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- Who wants to suck my toe for 15k? - Me. You'll offer me 15k to suck a toe? - Sweating and not fully clothed, in a hot tub. (men laughing) (urban beat) Hello and welcome to the world's most expensive mukbang with the side men you guys love our mukbangs and we've taken it to a whole nother level today. We have found the fanciest restaurants across London. We are putting orders. We are in one of the fanciest spots in London and we're going to enjoy it. And we're going to talk and we're going to do our thing. - So much. It is outrageous. Does everyone want to go through their orders? Let's start with you. - I'll start. I avoided one crispy prawn, Mackie, one, California Mackie. You can tell I've gone for sushi. Yeah. One black Cod. I know that JDA is probably gone. I went with one, I went with a full pepper beef fillet, Japanese fried chicken. Okay. Shapley what's up wine. Cheers to us boys. A bit of rice and a cheesecake a bit of rice, two kilogrammes of rice. I didn't get to that over there. Mine comes to a measly, 185 pounds this year. You can compare to it. (Men laughing) - Okay, so I went in with a sushi Samba. I got the Wagyu gliosis teriyaki chicken some salmon McGarry, the Samba salad. I got four, eight a mommy at the mommy for the game - The salad. - It looks pretty funky. It's apple, mango. It's like one of them funky salary. - don't hate. Appreciate and then- (Men laughing) - Private school. I loved that. - Got four pina coladas. I tried to watch it a while. I tried to order 12, but they wouldn't let air - Oh no please. No - Simon and Ethan (indistinct) And then Harry ordered the Samba London rolls. - Did I? - And I got the eco rolls. So Liza that came out to a total of 302 pounds. (Men clapping) - Big spend aggressively going off right now. - I've only ordered one thing and it's it's it's a bottle of ISA. Speed's Rosie champagne. - You just ordered. - So you're eating champagne. - It's 599 quid. And they're preparing to order as well. Now I've got sushi from you. My dinner is 40 minutes ago. Let's do preparing hair and a bottle of space. They got to get the whole service around that. You know, all right. - I got three black cards. - Three! - It's for me and Harry. And I think he might have ordered an extra one by accident. - I'll take it back. - There's plenty of fish in the sea. Oh, he's on mother's day. You know - Raw salmon and avocado Mackie, a Wagyu rib eye. This is 86 pounds on the side. - That's a shout off of my order in one stick - Committee rice, two to three grammes, three baked cheesecake. If you want an extra cheesecake, bro, I, I - Don't know I'll take your cheesecake - Chocolate and green tea pudding in soft shell crab. Meckey baby back ribs, baked potato sweet potato. And - What's that soft shell crab. Right last one second to last night, you think that is - That is a 700 millilitre bottle. I've got a little of those. (Men shouting) It makes my chest close. - It gets to be upset about it. - It keeps my asthma off - I feel sorry for you mate, you spent 42 pounds. (indistinct) - Last time he did that. He was like on the cheap sweater. - And Amsterdam. - There's a wacky cheeseburger as well. - That's not me. I don't think. No that's me. - That's my cheeseburger. - That was a total of 367 pounds. (Men clapping) - Cheeseburger. - So I have a whole duck. - A whole duck? - 110 pounds. That was the Peking duck. - That's quite good. (Indistinct) - Oh no that's not good. - It sounds good to my head. - I mean, for a distance, like you hear a duck at a distance (indistinct) - A kind of a roasted chicken and satay sauce. - You got a duck and chicken? - Yeah. - And I got chicken and fried rice- - Yeah- - And I also got some prawn crackers. (indistinct) I've got crispy chicken, crispy chicken. (indistinct) Duck and a chicken and prawn. (Men laughing) I've got some sesame fried toast- - Nice. - I got eight cans of Coke thinking that I was going to get some rum, but there's none. I've got a chocolate cake and it's 242 pounds. - Nice. (Men clapping) - Yeah clap for me. (indistinct) - Come on (indistinct) - All right so I went from road car. - Hey, rock again. - I got one chicken wings. (indistinct) What? - I got what you said. because it's one order of chicken wings. - Especially expensive. It's six pounds. (indistinct) on KFC. No. - I also got lemon and cut legs. (indistinct) sesame toast. - Yeah. - I expect that I posted some scenes. - Yeah, exactly. You got to let them know. - We got two black cards. - Two. - And one steamed rice, one ear still water. I don't know the blanks (Men laughing) - He got some champagne basically, yeah. - He got (indistinct) water. (indistinct) It's four quid. - For water. - Four quid for water. Some right here. - We got baby back ribs. And lamb cutlets. (indistinct) - Oh shit. - You got two lamb cutlets. I got another. - They were for me. (indistinct) - We'll see if you finish all your food or not (indistinct) - But I'm taking your food. If it's not taking your food. - I also got a California Mach E - Eastern - And (indistinct) - That one's mine. - And so that is a 330 pounds and 75 pounds. No, that's right. (Men clapping) - I'll make it quick. I got duck. - Sounds like a zoo bro. - I got star fry, black pepper, rib eye beef. (indistinct) I've got my school to spring onion and egg fried rice. And it just says one set of three. - Oh, this is like never seen before. - Boys look at Harry. Harry, wait. No, we can't bring it on. - I see that, I smelled that. - Let me borrow one. - Borrow one what? - One of those things. - They are chicken. - I'm in. (Men singing) - Wavy. - Wait a minute. - Chop one of those chickens. (indistinct) - You want to chop one of those chickens? - Let me just pat one of them chickens fam. - You want to pet the chickens? (indistinct) - In a zoo. A little petting zoo. - Yeah, that was pretty good. That was pretty impressive. (indistinct) You know what? (indistinct) (Men laughing) - Incredible. - How'd you flunk out like that? - It's not me it's chicken. (men laughing) Chicken isn't catching it. Oh, is that for me? I'm so jealous of his mate. He's got a whole man. - Some of us may have ordered earlier than others. - I'm so hungry. - Hey, sorry. Chickens first. - I got it. - The chicken's in the glass. - I mean, if they go in, you know - Go in