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- [JJ] Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a brand new Sidemen video. This one is a banger. So, we have a very easy concept for this one. All seven Sidemen are in a line, and will be judged by mostly women. A statement will be made, with one being the most likely and seven being the least likely. Yeah, you already know this is going to be a funny, but awkward one. But before we get into all of that, we have a discount code for Sidemen Clothing. The code is "EGO," because after this video, there's gonna be none left. So, let's get to it! - [Host] Can you please rearrange the guys into who you think is the richest? - Okay, right. I'm guessing clothes and shoe assessment is probably the best way to go in this. - I mean I'm thinking shorts isn't the vibe. ("Woman 2" cackling) So I'm thinking we're already going to take... (Sidemen laughing and speaking indistinctly) - [Woman 2] I'm thinking the dad shorts. - [Woman 1] I mean, he's giving me gym shark vibes, so we're going take you... - "Shut up" socks.. - [Woman 1] Maybe, maybe a little bit. Although, trainers as well. Dirty trainers isn't a vibe, is it? Let's be honest. - What dirty trainers? - Right there. - Oh yeah. (Sidemen laughing) - Did you miss the memo that you were meant to come in white trainers? (all laughing) - I do feel like there's a lot of like his and his and his` matching outfits going on here today. Do you know what I mean? - [Woman 1] They've spent a lot of time together. - There's too much time together, I think. - I'm so sorry, I've already forgotten your name. - Just point. - Ethan. - Yeah, the ginger one go down to the end. (all laughing) - So do we all move up one? - I guess so, yeah. - I'm not getting much from this outfit, I'm not going to lie. - Which one are you pointing at? - The white hoodie. Although, are they wearing the same brand there? - Sideman Clothing (Sidemen chattering) - We're all wearing the same brand. - Okay, so it's a sponsorship thing. Okay so the ones wearing it at least have a sponsorship deal, so the ones that don't maybe got cut. - No, it's their merch. - [Woman 2] Oh, it's their merch? (Sidemen laughing) How well does it sell? Does that give us a hint on how rich you are? Well I've never heard of it, have you? So maybe not that well? - Not well enough, buy some. (everyone laughing) - So I'm going to say... - I have to Rachel Slater it. - Sorry, second this kid, you, man, sir... (Sidemen laughing) down to five please. - You know it could've been worse, it could've been worse. I'm okay with that. - I would've said that maybe he's not old enough to have had enough time to earn much money. - Who? Who me? - So that was my reason for moving him down a little bit. (Sidemen laughing) I'd ask for ID, no like... - I mean, they're like the same age as me, let's not do that. - Wow. - Okay, let's go all in black. Take him down town a bit, down a bit maybe. - You're not doing so well. - We're messing it all the way this time. (Sidemen laughing and chattering) - Why you want him back down to four? - He's probably been given that hoodie. (Sidemen laughing) - You're not wrong. - No, because it's the merch. (laughing) - Yeah, but they've all got it on, so that doesn't really help us does it? - No, he's giving me a strong knight look. - Exactly, see. Look it's here, it's here, so... - I'm not sure what that is. What is that? - Its the same brand. (all laughing) - Cute. Four. (all laughing and talking) - Come on, come on. - I feel like he's coming in as strong. He's giving me a chain. He's giving me a full three set piece. I feel like you might be one, you know. - Number one! - I genuinely have no fucking clue at this point. - [Woman 2] He's refusing to leave. "Stand my ground." To be fair though, I do think maybe two is quite near the top. I'm not quite sure. It's not the clothes. Just getting a vibe that maybe he's a bit monetary. - Purr. - So maybe actually this is... this is right? - Babes. - You feeling this, this line up? - I mean yeah, yeah, let's go for it. - Anything you want to change? Anything that... - I'd like to lock it in, please. - Okay, this is our final answer, thank you. - [Sidemen] All right. - [JJ] All right, cool. - Were we very accurate? - Probably not at all. - I mean, we don't really, we don't, you'll never know really. - I definitely shouldn't be up here. (all laughing) I'm down there. - We're never going to know the answers? It's like a really bad quiz when you don't know if you've won or not, basically. (all laughing) - Richest? - I think, yeah. - So you can wear designer clothes and still be... - Listen, yeah, We know this. It doesn't mean anything. Actually the richest people don't really care about clothes. (all laughing) It's true. They'd rather spend money... My uncle is rich, millionaire and he doesn't go out wearing all the designs, he just has a lovely house and loads of Bentley's. - Yeah. - Well, number six should move up, I've got a feeling. I can just tell. - Yeah, yeah. He's yeah... - Number six, number six to number two. And do you think number two should go to number one? - No. (Sidemen laughing) - [Woman] I do, I've got a feeling. There's something about him. What is that, that's less expensive from his wrist? Couldn't guess what it is. - I don't know just trying to look at the clothes. - I bet the wrist. - This outfit is banging. - [Woman] It is. - [Tobi] Thank you. - [Man] And those trainers look really white. - [Woman] It is, but that doesn't mean... - Which I know... - I mean, let's be honest. We can go to JD Sports get trainers for 9.99. - Yeah that's true. - These aren't 9.99, but... (Sidemen indistinctly chatting) - Should we put number two to number one for now? - [Man] Yeah, two to number one. - [Woman] Move number seven to number four. - [Tobi] I'll take four. - Oh he's flying. - [Woman] And should we put number three to number two? Or do you think he needs to go up there 100%? - [Man] I think number three should, no number four should go to three. - Okay, and then can you go to number two? Number four, go to two yeah. And then you go to number... - [Man] This is going to get confusing. - [Woman] No you swap, yeah yeah, that's it sorry. - Rich doggies, rich doggies, lets go. - I told you I'm falling. - He's looking at me? - Yeah. No! No no... Sorry that was a bit... "NO, not rich!" - It's hard isn't it, just casually? I think number four should move. - [Man] Yeah four, four go to six. (Sidemen laughing) - [JJ] You looking poor bro. - [Simon] I started at one, again. (JJ laughing) - Yeah, number six swap with seven. Seven go to six. (Sidemen laughing) - [Simon] It's the laziness. - [JJ] Hey bro, I can't hear you over my richness. - No, no it's not lazy. - If you're lazy, you're not going to go and get the money. (Sidemen laughing) - [Woman] But it's hard isn't it... - Don't cry. - No it's all right. - You can see tears in his eyes. He's like, "Me?!" - [Woman] I feel like the top three, that's good decision. - Come through, we've done it boys. - [Man] Top three, I'm confident in that. I feel good. - But there's something about seven. He could have a yacht. - He could, you never know. - [JJ] He could have a yacht. - I just picture the first three being like... - We're at a palace, like diamonds everywhere. (all laughing) - With the girls. - [Tobi] I'm trying to picture it. - I feel good about that. - Okay go on then. I think that's a good lineup. - Yeah. - [Host] All right, next. - Oh, great. - I think by his face, its number two. He's like, well... "Well everyone here knows." Really, we don't know. - I can't help my face. - You just get picked instantly. (indistinct chatter) - I'm a poker player, I read faces. That was like, "Well, that's me." - I think number five maybe. - Yeah. - Yeah. Number five to number two. - You got money man. (Sidemen laughing) - This always happens. What's up, it's good to see you again. - I'm not, I'm thinking three down this end. I don't know why. - She said you're broke brother. (Tobi laughing) - Yeah number seven is, I think you're invested somewhere. - [Ethan] We them broke boys. - Does anyone know about crypto-currency? - Yeah, yeah. - He knows, okay. Number five needs to go up. If you know that. - You should be there, that side. - I know about it. - Oh, but you're not in the game? - A little bit. - Okay, I think we should... - I think we should leave that. It looks good. - I think we should swap five to four. Now let's swap five and four. - I hate to see it, man. - Yeah, that's good. - Yeah? - Yeah, I like it. - It's not bad. - I shouldn't be here. (upbeat music) - [Host] Most attractive. - Oh, here we go. (women laughing) - [Ethan] He's got lovely structure. (Sidemen laughing) - Did I mention I'm single. (women laughing) And I'm 27. (all laughing) - I don't think we needed that. - Okay, I'm not gonna lie. There's some fit guys here, I'm going to be honest. And there's some not so fit. (woman laughing) Or I mean not my type. - [Woman 2] All right who do you want to put to the end of line? We're gonna have different types, aren't we? So we're gonna have to kind of batter this around a little bit. Who's your kind of like, I hate to say this horribly, but bottom two? (woman 2 laughing) - [Tobi] Just remember it's a game. - [JJ] Just do it, get it over with. (Sidemen laughing) - [Host] Deep breaths guys, deep breaths. - I'm not going to