion. - I don't know of any number. - I'd still say no, just knowing that it's there. - I don't think it's a (indistinct) to me. - I'm in the shower one day I see a slug. It might not even be the slug. (members laughs) - Got trust issues, fam. - It keeps you on your toes every time. - [Vic] No, fuck that, it gets exhausting. - I was younger running around in my garden. I was running up the pathway and I stepped on a slug and he went in between my toes and I cried like a little baby, mate. I ran into my mum and I was like, "I'm sealed to a slug." - Ranulph had a (mumbles), and there was a slug in- - No, no, that way. - He finished it. And then it was like (clicks), like that, so he like looked in it and there was a slug. - Like an actual full size slug or a little (mumbles). - That actually makes you feel a bit. - [Josh] Imagine you're drinking Caprice. - [JJ] Oh my God. - I've drank a slide- - You owe him compensation. - Oh Lord. - Makes me never wanna take one again. - What, a slug? - No, a capri. - Even a smile. - No slugs in the thing please. Right? Lads, what (laughs). what are we gonna do about the Sidemen videos with this whole lockdown thing? It's getting lifted. We got to think of some stuff to do. We have some ideas planned. - Why don't we do something to do with the pubs? - You've never stepped foot- - Little pub crawl- - I'd do pub crawl - [Josh] Should we go to every singe pub in London? - Can we please do pub crawl? - No, pub golf. - Can we please do a Sidemen pub golf? - That's actually a sick idea. - Me and Harry we've done pub golf. - We'll start properly, all right? - Costumes, we get things (indistinct). - We've got to park a theme properly, bro it's so fun honestly. - You two sound gas. So one of you takes this. - Do you wanna fucking collaborate? - We can collaborate. We can do a little collab on a podcast. - I'm before you. - We have to get a video, though. - No, no. But can we collab, can we take half an hour? - Ground breaker. - We'll see how good it is first. - We'll take half and half. - You get Sidemen, and he gets the crow. - I figure pub golf would be up. - Wait, what's a pub golf? - Simple. (Vic laughs) - [Josh] What is this pub golf? - Please listen to the explanation because otherwise you just go. - All right, fine. - So say there is a pub here, pub here, pub here. Four pubs in total. - But you just said three. You did say three. - Okay, fine. (members laugh) - Listen. He's on the ball. - We like it, all right, go again. - Four pubs in a line, right? Each pub has this one drink a pint that one's drink a glass of wine. That one is two shots that one's a cocktail, right? Each one has a designated par. So ,the pint would be like part two. So you can do it in two sips. Whereas you want to get holes in one everywhere. So for the beer, you'd like, you want to do a hole in one. Second one will be a glass of wine. It could be a par three, but realistically you want to get holes in ones or not. So each, each different pub has a different theme. So it drink and par and however hard you would say like three shots of tequila is, you'd assign a part to that. And then you go around and each one has a different challenge as well, like, one that we did. - I had a stinker. We had one that was like, there was one pub on the crew, where you couldn't go to the toilet. Like you couldn't go for a- - [JJ] So there's certain rules. - We was top five, I was on the ropes already. And I just had no idea what's going on. I walk to the toilet, do my pints. I come out. Everyone's just stood outside the toilet. But I think our team lost cause of that. - But you can also do like added extras throughout the night, so the team with the best group, just to say me and you are on a team and we were out doing the public calls or whatever. We managed to find like really sick picture opportunity. The people that get the best picture of the night, get stuff taken off the score and stuff like that. And then at the end, people have to do forfeit. - I mean, in a way it's basically what we did (mumbles) on. But in London we had a lot of fun actually. - So what does Toby do? - I'm a caddie. - Depart. - [Harry] Yeah, from that Toby, you just got to ferment. - You