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- How's it going going guys? Welcome to a Sideman drinkbang. - [All] (cheer) - So we, we did a mukbang. It went down fairly well. And then we're like, you know what we'll save for a rainy day, is a mukbang but drinking. - I'd drink to that. (laughs) - Today is that rainy day. - [All] (laugh) - I've got a would you rather to start us off. Would you rather take a hefty swig of your drink, or slap yourself in the face? - Oh, a hefty swig. - [All] A hefty swig. - I think Toby should have to slap himself. - [Harry] Yeah, Toby you've got to slap yourself, in the face. - Fucksake, man... - [All] (laugh) - Tastes like toothpaste. - Why could I not see some of the sideman? This is my vibe. This is killing my vibe. - You a vibe-atarian, mate? - Oh you, you want to see us then? - My internet... my internet's, uh. - [All] (laugh) - This video is sponsored by the way (cheers) - [All] (cheer) - Oh! - Today's Sidemen Sunday is sponsored by Express VPN. Express VPN reroutes your locations, making it appear like you are somewhere else in the world, to where you actually are. - With the click of a button, you can change your location to the U.S., to watch region lock content on Netflix. For example, I like to watch the U.S. version of The Office, because if you didn't know Netflix is very different, depending on the country you live in. - Or if you're like me, and you want to play Warzone on the U.S. servers, you can do that with Express VPN, by connecting to a server in America. - A lot of people think that if you use incognito mode, no one can see what you're doing. Wrong! Your ISP can still see everything you're up to. - But Express VPN blocks them from doing so, encrypting a hundred percent of your data, creating a secure tunnel between your device, and the internet. Meaning your data stays hidden. - Unlike most other VPN providers, Express VPN doesn't slow down your internet speeds, they have 24/7 customer support, and were rated the number one VPM provider. - So if you like the sound of that, you can go over to our link, and find out how you get three months for free. There's also a 30 day money back guarantee. Nice one! Ethan? - Emergency meeting! Emergency Meeting! I think one of us is an imposter. - [All] (laughs) - Why are they an imposter Ethan, why are they an imposter? - I think one of us is infected. (laughs) - One of us sounds infected, fucking hell. - With Covid 19, I believe, um so yeah. - [Josh] Who do you think it is? - That's kind of sus bro, that's kind of sus. - Sounds like can be a self-report. - Yeah - It could be a self-report. - I ... I think it could be me. - [Josh] Really? - Nah, I can vouch for you, I can vouch for you. - Are you sure... - Yeah I saw you doing tasks. - It could be both of them, they could both be harbouring their illness. - [Josh] True. - Where were you doing tasks-- - Maybe they live together? - Where were you doing tasks, bro? - He's been out on music shoots, he's been on filming shoots. - [All] (laugh) - That's a lot of tasks. - I was doing a bit of tasks in the bedroom as well, eh, eh! - No you did that one way too quick, way too quick you did that. - Weird head bob. - [All] (laugh) - You also can't say, you've been doing tasks in the bedroom, and I said, "I can vouch for you." - [All] (laugh) - Oh no! Not with you! Oh my god. - Yeah, I think it's self-report. - Self-report. - Yeah. - Self-report, lads. Ah, I was just doing some, doing some tasks in navigation, a couple of Sidemen sheets, and then I had just got hit with some symptoms.. (laughs) - [All] (laugh) - I got over them in two to three days. I've been fine ever since, but I did test positive for COVID-19, fuck. - [All] Hey! - In the bin, in the bin, Sidemen in the bin. - And that is why we are doing a drinkbang. (laughs) - I mean, luckily the rest of us tested negative, and everyone around was just tested negative. - We should clear up, we have all had a test. - Yeah, we're all negative, we're all negative. - We all tested, we all tested last weekend, and we're all fine, other than Ethan. - We tested cameramen. We tested everyone that we could think of. - In and around us basically. - Which is kind of bizarre, which we can't quite get our heads around. - Yeah, how come just Ethan got it? - We were all together, on filming shoots. - [Simon] I reckon it was, that girl. That girl Ethan saw. - I have, I have... Oh what, oh the really lovely one, that chucked nice liquid- - The one that splashed you? - Oh, it could be, actually. - That's what the kids call it these days, yeah. - [All] (laugh) - Oh no, mate. - That sounded like an awful euphemism. - No, Harry saw her and me. - Did I? - Whoa, hey. - Yeah, you were there lad. - Get them home, lad, get them home. - Oh wait, yeah, let's talk about that! Me and Ethan, we might as well tell the story, were at the pub... Oh, well, no, wait, hang on a minute, hang on no, before he had Coronavirus, before he had Coronavirus. - This is before I had Coronavirus, this is before, before I had Corona. - Yeah. We were at the pub- - B.C. Before Corona. - Oh for fucks sake. - Yeah, we were sat down- - 14 days B.C. - Hopefully we don't end up A.D. - Oh wow, wow! - Anyway, tell the story. - Go on, tell the story, please, please, please. - I gave up on the story. - Continue, continue. - Just tell the story, we need it now. - The story, me and Ethan sat there at the bar, having a lovely time weren't we Ethan? Lovely, jubbly. - Yeah, it was great, yeah. - This woman walks over, and she's like clinging onto the table. She's like peppered, and she's like hanging on this table, fucking the thing's nearly fall over, and I'm like, I gotta leave this situation, because I'm not good in these situations. So I'm like, I'm going to go to the bar. (laughs) I go, I go to the bar, I turn around, and she's nicked my seat. And she just sat there opposite, opposite Ethan. Ethan's hating his life. So I come back, I come back with my fresh pint, put them down on the table, and we're like, oh, would you, would you, would you mind leaving please? Because you're sat in my seat. And then, and then she didn't leave. And then Ethan said in a polite way, "Can you fuck off?" - [All] (laugh) - Did he use the words fuck off? - He did use the words - No, no I didn't... - No I didn't! Fuck off Harry! Harry, you're lying! Harry, you're literally lying. - What did you say Ethan? What did you say? - I said, "Jog on", I said jog on, bro. - Oh he said jog on, he said jog on. - I honestly would prefer to hear fuck off, to jog on. - I said... - Jog on. - I said jog on. - I reckon jog on is ruder than fuck off, you know. - (laughs) - [Josh] Really? . She thought that too. - And she drenched you in a pint. - She was confused. - Wait, didn't you say she was a big woman. - I was going to say, couldn't that be assumed that as a rude joke, about her needing to do some exercise? Unintentionally, - [All] (laugh) - Unintentionally. - She was a lovely, she was a lovely woman, lads, lovely woman. - Can you describe the way she poured this liquid over you? Was it like one of those (splash sound), or was it a... - Yeah, yeah. - No, no, it was a (splash sound), it was a ... - Oh it was a send, it was a total send, a dousing. - So was she attractive? - That shouldn't be relevant to the story, I don't think. - [Ethan] Uh not at that time. - [All] (laugh) - I'm just wondering. I'm just wondering. - She wouldn't be my type, not my go-to but... - I wouldn't fish her out of a pond, no. - [All] (laugh) - [Vik] You know what, while we're on the topic of drinks. - [All] (laugh) - While we're on the topic of drinks, what is everyone drinking today? Starting with you, Harry, what have you got? Well, I think we've seen it, but what actually is it? An Oyster Bay from the Boss Man Shop, cost me 15 pounds. - [JJ] And a shower with the boss men, come on. - Not the boss men. - JJ, what you got? - Uh so I had Baileys, but I finished it up, So now I have a dessert wine, - I got from Santorini. - Oo! - Fuck _ Yes. A fine- - It does look like a sweet thing, doesn't it? - Yeah, yeah, I love all my sweet things. - I wouldn't put it past JJ to pull out like, a strawberry daiquiri just somehow... - [All] (laugh) - Tobi, what you got? - Oh, I've got a selection, you know? I've got some apple juice, - Apple juice (laughs) - (laughs) Shock. - Some not so great orange juice, and then the fizzies San Pellegrino, and 7up. - Jeez! - A couple of drinks. - So you've taken a U-turn after pub golf? - I'm teetotal again, I'm teetotal Tobi. - He's gone back to glucose. - I hear the Sambuca alarm in my sleep, man, and it's just not the one. - [All] (laugh) - What's JJ doing? Oh, it's in the wine - I'm trying to... - Can we just, zoom in the camera so we can see it please? - Oh, Oh no, I haven't done this like... - (laughs) - (laughs) - [Josh] Oh he's got a white top on it as well, this is like asking for it. - You've got to let the, you want to let the, let the things, the side come up. I think you're gripping them. