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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Palss0n 📅︎︎ Feb 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Hello and welcome to Sidemen Mukbang on a bus, with JJ. - [All] Yeah. - What happened, why is? - Why is this happening? But we're getting on this bus, okay? We're getting on the bus. (upbeat music) Right, welcome to Mukbang on a bus. - [All] Yay. - I didn't drink but, yeah. - Nice, fuck, I did it for you. - We ran out of places to Mukbang. So we thought why not? - [Narrator] We never ran out places. The situation was. - Actually. - The real reason we did this was 'cause we thought it's the first one with all seven sidemen. - Yeah. - And then we booked it and KSI turned into a white girl. - Yeah. - And disappeared. - Yeah, but we left him on the side of the road though. - I was very confused by what you meant. - What's he actually up to, by the way, is he? - He's in Glasgow. - Poland. - Poland. - He'll get back from it. - It's actually his first time there. It's the murder capital of the Europe. - It's place. - It is a nice place, but it's the murder capital of Europe I've heard. - It's the murder capital of Europe. - Yeah. - Oh shit, it's Lavia. No, how Glasgow's cut crime off, after once being the murder capital of Europe, so it's got better now, it's got better. - So they're on the up, they've better glow up. - They've glowed up. - Isn't also like the home of the chicken tikka masala or is that just Scotland in general? - No. - I think it might be Glasgow. - Birmingham's the home of the curry. They made curry first in Birmingham. Or is it foul? - Okay. - The foul was. - They made curry's, first in Birmingham. - The foul. - The foul place to ever make curry is Birmingham. - So curry's are from Birmingham. - The foul might be, the type of curry. I might be getting my curry fat confused. Well there is. - Let's go to the expert. Where do you come from? - Sorry, I just don't know about that. - It's 'cause he is nearest Birmingham. I've never expected it to be. - That's all right. - Sorry, sorry, sorry. - I'm pretty sure I'm good. - Stop it, we have three barriers down there. - You've even drank your drink yet. Yeah, by the way, in this Mukbang there's stipulations, right? So, I'm starting off today. - Yeah, okay. - And then whoever loses first will then change it. So I'm saying from now on you can't say yeah or no, or yes or no or any variation of yes or no. - So I can't, what do you mean I can't say a variation? So I can't. - You can't say, yes, yeah. - I can't agree or disagree. - No, you can agree or disagree. - Why are you clicking? - Foul. - Do you do that to waiters? - No. - He's on it. So what happened if you say it? - Well, he's the worst person. - Well, he's not that peak. - He's not drinking. - Wow, man. - Well, what's it gonna be, if you fuck up yesterday your drink but you can't? I guess it'd definitely. - Yeah, you're the worst person. - I think to sip your drink. - Yeah. - So you can make it rule anyway. - Hey, is he not drinking? - Probably not. - I'm on. - That sounds like a variation. - No, I'm saying yes, you. - You're all playing this game too much. - Shadow, watch out for you, he's. - Before I start drinking I'm doing it. - I have a curry fact. - Okay. - Birmingham has long been considered the birthplace of the Bolty. - Has it? - A fusion dish mobilised in the 1980s and '90s. - Not once named in our conversation. - Yeah, a Bolty is a curry. - You said okay but the chicken tikka masala is? - Yeah, from Glasgow. - From Glasgow. - Is it? - It's the number one dish in the UK. - Well, that's about Glasgow. - Why aren't you drinking bazenga and what's that, why don't do? - I have a infected leg. - I guess, yeah. - That was yesterday. - Yeah, that, I don't understand how that happens. I've never had. (indistinct) - Yeah, and Harry said a forfeit today should be licking it. - That would be horrific by the way. 'Cause it it's been consistently oozing. - So you're not drinking 'cause you're on? - I'm on hard. - You're on hard drugs, just before, has it? Sorry. - I've been part the strange instructions time. - Okay. - So not, to not mix, but yes, now my leg. - So, no drink at all? - No, I couldn't walk for two days. - What could be your punishment if you break a rule? - Neck slap. - If you just flick my leg where it hurts a lot. - Neck slap. - Yeah, neck slap. - One neck slap from someone, he's next to you. - Go on mate. - That's all right, I saw mark. - You can make a new rule. - Recently appear. - Does that old rule go? - So that will throw out of the window now. - Okay cool. - No one can drink with their prominent hand, I don't know. - Okay, so mine's left. So I have to use my right from now on. - Okay. - You just carried on. - Hey, I have. - It's a sip, right? - You have to know yourself whatever you do so. - Yeah, I know, I'll keep looking. - Okay. - Quite a shame on we've had. - Yeah, we've done one. Depends on a swivel. - You wanna change it? - Yeah, you can't address anyone by their first names. - By their first names. - So it's changed. - Yeah. - You can probably move. - So now I can drink mine. - That's doable. - So you're just calling me brown for the rest of the video. - No. - I could be. - So I can call him? - Is there something wrong with that? - No YouTube names and no first names. - Yeah, that's fair. That's otherwise. - That's easy. - So you? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Aye. - Bro. - Point and aye. - So you say? - Probably I love bro. - We say bros so much by the way. - I say more things now 'cause of Tommy T., let mean to. - It is very funny every now and then your captain talk like that, isn't it? Whatever, and it's like, yeah I love. - I talk to my throat. And if it's good I'll fart, or if I answer the phone I go, yeah, yeah. - Is that a problem here? - Yeah, yeah. - Well, is the problem. If I answer the phone saying yeah, yeah, it's a problem. - Is it? - Yeah, he's just. - What's wrong with that? - So look at you're trying catch me out here. - No. - Yeah, there's a problem. Like what normally I'll say, oh hello, how are you? - That's why he's clinging, ringing him on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, it's like a special call. - I think they'd answer it and go, oh, this day. - Hello. (indistinct) - Professional meeting, I answer this one, I go, yeah, yeah. - You are so clear that you can get away with it. - Yeah, people aren't gonna say anything. - Jeez. - That is not nice. - No, it's a good, though. (indistinct) Any blank that say, you're so rude. - You say what you want when you pick up the phone. - True. - People aren't gonna be. - You say what you want. See, like the most rude thing possible. - Well, he's rude. - Fuck off prick, don't call me. - Yeah, you can say that. - It maybe worse to some people. - But yeah anyway, so this is the fourth video in a row where it's not the four, seven sidemen. - It's been a rough month. - There's been quite a drama occurring on the timeline. - Yes. - Really? - And on the Reddit. - Really? - Why? - A drama. - It's three videos, well, this is now four, yeah, four videos. - This is the last one? - Yeah. - Mukbang with a bus. (indistinct) No, the reason we haven't all been in videos is 'cause we are fighting and this is the last video, we thought we'd send them off. - But it's you two fighting. - I can't Mukbang. - Where did you set up with me? - 'Cause I'm ready, I'm ready to swing. - You said it's unset, I'm here bro. - Can we get a fight today? Can one of the things be a fight? - Yeah, let's do it, I'll change it. - Bring it on. - What? - Let's make them this way. - I can't get my hook. If I. - Come down. - I wanna see, can you tow just like wrestle at some boat? - Who's your money on? Who's your money on? - Toby's a very strong man. - I have an idea. - Okay. - Toby, I think Toby wins. - We have a craft, a crafty. - I think big Vicar would do it. - Who wins, who wins? - Vicar threw a cup of tea. - I'm sure pretty sure, you said someone wins. - He did it too. - That's what I asked. - Wait he finishes he's drink. - That someone else did, that's someone else do shouted for Harry Harry. - Well. - Harry hit with a, fuck yeah. I haven't got no drink. (laughing) - If you think about it, yeah. - Vibrating, that's warmed me up a bit. - You're the worst. - It's gonna be a long day for you. - You can make any rule. - It's gonna be a long day. - Okay. - So that one goes outta the window again. - No, 'cause once we all start drinking. - So why did he get slapped? - He's gonna be fine. - Cause he got caught. - 'Cause I did, bro, I said his name. - They both said names. - Bad timing, I said it three times. - You can say it now, it's fine. - No, 'cause he ain't made a rule here. So yeah. - Okay. - If you see anyone touch their face forfeit. - Wait, wait, wait, so I can't touch my face? - If you see them touch their face. - What if I can't see you. (indistinct) - You can't touch your face. - Can I do this? - With anything can I touch? - With your hands. - With my hands, okay cool. - I can see it. - All right cool. There's a hole here as well. - I'm just thinking of the state of. - How are you seeing these? - Do you wonder what do you, how it happened by the way? - Can the camera see that? - Can you get that? I don't know. - Look, there's a, I can touch his if I wanted to. - Yeah, we got. - I can touch his thigh if I wanted to. I've touched his thigh already. - Just put finger through the whole though. - Probably those are four years old I reckon. - No this happened today because I used a hammer to hammer on my zip off because my zip was stuck on one bit. So I was like, I'm about having no zip at all. So I hammered. - You used that hammer. - I used the hammer, well I have appliances, so I used the hammering in the process. I've ripped it. - [Narrator] Only this man, only this man by the way. - He's built so different. - Very, very different. - I've never heard anyone hammer a zip off clothes before. - Well I use pliers normally, but there was no pliers to handle unfortunately. - How many zips? - Why? - How many zips are you taking off clothes? - Just a whole toolbox. - I take off my day. - Wow, here we go. - Stay closer. - [Narrator] Look at that, let's get in there. It's not too bad. - What's in there? - [Narrator] That, that one's all right. - Yeah. - And as you can see the zip's missing. - Yeah, that's fucked. - Or the zips. - That's absolutely fucked. - Yeah, no, ideal. - How long have you had them? - Well, since they came out. - So about four years. I think they came out about four, three, four