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- (laughing) He's about to fire a fucking rocket. - What the fu- - Hey Charlie wake up. - Yeah charlie. - Shut the fuck up. (laughter) - Bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips. - (sighs) Is this a Sidemen Sunday? - This is Sidemen Sunday ladies and gentlemen. - I don't believe this, by the way. How have we done this? - We did have extravagant plants. - Yes we did. - Unfortunately, COVID kind of struck and COVID guidelines kind of enabled us to- - And we always follow them as well. - We are elite at following COVID guidelines. So, you are now watching Gogglebox with the bus. - They're watching me and Ethan sat here for an hour, watching some shitty videos which Tobi has picked out for us. - Josh do you remember when you went through my snacks cupboard? What have we got here? What are working with? - Is this revenge? - Yeah but I didn't eat any of them. - (laughing) I'm gonna eat some. - Oh. - World of Dance. - World of Dance. - Vik what are the odds on you tryna recreate it real quick? - Impossible. - Oh, some fucking break dancers. You can tell Tobi made it, 'cause I couldn't give a shit. (laughing) I couldn't give a shit about this stuff. He was the one that made us do fucking Jabbawockeez. - Do you know who they are? - No idea. - It says it on the screen. - Les Twis. Les Twins. - Yes. - [Tobi] These lot are too sick. - [Vik] I could do that. - [Josh] You could do that, see. That's it, one move, easy. - Yeah I could do that one. Okay now I'm done. (laughter) - It's kind of a cheat code though isn't it? - Why 'cause they're twins? - Yeah. Like if me and you did this, we wouldn't look as good 'cause we don't look alike. - Yeah true. - You can do that Vik. (laughter) - They are twerking, they are twerking. - That's nice. - They are twerking. - If you could have a twin would you? - Would I what? - Have a twin? - If I could have a twin would I? Erm, nah. - Their flexibility is stupid as well. Like look at the footwork. - [Vik] How do they move like that? - I don't know. - I think I might actually (indistinct) video. (laughter) Do you know what I mean? They're so stiff the whole way through. - What if you were guaranteed to be the better twin? - No, I still, I just want to be the only me. I'm selfish like that. - You still are. - Nah but then there's. - The twin isn't you. - No he's not, but it's like, he could be if he wanted to be. - Which one's the better twin? - Are they twins? - They're called Les Twins. - Oh. (laughter) - You want some? - Go on then. - You wanna snuggle? - Oh God. No no stop, stop. (laughter) - Bro I don't care about this shit. I really don't care about this shit. I'm just gonna smile. - What this is making you sleep? (Simon yawning) Nah nah. I bet they're doing all of this, and they'll probably still last like 10 seconds in bed. - How have you gathered that? - I just, I just, I don't know, they've just got that thing about them innit? - How? They're French, they're masters of love. I reckon they've got horse cocks. And they last a long time. - Are you sure they're French just 'cause they're called Les Twins. - Jheez. Po po po po po po. - French dancers, choreographers, producers, models, horse cock owners. - Okay. - Says it. Look, just there. - Well it appears this proposal of a European Super League which poses an existential threat to football as we know it - Oh this was- - is going ahead. - This was something. - They have agreed to establish a new mid-week competition, The Super League, governed by its founding clubs. Who are the founding clubs? - I thought it was going to happen. - Do you remember when we was at Gaucho's? We went to Gaucho's and we was having dinner and all the clubs, oh all the clubs, minute by minute, our starter would come out, Chelsea have pulled out. - You went toilet, by the time you come back Edward Woodward was quit. (Ethan laughing) I was like bro, you're not going to believe it. - When it happened it was the worst thing ever. First of all, Arsenal have no right to be in the top teams. - Did you know what was going on at this point Vik? - I knew it was a mess. People were pissed. - And they had the whole protest, Thogden was there, Thogdad was there. - Thogdad saved football. - Tell em. - Thogdad. Thogdad saved football. - Oh mate. - Premier League football as we know it. Rory, getting in the air at Cech. What do you want us to do about it? - Says it is anticipated that a further three clubs will join ahead of the inaugural season, which is intended to commence as soon as practicable. - I'd go into Twitch streams and everyone would be like, have you heard of what they're doing to the Super League? And this person's streaming like League of Legends, they have no clue. - Bro, no me. I'm tryna stream Warzone. And they're all going Vik you need to do something. Hashtag ban the Super League. - Vik you need to do something bro. - And I'm like, how am I gonna ban the Super League. I'm just