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's where you're going wrong. Yeah, that's exactly where you're going wrong. - Wait, what do you mean? - The little things on the side, the little leg things, on the side. - They go up, and then you push them down, to lever it out. - Yeah, they should be up. They should be like that, yeah. But now you put it in. - Oh! - No, no, no, no, no, no. They should be down... - No don't touch the wings, leave them down, and then just twist. - So I just twist now? - [Nik] Yeah and they will rise. - Yeah! - Oh! - Now yank it out, now just pull it out fully. - Wait, shake the bottle, shake the bottle first. - Don't shake... - [Vik] Now, the thing your holding, just pull that. - No, no, no, shut up, Josh, Josh! - [All] (laugh) - [Harry] Grip, grip the whole thing, and pull it, grip the whole thing and pull it. - No, I'm going pull it down... - [All] No - No don't do that! - No you'll break the bottle if you do that. You'll break the bottle, it'll explode. - Josh, tell me what to do. - I'm not talking. - Nah, Tobi. - [Tobi] Why you looking at me? - I trust you or Josh. - [Harry] He doesn't know how to do it though. - Why you trust me with alcohol? - You push the arms down, push the arms down. - [All] (laugh) - How can you be, what are you? 26? And you can't even-- - Whoa, shut up man! - 26? - 26? - Yeah, 26, anyway. - [All] (laugh) - 27, and he's 28 next year. - I'm not an alcoholic, so allow me bro. - No one said you was. - Speaking of alcoholics, Ethan's internet has dropped. - Again? - So not only does he have Covid, he's also got internet issues too. - Let's finish our drinks, and we'll have to run a pause, and retrieve him from the depth. - Finish off our drinks? - No, no he means like describing who we're drinking. - [Simon] Oh Okay - I mean, you're down if I'm down. - JJ sniffed his drink. - Am I going next, or is it you? - [Vik] Yeah what have you got Josh? - I've actually got Aluna rum and Coke. This is like Koko Kanu or Malibu, but it's a new one I'm just trying, you know? - What, what percent are we talking? - 35. Not too shabby. - Whoa... - How would you compare it to Koko Kanu? - Very similar, I feel like when... Sometimes you go to a bar, and they haven't got Malibu, they haven't got Koko Kanu, they'll have this one. - Okay. - Interesting. - Speaking of, speaking of that, I'm on the Malibu train. - Yeah! - [Vik] I've got regular, - It's a trend, there's two of them. - And I've got Passion Fruit, Malibu and do you know what I'm mixing it with? I'm playing a different kind of game today. Mixing it with... - Oh tonic water. - Look at, look at JJ right... (laughs) He just goes, "Tonic water, mm" and swills his wine. - [All] (laugh) - You know what, it's quite good, because I feel like Malibu super sweet on its own, so you mix it with a bit of tonic water, and it's, it's a nice vibe. I dig it, it's a new thing. - It stops the hangover too, cause it's water. So it's not as, not as yeah. - Mm hmm, you don't have to do the one water, one drink, you just do it the same time. - Does anyone do that? Is that like... - You say your going to do it- - I did. - I've said I'm going to do it a lot of times. Have I ever completed it? No. - I was going to say pub golf, I did it for the first drink. - And then it all went down hill very quickly. - And then I forgot. - What are you drinking, Simon, today? - I'm just drinking Kopparbergs, I'm not having anything strong still. - He's off the alcohol, for a couple months now. He's saving it for Christmas, now I think. - I'm sticking to less than 5% from now on. - That's fair - and Ethan has returned. Ethan, what are you drinking? What have you been drinking? - Malibu and Coke by downed one. Since I encountered the internet issues. - [Josh] Stop making me laugh. - That doesn't sound... that's not a solution. - This kid's an alcoholic. - Remember what I said, remember how you know I said, how he wasn't here, cause he was an alcoholic. - You were right. - Bro, bro, it's the fucking internet, its forcing me- - Drink responsibly - Holey Smokes. - Drivers of London. - (laughs) - Drivers of London. - Can we talk about how no one said, drivers of London once in the pub crawl? That's poor from us. - Truly - I think we did, it didn't make it to the cut. - Yeah. - I don't remember much of that night. (laughs) so I couldn't possibly comment - [All] (laugh) - Yeah, same that was a traumatic experience. - That was a really bizarre experience, actually that's the first Sidemen video, where I've not remembered recording a lot of it, and I have to watch it back to be... To realise what actually happened. It was weird, it was like I was watching a simulation of myself. - Half of the content, didn't even make it in. - Yeah, true. I thought Harry should almost apologise to Simon. - I should apologise... why should I apologise to Simon? - Actually no, it's Ethan and Kyle, as well. - Yeah, it wasn't me, I didn't make this drink, I didn't make this drink. - No, no, no, more so the miscount, where you gave your team minus, when you were supposed to be plus. - True, true. - But I was drunk! I was drunk, how can you expect me to count. Look, look, hang on a minute, let me show you what I was working off, one second. - Why does he still have it? - Wait we told him that he did it wrong - But didn't he miscount like the first two holes. - Yeah and remember, we also actually didn't end up including the photo round. - Which we won as well. - Which we won, as well. So Simon, unfortunately you drunk something, you didn't need to drink, ever. - It made for a good ending to the video though, you know, it kind of built up to this big tiebreaker. It was great, it was great content. - And Harry didn't even drink it. He just went. - Yeah, Harry gave up, he didn't even finish it. - Imagine being drunk, and having to figure this out. - [All] (laugh) - Yeah, but look, look, you messed up the first hole, and the second hole. - Bro, the whole thing's messed up, the whole thing's a disgrace. - You weren't drunk by then - [Josh] The whole thing's messed up, to be fair, yeah. - But we told you at the end, and you were like, oh we'll do it anyway. - To be fair it was good content. Although, I'm really upset that we didn't show, what the drink was. - Hmm. - Was it ever even filmed, if it was filmed or not? - No, I've spoken to John. It wasn't filmed because Kyle and Ethan go, no, no, shush, it's a secret, it's a secret. - Oh no! - And John goes, isn't it a secret for them, not the video? And they're like, shush. - (laughs) - It's a secret. - That's just drunk Sidemen. And there's no sign of JJ anywhere to be seen. - No I was in the toilet. - JJ logged out (laughs) - [Harry] Yeah for hours. - Vomiting, bro. Bro, so was I... Were my trousers down? - Uh... - I wouldn't know I wasn't involved. - [Josh] I don't think so. - I think I sat down to take a piss-- - I say lads, we're going to have to stop this. We're going to have to stop this now. - What do you mean? - Let's move on. - I wanna know what happened? - Let's move on. - I couldn't tell you bro, but I wasn't involved. - Stuck with my trousers down, bro... (laughs) - No but like, with my trousers down, and then I remember your sink was on the left, and I was just throwing up on the side like this. But I don't know if my trousers were down or not? - Just throwing up. Anyway, moving on. Speaking of Sidemen Sundays, what are we going to do? - It's the return of the inside men we're back once again. - No, no, we're sound, we're sound aren't we? We're sound, I swear we're sound. - Are we? - [Josh] As far as we're aware right now. - Currently, in this moment in time, we're sound. - But, by the time the schedule goes out, before we know it... - Could've changed. - We could have London lock down. - Yeah, but one level away from lockdown again, so. - Well I feel like we're going to have a lockdown. - We can't have a lock... we can't, the economy, it will stiff it too much. Like we just... - Harry and the economy. - But lives bro... - Never a more iconic duo. - We gotta protect the lives. - Harry and the economy, bro. - You gotta find the balance, you've got to find the balance, surely. - You've got to find the balance yes, but lives over everything. - The balance (laughs), find the balance. (laughs) - All right, I don't know. - Who knows, and I guess we'll find out, and you'll find out based on what we might not make, cause otherwise we're screwed. - We'll find a way boys, we always do. - Well I feel like we did really well, with the discord videos, like back in March, April like we really, we really kind of put the big brains together. We, we sort some stuff up, and we're like, okay done back to the real word, yes. And now we're like, shit we're back. - Yeah, it's come again, the second coming... - Even though we survived. - The second coming is here. - So what do you think was the reason for the spike? - There's a load of factors, man. - Ethan - [All] (laugh) - Fucks sakes. - Yeah, no it's inevitable, schools went back and everything. - I think schools yeah. - I'm actually a shit spreader, bro. I'm a shit spreader, I didn't do shit, bro. No one got it. - I spent an hour with him in a basement, and he was fine. - Covid probably inside me thinking, bro you're dead man, what are you doing? You're not even helping bro. - Help out the situation, lad come on. - Ah bro, he's like you ain't got the facilities for this, I'm out. I'm out bro. - And for that reason, I'm out. - Legit fucked off in three days, bro. (laughs) - You were in the bin though, from the sounds of things, like you had a rough, rough couple of days. - I slept for like three days