got ferment. (Ethan laughs) - This is non consensual. - Non consensual (mumbles). - I've got an idea. Tobi does energy drinks. Red bull, red bull, monster. - When we try to go home, he'll be seated on the bed like. - Oh, dear. - This is just how we make Sidemen videos! - JJ just got an idea, he just straight up went, "Pubs." - Pubs (laughs). - Can we do something- - That was a good idea. We sat there cold for hours. - Probably six hours. - We-re doing a (voice gets drowned by member's talking). - To be fair, when we were in that cold. - We could have gone to pub golf today bro, we have time. (Ethan laughs) - [Josh] We've ripped on it now. - We sat in the cold other night. - When we found out that our big shoot was cancelled. We were stressing. - We sat in the cold for about three hours and it was absolutely grim, mate. - It got heated. - It was nearly the end of it all. It was rough and that just happened. - We just (voice gets drowned by Simon mumbling). - [Harry] So let's say you run on words. - [Josh] Pub. (members laugh and mumble) - You have people like, (mumbles) that stink, mate. - You know that's what makes the beat start? goes through the dictionary, and looks at random words and makes that inspiration come through for the- - Yeah. - Or you get YouTube and search it as well. - [Ethan] Buy a dictionary tonight. - We should get JJ to shout, JJ you're gonna come out- - Shout another word and we'll come over- (JJ shouts ) - Okay. - We're done. - Sidemen things (voice gets drowned by members mumbling) - Just bad words are coming, so it's really part of the words. - His face (laughs). (JJ grunts) - Just say any words. - [Vic] His thoughts- - I don't think you want me to say these words. - [Josh] (indistinct) in trouble? - G-spot. (JJ laughs) - Do you wanna start (indistinct) - Gspot. - First one begins with a S. E, E. - Oh no, it's bad. - Say it. - You don't talk to strangers figuring out the possible outcomes. - Zoo. - (indistinct) moment, incoming. - [Josh] He said zoo. - Zoo. - He'd star in magazine companies. - To be fair , there's a fucking zoo that I saw in an article cause they've run out of funding, they gotta let go all their fucking penguins and all. - [Vic] No, they fixed it. - Did they? I like that. - Where would they send them? - We know they were gonna euthanize them- - Liverpool. - Really ? - Yeah. There's one zoo in London where they were going to euthanize all their animals. - They can't do that. - No they can, apparently they can, if there's no money to pay for them. I don't know when they got funding from someone else. - My stretch goes to- - Was it crowd funding? - Let's talk it through, you take a penguin, where does it live? - In it's house. - It needs cold. - [Harry] It would die. - Just send it to the fridge (laughs) - I can't put him in a fridge. - To be fair, (indistinct) you're staying at home, and you took it home. - Yeah, I'll take it home. - But it wouldn't survive, that's the thing. - Yeah, I'll take it home to where it's from. - No you can't an animal back to- - It's a- - Yeah. - So that's the problem. - What if I put habitat in those ends? - Right? - Sticky glass , will it stick around still? - No. - It's a fridge. (members laugh) - It's not (mumbles) in the freezer. - Female. (Tobi laughs) dating. - This is so cute. - Sex (laughs) - Oh, you're filling these pages, I don't know. (JJ laughs) - Now whose forced him to come with (mumbles). - [JJ] Yo, you know- - Come on, T, come on. - Wait, wait. - My mum gives me kisses and hugs (laughs). - You wrote this this week, in it? - [Ethan] What's this? - This is your lockdown. - My dad is great (laughs) - Oh no, oh no. Was this before your dad? - I'm gonna be sick. - Oh no. - He was good at football, lads. - Wait, did I ruin it? - [Ethan] Oh, no. - Oh, no. - [Ethan] It's so sad. - My dad is great at football. He can tackle me so good. - [Simon] The act? - The act, I fall over it and he is so funny. Besides he tells me jokes. - It's because. - Because he tells me jokes and went off to get some milk. - [Vic] Oh no. (members laugh) (JJ laughs out loudly) - Oh, no. - If you would go in there, you might have to play hide and seek. (Ethan laughs out