lie, number six and seven. (woman 1 nervously laughing) - We're there already. - We're here. - [Woman 2] Okay. - Yeah. I mean I'm not going to lie, five I just need a bit more spice in my life. Do you know what I mean? - That's why you're unhinged. (all laughing) - Oh, okay. (Sidemen laughing) He wanted to say it under the breath. Like, "That's why you're unhinged." Okay, that's true. (woman 2 laughing hysterically) Anyway, back to you there darling. - I'm good with six and seven. Sorry boys, nothing personal. - I feel like you like a bit of number five. - I feel like maybe he should be a bit higher than he is. - Been caught in between us the whole time. I was expecting to stay here. - I feel like three can definitely go up. Lovely structure and all that. (Sidemen clapping and laughing) - [Ethan] Where is he going? - [Harry] To where? - Okay, okay. - I don't know, are you feeling him or not? Because I'll put him to number two if you're not, and number one if you are. - No no no, not one. - Sorry to put you on the spot like this, do you fancy that man, yes or no? (woman 2 laughing) - [Woman 1] New dating show. - [Woman 2] Yeah, did you not know that's what we're on? (Woman 2 laughing) - Clearly. - Are you happy with two or would you rather one? - Oh no. - Is there one that's really floating your boat? Let's start with that. - I mean, I'm not going to lie, I'm vibing one, three, and four. And two. - [JJ] Oh shit! - [Woman 1] Yeah, the first four are kind of... - Can we get a height check? (all laughing) - Hey! Hey! - I just remember, "I wouldn't date someone under my height." - [Woman 1] I would never date anyone under 5'7". But today, obviously I'm doing it wrong so. - But if you've got a three piece on then everything changes apparently, with a bit of swag it makes all the difference. - Yeah, I like, I fuck with a bit of swag. He's giving me a bit of something something. Well can I say I'd put one in one? - That's alright. - Yeah. I would say I'm feeling two and three more than one. - Oh come on... She likes... - [Woman 2] Okay. (woman 2 laughing) - I don't think I'd put, I don't know, I don't think I'd put one in one. No offence. - Oh I was just like fucking excited for a second. (Sidemen laughing) - Is there anyone you're feeling for one? - I don't know, its a tricky one. - Trying to mesh two different people together as well. You know what I mean? We've got different types. - Yeah I know. Go on then you rank it then. Cause I don't want to be too obvious, do you know what I mean? (woman 2 laughing) - This isn't a time to play hard to get. They've got a show to do. - Men like bitches for fuck sake. I'm kidding. I'm not a psycho, I swear. (JJ laughing) Okay, go on then. - Is there anything you hate in this line up? - Hate? - [Tobi] Hate? We're bring out the "H" word. - [Ethan] They're building us up to bring us right back down. - Let me rephrase that, sorry. - I think if I put three and four where they are. I don't know. - Where would you rather put them? - I'm thinking a bit of ging, I'm thinking a bit of that. - [Woman 2] All right. - Ginger man. - [Woman 2] So are we happy with one and two? Just three and four we maybe wanna move? - You go for it. - Well I've taken one and two, so why don't you take three and four. Where do you want them to go? - Well no, cause they're not going to go any further down. - [Woman 2] Just toss them around. (woman 2 laughing) - No, I do appreciate height. - Just do a Do-si-do around each other for a bit. - Oh your height's whatever, you're here. (JJ and Tobi laughing) - So we have it? - Yeah, let's just go for it. I mean yeah okay. - Final answer. - I mean yeah all right. - Locked. - All right, nice. - Nice. - [Tobi] Now should we go into the real order? (indistinct chattering) - Real order now please. - Real order, real order. (Sidemen laughing) - Who do we think is the most attractive? - I know who I think. - I think... - Well, I'd put number three at number one. - Jeez, go on. - Go on. - [Vik] That's a handsome guy. That's a handsome guy, right there. - And then, I think number seven should go number two. Yeah, definitely. - [JJ] Damn. - [Man] Yeah, yeah. - [Simon] You stop taking drugs and this is what happens. - I think number five should be number three. - [Simon] I'm just falling. - [Ethan] Same, man, same. - [Woman] Number five should be number three. - [JJ] Oh... (indistinct chattering) Sexy! - Oh six. - I think number six should go to number five. Do you think that? - [Man] I don't know. - Its painful down at this end of the scale. One place means a lot. - It does. I'm fighting the relegation, out here. (Sidemen laughing) - Give me a sexy pose, you two. - Yeah, give us a pose. (woman laughing) - He wants it more than me. (all laughing) - He's like I'm not even trying. (all laughing) Okay, I'm like, "We'll give it to him cause he did a sexy pose." - There you go. Yeah? I don't think that. - Do you not? - No, I think they need to move back. - Oh for God's sake it was a big sexy pose. (all laughing) - What do you think? I think we should change. - No, I think that's it. - Yeah, okay, that's what we think for now. - All right fellas. - Come on. (indistinct chatter) - I apologise, I'm sorry. - I wonder what it was. - [Woman] Sorry. - Just preference, just preference. (all laughing) - So I would say, I would probably put number four, actually more near number one and two. But the reason why I haven't just because for me personally, you're just a little bit too short, but just a little bit, but you've got a lovely face. - [Ethan] I'll take it. (all talking at once) - [Woman] Do you know what I mean? He's pretty good looking, just a little bit too short for me. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. He looks like, he knows that he's quite hot. He's quite sure of himself. - He's just posing because he's number one. - Not in a cocky way, but you're just like, yeah. - Assured of himself. - Assured, assured, yeah, yeah. - I reckon cause he's not used to being number one. - You think he's not used to being number one? - No. - Really? Are you a nice boy? - I feel like usually you're not used to, with this specific question, I think maybe... (Sidemen laughing) no, no, no, like maybe in the top three. But I feel like you're not used to being number one, so that's why he's that proper place. - Yeah, I mean I was six last time. - Six?! - See I knew it. - It's just preference that's all it is. Yeah no, I would, thank you very much. - Thank you. (Sidemen laughing) - We have got such a different, like view on this. So this is going to be very difficult. This is going to be, okay, so what would you say? - Who was you gonna say? - I would say the cutest is for me... Oh fuck. Number two and number three. - Oh. Damn. - Where are you? And then Maybe number one. Okay that'd be top three for me. - [JJ] Sheesh. - I'm going to go number six and number two. - Yeah you like number six we, discussed this. - And then number one. - Okay, let's put number six at two? - Number six you're a two. - Yeah, go number six, you can go number two. - [Ethan] All right. - [Woman 2] Who's going to be one? - Yeah, who are we going to put number one? I think we should put blue, number three. - Yeah blue. - Yeah number three, beautiful eyes. - [Harry] Thank you. - Boggy blue eyes. - [Woman 1] Maybe. - And then switch you two. - What number six and number five? - Yeah. - Ah see, I would keep it there. (Sidemen laughing) I think number seven has got really nice eyes as well actually though. I think we should move... - Yeah but we got to be honest, haven't we. - Yeah, I think he's got really lovely eyes. (Sidemen laughing) What you mean? (all laughing) All right for that I'm moving you up. Seven move up and go in about five. - [Tobi] He got the pity move up. - I don't need pity moves. - Ain't no pity spot, I'd move you up cause the eyes and cause you're the tallest as well. I think that should be played in effect here. - [Woman 2] Oh yeah. - [Woman 1] We're tall girls. - [Woman 2] I wasn't even thinking about that - [Woman 1] Yeah, we need some height. I'm happy with that. - Yeah, we're good. Yeah, we're going to be fine with that. (Sidemen laughing) (upbeat music) - Oh we went there. - We went. (woman 2 laughing) - Okay. - Was that on the list of questions? - Who's wearing tight shorts? I'm really, I'm not going to lie. - Tight shorts might be ending now. (all laughing) - At this point, I'm looking at your crotches. I'm gonna be, I'm gonna just go straight there. What we working with guys? (Sidemen laughing) - JJ goes... - Oh and this is going to be so awkward. Okay, I'm not going to lie. I'm so sorry, I feel like you've got the smallest. - Me? - [Woman 1] No, no, no. All in black. - Oh! (Sidemen laughing) I don't know why, I think its your structure. - Probably just going on frame, which we know isn't a real thing, but we've gotta make a decision somehow. - I'm not going to lie, I would've thought you'd have a sizeable one, but you're in, all in white and I'm not seeing much. - Oh! (all laughing) - [Woman 1] Not casting a shadow on number four. - [Vik] Baby carrot! - [JJ] Don't bring this back. - See I'm getting some big dick energy there, but I do see what you mean about the lack of casting. - I'm black, come on. - Yeah, I know, but you're also in white. Why can I not see it? I can't even see a bulge. - [Tobi] You've let us down. - [Woman 1] Where is it? - "Where is