straight, and then it went... - Maybe that's why you got better. - Maybe. - So you know that there is like an R rate of one? So like one person will infect one other person. - Mm hmm. - So, when we were all getting our results back in, I was like... - One of us is getting it. - Someone's going to... Someone's going to have it. - Personally I thought it would be me, because obviously me and him spent a whole hour, in a basement together. - Yeah. - In the playing Hide N' Seek in a prison video - Unless he picked up COVID after that? - [Josh] Possible. - Yeah, but were you ill before we did football, Ethan? - Bro, I got.. I think that was like, that was the day that I realised I was getting peppered, towards the evening. - Okay cause then you- - That happened three, four days after prison shoot. - When people were scoring goals, and doing skills in that, you was high fiving everyone and that, there's a video of you high fiving- - Yeah bro, bro- - Bro, I got an R rate of zero, bro. I've got zero R rate - That you know, that you know of, that you know of. - Well no but-- - You've got, a small sample size, which is just eight people. So if someone else could've-- - Everyone around us tested negative, as well though, there's more. - Everyone around us, negative bro. - It might've just been a random passerby. You never know. - He might have killed someone. He might've killed someone. There might be someone... - That's a bit deep. That is possible, but he didn't know. - Okay, um... - He didn't know at that point, did he? - Do you know, was the craziest thing though, right? The first 28 people that were first confirmed with it, they shut down the entire world. 28 people went to one wet market, ate some food, got ill. - Cause dongs want to eat bat, bro. Dongs want to eat bat. What the fuck? - Unfortunately Ethan, you are now a bat eater. - [All] (laugh) - You have an obsession for bat eating. - Bat club! Bat Club. - But imagine if you were one of those people, like and you know that like, hundreds of thousands of people across the world have died. Oh, like, I guess you can't blame yourself. But just knowing that must be mad. - I wanna make a t-shirt that says I got COVID 19, All I got was a shitty t-shirt. - [All] (laugh) - So you're gonna walk around with a t-shirt that says, I had Coronavirus? - I don't know about that one, chief. - Listen, bom, bom. - [Josh] Maybe just wear it once the vaccines out, yeah maybe? - Antibodies, bro antibodies, - Maybe not until the vaccine. - The thing is, China are like chilling right now. - But they having parties and that. - While the whole world is like suffering, China like... - But that's, that's everyone, until it starts coming again, like it's always going to happen inevitably, right? - Yeah. - Also they did lockdown, different, they had like a real lockdown. We can't... - If you come out, you die. (laughs) - They like deep cleaned their streets with drones. - You know, they were locking people with COVID. They were putting boards across their door- - Boarding them in right? Yeah that's what I've heard. - So they couldn't leave where they live. That's mad. - Yo, I'm just saying - You know what's crazy, is like, well you go. - I was going to say, it's mad in Finland dogs can smell Corona. - Is that true? Is that real? - No - I think not. - I'm just saying bro, there's a website. - [All] (laugh) - There's a website - So it must be true. - It must be, it says near 100% correct. - It's almost 100% then, easy isn't it. - [Simon] But you know what I mean. - We did that eat out to help out malarkey, and then all the pubs, and bars started staying open until like two, three, again. - That was a laugh, you know, had a great time. - Evidently, have you seen how many cases you've got per day now? - Yeah, no. - Well the thing is I feel like the whole 10:00 PM thing, people are just partying earlier now. Did you not see the video of Oxford Street? - Yeah. - Yeah, that's mental. 10:00 PM and he's just Rambo, because everyone's left the pub, like on the tube. - Oh no! (laughs) - Didn't they move the Arsenal game? Didn't they move the Arsenal game? The arsenal game was meant to kick off at like, 8:15, and they moved it to 8:00. - Oh really? - So that they could watch it in the pub. - That's mad. - Cause otherwise it would finish at like 10:05, or something like that. - You'd have to get out at the 80th minute. - [All] (laugh) - Everyone's stood outside watching on the phone. - [All] (laugh) - It is what it is really, right? Nothing you can do. We just gotta... - It's a fucking pandemic, guys. - Just try and stay as safe as possible. Wear masks, that's it. - You can't choose, who gets infected, I got slapped with it. It can happen to anyone, Ibrahimovic just got it. I feel sorry-- - No he didn't. I thought he didn't have it. - No, no, he tested negative, - And then positive the following day. - He's got it, yeah. He's positive. - Yeah, I feel sorry for Coronavirus, - I feel sorry for COVID, bro. They got a task at hand. - [All] (laugh) - Trying to beat Ibrah. - Trying to fight Zlatan, good luck. Should we go on something more positive? Would you rather, be a human stuck in a chicken's body, or a chicken stuck in the human's body? - Human stuck in a chicken's body. - I don't know. I think that would be brutal on your mind, like-- - Yeah, wait, so then... - You could fly a little bit. - How do chickens think? Do they think? - Yeah, I guess so. - But you're not a chicken so you... What? - This is what I mean so a chicken could think... - I'd be a chicken stuck in a human body. - But then you're not you. - And you're a chicken. - So I don't really, I don't care. It doesn't matter. - Well, that's just like you want your existence to end. - You don't exist. - I'd rather have my existence continue as a chicken, then-- - I'd rather continue, I'd rather continue existing. - You're reincarnated, you're reincarnated as a new person, but that person is either a human stuck in a chicken, or a chicken stuck in a human? - Yeah it'd just be a dumb human wouldn't? - How could I ever be a chicken stuck in a human? I'm not a chicken. (laughs) How can... - Are you just a human that bawks? - Which one means I can eat chicken? - Well I mean, technically both. - Yeah - Yeah - Yeah then I'm game. - I'm good either way. - He's going to be like, why not both? (laughs) - I'm either going to be at Nando's table, or on Nando's table. (laughs) - We're going to Nando's either way. - Yeah, bro. - All right, I've just clicked the thing, by the way, it says drink three times, if you're taller than Tobjizzle. - Ha ha! - [Ethan] Tobi, am I taller than you? - If I tip toe, am I taller than me? - That's tip toe Tobi, though. - Exactly tip toe Tobi. - Tip Tobi. - [All] (laugh) Tip Tobi! I dunno, am I taller than Tobi or not lads? - Yes, you are. - Are you? - We'll say yes, he has to drink. - Yeah say yes for the content. - I think we're the same height, I think. - For the content, your taller than me. - Wait who is the tallest Sidemen? I think it's between me and... - [All] (laugh) - All the comments on the Hide N' Seek in a prison, was J going to be in prison, so hide his height. Every single one. - Right, the issue is right, with that, I'm under six foot. - Yeah, it's cause you crouched in the thingy. - Oh yeah I had to crouch. - You crouched and you were still taller than everyone else. It was only me who saw, I was six foot three on the thing, for some reason. - Oh god. - Must be nice. (laughs) - [Vik] Ask us another one, I want to drink. - You what, you want? - Hit us with another. - You want another? Get one... We can play another game. - [Vik] Another chance, another chance. - Yeah, okay, here we go. Are we all in the same order on the Discord thing, or not? - No, probably not. - Oh we're not, okay we can't do this one. - You could do it in recording, we're in the same order, right? Yeah, it's alphabetical. No, it isn't. - We should really point out, the fact that Harry's got an app, that tells him when to drink drink and stuff. He's not just looking at his phone- - Oh this is a good one. This is a good one. Everyone choose a number out loud between one and 10. And then I'm going to click the next screen, so everyone pick a number. - [Simon] Four. - [JJ] Four, awe. - Seven. - You're seven. - Wait, wait we're not- - Eight. - Hold up on your fingers what you want. Hold up on your fingers what you want. - I can't see Simon, and Ethan. - I'm not on camera, I just clocked. - We'll trust you... We'll trust you Simon - I'm holding seven. I'm holding seven. - Okay. - [Ethan] I'm holding nine. - All right. - Oh wait, no, no, I've got the same number as Harry, hold on. - If you chose an even number, drink twice. - [All] (cheer) (laughter) - You didn't need to have different numbers, mate. - You didn't need to, just drink, you could just drink-- - No, no, no, everyone else will just keep drinking or I will drink. - Oh dear. - Now we should probably talk about something, shouldn't we? - That is the most Sidemen podcast question, that I've ever heard. - Why haven't we put out a video yet of Among Us? - Well Vik tell them. - Yeah I couldn't connect to any of the servers. I kept getting the six pings and timing out. I tried- - Tried the Ninja, huh? - I tried reinstalling the game. I tried restarting Steam. I restarted my computer. Nothing