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love their restrictions of being eased which means the sideman a halfback sort of off back maybe anyway calorie time oh boy i'm excited to be time for my favorite style of video food video yeah i get to see my friends for the first time in forever so i'm guests and guests i haven't ventured outside my flat in about two months so sticking to the guidelines and them can't terrified I'm gonna eat my stuff to the point that I feel ill because that is what we do right here as you guys know so long as we stay two meters apart we can group up together however hairy is currently in Guernsey good morning boys I'm coming to you live from the island of Guernsey and I feel like it's a running theme in these typing videos I've woken up late I'll have a shower I might have a load of Weetabix let's get going and here we have an iconic scene Vic saw one two three and a bowl of cereal luckily we are also cutting liquid calories today so I've gone innocent smoothie tropical juice things my protein shakes the best protein shake I have a 250 milliliters of soil I milk and then strawberries and cream oh my hey fevers make my eyes block [ __ ] great pony shape down I must feel so stressed yesterday I may have had food poisoning sour stomach bug although basically me and this guy became serious friends throughout the day and evening I have got free Pringles here so I might try and take one of these they are a thousand and thirty calories heat a whole tub I can do that and we can start on that now because I feel like I say food to start on today I mean some oats you know quick fiber quick burning Tings I'll get a couple calories in that so I gonna be adding some manuka honey to both with the oats alright each tablespoons about sixty calories so oh so good rooster their oats just waiting to enter my body okay breakfast lookin very bready 886 calories okay I've eaten a fair amount a fair amount I guess I'll add that I guess that's like nearly your half give you half of Pringles tub already but dummy for now so let's go how many calories per Weetabix five seven that's a thousand calories that's a lot of wee bit but well you know what we're dedicates the cause on there's all meds or finish off the packet a may as well eight mm-hmm so what we have here is my meal prep meal it is a spiced beef stew with tents them beans greens and white rice now this comes in a pumping huge 742 calories so I think we might be close to the 1k margin so breakfast is finished but today is a day to treat myself so I'm having dessert for my grandpa after my breakfast that seems so bizarre to me but anyway what have we got lemon cake my girlfriend is baked this amazing lemon cake probably estimate around 200 calories mmm no good you have just seen me make some homemade juice in two carrots two apples for strawberries and one orange I believe and this is the result that's pretty nice but once the carrots are unlike overpower we are prepped and ready in London and I do believe that Josh should just be up around this corner somewhere [Applause] [Laughter] I am gonna go with a questionable tactic and order for breakfast a Shake Shack or I feel like [ __ ] two chips in and I've realized this might have been a mistake that is choices 1500 in this box with the cheese I might need to change out as well yeah all right here is my order and let's do this actually let's tip my guy alright now let's do this [ __ ] I forgot to gas right [ __ ] I feel bad just just ordering ones bright Oh for [ __ ] sake it is what it is let's tip my guy alright and we're done so now off to go Ethan and Josh in London but of course safety first what my mask we are still in a guy walk pandemic hope you guys are all being responsible too and I'm just glad I'm excited to be going outside for a bit of video once again it's been a lot been a while I heard of coffee I had a protein shake I had beef stew with rice and greens so so far I did even very healthy food myself if I eat coffee drink coffee oh we did get you and loads of coffee I know because I she will [ __ ] on us well it was all right until a lot bit and now I'm what strata but I like what we'll call it fouls it will pull around to the water browsers we're out on the mean streets of London and I think I see yes you've nearly lost your glasses that this is us now just back me what was that what's the plan what's the plan for the day just why want to give lots of walking I would have walk like 10 mile it's just good why not well we've been out so at the moment when they're when they're black fries we're just going to start walking and see where we end up all right halfway through I've told JJ to buy me more cheesy chips because I feel like they're the ones I can do 2300 for breakfast I'm a big boy I feel so fat all right this is how we're looking right now I finished one burger so I got another burger there and a few fries slowly get man found our first open food fight it's miss the space found himself on the south bank I loved it my first unhealthy thing of a day I've gone for fries with vinegar and salt I've been to the bar without fries we're thriving how many calories are you on porridge Jesus Christ it's done it's done I have eaten everything I don't like tomorrow so yeah for them all right first [ __ ] a day so there's gonna be many oh here we have Ethan Lord of the pigeons this is the squad coming by Ethan they always come out hi so we've come outside to eat this is dead I haven't been outside in so long yeah like I'm kidding I have you've done exercise I've done nothing I do a lot of running so I know this is what it's like I'm literally experiencing something new but I got this in the post thanks for Toby and do another Toby I can now thank you very hug now this is weird I wish to miss you this day's going swimmingly I'm so close it's 3 p.m. I'm so close I'm so so close to completing the calorie challenge ok it's about what 300 my thought it's 3 o'clock already I've just wear like a stinker situation I'm in desperate times call for waffles one waffle two waffle I can fit six in here you know those are not done can I just say mom dad if you're watching this we need a new toaster because if over doesn't toast it or it burns it oh [ __ ] us not smoking I bought them I bought them above them I bought them I born them I don't ok ok ok ok ok away Simon knows