it?" - Okay. I'm going to keep, I feel like maybe, I feel bad for him. - I don't think we're allowed to do that. - Sorry sir. I feel like you have to potentially have a thin one. - A thin one? - [Woman 1] Going from big and small to like exact... (all laughing) - You may have the length, but I don't think you have the girth we're looking for. So maybe we need to move him down along, is that what you're saying? (women laughing) - He's wearing thin trousers. - Please, may you kindly move down to six. - Six? - Six? - Aye, screenshot this. - All right, bumping us up. - Jesus Christ. - Does height have anything to do with it? - Not always, feet and hands sometimes can. - You have got small feet. You're quite tall and you have small feet. - [JJ] Wait, nah, nah. - [Woman 2] That's two things now. So just go ahead and move down, otherwise we're here all day. They're comparing shoes, I love it. - I definitely think... - Can I see some hands, gentleman, can I see some hands? - Oh there's a fly. - [Woman 2] Okay. ( Sidemen laughing) - [Woman 1] You've got quite big hands for quite a small person. - [Woman 2] Yeah, that kinda gives you a bit of an idea. I feel, I do feel like maybe dad shorts is quite small in the hands so might move him down one. Sorry, dad shorts. I'm sure. - Where do I go? Where am I going, here? (Sidemen laughing) - Move it along. - I don't, I don't... Yeah, I don't buy it. Sorry sir. - He's put is hands behind his back, I think he's definitely hiding something. Let's move him down one. Number three go to number four please. - [Woman 2] His hands behind his back, he's hiding something. - No, no, no. - Come on Harry. (shouting indistinctly) - [JJ] How is that white guy... - No, no way are you one. No thanks. - I knew my time was ending. (all laughing) - No way sir. All right, can you shift down? - Where to? - Three? - Oh, so I'm two? - Champion's league. (Sidemen laughing) - He seems a little too excited by all this to actually have the biggest dick. - I'm taking in my stride don't worry. - I feel like the lack of confidence is making me think he needs to go further down the line? - Yeah, you did get pretty happy about it. (Sidemen laughing) I feel like the ego was like... - Yeah, its like he never ever heard that before in his entire life and he was totally excited about it so. - Is this like, is this official information, I could? - Yeah, we'll all rearrange. - Yeah, we'll all rearrange and let you know. - Lets just, no sorry, no offence number two, but lets just put you down to four. - I was doing so well, I was doing so well. - Lets actually, can we, I don't know, I mean I don't buy it, but we're going to go for this. - [Woman 2] You think? - I don't know I feel like, I'm not gonna lie. I feel like stripey top, I reckon he might actually be. - [Woman 2] Maybe the hands are deceiving. Should we swap one back up then? - Yep, go on then. - All right, dad shorts, go on! - And then we'll lock it in. - Where am I going? - To the top. - To the top? - To the top? (all shouting and laughing) - Move down mate! - Move down bro! I've got fucking top. - It's funny at the different energy of this. With any other questions, everyone's getting so upset. Money, no don't care, age, no don't care, this, fights are gonna happen like people are gonna lose lives by the end of today. - We're definitely incorrect but you know. - With that locked in? - Should we do it? - Yeah. - Final answer. - I'm top three lads! - Champion league! Champion league! (Sidemen laughing) - All right so now do we take our clothes off? - Okay! - The big reveal! Don't. - Or small reveal. - It's fucking "Naked Attraction," wrong show babes. - [Narrator] Biggest penis. - Oh! - Oh! (all laughing and shouting) - Straight down. - That's a meme right there. - Woah. - Oh Jesus. - Oh the biggest penis. - Oh my God. - Staring straight at my cock. - And he's wearing all white, I'm like... - Ah, God damn it! - Would you say you can't see anything? ( woman laughing) Is that what you're saying? - Let me just adjust real quick. - Don't touch his hands, don't touch his hands lads. - Give me a second. - Remind me not to shake his hand. - Okay. - Where'd you get that sock from JJ. Where'd you get that sock from? - [Man] Look for imprints. - [Vik] He just pulled the sock out of his pocket. - [Josh] You have to prepare. (Sidemen laughing) - Seven should go to number three, yeah. So number seven go to number three. - Oh damn. - Yeah, yeah. - Big dick energy. - Always the skinny guys, you just get surprised. (JJ laughing) - Skinny guys apparently have big... - [Woman] Do you think number two should swap for number one? - I've got spaghetti breath, I've got spaghetti dick. - I think number one's good. - Do you think? - We're both black. (woman laughing) - Leave us here. You're good with this. Trust me. - He knows! (all laughing) - I can see it. (Sidemen laughing) - I've got a feeling, seven should come up a bit. - I'm going to put number six, and like, "Hope he's got a nice big one." (Sidemen laughing) That's my yeah... I think number two and three should swap. Cause I swear to God, skinny guys, it's all going to somewhere. - Bigger, yeah. Can number three swap with number two? - [Man] I like that top three. - [Woman] Yeah. Strong top three. - Strong top three. - Come on, champions league. - I feel so bad. - Quite dull from the bottom. - Where are we supposed to look? - Quite mental when someones looking at your cock. - Yeah it is, yeah. - And it's so plain, we're just like... - Use a magnifying glass. - [Woman] Do you think maybe they should swap then? Five and six should swap? - I think five and six, you should go to four and five. - [Woman] Yeah, okay. (Sidemen talking indistinctly) So number four goes to six. - Well you never know, you never know. I'm just in it cause he's a bit smaller in height to everyone else So you're like, you know, always go somewhere. - Okay. - Are you happy with that? - I am quite happy with that decision. - Lovely and we'll never know. - No, no, there's the big reveal. (Sidemen laughing) - Oh, please do. - "And we'll never know..." Magic Mike. I'm like, "I wasn't expecting this." - Oh, come on! - Three? - Everyone's eyes just go straight looking at crotch. - No, I think number three. - No, I think number seven. We've gotta look at height here. - Okay. - It's skinny guys, who always have massive dicks. - That's true! - [Woman 2] It is! - Shut up! - Okay, I think three number one. - [Tobi] Fuck it, I'll take it mate. - And then what number seven? - Yeah. - Okay, number three go to number one. Seven go to number two. - [Woman 2] Four. - Move your little chopper bro. (Tobi and Simon laughing) - [Woman 2] What swap? - Swap. - With what? - Sorry number four and number five. - Make number 6 last.. Number six last. - (someone whispers) Oh my God I feel so bad. - [Vik] Backwards again. (Sidemen laughing) - You happy? - Yeah, I'm happy with that. Sorry. - [Ethan] It's just the look of the crotches. - Aye yo let me see see your dick bro. - Hey, did you hear that?! - What did he say? - He goes, "Let me see your dick bro." - No, I didn't. (JJ laughs nervously) - Did you say that? - He just said, "Let me see your dick bro." - Like, "Bro let me see it." - Can we swap number five and number four? - Your up bro, you're moving! - I'm moving back down, fuck. - What if they go and actually test this after and find out how accurate the results are? - They already know, come on. - How accurate the results are! (upbeat music) - Best fashion, best fashion. - You've been having me off about the dad shorts all day, so if you're going to put me anywhere above five, I'm going to like it. - For that reason... and the "Shut up" socks, I think you're gonna have to go down somewhere. Not quite sure where. - [Tobi] Where you going? - [Woman 2] Just secure the end for now. - I reckon three set piece is going to get to one. - Yeah, I think so. - [Woman 1] I'm going off literally on what you wore today. - I've not seen the rest of their wardrobe, so you know... - I'm not going to lie, I think two is trying with those trousers. But why a black sock? (Sidemen laughing) - [Woman 2] They're a bit 90's U.F.O. aren't they? Like parachute pants back in the day. - It's surely not that much to go all the way down there. - I'm going to place you down to five. - The judge's decision is final, please don't argue. - From the socks? - This is part of it by the way. - You're trying to give me all white and the you give me a black sock. - Although, he's trying to coordinate with his wrist thing. - "Wrist thing." - [Tobi] And the bandana. - This is not fashion. - Are you sure? I feel like two doesn't care about his fashion. - Yeah. - Pretty accurate, really. - Yeah. I actually wouldn't put seven down there. He looks like he's trying. (Sidemen laughing) - Drip don't drown bro. Drip don't drown bro. - He's trying to give me some rings... He's trying to give me like, "Ooh, edgy watch." She's giving me like edgy socks. - [Woman 2] It is the dad shorts maybe put him down, but maybe not as far down as those who haven't at all. Should we swap six and seven over then maybe? - Oh, the shame. (Sidemen laughing) - No, I will not move. I will stand here for my friend. - [Woman 1] Sacrifice. - That's cute. - Yeah, I reckon maybe three can go to two. - [Tobi] Oh, a little drip lord you. - I feel like maybe four can go to three as well. He's serving like all