years ago. - It's suppose we really, we released those ones, which I'm not a fan of those ones, I won't lie. - I think they're a lot older than four years. - Really? - I think they're older than four years. - 'Cause I think they were first year in the first, the second. - I wore them in, actually we didn't. - Do you wash them? - That might be like five years. - Yes, I wash them. (indistinct) - Well I lived in a flat for three years and they weren't the second year of the sideman house. - My nose is itchy and I can't touch it. - You can just do that. - We wore that in the shoot we did at Barbican. - We did. - That's that long ago. - No, yes it is. - It's a long time ago, years. - I don't think it's more than four years. - The shoot we did at Barbican is time ago. - I mean that picture I got me and you. That was a long time ago. - Well, that's not more than four though. - [Narrator] No, that's like three and a half. - Well, COVID's been two. - We can find out. - Yeah, two years. - COVID doesn't count. - I mean, I definitely wasn't in the flat at that point. - No, I was in my apartment. - And that was three years. - Let's go. - Watch a barber shoot is. - Yeah, I walked home to my apartment from there. - No, shit. - Yeah, you know what? I'm not fat in it. So it's probably, it probably isn't four years. - Trying to scroll back 'cause I've got picture of me and Toby from the street. - That's a good way of gauging well, was it Mike? - No he's saying it is four years. - There was a face touch. (indistinct) - Yeah Harry, you get me out again. Send it, he wants to vibrate. - What's this? - 2018. - 2018. - Say it again. - 17, 757 to 2018 is past. - So it's big, three and a half. - Yeah. - Wow, give him a neck slap. - I'm just tired of my fucking neck. - Bro, turn round. - Ethan's gonna have a fight either. - I'll do two fingers. - Long range coming in from mini mentor. - That was all right, that's right, yeah, yeah. A view by the way I just. - [All] Wow. - Canada. - Yeah. - Good job. - What's that flag? It's gone by, see it. - Malaysian. - This one right here. - Yeah, that's. - What's that called? - That's Ugandan. - It does say the same. - We're trying that shit. - That's the Kenyan one, Uganda. - Uganda. - It's Uganda. (indistinct) - Uganda house. - The Andros flag. - Yeah, that was that, that was right, I didn't see that. Oh God. - The colours going. By the way, four knives. I never get four knives. - Four courses. - You're looking at Edward scissor, we it down. - New rule from. - I don't know. - You can do the same rule. - It can be simple. - Yeah, it can be like, anything, don't touch colour. - The same rule. - We just say eating. - They got one. You're not allowed to eat with your cutlery. - No, I can't do that. - Okay fine yeah. - I mean fantastic. - But easily yeah. - I mean that's also, it's not an easy one to slip up on really. So that's gonna be the rule for the rest of the day, we're gonna eat with our hands all day. - What if you do like a first person to, if you spot something you can give out like first person. - Yeah, you give out a drink. - For a shout. - Yeah. - First person to spot a mini. - We do have fun on the bus. We do have tonnes of fun. - You're like a bus driver. - First one to spot a mini Cooper. - Yeah that. - If you spot a mini Cooper and don't say it. - Yeah. - What do you mean and don't say? - I've done one first person spot one, gets to give out a drink. - Yeah. - All right, cool. - All of a sudden the whole video is I was just like. - There's no one's talking anymore. I can't see outside. - I'm liking it, like you problem bro. I'm alright. - There's reflections very easy. - Got one side of the bus and that's it. - Yeah barely. A mini cooper's so low, you won't even see it when it drives fast. - Sure. - I was disgusting. - There's one right there guys. - Just down there. - We don't have to verify it, we're gonna have to stand up a bit. - I suspect the fact that Twitter thinks it's the beginning of the end and that the siren are over. - That's what I was saying. So this is the last big banger for the. - The last meal. - Yeah, the last supper. - [All] The last supper. - How did you point at me? - Don't say that 'cause they're all gonna get very upset then. - I think it's actually a good thing. I think it proves that we can survive. If someone, now it means. - Except that someone dies. - It means. - If this is this what gonna. - That's what he's trying to say. That's what he's trying to say. (indistinct) - We can't survive with a few missing members every now and then. So people can, you don't have to be knocked in through it every week. You can someone that's. - No that's bad. (indistinct) - Is it starting? So it could work both ways, right? - 'Cause you are going, I don't wanna do that video. Fuck yeah. - Fuck yeah. - No not that. - Get someone else in. - It's like COVID is a pretty, it was a pretty good excuse when this video goes out, it's not even an excuse anymore amazingly. - It begins a good thing and a bad thing. - But we didn't make stinkers, we still ploughed on and we made. - I watched all three videos and I really enjoyed them. But Josh made a good point. And that is that I watched the edit and the edit is always so much better than being there in person. - The experience. - 'Cause you always see the perfect perspective. You see the best fit. - And you like cutout bits. - Randolph jumping into. - That was so funny. Bro is. - Well it's, one of my favourite side moments in a long time. - Phenomenal. - That was incredible. - He's a good laugh on Simon video. - Just a little bit. - Just a little. It's a little bit. (indistinct) - Go on, Harry. Just take that glass. - Harry spent all week doing this in Switzerland. Actually, he was drinking from the bottle. - Yeah, well I was, yeah I wasn't a. - This man drank. - He said he wasn't in a good place. - I wasn't in a good place place. No, I wasn't in a good, I was a great place, but I, unfortunately I saw him drank, drink two bottles of Rosa, the top of the ski hill then attempted to snow block out. - He can't get down. - He fell over and I was trying to help him just stand up by like giving him my ski poles. This man could not stand up. But then somehow he managed to ski the rest, snowball, the rest of the way down. - I got down. - He got down, we went to dinner, he ate his dinner and then he went to bed and we didn't see him again for a good 24 hours. - Fair days. - I heard you missed a night out. - Yeah, he took the next day off. - Well, here's my thing. I, when I get drunk now I just go to bed. I just don't like I it's not my automatic reaction to just go bed, which I think will help me. - He left so quickly. We're in the middle of eating dinner. You just get something, he goes, I'm going now. And just walk to, just leave. - Touche, that's a side empire, what like? - [All] 10 fair. - He got it at nine. - No, he had to go. - I had to go. - That one was needed. - Yeah. - Really needed. - That, is that it hit you differently. - But, I was in the bus, I was about to say I'll curve my drinking, but I'm not really at the moment. - But. - But yeah. (indistinct) - That's it, that's fighting demons as he speak, just to sit there. - He made an effort, he made an effort. - I was gonna say, I like, that's my drink it? Or like cut, like cut back in it actually or not. - No, no, no. - He gave it some consideration. He weighed up the options. - There's four for at least in some respects. - Do you actually like champagne? - No. - I think champagne is horrible. - I think it's piss. - I don't really like wine either. - What if I drink it? - But why? - But then again, I drink beer so it reminds me. - It's a different. - It's not like that. - Do like any of the stuff that you do? - I think there's nice drinks out there, but I choose to go for a beer. - No beer's delicious, beer is actually nice. - I like some beers. - Cold beers. - But some. - For the first time you had a beer, you didn't think that, did you? - No. - So, it's in acquired taste. - Yeah, same thing. - Yeah, but there's a lot of things there like that. - Well I. - Like I'd take coffee, is a acquired taste. - There we go. - Coffee. - Do you think semen is an acquired taste? - Could be. - No, I don't know, I am not sure. - Don't know, I haven't tried it. - Do you know, but there must be some people out there that just die for a cup? - That's quite interesting. - I'm actually thinking. I love the taste of cum so much. - Clip. - Clip there. - There must be some people out there. - He's asking for a friend, he's asking for a friend. - Cheese when you're younger. - Blue cheese is quite tasty. - Is a disgusting. Like there's. - I love cheeses. (indistinct) - It's the disgusting cheese. - Yeah the mouldy cheese. You liked it? - That's cow breeding fucking all bear matured, stink. - I don't know how that doesn't make you ill. - I don't. - It's literally like faster. It's growing mould. - How do you know, it doesn't make you ill? - 100% bro. - Milk. - I want all. - You eat nut milk. Think about it. - I don't eat nut milk. I drink nut milk. - You drink nut milk. - I drink gallons of nut milk. - Say nut milk. - How about that? - That too, nut milk. - Campers up there, awful campers. - Hey look we're on snap. (indistinct) - Who snap? - I said nightclub right there, there nightclub over there. - Do you know what I feel a little bit like I'm a, like a zoo enclosure and people are just filming us as we meet. - Yes, on a hotel. - The balcony. - We've done lots of things over there. - The, yeah, I really didn't think we were gonna get in. When we were sat here, I was like, I'm ready to go home now. 