was working, and then JJ went away. - Well it worked for ninja. - Worked for ninja huh? - This was three days later, when JJ was on holiday. - [All] (laugh) - Hey, yo, what you trying to... - You just said you went on holiday earlier. - [All] (laugh) - I don't get it. - I'm actually going on holiday in a pandemic, bro. - No, no, no, no, no, don't... I ... Why you making it... Why you making me look not nice? - [Josh] He tested negative, he's fine. - Did you go Ibiza? Did you go Ibiza? How we get Ethan? Let's go, you wanna go, I'm here. - That was the point JJ, that was the point. - What do you mean that was the point? - That was the point, it was irony. Anyway. - You just got rid of us twice, apparently-- - So did I, did I take it out somehow? - I think so. - Yes, yes you did. - Yeah a little bit. - Anyway, we have a fantastic sponsor for this video, which the Express VPN, and it turned out I had to use a VPN, and I connected to an old Irish server, and that allowed me to get on Among Us. So we recorded some Among Us, but it's in the edit factory right now, and it's coming to more Sidemen soon. - Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. - So get that Express VPN... - Can I interject and say, drink three times if you went on holiday abroad, during Coronavirus. - Oh my god... - Bro, why are you? Bro, the restrictions were lifted when we went, bro. - [Josh] Just trying to make this interesting, that's all. - No no, no. We were encouraged, we were encouraged to go. - [Ethan] Yeah we were. - That's not what he's saying - Just making you drink, that's all. - If you've been on holiday, you know. - I had three sips. - [Ethan] The boat makers told us, they said go on holiday. They said go Ibiza, go to the islands. - They told him to eat out to help out, and then he got Corona. - You know what's hilarious, because you literally went Ibiza the day after, there was the news like... - No, no, it wasn't, it was the day before we came home. It was... we were out there for three days- - Day before you came home, okay. - They're like, oh by the way, if you're there, you have to quarantine when you get home. - Did they take Ibiza off in the end as well? - I dunno - I think it's staying. - Well it's disputed for ages, right... - Mm, hm. - Nightmare, nightmare season. - [Ethan] The Balearic Islands had like seven cases, or something whilst we was there. So like you lot were more of an issue- - Yeah for sure, yeah I guess that's the same with like Greece, and like the Greek Islands. - Well how the table's turned. - (sings) - Good tune that, I like that one. - Should we move away from Corona, just move onto something like some positive things-- - Unfortunately we can't, because I've got it. - Want to talk about, they got new consoles coming out soon. - They do. They do. - [Tobi] I haven't pre-ordered any. - No me either. - I have six. - Do you actually? - Why? - I have three X-Boxes -- - Why, why? - And three PlayStations. - You're so rich, man. - I'm not going to lie, I bought a PS5, and I bought a gold one. - What? - [All] (laugh) - Did you actually? - You bought a gold one? - I didn't even know you could get a gold one. - Is this a troll? - No, I actually did buy a gold one. I hope I bought gold one. - How gold? Like are we talking real gold, or like sprayed gold? - Well it was a few, a few thousand dollars, so I... - Whoa! Okay. - It is actually a PS5 not a PS4> - Yeah. I hope so. Otherwise I've been scammed. - It's a PS4 with one gramme of gold. - Was this on E-Bay or something? - Nah, it was, it was a very nice website, so I hope it's real. - Sounds like... - Oh website again... - Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean we'll see. - Is this the website that said about Finland, and their dogs? - That one was more legit. - All right, JJ why have you bought three? So I would say, I need one Xbox and PlayStation for my -- - That I understand, that I understand. - I need one for the box, - Wait what box? - An Arsenal box, 24 seater. - So when are we going? - [All] (laugh) - Probably in 2022. - You need a PS5 for 2022. - I made sure I pre-ordered it, so I get it on time, for 2022. - Don't you go to a box to like, watch football, right? - What? - Don't you go to a box to watch football? - But you're there three hours before that, when you go to a box. - Yeah. What'd you have to do before, and after. - Talk to your friends. - Yeah I talk to my friends. - [All] (laugh) - [Josh] It's an awful day JJ. - Why am I here man? These are my friends, these are my friends. - I'm so glad to be back on Discord. This is amazing. (laughs) - But, and then yeah, I just need four for my room. - (laughs) Yeah, I just need four for my room. - Four for your room. - Yeah, so two for my T.V. when I'm chilling-- - Why two? - He means like an Xbox and a PS5, for his T.V. - Yeah, and then two for here, whenever I'm gaming. - It's two metres away, just get a longer HDMI cable. - No, no, no, why you talking geek, though? Don't talk geek. - That's what I said to him, like you should get a little splitter, or switch. - No, no, no, this is all geek talk. Geek talk, fam, I don't, I'm not about... - Is there something wrong with geek? - You changed, bro. - Oh no, there's nothing wrong with being a geek or... - Why do you keep waving your hand like Drake? - [All] (laugh) - Whenever you say geek the hand comes up.. It's another one of my hand things. Geek. (laughs) - Oh yeah, please explain the hand things, how does it make sense? - Well, it's for some reason, whenever I say certain things, I make hand signals. - Like milk... - This is what he does, for orange juice, milkshake... - Coke. - What is the, what is the two fingers? The index and the thumb? - Can I have some sex? - Is that what you do? - What? - That's how you do? Bro, what the fuck? - Yo, anyone going to take a shit? (laughs) - Thing is we don't know if your joking, this is always the problem. - Wait, that's a shit? Why is that a shit? - Yeah, well... I dunno (laughs) - Sign language. - So anyway, JJ's got enough consoles, to cover everyone here. So Tobi, you say you're not, you're not about it. - Yeah. I ain't got one. So yeah, you send me one. Wait let me call you out on something J. What's that in the... - Leave the Cadillac Laboghini... - No, no, in the corner of your room? It looks like a present I gave you, that should be on your wall. - [All] (gasp) - Nah, mate the plaque took advantage. - The plaque took ad... - Oh no! - Listen my Reddit brought it up, so I just had to raise the issue. - Oh no, no, look, when I get a bigger house, all right, it's going in the wall isn't it. - You said that last time, buddy. (laughs) - Yeah I know, but come on boy, I got a silver plaque, come on! - Bigger house. - But yeah, no, no, once I get a bigger house, it's sorted, - I can see a blank white wall to your left. There's a big bit of blank White wall right there. - What, what are you on about? - [All] (laugh) - Leave me, leave me alone, man. - Wait, are you talking about, the blinds? - Blinds. (laughs) - Oh wait, what that? - Oh okay, it's a blind, it is a blind. You're good, you're good, you're good. - Oh yo what, do I just have no windows? - Harry's been trying to talk for a while, fellas. - No, I've been trying to talk. I've been trying to... My thing says, I'm not even joking, it says it on here, I don't know if you can read it, it says, and I hate to pile on. KSI has to kiss someone's chest or drink four times. - I'm on my way. - No, no, no, just stay away from me. - Wait, wait, can he kiss his own chest? - He could try, I don't know if he could bend... - [Simon] Vik, kiss your chest. - [JJ] Oh no what have you done, oh no. - Are your hairs growing back bro? - It's been like a year. - If you're sitting stand up. Last to stand takes three sips. - I'll just drink. - Oh I'm up. - Okay. - New Sidemen clothing, right here. - Someone's hip can't handle it. - [All] (laugh) - I was just thirsty. - [Vik] When will these jokes get old? - Simon, he's stopped bullying me I'm afraid. - Don't do this, we spoke about this yesterday, - I'm actually quite sad when I get called out-- - Don't do this, don't do this. - You know what? I'm going to drink more, and I'm going to put more in my drink, because it upsets me-- - Yeah, let's see it, let's see it. Wait let's see it, we can't see. Oh, more than that. - Jesus Christ bro! - Hey more than that, more than that, you're sad. - There you go. - No, no, oh no! - [Tobi] Is that water? - No it's Aluna. - That's like-- - What's Aluna? - That's like, that was like three shots of vodka. - I put him at less risk than Ethan has all right. - You just made me very sad, that's all. - At least he was negative of my risk. - Do you know that's the problem, Ethan that's the problem with you, your whole life that's going to be... - Should we try it? - well, at least I didn't nearly give everyone Corona. - That was a mistake - Why'd you actually drink... Why are you drinking it? - Because I feel sad that you bullied me - Don't do this, we spoke about this. He literally said, the next time someone makes a joke about me, I'm just not going to laugh, and then just look down and feel sad, and I'm going to get all the comments, to go to town on that person. - [All] (laugh) - It's too easy. - All right so, who's winning Trump or Biden? - Whoa... - Who cares? - All I'm