black lines. - Really, really? No offence, I'm not getting it. - Okay, okay. - At least try. - Aye yo, don't just take it bro! - No, it's fine, it's fine. - Are we happy with this lineup? - I mean... yeah. - All right, lock it. - [Ethan] Yes boys. - [Vik] But the actual order is... (JJ laughing) - Oh, best fashion. - Oh man this is good. - I know where you're going... - I mean.... - You're wearing shorts. - It's all very sporty look, isn't it? - Yeah. If I'm going on a date with someone... - I'm not going out. - You're going for a run. - I like the socks though, I like the socks. - Yeah, it's cool. - "Shut up," I love the socks. Just what we're looking on it today... I think number three should go to one. - [Man] Three, you're banging - Sidemen Clothing wins again. - You really thought of that outfit, that's great. - I'm really, I'll be honest. I think number five shows number two. I really like the jumper, a nice colour. - Nice. - I don't know what it is, I really like guys with the jumper and t-shirt out of it. - Yeah, he's like perfectly placed that white top. - Yeah, I like it, I love it, two. - Oh, thank you! (Sidemen laughing and talking indistinctly) - [Woman] I mean, you can't beat classic black. - [Both] I think number six needs to move up. - This is a vibe. - Did you see his socks? - He's wearing black socks with an all white outfit. - Oh, no! (Sidemen laughing) - He's wearing black socks with white. - No, but he's got a black bandana, which he's matched with the socks and the armband. - Did you think... - Number four. - Jesus Christ, how's he gotten away with that? - I don't know how he's done that. I'm not insulted anymore. - There it is, I feel good, much better. What's up lads? - The list is fucked. - Do you think maybe... - Hoodie, hoodie, running. - Do you think six should swap with five? - Honestly, after got moved up, I was calm wherever. (all laughing) The list is fucked. - I think six should go to five. And actually I think four should go to three. Now I'm looking at it. - Yeah, four go to three. - Oh, he's flying! - Oh look, they've got the same necklace. XXX, XXX. - It's not XXX. - Okay yeah, I think that's good. Although, I do love the socks. - Aw thanks. - [Woman] Where are they from? - Uh, Vetemens. - Should we just swap? - Yeah, she loves you, just go there. (all laughing) - Oh, okay. - No yeah, number five, you're smashing it. - Yeah. - Aye yo, where can I get this drip fam? - Sidemenclothing.com - Sidemen Clothing? - Say it louder. - Sidemenclothing.com - The blue's the colour of your eyes, which looks pretty. - Yeah, number one and number five at the top two. So number five go all the way down. Which one do you think... No, no, no, but I would say number two is first over, but you choose. - I'm going to say all white now, number five. - Have you seen his socks, by the way? (all laughing) - Yeah, but it's matching with the wrist, so... And the headband. - Yeah, you can go to number three. - Thank you Simon. - Four and five swap. - I'm sorry, I feel really bad. - It's fine. It's going to get worse. - [Woman 2] Would you two switch? - I don't really like the elasticy bit. - Just tuck it in. - No no, he's fine. Yeah I would say that. - Tuck it in. Yank him with it. - You don't get to change his fashion, just what you think. - Sorry. - Yeah okay, I'm good with that. (upbeat music) - [Host] Who has taken the most drugs? - Oh. - What kind of question is this? - We can reveal this one too. - I think there like six needs to go down to the end, straight away. (Sidemen laughing) - I would say five is one. He just looks like a druggy. (Sidemen laughing) - So crack whore at the top and then we work down from there. - She thinks I'm a crack head... - I feel like six dabbles in weed. - I feel like six does. (all laughing) - We can definitely move up a couple for six. - Where to? - [Tobi] Pass me, go on. - Welcome to the crackdom my friend. (JJ laughing hysterically) - I feel like three maybe, have done some every now and again. But other than that I think... - Maybe almost there. - Four and five switch? - Maybe four and five switch and then I think we're good. - We're gonna go for that. - Yep, locked it. - It's not bad. - It's pretty accurate. - Kind of, kind of. (all laughing) - I know my druggies. I know them well. - [Woman 2] Sorry to the crack whore at the top, we didn't mean it. - Who do we think takes the most drugs? - Who's buzzy, who's a bit buzzy? - Cause it doesn't have to be that hardcore drugs. You know what I mean? - It could be. (Sidemen laughing) - And then it could be, yeah. Or just have a really hard day and just have loads of paracetamol. You know what I mean? - That's a really bad day. - That's a really bad day. - One to seven, okay. I feel like, I feel like he looks like quite a good boy. - What number two? - Yeah, number two. Number two feels a bit wholesome. - That'd be nice. - He's quite like... - Yeah. - So we'll put you at seven. - From "crack whore," to this. (Sidemen laughing) - But he could be a secret crack whore. - Yeah, to be fair. - I've got a feeling there's something between one, number one, four, and five, being the potential like drug takers. (Sidemen laughing) - Well let's put one, four and five... one, two, three - [Vik] So we'll move back We'll let them come through. - [Tobi] Yeah, you do your thing bro. You do your thing. Hey buddy. - Sup, feels good to be a born again Christian. - [Woman] I think what we need to do, I think we need to put number six at number five and number five at number six. If that makes sense. - Just a little adjustment. - Just a little, little bit. - So much for that born again. - I'm agnostic now. - You just had a bit more than Tobi. - Maybe I think four should be at the end. - Number four looks really sweet. (Sidemen laughing) - It's always the sweet ones. - I think we're good. - You think? - Yeah. - Or do you think we should move four down? - Yeah, move four down. - Where to? - [Man] Four go to six. - [Woman] Yeah, and then just move up like that. Yeah? - I'm here with my mate Harry. - Yeah come on, come on, come on. - I think we should switch number four. - Do you? - Yeah. - [Tobi] You're just doing more and more drugs mate. (Sidemen laughing) - Do you feel it? I feel it. - Just always high. - You know what, no I don't, I'll be honest. And then I've got a feeling that seven, he definitely shouldn't be at the last one. - I should or I shouldn't be? - No, you shouldn't. - No, no I'm fine here. (Sidemen laughing) - No, I called him sweet, he looks so sweet. - Yeah, I know, but now no. - Oh okay, I mean it's done. - You know what, go on then. For now let's just leave it. - Yeah, I'm good. - Yeah, you got it right! (Sidemen laughing and shouting) - He's speaking for all of you. - Oh... - Us! (Sidemen laughing hysterically) - She's had a great weekend. - I've just come off of a Hindu. I am in recovery. - That's why we're shaky... (all laughing) Okay, what was the question again? - Who's taken the most drugs? - Oh, it's drugs. I think you are straighty, 180. I don't think you partake. I think... I feel like number five... - I'm really bad at reading all of you right now. - I feel like number five might play. - Does any of you smoke? - We can't say, we can't say. - You can't say? It's all about image. Okay, I think number seven plays. I think number five plays. I don't think number one does. - I think number four as well. - What he plays or not plays. - Plays. - He does? I see, I don't think he does. I don't think he does do drugs. - Wait what counts as a drug? - Yeah, does weed count? - Weed is drugs, so we have to count that. - I think number seven at this end. - Where, which number? - [Woman 2] One. - [Woman 1] Just go one, at the end. One you need to... I think you need to come way down, so you can go in like, go in number six position. If everyone just shuffle down. - [JJ] Don't mind me. - I don't think two he's play I don't think he's definitely nothing hard. - I'm buckled right now. - He might smoke weed, but... (JJ laughing) - Number three, I don't think you don't do anything, so you need to go to number seven. (Sidemen laughing) - Oh see I do, I think he does. I think he's all calm, but then I think he does. - Okay, so what about six? - Okay, but I also think number seven does do drugs actually. (all laughing) No, no we're just chatting a little bit. Because they're laughing like, "They think we're straight whatever." (all laughing) I think we might be fucking wrong. I think he needs to move back down. - Yeah, number seven what to number two? - No number four. Cause I definitely think he's doing drugs. Because of the way they laughed. - Well this is a sight you never thought you'd see. - I think he needs to go to that end. - What number two? - Yeah. Go number two, go into the spot number six, and everyone else just move down. - My pleasure Mr.180. (JJ laughing) - Number two, go to number five and everyone move down. - [Tobi] Next time. - [Simon] I was here a minute ago. I was here a minute ago. I've gone all the way down then back. - Um, I'm going to stay there. - [JJ] Good, I think you banged it. - Are you straight 180, do you do drugs? - No, no, I actually don't do anything. - Don't do anything? - [Tobi] Have you ever done drugs? - No, I've done drugs before, but... - Everyone was like, "what." - So it looks like you're not at the end. - I feel like you rave. We're like the cleanest out