'Cause there's no way that letting us come and join them. But we did we. - That was a really good night though. - That was a Saturday. - Well, wait we at, was that where? - Yeah, literally that dome, yeah that dome is the room. - I do really wanna do the thing that we said we might deal, which just take over London. Just a horrendous amount of money. Like drop an M on just our faces everywhere. - I wonder how the station is like. - You can't walk around one day. - But not even advertising anything just our faces. - Just our faces. - Just, and people around like, why are these guys faces everywhere? - I really wanted, I've wanted to do that for ages. - Let's do it. - Just get a billboard and just have me like this. - Oh my God. - No words. - Yeah, do they have to get approval for that? - It's not even good promotion. - They have to approve, yeah. - I feel like will that not be approved though, it's not, no like's wrong with that up there. - I reckon they, the thing is Coca-Cola doesn't wanna be sat next to a Victor or Simon going like this. - Why not? - It's bad for their brand. - Maybe they do actually, maybe they do. - If they were smart. - Make money move bro. - If they were smart, they would but this is also. - That's' a whole thing. - Wow. That's sick by the way. - The green planet AR experience. - We gotta do a tour of London. Now we should do a tour of London. Is that. - I wish I didn't live here. - This is. - If I didn't live here, this would be so very exciting. - Recently I watched an old Vickstar video, your accent. - Yeah it's so Northern. - We watched this so Northern. - He sounded like he was so Northern. - Well like commentary, video. - [All] Yeah. - Like hey guys, it's Vic star onto. (indistinct) - Northern modern warfare to you commentary. I'm using using the P90. I was a proper little Northern boy. - Yeah, now it kind of comes out London slang all the time. - Do you know what partially why I did it? - He infected him with it. - When I started recording videos to people that weren't English, they couldn't understand me. Like Americans when Australians and I was using words. - P90. - Well I was like, that was very good. You know like what do you mean? And I'm like that's really good. And then I moved in with you guys and then it was corruption. - Yeah. - Corrupt. - Yeah and then the grime incident. - For our little boy. - We did that to Harry as well. - Yeah, I was an innocent guarantee boy. I was throwing up gang slang for about like two years. - You went from throwing chairs to throwing up gang signs. - Exactly, he started playing a and sceptic. - As a bang. - Supposed to do it. He was guy like. - Hello. - Cheers. - Bus wanker. What does that make us? - She's not happy. - We've had rough one though. - She firm this. - How do you firm that? - [All] Yay. - Colonel wanker. - You said you're happy. - Colonel wanker did it. So colonel wanker. - It's an old woman. - Stop it. (indistinct) - No, apologise to her. - No. - Apologise. - Apologise, no. - Oh my God. It was so slow. - It was so slow, is that good? - That was also harassment. - Well she pointed at me. She's like you. - That was phenomenal guys. - Where is it, I can't see it? - Yeah, wall. - [Narrator] Cheers. - Who the fuck is that guy? - You are a big say. - Wow, hey let me get an autograph. He looks pretty cool though. I, you know what? A fair place and they're doing more like body positive stuff now. - What did you say? What did you say? - He said fair enough, they're doing more body positive stuff now. - Wow. - Hey, there you are again. You're there. (indistinct) Should I tell you a little story about that? I'm, I was not actually at that shoot. I was put into that. - I read that. - I'm not there at all. - [Narrator] I read that. - Doesn't Toby's got another YouTube shot? - You look well in shorts. - You can tell with a height is like. - I'm on an stair. - He's on a stair. - That's very cool. That's actually, no, you're not. - You're not nervous. - No, I went to the location, but no, them people were there. We had any food yet because we're not ready for food. Because now you're dressed properly. So were. - Terrible timing clothing, by the way. - We're expected to. - Yeah. - It's a five star meal. So we need to get in some dinner attire. It Spencer's a free tea's. - Is lunch there? - Let's say you two, you two, us two. - Okay. - Okay. - You two, right? - Yeah, it's the drip lunch. - You got 20 minutes. - Yeah. - You gotta come back to a bus drops us off. - Yeah, here? - Yeah, with a brand new attire, new outfit. - Anything? - Anything. - Anything, whatever you want. - Okay anything. - Can be smart, can be shit, can be anything. - Who's paying for it? - Simon will pay for it. - Okay, cool. - Does my card work? - It can be anything. - Jeez, well I'm getting. - He is not wearing anything smart. - You never know, no it's on Simon card. I'll go to somewhere boujee. - I like smart as well. - That anything. - Anything, okay. - That's Rolex right there. Can that be part of my outfit? (indistinct) - All of a sudden you can close a deal in 20 minutes, that's fair enough. - Dean woke feeling danger. - I reckon I could. It's gotta be like, Josh has dropped us in South field in here, in here, here, let's go upstairs. - What are you feeling? Are you feeling like smart? Are you feeling like street wear? - I think we need to go and get like loud street. - Where are we going? - Well, what do you wanna wear? - You wanna miss the London? - What do you wanna wear? - I wanna wear something weird. - As a JD spot, we just go four cute anchor. - I'm down. - All right, this jacket is gonna be so much. - Well it's sick. - Again, I don't wanna do it tomorrow this jacket here, would probably be like three, four bags. No I can't. Because if I, it doesn't matter whether the sideman paid for it or I paid for it. If paid that much for a jacket and I've done it in three minutes and I, then I don't like it. - Yeah, it's mad. - It's pain, every time I think about it. - That's women's wear hog. - I know, well, this looks on women's wear as well. - No, it said we gotta go to two. - Okay. - We're on one right now. I'm thinking this. - That's two brand new signing this. - This buying one. - Okay, just go for it. Let's just commit to it, right? Fuck it, yeah. - Should I wear boots? - You don't have to. - We did it. - We've done. Did it, quicker shoppers in the admin come. - You know, you got a full outfit, so I rate you. - But I just, there was all mediums on the rack so I just grabbed it. - I respect it. - And now we're back to the bus. Talk to one of the other boys. - You just get like really oversized suits. Like the biggest ones they have in stock. - Are we getting trousers as well? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Move off areas. - First boy's back at the bus stop. - Ready for our lunch. If people don't make it, I think they should just get no lunch. They just leave it behind. They're out of the video, you're eliminated from the video. - You're done. - You've lost. - Look, I've stolen my dad's suit. It's a shamble. - My Charles is getting. Charles is a huge. Oh Lord have mercy. - Looking too icy. Gee, look at him. It's like his first take in six form. Come on. - Well, Toby and Vicky here, so it's fine. - He's more up. - Yeah. - Yeah here's a bit. - It takes a while to check out in that. - It updates yeah, that's how he go there. - [Narrator] You smart, where did you go? I saw what shops everywhere. - Yes. - I got some drip there. - [Narrator] I think we're fine. - What did you buy? - I think we're fine. - We'll tell you about it. - We're changing on there. - I'm changing on there. - Exactly. So why are you asking then? - Well that's your outfit boys. - [Narrator] Well that's. - [Narrator] Here we're changing on the bus. - What you're changing on the bus? Panicking we're in the room. - We've got fucking five. - [Narrator] I know you did. - [Narrator] I wasn't gonna risk it, I wasn't gonna risk. - [Narrator] What school trip for you guys? - It was our first day in six form bro. I forgot my serious, my dad's. - [Narrator] I thought you're gonna say your six form, you say your seven mate. - I did. - How big are your blazers? - Your trousers are wow man. - I am rating them. - They're not big the blazers. (indistinct) - I, I feel embarrassed now. I feel embarrassed, I'm underdressed. Come on, who's coming first? - First up. - It's your boy. (indistinct) - Coming down the cut walk. - Yeah, he's made it work. - This is a lot. - With the yezez as well. - It's the mogosky. - Let me have some. - Out of the back. - What are you shooting got pads? - I've got boots. - [All] Boots. - Nice shooting pads. - No, we're not playing. - Jeez okay. - Fair dude. - Yeah, something's cold. I like that. - That was really sick. - Robert lower. - Gold ski. - Right now that challenge wasn't for anything by the way. - You've been underdressed, I won't lie. Boys, I'll tell you. - Underdressed. - Underdressed. - It's a gourmet talk. - I didn't say to dress smart. - You did. - No, I said. - No he said wear anything. - You were let these jewellery guns on our tour. - Exactly. - But you did say we had to be dressed for the occasion. - Exactly. - Yeah, now we're about to play ball in the field. - We're brand new signee. But yeah, that challenge wasn't for anything, okay? - It was not for anything? - No, so we need to pick a losing team, who put the least effort basically that is. - It's Vic bro. That's Vic. - At first you said Vic. - Wait, no it's Pete. Oh wait, you his team mate? - Yeah. - Well Vic has done you. - I know. (indistinct) - You can't even get very trousers. - You guys smashed it. - Thank you. - You guys smashed it. - Yeah you do. You listened to the dress appropriately and you went, fuck it I'm going. - That's exactly. - Went for a theme. - Okay. - Yeah. - What did you do? You just, you bought something you like, that's what you did. - The Self ridges, and it took forever to check out so. - So how did you get a whole outfit? - I grabbed the first thing off the rack. - I rate that. - You got a whole different outfit. - But I feel like Vic has done the exact same thing. - I picked up a star hoodie, had a max and trousers, but it was two grand. And I was like, no. - Fair enough. - He's done the classic thing where he's got saying that he actually, is gonna keep after million. - Yeah I will. - That's exactly what he done. - I will say we turned up, did dress as well changed. (indistinct) - You also turned up late. - Did we? - Yeah, it was late. (indistinct) - The bus wasn't even here, so. - Yeah, 'cause they knew we'd be late. - Fair now. - But anyway, there is a forfeit. - Okay. - Which you'll find out shortly. - Okay. - Well we're fine. - So we're fine. - I'm sorry Toby. - No I'm good. - I'm sorry. - He's not, he's got a nice and Mary job. This man is not sorry. - Maybe you guys can take your beef, really on the streets maybe. - Butter. - One's larger. - I hope he knows. - Just bit it a little bit. - This is. - This one's warm. - It's good. - It's good. - I gotta give you the bigger one. - This is that sad glass money bro. - Boom, four of you all just use cutlery. - So you are the worst. - You are the worst. - That's my teammate. - So what do we do? And just as I was about. (indistinct) - Drink. - It's a drink. - All right hold on. - I need a neck slap. - Now Pete's got his drink. Harry, you drunk? - Well, I about to do it, John. Let me eat first one sec. - I just wanted to see if people drink. I think we changed it to the mini. - You're good. I was gonna bring up, I was