saying is, Biden playing Despacito was heat, bro. The little head nod, he was living bro. He was having a good time. Dude's batshit crazy. - That's all the American politics, you'll get from the Sidemen. There you go, there you have it. - No, let's not, let's not get in to that. - JJ, I reckon you should do the... You should remake your video where you were like, who I'm voting for you? - (laughs) - Just where you literally did, like a three-minute video, and you just went- - That was quite good, actually, that was quite good. I enjoyed that video. I clicked on that as soon as at it appeared in my sub box, I was like, hang on a second. - Oh God man. I was, I was funny back then, not anymore. - What happened? - Remember your video, I crashed my Lambo? - Yeah, I watched that recently. - Oh a neat vid, a neat vid. - And you know how many people actually think, I've crashed my Lambo, because of that. - Because you did. - You did - No that's what Harry's song- - Oh yeah, and also Harry's song, yeah. - No it was a pothole. - You put it into a pothole, and you messed up the whole front bumper. - A pothole is a crash, a pothole's a crash. - A pothole is not a crash. - A pothole is not a crash. - You crashed into the road you were driving on. - [Josh] Hang on, wait, Simon, Simon. Did you not just see, J said, a potholes not a crash, like he said it sarcastically, like as if it isn't. - No, it isn't. - I don't count a pothole as a crash. - [Josh] No, it's not, it's not, - A pothole's not a crash. - [Josh] The way he said it implied that it was a crash. - [Vik] What about a curb? - A curb's a, yeah a curb's... - Vik collecting the posters for insomnia, was iconic. - What was the word Vik used? - Cause some bits broke. - Ruptured, ruptured. - Ruptured his tyre. - (laughs) yeah, ruptured, I've ruptured my tyre. - (laughs) - Is that the case, that he went to collect posters, from the Depot or something? - I was fuming as well, I was fuming. I hadn't slept all night, cause we were playing Minecraft until 7:00 AM, and then at like 9:00 or something, I'm like, all right off you go then, fucking me up some posters. - He said it was like a curb, it was like a turn and a curb, and you just went straight. - No, no, no it came out further so it like- - He was doing his 10 to two and it wasn't gripping. - [All] (laugh) - Something like that. - Oh god. - My car started wobbling and I was like ah fuck. - The text message was hilarious, bro. - He said I've ruptured my tyre. - I've ruptured my tyre. (laughs) - At least he got the posters for us, you have to rate that to be honest. - And they all sold. - Stickers as well. - And he's the one that sold them, so shout out to Vikstar123. - Got the stickers as well, bro. - Sidemen merch has come so far, you know. - It has. - So far. - Yo, shout out Matt, bro, like he's done big... - Wait until the rest of the year, it gets bigger and better. - Oo, all right. - That's one thing that like, we haven't liked slowed down, on. Like we haven't had to change, like merch has just been, (rocket sound). - I think we're, are we not one of the only people, in the UK that do it ourselves? - Well I don't do it, I don't do it. - Big flex. - We used to, to be fair, we used to. - Yo wait, yo wait, Tobi, hold it Tobi! Tobi, you are sweating! - Oh my god! - Through the hoodie (laughs), through the hoodie! (yells) - [Harry] Holey smokes! - It was the look that was so funny, the way he went... - [All] (laugh) - [Josh] Own it! - My Reddit's gonna eat it up. - You gotta put some Wray and Nephew in that drink now, bro. - I don't own any Wray and Nephew even. - All right, Wray and Nephew send some-- - They're going to DM me again now, - Send some to his house, we'll send it to him. - Also, can we talk about Tobi's teeth, real quick? They're looking kind of nice. - [Harry] Go on, give us a smile. - A quick smile. - Can we talk about Simon's teeth real quick. - You can't even see me, you can't even see me. - All the Sidemen got nice teeth now, now a days. - I don't... - It's like we all got money, bro. - [All] (laugh) - I'm like 70% through my journey, I got longer still. - Well, a couple whitenings, couple bondings... - [All] (laugh) - I'm 28 years, and I've got braces still. - [All] (laugh) - I'm in pain, I'm in pain. JJ, why you not fighting Mayweather? - I think it's because I'm in England, if I'm being honest. - I think you're not big time enough. - [JJ] No. - Okay, theoretical, JJ, 25 mil, to fight Mayweather, you doing it? - Yes. - Of course! - Why are you giving him that much money? - I would do that! - You should've just said, - No, you should've said, JJ, one million, fight Mayweather? - Okay, fine. - Oh no, I ain't fine. Bro, why would I fight Mayweather for less money than... - Listen, whoever fights Floyd Mayweather- - What do you mean? That's huge! - Ultimately you're going to get fucked up, you know? - Wait, What about, okay, Mike Tyson? (laughs) - The thing is, like people are like... - Don't say you can beat Mike Tyson, do not do... - I actually could though, I actually could. - [All] Oh no! - You are delusional! Delusion is a mental illness. - I'm undefeated, undefeated, undefeated! - You are delusional. - No one has beaten me, okay? - All right, JJ? Do you think, that there is a chance, Mike Tyson and Logan Paul would draw? - I think Logan would beat, Mike Tyson. - Who do you think would win Logan or Mayweather? - Mayweather. - [Simon] Easily? - You saying, because he uses the slip so well? - No just because he's speed and technical skill. - [Josh] Mike looks fast, recently, still? - But the thing is-- - It's Mike Tyson, it's Mike Tyson. - Logan's too heavy, Logan's way too heavy. Even in an exhibition fight, it's mad! It's Mayweather, Mayweather is going to be like, boom I want you to cut down to like, 70 kg, and then maybe we'll have a chance of fighting. I ain't fighting you at 86, 87. - So I could fight Mayweather? - Well .... - [Josh] No it's too fair, you've got some good reach on you. - That's the thing, reach is important. - [Josh] So Simon is good, Simon try boxing, you could be quite decent. You got some long arms. - What cause I'd be in like, Super Light Weight, but be six foot three. - Calfreezy is good at boxing isn't he? - You know, no one could get near you, and that division there would be like short people, and you'd be there just like donking on the head. - I've only just got back from him saying, he'd beat Mike Tyson. - No, no, no, the reason why bro, age is on my side. - JJ have you seen the guy? - JJ shut the fuck up! - I know, I know. No, no, no, in the first few rounds bro, I ain't going fucking... - You ain't making it past the first few, you ain't making it... - [Josh] Is Harry talking? His mics not working. - Harry's screaming but his mic doesn't work. - Say again Harry? - I said, you're not making it past, you're not making it the few rounds lad. - Yes, yes, yes. - All right, JJ, how about this, text Viddal right now, and say be 100% honest, do you think I could beat, uh thingy-majig. - Mike Tyson. - Why are we trying to argue over a guy, who wants to fight a horse? - [All] (laugh) - [Simon] I want to see what Viddal says. - All right, I'm talking with him. - Could fight a giraffe. - You're gone. You're going to sleep. - JJ, you're getting laid the fuck out. - You're going for a long sleep, a long sleep. hung out on the ropes, everything. - I'm sorry, no but you guys said this about Logan Paul. - [Ethan] Bro, bro, it's Mike Tyson. - [Tobi] This is different. - JJ. Here's the difference, okay? We said that about Logan Paul, when none of us had seen Logan Paul fight. Mike Tyson has 50 fights... - JJ wasn't in, J wasn't in shape, the way he was, and ultimately I saying, and as we all know we will say to each other, no you ain't gonna do this, and we go train harder to do it. So we all know how each other works. - We're going to gas you up before it even happened. - Yeah if we gas you up, you're going to be like, I ain't gotta train. - The dude is 109 kg. - Yeah well that's the thing... - 109? - Bro. - That's a load, that's why, I wouldn't want to fight him, - You're getting peppered, you said you could beat him. - Oh here we go. - Viddal said, (laughs) No man. - [All] (laugh) - Case closed, onto the next. - You'd have to survive three rounds, three minutes, then possibly, then possibly, there you see, I told you. - You still got to survive nine minutes then really. - I need to survive three rounds- - You're not, you're not. - No he said, then possibly, as if like you get a lucky hit, like that's it. - Or he might just gas out and that it, then you got a chance. - Oh that's funny. - Holey shit, so JJ reckons he can fight a horse and Mike Tyson, bro, and win. - (laughs) - The Sidemen Battle Royale, we got a horse, a giraffe, JJ, Mike Tyson, all in a circle. - Who wins? Who wins? - Who comes out? - So much crap bro, this video has so much crap. - Vik, how much for you to fight Mike Tyson? - I told you, it doesn't add up. - [All] (laugh) - [Tobi] It doesn't compute. - Didn't I say I'd rather dropkick a child, I think I did say that. I think I said that. - [All] (laugh) - Because I would die. - The drinkbang's gone south, it's gone south. - Vik, one billion, for one three minute round with Mike Tyson. - [Harry] It's not worth it, you might die. - I'm not risking my life. - [Josh] It's