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- Okay, so welcome to the One Word.. - Please, I don't own any gossip now. - This is going to be my least favourite pairing. Welcome to the One Word Interview, I have two people ready to answer some questions. You can only answer them with one word, do you understand? - Yes. - Cool. - Okay, they seem to understand. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? - Wank. That's not funny, is it? (laughs loudly) Shower. - Oh, and that's funny? Nosh. - What, you live with Freya now. - You nosh her off, she got a cock? (laughs loudly) - How was your 2018, summarise it. - Duh. - Duh. (laughs loudly) - Is that even a word? - Fat. (laughs loudly) - Best. - What does that mean? So how do you feel about the Sidemen splitting up? - We are? - Finally. - That's two words. Finally, okay. - Melancholy. - Melancholy? - Sad. - What do you mean melancholy sad? - Melancholy means sad. - Melancholy. (laughs loudly) - So this is a two part question. Who is the most annoying Sideman? - Vick. - Vick? - Vick. - Why? - Face. (laughs loudly) - Melancholy. - Like cauliflower. - Melancholy. - Me. - Pass. - I'm gonna have to take an answer, I'm sorry. You gonna have to name someone, and if you don't say anyone, I'm gonna assume that you're saying Josh. (laughs loudly) - Vick, you said yourself, why are you the most annoying Sideman? - Puns. - Yeah. - That's not a word. - Melon and cauliflower. - Melancholy is not a word. - A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. Melancholy. - Fair enough. (laughs loudly) - [Simon] Why you? - Prick. - True. (laughs loudly) - What is your best pickup line? - Hello. - Huh. - It's not a word, it's a one word interview. - Not a one grunt interview mate. (laughs loudly) am I right? (indistinct) - Sex. (laughs loudly) - Very forward, it could work. - Now. (laughs loudly) - I mean, I'm turned on. (laughs loudly) - Pow. (laughs loudly) - I'm already pregnant. That worked on me. - Lift. - Pickup line. (laughs loudly) - Now you understand why he's the most annoying. - [Simon] That was the pun. - Goddammit. - Okay, if you could look at each other. Stare into each other's eyes for a second. What's your favourite thing about each other. - Beard. - [Simon] Vick, what is your favourite thing about JJ? He's really struggling here. (laughs loudly) - Kind. - G's. - Really, that's all you think he has to offer? - [Both] Yeah. (laughs loudly) - Knowledge. (laughs loudly) - I'll give Vick an extra one, what's another word about him that you like? - Strength. - Okay, that's about all there is to him, so we'll leave it there. - Socks. - Cock. - Oh yeah, I got a good one. - Got a massive hog, this lad. - Hog. (laughs loudly) - JJ. I feel like you're gonna kiss him. Anything, absolutely anything. I mean, look at what he's wearing at least. Okay, we're gonna move on. Apparently JJ doesn't like anything about Vick. (laughs loudly) Okay, what's the worst thing about each other? - Replies. - Everything. (laughs loudly) - Scenario time. You walk into the front room right now, Ethan is banging a family member of yours, what do you do? - Watch. (laughs loudly) - [Simon] What do you do? - Granny. - So you wouldn't stop it, you would just say granny? - Yeah, well granny what you doing? - [Simon] One word please. - You're assuming it's granny, how do you know it's granny? - Cause it's Ethan. Just so you know, this will be the same for everyone, including Ethan. (laughs loudly) What do you do? - Run. (upbeat music) - Spank. - Who you're spanking? - Ethan. - You're helping Ethan bang one of your family members? - Yeah, he's been a naughty boy, so you tell him off. - [Simon] You're helping him, you're turning him on more. - If that's what he's into, that's his fault. - Yeah, I know, I've shagged him once. - Scream. - You kind of joining in a little bit, I guess. (laughs loudly) You're banging your own family member. (laughs loudly) I've asked everyone, I can't change the question just for you. - Out. - [Simon] Out? - Out. - And in, and then out, and then in, then out? - Leave. - [Simon] You'd leave? So you would have been in that position in the first place? It's a little bit odd. What you gonna do? - Kick his dick. - That's three words. - Dick kick. - That's two words still. - Punt. - Punt. (laughs loudly) - What are your thoughts on anal? - Squidgy . (laughs loudly) - That's so gross. Thoughts on anal? - No. - Swerve. (laughs