like, fuck it. - I just wanted see if people drank. - I'll always drink. - Simon's evil. Very evil. - So this the vegetable. Yeah, it's ll coming outside and for the rest of the guys. - Thank you. - This is amazing bro. - You know when I was younger, I used to just eat butter out the tub. - Yeah. - Hold on a min. That's some good sea bus you know. - Love that. - It's good, it's fun. Have you eaten this thing? - No. - A bone. - [Narrator] It's reddish now. - Can you eat this or not? - Yeah, I just wouldn't. I don't like it. - [Narrator] Can I have a diet Coke please? - [Narrator] Yeah, do you want more bread? - No more bro. - Anyone wants some bread? - Yeah, go on. - Yeah I want some more. Yeah, give me some bread pieces. - I'm looking at and I won the red, but I don't need. - Well, are you considering looking at the bread? Because your team's got a four fit to do. - Okay. - So you and Toby can go downstairs. You'll have a. - I feel like I've been naughty in class. Like I'm getting sent out of the classroom. You'll have a nice outfit changing too downstairs. - No. - And you'll be getting off the bus. - No. - We're bus. We've been sent off. We're on detention. - So, you get off the bus and we'll see you at the next bus stop. You can make your own way there. - Yes. - This is happening to me. - How bad is it? The bus spent a bag on us, let me keep this outfit. - You can keep it, I didn't say you can't keep it. - Let me keep this one. - No, whatever you change into your win press video. - Respectfully. - So yeah, best about to get out, 'cause you gotta go out. - Okay brother. - Excuse me. All right outfit time Toby. Geez. - Fuck you Josh. - Hey, this is actually kind of sick. Can I be the pan size Vic star? - Pan size Vic. - Honestly honest. This could be so much worse. - I'll be some fries. - We're gonna be cosy. - Well a pan and fries. Now we got a mattress. I'll be a hot dog and frizz bro. - I wanna be the pan, I think the pan's funny. - I've gotta be some fries bro, golden fries. - Pan start one, two, three. - So I got change out of this. Oh my God. - This is good. I'll be honest, this could have been a lot worse. I'm very okay with this. I got a nice jumper and now I'm a pint. I'm sorry for you. - I'm sorry, I'm returning this out. - Yeah, fair respectfully. - Respectfully, well why do we keep saying that today? - All right, we gotta run to the next stop. Let's go. - Everybody look, they 're running. - She's already messy. - Oh my God, they're gone. - Oh my God. - Yeah, no. - There's a pint and some fries on the road. They're trying to beat us there bro. They're trying beat. - Very, look at them. - Watch out, watch out, car, car, car, car, car. Make the cameraman's life. - They've gone the wrong way. - We got three. - You ever see a pipe. - Hold on mic back on. - I've got a mic, don't worry. - Well where'd they gone, is he gonna detour? - I think they're running down that road. - They're running to Draper square and we're gonna. - Okay, I get you. - Wait slowdown. - Hey you. - Slow down. - Do you want me to hold the camera? - I've got you. - I've got that. - These fries are fast, but they call it fast food for a reason. - Come, man. - Is that him there? - Where? - At the top, yeah, it must be. I've just seen a. - The bus is gone. - You've seen a, have you seen a pin? - It looked like a pin. - Sure, we don't need to be getting this fast and I had two glasses of wine. Why am I doing this? Why am I sprinting through London? What's going on? - There they are, for I see a point. - I'll see you. - Yes. - I see two fries. - A pin and fries. - The point and fries made it before us. - They beat us to be fair. To be fair, I like you did couple of good grounds, the pie respect it. - [Narrator] It needs a bus, you might bang on foot. - What you're doing? - By hanger, I'm just having fun. - Jeez. - All right, well done lads. - Jeez, okay. - Well done. - Don't call it fast food for nothing. - He's been cooking that one up. - No one wants to sit next to us, no? - No, no, no. - I get it. - Health is wealth, no bit, no fries and beer in my life. - The champagne mate. - A sterling one. - Or white wine. - How was the run? You did well, yeah to be fair. - It's probably the goods. - Yeah, good ground. - What do you wanna talk about anything? - Where one's been? I was gonna carry on a conversation before. - Yes. - We were chatting about beginning of the end of side men. - Yes. - But we try to say it new recently and we put lucks in a 20 plus one. You earn money, we know you have money. It's not telling you have to have money. - What, no (indistinct). - You changed since you got a suit. - I know what can I say, what can I say? - But, we had a new format recently, right? We got Locke in 20 verse one 'cause we weren't there anyway. That was the plan. - So that really is the beginning of the end, people loved it, and we weren't. - Or it the start of the new. - That's right. - That's a good point. - 'Cause still asked, isn't it? He's in a podcast, right? - Yeah. - Is it the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? - Profound. - Yeah, which would mean we are past the beginning of the end and we're actually going towards the end. - So where are we now? - We're in the middle. - Of what? - Of what? - The end. - The end. - I don't know. - Or the beginning? - I think it prove, I think it's good. I think it proves that we can get other people in and still make a good sidemen video. - Yeah. - I think it's like with affiliates as well, right? Philos 20 about one. - I think for. - And I see Steven Triton, like videos recently as well. - Yeah. - Brand Damon videos recently. - Lux free. - I love freezing, yeah. - Are we becoming a platform? Have we reached a stage where we are no longer just entertainers? Are we a platform? - I think any show and add this person in, add this person. - It has to be the right people. - Yes, now we have. - People that we. - People that we draw of, yeah. - Who's the worst person it could be? - Imagine. - American people, American. No, I'm not even joking. (indistinct) - American people. - Yeah like just. - Not the ones that don't get, like our style of vendor and stuff. - That's definitely worse. - Unperplexed. - You mean what? - Imagine being 100 foot in the air, sculpting breasts and Cox. - Sounds like a good job. - Or would they sculpt it on the floor and lift it? - That's what I was gonna say. - They would. - Would they be? - Yeah, it's done far. I couldn't get it. - Scouting for a reason. - Yeah, it's not that age of sculpting it. - Yeah. - It might take months. - One looked down whilst you're shaping the breast and it's a wrap. - It's importantly yeah. - No safety centres back in the 1600s as well. It's quite, quite a, quite a feat. I don't think it's the beginning of end. I think it's the doors are opening to new opportunities and. - You see this politicians. (indistinct) - Yes me, I think that too. - Gets in a suit suddenly. - I think this is. - Doors opening to new opportunities. - I think so. - Go to work, don't go to work we've got to the end. It's two we're in the middle. - I don't know. - How do transition? - I hope it's not the end. - We pour together. - I hope it's not. - Yeah, I don't know I think you just. - I'd argue there was a point where you wished it was the end. How times have changed. - No, I wish it was a break not an end. - A break. - Yeah. - He fell off his skateboard, you old shit. - Fell off not breaking. - I've never seen someone in England skateboard without falling off. You know in America. - He's about, do it, look at him he's checking the wax. - Well there is no shot. Look this guy, if he does anything, he'll fall off. Like they never land. (indistinct) Look he's gonna try again. - Go on son, go on son. Do something for the. - His got his camera. - Dev, dev, dev. - What. - No. - All right. - No he's amazing, he went rogue. Here we go. - Here we go. Here we go. - Well so. Prove me wrong. It was cool. - I like that. - But he didn't land it. - It's just not in the DNA over, is it? - [Narrator] It's not. - Oh, wait big Ben's out, Big Ben's out. I haven't seen it yet. - It's cold. - It's gaffing, but the clocks wrong. - Oh sit. - Isn't the clock's wrong? (indistinct) - Wow. - Technically Big Ben's never out. - [Narrator] They've probably cleaned that up, isn't they? - Lots of taxpayers money that's how much. - Yeah. - But worth, right? - But is not golden blue. - It's not really that worth it, is it? - It looks, it gives me Rolex vibes. A green top of. - Like that on the roof. - It does look pretty good too. - [Narrator] It does look cool, it does look cool. - It does, it's okay to look up. - I think it's a long term investment. - How do we? - Diamond hands, diamond hands. - How do we honestly? - [Narrator] Wow the London eye. - Did you know the London eye was the largest free standing Ferris wheel when it was open? - But not anymore. - No, the buyers taped it and who I will down my drink. If anyone can name the year it was built for. - 2000. - 2000. - Shit. - The millennium. - Literally called the millennium wheel, no? - Shit, yeah good point. - Yeah, it's name is dome and wheel. (indistinct) - See, I think that was orchestrated and I think you've played into his palms yeah. I think he got, I think he wanted to do that. - Yeah. - But it was all part of the forfeit. - And this, and you know him better than us. - I already justified it by asking these questions. - Let's go on Vic, the rule is, if you cross your arms, you're done for it. You can be let off, you gave me inspiration. - Your fingers fucked. - Sure. - So what I want do it. - Yeah, but any, if any degree, if they cross. (indistinct) - Even if I pointed like this. - That's a cross done. - If I reach to my drink I'm done. - Should we do this? - Why would you say you reached? - Well in like, I might go with my left hand here and my right arms there. - Well, that would be, pointing that over there. - He's giving an example. - Okay, cool. Nice, I can do that. - Okay, I'm a squared man now. - We can be that Lego for the rest of the video. - Yes. - Anyway, you say don't like Americans. - In general. - Okay, we're gonna go film with Americans this year. - Are we? - Yeah. - Which ones? - That's a secret. - Tease it or not. - I think we just. - We've got a nice little vacation. - Is there a reason why we don't say it? - Holiday. - Yeah, we should tease it, right? - I think so. - Yeah, I don't know why we don't say it. - Mr. Beast. - He's a nice American, he's from like middle America, right? He's not from. - It's east. - Logan Paul. - No, they're fine, I don't know they're