a billion though, it's a billion. - Yeah but, but.. - A billion. You could run away for three minutes. - I don't know, I wouldn't... Not in a ring that size mate. - Vik, just get him in the clinch, you got this. - [All] (laugh) - 109 kg, Mike Tyson, 60 something Vik's got... - One punch I'd be out of the ring. I'd go out of the ring - But it'd be looking like GTA, ragdoll physics. - Yeah, I'd be that ragdoll. No, no, no, there's no num- Numbers don't go that high. There's no amount, there's no amount. - Smart man, smart man, I salute you for this before in one video. - You understand now. - Respect your decisions... - It's when you saw the clip of him on the pads, Ethan you were like, nah, there's no way, there's no way. - You're a smart man, Vik, you're smarter than I am. I would've died. It would have been done. - Do you want a would you rather boys? Do you want a would you rather? - Yeah hit us with it. - That was a really good, bit of chat, that was, JJ. - Always delivering. - [All] (laugh) - Bro, I dipped, I couldn't make it. - That was funny, that was funny. - But you gave me time to get rid of my sweat patches, I've got a new shirt. - Magic trick. - Oh shit yeah you changed! - [All] (laugh) - This Aluna is much to strong, what the hell... - It looks like you put a bandanna on. - I had one on before. - [JJ] Wait, wait, you changed your bandanna as well? - No, no, it's the same bandana, same bandana. - You take it off though isn't it... - No I didn't. (laugh) - I saw you put it ... - I adjusted it, I adjusted it. - There was a string in it. - Nah that was from the hoodie, cause it's a new hoodie. - Oh okay. - JJ's not digging it. - I'll give you a would you rather, and then I'll pull out, we'll do a couple more of the drinking games. Cause I feel a bit, I feel we're a bit sober. All right, so. Would you rather lose a million pounds, or receive 10 million pounds, but here's the catch. The 10 million pounds shows up, as bricks of crack cocaine on your doorstep. - [Simon] Lose a million pounds. - [Vik] Yeah, lose the M. - Would you? I thought... - I'm thinking I could flip 10 mil of cocaine, it's a lot more. - I don't want to know. - How you getting rid of it. You get rid of about 5 k. - I'm doing a prison sentence, and that's it. - Well, do you want the risk? - I'm taking the 10, I'm doing it. - What if I don't touch it though, what if I don't touch it, I hire people to touch it for me. - What would happen if, if you just gave it straight to the police. Would you still get arrested? - [Tobi] You would rouse a lot of suspicion. - And say, hey I brought this to you, will you give me 10 million? - No, no, no, I think he just means, could you not just not lose anything at that point? - Oh, yeah. That would be the loop hole, that would be the lope hole. - You could say someone dropped- - [Josh] I don't think he meant that, judging by his reaction. - Harry offered me a would you rather... - Wait how much, how much is 10 million worth of cocaine? - A good amount. - Harry? - That's like a whole... - Probably quite a lot mate, it's hard to hide that amount. - [All] (laugh) - Well that was fun. Let me do this game for a bit, we'll see. The first person to text the parent, can give out four sips. Anyone want to text their parents? I'll text my parents. - Go on, I'll do it. - I'm going to say hello. - Tobi's already doing it. - Do we get to choose what you'd say? - No, I think it's just first person. - I said hi. (laughs) - Tobi's already done it. - [Ethan] Off you go then Tobi. - I want Harry to have all four sips, mate. - Okay, great. - That Sambuca thing, you think I'm going to forget about that Sambuca alarm. - (yells) - Josh was that your attempt at... - Yeah, that's a noise, try and make a- - Don't do that ever again. Wait just promise me you'll never do that, ever again, please. - I think I can't make any promises, about anything. Actually there's a couple of things, I can make promises about but... Before you try and make that weird. (Sambuca alarm) - [All] (laugh) - I was about to get up. - I'll leave, I'll leave, I'll leave. - I was about to get up. - Mad! Mad isn't it. - Oh, this is a banger! - [Ehtan] A little bit homosexual, bro. - This is a banger, this is a banger. - All right, has anyone... - What's a banger? - One sec, one sec, I've got a banger, just one's popped up you ready for this boys? Tobjizzle versus Harold, smack yourself in the face as hard as you can, the hardest slap wins, loser takes three sips. - All right, we get to judge yeah? - [Harry] Yeah. - The thing is, Harry, you're slapping yourself in the face, for Tobi to have three- - [Ethan] Three sips of apple juice. - You sure you don't wanna play against someone else? - Yeah, yeah, who else wants to play? Anyone wants to play? - Shotgun not. - I feel like it's worth more to play someone with alcohol. - Well someone who is on camera, so it's got to be either, JJ, Josh, or Vik. - Go on J. - Shotgun not, shotgun not. - I already shotgunned not way before either of you. - Josh, me and you let's do it. - I shotgunned not way earlier as well. - Come on Josh, go on Josh. - Go on, Josh. - But it's a drink, I can't do three of this. - Man, three sips of Josh's drink... - Is like your whole drink, you need to do more drink otherwise. - Or Josh does one sip. - No, well, I'll finish my mug of wine, how about that? There's quite a lot left in there - Is there? - Yeah, that's about three sips. - You can't, I can't, it's going to pour out. - [Tobi] Yeah there is quite a bit in there. - There's quite a bit. - How do you slap yourself? - Use your hands to slap yourself. Take your headphones off. - All right, Harry first. - Ow! That was pretty... - That did look kind of painful. - Okay, I need to... - If I lose this, I swear to god. - Wait hang on, - [Vik] Josh is a psycho, Josh is a psycho though. - [Simon] Are you allowed to, are you allowed a redo? - [All] What? (groan) - That was a prissy slap. - I'm breakable. - If you turn your actual... - Watch this, watch this. - [All] (cheer) - Josh wins. - That's the difference, that's the difference. - Yeah the first one was harder than that. - Yeah the first one was like two times harder than that, but I phoned it, like I kept still. - Yeah but you slapped yourself twice still... - Harry, I think you've lost then, mate. - I dunno if I lost that one, I thought... - The side of his face is red, bro look, look. Bro turn around. - Look at that, look at that! - Harry won, Harry won. - [Simon] No Harry absolutely won. - [All] (laugh) - Just, turn sideways again? - [Tobi] Imprinted his own hand on his face. - Mine's fine look. - It's you, you have to drink. - But you know what that just threw me back to? Remember, Harry's little weird headed Ibiza bro? - That's what I was thinking of. - Had a growth, on the side of Harry's head. - When he got stung, when he got stung by mosquitoes. - (laughs) Oh my God. - Bro, and he had like a growth on his head, (laughs) but it completely changed... - But Harry, remember you texted me privately, you said, I had to delete the tweet, because if you search Wroetoshaw, that was the first photo like off of Google. - Bro, he looked like a girl who... (laughs) - [JJ] Wait that was in Ibiza... - No that was a Sidemen show. - Have you got the photo? - Yeah I've got the photo, I've got the photo. - That was for the Sidemen show wasn't it. - Put it on the screen. - [Josh] Harry can we use it? - [Harry] Me? - [Tobi] Is it not just back to the top of search results? - Okay, well it's gone, now. I might just delete the tweet. - I have the photo though. - [Vik] Can we put it on screen in the video, Harry? - Well I'm not, it's not my video. - Just asking your permission, - It's a Sidemen video, so we have permission then, I guess. - That's permission, yeah we'll have it. - Oof that Aluna is not nice. - Wait, wait, hold on, hold up. Vik, what are you wearing? Looks like you're wearing Teddy Fresh? - [All] (laugh) - How long you been thinking of that? - Colour block drama way too good, bro. - I can see both sides of it. I can very much see both sides of it. - Oh fuck off. It's just a bunch of fukcing colours on a t-shirt. - Wait Vik, what's the actual drama. - Um So... - For people who don't know. - H3 made like a colour block similar to this, hoodie. Then James Charles released one, like a few weeks afterwards, and its- - Been weeks, it's been ages. - No, no, it's this week now, isn't it. - No, no, but like Teddy Fresh used it, like a year and a bit ago. - Okay, yeah, sorry. Sometime after, and they released, and the colour shades are exactly the same. - But James also did three others as well, so. - Yeah, I guess the argument is that, did they look at it, and say those colours work let's copy those, or was it just a coincidence that the colours worked, and they ended up with the same ones. You'll never know. - I mean, - They had a lot of sweaters like that, in the 80s or 90s in those exact formats? - Yeah. - So you're saying, fuck of to H3H, is what you're saying Josh? - Nah, yeah, cause like I could see it, I could see someone doing it to us, but it's not drama worthy, like? - But this is the thing, right? It's just a fucking colour block hoodie. No one owns the shitter. Hold it. Hold that L, bro Ethan, you gotta hold it, bro I'm sorry. You gotta hold it, bro. - Sounds like your talking