tryna play COD. - Why's he reading off his phone? - Yeah I don't know mate, Sky Sports have (starts laughing). - I was gonna say, this is what we do on like, mine and Randolph's podcast. Like just now, I looked up where the twins are from. - Don't they have like a tele prompt though? - Look at the office in the background. There's 35 computers and iPads that no one's using. - Look at the fucking size of the screen. - Just to say "breaking news". Can't they just put the text behind him. - I feel like that's what they've wanted to do since they bought the club. - Who yours? - Yeah, Glazers. - Because that's how all American sport is isn't it? It's all franchise franchise paying. Get your money. - Not in my country, kiss the badge. - To be fair, that is just like me today, fuck. - Oh it's "Epic Meal Time". - Bro. - Call this fast food? - How's he thought of this? I forgot this even existed bro. - This isn't the McDonald's rap is it? - I know him. - 15 Big Macs please. - How much Big Macs? - 15. - How much Big Macs? - Just the Big Mac. - That's Gib after the fight. - Yeah, it's 76- - It's the guy that never says anything. He just stares. - Muscle glasses. - I forgot about this shit. - These were way ahead of their time you know. - So ahead of their time. - You see your cup? - Big Mac sauce. - Bacon strips. - Why don't we do this on Sidemen? - This would, oh my God. - Bro food videos bang. - They do. - Bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon strips. Oh you, okay. - Oh my God. - You're making me uncomfortable now. (laughter) I can't deal with it, I can't deal with it. - Can we just ask for a litre of Big Mac sauce? - In America yeah you can. Not here. - What happened to "Epic Meal Time"? - Ran out of food. (KSI laughing) - I can't believe I forgot about this, like I could have gone my whole life and never have thought about this again. - Thought about "Epic Meal Time" yeah. - I used to watch it all the time. - Same. - No one's ever made 15 burgers. Maybe like 10 minutes maximum. - All right we're going to go to Wendy's. We'll be right back. - Okay. Sounds good. - Where are you where you can have this many- - America. - Dumb question. - They have them lined up either side of the street. - They don't wanna get out their cars. - Land of the free, who needs to walk? - Awesome. - Thank you. - What are you guys making? - It's a (bird noise) secret. - Okay. - What are they making here? - Fast food lasagna. This is the one. - Rule number one, nothing goes down unless I'm involved. - How's he thought of this? How's he thought of this? - Should we do a Sidemen "Epic Meal Time"? - Bro, we should. - Because our food videos, fuck it. We're doing a fucking Sidemen "Epic Meal Time". - Ripping of strips of that bacon. - I remember I used to watch their videos all the time and I would always get so hungry bro. I just wanted to be in one their videos and just eat. - They posted four days ago. - Oh no way. - It's on 50k. Bro don't pull a face. This is gonna be us one day. - If they brought it back properly now, it would bang. 'Cause everyone loves food videos. We know it. - Oh yeah. - And they killed it as well. - Yeah. - Hey it's the meat poop. - I forgot about this. - Ground beef penetration. Tomatoes sauce, Jack Daniels. - Jack Daniels. - Jack Daniels in everything. - Jack Daniels. - In everything. - Sauce. - Jack Daniels sauce. - (indistinct) Jack Daniels every time. - 600, 700, 600, 2 mil, 700, 2.6. - I would've thought it was way more. - Back in the day though that is views. - YouTube merch used to hit different back then as well. Look at that, look at that T. - Bacon strips. - Look at that T shirt. YouTube merch was a vibe. - So battered. They're so battered. Imagine like Filthy Frank ones, he's so bad. Go on muscle glasses. - Let's go champ. - Yeah I'm not hungry anymore. - Okay maybe they wouldn't pop in this day and age. - It's not very satisfying to watch. - He doesn't stop. - How are they not fat? - Next time, we eat a rusty hook. - Listen, do you know what? If the people out there of "Epic Meal Time" right, if you see this, well done. - I love you. You made my childhood. You made my childhood. - What a couple of videos. - Do you know what? I rate Tobi for that. - What are your hands doing right now? - What, nah mate. They're not doing anything, I'm just. - I'm just checking, I'm just checking. (background talk) - No 'cause you and Simon are the imposters or you're tripping. Bro I was so baffled here. Shut the fuck up. (laughter) - Vik's rages. - Bro Vik on "Among Us". Like, oh my God. - He just gets so triggered. - Skip, skip, skip, skip. I can't fucking believe this shit. Harry and Josh are sus go suck your mom. Yes you are you're both sus. (laughter) Shut up. Oh my fucking God, Harry and Josh are sus go suck your mom. Yes you are, you're both sus. - It was me in that round as well, it was me. - You know what it is? 