fine, they're fine. - Phase. - I don't mind them, I don't don't mind. They're fine, they're fine, they're fine. - Phase rug. - Ate him raw. - No, you know what I mean. - You can see. - You can't judge someone based on their nationality, which I've learned. - But you have done in the past. - You had to learn that. - Are we not all agreed that Americans a bit annoying? Are we not, is it not like a common thing, no? Fine, well I don't know. - I think you're a xenophobe. - I like them in doses, I like them in doses, I think. No, I think they, I think they're very, like, they're always so extremely happy. - For an hour they're fine. - For an hour. - For an hour, it's okay. And then any longer that used to start. - Like, you know, especially in London, everyone's just getting on with a day. Like no one wants to be say like you check into a hotel is yeah, I'd check in, get your card whatever. In America, you just check to a hotel. Hey. - Welcome. - But that's they build customer service. - As well. - True work too, but cuts service. - But even, even once you bump in, like you could organise. Oh my God, hello. - Is it just 'cause we are so used to being in London and talking to ourselves. - It's different. - I think so, I think British people are very keep themselves themselves normally. - Yeah. - In American people are very like. - In your face. - Out there in your face. I think it's quite a clash of personalities, but I've got no problem with it. - Let's go to New York. - New York or South London. - We're gonna film the Mr. Beast. - Yeah, I would say. - I'm Logan Paul. Not the same time, potentially a football video too. - Be buzzing for that. - We got time for this stuff in one week? - Yeah. - Yeah. - We have much time. - We've named three videos. - The last time we did what? Last time we did jab is. - We did four last time. - What video? - Jab walking. - Jab walking. - Phase. - Yeah, that was it? - Football and hide and seek. - Football and hide. - And it was also a fun week. - It was an easy week. - Easy week. - Reflective, that was pretty easy. - [Narrator] Almost guys, (indistinct). - Can I change out this outfit? This is. - No. - What's on your fucking? What's the? - Grey season. - Let me see, let me see. (indistinct) - You got him. - That that was not me doing it though. - No, well it happened. - That was not me doing it. - It happened. - [All] Neck slap, neck slap, neck slap. - It's a very long lunch for Ethan. - You're such a prick. - Now that was the whole Adam, I don't know. I'm no fucking, I'm no idiot here. - One or two. - Two. - I'm no idiot. - Who's gonna start drinking too? - New rule. - No, 'cause he's always been on me I'm sick of it. - You have lost a lot. - I want everyone to have a nice day, that's my rule. - No. - No. - I want you to snort a bump of Kerman. - What is that? - Provide it. - Well, from now you can't blink. - This is so funny. - But how do you know if someone blinks? So I can't. - Everyone standing around. - There's. - Oh my God. - I didn't even blink. - I'll blink now. - You did now. - Well that was now, but I didn't blink when you said. (indistinct) Yeah, they were shattering but I didn't blink. - You were gone. - Was he going, or was he gone? - He was going. - No I'm going. And then you all started very reacting. - False accusation. - Gone, gone, gone. - That's why I said I was never said. - But then he did go when he said he was gone. So I feel like he might bait. - Be a bait. - Bait, unfortunately. I thought you slap him. (indistinct) - 'Cause he picked his own game. - Someone's gotta slap him. - I can't make to the angle. I have. - I have the rest. This I sit there. - No. - Can you bend it when you eat your risotto I'm picking his neck. - You can do it from here. - It didn't work. - Sorry you hit the collar. - Well be was your new rule. - Can I go ahead please? My rule is to go hug. My rule is everyone call these kids wankers. - All right. - Get up. - Yeah. - Now get up, get up. 3, 2, 1. - Fuck off. - That go great. - They actually left? - Yeah they went away. So we're gonna cook our next course. - Yeah. - We got a very quick challenge for you. - Okay. - All right super quick. - Yeah. - So the role is, we have to go out and get someone come on the bus. We're convinced to go on the bus. - Okay. - Your team, right? So same team. No one under 18. See you spot these fans outside (indistinct). You have to convince someone out there to get on the bus. - And then what? - I'm not gonna lie, I wouldn't want to be the person. I don't wanna bring a child on here. - When we pitch to him, are we saying like you're on it for an hour? - That's up to you. - You can do what you want. - Okay, you can get on time. - Go. - Go time. (indistinct) - Shit, not a bus stop. Go anyone. It's all good, it's fun. - Can we Nick one that looks 18? - Why don't you just claim he's 18. - Yeah, we're 18. - Hold on, you 18. Hang on, have you got a piece of paper for in, have you got effort you can write down like, like a fake ID or something. - Yeah. - Well make a fake ID. We'll bring him up. - No, see we'll bring him. - Nice sweet. - Who can I convince to get on a bus? Hey, excuse me, do you have any time? - No. - No, that's fine. - It's London, no one's got time. - Sorry excuse me, can you come stand with us on the bus for like, how old are you per se? - 18. - Yes perfect. - Can you come stand on the bus with us for like a minute? - What is that? - 10 seconds. So just to. - A challenge. - Just to win a challenge, basically. - Come on men, sounds like fun. - Yes. - Easy. - Easy. - Write your name and put I am 18, put I'm 19 or something, put your 26 or something. Just to cover all bases. (indistinct) - We're on the bus. Now Evans, I don't know. - [Narrator] Well, I mean we've won the challenge. That's all we had to do, just get you on the bus. - Get me on the bus. - Do you wanna drink? You're sure you don't wanna drink or anything? - I'm okay. - A snack. - I'm all right son. - Yes. - We won. - Stay, you have to stay. - Don't tell him to stay. - But for now. - [Narrator] You can't go stay, stay. - For now you can stay. - I think just until the next team's here. - Can I borrow you for two minutes? Not even two minutes, 30 seconds. - Two minutes no. - Okay, fine. Have a nice day, take care. - Somebody touch your must figure. Do you have a spare two minutes by any chance? - She's busy, she got two, a hand full of coffee. - Yes, you got two coffees. - You're busy. - You can, you won't say you're underage. We, you said like always busy, easy, easier. He's your guardian, all right, Shakid. Yes, bang, bang. And then we'll do little picky, there we go. - Hi, my name's Toby. - I know exactly who you you are. - You're definitely over 18, right? - 100%. - Can I convince you to step on this bus with me for 30 seconds? - For 30 seconds? - Yeah. - Why only 30 seconds? - Yeah go on. - I mean you could do it longer if you want but really. - It's 30 seconds. - I have a challenge to convince someone to get on this bus with me for 30 seconds. - Yeah go for it. - Yes, Vic I've got one. - [Narrator] They've both got someone, look they're signing something and they're, they've got someone there. It's a race. - It's a race. - Cool, right, so when you get on and when they say how old are you? - Yes, present them with this ID. - You're a boss, I'm 26. Okay? - All right. - See you can come. All right, thank you brother. - No nice. - All right, nice. We've secured it, we've secured it. - Come welcome to the bus my brother. - Come on quick, quick, run, run, run. I've caught one Vic. - They got multiple people. - Yes. - They're two families. - Yes. - All right, step on it. - Step on the bus. - How old are you? - 22, I'm old. - Okay have good day guys. - I need to team. - The other team is lost. - We're good. - We won. - Hello. - Yes, you're legend. What's your name? - My name is Jordan. - Do you wanna be in the video? Go for it. - Char Jordan saved us. - Oh my good. - My take, I had it covered. - Hello, he's got an ID. He's got an ID. - Yeah, he got, got. - He's got an ID. (indistinct) - No, he's got an ID, Shakid. - He's 22. - Come on, this is his son. - The son. - Yeah, this is the son. (indistinct) - All right, how old is your son? - It's his son I don't know. (indistinct) - Cause you were lost anyway, so. - Okay. - Okay. - Well, you kind of lost the challenge. It was just the first get back. - Well, here's the forfeit. - So the forfeit is we are gonna make you, make a nice to for us. But I can I, you the, to dancer, I had to do back in there. - Oh my. - Remember that one? - But except you're gonna do it out here. - That's fine. Well bet you're the expert, bro. You gotta see, you'll be all right. - Do you guys know how to do the what? - Is there anything new? (indistinct) - What about the frizzy? What's the frizzy thing? (indistinct) - That's too cool. (indistinct) - I don't know if we will make it look cool. - Anything you know, you can do. - Let's go boys. - All right I will say three, two, one and I press it and then you go. - Yeah, no. - All right, so three, two, one. (upbeat music) - Fucking, fuck it. - All right it was okay. - Oh my God. - Did we do it? (indistinct) - Save that, save it, will post tomorrow. - Yeah oh my good God. - South bank. - Yep. - Absolutely packed. I remember the second day of real lockdown. I went for a run. I ran five kilometres all the way down this side, back up the other side, I did not see one other person. It was like a zombie apocalypse movie. I remember I was running and I was like, in my lifetime, this will never, ever happen again. - You never know. - I know. If there was a lockdown again now, people wouldn't have it. - Yeah, people wouldn't yeah. - I was running down Oxford street and you'd see two people in the whole run. - Yeah, and it's just crazy that now there's like, I can see probably 400 people just looking there and there was not a single person, not a car, nothing. - Yeah, it's the good old days. - Yeah honestly. - I did get nostalgia from the first lockdown. - We all sit at the time that we'll look back on this moment, that it is a good time. - Yeah, and I look back at it, it's it like a I'm quite fond. - So freshened. - The first one was good. - I logged onto war zone and never logged off. It was a good timing. - Yeah, it was quite a good time in a weird way. - Yeah. - Among us, but everyone was. - Also at very elite, yeah. - Among us knights, even like, even like literal side open again. And I get like local get me like some random like shit Pringles every day. - I was drinking every night in lock down. - There's nothing else to