deca I'm not good at math okay number two I don't know what so this is Julius [Music] what if he doesn't like her okay fine only white guys enjoy watching these videos I'll Satyan what I've just stood up and I do feel sick but that's another how many is that if I had six and there one full age look 800 calories I'll pay your bounder you know alright so take away points just down here of course I am I will I will succeed in this mission I am getting a takeaway point right there's a bit about about 200 calories it applied it depends upon Oh sunny it's um you know I'm gonna go we're grabbing a picture with the provider of the point yes okay the video yes [Music] [Laughter] we just got three points we are living our best lockdown life look at us 150 calories okay wait exact going on this is 186 calories this and this is 498 518 for the free pretzels 160 in a cat to the birds I can be close to you [Laughter] okay so we're just exploring got the beers still there's nothing open flashy eat food exploring London again [Music] [Music] I don't think I've seen London is so long it just makes me wonder like how many calories if I go as sucker I was void BIC Josh and Ethan so we're gonna try and cut them off now obviously how do we jump together without being within TV they're literally right there they're either I got you very what do I smell what are you doing oh wow we all made everyone else made an effort today right now all right are you outside mcclendon we should go and sit down somewhere in order more food exploit yes strategy I've got I've got an emergency fund I think I need to dip into I've came prepared for this mission isn't it where is 1200 calorie surely I reckon in a day yeah but I mean I'm fine alright so the loser Binks and the waffles aren't seeking to one of my stomach but we will persevere I've got another meal at just cook table pretty delicious and then I'm gonna head out and try and burn some calories so Mining's on a tortilla now I'll tell you what if I don't say so myself that's a beautiful looking turkey mince but you must show you this Mohammed burden but will persevere for the culture [Music] meal done a lot actually but my mouth was on fire anyway let's move on right so we have with want ourselves in a park right here in the Sun yes it's mealtime for me it's a bit of a psycho it's like a kilometer away all right we're going back to the space fan we got him back to the space fan more ice cream more life you know what is you doing wrong what did you do it it's a color each other that's oh damn okay just move you gotta move brain freeze I'm very sensitive to pain your bird show show show show how come I have a confession to make inside men channel the London mouthing got postponed to October so is currently what that what is June now I've just started my 18 week program to run the marathon Ian I'm not even 10,000 calories I'm not gonna tell the others I've made this confession but you guys here listen we support we should carry his boxing right yes I'm in calorie fraud I'm not eating 10,000 calories I've been called slush puppy calories it says there are 200 calories in one medium Bull sir do you recognize the medium cup serves no no feel small large ones who think about America think about how they're doing I bought Pringles I've nearly finished my Pringles what you guys do across the bridge no I've nearly finished my drink so I'm gonna add this to my calorie counter and I'll be back with you and my Nando's has arrived what beautiful setting here it is on the bike perfect thank you bang there we go and Nando's quiet 2020s Matt yeah alright I've taken a break from eating it's time for a swim it's the life this is the life [Music] this is just what British people do Sylla some pretty good I've been out she's on now over parked on Surrey does he go to shop a couple of beers she shouts on 1010 calories look at me I'm almost as big as the [ __ ] building behind me look at the face do you look to the sky [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] all right my mother has cooked me some dinner exciting times what we got I told to make it calorific we've got potatoes we've got some eggs we've got some beans we've got a load of sausages that's a lot of calories there so I'm just gonna eat until I'm full and hopefully tick off another like thousand calories possibly yeah I did already high at the back in town see you see you team up no [ __ ] you more oh not you guys no you guys look oh my days alright he goes nothing Thanks alright we're done for now other than I how many calories that was I'll work out but I feel sick a lot of you guys probably be thermate why we bailed because I am doing the marathon okay my 18 week program has just restarted so you'd be wondering what you actually eating well my diet is pretty much all pre-made for me on a daily basis so this one is mainly protein with some greens in there it's so so so detrimental is right to try and eat these 10,000 calories this week I will not feel good I will not feel good but I will still I will still eat time to bring out the bad boy my scanner yeah this is why even got me insecure Sandler oh yeah 1250 calories per serving I thought of scoop would be like you know oh my god he said you're not I'm about to do one of these and then another one there we go smashing it down I can see the muscles getting bigger already did it yeah Oh 600 calories in like four seconds totally yeah baby we got some black cod meats over here some black cod meats over there and we got the rice thing over here thousand calories I swam talked in a bow all rights the day is coming to an end so desperate times call for desperate measures I'm busting out the scones for extra calories we've got some uh some clotted cream then some bras regear right I feel sick already but even worse Oh [Music] and we are done for now oh dear [ __ ] you know fam I hailed that like like inhaled all right Rocco is close to go from kazoo yeah today Wow oh [Music] no this could be like a week's worth food oh it's so good I'm having so much fun thinking about how many calories on consuming a book go for a second slice right now I'm all good for one so yes we will continue later what's that wrong gone yeah well we got Lyceum burly passion coffee enough to have a slice double pepperoni from Papa John's he loves spice up your life for a little I want to see