fellas. - Chickens are ravaged. - Hey it's okay. I'm enjoying the game with KSI. - So this, this McMahon is going well (indistinct) - I don't know about you mate , that sounds like a you problem. - Thank you very much, I'm done here. I'm done out here, man. I've had a shocker. It's not even delivered yet. - Catch it. Jesus Christ (indistinct) I didn't even try it. I just barely touched it. - And it's been in the back of a driver. (indistinct) - That explains a little bit. - Just to get that on camera. (Men laughing) - Absolutely, bro - At least he went up, but not that way. - At least you got a fucking chandelier. - 11 charged by (indistinct) Over here. We've got beer, wine, champagne and we have cocktails. It's going to be unreal. You don't got these scales so I can wake up. - Meanwhile, Josh has a (indistinct) - Dream. - What dream? - I got to mix that. I don't got any spirits. - Wine. You need red wine. (indistinct) Experiment. We are doing an experiment. (indistinct) - Unfortunately it's very hot. Do you want some? (Men laughing) (indistinct) - The table really enjoyed it. - Unfortunately it's the only meal I've got. The most of it. - They aren't too bad. (indistinct) - I did white wine and Coke. I want him to do it on paper. It should work- - I think you should do it. - It's good. Here we go. Go on Josh. - Josh, can I try it? - Hey price. How much? - I feel bad. I tasted at least. - It's fine. - That's even worse. As a friend, you can have one. - Welcome to good life. My friend. - Right? Well, first off it obviously COVID sucks. It's a lot of our plans in the mud. So theoretical question. Hopefully sometime later this year COVID will not be a thing, but if it was just to disappear let's say it would disappear tomorrow. What's the first thing you're going to do. Like you can do anything. Go Ethan - Go into sunset bar. - Yeah. - You could have said anything anywhere and you've chosen the shadiest bar in (indistinct) - I'm telling you now that's where COVID came from. (Men laughing) - Just a quick one. - As soon as you say a little sash - Say COVID got released right now, I'm going to sunset tonight. - COVID got released? - Revoked. If I had to think about it, I would think of something better, but I still want to go there. - I'm going straight to a mountain. I'm hitting the slopes. - It's a cold. (indistinct) Exactly, yeah, that would be me. I'd be straight down mountains. - That smile. I'm with you man. - I'm on a snowboard. - I'm going somewhere hot. I don't know. Just anywhere. - We need to know. - All right. Take me to Bali. - They have, you can get visas to go there right now. - I'm cutting them. - Toby's out of the next busy. - Yeah, I'm going like Caribbean. I'm going to go somewhere warm, straight away. Yeah, Maldives. That hot right now. Must be surely don't know. - Maldives is always hot. - In spite the equation. (indistinct) (Men laughing) - Caribbean sunset. - We can go Zanzibar tonight and then tomorrow we get a flight. - Yeah. (indistinct) (Men laughing) - Okay, yeah. - I think I would probably just look at more crypto. - You are sad. - You can do that anywhere. - Yeah but like what else would I do? - He can't pay for his flights. - He's too rich. (indistinct) - He cant pay for his flights, yeah. - I know. Maybe I'll go clubbing. - See you in sunset. - I will never set a foot in sunset. - Have you ever been sunset? - Yeah. - I think the downstairs was horrible. You wouldn't go have a good time at sunset. - It's exactly like a corridor downstairs. - Yeah. It is a basement. - It's a club with a carpet. (indistinct) - Bloodstains. The room smells. - The later of the night the stickier it gets. (indistinct) - One night, a month it's open till six. - One time I'll go. - But usually it's open till 4:30, so. (indistinct) - Place we can go. (indistinct) - Sunset (Men laughing) - Be a mess. - Drink has arrived. - What is that? - Champagne. - Have a bit of chicken on the side. (men laughing) - The glasses - He smashed it. - [Crosstalk 00:15:38] Where are you going? What are you doing? - It's gone. It's just bad. dead. I killed it. - I'm probably going to LA you know - [Crosstalk 00:15:45] Lets go to Vegas. (indistinct) That is a good choice. - I could go to Vegas. March madness in Vegas. Yes. That's fine. - Well that early? - We'll start it. - Vegas! (indistinct) - Fucking LA. - How's the chicken wing? - It's good. - I was going to say, should we talk about our competition? - I'm sorry. That's lamb. - Yeah. The lamb cutlets. - So from the same zoo, don't worry about it. (Men laughing) - If you have lamb beef and God there's no Chicken. - Where's the chicken wings? (indistinct) - Right, this is peng. - Hey, yeah. Oh my God. - Eat that. (indistinct) - Yeah, so our competition. - I'm not in the competition. - I'm competition. - No competition. - Well, bay squad. What's the other one. Oh, I thought you might (indistinct) - That is absolutely disrespect. - I legit forgot. - That was rude. (men laughing) - You didn't forget. - What do you mean no competition? That you can't go up. Everyone's doing good. It's not a competition now. - No, fuck them. - Okay everyone's doing good. - And JJ tried to do that (indistinct) - Compared to America. American groups. Tim tan gone, like do perfect. That old reliable. - Well, I got into beef to hype. - Yeah, they got chicken. Ropey grounds. What other U.S groups are there? - The hype house. - There's the main channels. (indistinct) - Generation behind. That's kind of scary. - We are a generation behind. - I don't know. - We slowly come to realise this. (indistinct) - part with 25,000 over with a pen now. - But we're strong. You guys are coming with us. We're bringing you to the next deal. - With the pimp Fez. Bateson. - No, that's their job - Okay. - We are second gen. - Who is second gen? - We're second gen we are not first gen. - [Crosstalk 00:18:08] - I'd say Harry is first gen. - Yeah first gen. - True - End of gen I think. - And I knew you are gen too. He's like gen. - When you think about it. Yeah. - The tiktokers are like gen five. - What did you say Harry is? - He's what you just saw. - [Crosstalk 00:18:34] - Gen two. - You think I'm gen three? - It's not age. We're not doing age. - No, I'm talking about youtube. - [Crosstalk 00:18:46] - Which has YouTube video, but knows 2011. Shall I look - But knows. - Harry