loudly) - Oh, no. - (indistinct) my dad plays hide and seek with me. (Ethan laughs loudly) - [JJ] Oh my God. - It's not (mumbles) though. - Yeah but you've gotta play right in the middle, bro. I'm 27, so (laughs). - Can I ask the audience a question? We have to come up with the Sidemen video ideas, and I came up with Sidemen Cock Off. (members laugh) I think Cock Off is a great idea. - [Josh] Yes, I gave a rating for you. - He wants to do a tournament tree of our cogs. - Yeah, like I would not- - So what, are we like fighting cocks? - No. It's (indistinct), come on. - It's not about aesthetics, it's not about size either. - Size is barely part of this one. - All right. You two, show your dicks, we vote, which one's better. - Do we get them hard or they're soft? (members laugh) - You can choose which one you feel looks better. (members laugh) - This is what happens, (voice gets drowned by members mumbling). - You tell me you wouldn't bang, when you've got two people standing. - Say we go yellow, and then you should go, "No, thank you." (JJ laughs) - Guys, let's say this. (members laugh and mumble) - It was like, "Go back to school." "Ah, no thank you." I think it's a good idea. - We don't even have a title. You can't put cock in a title surely. - Some might say it's about the animal. - Sidemen walk off. - Sidemen walk off (laughs). - Oh, dear. - I can't picture a flaccid one being interesting. That's the issue. - (laughing) That's your own issue. - But you're my biggest opponent. - But size doesn't come into it. - [Ethan] Size barely matters in this. - Yeah, size is more about how it (mumbles). - How it hangs, how it looks. (members laughing) - Nah, nah. - Okay, anyway. - So it wouldn't be the favourite? I say we give it a quick look. (JJ laughs) - See, this is what I mean, my flaccid dick is right out, it's not (mumbles). - A beard, that's what a beard is, bro. You got a girlfriend to hide. - What, I- - (indistinct) you can get. (JJ exclaims) Me too. - Don't touch me. - It actually works. I'm getting a beard, though. I'm not yet? - No, I just have, my beard shaven, no. - I've got this, it's a pretty decent one, would you rather be trapped in the future or the past ? - That's the thing, where in the past? - Trapped. I mean you have to go live in the future or the past - But would you be older or younger? - For your age now, you just get put in a- - How far back in the past are we talking? - [Josh] He's going to give us a. - Let's say, 500 years ago. - 500 years ago? - Or 500 years in the future. - [JJ] Oh, 500 years in the future, fam. Wait, wait. - [Harry] If the Earth is still there. - [Vic] Oh, yeah. (JJ laughs) - [Harry] Is the Earth still there? - [Ethan] It could be apocalypse. - Yeah. - So you want to take in a gamble. - You should make sure your luggage- - Is this spaced. (bell rings) - [Harry] They really fucked this up. (members laughing) - You just hold on to it, you go back and go, "Yo." (Tobi laughs) - Bruh (laughs). - Whoa! - [Josh] (mumbles) It's 20 years in the past or 20 years in the future. - [Ethan] Oh, yes, future. - But the thing is, 20 years future, there could be no civilization, no humans. You in a rock with- - 20 years, we're not in 20 years. - Easy. It's true, though. Oh no. - He's a way. - Life was good when I was seven, 20 years in the past. - With 20 years in the back, I assume you (mumbles) in the knowledge you have now. - Yeah, to be fair. - Invest in google, bro. And then go, "Add all my money into Tesla.' - Yeah, yeah. - Or France, who won the World Cup this year. - Would you have the money still? - [Josh] Probably not. - It's just you right now, you take, all your assets with you, its gone. - Oh, the money was worth it. - You could do everything, bro. - If you take in everything I've got now, bruh, (voice gets drowned by members mumbling) - I know everything worth's gonna happen in the future. - And your money, you have now. - We did this on a video already. - [Simon] You continue. - [Josh] If you're stuck in the past, you should get a move. - Yeah you could, because life continues. - [JJ] I'd be 47. - Huh ? - And you're not stuck in the mud. - Well you are, theoretically, but cause your age translates over time, you're 20 years older, that would be a gift. - That reaction of me. - You'll basically go back to 2000. - Yeah. - You'd go to 2000 with what you have now, and your knowledge? - You make a good point. You make a point about how you know stuff, maybe we can change the question. - All right. 