to yourself there mate. - Bro, listen, I'd say it to his face. Bro hold it, its a fucking colour hoodie man. Hold the L bro. - You won't get close to tweeting it to him. - Yeah do you know what, listen, Sidemen clothing, for really good colour block hoodies bro. We've got some as well. - Yeah I say, I think we vote him out. - Hold that, hold that hoodie. - He's the imposter... - He was the imposter from the get go to be fair. - Listen you got to hold that. Unfortunate for you, bro, but there's been colour block hoodies for ages. - It is what it is. - Either way, everyone's going to make money anyways, so. - Exactly - [Josh] As long as you're winning, that's all that matters right? - Yeah, yeah. - Let everyone enjoy their piece man, chill. - The next thing I've got written down is... Well there's one that's a bit pansy, and there's one that's a bit more interesting. We'll do the pansy one. All right, here we go. So, you've got to say something nice, about the next member of the Sidemen, we'll go alphabetical order. So you got to say one nice thing about them, and one thing you don't like about them as well. - Simon you got me. - Just do it in the chat... - Do it on the left side, so Ethan does for Harry, Harry does for JJ... - Oh so all right, I'll do Harry. - I'll do JJ, and then JJ does Tobi. - [Josh] And I do no one. - Don't like the fact that when he's pissed, he turns into an absolute fucking horrible dickhead. He's foul and he's really difficult to deal with. - [All] (laugh) - On the plus side, on the really positive side, I probably have some of my funniest memories, and moments with him, there you go. - [All] Awe. - Were they drunken memories at the same time? So it's like-- - Yes, yeah. This is what I mean Josh, it's all about balance. - Balance! (laughs) - Harry's just gotta learn his point. Once he learns his point, he's good. - He's got little hole in the armour nowadays, anyway don't worry. - The videos on the camera rolls, that we have of that scenario. - I broke Ethan's table the other day, have you seen the pictures of Ethan's table? - Yes, yes. - Everyone's seen the table. - Yeah, Harry's just one of those drunks where, he's hilarious, then he hits a point, and he just goes... And he becomes abusive to everyone. - But it's a nice abusive, its not like a-- - No it's not. - How is it nice abusive? - Harry, harry, harry. - Harry, it's never nice, bro. - But like, for example, the night that I got the pint chucked over me. The rest of the night, hilarious, bro. Me and Harry were so happy we went out. Great night! - Yeah, it was a good night, we had the fanatics somewhere, it was quite funny. - [All] (laugh) - This could be a series, the adventures of Harry and Ethan. - But me and Harry were getting an Uber, at 6:00 AM in the morning-- - No don't say that. Cause that means... - He was kicking me going, you fucker, you fucker. - All right, moving swiftly onwards. Oh JJ, that's a hard one, you know? - Wait, wait, hold on, wait, why is it a hard one? For the bad or the good? - Oh no, for both. I'm trying to think... - [All] (laugh) - The good thing about JJ, he is a very caring guy, and he's an OG of the YouTube scene, a legend of the scene. - Oh thank you. - A bad thing about JJ... He's a little too confident in himself, that he can beat Mike Tyson in a fight. - [All] (laugh) - You could tone that one down a little bit. - All right, all right, fair. I got Tobi, the nicest person ever, literally, the nicest guy of everyone you've ever met. - Until he's in a car. - I knew it. - There's bound to be a switch up. - But I know for bad, I guess. I don't know, there isn't really much bad. - Nah, come on. - I'm waiting for it. - I'm waiting for the dagger to the heart. The chest is ready. - I'm trying to think. I'm trying to think... - He just doesn't want Reddit after him. - No, no, I'm just trying to think. - Well he slews Tobi all the time, so there must be things you can say publicly... - Have you been poking digs at me? - You're always slewing Tobi, so you've got things, you have things. - I'm waiting, bro. I'm waiting. - I don't know, maybe he's too nice. It's kind of annoying. - That's not an an-- - [All] No. - That's shit from you. - That was so bad. - Well something... Okay, he doesn't talk enough in the chat. - Nah that, what? - [Ethan] It's a cop out, bro, I'll give you that. - All right, all right, cop out, what? - Just say what you said about him, like when you said it the other day, - Oh! - What do you mean? - And we told you, come on... - What did I say? - Exactly, you say it out loud, I ain't saying it for you. - No, no, give me a hint... - Look in the group chat we have open. - What is he looking like this action hero? - [All] (laugh) - Guilty conscience, you see that, guilty conscience. - What did I say, what did I say? - No, no, it's hard to find a bad thing for Tobi. It is though. - No go pick someone else then, then picks someone else and find a bad thing. - What? - That person is getting two bad things. - No, no choose me, what's my bad thing bro? Choose me. - Ah okay, oh both... - [All] (laugh) - You're a snake! - He's done rubbing his hands. - You almost went down to phase. - Bro that's what I was gonna say. - Yeah I'll say it. - Yeah you almost became Phase Vikstar, I'm on to you. You sell us out. No but yeah, I love you. - [All] (laugh) - I guess Tobi could do something nice about Vik, and something mean about JJ? - He is an extremely intelligent member of the Sidemen, an extremely intelligent person, and he has a similar sense of humour to myself, so I can appreciate him. - Hey... - Wait, actually real quick, because this actually looks, look like I bully Vik. - [All] (laugh) - It's too late. It's too late now. - [Josh] It's too late. - No, no, no - [Vik] It's too late! - Legit like I envy how well you can speak, as in like, you can articulate yourself so well, and it pisses me off. - [All] (laugh) - It's good, it's good, he's very good at it. I can't do it, I'm the... - Good one. (laughs) - Go on, we get it. - That's why we're a good team, we help out. We help out when we need to put stuff together. Okay. I have Simon. So I think one of my favourite things is, it's you're quite witty, Simon. You crack like clever jokes, and like sometimes there's this scenario, and you'll like make it similar to another scenario, in like a funny way, so I like that. - Yeah, he's very quick on that. - Wait, wait Simon, are you smiling? I can't tell.. - I am yeah, I am. - [Josh] He's showing the pearly whites, come on. - I'll take it, I know there's a lot of mean ones, so. I'm just happy he could think of a positive one. - I'd say the negative one, and you've said it yourself, is that sometimes you can be quite stubborn, and if-- - I'm not stubborn. He's bullying me. He's bullying. Fair, fair. - yeah, in a disagreement sometimes, it's hard to, kind of yeah, persuade you to a different point of view, but. - Because my opinion is always right. - Ah, I got you. - [All] (laugh) - I can't argue with any of it. - Do you know what, we've just finally got the key lads. - All this time we've been struggling. - Ethan's always talking about keys. Josh. - [All] (laugh) - That's the witty banter, coming through. - You know what actually, I fucking hated that, just so you know. - You know what, the Sidemen are kings of rinsing jokes, into the ground. - [All] (laugh) - We pick a joke, and we rinse it over and over again, but do you know what? Here's the thing, right? This is what we do is, we stop rinsing the joke after a few months. But you guys in the comments you carry on. - [All] (laugh) - I got Josh, nice thing, I mean financially-- - Financially? - [All] (laugh) - Josh is an asset. - Josh has carried us. - No yes he has, yo he's going... - Fucking financially... - [All] (laugh) - Can you at least give me a better rep, for once in my life? - Josh in the books, bro, we're gravy... - He's like, if you were best friends with your accountant. - [All] (laugh) - Josh cooks the book, bro. - Josh on audits, bro... - Mean thing-- - That was my positive, only? - I'm going to go with, the fact that I've been trying to collab with him, for the second channel for about nine months, now. He keeps going, (indecisive sound). I'm just doing my own thing, so. - So, what about the inflatable series, bro? - No, no, we completed that, we did episode two. - We did it in Fall Guys. - Bro, the inflatable series, bro. - Can I just jump in and say, fuck you guys for not making that video go viral. All of you Sidemen viewers, we were praying-- - Well I would also argue it's our fault, for the video not going viral, so. Well, my fault, but ... - Just wait 'til season two, wait 'til season two of Fall Guys. - You know what, you bastards don't know, again, Josh hit them with the financials, bro. It costs so much fucking money! - The most expensive Sidemen video is the history-- - It's fine if we profit on this one, therefore accommodate that one. - That being said, we put so much money into that video. - [Ethan] Look at Harry's face. - [Simon] To be fair, it was better than the trailer for the film. - Yeah, and it was twice as expensive. - Yeah. Who likes the trailer for the film? - I did. - It was a laugh, you know. - [JJ] I was Darth Maul! That was sick. - You were who? - Darth Maul. - More? - Who's that? Who's Darth More? - Is it