you have been big time for a while? - Because I had my stipend journal before that called sync - Too realistic. - [Crosstalk 00:19:07] - I'm gen two. - I've been playing with Toby and Josh for gen too. - Josh is definitely a gen- - Well, I'm saying, but me, Josh and Toby will play together making videos for Tom. - Oh my God. - Your second competition. So what was your - [Crosstalk 00:19:35] - In his head? Like what's her name again? The other ones they're like do like podcasts and stuff. - He's got extra beef from Mizzou. - Nice - He didn't say that. - Yes he did. - Yep. (Men laughing) - So we're going to do a football event this year. - Oh, we said we would like to, but I don't. - I highly doubt it. - Yeah, I still don't think we can. - I mean, we could do it really. We can do it like really limited. Like maybe we get a thousand people in the stadium this summer, but we don't. - [Crosstalk 20:02:39] - Fair enough. - What about just behind closed doors? - No but we don't want to do that. - That's the point, isn't it? It's like making an actual real event out of it. - Be a bit sad when it's like empty stadium. Is it just sounds awful. - Yeah, he got a couple of dogs. I can just about make a five-year-old pass. (indistinct) - Everything about it. - Yeah, you know the crowd noise helped us a lot. (indistinct) - That's what football is doing that like every day. - [Crosstalk 00:20:24] - They score great goals. They make great passes - and awkward. - We run off the balls and fall over things that fast - Things look fast, though, with crowd noise around them they think the thing moves faster. - Wait, silent moments for more epics when it's silent. - Dick misses the ball. (indistinct) - We can have a red button that adds in crowd noises, misses the ball. - Don't they do that? They do do that. - Oh, thank you very much. All right guys, I don't want to alarm anyone but I am close to finishing everything I bought, everything. Yes. - Seasons of old. He now tells us before he finishes. Not just winning. - Well, here's your doctorate, the girls as well. - I'd just like to inform you. I'm (indistinct) you tell them - On recent events. - That's happened. - Surprise. - Yes, that happened and what. - I didn't want to come in now. Everyone's done that surprise or like you're you're beaten. And then Nick midnight, you don't realise it. I put my hand in the soy sauce. - Yeah, but then that's when you pull out. Okay, so- - He doesn't basically say it to you. - The mind is less than yet. He will eventually - I'm still touching wood. - Oh my God. - Thank you very much. - He needs his six months off YouTube. - You don't wear condoms (screams) but what are you doing? - Fuck it. - No. (indistinct) Honestly, I do it when I am When I'm in the room sober, I will protect myself. Yes. However, more time after sunset or something like that? No. - Oh my God. - And I wake up in the morning and I want to punch myself in the face. - Have you ever had an STD test over at yes. When was the last one? (indistinct) - Why do, why are you so concerned? - I've just - [Crosstalk 00:22:37] This is (indistinct) - Close to him because I wake up in the morning and I want to punch myself in the face so I make sure (indistinct) - My mom is watching this. (indistinct) Tested (indistinct) - I'm just scared this was riddled with diseases I just want to make sure he's not. - You are looking out for me. - I don't even have sex that much, to be honest which is quite sad. - I'm going to segue us away from our STDs. We always end up here. That is another YouTube, a boxing fight coming on. We got someone from the MMA, fighting someone from YouTube. - You do? - Yeah. - Ben Askren versus some YouTuber. That's the guy - You're wrong. You're arrested. He's a big problem. be a sick fight. - Really? - Gives me a sick fight. I don't know. Who's going to win. - Rarely, you don't. - I don't know who's going to win. Because Jake might fuck him up. (indistinct) experience. - But he's boxing MMA. - But he's a weathered fighter. Like he's been through the ringer. - Like he knows Nate and Daley hadn't done a professional fight. Right? This is a first fighter who has been in multiple fights. - Yeah. - And Gib yeah none of them had been, (indistinct) actually [Crosstalk 00:24:09] - He'd done amateur fights but- (indistinct) - So what do you think about his Ben's striking? - Yeah, I've just got a horrible feeling that Ben Naspers is going to lose. - If it was MMA, I think you could have every confidence. - I think Justin will lose. - He's going to lose? - I don't think he's going to lose. (indistinct) - I think he'll fumble. (indistinct) - punches throughout the whole thing. And then retire. - You don't think that this you don't remember the only reason he beat that G was because did you go tired? - Yeah, but here's the thing, but he panicked - But you know what? Here's the thing though. - And he panicked against, even against Nate he started panic too. - When someone gets in society, he does that. - I guess he's quite controlled if you're against someone that knows how to fight. - Yeah. - I wonder if it gets inside, his own head as in like he's breezed through three fights now inside his own head, is he a lot better than he is? Which means the nerves down hit him. - That could work both ways though. He can be overconfident. - As soon as someone who has been in. - Yeah, exactly. As soon as I hit him and he's just like what the fuck? What's going on? - I just don't know if that's where it's going to hit bends and get angry and just swing and kick. (Men laughing) - That'd be great. - [Crosstalk 00:25:26] Have you seen the Dom in the rings? Right? Ground and pound. - If you can grapple it at MMA, does that make you good at clenching? - Yeah. - And that's good because that is how you would because Jake's taller and got more reach. So if he clinches him, that is a way of how (indistinct) - How tall is Ben? - Not as tall. I don't think. - [Crosstalk 00:25:51] - Now you're saying that if Ben just clinches all night his experience of putting his weight on someone they're not going to pay dividends - If he clinches, and then finds the angles from his clenches. Yeah he could do some while - But probably elbows and shoulders. - I mean, you can feel some elbows in boxing. If you're small - You can even hit people in the back of the