'Cause Vik tries to play it with a brain, in this lobby. - Yeah yeah yeah. - You can't play it in this lobby with a brain. - No, no chance. There's no brain action happening in that lobby. - He'll literally go like, oh this person and this person are sus, and all it takes is for everyone to go, "nah, you're sus". - You fucking vented. This is great 'cause neither of us vented. Neither of us vented. You said the yellow Mural's safe. - You're always so fuming. Why was you always so fuming in this game? - Nah that game does that you. Trust me, I know. I've been there. - It boils my blood. - The thing is when he rages, he like laughs afterwards, like I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have done that. - That game was very bad, that game was very bad for all of us. - We almost went off. - Do you know what the thing is? I don't stream, I just play right? So then I get tweets saying, "oh Harry's just slagged you off mate." I go onto the stream and I see, oh, fucking fat (beep). - He's getting bigger you know. - Bro I was. I was. Oh I was. Oh I was at the time. Leyton Orient video, ooh he was a big boy. - 'Cause I shouldn't have said anything. - I know, I know. - But I did. - But he'd just finished a marathon. Oh no he's eaten a lot. - He's getting bigger you know. The fat (beep) But bro, bro the game is so- - Its toxic, it promotes toxic. Oh is this bong? Oh it's a bong, oh it's a bong. Oh it's a bong. - Oh, my God. - That's a bold move, you know? That's a bold move, just walk out of shot. Just walk out of shot. - What are you doing? - How can you need to rip a bong so bad? Just turn off your face cam. - He thinks he's pressed the key. (laughter) - I've never seen this. I rate that. He's streaming, and he goes to- - It's his intermission stream. - As of right now, me and Monster are not a partner. - So that was a real drama. - Yeah he lost his partnership with Monster. - Why because of the bong? - Then G Fuel took him. - Mad. - Oh, Ninja. - What happened to Ninja bro? - He looks a little bit worse for wear. - He's got 50 mil though. - He does exactly. Don's clear, he parties with Travis Scott. - He should eat though at some point, no? (laughter) - I didn't know Twitch even did a rewind. - Oh is this Twitch rewind? - Yeah. - Oh mate, I have no clue on any of this. This is your realm. - I don't know half of these people bro. - Is it bad that I know almost no one on this? I know of him. - Twitch is, as a Twitch streamer myself, I obviously back Twitch but it's a bit full of weirdos, no? - I would say it's got some- - Questionable donnies on there. - It's like, you see the box, the normal box, they're certainly living on the outside. - Yes I'd say so. But that's not a bad thing. - No no. - You know he was really mean to me. - Really? - Yeah. - Why? - So I went to TwitchCon, and he comes up to me and he's like, "yo you're in the Sidemen aren't you?" And I'm like, "yeah, yeah, yeah." And he's like, "do you not find it really cringe that you fake all your content?" It was first thing he said to me. - My guy. - We still don't know what happened to him. - We don't. - Kind of all blew over. - Oh no, oh this is the ungrateful fucking little cow. - A sub is $5. - Oh no she, bro, this bitch. - Amanda Cerny, that's what it is. - It's not enough money, I'm doing this for how much money? - Bro you're literally on a webcam. - We got to get to 500 subs. - Amanda Cerny what are you doing? What are you doing? - How do you have hours of time to watch me, and not $5? - Attitude is so poor. - That's crazy. What kind of mentality is that? - And then you got fucking Doc in the Lambo he don't give a fuck. - That's 'cause he got paid. - True. - She said "it's not worth my time." - Oh. - What is that? - That's not how you do this whole business man. - I've got a hot tub now, as you saw before, I'm going to do hot tub streams. I'm setting my phone up, I'm gonna sit there, with a pina colada and be like, just chuck chat to the chat. - Chop those hours down. - [Ethan] This is wholesome man. - You know the president of New Zealand went to stream with him. - Did he? Oh that's sick. - She. - Yeah she. - What does he do, does he carve wooden things? - Yeah. - That's cold. - I like that. - People gifted him subs and he goes, "can I give that money back?" - Wait what just- - I don't know. I feel like this rewind has struggled to keep any form of- - Sense. - Everything yeah. - (gasps) Freddie Wong. - Freddie Wong. - Freddie Wong. - Freddie Wong. - Freddie Wong. - Kim Pill. - Rocket jump. Yes. - Freeze! End of the line Cortez. - Bro this, this guy. - This is Squidget Harry all over. - When I say this, this Freddie Wong was the guy who unleashed YouTube. Him and Corridor Digital. - Mate you can tell, you can tell from the Squidget Harry videos, you can tell. - Yeah, bro I, without them I wouldn't be here. - I had a drone on that snipers ass this whole time. - You mean the unmanned drone our hacker just took over? - You mean the hacker whose wife I just kidnapped? - The hackers wife who just filed for divorce. - Bullshit