loudly) - Ouch. - Bloody. - [Simon] Jesus. Why? - Constipation. - Okay, that's not bloody. - If you don't think constipation is red, you haven't had proper constipation. - [Simon] I don't think I've had. - You have anal vestures. - Anal fishes. - Overrated. - [Simon] Okay. On the topic of ass. - Wait, he doesn't like a little bit of squish? - I don't know what that means, and I don't want to know what that means. - Why you making that noise? Why is she farting? Or he farting? I don't know what you're into. - Nah, I'm definitely into women. - Anyways, on the topic of ass, what are your thoughts on Deggy's channel? (laughs loudly) Sorry, it was too easy. - Prolapse. (laughs loudly) - It's not doing great right now, but you can put it back in, and it will be good to go. - Isn't it.. - (indistinct) . - It's fallen out right now, but if Deggy puts the effort back, and gets it in, it will stay in. - This is way more than one word. - You asked us to elaborate. - We were explaining for you. - [Simon] No I didn't. What are your thoughts on Deggy's channel? - Please. - Gossip. (laughs loudly) - Please, I don't have anytime for gossip now. - [Simon] JJ? - Great. (laughs loudly) - Swiftly moving on, Vick? - Declining. - Bloody. - Deggy's channel is bloody. - [Joshua] Yeah, it's red. Right now, but it can be recovered. - No it's not, it's actually getting some.. We got faith in him. - By the time this goes out.. - He can pull it back. - Come on Deggy, get over the prolapse. - I am not involved in this, I am in no control. I didn't say that. Vick, you're out of order, how you gonna say that? No, not again. (laughs loudly) - Another YouTuber recently posted a video to do with boxing, Joe Weller posted. (laughs loudly) - Joe Weller posted a boxing video against Jamie Lynch. - Batman. - Or batman. Don't need to know your past, or your history. What are your thoughts on that video? - Calamity. - Same. - History. - Entertaining. - Trash. - Okay. - Moist. - That's to do with the slip and slide part of it, right? That's why. It's to do with the slip and slide round. - You didn't think about your past or your history? - (indistinct) That's harsh, where's that from? (laughs loudly) - It's not. It's just a Lynch. - That's Jess's lyric. - You still care about your past or your history. - Gaby Hannah's singing. - Clueless. - [Simon] Thoughts? - Clueless. - You know, monster, that one? - Who? - Gaby, The Gaby show? - Don't know. (laughs loudly) - Gaby Hannah's singing. (laughs loudly) - No. - [Simon] That was a quick one. - Stop. (laughs loudly) - Loud. - Monsters. - But what if I'm the monster? (laughs loudly) - You sound like a dinosaur. What YouTuber have you met that you didn't like? - Con. (laughs loudly) - [Simon] I love the way every time I ask a question like this, Vick goes.. And JJ goes.. (laughs loudly) I mean, if you've liked everyone you've met, fair enough. - No, there's definitely someone. (laughs loudly) - Miniminter. - Miniminter. - [Joshua] He's a prick. - Ninja wannabe. - [Simon] Ninja is your answer then? You can only say one word so.. - [Joshua] He is cool. - I'd lick Ninja's asshole for.. - For what? - For free. - For free? - For free mate. No one does it like him. (indistinct) is good, but if I'm talking about public lobby, setting up a sniper, pop. No one does it like Ninja. - You know what, I'll make it broader for you. What YouTuber do you hate? (laughs loudly) You don't need to have met them. You just need to have seen them online. - Kavos. Watch him make a video about this. - [Simon] Yup, a hundred percent. (laughs loudly) That's why I'm moving on. - Sam Keen. - That's two words. - I'm purely saying that because we went Mahiki once, and he tried to buy in on a serious conversation I was having. I was like, "Lad, we're having a serious conversation.", and he was like, "Well hello.". - Relax. It's good. - Vick, anyone? Just throw Lachlan out there. Preston abandoned you, he got married. - How about Isaac? I know you don't like the latest song. - Casey Neistat. - [Simon] That was two words. That was two words. Come on man. - Wait, you don't like Casey? - We're just gonna move on. - Wait, hold on. - [Simon] No, he's only allowed to say one word. - Oh my gosh. - JJ, you are only allowed to say one word too. So why don't you like Casey? (laughs loudly) I'm joking. - Rude. - I'm out fam. Vick dropping bombs. Everyone I met is always nice to me, cause of who I am, it's so annoying. - Ego. (laughs loudly) - What advice would you