head. (Men laughing) - I can try sometimes I guess. - I finish and I can't wait for it. It's going to be a good scrap. Demolish - April, right? - Yeah. - The Logan (indistinct) - I don't mean Logan wants to them happy. (indistinct) - I mean Jake versus maybe what is more likely to happen? - Really. - [Crosstalk 00:26:41] Jake Logan. - That would be good. - Spur in your own living room. (indistinct) - It was just cancelled. - I'm with them. - No one cares because after it is, Logan's never won a fight of Jake with potentially Jameson. Whether it's by decision, whether it's by whatever say Jake wins it he's then won what? Three fights now. Now there's so much more of a market for someone he'll say I'll beat him. But he still won the fight. - Wasn't appoint brothers. He slept an NBA star - Four or five. So UFC style. There's a market for that rather than Logan Paul that lost a case. - Yeah - You're a lovely guy. And you've gone through a great grout glove up there, Chris - [Crosstalk 00:27:35] - I have the contract with Mayweather and then was like, Oh my God, this is the biggest day ever. I've just signed this. Whereas Jake goes you're a pussy whose daughter shags NBA star. - Yeah, it's just different. - Logan just (indistinct) - [Crosstalk 00:27:53] He could still fight Mayweather if he could. - But you would rather see out of the two people who beef fight Than two people who are just kind of fighting for the, yeah. - There's so much, especially, if he beats a UFC, like you're still on the UFC roster. - The narrative's better (indistinct) versus Mayweather. (Men laughing) - That one's going to end very bad. - Right? So the next one's a little bit of an abstract one but I want to talk about social media since everyone's been in lockdown with COVID and my opinion is that it's becoming more and more of an echo chamber. If you see opinions on anything like controversial whether it's like politics, whether it's sport people are like really aggressive with their and anonymity and they're like creating and they only talk with people that have the same views. And then they argue with people anyone that doesn't agree with them. And I never see anyone agreeing on social media. I just see arguments left, front and centre. - I think people tribalism on the internet. - That's all I'm saying. I think people there's unhappiness. - Isn't that interesting? - Well, I've noticed that more in like the last like few months and it's like, people are using social media as an outlet and getting at each other and I just see everyone getting so invested in it. - Do you think it's platform-based because I would say I have a fucking great time on every other app, but Twitter. - Twitter stinks. - Twitter is very opinionated. - I think that what makes it powerful. Is the place where you are going to get the most simplified conversation but it has gone crazy- - Far from simple conversations. - Exactly. - That's why I suppose argue that Twitter gives power to the people. - Yeah. - That's what I'm saying. I'm saying let people have their say, but is a problem. But if you think about also you talk about like the elections and you've got Facebook and all these Facebook groups that are made that spread missing some information that have people thinking there's crazy stuff - And spreading information. - It all depends on who you follow it's information you're getting and people believe it. As fact - People typically only follow people that they have the same opinion as. - Exactly. But how much of a problem is that? - Well, I mean, we saw that it could be a major problem with the capital building. - Exactly. - Facebook - And not blaming Twitter for that. I think it's the same. It's the same banks on Facebook. Open that to people. Right? You're doing it. But I'm sure they were on Twitter as well. People that turned up probably heard about those Facebook groups. - [Crosstalk 00:30:28] - It's its own little chamber in itself. - Yeah. - Different people, different breed. - But people died there. Is that a problem with social media? Because also there's paid advertising on Facebook. - What'd you undermine what'd you suck my, my big toe? (Man laughing) If I was to pay you 15 grand? (indistinct) (Man laughing) - For 15 grand? - No. (indistinct) - You wouldn't suck a toe? - No. - [Crosstalk 00:31:02] - This is a minute. - A minute I would suck it. - A minute would you suck his toe? (Man laughs) - That is just funny. - [Crosstalk 00:31:18] - 15 grand to suck my toe for a minute. - Yeah. - Now wait. - For a minute? Forget it. (indistinct) - Not yours, Yours different. - [Crosstalk 00:31:40] I'm going to do it. because he'll do in case though. (indistinct) - You are a different case though. I can't bro. (indistinct) - It's how you would retaliate after - [Crosstalk 00:32:06] - Harry afterwards and try and make jokes about it. And you're like, ultimately I've got 15 K whereas you would actually, you have You'll probably put it in a song. (Men laughing) - There would be a bar about it. 15k for the toe suck. (indistinct) - What's that about the capital? The bigger things now See that football player that I've read it in the Year. You said you were in bigger things at the DM'ed the chick, she was like, Oh, you play at Reddit. And he's like, nah, I'm on to bigger things because it gets me playing for a small championships and it got leaked and he's meant to be he's on bigger things in the mud championship club. (indistinct) - [Crosstalk 00:33:04] How do we feel about (indistinct) (indistinct) I mean it could be old fashioned but- - Not in the mud though, is he? - He's not. There's too many questions. - I knew it could. Green links bro. He's getting the chemistry out. GreenLinks breath. I want to know why he was looking at the camera before. I'd like, what should we explain what this is by the way? There's a footballer who plays for Arthur's art unload. And the video has come out of him. Just like having a selfie. And he's just chilling with the boys. He's piling at the camera and his bullies just naked jacking off on a sofa- - And all the boys are there. - But just one mate, it's the entire like French. The biggest question I have about is everyone. That's not sat on the sofa whilst each joke in it is just operating normally? - So normal about it. - Everyone's just getting along with it. (indistinct) - Casually - With the thong? - [Crosstalk 00:34:05] - So funny. - That's the Pina colada. It looks like it's the old fashioned russet. Oh no whiskey. Yeah. - Even gives us a taste test this week. - It smells like whiskey. It's gonna be a twist. This is ribs. There's your cold. If it's not peanut club, I wouldn't pull it when you taste it. It has to go. All right. Who else wants one? - It's Whiskey. - Oh, right, it's just whiskey. It is neat. - All right, I'm tasting it, you want it? Here you go. - That hits. - It's strong. - I'm not lying to you long, It's strong but it's good. - If we drink that, the video's fucked. - Everyone got involved. This is definitely. (Man groans) Everyone, pour yourself a nice little. - That is not going to come off. - It is. - It's just the odour. It's Pina Colada but it goes harder. - Fuck that, Jesus. - - We should play odds to see this off. - [Crosstalk 00:35:24] - That is like a Pina colada but on steroids. - Like a Pina colada but it go harder. (indistinct) - A bit of a surprise to me. I'm going to hate this. - No, you're not. Whiskey - [Crosstalk 00:35:35] The smell put me off, the taste, Christ. - It's not the best thing I've had in my life. - That will actually fuck you up though. It's a good thing. I didn't order 12 of them. but that actually will actually fuck you up. - All right, Josh. Hello? Give us some odds while you are doing that. - No. - Go on. (indistinct) Alcoholics. - You know what? That's the one? - Yeah - I'll pour you a Coke in there and you down it. - Yeah. - You remember the one that you we were in? - I do remember totally weird combinations and actually turned out quite good. Get red wine and Coke is so good. - That's what I think is what we had. Yeah, and was white wine and lemonade. - That's really nice. (indistinct) - Mixed drinks. - Harry one of these sushis is yours. In don't know which. - I'm not going to let you out. I'm quite full. (Men laughing) - So tuck into. - What were you going to drink lemon? - I will do that (indistinct) - That is the fucking old fashioned. (indistinct) - I need some more wine and Coke. (indistinct) You have already done yours. - I have done mine. - Wait. - You do not. - I'm trying Old fashioned boys. You've got like triple whatever and I'll try. You good? (indistinct) fuck it. - This video (indistinct) To the side men. - To testing negative again. - Fuck me. - That hurts. - Why is whiskey in a pina colada? I don't understand. Got refilled. - Yeah. - Took five minutes. Do you want a refill? - [Crosstalk 00:37:57] - Who's we next, get COVID? - Burping. - That's a good question. You put addictions down. Because I think when I, when I got your second, it wasn't I was at bottom of that list who you think would be first. If anyone. - I'm going to put money on no one. - I think what will be good? - Whatever, because like it's going to be around for awhile. - I don't know how I haven't got it because like, I feel (indistinct) - Should be him. - He should've got it when I got it, by the way - I'm just built different. This is the way. - I reckon some people can't get it. (indistinct) Let's say my though, right? The Frayer was around me everywhere. Are we all good? But like she asked me for two to two more weeks of me having MDA that as well. Where isn't it? MD is Chris. Chris? (Men laughing) - That's weird though. Right? Like I was most infectious before I tested positive. Right. - So you're just talking about whether you were just like, yeah. Until - [Crosstalk 00:38:54] My girlfriend had COVID I fucked her. (Men laughing) - Do you know or whatever. Have they listed having sex as a way of catching COVID then? - Yeah. Should the government guidelines. (indistinct) It says in the government guidelines have sex in positions that don't involve face-to-face contact. - [Crosstalk 00:39:37] - Let the air in or you've got sex outside. You'd minimise your chances outside. - Who's done that? - You look very guilty of that (indistinct) - I'm good. - Did you do that? - I'm talking about him. - Why are you bringing this up in the festival. That's strong. - [Crosstalk 00:39:59] - It took a while to land, but yeah. What's the weirdest place you've ever had sex. - [Crosstalk 00:1:15:16] - I don't have one. No, I really don't have one. - In a bathroom at a house party. That's- - Whose house party? Hang on a second. Not in this country. (indistinct) (Men laughing) - Oh shit. - But that's but that's even- - Do you know the (indistinct) house, that party. the new year's one. I walked in on the guy getting his knocked up in the whole toilet. - I know that one. - [Crosstalk 00:41:04] - Someone, you know? - So I'd figured out, right? I was like, well, no one else is using the pool toilet because that's only known between. - [Crosstalk 00:41:17] (Men laughing) - Talking about STD's. - So I knock on the toilet door. No one answers. So I was like, okay, it's open. I walk in, there's a bloke. (indistinct) is doing work. I closed it. I was like have a fucking great time fella. And he was like, ha - There was so much sex. - [Crosstalk 00:41:51] - I heard that. - There was no sex in your room for sure. I spoke to the them 45 minutes afterwards. - [Crosstalk 00:1:15:16] I was saying your boy was the dog in it. So I buy a bed, Tim, the goals. - All right. And then they all realise that they're all - This was incredible. - We didn't warn you. We didn't say what's going to happen - [Crosstalk 00:42:31] I was in a conversation with three of them. And they were like who do you know here? Oh yeah. Jay JJ invited me. He invited me. When did he message you? Oh yeah. You just messaged me like three days ago. And then their faces like they clumped it together and I'm like I'm going to go. - And a greater one is when I walk in the main room and a girl from my uni walks in and I'm like, thanks house party. - It was a good house party. It was friends and family and such - But you wouldn't get anyone in the pool and then you turn it around and it was this girls and about 16 chicks in the pool. - But we all doubted it you know. (indistinct) - We all said (indistinct) Pool party. - Looked through the window. (indistinct) - All the girls are there. Hotel room (indistinct) - I wish I was fucking skinny. - [Crosstalk 00:43:40] My jeans. - How did you get in ? - Sweating. Not fully clothed or something. (Men laughing) - Was this the night we had like pool games that were Jimmy playing games Like inflatables in the pool and stuff. I think about different nights. - Different nights. - [Crosstalk 00:44:20] - From your freezer, like coming to your house. I'm recording a Minecraft video. It's not rocket. (indistinct) - That was a great night. (indistinct) Can we get another sideman out for just a year? - No, Jamie was already home that night. It was literally, they just heard that. We said we live here. - Was I in Dubai at that time? Is that where it was? - He might have been there. - That's why they did it. - It was funny (indistinct) - [Crosstalk 00:45-09] - That night you turned up with girls. 