that marriage is rock solid. - I guarantee you it's not. I've been hitting that for six months. (laughter) - Freddie Wong, clear. - If you're still alive bro, I rate you. Bro, you're my guy. You're my guy. - I think he'll be alive. - We can hope so. - Why don't you ask, you. - No, that's impossible. - This video is genius. - Oi this is the best. - I hope he, you know what I hope he has a happy life, a great family, makes lots of money. - He deserves one of those. - He's the guy. He is the guy, he's the guy. - He deserves that. (KSI laughing) (gun cocks) - Special Agent Blueberries Johnson reporting for duty. - You're a sleeper agent? (gunfire) - [Josh] Worth. - [Tobi] So worth. - Special effects. - They used to teach me how to do the fucking blood splatters. It was like a smoke thing and you tinted it red, and it, oh mate. - I didn't wanna believe it. - How is he a gun? - But what's the idea for this? - I think it's just for taking the piss. - Innit. - I'm actually a blueberry (gunshot). - You don't get that on YouTube. You don't get that on YouTube anymore. - You don't get that anymore man. - You know what, that's old school YouTube. If someone came and pitched that nowadays to a big YouTube channel, they'd be like, this is the dumbest shit ever. But that's why it's so good. You're also right there. You can create great content, but if you can't package it up right it won't fly like it used to. - [Ethan] Surely not. - So at that point- - Surely not. Okay, right, hear me out is he? - Bro he's hitting, bro, he's hitting himself with a brick in the nuts. - Nah I swear he could like suck in his balls or something. - Oh, is that how he does it? - I think so. - Bro, I feel like I've watched this. Probably for Sidemen reactions. - [KSI] Bro, like you don't need to do that. You don't need to do that though. You don't need to do this, why? - The thing is, if he told you he could do it, you wouldn't believe him. - Back flip, no, oh. - Oh I've seen this, I've seen this, I've seen this. Look, yes buzzin'. But guess what? It was still in play. Goal. - Yeah. - Gets given. - The ref is so calm as well, he just witnessed history right there and he's like, "oh man". - He knew. - Hover board, they never hovered. - Yeah, I know. - They never once hovered. (groaning) - [Tobi] You never step off forward. Oh my gosh. Harry. - Bro you're in it, bro you're in it. - Am I? - That actually still like, - Yeah, Harry could've died there. That probably changed Harry's like outlook on life. - Maybe, or he just forgot the last hour before it. - [Tobi] Oh shit. - [Vik] Oh yeah. Whoa. - Yo that's crazy. - What the- - Wait what, how? - It's sticking out. - Oh it's 3D. - Bro I want that in my house. - That's not normal. - Yeah, what, how's he just eating the carrot like that? - He's literally just kicking back eating a carrot. - That's cute. - Oh. Oh no. Oh. - Is that real do you reckon? - Yeah. - I think so you know. - That's gotta be real. Look, he's propped his phone up on the grass. That can't be, yeah. - He struck it like Harry Kane today, and you know what, it's dropped in. - Yeah, love that. - Would you drive or would you stop? - No. No. - That's your ball now? - Yeah yeah, I own it. - That is a bad omen. - [Josh] Why would you? - [Vik] Does this man have a death wish? - Yeah nice. Just mock the dead. - Did I, let me tell you a story. You know when JJ used to have his Lambo? - Yes. - The purple one. - Yes. - With the lights on the bottom of it. - Yes. - The most outrageous car, like the loudest car ever. - It was ridiculous. - We drove to Thorpe Park once and we got stuck in traffic. - Okay. - He's honking, beep beep beep beep beep. In this fucking massive tron purple Lamborghini. Eventually he just overtakes them, we looked to the left, it's a fucking funeral parade. He's been honking a hearse, and we just drove past in this bright purple lights flashing. It was the most outrageous thing I've ever seen. - I know you're dead geezer but fucking get a- - We were in a rush to be fair to 'em. Oh I couldn't believe it. - Oh. Oh shit. Oh shit yes. - This dog is pissed. - Stop putting shit on my head. - Next clip is just like, dog murders family. - The whole world on his head, he's got the whole word on his head. - That is mad. - Your hamstring, Jesus. - Out of skittles. - Oh my, I thought it was a puzzle. - Bro, bro. That's insane. - Right hear me out, that is impressive right? - Yes. - What they've done. But realistically, it's also easy. - Yes it is. - You just know, it's just the fact that you could be bothered to do it. - Yeah. - Like you could do that. - Yeah. - I could do that. - It'd just take a while and I can't be bothered to do it. - Yeah I can't be arsed. So fair play for being arsed to do it, but um, I couldn't be. - I reckon Simon Miniminter could do that. - How do you do that? Do you think you could do that? - No. I think I can do like, I can do like five. - [Josh] Eat it with chest as well. (clapping) - Great. - We don't