of everyone. (all laughing) - I knew it, I said this. Next time. - Test us weekly we wouldn't show. - Oh no, I was thinking, especially with the short shorts, like, "He likes to bop." Is that not right? Do you go raving at all? - Oh no, no, no. - [Woman 2] Just Netflix. - No, no, no. - Their mothers are watching this so like... (upbeat music) - [Host] The biggest diva. - One is one! You're staying right there my honey. - I think three's is a little bit, he's got a bit of diva in him. He's giving us back chat. - He is, he is. - So he needs to be up to two, go on. - What's up my guy? - Nothing much. (JJ and Simon laughing) I don't why I feel like five needs to go to three. I feel like he's a bit of a... - Yeah definitely, especially when he's on the crack. (all laughing) - All right , all right. - I feel seven cause the cheeky chappy thing as well, it could be a little bit diva. So move seven up to four. - I'm flying down the scale. - [Woman 2] I feel like seven is quite humble. - [Woman 1] Okay. - [Ethan] Just a couple of divas. - I'm not sure about these two though, on the level of humble to divaness. Have you got any vibes on... (woman 2 laughing) He's giggling. That's a good sign. - I definitely think Sheffield's a little bit more... - Yeah. ( Sidemen talking indistinctly) - He'd be like... - It's not right, it's not right. - Please take your attention to my writer and sort out what you did wrong. Yeah, no I feel like I can just leave it like that. Okay, I'm quite happy with this. - Me too. - Done. - Definitely got that right. - Yep locked! - I'm not happy with this. (all laughing) - Wasn't a doubt in our mind about you bro. You stay right where you are, you are not moving. - I'd swap me and him. - Really? - Yeah, I'd say that's about right. - Well, it's not bad babe. We did all right. - Wait, we're agreeing that I'm here? - [All] Yeah! - Biggest diva. - I feel like number one could be up there. I'll be honest. - Yeah. - Back once again. That's a diva face right there, you know. - You're supposed to laugh, that's how you leave. Otherwise you stay there. - Really?! - Yes. - "Why," and then stomp of the set and be like, "I'm done with this get me out." - I think four definitely isn't. I think four, should go to seven. - I'm that humble. - Yeah. He seems really sweet and kind. I don't think he'd be a diva. - So, what do you think about two, three, and four? Should we swap them around? - No, four is not a diva. - I don't think any of them are specifically show diva ways. (clears throat) - Except one. - Who would storm off the set? Who would like storm off, if we told them they were like ugly or something? (all laughing) - I think number two should not be number two. I think he needs to move. But maybe what you think number three should go to, two or four? - Two or four. - They're definitely not. - Yeah, they're not divas. I'm a diva. - No. Really number two should be at number two? I don't know. He doesn't look very diva really. - What do I say? - Do you think we should move? - No, he looks too, "I don't know what to say." - Hang on a minute I just arrived at number five. Do you reckon when he gets comfortable with people, he's a bit like, "Oh get me a tea,"? - "Get me a tea." Really divaish, "Get me a tea." - That's a good Ethan impression. - Yes, swap four and five. - Okay. - Two go to five. (Sidemen talking indistinctly) - I think that's a good, that's our decision. - Feel good. - Biggest? - Number four. - Yeah, come on. - Number four. - Piss off! (all laughing) No, this is ridiculous! Outrageous! Biggest diva?! - How'd you do your wrist? - Sparring. - Oh okay. - So what, do I get to... - [Both Women] No! - You're still very much there. - I got number three, you're definitely a diva. - Do you think? - I reckon you have a hot moment. Come on, you're giving it away, as well. (Sidemen laughing) - [Woman 1] Okay, swap him. You go to number two. - All right. - I think we should move number three way down. Think he's calm. I think number five as well, calm. I think them two are going to be the bottom two. So do you two guys six and seven. - Some classic guys. (Sidemen laughing and talking indistinctly) - Four and five swap. I don't think they've said anything. He's just literally stayed in this. - You're definitely the calmest. - Yeah. (Sidemen laughing) - Classic. - And then when he has a drink, he's the opposite maybe. No? - Yeah, no I'll take it. (upbeat music) - [Host] The most likely to go to jail? - It's a bit hard, isn't it? - Number one down to seven. - Go on crack whore! (all laughing) - Oh, for drugs? - Wait, so that means he's least likely? - Least likely to go to jail? - Hold on, no, isn't he most likely to go to jail? - Oh, shame, back down that way. We've forgotten how we're playing the game. - I was very confused. - We can't count from one to seven, but we can make all these judgements. - I mean, can we be really judgey? - We haven't already? - No, I mean in regards, to where they're from? Sheffield, I'm not gonna lie, not much hope for you man. (all laughing) - I don't live there anymore! - I apologise to all the people in Sheffield, for this broadcast. - Hackney at the end, I feel like they need to go up. Where did you say you were, Barnsley? - That's where? - Oh, that's proper London, isn't it? - Go on Hackney! Go on Hackney! - I generally feel like he's right at the end anyway. - I'm a good boy. - [Woman 2] You're a very good boy. Go on number seven. Good boy at seven. - Five and four switch? Yeah, let's do that five and four. - I don't know, five looks like a good boy. - Although, I don't know just the cockiness. I feel like you just run into trouble isn't it? - [Woman 2] Yeah, nothing major. - [Woman 1] Are you happy about it? - [Woman 2] Minor crimes, minor crimes. (Sidemen speaking indistinctly) - Get back here bro. - You could do something stupid, not major maybe. - Yeah, let's go for that. - Six could be a bit of a wheeler dealer. (Sidemen laughing) Maybe a little bit. I think five is just like, "Yeah never, never been in jail." - Never been to jail? - It's not if they have been to jail, it's most likely to go to jail. - Okay, I think he's very likely to go to jail. - Okay, where'd you want to put him? - Okay, can I swap five and six over there please? - Go on, you criminal. - Dirty little dealer. - I'm going to say three needs to get down in the packing order. Let's put you down to four. - I'm gonna go with that. - Yeah, I think that's cute. - I'm good with that. - Well done, you. - Let's just escape. (Sidemen laughing) - We run the streets, let them know. (Sidemen laughing and talking indistinctly) - [Both] Oh! - Making the noises. - There was no clap after that one, though. (all laughing) - I just feel like number six would get himself in trouble. - As he cracks his knuckles as well. - I think he should go to number three or two. What do you think? Or one? - One. - Yeah, go on. - Whoa! - Damn! - He looks like he used to be a bad boy. I don't know why I did that. Like a bad boy. - Real bad boy. Let's go! - Just roll in some new for the fragile or something. - What do we think of number four? Should we move him up or down? He looks really innocent, just in life. - I don't get what people mean when they say that. - I don't know, I think... This is so stupid, but because you're so tall, you wouldn't get away with it. (Sidemen laughing) - I think you should go to number two, definitely. So if you come up I said... - No I've just said he wouldn't get away with it. - Yeah, so one is "You're gonna get arrested." - One is, I'm now in prison by the way. - He's in prison. Oh, yeah, yeah. - [Woman] It's game over. - [JJ] Dangerous! - You're just in court, he's waiting his trial. - Who do want to see in cuffs? (woman laughing) - I feel like number seven looks a bit mischievous. - Yeah, very mischievous. - Just because you do your hands a lot. - You were like reminiscing that you were like, "God don't listen, don't lie..." - Yeah, you're bringing back bad memories. - Should we put him to number three? - Yeah, I'd put him to number three. - Can you go to number three? Although, listen, number four just said, he hurt his wrist punching people. I don't know if he was joking, but if that's the case... - Would you be afraid of me? - Do you think maybe we should move him up? - That was weird. - It really was. - What did you just say? - Yeah, would you be afraid of me? - Why is he doing this, as well after? - [JJ] If you saw me in the street, just you know walking towards you... - That's a point, I wouldn't be afraid of him... - [Tobi] Ha, pussy! - He wants us to be. He's like... - He wants to be here, so.. He's ready. (indistinct chatter) - I think we should move him that way. Two's very quiet and he just smiles. - It's always the quiet ones, and we know this. - I know, I know. - So, maybe number seven should be number one. He's very quiet. - Yeah. (Sidemen laughing) - That was psychotic bro. - What was that? - Psychotic. (Sidemen talking indistinctly) - Number six. There's something about number six. - In a good or bad way. - No, he's really wholesome. He's like, "A good or bad way." (Sidemen laughing) - Can we have six and seven swap? - Sure. - Yeah, that's our decision, for now. - I feel good. - I think you were pretty spot on. - None of us have been to jail, I'm sorry. (all laughing) - Number three. - I'm getting number four... vibes, I don't know why. Number