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back in March we released our sidemen $10,000 verse $100 holiday video let's just say it did pretty well and ever since then you've been asking for us to do it again but doing it abroad instead of the UK this is not that video but you stick around to be a teaser for it in this video but for today we are doing exactly the same concept until the holiday we are doing a road trip instead so like last time both teams once again picked at random using a lucky wheel app and then from there I plan both of their road trip days out and like last time none of the guys have any idea that what is happening during their day they've no idea what team they're on and they have no idea what team is the good team all the bad team so let's go meet the guys outside a random car park all right or just go straight into teams yeah I forget the rules train two teams who wants to go first you send outside I want your next yeah me doesn't even mean a lot see Simon yo and Jason you are on that seam wait no wait doing the match wait no so everyone go back to keep tradition Bret C will stay together forever so Steven Carla teams this time their yellow team and green team so green team is you guys is you guys I spent all the money on where you're going all right all right stop feel around both of you we're gonna split up now are you not get your bags and go oh no no no no no I quickly get your bags and go come on get your bags to go by this is what we for we went to Slough and it was gas so just wait right initial thoughts I'm not happy well I'm not having fish Ethan's here oh he's it said quote yesterday if you're on my team and you're going to die it's fine we're gonna win win war we can't even win anything oh this is sick I got to crest to Sidon and clothing crests new Seidman backpack this is the half of the Vikings away before my dad's either made or slayed by number one I'm looking at open invoice from fact I'm auntie bull is terrible yeah what is going on down cut a post post the girl this is our first a purple inclu really again student hp-2 hey we're gonna have to HP watch me here okay so go down that road there we go you got the lead okay we are I'm happy with believing I'm just not that's a good luck me yes that's a good thank you are you ready boys yes you guys may be the stars so look out for your carbs reasonably priced cars as a crazy little wobble storage like the Italian Job that doesn't sound promising they're gonna be start on a mini stars in the stars no no Top Gear stars in reasonably priced cars is there not not a good car or a bad car I'm Minnie OH - when you arrive at the next destination oh we don't we don't know what the next destination is all right we are pretty much there at the postcode he said I think the next up is going to be a number place yeah that's where I think yeah I agree how rude of me I didn't say hello I'm such a car park for a car that yellow I did arrive each other who's smart once you spot your car totally so he has to go to a car park fancy seeing you here is it a Top Gear reference you're pointing there tonight it's real life this is this is our side crafty blob gang this is the road ROM so we know it's on this road and we know it's yellow here's the hope this is what my hope is we're gonna see a yellow stinker and then he's gonna say open envelope three and it's gonna say now look to the car to your left that's your car that's the twist maybe how are we supposed to know which one our cars I am clueless as you are Oh mate Oh Oh No right just so you know before we walk down into this tunnel this could be the end of a base I know you got a team he said for sale oh he's not even taking it no way no way I had the thing is I know we're gonna walk around a corner and see a bright yellow car what if it is like a yellow Lamborghini it's like yellow wood yellow wood wanted to touch it now good happy filtered but it's okay because I believe positivity put it out to the universe really good car oh you know he's done you know he's that Josh is pranked us he's written this he's written this before he's rude he's coming here just today the written is too thick make us he did that purpose he plays games listening oh what a JJ I wasn't seen anyway was it yellow a yellow car I'm gonna accept that it's our car now okay what's the other hint we've got stars make this to Lambos back to next to each other on high just a double check there's no the yellow light Ferrari I was joking I was joking when I said it I was too close we can't speak to these these gentlemen over here he says yeah free money Oh [Music] yellow team on the side how many are there Oh nah there's three no four not yellow no no no no I don't I'm always I'm scared though welcome to your carb dreams when everything is not as it seems get yourself seated and secured because Ethan is the only one insured there's three gentlemen sit over to the side you go bro you go for support you from here join pigs get off these three old old white men was definitely on these cars we could take him good thing I'm not asking excuse me guys we're looking for some rental cars and we're wondering if we like new enterprises at the front yeah drive them it's like part of a YouTube thing what you guys up to here ah okay so you guys have been sitting down here to try and work out what caused yeah yeah that's what we do and it's three of us and there's three of you guys now you may be breaking character a little to be that pretty slim right so essentially just a coincidence this is Chilton this is it usual first three Lambos to be in a probably okay wow really oh wait I didn't pick my conversation with lost this long I don't know what's going on