deserve dogs. We don't. - I've always wanted to do this you know? - Ooh. I like the look of this. - I've been on the dunes out there, in Dubai. Bro, I would love to do this. I'd love to do this. - That's dope. But unlike a ski slope, it's not constantly down, so you have like one run and then you're done. - And then you've got to walk it back up or buggy it back up. - Can you skateboard Vik? - No. And I can't snowboard either. But I'd love to give it a shot. - You wanna hit a jump yeah? - Absolutely not. I never leave. I never leave. - Never leaves the ground. - Never leave the floor ever again. - FPS Russia. - (Ethan and Harry shouting) FPS Russia. - He went jail you know? - No he didn't. - He did. - This is a throwback. - Hello my friends, this is FPS Russia. - Hello my friends, this is FPS Russia, and today I've got something a little bit different. I got to see a movie- - Professional Russian. - He's not even Russian. - I know. - You know? - Bro he's WoodyGamer's ex friend. - Which looking at now is obvious. - Yes. - Because he just has the shittest Russian accent ever. But back in the day when I was a kid I was like yeah he's a Russian don. - No he's not in Russia, he's in America. - Why's he called FPS Russia? - Because he pretended that he was Russian. - So he's not Russian? - He's not Russian, no. - I thought he was Russian for the longest time. Yeah, same. - Isn't it mad in America you can just do this. Like you could just get a fucking weapon like this. - Imagine we went Victoria Park now, and was like fuck it, do you know what? - I'm going to shoot some boxes. - Hello, professional Russian. (imitates gun noises) - Here we go. - How could I think he was Russian as a kid? - So he's pretty much showing people how to do driveby's. - Okay so my favourite part from the movie is when they break out a low rocket and they take out a truck. - This ain't a driveby. (laughter) - So what he just owns like a big field and just drives round shooting? - Yeah like his house is probably up there and this is all his land. America's mental. - Yeah. - Mental. - I'd sit and think, you know what I'll build, I'll put a paddling pool down there, maybe like a water slide. - Maybe I'll have like a little allotment. - Even a golf course. - Yeah or like, I'll grow strawberries. - Cabbage patch. - No, but he wants to shoot cars. He'll just shoot cars and blow things up. - It's so American. - Every single bullet of that third round mag hit the windshield. - It's a weird place isn't it? - I've been saying this. - That's your garden and you just bowl about. - Bowling about just spraying up cars. - He's got a fucking rocket launcher. How? How? How do you get clearance to get a rocket launcher? How? - My guy went down to Walmart and said "yo pass me- - Yeah give me an RPG mate. - Pass me a rocket launcher". - He's about to fire a fucking rocket. - Could you imagine, this could never happen in England. This could never even remotely happen. - Never . - That wasn't real, was it? - That was definitely a real. Of course it's real. - I mean the car may have blown up, but he didn't just fire a rocket. - He did. - And, you can do some damage with this. - I'm sure you can mate. I don't doubt it. - In your garden. - There's goats behind his fucking head. The poor goats are trying to live their life and he's just getting, hearing, anarchy happen in his garden. - They're just chilling like, what's this motherfucker doing? (gunshot) (gunshot) - So dumb. (laughter) - FPS Russia for you, ladies and gentlemen. - Yeah, no, mate, back in the day man, the videos were wild, like. - Also do you reckon it was just him out there with a camera and a tripod? So he's by himself? - I think so. - So like if he misses, he must turn round and go, "oh fuck". - I think so you know. - I've got to do it again. (Tobi shouting) - This is World Cup. - It's coming home, it's Columbia. - Well, I mean, this was the first time we've actually won a Euro game, in the opening. - Yeah I was gonna say opening Euro game. - Yeah yeah, an opening Euro game. - We've won a Euro game before. - This was when we thought it was done. - Yep. - Only a one nil but. - Solid performance. - Solid performance. - He hits the bar doesn't he? Look. - Bacca ya stinker. - This was one of the best summers man. 2018 was one of the best summers. - I feel like I'm reliving it. - I've already lived it. - That is a save you know. - My heart was in my mouth at this point. - Out of all English players, Eric Dier. - And a shit penalty too by the way. - That was such a shit penalty. Such a shit pen. - Such a stinky pen, but who cares? - Mate that summer, (kisses hand) - I get goosebumps watching it you know? - He's done it. - That is a sweet, you might say. All right, ruling out the ice caps melting, meteors- - What's going? - The ozone layer leaving- - The history of the Earth. - We're definitely going to blow ourselves up- - I think I've seen a different one. Has a lot more singing. - Why do I remember