do bro. - The pub quizzes were fun for seven weeks, eight weeks. - Nothing else to do, bro. Okay, get delivery room, little bit of alcohol in. - Okay, but now we're living with COVID. - Yeah. - Well this is. - What I was gonna say. No, but where's completely scraping everything. - Yeah if you're positive, you cut out. - How long do you reckon until other countries follow suit? - Well, we'll nothing to do. I've been to there. I think everyone will brand ban Brits from doing stuff. - Who's that person? (indistinct) - Maybe that's what I think we're doing. We've cut ourselves up from everyone anyway so. - No, we can't combine the Brits. - I think we will. - No. - The big boisterous Britain. - It's Great Britain. - Well even though. - Britannia. - I'm the only person who's got it twice. - A weak body. - Yeah. - At second time I found it though. - Yeah. - Probably Omicron. - Yes, so calm. - Probably Omicron. - Yeah probably. - Yeah. - It was like one day I feeling a bit like. - You got COVID then long COVID then. - And then no COVID. - Are you fully recovered from the long boy? - Yeah. I'm fine, living, touch wood. - Geez come on. - Who's next though? Who's second, who's next time round? - Who's the most out and about? - I'm not even most out and about so. - Yeah, I don't know how you call. - Yeah, it's the first time. - Yeah, no, I mean, test goes once. That was the issue. - Your immune system has shrivelled up, from Los Santos. - Yeah, like your penis. - Well have that. - Wallet, have that. - Yeah. - Do it again soon. - Yeah, I think. (indistinct) - Its one of you two I think. I would put myself on the list, but I had it very recently. - Yeah definitely. - Yeah true. - True. Harry, I think you actually up there probably as a prime suspect. - He's boosted. - I'm boosted in Gossoon. - You're boosted. - I was gonna boost. - The booster put me in the fucking mud, but I am boosted. - We want boosters early. - Geez. - Got the boost boys. - 2019 Side men. - Actually the whole campaign. - Actually, yeah, I just these government, if you give us like a lot of money, we will give you the trademark got the boost boys. And we'll be on posters saying get the boost done. And I guarantee. - We try that. - I guarantee. - In a young population. - You'll see a spike in the booster take up 100%. - He's done his politician shit. - But have the trademark. - No, he's saying pictures of us injection. (indistinct) - And I say get the boost boys. Bro, you're flying honestly. - That is good. - Yeah. - The old, world war propaganda pictures. - [All] We need you to get the boost boys. - Hey look, when they need to enlist soldiers on the front line sides. - Get the booth. - See boys, I won't lie I can see some fucking food. - Why is it, is it looking good? - Oh my God. - Time for your stakes. - Watch your head. - Thank you. - Well, we were. - Thank you very much. - I want someone to gimme odds right now of them eating the steak in one bite. - One bite. - I want everyone, I wanna hit odds from every single person. And we all look around and we all do odds. - I think. - Seven. - Everyone does a 10 or yeah? - Seven. - Seven. - Seven, five. - Seven, yeah, okay all right. - Okay. - Three, two, one. - One. - Oh my God. - Oh my God. He's on the game, he's on the game. - Get your arms out. - Wow. - Wow. (indistinct) - One and done. - Well everyone has to. - Yeah I might as well go yeah. - Okay. - I wanna enjoy my start on. I can't. - Just don't lose the odds. - Loose the odds. - Okay, let's go Ben. - All right, three, two, one, three. - One, fuck. - Go on Ness. - Three, two, one. - Five. - Yes. - Harry. - For me to do it for you to do it? Three, two, one, one. - Six. - Okay, for me to do it. I'll take to drizzle. Three, two, one, seven. - Three. - I'll choose bazenga. - All right. Three, two, one, two. - Three, two, one, two. - We get to enjoy ours. - I didn't choose you, 'cause I know Simon would get me. - One bite all the way in. - Yes. - Yeah. - He's leaking. - Yes, you little piggy. - All right, that's some good steak bro, really good steak. - How would you know? You've wolfed it. - I have been chewing it for the last five minutes, but no. - No spiting out. - Whose idea was that game? - Simon's. - Yeah. - I was going to pick you and I chose Josh. 'Cause I knew, I felt like we was gonna get each other. - What is your most played song in the last 30 days? If you don't know, we can pick on Pete and find out really. - Really? - On Spotify. - Mine is by Russ Millions. - Cool. - It's called Reggae in Calypso. - All right, I'm good now. - That's my playing song last about age. - If it is on repeat. - Mine. - That what it is. - Mine is actually, you know the gig song that has esker in it, is that song. - Already. - Wow. - How did you like that song? - Mine is. - Two straps, bring another, make free sub. - Where is it on repeat, play this? - You type in on repeat. - Ex-been has been on some good videos recently. - I have been on some good videos bro. - Made some good movements basically. - And that's why, and it's good tune, bro. It's really good tune. - That's why I'm. - Even the T main one is a big. - TL main's good. - Mine is 20 minutes by a little easy, but. - Nice. - No one knows that do they? - No - Mine's more money by Meeks. - All right, what I put you on hard? - Still. - Shout Meeks money. - Mine is Monalisa by Lojay. (indistinct) - Macho Monalisa, macho Monalisa. (indistinct) - Mine is a man on the moon, Alan Walker and Ben in Grosz. New one, it's a bit. And then my second is Dota by Bass Hunter. - Jesus no way. - They made a tune called Dota and it slaps. - Let it go. - I will say your costume is covering the camera bro. - Look, what do you want me to do? - The steak was delicious. - That was on a good stage. - So good, right? - Yeah. - You still good on with it? - Enjoy it. - All right, all right. - Easy question for you. Who's better to live with JJ or Thalia? - Question for Simon. - I feel like you have there's one auntie you choice. (indistinct) You are back to good. - Simon the board will hear about this. - The board will hear. (indistinct) - How about the same amount of sex? - I thought you said no. - Thalia is. - I was about to say, not as good thumbnail content, but actually. - You know I give Thalia Tuesdays, right? (indistinct) - Yeah you can give her every week. - What's that like? - Every week I just play a game with her. - Fair enough man. - Jay hasn't recorded me though. In the time we film. - But Thalia does. - In the time in the flat three years, I think I must have done about five videos with them. - But that my last video fucking wall up. - Yeah, about four and a half mil. Entirely a Tuesdays in a week. - Is she gonna cut on this or not? - We're getting a house. - In two years time, will she didn't wanna do that though. Will she change her mind? - Am I still doing my second channel daily in two years? - I don't know. - Probably. (indistinct) - Probably, yeah. - Too thinks that he was gonna quit and he has actually fired. (indistinct) - I have, if, I'm not enjoying it, I just said, no, don't. - He plays Dota. - This man lives life. - I do a bit of skiing, bit of donor too. - Every night I'm treating, I just get a little popup, self playing do too. - Actually, I haven't played in about two weeks, but I've been busy. - Yeah you've been out. - I've been out and about who. - Bit skiing and you? - Me, cow, Dick, his wife. Muffs and Lockling. - Yes. - Half of the pack, rest in peace. - I see the pack. - Yeah. - But we're still boys. - Who was in the pack? - Me, Lockling, Rob. Mr. Les, Preston, who's he's killing it these days. - Preston's clear. - Big Preston. - Never not been cleared yet. - Preston's so good. - He probably gets more views on his own than the whole of sidemen. - Yeah. - How many views is he yet? - A lot. - 150, 200 mill a month or something. - Really? - Last I tracked, anyway, he built different. - That's a bread man. - And then we got major Canadian hunger games king Mitch and Jerome ASF, the boys. - Fucking Jerome. - Yeah. Jerome still he plays. I see him, he plays a bit money. - Unlike a man called Jerome, it's quite weird to see isn't it? - It is isn't? - I had a friend in uni, he was called Omar. - It's true, it is. - It's not, not true, but it's just fucked up. - I had a friend you called Jamal. - But it's not. - What? - I feel like Jerome is like, is it an Italian name? - Jerome, I don't think so. - It's Italian. - Put Vic in his office. - Jerome name. - Put him in the office. - Jerome, if I Googled Jerome, let's see what people come up Jerome. - Power tank. - You're not gonna click images, aren't you? - No origin, we need origin of Jerome. - Jerome origins. - So Toby will get us the origin of Jerome. - Fuck it's wild now, isn't it? - Jerome is an old. - No. - Am I wrong? I might be wrong. - There he is. - There he is. - No there's a lot, no to be fair he's a very mixed bag. - There he is, yeah. - I like Greek. - Look at that one. - His Greek. - Oh my God. - Jesus. - That's not Jerome. - It's an Asian called Jerome. - His Greek. - Look at that one. - Jerome is a masculine name of Greek origin. - No, we've got him. - Greek origin. - Yeah, no fair enough. He's just, anyone can be called Jerome. - Look at that one. - Look at that one. (indistinct) - It's a human, it's a whole human. (indistinct) - Just look at it. - At the of state of it. I'm just, I'm surprised the amount of how multicultural Jerome really is. - You ran into something new every day, right? - Josh is a very white name. - Yeah, Josh, Jack. - Can't complain it's a Bible name anyway, right? - Yeah so. - Joshua. - Joshua. - Hebrew. - But I'm Joshua anyway. - You're Hebrew. - My name's shit. - Simon. - Simon is shit. - No don't say that. (indistinct) - Do you know what? I've never, you're the only Simon I've ever known by way. - Yeah, actually same. - I'm Simon from between. - Simon Cal. - Tinder swindler called Simon as well. - How about friend wise, you're the only Simon, I've never had another Simon. - Did you see my picture? The same newspaper that reported on the tinder swindler posted a picture of me. And I was like, no, you've got the wrong one. - So fucking. - I'm probably the only person out here that's never met someone with the same name. - You've never met Vicar? (indistinct) - I know Vicar. - You know you never met anyone, no you haven't met Toby. Have you? - Yeah Toby yeah. - I've never met Toby. - Exactly. - You've met a Toby. - Nick Graham, AFC. - I've never met a Toby. - There a Toby. - There's no other. - What did you say? - I said no, but he is had his to bit. - Of course he