guys what did you ask if Beth are they for us they might be for what's there might be me nine either yes or no lose any features we said that a guy with a beard he's got a thinking of what beard and he has grown a little bit right this preview of us free Lamborghinis going in these land [Music] I can't drive a Lambo okay the holdup wait no no no no that's not good what we dealing with here it's got 70 it's got a solid a voxel a dealer 1.2 twin port it broke Marquis is held together by a plaster you said it nearly broke at least it's spacious at least we're gonna advertising - look you got to Simon close the advertising down there we're not clear yeah because we're getting taken somewhere in the Lambos you're having the same thing again yeah let me get you let me get you a post-op post-op post-op now do you sat in between them you have to stick in rows over where it's over but look what he's done how are you gonna put it [ __ ] you manage that do your fingers [Music] I genuinely hit wonder work is that when you humor me miss I think we might have to get in because this door is unlocked look this it this is locked right this is I've just unlocked it okay and it doesn't work doesn't work or might mad we have to get in we all have to get in through the driver's seat that's our bad boy doesn't it what hello welcome it's a nice holiday for you all [Applause] well no turning back now why am i doing that I'm gonna kick your chest so far into your back I can see them give me strength okay so Harry's taken the blue Lambo you know I'm gonna go the rat I mean this is this is gonna be a good fun time but you know I'm kind of yeah if we're gonna rock up in these three set cars and that's gonna be that's going to be the worst mini you've ever seen in your life there's claps those clap mean you've ever seen man let's just enjoy it let's enjoy Oh men have been here we've done we enjoyed the wrong choice until we did you okay nice well I'm gonna sit in the back no I said well then you can meet with the bags in it no we're putting the bags I don't know Perris gasps well it's it's something I'm gonna go pay for parking around there I'll meet you at the machine over there yeah so you can get used to it well it's somewhat spacious that's first you do know how to drive right I genuinely think we're screwed okay I mean this is the highlight of the day it's not every day this happens and actually low-key I'm glad I'm not driving this because if I was I would be super nervous the entire time this thing these things are massive and powerful all right off we go this is not fair fun me and Simon have driven longer than you if I don't like I'm doing manual in the Wahlberg oh my god BAM restored we [ __ ] of you do what you doing 9 put the keys [ __ ] by the keys the keys in there we're doing the keys the keys the keys down the keys the keys [ __ ] broke and key won't come out now no lip the cuff always made it oh my God he's broken up please show us the key no house it houses a key [Music] yeah we can't drive with that but you can't get it out either and that's that some push the cars yeah whomping my sister I'm very rare wait hold on yep you can't just connect it back on oh yeah but that hasn't start like yeah what I mean like that's a start ready need your help que si no no the steering's lock oh no the steering's look cuz the keys the keys 9 you know you took the key out you took Kia security I get the bug [Music] [Music] [Music] not the whole way you don't need to turn the engine on its but do you know which way to turn it look can you get out that there yeah that's all you need to just wait yeah well you just need not be a [ __ ] melon and what's of it don't stall your if he stalls we're done there yes for [ __ ] don't we have to do a little shake it and how long did it take 5-10 minutes we need a new key to reverse look look oh look yeah okay yeah all right now talk to me [ __ ] well guess we'll guess it just goes forward that I don't think that's road legal this is one way to get around central London this is very very hesitant about a good drive to start it off but please can the rest the day be decent a hunk card yeah JJ remember when you said he doesn't know how to drive yeah so this you're saying that did you that's reverse yeah okay so that's neutral yes you see this you have to put it up that's reverse oh my god yeah you don't know how to think we're going west and a gas are we going west right now no no no information this may be an elaborate kidnapping if so that's what was you know if it's a good one it's pretty high party high-quality water I'm not bad about it buying point let's go I'm gonna pay the ticket as you go through you I so but you you you could possibly be the worst passenger yeah it was you you know my both through you idiots well [ __ ] gold fam let's go from like I'm working the two idiots get out Carly get out let's go oh hang on a minute well that's a scion house and Park Hotel and garden center that could be good that could be very good [ __ ] Oh Josh does he think we made a money cuz getting up this he was gonna be difficult the Hilton but here's the thing he's one worried wait why we are the hotel at midday I can I can never trust us anymore Oh God yeah hanging stuff on it yep brilliant okay oh you know I genuinely feel safe walking anyway all right we're here hello how you feeling GJ out the door I can't believe I just been left guys a terrible teammate thought it was easier than the driver I tried to stop him okay we've just been driven in style we're at the Hilton somewhere yes honestly this is destinations unspoken aside envelope - I appreciate you meet there might not be any after hahaha you fool this was a win time - not