this? - Bro this was made in fucking 1960. - Pakistan, Russia, the UK and us, with nukes. We've got about 2,600 more than anybody else, whatever. Anyway, one day we decide those Chinese sons of bitches- - We can't post "Chinese sons of bitches". - When it's on it's way, China's like, "Shit, shit. Who the fuck is shooting us? Oh well, fire missiles." Then France is like, " Shit guys, we got the missiles they're coming". So now we've got missiles flying everywhere. - Yo what up? - Russia's like, "ah motherland". Then England's like, "bout that time eh chaps?" As Californians just have to work out California breaking off from the United States, to go hang with Hawaii. Alaska can come too. The end. - So that's how the world ends. Yeah. - So everyone just starts throwing missiles at each other? - Yeah. Well the thing is, there can't be another world war. - Yeah, no there can't. - 'cause it is literally like, all right, we're losing? All right, fire a nuke. - Yeah, yeah. - They don't make them like that anymore. - They do you don't see them anymore. - No they, I'm convinced that they don't. - That wouldn't bang today. - It probably still exists, but it doesn't bang. - No, I just don't think anyone even bothers. - Nah, it's a different sense of humour these days. That's what it is. - Maybe that wasn't meant to hit for us. - But us being under 30. - Do you know what? You're bang on. We are under 30. - We're the youngest ones here. - Vik, yeah Vik. - Is he younger than you? - Vik's younger than me by a month. - Oh my. (cheering) - Hasbullah. - Hasbullah. - To me is it a child? - No, so they're like 18. Yeah. - Okay. - They're like, adults. - What does he do during his day to day? Does he just like chill in Dagestan or wherever he lives? - Dagestan, out with his like uncle or whatever. - Just chillin'. (laughter) - Are these accurate captions? - I don't know. (laughter) - I rate it as well you know, they're just having fun. - That's it, yeah. - They're just having fun bro. Just having a good time. - Look at this. - Jesus. He's struggling to even hold the gun. - Bro. - That kickback gonna send him flying. - Bro, where's the trigger discipline? Thank God that's empty. - He just punched the policeman. He just punched the policeman. - Bro it's just, it is a different world, I can't actually- - Yeah, mate. He looks like a kid. Like a baby. - I just mean the fact that every single scene has had a gun or a knife in it. - Minecraft sword, I can hack that, I can hack that. - You know he's 18. He must know like, oh I've got a condition. - Of course yeah. - But he just fucking lives. - Bro, yeah. - He's just having fun. - He's having a better time than most of the UK. - Like he's just having fun, look. He's just having fun. (laughter) (birds chirping) - Oh, Charlie. - Hey Charlie, wake up. - Yeah Charlie- - What on earth is this? - You don't remember this? - I don't know. - Oh shit. What's the name of this? - Don't say it, don't say it, Because I remember this. I don't know what it is though. - Hey Charlie, wake up. - Charlie the Unicorn. - Wake up. - Is it "Charlie the Unicorn"? - Unicorn. - They're so annoying. - I'm just gonna, you know, go back to sleep now. - No, Charlie. - This is one of the weirdest fucking videos I've ever seen. - We're taking you on a trip right now, by the way. - No one's going to know this by the way. - Like, all of you lot watching this video, Sidemen fans, I don't think you know what fuck the this is. - No. This is like a figment of my like childhood that I would have completely forgotten about. - It's like an animation plot that you make when you're like 14 in IT. - I can't wait for you lot to see the ending. - All right fine, I'll go with you to Candy Mountain. (cartoons singing) - Why are they so annoying? - I remember that, that was in my like school dinosaur book. I remembered this dinosaur book. Why is it here? Like what's happened here? - What's happening? - I mean, this whole thing is just to steal his kidney. - Spoilers. - Oh shit, sorry. (cartoon singing) - What am I watching? - This is the old humour we were talking about. - No, this isn't it. This isn't it. This is not how I remember it. - A little bit older, a little bit older. - If the person making this wasn't on drugs, then fair play to them. But I would hedge all my bets- - On them being on drugs. - They're on something. There's no way. There's no way. - What's happening? You're not enjoying this. - I am. - You're enjoying the song? - It's nice. - Lies. - Feature it on a song. - Oh no, no, no. - Go on, remix it. - Let's not move mad. - It just blew up. - Goodbye Charlie. - Oh, what happened? Oh, they took my freaking kidney. - Jason Steele, Jason Steele. - What a guy. - That was horrible. - That was, the funniest thing ever. - That was the punch line I waited three minutes for. - At Candy Mountain they take your kidneys. - (laughing) It's so dumb. - You recognise the instrumental? - Yeah. - And like Oscar winner, was it Oscar