makes a foot joke. - Fair enough. - So we have one final challenge before the final course. - Oh God. - Okay. - So you look like an MP, had an awful day talking about Brexit. Shout out dogs. - You think this is the work event, Harry, you kinda look. - I was gonna swear. - So. - You trying to look like you're about to get married. - In half. - Let's do a TikTok you could be. (indistinct) - So. - That would probably be our worst moment. - We're gonna bring back like a Simon classic. I mean like a bus bingo. - Okay. - Classic. - Do we do this from? - The course are arguments. - Do we do this from on the bus? - Let's be off the bus bingo. - Off the bus bingo. So its not, it's off the bus bingo. - Yeah. - So its bingo the chain on the bingo. - Yeah. - Yeah all right. - Maybe quick. - Okay. - All right, so there are six things to get or find. - Six. - In total, the first one is to go down an alcoholic drink. So you have to do two and you have to do two. - Yeah. - That's fair. - That's not fair. - Why is I say one per team? - One per team. - One per team. - Per video, videos, video. - No one per team. - Right, I'm saying two. - You get rid of that plant. Technically you don't. - Yeah, true. One pipe down one time. Yeah, one per team respectfully, yeah. No, he's still saying respectfully. (indistinct) - It's his video lads. - One per team. - There we go. - Simon, okay that was yeah. (indistinct) - You're my local MP. - Take a team photo obviously very easy on your own, on your phone. - There has to be something interesting about it though, it can't. - Yeah like, I mean, I was saying not just about a bush, get good team photo. - With a bit of interest. - I think a couple of MPS in a bush might be good. - Finite is orange, it can't be food or drink. - But you have to bring it back. - No, you gotta find it. - Find something. - Find what, sorry? - An item. - An item. - No food or drink, you have a car to explain this. Get a photo with a stranger. - Cool, can we get Sika? What was his name Shakid? - Shakid 26. (indistinct) Buy a gift for both the other teams. - For both the other teams. - Fries okay yeah. - And that is you give a packet of Christmas, but it be a gift. - Cool. - And fine time wearing the colour Purple. - Okay, we can do that. - Hey what's happening? - Can you get out of the bus now? - Are we gonna like? You can see it's here. - Oh shit. - I think this is my eighth time that I've been surprising the sidemen. - I swear all the boys know. - They're not gonna be surprised anymore. - They always know anyway. - I am changing it all back to two drinks per team. I'm overall in you, there's my video. - Okay. - And you see line a second. So you come out here. - Okay. - Boy it's cold. - So there's two new teammates that'll be joining you. - Jill. - So good to see you. - You've been surprised for the eighth time by us. - Let's say Lux joins Harry and Randy can join Toby and Vic. - Nice. - They could be your partner to drink. Right, we are gonna go bingo now. - Are you starting? - Let's go Randy, let's go. - Slap this on Randy. - It won't fit me. - He went back on the bus. Toby went back on the bus. - He's got an outfit for Randy. - It won't fit fam. - Bro, it'll fit. Run, okay. I've got football boots. They hurt. Is that purple? - That's like lilac. - Bros, we need to find light in those orange. And you wearing orange hoodie? - No, that's orange. - So you do have the orange item. - Yeah orange time easy. - Sorry it's the one (indistinct). - Do you wanna swap? Let's do it. - You can neither. Look at it. - Beautiful. - Yes, bang, bang. - You should have probably taken your jacket off. - No. - That's a nice, that's a healthy pipe. - Let's go. - You, come on. - All right, gang. - Alcohol, are we doing alcohol? - Yeah. - You one and I'll drink two. - He's not drinking today. - I can't. - I drove here as well, so you're taking one for the team. - No. - I'm on antibiotics. - How's your leg? - But yeah, not great. - But like while you're walking like me. - Well yeah, yeah pretty much. - [Narrator] Hold this, hold this, hold this, zoom zoom. - Can we down a drink here? - [Narrator] That's purple, right? It has to be, that is purple. - Can we get a drink here? - Eat, drink. - We're gonna have to walk quietly because we're wearing football boots. - Can we have a photo with ya? - Why not? - Yeah we got. - Thank you very much. - Fine here, here, here. Can you do it? - Hello, must be awesome. - Hey there, nice to meet you, nice to meet. He's friend, London. - Amazing. (indistinct) - They're all there, can we take a picture of? Does that count? - Blocking it, where is it? There. - There. - There's orange. - Orange. - And also. - More orange, extra orange on the roof. - Wow. - Let's go. Me and Randy have to down a drink. - Right. - Let's go. - Lovely. - There's a little corner shop down there. - Easy. - Is that purple? That's purple. - Purple. My guy in the purple. - The Bacardi and Coke please. - Single or double? - Single please. - Go single. - Double please. - Yeah. - Thank you. - Should we get anti-aging something for one of them? - Yes for Josh. - Anti-aging for Josh, and Simon fuck it. - Yeah, why not? - I don't know what we're here. I don't know what I'm hearing. I'm just gonna stop with you're. - You have good content, you great contact. - Thank you. - Why would Simon pick this as his drink? - Now look at a difference, now that's hard to down. - I simply can't believe what's just happened. - What? - We've bought an anti-aging kit, it's 90 pounds. - But you in kilos. - What's Kilos? - He doesn't know where you are. - Erin Kilos. - I don't know what Kilos is. - Kilos is a bad manning. - Is it? - Don't play tennis. - I played badminton. Don't know. - All right, we're taking turns. - Yeah, I don't think I wouldn't be able to do this whole thing. - Yeah, I know where you picked this. Is it it in one? No, that is that's growth. That's growth. - Not even like me. - [Narrator] You regret it so much. - Oh my goodness, so many different Malibus. I'm gonna get a peanut colada. What'd you want Randy? We have to down one of these. - Fizzy pink lemonade please. - Yeah, let's go. - What did you say we have to bring back? Where's the rules. - A gift. We have to get a gift. We'll get them here. Should we get them, we'll get one thing, we'll get a phone box. - Why don't you get a fridge magnet? - If you screen that's a mobile phone. - Okay, you've got this. - [Narrator] Your Tommy Tiland, jeez. Go on, go on, go on. Nice. - We carry on next one. - Plane breeze. - Let's add to the team some glasses. - Why not? - Yeah. Get this super. - And these ones. - Thank you sir. - All right. - Are this station? - Simon caught one. - This station makes a lot of money. I didn't realise it was that expensive in it. - Yeah, what's up, what's cracking. Yeah, Randy I'm rapping yeah. Toilet over there I'm cracking. - Sorry man. - Thank you man. - Let's go outside and do this. - Sure, sure. - We need to buy presents. - Yep. - Should buy a subway. Its not a present, but you running like a gremlin. - I see a purple hoodie. Wait, wait, wait, wait, I see a purple hoodie. I see a purple hoodie. - Or purple there too, there's purple, purple and purple. - Purple, purple, purple. - Don't disturb him but we got two purples. - Purple, purple hoodie. - Purple hoodie. Purple, look at, and look at the purple trousers over there. - Yeah. - Yeah nice one. We got on footage here? Done. - Easy, easy. Hello sir. - Yes. - Lovely. - All right, nice we found purple as well. - Team picture and drinks. - All right, cool. - I'll call it drinks. - Big star, ran off. - Let's go. - Fastest food and drinks in the game. - Yeah. - I'm doubting it. That's my guy. You down already? - That shit's cold. - Sure thing. - All right, one more, one more. We need a team picture. - Would you like? - Stranger. - To be in a picture of us? - I would love to, yes. - Okay, jump in. - All right, I got this. - Hey. - This is insane. - I don't know if that's worked. I probably. - That's all right. - Thank you very much, what's your name? - Brian. - Have a good one. - Lovely to meet you Brian. - Thank you, man. - Have a good day. This will be on the sideman video at some point. - No way. - That's a bar, there's a bar here. - There you go. - That's a bar. - Cool. - Closed, open. For fuck sake they're open for Harry. - Beers, fun bird, fried chicken, beers. They do beers in here. - All right cool. - We go to the green one. - We recycle. Yes recycle, the possibilities are endless. - Okay, we squat in the middle of the road here and we get the framing, that's London iconic. We got Kristy on the photography. - Cool. - Cool, well let's go. We've done it, job done. - Yo boys. - Ready? - Yo yes. - Thank you guys. (indistinct) - You too. - You too, okay. - So after this, what we gotta do is get a team pick. - So we head back towards the bus, go in the garden. - Get the tree. - Yeah, cool. - All right, my bum's out. - Speed up, speed up. Come on, Randy. - I'm running. - I'm speeding up. - I can't, I fell. - Nice, nice, nice, nice. - Lovely staff. - All right, cool. - You just gotta drink too mate. - It says, it does say down. - It does say down, yes. - It does say down. - In the park, I think in the park, it's a nice nicer environment. - In the park. - Yeah, look at it's beautiful. - In the park. - [Narrator] There's no one here Vic. There's no one here, we've done it. - [Narrator] We've actually done it, yeah. We've nailed it. - But this? - Why are we getting these? - Gift. - For one team? - Yeah. - So we need three. - [Narrator] There's three of them. Remember, you invited guests. - I think. - Sissy and Quinn. - [Narrator] Okay yeah, that's fine. - Saying smart, I fill up her boys. - [Narrator] Do you like an umbrella? That's a toy thing. - I do this one here. - I would drink that here though. - Yap we like to drink with Harry, he gets it down in one. - It's a lovely, look at it sweet nectar. Drinking a lot of beer. - It looks so small in his hand. Like he really. - Yeah, this man knows how to drink. - Makes it look like nothing. - Yeah. - Yes, easy. - You'd lovely, man. I think get on stage and drink the notes. - I'll do it at a gym. - Go out. - And get on stage and drink the nectar. Get on stage and drink. - Do you have condoms? - Which ones? - Chills in the film. - Chills. There's three in each pack, that's perfect. Can wee get one feels and one? - Extra safe. - Extra safe. - APH is that one? - It's like, it's like, Prince's. - It's like Britain's got, Britain's got autism. - That DJ Britain got autism. - Now performing on Britain's got autism. (indistinct) - What's