2000, they either go to 2000 or 3000. - 2000 will be the same. - Till the year 2000. - I would want it to go back, it's just safer. - I'd (mumbles) cause if you go 3000 it could just be an absolute- - Because you don't know. - In the year 3000, then what's changed for (indistinct). - True. (Josh laughs) - And there's hot great, great, great, great granddaughters. - And they're pretty fine. - Do you know what's actually really heartbreaking is that I've been hit with the realisation that I don't think we'll ever see flying cars. - It's not worth it. - Because he loves doing the underground thing. - It'll be on the ground, instead. - Cause it's stupid. - As a kid, man, do you know the amount of flying cars I drove, fam? - Have you seen people drive? - Also, the noise would be so- - Could you imagine East London with fucking flying cars? - Nah, we trying, bro. - (indistinct) I can't see. You're somewhere down there. (members laugh) - There might be jet packs. There'll probably be jet packs. - [Simon] Would you drive in a flying car? - But it won't be drive bys, it would be drive bumps. - What? - [Vic] No, fly bys bro. - Oh, fly bys, yeah. - [Ethan] (chuckling) Drive bumps. I don't think anyone's ever been fly by-ed? - Like should I have a plate? - No, but like. - Yes, an AC 130. That's what it is. - Not in war. The outside of war. - [Harry] You have random pilots. - Literally. Yeah. - Do you know what, someone's shot a gun out of this random commercial plane, government shit. There's probably bears shit we ain't seen. - What's in recently that one night got destroyed? In the run. - That got shot down by the military? - Yes. - Yeah. So. - The gun shot down from the ground. - We sent a drive by shooting where a criminal is on the car and shoots someone out the car? Has that ever happened with a plane, there's a criminal in a plane and they shot somebody out of a plane while flying . - Probably at some point. - I want (mumbles). You said, "I made this when I was three." - [Ethan] How old am I there? - The front page says age six. - Okay, no, no. - The front page says 25. - There's something funny on that front page. I think I remember down the bottom. It's not my stuff. I don't know where it is. - Dad, one. (JJ laughs) - No, he said brothers, sisters. - Wait, favourite game. What is that? - Favourite game? - What was that? (voice gets drowned by members mumbling) I think it was impressive not as impressive. - It might say that. - Favourite toy? - What? (members laugh) - All right, see you guys in a minute. - Bro, he needs to (indistinct). - I'm good, boys. No I'm not listening, I'm good. (Ethan laughs) - Hey, you could get any videos on his- - No. - His (mumbles) got you in that. - [JJ] I didn't wash my hands, anyway. (Ethan laughs) - Well, on that note, we'll rough it up. - A million likes. - A million likes if you wanna see another one. - [Simon] Another one? - No, Charity match. - If we get many likes, we'll do another mukbang. - Okay, guaranteed. - I'm intrigued to see how this goes, you know. - It can get us 10 million views. - Okay. Fair enough. Banger (laughs) What is that? - It's Ethan. - That's Ethan , too sure. - My name is Ethan. - Why have you got a pink beard? - [Ethan] I don't know, lad. - Because he got fake tan on, is that why he's orange? - He's actually Ethan. - Thanks for watching. What's the discount code for Sidemen COVID? - You do whatever you want to do, bro. - I'm going to make it as table tennis, for discount. - [Ethan] One word. - Sidemen clothing. One word. Thanks for watching guys. We'll see you soon. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 34,202,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, sidemen mukang, mukbang, calorie challenge, ksi, w2s
Id: RC-yz4HV1Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 1sec (3721 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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