2:00 AM just them. - [Crosstalk 00:1:15:16] - I just reckon we get 120, 22. (indistinct) - I recommend you get a house. (indistinct) - We are not getting our deposit back. - You can have fun in those ends. - They're just listening in on our conversation. Hello - Oh, you're filming - Like Twitter, of - Elon Musk doing bits right now. He's trying to get people in Mars. Who's gone to Mars? - No, you're not how you die when she go tough. It doesn't it take like years and years to come back. - It takes like four months to go there. - I will go to Mars. - I'll get you back. - Can log it. I don't think you can. (indistinct) - He wouldn't want to send people there that he needs to send people there that are going to settle. - I'm not settling. - You are not settling? It's not like for a holiday. It's like, yeah. About five days. - You have to go there and you have to hustle like to make mars work. - Well, it's not, it's not right at the Mars and you have to do that stuff. That's what he needs to be but it's not my Minecraft. You don't go and chop down a tree film though. - The muffin is a good film. And that is what I would be born into a world of Minecraft. The first thing you do is - Concentrate- - On a tree isn't it? - Punch it. Look at the dust and good. - Imagine if there was animal or creature on Mars. Fucked. - You try and fuck it? You would fuck it. - If they said, hey, this is a creature from mars you'd fuck it. Would you fuck it? - We know, here's a creature from Mars. It has a vagina. - Oh no. (indistinct) - They had that conversation. It was like, if it's from a different planet it's calm, right? Yeah, it's right. It's not planet earth. - Even the little silicone boot eating and you Want it - I mean, that's, that's, that's a part of it. We're all big adults. But we do have grown men. We do have fun. I'm not going to drink any more of that peanut girl. Because I'm fucked. - It's different mate. - Yeah. - [Crosstalk 00:48:33] - I saw, you drank a lot. That was even in the club. - Cancelled. - Do you know what it is, and I still stand by it. To this day. My worst nightmare is if you don't rollercoaster tycoon and you can pick someone up pick me up and put me in Tokyo or something. I'd have a fucking Howler. - Yeah, Tokyo is calm. - Thank you. - I'll say like I don't know what country that just doesn't speak English. I would (indistinct) - Silent, do you remember when we were in China and we couldn't speak to the cab driver and the cab driver was going the wrong way? You remember that? - So what did you do? - Yeah and we were trying to, we were using Google translate - And we were pointing frantically at the map saying we're not going the right way. It was mental because we were in like proper, deep, dark China (indistinct) But genuinely me and Simon we got in a cab and first of all the first three cab drivers wouldn't even talk to us. Because we didn't speak Chinese. They were just like no. So we got to a final cab driver that we can show on translate where we wanted to go. We started going and then we're looking on Google maps and we're going the complete wrong way. We're going to a different city. And we're trying to explain to this cab driver like she was really nice luckily. We're not going to the right place. We need to go here. But we had zero language. So we're like playing things on Google translate where showing on the map. And we nearly went to the wrong city. We got there eventually, but it was stress. - I don't have a Bulgarian cleaner. We have a week. Oh, this was hilarious. I was freaking out. 'Cause I just thought you just didn't speak a lick of English. And he was like, but you had Google translate in his phone. And he was just like, and I like it. I just couldn't explain to him what I want done. Basically. (indistinct) - We got a messy flat. And I was trying to explain what to throw away and what not to throw away. Then he freaked out 'cause he found like a box of loads of coins in it. And he running like you were going to make me throw this away. I'm like, I didn't mean to problem solve it. And he was like getting his phone out and it was speaking to me, Romanian. - He had a holler, he was Bulgarian. It was Bulgaria. - Romania. - Bulgaria, but different. Same but different. Yeah but I knew - Was that why I understand your pain? - Yeah - What do you think Dumbo's Erin's do right now? - Fucking. - Not, probably in debt due to ignite or whatever. - You're not seeing that here. - It was all from lenders bro. Okay. I didn't see. It was actually- - He was buying all the women and the yachts and everything. Investor's money company profits don't exist. - Okay, all right. - I went to one of his parties in London. It was great making freeze when it was all right though. But I can see why it doesn't work. - Okay, did you, what town on a dumbbells area? - No, I did not. I'm afraid. - Okay thank you. (indistinct) - It's just a flute bro. That's like what? Just a hundred millilitres for the glasses. - Yeah, the glass is called a flute. - Really? Champagne flute. - Yeah. So that's what it's called. - Why is it called a champagne flute? - Blow it. It will make a noise. All right come on. (Men laughing) - I was really hoping you would do that. - All right when you go down on the woman. - There we go. (Claps hands) (indistinct) Yeah. Non bread. Yeah, because I know that a lot of people don't like being caught on camera. Oh Harry or non Harry. Categorise non. I've been sorted out to do a job. - Regardless. The job's getting done. - No, it was it's the thickness of Josh's bed. Okay. Yeah. Now we've got a topic. I'd say, wow. How did you? Because I'm not doing the juice. - It's moved