it gonna be? - [Narrator] Would you like to do, cause you're now watching autism. - You stole my, he stole my joke. - That was a great joke, that was a great joke. (indistinct) - Oh boy. - What have you done to yours? - [Narrator] Yeah wash your teeth no one cares. - Our four's gonna run. - Doing a clamp. - We was gonna you, no one care. - No, you should have, love you Harry. - That was very, what's the word? - Anti-dramatic. - No, not even demoralising. - Should we take a picture in front of the British flag? - Sure. - Yeah you do, you guys have to. - Should we do it with it, we should do it with our hands on our chest? - They have to for the content. - Okay, okay. - Well yes. - Complete. - Come on boys. - Yes. - Lovely. (indistinct) - A bit fucking embarrassing. - Okay, bus bingo done. We're gonna try our final course, but let's see the gifts. So let's say Harry and Ethan's team, let's see your gifts. - Well, we got you a gift. - Me only? - Well you got Harry. - You got a. - We got a gift for your team. - We got a good gift. - For your team, but mainly you. - Anti-aging cream. - Yes. - Kills that's good stuff. - 90. - It's got 95 quid. - Good stuff. - 95. - That was bad, that was all this extra as well. So, there you go. I'm sorry. - Okay. - So this is all mine as well? - Yeah. - What's that? What about Simon? - Yeah, where's my gift. - Well, you don't need anti-aging stuff. - I don't need. - No, we got you some hair helper. - Nourishing, shampoo and conditioner. - Nice. - You've got some sexy, thick hair that you need to take good care of. (indistinct) - That phone needs maintenance. - It's not a phone anymore. - Thank you, Perry watching. - Thank you. - Shut up, awesome. So they. - Or Locke's picked out these for that too. - Wow very stylish. - So for here. - Yeah, where is the other thing? No. - You have one pair of sunglasses for a whole team? - Toby took the bag that we. - Usually now the, not the bag. - Where's everyone bag gone Toby? - Yeah, there it is. - It is mine. - No, give us. - He took the receipts. - You said it was for me. - I'm not over. - You said it was for me. - All right, anyway. - I've been holding that the whole time. I had no idea. - The glasses were for that team. - Yes, Randolph. - Yep. - Yeah. - Little bit pink. (indistinct) - Shame shit. - This is helpful. - Well, we found something orange and bought it. - Yeah. - Right. - Wait, that is the gift for the team. - Yeah. - Toilet tree back. - Well I appreciate the fact that you've got money on me. So I take that. - 100 pounds. - Those glasses were 50 pounds. - Oh my God. - Yeah. - I'm taking this home, I've got a baby to feed. (indistinct) - Oliver bonus and kills. - There you go. - Oliver bonus. - Yeah we spent a lot of money. - Let's say to beat the next. - Right. - So we know that Ethan and Harry like keys. So we got them a key chain. Again, it's like, you have to share it. (indistinct) - That's a from Dr. Who? - Yeah. - No it's not. - No it's London phone box. - It's a London phone box. - Isn't that from Dr. Who, though? - No, it's blue. (indistinct) - Shine a version. - Shine timings. - For team football we got you a fridge magnet again. - Sharing, for sharing? - You got a week. You get a week, you got the first week Josh. - You can, does your fridge have any magnetic on it or? - I don't think so. - Neither is mine, no. - That's unlucky, yeah. - Put it in your car. - We saw you got a lovely forest hat, but obviously forest is a shit so. - Don't worry. - But don't worry. We've got you. - We got all for everyone. - [All] Wow nice. - This doesn't go with my branch. - Up the quid. - Then for Brexit team. - Yap. - Obviously we helped you out. - We got you umbrellas. (indistinct) - A brolly. - Your brolly each. So you get. - Do I get one? - Yeah. - Oh my God. - Nice Simon. - So then we also got you other stuff. - Yeah, there's more stuff. So. - That's Randolph, I think. Oh my God it's so lucky, that's so lucky. - Yeah, we got ran off for rain coat. - Yeah, thanks yes. - 'Cause you're Northern, you go to north sometimes. - Yeah, I do got from awesome times. - We have a St. Orange bolt, was a lighter. - Okay, yeah. - We got you something specifically. - Hey Vic, do you want to go? - Now that you've got a film. - That's a joke guys everyone. - What'd he say? - He said it's from podcast. He can't do a later, so I suggest. (indistinct) - Here we go. - Vic three, two, one. - No, he's okay, come on Vic you got this. - Yeah you got this. - Come on Vic. (indistinct) - Don't you know this? - No, one hand. - Why gonna a minute? Anyway, Harry, we got you a grinder. - A grinder. - I guess this. I was gonna say it. - You how far use for that? - No, not really. - What's that for? - God hub maybe. - Yeah, actually we got you some feels condoms. - Cool, yes. - Yeah, we know that you are always in your draws. - Sexually active. - Thank you. - And it in your fields all the time, obviously. - Okay. - And then we're we got Ethan some extra safe. - Wow, thank you very much. - Because you're pretty much likely to have a kid soon. And we got you a pleasure me, 'cause if you struggled so pleasure. - Wow. - Awesome. (indistinct) - You know what? The least boring one, thank you. - Well, there's the desserts. - Oh wow. - Hold the fork. - How many do we have? - I don't want one anyway. I just, I want to eat, just sit here with my ring show. - Don't want one, let's. - Hey. - Wait, is it? - [Narrator] This is called pavis. - What did he mean? - Okay. - Padi. - Paris breast. - That is phenomenal. (indistinct) That was amazing. - You finished already? - Yes. - Oh my God. - There's still an element of little fatty inside. - He's here. - Are we good? - Yeah send it. Right, whoever's not pulling their weight I swear, bro. - Let's go. - He might be on the run. (indistinct) - Oh my hip. - I never not the funny. (indistinct chatter) - No, we are a pain in the ass. (indistinct chatter) - My balls, my balls, my balls hurt. I'm not tall enough for this. - Guys on three can I get SU? - You're not nearly tall enough for this - One, two, three. - [All] Suit. - Fucking help. - I'm tired. - My balls. (indistinct) - We don't actually need to cycle. - Seven miles. - She kissed it. - That's right. I'm gonna be honest, I feel like we don't actually need to pay anything. (indistinct) - What's this guy doing? - But some people I'm tall enough. - You don't got weight to it. - What do you mean I'm not tall enough? My legs are T short where my Baldy cry. - I'm tired. - Now I'm feeling some friction that's good work. - Drivers of London. - Hey, everyone drink up yeah? - Drinks. - Drink, and can I just say something? He's got a full glass of apple salads. - This is alcohol drink. - Do what do we dare? We impose the question. - While we're breaking, we're breaking. - What? - Randolph do we have all? - I can't. - You're so evil. - To down those hours. - No, make you high, go, go, go, go. - 80. - Go, go, go. - 80 is fair. - The mighty is 70. - The mighty is 70, yeah. - It's truly them. - It's all right. Three, two, one, twelve. - 69. - What did you just say? No redo, redo. - The max is 70. So 72. - Shit redo, redo, redo. - Okay give me 20. (indistinct) - Right, 20 is reversible. - All right I'll do 20 but I can do it in one go. - Yeah, sure. - Reversible. - I've got whole thing of wine. So yeah, I'm down. - All right, three, two, one, six. - Four. - Three, two, one, three. - Nine. - Okay I love that. - More visible. - I like this, we're really. Oh wait, we are cool. (indistinct) - All right, put some work in legs. - How much do we actually care for the public? - No, not so. - I'd rather they take longer. - If you're driving in London, you deserve to be stuck in traffic. Don't ever say such the worst. - Hey, but this is Josh's idea way. - Wave. - I'm not even pedalling. - Relax, what you doing? - He's got a hip replacement. - I'm not pedalling. I'm not pedalling. - All right bro, you're just dead weight. - Barely. - [All] Suit. (indistinct) Why are we campaigning? - [All] Suit. - Why you, what action for what? - For Canada. - For Canadian truckers. - I agree. - We fucking, we power through boys. We go, we don't stop. Come on. - Look at his legs. They're not moving. - Less fucking on it. - Am I moving? (indistinct) - [All] Honk. Yeah. - Does anyone burn? - Again, yeah. - I startled you. - That's the dumbest shit. - [All] Whoa. - That's the siren of the police. - Oh lads. - No, Josh. - Keep going. - Boys keep going, gotta move on. - This is the hill (indistinct). - But we're carrying a whole constant team and Tommy. - That's what I said. - Push it. (indistinct) - Sorry. - What's the bus? - That's got really nice. - There you go. (indistinct) - [All] Yeah. - Come on. - Oh my God. - My legs. - It has got so much harder. ♪ One on the me bangs ♪ ♪ Me I am the boss ♪ ♪ Yes I bow and see ♪ ♪ In my ass ♪ ♪ Asking to my right ♪ - One bar. - One line. - Can I get one bar? ♪ Okay one bar then I pass it to Toby ♪ ♪ I'm Toby ♪ ♪ But don't no one know me ♪ ♪ I do ♪ ♪ You mad on me like Kobe ♪ - What? - But not like that. - What do you mean? - Okay fuck it out. ♪ I run this tree shot over roll me ♪ ♪ I dust this drink throw-by ♪ - Hey. ♪ After the bath I put on my roby ♪ - [All] No. - Roby style. - Are you seeing the canopy? - Is it just me, 'cause our should is getting ripped apart? - Change the strap. - Go, go, go. - Go. - What do you mean by that? - You are helping quite considerably, I'm not gonna lie. That honestly, I'm not even pushing. - We might not have to peddle. - Wait 11 is up. - Another rad coming up, we're going downhill also. - Should we just do this? - Push it until then, like you're pushing a baby out. - Why? - Push it. ♪ Cause we're living ♪ ♪ Cause we're in it to win it ♪ ♪ We're in it to win it ♪ ♪ Oh yeah ♪ - Boys, We're outpacing the McLaren. - Let's go. - [All] Well you wanna race? Hey, do you wanna race? - No. - Well antisocial. - He doesn't want this boat. (car engine humming) - [All] Yeah. - Let's go. - Yeah, we have to win. - Can we go? - All right ready boys? - Everyone ready? - Heads up, heads up. - No sooner, no soon as we see the other one goes. - Easy dub. - Go. - Well done, you went the wrong way. - Well done lads. - Good job boys. (sidemen clapping) - Well done. - Another sidemen video in the bag, banger. - What? - Absolute banger. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 12,322,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: koDg9JjF3PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 27sec (5007 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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