give a younger you? - No cat. - One word. - That's one word. - No. - Knock it. (laughs loudly) - Run. - Health. - Gym. - You could have taken his one, run. (laughs loudly) - Knock it. - Normandy. - I lived in Normandy. (upbeat music) You know what, (indistinct) is closer to Normandy than it is the mainland. - Yeah, Normandy. - Normandy. (upbeat music) - Confidence. - More facials. - [Simon] That's two words. Okay, so Vick would have got more confidence, and JJ would have taken more facials. (laughs loudly) - Nah. - [Simon] One word please. - Dinosaur. - Your advice to your younger self would be dinosaur? - Your younger self wondering what the fuck, what you mean dinosaur? - What would you change from facials? - Threesomes. - So if you're a single guy out there, and you like giving facials. - Oh my god man, this guy is trying to.. - [Simon] Describe yourself in one word. - Got fat again, broke the chair. - Bigger. - Pensioner. - Classic. - That's funny. - Weird. - There. - Just there. (laughs loudly) That's so.. - That's sad. - [Simon] That's really sad. - That's actually sad, relax. - Lit. - God. (laughs loudly) - You get 10 million pounds, you've just won the lottery. - Sweet. - What are you buying? - Cum bucket. - Two words. And why? Why would you buy a cum bucket? - Slave. - What? You mean like, you'd hire people? - [JJ] Did I just hear right? (laughs loudly) - [JJ] What's going on? - Assistant. - Very different. - It's a paid internship. - [JJ] Watch yourself. - Josh? - JJ. - You'd buy JJ? JJ? - [JJ] Wait. You can't buy me for 10 mil. - What, you're cheaper? 5 mil? - No, I'm worth way more than that. - I'm worth 5 mil. (laughs loudly) - You guys are moving too mad. Fuck off you. Get that camera out my face. What the fuck you're doing? Shut the fuck up. - Quality banter. (laughs loudly) - Final question, what YouTuber would you cum on? (laughs loudly) - Con. - He's a YouTuber. - I think that's two people today. - [Man] No, one of them was 'Who do you hate?'. - Oh, yeah. But you're doing out of love, right? You'd cum on Con? - Yeah. - Go do it now. - No man. - [Simon] Go get him. - Odds. - Yeah. - Get on your knees. - It doesn't have to be because you find them sexually attractive. - KSR. (laughs loudly) - Maybe it is because you find them sexually attractive, but just cause Ethan did that.. (laughs loudly) - I just want to nut on him, because he'd nut on me. (laughs loudly) That's why, that's the only reason. You know he'd nut on all of us bro. (laughs loudly) You know it. - A hundred percent. It can be out of love, out of.. - Lust? - [Simon] Lust. It could be out of, you just want to have it over them. As in, you just want to have that, if they ever try to pipe up to you, you can just be like, "Pipe down, I came on your face.". - I piped on you. - Yeah, exactly. Classic, good one. You know, it might be Ethan, you might be like, "I want to have that over him.". - Russett. - [Simon] Who? Russett? Okay. (laughs loudly) Okay. - It got real quick. - Really trying to move on here. - I know what you're talking about. Is it Sniper Wolf? (laughs loudly) - Can I cum on tea series? - That's more of a building, and that's probably public indecency. - It's not a building, it's many people. Click Crew. - [Simon] That's two words. - Click. - Come on man, anyone. - [Simon] Anyone. It doesn't need to be someone you like, or you thinks hot. It can be someone to annoy them. It could be JJ. - Now I'm just getting started with some beef, we could do diss tracks and stuff. - Yeah, fuck Click. - I'd cum on them. - Who are Click? - [Simon] The copycats. - Exactly, who are they? - [Simon] The Sidemen copycats, from Australia. - The ones that make loads of money? - Yeah, the ones that make more money than us. - You trying to start beef with them? - Yeah, if I cum on them, it's like beef ain't it? Like, "You cummed on my head?". - Yeah, now we'll fight you on Fortnite. (laughs loudly) - JJ. - Well then he's cum on a god. - Nah man. Are you nuts? - If you'd like to say anything back to him, one word please. - Spicy sperm all over me. - [Simon] No, that's not one word is it? Get out. - You're moving mad. - Can I leave now? I'm finished this. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 20,504,902
Rating: 4.9526505 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, one, word, interview, lol
Id: zjTJ_1pv_N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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