two, you're way too innocent. Way down, number seven. Number seven, you definitely stay in that area. - Six, seven? - No don't you... - All the way down at the end. - I think number free should go first. - Yeah and then... and then number two. And then you go to number four, Yeah, number two's number four. - Like that? I think actually blue, I think blue... I think you swap, number six and number five. - All right. - Classic guys. (Sidemen speaking indistinctly) - You just look like you should be on a mugshot. - We've got to move number three. I just can't imagine you going to jail at all. - No? (Sidemen laughing) - I don't know. - You've not move. You're the one that's kept most contained the entire time. You've stayed like this or like this the entire... You've been like here or here. - No comment, no comment. - [Woman 1] Yeah exactly, no comment man. - I don't talk too much. - Five? - Yeah. - Has anyone been arrested? Can we ask you stuff like that? - [JJ] I don't think any of us have. - Not yet. - No, we can't ask that. - Yeah, I may get stopped occasionally. (upbeat music) - [Host] Best in bed. - Oh, purr. - Are we going to bring it? - Send him down there. Send him to the bottom. - Oh my God. All right, everybody get down on the floor and make like Magic Mike. We need to see your actions. (strong coughing) - I don't know if she's serious right now. (Sidemen speaking indistinctly) - Yeah, can we see everybody dry hump the floor please? - No maybe not the floor, let's just do the air. - We can't, the monetize! - The monetization. - I'll just stay here. - What just happened? - See that's why we're not going to do it. That's why we're not going to do it. It's your imagination. - I don't know, I feel like maybe some of the silent. Sometimes the cocky ones are the bad ones and the less cocky are better. - Yeah, no, absolutely. - So now I kind of feel like, number six might actually be decent. - Sheesh. (Sidemen speaking indistinctly) - I feel like six... He's the kind of quiet, confident smile going on. - [JJ] He knows, he know, he knows. - [Woman 2] If you know, you know. You see what I'm saying? - Let's put three down to six. (Sidemen laughing) Four swap with five. I'm just going to say it... I feel like two seems very assured of himself. - Jeez. - Top shagger. - "Top shagger." - I don't know. - Just like you know, you just have to go. Like if someone just said, these are the last men you have to have sex with, who are you going for? - He's probably got more experience, in which case, I might maybe swap three and one around. Just because he probably, and he looks young for his age. He isn't young, but I'm just getting young vibes. - Okay. All right, let's swap three and one around then. - Jesus. - Yeah, it's the hook. - The jumper! - Anything else that you feel like you need to swap? - Okay, so you would do one then, if that was the last person alive? (all laughing) - Aye, stop smiling so much. Stop smiling so much. (Sidemen laughing) - I feel like maybe five and six need to swap as well. - [Woman 1] Wow, you really didn't like... - Damn, we suck! - We'll just go for that. - All right, locked. - Aye! - Aye, top three! - I'm back here again. (Sidemen laughing) - Best in beds. - All right listen, I don't know why, but I think number five needs to go right up to the top. - Jeez! - Is that you? - Number two, yeah go to number two. I feel like he would just get you on there. - Though, I'm not about to be here, I'm about to be over there. - You see he's quite cheeky, he's like ready to dive in. He's really excited by it. - He loves it. What about number five? Number five should move up. - Yeah, he just licked his lips, he was ready to go. - Yeah, yeah. The confidence! (all laughing) - Oh, sorry. - Not yet, not yet. Let's see some moves first. I should just ask you, what's your best position? - What's your favourite position? - Well, I like missionary, but I'm pretty good at missionary. - Pretty good. - Pretty good. - He's like, "I'm pretty good at missionary." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Woman] Number five, what's yours? Favourite position? - Doggy. - Yeah. - Nice. - I feel like he should move up, number five. I feel like he can take anyone on. - Doggy, number one. - You just said it very confidently, well not really, "Doggy, doggy." - I think number five should go to number four or higher? - Five go to four, yeah, yeah. - And who should be put at number one? I don't know, I feel like... - I feel like number three was just like... and walked right over. - Well I mean, Lee looks like you'll do his back anyway. (Sidemen laugh hysterically) - Sorry? What's that? (JJ laughing) - Okay, number three can you go to number one? - You go to show me some confidence. I want to see some sexy dance. I want to know what we'd be in for. - What we'll be in for. - Who's going to give a good pre-show please? - I think three should swap with two. (Sidemen talking indistinctly) I think they should, it's still the top three, it's still good. - He wants you, he's not allowing this to happen. - For your sake. - No, no give me number one. - Yeah, I think so. - He's going to run for the hills the minute he leaves here. - I think three should swap with two and I think we need to move number seven up. (all laughing) - Is number seven confident, I don't know. He seems a bit like, "Okay, I'll just go for it." "We'll give it a shot," "Why not?" - Pretty much. - Yes, he just admitted it, I could tell. (all laughing) - Just hope it works. - Some days it does, some days... (Sidemen laughing and talking indistinctly) - I think he's like, you're giving me like a bit more confidence. - This happens, a lot. - He ain't bragging, he's just like... I'm just here. I think we should swap. - Yeah, six to five please. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Do you think number six should swap wit seven or no? - [JJ] Jesus! - No, no. - I'm just joking. (Sidemen laughing) - This guy does not find... - I feel like that's a good line. - Yeah, I feel confident in that. If I was to have any of you, I'm sure it'd be a great time, but there's something about this end, it's like, we're gonna... - Smash. (Sidemen laughing) - Sometimes may be good, sometimes... - We try. - Oh fuck! - Oh really? - Number five. I feel like he's number one, 100%. (Sidemen talking indistinctly) Yeah, number five, I'm cashing that in. Five, one. I think number seven might have moves. I think two might be cocky as fuck. And I feel like he's going to be about his own. - Well I do have a cock. - Seven to two, and two and three, shuffle up. - Excuse me. Excuse me bro. - Top shaggers here bro. - Excuse me. - Should we swap six and seven? - Yeah, definitely. Sorry, sorry, sorry. - My bad, my bad. - 'Cause I'm not looking at faces, I'm looking at numbers. Like right okay this... So let's swap number three and number six. - Oh fucking hell! What, you don't think I fuck? - Not everyone's a bachelor. - I think you've got a bit of fame and then you just like... - What I just lie back? - No, I feel like it's more about you, more than the other side. I feel like number four would be selfless. - Bro, I go down on women and everything. - Oh, you do? What do you mean before? What it's not a normal occurrence? - No, I make sure she climaxes and everything. (Sidemen applaud) - I think number four is selfless. He's the kind of man that would eat you our for a hour. - So you're moving him? - Swap number four and three, at least. I just feel like he'll be a bit more selfless and for the lady. - What about five, we leaving him there? - I feel like it'd be a bit vanilla fucking with him. I felt like five's vanilla. - I'm worse than vanilla? - Okay no, where's the craziest place you've had sex? Craziest place, you've had sex? - Uh, uh... - Well there we go, number seven. - Can we switch you with number seven? - No, no give him 10 seconds at least. - I don't want to say, I don't want to say. - Oh. - Sorry. - Is that because he's so innocent or because his parents are watching it? - Or he's being nice. - I've fucked by a bin. (Sidemen applauding) - Thank you, thank you. Literally, next to a bin. And I'm still here though. - [Woman 1] And number seven, you go. Can you swap? - Okay. - Next to a bin is your wildest place?! - That's not wild. - That's atrocious. There's no reason. - You know, the question is who's the best in bed and he said I fucked by a bin. - I know, you completely shut yourself down on that comment. (Sidemen laughing) - How many sex positions do you think you could name, in a minute? - Well, I don't name them, you just do them, you don't name them. - Oh yeah, you can't expect them to know the terminology. - Do you do multiple positions in bed or do you just like one? - I can't just do one, you gotta switch up. - I feel like he's got stamina, number one. I feel like he could go for a while. I feel like he's fit. Are you fit? Do you do sport? Do you do some sort of sport? - Yeah, I do. - What sport, since you do sport? - Yeah, I do, I played football yesterday. So did this man. - Oh, cheers for the invite lads. - You quit. - Can we see your abs? - I ain't got abs, I've got loose skin cause I used to be fat. - Well, truthful aren't you. Well done, I used to be fat too. I think happy with that. - Yeah, I'm happy with that too. (Sidemen laughing) - Sorry mate, but a bin? A bin is a bin. - Come on. Like, who's gonna want to fuck