winner? - Fam he's banged it, like acting wise. - Yeah. - He's so decorated now. He's been in so many good movies. - Name two. - "Get out". - I knew that was one. That's why I said two. - Ah nice, and um, this one. (laughing) (rap music) - That's grim. - Oh that's grim, that is fucking grim. - That's grim. - Also is that real do you reckon? I think so. - Maybe. - I think he's actually spat on him. (rap music playing) (Ethan and Harry singing along) - Fucking hell. - Oi his hat went. - What an uppercut. - Is that Raleigh Ritchie? - Yeah. - Yeah, he's smashing it these days. - Yo. (punch landing) You think you can say my bars? - You can not say my bars, you can not say them bruv. - He looks the same as he does now, the man hasn't aged. He hasn't aged in fucking decades. - Well, well, well. - Oh I love that guy. - He's such a different being. - Yeah he's too sick. - Like he is so, in a good way, odd. He's so odd. - Jheez this has been a throwback. - Big time. - This has been like a throwback Gogglebox. - I feel like people won't realise what we're watching right now. This is what we grew up on. - Yeah. - Well, well, well. - Ooh. - What's this? - Rise of the coronavirus. - Oh no. - Coronavirus. - Fuck. - Oh, do we need to see this? - I beg we just skip this. - Bro, the fact that we lived through this is mad you know. Like this is one of the things- - This is the shit you tell your kids, that happened. - They'll ask you like, what happened? - What was coronavirus? - All the soundbites and everything and all the graphs, two years ago that would be like in a film. All of these scenes wouldn't exist, like you'd be like, oh that's from a film. No, that really happened. - You know how tapped we are, the fact that there was videos of people outside, you know, look at this. - And the Oscar goes to, Parasite. - Like, we're so tapped that we have a pandemic and the thing that goes viral is people doing this? - I've never seen her before. - I guess it's all about making light of a shit situation. - I got fat. Then I got slim. Then I drunk a lot. Then I got fat again. - Bro same, I got fat. I got so skinny. I was running 5Ks in 20 minutes. - You lot, you won't have seen this, Bog was in shape. - I was in such good shape. - Shape. - And now I got fat. - Oh stop. I hate COVID. It's ruined so many lives. - Working from home is the new reality. - Are any of y'all wearing pants? Be honest now. - I hate Zoom. Just throwing it out there. - What's wrong with Zoom? - You're a hater bro, boomer. - Catch me on a "Google Meet". - If we ever go back into lockdown, we are not doing any more fucking Zoom videos. - We make a bubble, I think we make a bubble. We go get a house, we make a bubble. - I can't do it, I can't do it. - I think we have to, we have to. - I can't do it anymore. - Yeah, 'cause that was the thing, we said didn't we? What if we just make a bubble? And just go? - Yeah, no 'cause we hate each other. - Yes. If the Sidemen bubbled for a year, we're all very good friends. But if you bubble anyone for seven, together for a year then you're going to hate each other eventually. - It's nearly been two years. - Yeah. - I was 24 when this started. - I was 22. Oh no, oh no. Oh no. - This is going to get worse before it gets better. - [Tobi] He got that right. - It's got worse now right? It can't get worse from here. - The good thing about all of this is it's definitely brought a lot of people together. - Yeah. - Like, there's definitely a lot of division but like, over time, it's just, I don't know, it's just made the world a bit more of a community. - Although, then more shit happened. - Then more shit happens, yeah. Shock, the world's fucked. - Like we're doomed, we are doomed. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But it's purely because of us. Not the Sidemen, us in general. - Yeah, like humans. - That's the one thing, do you know in countries like India and stuff? Fucked bro, like we are blessed. They are fucked. - We're very lucky. We're very lucky, we're very lucky. But the games the game. That was mad. That was so mad. - That was fucked. The Beirut blast. - Oh shit, yeah. - The bloke that runs Barbados or, was it Jamaica? They was talking about the vaccines and stuff like that, and he was like, "let them man take it for us. "Let them man take it first. And if it work, it come here." (laughter) Legit, that's what he said. - You're accent was on point. That was fucking banging. - This interview was so bad. This interview was awful. - You remember when he came off the plane and he was wheezing. - Yeah. - But he was like playing it cool. - I remember when he was on the balcony as well and he said he was cool remember, and he didn't look cool. - Yeah, yeah. - Wakanda forever. - I think it was really well put together. Shout out Vox. - We survived 2020 you know? That was crazy. - I was like, oh yeah 2020 will be great, and then I've got COVID seven days in. - For you Perry. Quad! - For you Perry. - Oh my God. - So