mom up all right I want to see college man me so me [Applause] yes out of the wings bro you change ksi in touch your nose anymore - I took your advice from earlier mate I got the big posture I've got some rigatoni and some beef ragu all right you got cheese yeah oh yeah cheese yeah yeah Applewood Applewood smoke smoky cheese look at this mmm look at the buffness piece I'm gonna move my mic away that's Brittany oh and once again we've where's Harry right where is Harry knows my third white wine listen son no phones at the dinner table what the [ __ ] bro put your phone away as a kid I can't give teenage in a black call it doesn't happen he's planning Barry's planning his next attack yeah [Laughter] good news Harry what what what news are you after what news you after that you've succeeded in the calories you get so well in the u.s. edition surely you've done it again um well you did so well in Hawaii actually you know let me give me two give me two seconds but he'll shoot a second oh that's gonna take him over the edge and you can you can you get that all the way in your mouth yeah once the whole thing yeah Oh Oh big 10 Jeff it's no gag reflex I don't get time Donna - yeah come on let's see surfer boy dude why how they do that I had seven small potatoes 600 brianc sorry that six sausages five scones my jam and butter Ornan oh I have Jesus Christ and you know you know used sounds like a lot right five thousand just hit five thousand white in this sausages got pretty much like rename him JJ about ten thousand calories all the tell you what is this he's not trust any calories he does they eat some food JJ I'm not letting you off like you need to you need to like show us you know you don't stop stop do it slowly I'll do it for you I'll give no no no no no cuz we need to know the people need to know what he's actually know all right you can finally go I had ten packs okay what did you have what did you have Simon you have two very eyes I had a pot I've had four those but he had to I know he finished yeah I'm looking at you are chatting out of your you know you know I feel like being nice I'll give you I'll give you eight portions of rice [Music] I've given him I've given him nearly a thousand calories of rock but there's no more 200 grams of rice in that you know breaking it down you know for four portions of rice okay I'd Judy anyway anyway final count ever ready for it any gas is everything JJ and I slowly is there 57 calories oh the oxygen I swallowed today alright here we go JJ's final count any all right here it is your final calorie count is an 87 287 is over 600 did point to four thousand two hundred and eighty-seven I'd be telling you I've eaten more than you I've been here kg of rice as well that's with that's with 400 grams of rice 180 grams of rice which is more reasonable 680 calories Vic he's on more than 180 grams of rice mate no he's at times for no that's where he just said he's 100 80 grams of rice is 680 calories no so he said like only he's got about 180 grams of rice each packet you can't rise he said he said I but 1.2 kilograms I would in that pot right hold you pop quick Lee et now I want to see the one you know someone knows a bit did I just want to see to be fair that black cotton rice did custom 41 pounds 164 pounds uncut of that Cod yeah but two kilograms about three quid scale Simon have you got any scales you could end this way you holding it on the scales again on zero so you put that right in there looking good for you okay and that's not even full it was it was like it was like two-thirds full so I'd say about 200 but I can't wait til I get back in there I will give you that 135 yeah it's about 2/3 full so results he's eating about 1/3 of it and the remaining 2/3 came back at about 135 grams which would bring the whole thing to about 190 to 200 grams but a portion okay can we just help with we back up Ethan has said he disagrees - cooks rice weighs more than Uncas where yeah I have literally filmed it but also that means that our scale is wrong because our scale is uncooked rice that's what I'm saying you have to factor in because water has a lot of water in there which is no calories it and it's from a sushi place which with the Brady sighs Tony said it's how he said it Albany I'll never Vic did the rice you looked up I assume is cooked boudin right exactly they're not gonna have no really can you scan the package they always do it as it is oh wait I've got it I've got it I've got it I've got I've got four cooked rice it's less calories okay it's roughly one calorie per gram so even if you've done what have many grams 600 700 grams that's like 600 700 calories which was the original number we got so yeah you can you've got 6 700 calories look I want kazoo rice yeah okay so 45 [Music] why you say it's 2004 I mean for the cheesy chips I'm liking cheese calories in Shake Shack cheese fries there are seven hundred and ten calories in one serving of shake Czech cheese fries I'm already ahead of ember and I headed the Pepsi free chicken strippers left and free such a pizza oh you're 6k calories bro you've lost you've been having so much meat and potato JD you had you had white rice and you had very like low calorie proteins with healthy food hey guys this is about half the cold how am I meant to know that he's just like it's about always for any guys I might 400 grams of fish tell you those 10 grams that's 10 ounces and I gave you I gave you 24 ounces 24 ounces down to 40 some 4004 with the a condom analysis all right one at a time everyone give you a final counts and we can call this a day okay well I'm actually clean this up I actually have proof I did know I did I left it so I came recorded and then I went back and ate them and I have double burger wait the bug I would you mean you woke up the whole burger chips yeah I had a burger and his head chips and then you David [Music] this could be the bridge and then there's some sighs like look at that [Applause] [Music] it's not about the wages about the calorie density tell him again I don't care about your science [Music]
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 14,269,482
Rating: 4.9528456 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, sidemen calories, calorie challenge
Id: UY3Px46WFfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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