by a bin? - How old are you? - Look, I just like sex. - Okay, how old are you? - We can't... - Are you? - Her face! Oh, nevermind, nevermind.. Oh fuck, I thought he was well younger than that. (upbeat music) - Okay, well I would go the lovely merch man in the middle, has a little bit of greying on the side. So, I'm going to take him straight to number one. (all laughing) No offence, nothing wrong with it. - I remember he was a young one. - I'm Harry, 24. - I'm Tobi, 28. - I'm Simon, 28. - I feel like you're old... (all laughing) - I've already forgotten, who's who. I'm not gonna lie. - And he was something like 20, small like. - 20 small? - I'll take 20 small. (all laughing) - 20 small? - I'm gonna be like, "Oh it rhymes with 20 small, 24." - I won't say nothing, but okay. - He's small, he's 24... - Who's going where though? - Small? Well, I'm going to stick with my, where's my ID gentlemen? I'm going to stick with my ID gentlemen saying, - Who? - The one I said, I think I need to ask for ID. (woman laughing) That's towards the end. And if your money is on blue, then those two are towards the end. Should we send those down to the end? And then we can reassess the middle? - I feel like-- - I was saying my shortest man would actually maybe go towards that end. Next to Mr. Grey. (Sidemen laughing) Reset, please! I feel like three set piece maybe between these two. Next to blue. (Sidemen laughing) Forever now known as three set piece. (all laughing) So down two please, three set piece. - Okay. He looks like the actor from the show (indistinct) is in. (Sidemen laughing) - In between us! - Thank you, I couldn't remember the name of it. Yeah, so I feel like he needs to be down there and just without correlation alone because they're young, aren't they? - I think you're young. - No offence. If you want to mix that up a little bit, you know, we can move him slightly up and go for middle range. Like I don't want to take over this, you know? - Babes, at this point-- - We could swap, we could swap these two around. Three piece and ID. In betweeners, three piece set. - I feel like he's older, you know? - Who are you pointing at? I feel like those two need to swap. - Two and three? - All in white. - Two and three, really? - Yeah, 100%. Definitely. - I would have said no but I'll go with you on this one. - Ay yo, what's going on? - I thought dad shorts was definitely further up the line. But I mean ... (all laughing) - Good range, very good range. - You all doing press ups, like, "I'm young, how dare you." (woman laughing) - Okay, we're locking in. - Let's lock it in. - We can give you an answer. - Oh, y'all gonna give us answer? - Oh yeah. - Okay, some were in the right. Some were really bad. And some were really off. - You're just way off. - There's like two in the right place, maybe. (woman laughing) We definitely have one, so ... I think if you get one right it cancels out everything wrong from two 'til seven. 'Cause it is, the question was who is the, we got the, right? I think that's important in this quiz. (all laughing) I'm still old enough to be all of you mom's if that makes you feel any better. (woman laughing) - I'm the richest and the youngest, apparently. It's fine. - I'm living my life! (woman laughing) - You have a baby face. - I do? - It's not a bad thing. - The oldest? I think number seven should go to number one. - Of course. (all laughing) - Yes, yes, and then number two should-- - He looks about 13, like-- - Yeah, that's the oldest so the oldest is number one-- (both laughing) - I must be older then. - I think-- - I think he's the oldest. - Yeah. - Maybe its the beard. - Yeah, it's a lot about grey hair 'cause my friend Mark got grey hair at 20. Do you know what I mean? - Doesn't matter. - So, I think number six. - Are you done? (Sidemen laughing) Don't ask me, you can keep at it. - I think number four is older than number three. - Yeah, I think number four is a bit older. - Yeah, number four should go to three. You two, change up. Thank you. - Jesus! - I think number five's older than number four. Got a bit more life in his eyes. - A bit more life in his eyes? - Just a little bit. - He looks more dead. - Just a little bit. - This is younger. This is younger, Harry's dead inside. (all laughing) I think it's quite help on to be fair. They all look similar age. - They all look similar age. - Wasn't good for me. (all laughing) - One of you is like, "I must look 15." - 16. I'm joking, I'm joking. Do you think these two at the end are the right decision? Six and seven? - Yeah. (guys giggling) - I think number four is younger than he is. - Yeah, swap, you go to... - Maybe the end. - No. - You said that's not good for me. And if you were older that would be good for you. Because you wanna be younger. - Number four to seven. - Six. - Really? - Yeah. - I think you should be at the very bottom. - I'm stepping to it, I'm stepping to it. (guys mumbling) - Are we locked in, what do we think? - Lock it, lock it. - Yeah. - Do you want to reveal this one? - Do you wanna reveal this one? - I think. - Ages, go down the line. - I wanna know. - I wanna know! - Oh, close. (all laughing) But look, I knew it! - I know his youngest but come on, baby face. Good for your age though. - I'm 28. - That did make it difficult. - Them four are all the same age. - We're all 28. - They're all 28 these four. - Oh really? - How old are you? - 28. - So am I. (all laughing) - How old are you, though? - 28 plus 4. - He's 28, no, yeah. - Ah, how old are you? - I'm 26. - 26? - 26. - I'm 24. - Okay. - 24, baby. (woman laughing) - Well he's screwed up. - I think he, but then-- - You don't really have it, but it's all right. Nothing outrageous so it's all right. - So five is not quite-- - You're going grey, aren't you? - So am I, so am I, it's all right. - Let me inspect the hairline. - Oh, can we get a bit closer? - My one friend in high school was 20 and went grey. He's like sliver, he's 23. (Sidemen laughing) - I think he, I think he looks the youngest. I think he looks young. - The hairline-- - No, no, he looks younger. - Hairline! - Do you wanna see hairlines? - No, I do wanna see hairlines but--- - I wanna see hairline, go on. (all laughing) - We know his age. - I just wanna shave my head. I do the same thing but I don't shave my head. I think he might be the youngest. - You've gotta move. (all laughing) - You come down here. - I think you're younger than him so swap. - Oh come on, I've got-- - It's cool, its cool. - Take it all in, you know? - I think he, I think he might be closest to him. They might be the same age and went to school together. Wait, someone went to private school with someone. You two went together so I'm guessing-- - Well, we didn't go together but ... - (indistinct) (all laughing) - I think he, he's young. - I think you're older. I think you're older than him. - Okay, switch it. Should we go back? Do we go back to our stand? This is our age, we need to get a bit closer, you know? Some lighting could be complimentary. He's not the youngest. (all laughing) - Sorry. - He's not the youngest. Can you go to four? - Do you want me to go to four? Four and shimmy, yeah. - Shimmy, shimmy. Seven and six, swap. - Sure. - I'm happy with that now. I'm sorry, you're really annoying me. - I think he's older than him. You two, swap. - Geez. - Oh, God. - So, how old do we think they are then? (guy laughing) - 22. - I think he might be the oldest. (laughing) I'm guessing about 28. I guess you're 28. But you look good so ... - Thank you. - You might wanna put your bandana on. The lines coming out, yeah. - Could we just ask them? - You guess and then we'll tell you after. - Guess you first? You're 28. I feel like he's 27 I just feel like maybe the greys. I'm 27 to and I've got greys. - Went grey at 18. - Yeah, see mine at 19, awful. And I've darkened it out. - I think you're completely wrong with this. - No, not completely wrong but I do think he's, I feel like he's 27. You know, he's 28. 28. - Come on, girls. - I wonder why he said that. - And-- (guys laughing) - Well done. - I can't move anyone else. - No, I think he's younger. He's got the baby face. - Yeah, but you can, you get these boys and they just don't grow. They have baby faces since they were like 35. - Yeah, I'm 35. - Yeah, fuck off. - Swap you two, four and five swap. - What was that for? Are you giving me a signal? (Sidemen laughing) - I don't know, I just feel like-- - I feel like I fucked up because you made a noise. - No, no, I think we should just lock that in. - Okay, right. - Aw, matching necklaces, best friends? - You're only seeing that now? They're wearing the same brand as well. You're wearing the same brand as him. - You could buy this, sidemenclothing.com. - Here you go. - Give the discount code maybe. - Okay, should we lock that in? Please tell us. - At the end. - Oh fuck. Oh fuck. - I was right. (all laughing) - They're all 28. - 28, 28, 28. - 26. - 26. - 24. - Oh, we got the baby right. You were there, weren't you? - Huh? - yeah he was there. - We wanted you but it felt a bit fucking harsh. (all laughing) - It's better now, just leave it out. (all laughing) (upbeat music) - Two to one. - I wonder why? - Shock. (all laughing) - We'll see, we'll, we'll see. - Four to seven. - Probably would have done well if it wasn't for all that crack. (women laughing) - I don't know why, I just really don't think that fives got the