Darth More? - [Josh] Yeah, and you was Darth Less. - [Simon] Wait, JJ, say rural. - No wait, who... I don't... I'm confused. - Google it, Google his name. - More. (laughs) - Darth Maul. - Google it, google it. - JJ, would you rather live in a city, or a rural area? - Oh Darth Maul. - Yeah - [Josh] There you go. - Yeah there that's yeah... - JJ, can you say rural? - Rural. - [All] (laugh) - Can you say plural? - Plural. - [Simon] Can you say.. What? - Plural. - [Josh] Sounds like he's saying loo roll. - Now say, rural. - Rural. - Can you leave him alone, leave him alone please. - No, no, no bro, yeah, yeah bully me. - [Vik] JJ gets bullied more than all the Sidemen. JJ gets the most bullied. - [Josh] JJ does get bullied the most actually. - Yeah, leave him alone, leave him alone. - I actually do though. - It's cause this guy wins too much bro, this guy wins too much. - We have to keep him in check, cause he does take a lot of Ws. - You lot, you lot, without us six, he's done for, you lot. - You'd be gone, without Sidemen I think. - Yeah, fully, fully, I'd be in a different area. - We're here knocking him down, and he still thinks he can beat Mike Tyson. - [Josh] Imagine what you would have thought without us. - [Ethan] See it's not working lads. - All right, Josh go on. - I'm at the bottom of the list on this, I ain't got no one. - Josh for Ethan actually. - You do me. - All right, trying to go positive, for Ethan. - The negative's I've got COVID, lad, come on. - That's a cop out, there. - I think, positives for Ethan, is he's a huge character in a room. Like seeing him in that Discord call- - He's called you fat lad. - [All] (laugh) So Ethan could lift the spirit in a room, with a snap of a finger. Like just cause he's there, his presence is there. He's laugh alone, like think about GTA videos back in the day, without Ethan it wouldn't have been what it was. - It's true. - Catalyst - I feel like whenever Ethan's around, I'll laugh, and then he'll laugh, and then I'll laugh even more. Ethan brings it out in me, more than anyone, personally. - Yeah but then, when Ethan is upset- - Oh that is true as well. - That's my next point. - [All] (laugh) - Then the negative is that, he also flips a switch into a very foul mood, very quickly also, and normally it falls on me to be the dad, to be like, kind of reason with him, and talk him out of it, and get him back to being positive, again. That would be my negative. - I'd like to say, I'm 75% positive, and 25% horrific. - Yeah. - [All] Yeah. (laugh) - The 25% is fucking awful, but... - I'll give you that. The 75% is great, so that is good. - Speaking of Ethan being fat the next one come up, - [All] (laugh) - If you weigh less than 130 pounds, take two sips. I don't know how much that is? - What's 130 pounds? - I don't know, I'm taking a sip. - [JJ] Well that's all of us. - Is it? - No wait, wait. - What is 130 pounds in kgs? - That's 58 kg. - 58 kg? - Oh no, no, no, that's no one. - Wait you said more or less? - Less, less. - That's none of us. - That's not even me. - 58 kg? - Damn, surely you shouldn't be drinking if you weigh... - Vikstar, show us your bottle or take five sips. - [All] (laugh) - I swear to god, I can't even. - Wait, wait, are you on the right version, the one that you can ramp it up to more extreme? - No, I've ramped it up, I've ramped it up. - [Josh] Okay, I was going to say, can you imagine? - Do you think people have ever been sat down in a group, and someone's been like yeah, fuck it, why not? - Yeah - Yes 100% - JJ did it to get someone to laugh, yeah. - I didn't even get him to laugh. - There's also the time where, I asked JJ to put a grape up his ass for 50 quid, and he did it. - And I never got the 50 quid. - I still haven't paid him. (laughs) - [Ethan] Josh, you actually just need to pay him. - Yeah I do, I do, cause that was incredible. - That was one of the strangest days in the house bro, cause we said, what is it in? He went, yeah it's up there, and we were like, what do you mean its up there. - He did hands free and it was still in. (laughs) - Bro, we was like, we were just joking, bro, and he goes, oh no it's in. - Well yeah, but it wasn't like in, in. It was just... I got big cheeks, so I can just... put it... - It was just in eh? - Anyway, anyway. Yeah, yeah but no one's going in my big cheeks, so relax. - The grape is though. - Yo Reddit, allow it, come on man, I'm not on it. - So is it Simon's cheeks or yours? - What? Stop man, stop. - Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Have we hit the point of no return with this drinkbang? Is this end of the road? Where do we go from-- - No, no, I got more... oh I just dropped my phone. We got more questions, you want more questions? - Wait, wait, what was the other one, that was more spicy, you said. - Huh? What do you mean? He's on the more spicy one now. - No, no, no, not the more spicy one, I don't have a more spicy one, no. All right, here we go. - All right, can I go for a wee please? - I'm sure. - [Josh] I don't think I can drink anymore of this drink. - If you've had sex in your parents' bed, give out two sips. - Oh no, no, surely no. - Nope? All right, we're good, nice one, boys. - There's something like-- - Not right. - [Josh] Strange about that. - Am I the only one that thinks that's really odd? - Yeah, that's jarring, that is. - Why would you do that? - That's super odd, exactly so weird. - If you ever sent a nude, take a sip. Anyone sent a nude ever? - Nope. - You're telling me no one has sent a nude. - Do you have some news to us? - I have some news to you. - Have I? - [Josh] JJ. - JJ has - Has he? - Well, I mean tech... okay. - I think the point more is like, you're saying you didn't show dick, that's what you're trying to say right? - Yeah. That's a nude. - Yeah I guess. - What's it say, KSI. Let any player kiss your chest. - Six sips! - Might as well just finish it. - Wait was the group chat name up on the screen? - Yeah it was. Only on the web cam though, don't worry, it's not on the main screen. - Okay, okay great. - How do we think this video is going to do? - Ten out of ten. - I think it's going to be one out of 10. - Wait, wait, wait, are we going for... - [Josh] We need some context here. - Let's go for... - How many views? - After six hours... - I dunno, I dunno what to even... - After six hours of this video going up, where do... - Can we do 24 hours? - 24 hours. - 24 hours, okay. - 24 hours, where do you think this video will be, out of our last ten? - Should we get context what that means? Like so on YouTube in analytics, there's a stat that says like, is performing fourth out of your last ten videos. So all YouTubers check that, to kind of, gauge how well a video is doing, in regards to their others. So we will, us as Sidemen, as something goes out, within like six hours, we'll check it, and go oh this one's a stinker, or oh it's doing well. - If it's the ten out of ten, we all mess in the chat, like where did we go wrong? Why did this happen? - Yeah. And it when it's one out of ten, we're like awe get in lads, incredible, that's incredible. - I think 10 out of 10, there's a lot more foul language used. - If it's 10 out of 10, we're like we're not hitting 10 mil. - Where did we go wrong? - So for context, Muckbang was one of 10. - Which was not what we expected. - What was 10 out of 10? What was 10 out of 10 recently? - Oh Fall Guys. - No it was never 10 out of 10. - It was nine, it was nine out of 10. - And then it went eight and then it went seven. - Ethan, where do you reckon? - I think six out of 10. - All right, Harry? - I think seven out of 10. - JJ three out of ten. - Tobi? - Five out of 10. - Vik? - Four out of 10, if we call it drinking muck bang, and we have a good thumbnail with us holding up bottles. - Oo, okay. - Calculated. - That's you know what, a smart guy. - Josh? - Yeah, I'd go seven. We have some good video recently. - I'll go six. - Nice work. - I just want one of them diamond play buttons, bro. I'm looking at JJ's in the background. They look really good. - [Josh] We should push him more, we should push him more like, we are 750k away. - Oh yeah, and Harry's - But Harry's like, look I have one. - 750k away. - We didn't do a discount code. - We could do one now. - Do you know what, just to make you feel part of the collective, you can have COVID. COVID can be the discount code. - (laughs) - Can we sell merch, with a COVID discount? - Let's go with the word positive. - [Harry] Okay. - Positive. The code is positive. - The code is positive. - Stay positive, there you go. But not COVID positive. - Code is, not COVID. - [Josh] Positive is the code. - That's been all, subscribe to this channel, subscribe to more Sidemen, and let's hit those targets for the end of the year. - And don't forget Simon reacts! - Simon reacts is flying though, but yeah, please subscribe to that channel. - It's not flying as much anymore, we need to get it flying again. - Come on, this is your homework. Go get it done. We'll see you guys next week. (hip hop music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 18,941,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: YOy7g9qEVZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 26sec (4466 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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