sick, so sick. What a moment. - Quad. - Oh man. - Bro. - Bro, I remember, I remember I wanted to enter that competition. I wanted to enter that competition. - Same bro. - And I was like, shit what can I do? What can I do? I never came out with a good idea. - I was at year six and we had a school assembly and I'd seen that, I was like I should just do it. - Do the same thing, yeah. - Of course I didn't, I'm a pussy. Whoever that guy is, fair play to you mate. - Not another one of these. - You know about this though? - Oh, I hate this. - You like rusty spoons? - Looks like Simon. (Ethan laughing) - Simon after a bad night out. - Simon on a hangover. - I like rusty spoons. I like to touch them. - Josh used to send me the little voice clips and gifts on MSN back in the day. - It's almost orgasmic. - I feel so uncomfortable. - Did you ever see the, the nettles episode. - Nope. - Bro he gets a, like a pram full of nettles and they're his babies. And he uses them, he rubs them on his nipples and he's like, "nettles make the milk come out". And he rubs it on his nipple and then milk starts coming out of his nipple. - Oh God. What a weird fucking video man. - And now he loves rusty spoons. - Corridor. - It's them, it's the guy, the Corridor Digital. - That's like when games, fucking, your weapon gets stuck in the floor and shit and you can't pick it up. Look he can't pick his gun up. - What you don't think I can handle this? - Oh no, no. It's not that you can't handle it. I just think we should handle it. - Whatever, dibs. - No, no. - Oh he's glitched. - No. - RIP. Man turned into the glitch. - Bro look at the levels to this. - These guys were, these were the donnies. They were so good. - This stuff is so much sicker than YouTube nowadays. - Yeah. - They just won't get views. - Yeah. - Get out of there. - Not like this. - It's like GTA gate glitch. - This is sick. - Yeah. Lol. - This is done so well. - Yeah. - That's sick. - Yeah. - RIP. - Oh that's pissed me off. That's really pissed me off. - Why? - I wanna know what happens. - Well I mean nothing really. - What do you mean? (applause) - Editing. What happened to the video? Did it break? - It died. - Died. Did it died? - Where's Master Chief? So many answers. I need to know, this is, nah man. Can't end a video like that. - Chelsea. - Harry is going to be screaming. (Harry celebrating) - Yes! See if you can see me, I'm in the corner there. Come on. Come on. - Thiago. - This is just for Harry isn't it? - I know Harry is loving this right now. Cut to Harry if you haven't already. - Look at the whole team bro it means so much to them. - Yes! Tammy ain't played for the whole fucking knockout stages. - The disrespect by the way. - Oh bro. Oh. - You're playing Timo up top and not Tammy. - And we won the fucking Champions League playing Timo Werner up top. Oh my God. - Do you know what? When you put it like that, that's actually outrageous. - Bro crazy. - What's this Vik? - Champions League final? When they won. - Come on. - What a guy, what a guy. - He knows his stuff, he knows his stuff. - It's just what I hear from you lot. - We're educating him, come on. - Tricky Thomas. - Tricky Tuchel. - Tricky Tuchel. - He holds his shoe up, 'cause last season, with PSG, he promised PSG's owners that he'd wear these shoes in the final to win, and he didn't wear them. So this year, he wore the shoes and they fucking won. - Fair dues tricky. - Tobi, my guy. Thank you. I appreciate it. - Do you feel like you've taken a bit more of an interest in football since knowing us? - No, I'll be honest. - This is a really big moment, and I don't care. - Yeah. - What a good looking man Giroud is. It is always really cringe like, you need edits. There needs to be like music video edits. - Yeah, I guess. Oh my God. - Like that was really cringy. But if you put, you know, a couple of cuts in, change angle with a little like, I don't know lens flare on his forehead, bang looks cool. - Come on. Where was the Zerkaa and Vikkstar videos in there? We're like OG's. - Nah, nah. You had your time man. You had your time in the other video. - You got more videos coming though? - Yes sir. - They probably should have shown us. - What videos? - Scaffolding 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. - Thank you, ladies and gentlemen for tuning in to "Sidemen Gogglebox". That's been a real adventure. - Yeah. "Sidemen Reacts". - Yeah pretty much. - On steroids. - On steroids, with balloons and plants. Wow. - And a sweaty drunk man. - Yes. Viva England. - Yes. - It's coming home. - Indeed it is. - Goodbye. - Au revoir. - Sidemen, fight. (upbeat bass)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 13,369,099
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Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: UYulBXIMikg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 56sec (2636 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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