away, right Like it's not- - Either way. (indistinct) has anyone watch RuPaul's drag race? - No. - I've watched a bit of it. - What do we think about it? - What is it? - I see why it's entertaining but it's just not for me. - It's a racing show. Even it's not (Men laughing) - I got that joke, it's not. They go up the quarter mile. - Electric cars. However, at the Brit awards, I went to the after party and there was a group of them. - It is entertaining. I can understand it like Lip sync battle. - Oh my God. - How many people would do drag that song? - [Crosstalk 00:53:57] - That would be an incredible segment Sunday. (indistinct) - It doesn't have to be a song though. - Sideman (indistinct) - It's fucking lip sync battle man what do you mean? - [Crosstalk 00:54:10] Doing drugs, that would be an incredible video. - Just speak to someone at music. - That's what we are all doing (indistinct) - You are big time in the music now. So speak to the music man and say, hey, decide man. Want to drag? Drag them fucking hot as a woman. - Harry would be (indistinct) - I think probably you were up there or you be a good one for me. I mean there is like it did the makeup. I'm like she put makeup on me. - If I would shag anyone Harry. - Thank you man I appreciate. - You guys are definitely fucking. - Listen, we are just boys. What's your sheep name together? - Can we not? - [Crosstalk 00:55;12] - It's disgusting to even think that. (indistinct) - Wait, have you guys (indistinct) - No. - Have you ever kissed? - No. (Men laughing) - Dude (indistinct) - This man is eating a salon by the way. Me and Harry we are just mates. - That sounds bad (indistinct) Fuck, I thought you poured it in. That's what I would look like. - We are not fucking you. This is me with the wig. - If someone wore wigs, I did some implants, - You fuck him. - The penis thing. - What's the penis thing? - To make the penis bend inside the anus. We were this close to move into these two as the couple. - Wait Can I say - Is that you? - That's a punany. Dick a ling (indistinct) - I need (indistinct) I'm going to piss myself. - I'm waved Because he doesn't know (indistinct) No go - We all play plenty of video games over gaming. There's nothing that we're all. Any of us are well into right now. No, what do we want in a game? If we could have any game drop tomorrow, like, Oh you're like a bit of spider man. - I fucking love spider man. - Okay. - GTA. - [Crosstalk 00:58:03] - I'm happy for it to be mommy. I don't care. (indistinct) Pretty much confirmed. - Wait - It's Miami. - As long as it lives in there fuck it. - That's a new font. Is that the resounding? - Why does it have to be in Miami? - Miami goes hard to be fair. (indistinct) Come on man, England would go fucking hard. There's guns in England. - It's not the same. - No man. - Miami for GTA (indistinct) That wasn't a big bang or was water. You had to get away. GTA the names, the - Songs in watchdogs (Men laughing) - Play the game and as your bang again. But do you know what it is? It's because it's so, it's so futuristic that it doesn't register is. Remember when Carter came out with a mission in London, there was uproar about it because there was no. - You could come around the time. Right? There was like stuff going on. - I said, London, government are not too protective over. - At the same time. I feel like GTA is very America. - Is this the first one? - You could put in so many good storylines in London in GTA. - It would be so sick. - Yes. North, east, south, west. - Drill tunes. But the main Khosla basis, Americans and Americans video game, like makes me sick London. - They will be sick though. - The underground gangsters they're in suits and ties but they're actually gangsters. - No the guns have got the little workers. Like the Franklin characters. (indistinct) - Imagine it would be tough boy in GTA. - No, it was calm. Carry on. - You're saying this like those places don't have what places you're saying. Like those places don't have it. - Places? - You are saying like but London has this - You know what fuck it go Chicago. - Five times. - I will be fucking nuts. I mean yeah. GTA goes double now. GTA guns. - I can tell you for now. You know how you drive in GTA. They do it in guns. I got out the airport. He picked me in Callum up. He drives he's on the pavement. - Mean you have to be on the plane. - Harry, what are you doing anyway? Don't worry. He's fine. We all do it here. Well, he's driving around the city like on the pavement, broken pause. Two calls in one road. - You going have to go on the pavement - I'm in the back of this car. What's up? - Afghanistan. - Well you have guns there. - Afghanistan - It's karaoke - This man has revolutionised video game titles. what'd you want to do on GTA? - No man. I will be nuts. - So what will you do in GTA in Afghanistan? What do you want to do? (Men laughing) - GTA custom races. - I need more customers bro. They just race tanks and shit. Right? Okay. Sideman GTA is back. More sidelines is it? - Everyday. To the moon. GTA is back. More sideman is it? Everyday. To the moon. Seven playlist? A six playlists. - I still get nervous of the seven man lobbies - Because it's just there's no combo. - No contact is like four and five is the idea. - I'm so far lost. - I never forget. - I'm so enjoying my dark I'm. so far lost is I'm not going to video. - The fucking bono boys. - The bono boys were enemies of (indistinct) - Carries on the tradition by the way. Got the boots. he played with other people and he's carried on the tradition. - It's (indistinct) - JJ we're meeting you to tough mother. We started the race and we had got the boost boys. - How many boosts boys t-shirts did you sell? I bet it's still done better than a hundred. - The t-shirt was a fucking man. - We respect you. - Like a plank . We should make an NFP for them. - You know (indistinct) should get like an FDS for hide and seek. T-shirt like if you start, you can go public and you run into you wearing a hide and seek t-shirt. You're getting respect. - [Crosstalk 01:04:44] - I've got one. - To worry in public, that's crazy. - There was one left ion the warehouse. (indistinct) You are the unusual stature. We thought in my group. We are the unusual. That's cold. - No but if you've got one of the those you essentially bought a thumbnail. - That video