smartest - What, brains? - So we move six and five, right? - That's was not it. (Sidemen laughing) - Okay, I can feel that. Do you think five deserves to be ... (woman laughing) - I've got knowledge on my chest. - Yeah, true. - But you can't remember how to spell it. (Sidemen laughing) - That was brilliant. (women laughing) For that, let's move four and five, (women laughing) - I literally set you up. - I'm happy with that, let's lock it in. - That's not bad. (all laughing) - Not bad! - We did surprisingly well, I just don't know how. - Smartest? Oh, you mean brain? - Yeah! - No, but it could be the smartest in clothes. - Intellect. - I think number seven should go to number one. (Sidemen laughing) - You're joking. - I can just say he's bright, I can tell. - Seven. - Sorry, sorry, I don't know why I keep doing that. Number five should go to number one. (Sidemen laughing) - Don't get your socks up. - I was so excited. - "I'm smart, I'm smart", I know. - I think number six is bright. I think he's good at geography, I don't know why. (Sidemen laughing) - Let's go to two. - Why geography? - I don't know. (Sidemen laughing) - The big numbers go that way? - Yeah. - In that direction. I think we should do a map. - You look a lot like my old maths teacher. - You said I look like a 13 year old boy. - Oh yeah. - Kidding you mate, you both. (Sidemen laughing) - Be a child and a teacher. - Yeah, I think number four should go top number three. Then do you think three should go to two? Four should go-- - Four is abit of a joker. I feel like in school you'd would've been messing about. - Like with the supply teacher, absolutely. - We'll move number four to like number seven. - Six! (Sidemen laughing) Number six, number six. - Geography. - Why is there so much motion? It's not one move, it's one, two, three, four. - I think four should go to seven. - I'm off the bottom! - Is it really that obvious? - Six should swap with five. - Six and five. - It's happening again. I think that looks quite good. (Sidemen laughing) - I bet you have like a masters degree. - Yeah and went to Oxford. Do you think number four, I think number four should move. I think he was really good at school. - Number four, hey? - If he was really good, why is he at number four? (Sidemen laughing) - So what the fuck are we? - I'm not happy. - I think that's good. I do. - I think three was a bit, three was a bit naughty in school - Are you sure you're not just running on instinct? - Bad boy! (Sidemen laughing) - I reckon he got suspended once. - Yeah, move him down. - We'll go with number three, you can go to-- - Four. - Four. - And four goes to three. - Yeah, I think it's, I feel good. Yeah, I reckon that's good. - Its not far off. - It's not awful. - You dumb fucks. - That's how they see it. - Visually seeing it. - It's the look. - Do you stare? - I don't know what we do. - You must stare through them. (Sidemen laughing) - You have to focus so much to look. - Number five. - Yeah. Number five. Smartest. - Shock, blink. (Sidemen laughing and giggling) - Yeah, you do. You look like you sit there and think about it hard and long. Number two. - Do you? (Sidemen laughing) - Dumbo, move over. (all laughing) - Oh my God, are you all right? (woman laughing) I feel like you were naughty in school. I feel like you were distracted. - I was actually like really calm. - Really? - Really? - So it's all coming out now? - No, no. - Okay, what's your, what was your favourite subject in school? - Art. - Number seven. (Sidemen laughing) You go down there, okay. (all laughing) - I'm a creative. (all laughing) - You're doing well, it's fine. You're doing well. - I'm a creative! - Smart doesn't always mean money, you're doing well. Okay. - Number five, you look really smart. - Yeah I do think number five-- - You look like you can listened. - I listened? - You do. - He's definitely the most calmest, collective one here. But that could also be dwindling background daydreaming. - So should we put number five to number three? - Number five, did you go to university? - Yeah. - What did you study? - Film. - Fuck sake, number-- (Sidemen laughing) Say it again, swap with number six. (Sidemen laughing) I don't think number two. Why do you get smart vibes from number two? I think it's the hairstyle. It reminds me of kids in school 'cause they're little shits. Just looks like, he looks more like the naughty kid in school. - Really? - Yeah. Oh, I don't see that. Was you naughty in school? - No. - No? No, so he's staying there. - Okay. - I'm happy right now. - Yeah? - You're the only one that gets a pass. - There's something wrong here. - The only two people who do arts got put here. - Is it locked in? - No, no, we should ask more questions. - Do you wanna all just tell us what you did in school? - No way, we should end it there! (all laughing) - Hey, number three. Move over number three. - What? - We need to ask number three some questions. - No, we don't. (all laughing) - Ask him to spell something. - I'm dyslexic, that's a trigger with me over here. I'm not gonna do that to you and put you on the spot. I'd probably cry. - No, I didn't go to uni. - Did you go to college? - No. - Fuck. - I did go to school, secondary school. - We can't be them ignorant people that be like, you're not smart if you didn't go to school. He could be street smart. - Sorry, it's over. - I will not stand here and-- - I don't think three should be there. - Why do I not? - No, I think three goes to the side. - Why is he smart? Why is he number one? - Because I think he's in crypto. Is that what you said earlier? - I'm in crypto. - That's because you're clearly rich and you've got some advisor that's told you to do that. - Does crypto mean you're smart? - Definitely not, he lost so much. - I think I'm doing well, I think I'm smart. - What coins are you in? - (indistinct) and Doge. - Oh geez, she's a Dogder. - What do you think about Doge? - Well if I could show you my portfolio, like it's packing. I would say three go to where number five is. And just shuffle down. - Fuck sake. - I think four, he was a good boy in school. I'm happy with the top three for sure. I think number six is absolutely fucking livid with us though. (Sidemen laughing) - I feel like he's like, well based on crypto. (Sidemen laughing) I feel like he's a bit, I feel like he had smart parents and parents that were like really smart and influential. What did your parents do? - My dad works in the city. - We haven't asked four any questions. I think that is. - We haven't? - No. Were you naughty in school? - Did you go to college? - I went to uni. - What did you study at uni? - Computer. - He said that with such calm like-- - We swap four with three. - He's like, "Okay, I've got this." - It was a good run. (Sidemen laughing) - Yeah, can we swap four with three. (Sidemen laughing) - I don't, I think swap four and two. I just don't ... - What did you do, what did you do at uni? - Criminology. - That's kind of what I did. I did forensic science and criminology. And pretty easy so I'm like-- (Sidemen members yelling) I got first and I fucking did fuck all so I don't like ... I think four is smarter than two. - You haven't ask four a question. - I just look smart, that's all. (Sidemen laughing) - I asked if you were naughty in school and he was like, "No, no." I think he was the good boy. - What question should we ask him then? - Ask him what uni he went to. - I don't even know if that's gonna be good. - Ask. - What uni did you go to? - I didn't go to uni, bro. - Oh, there we go. Okay, so you didn't go to uni. - College? - I didn't go to college either. - Oh. Hasn't gone to uni, hasn't gone to college. - Okay, we need to ... (Sideman laughing) - Four and six. So, I think six is just laughing because it's a big joke that he's there. Because he's clearly one of the smarter ones. - You're threatening me. - You put him there. - I know but the energy-- (Sidemen laughing) - Lets go. Everyday! Yes! - To be fair, did we even ask him any questions? He didn't answer any questions. Okay. - Did you go to uni? - No, I'm on gap year still. - I think we're getting on, have you travelled? Have you travelled? - Yeah, I have actually. - How may different continents have you been to? - Like four. - See, I think like if you travel you learn a lot. Like you're travelling on your own like ... Different type of smart, not educational smart. You can still be smart at different levels. (Sidemen laughing) Maybe smart in terms of-- - But with who? Just swap him with number three then let him shuffle down. We'll give number two number one. - Okay, yeah. - I think he's-- - Number two to number one. - Geez. (speaking in foreign language) - Let's go there. - Oh shit. - You can't believe it. - Can we know though. Can you give us some sort of insight because we're gonna go home thinking "Which one was right?" - The bottom three. - You are definitely bottom three? I'm dyslexic so I'm-- - We both are. - So we should have picked you. - We should have done that. I didn't know that we could do that. - We got them though! - That's brilliant. (upbeat hip hop music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 17,155,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: P-e_bF4U_4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 17sec (4997 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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