was on the overtime, no? And they shoved it in front of Jamie. - People saw it. That's the crazy thing people ask to like these big holidays, like do this crazy video of us getting pushed into the pool by Jamie wearing hide and seek t-shirts. I'm going to take it out again. - It's so scary. - All of us enjoyed it because it was real. Like we was all sat at all shit. Like, is he going to push us or not? And Josh is wrong. And the pool was cold. was wild. - Oh yeah. It was. You got to stitch me up in that. I won. And then you went we'll just carry on until you get one wrong. - Just sat there. - And in fact, some people that got them on their back - We should roll the footage. You see a chair on someone's head like that - Next year is going to be the sideman movie. Yeah, April 1st, 2022. Let's do another trailer. - Extended trailer. - Have you re watched the trailer now? It's a timeless classic. - It is a very entertaining video. It makes me laugh. - Are you not entertained? (indistinct) - It's actually not. - If you lift 26,000 pounds and you put it back. - It's a very entertaining video. It made me laugh. - If you spent five bucks on it. It was all those expensive video to make. - Expensive - Probably. - No. Holiday will be really? - Yeah. I really enjoyed the second holiday. Because more than four guys. - We went to bed at home. We (indistinct) - We can talk. Yeah, we did. - The most expensive (indistinct) - I thought that was 2021. - No it wasn't. I paid for that, I paid for it. (indistinct) - Holiday was 26 or something. - Did we make profit? - Probably not. Double check - Too much. Play some videos with the four guys video and the holiday video. Which one did you guys enjoy more? And the trailer? - The trailer was the same as full guys. - Yeah. - The trailer was almost expensive. As the video. - Was that in pounds? - I have children. I may say you did all these things, stuff like that. What was the worst fucking thing you did? - I'd say me and the boys spent 26 grand on this and then I'll press play. - It's good. Does that time? - We made profit (Men shouting) - Dessert time. - I still want a fat cheese cakes. - I've got bait and cheesecake. - I'll be invoicing you for that later bro. - Yeah, no worries. - I've got a knife. Oh, I got this. - A knife. - You got the trifecta. - I don't know what it is. You're going to share one of those with JJ. Do you want one? - Oh one? - I can tell you what to, what is it? It literally - Said a set of three. - We have JJ for that. Do you want, have you have a cake JJ? Yeah, go for it, mates. - Oh my goodness. What is that? What is this? - Yeah. - I have got a question. - Yeah, all right. So how much would you? - Oh God here we go. - How much for us to what you have sex with your misses? - Huh? - Well, misses as in like how much would we have to pay you to get just us six, right? - Yes. - And no video - No video, we are just sitting down, watching. Like (indistinct) - You guys are allowed to talk as well. Yeah - The pressure isn't it though. - I know that's 1 billion. - A billion (Man screams) - I am calm in the position I'm in. I don't need to watch. (indistinct) A billion dollars. - If you chip in 10k you can watch me. - Yeah. - So for 60k we can watch you have sex? - Yeah. - It's different though. He's not here. It's different. Because it's not like this is random go. - If you six pay 10 bugs (indistinct) - [Crosstalk 00:1:10:00] - You need to hone down the judgement . - Hey - How much would you charge towards you and your misses. - He would do it for free. - I will put it on for free. (Men laughing) (indistinct) - We can all say that. I will do it. Natalie will. I will ask her and if she's down then we will go. - Good luck. - Let me know how that conversation goes. - What do we think YouTube is going to do after COVID? Is it going to boom? - I'd rather suck toe (Men laughing) - [Crosstalk 00:1:10:57] - You said that (indistinct) for free. Yeah, we would have. You would suck his toe for one minute. - You having sex is probably the green. - He wants you to watch. - He won't even look at in the house. You go in the house or you you're at my door and go quick. Right? Josh let's start talking. Josh why are you walking in on me having sex? - Josh you naughty boy. - Of everyone here, who would you most like wanting to be a fly on the wall during an Intercourse session? Like just to see you - Toby - Someone who's- - Toby. - [Crosstalk 01:11:47] I need to see it, bro. - JJ will pay money. He'll pay good money. - How much would you charge? - How much would I charge? - Yeah, for us six. (indistinct) - I bet. I think Toby's a Savage bro. I think he's an absolute (indistinct) - In think you are quite a gentleman. - No. - It's fun - Listen, this guy- - In bed bro. (Men laughing) - The deal is you will never know. - But you know I would make some assumption. Everything. I think I'd watch Harry for pleasure. (men laughing) (indistinct) - No peace. - It's more of the fact that if I knew you because you sat inside the corner pressure - [Crosstalk 00:1:13:09] - It's up - No - Come on my boy. Give her one for me. - Final question. - Here we go. - Here it goes. Here it comes. - Okay. Would you rather have a woman cheat on your face - Fuck no - Or sit on your face. - Shit - What? - I know right? - IT seems loving. - How did you know that so quick? - Shit. - You didn't even think about it - The answer is shit. On my face? Look, bro. If anything is better (indistinct) you go ahead and eat that now you're weird. - Vomit is foul. - Vomit bro. It'd be mad. - Wait, what would you choose? What would you choose? (indistinct) Anyway that has been, the world's most expensive back bang. Hope you guys did enjoy. If you did, leave a like (indistinct) You would like to see from us. - Go - I want to know what you guys would do Would you let a woman shit on your face or vomit on your face. - What's the discount code? - Vomit. - I knew it. (laughing) - The discount code is vomit thank you for tuning in. We'll see you all next week. Thanks and goodbye. (jazz beat)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 17,565,096
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Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 16sec (4516 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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