again so the holiday he wasn't joking hey mate we have liftoff Josh I don't want to be here with we finally go out at the club they both don't know how to drive a car we are on road now are we are we not no no no I still have hope honestly the more negative twist they are there are the more likely there is to be in our I like at the end of the rainbow and like that's my knee saying okay to account for the light at the end of the rainbow okay oh it's very very high Mike Tilton you know wrong well so theoretically what if we get there we see that that we've got the bad car for the road trip and we just run away well what happens then we just run away and blog something else oh no goodbye my WIPs if only the second envelope said side men are doing bits these are now yours forty quid boy parts are parking is their home I'm not looking forward to the hotel [Music] he stole sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry yeah don't [ __ ] it what the [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] your OneCard restored I have the walking off in the wrong direction I apologize we did just start sorry yeah I thought why you followed me Holiday Inn now we're going on the right she's printed him a map this is phone you gone that so oh my we've gone we've gone the opposite direction this is exactly what happened from Millennials right oh you know I'm Mel any wise you are I'm Jen something Generation Y 20 Pokemon but first first what I don't know what that is what we on oh my god Oh Joe so we found an ice-cream van but what's going on there's no one in it just like our hopes and dreams it is empty oh you found it found the guy let's go let's go we've gap and we didn't stop we wouldn't want to work we had a bladder issues world map yeah we got really wrong you gave him a paper map he doesn't know what to do with the paper map and that's why we were held up we haven't done anything else we did nothing else we're just walking for the destination get me one okay well we'll go I um it's raining you ready I didn't even make geez the Holiday Inn Josh the kind of sick and twisted guy to find a really nice built-in located ever so close to a not-so-nice Holiday Inn no no this is where we're picking up our next vehicle obviously I can take no no sure you're dashing yourself to none of us can drive that lady's going into there's a guy in it there's a guy in it this is gonna be it almost comes the Holiday Inn to be fair whoa high tide this infidel I Dow in the lower lows wait what a delight all right I am so so disappointed water bomber it was supposed to be arranged well then technically we technically online Josh with like taking so long together we are just half an hour to get the key they're all [ __ ] [ __ ] photos yeah mr. puppet master [ __ ] you puppet right so see no team what we're gonna take the care are we even in the spot we are okay you know and this is a sir we're wonky with the yellow team that day is wonky if you mister believe used to spot this car in the car park you wouldn't expect it to be perfectly parked let's call ourselves the wonky yellows matter we come back out and it's just like our kaisers it's rate wheels the wheels are gone 40 pounds 40 pounds I say we spend it on Nando's then we've got now don't worry we're we're with ksi we don't need 40 pounds that has a shiny pokemon chain exactly show them a picture in Nando's and we'll get free now if you show them your Pokemon train will get free man it is a Pokemon a [ __ ] its various change it will boys Oh JJ even a crapped up together in something without an audible as long as well this plus the Lambos I think we've gone clear got driven to a home illusion in three separate case I would you like to play me at Toy Story 4 top now Oh what of course right we didn't picture that so reverse if you don't refers to crash into this guy and he's in his car so that's pretty long he's got a Tesla oh yeah don't we all over sensation is definitely right now no it doesn't Tesla no okay all right can i which one would you like I did this one I'm gonna go with friendship 40 friendship 49 who you got mine's got duckie yeah no I've got green aliens they are friends yeah I don't know why that doesn't make sense that doesn't make sense whoa whoa another revelation what is Toby like to drink apple juice what is Harry like to drink not cool and what do I like to drink and rags this is no coincidence this is destiny does this move we have to polish the bottles each and then see what happens hello Josh I'm taking the 40 pounds to fill up this rig I love the rope he's so heavy-handed Yeah right Josh what we need to know is are we driving today because if not how about get [ __ ] smashed you arrange the video you're a living legend mate yeah I love that I'll see you in a bit we love you our just in this moment like to raise a toast to Ethan Payne it's a bazinga from all of the [ __ ] you Ethan's - we're sorry Ethan cheers again friendship 41:46 oh yes Opie all right here we go - come back do you think we should put some beep out no no no just regular unleaded regular and let it please octane that's not my car takes 99 octane I say I say this little car exactly so just normal yeah please okay three two one two we're going to Oxford let's go boy all right Simon let's play our game [Music] that's the boy right there but you know we had like Oh No it's like I've filled the car up and why we don't have to your pain we did it we did it big we're out the hole we're out you're a jammy piece of shite that's what you are your joke you're a joke we've been through the grinder here we have our Easy Hotel all of that get it down your lad double dabbing I'll go [Music] yeah I'm on the line up on the line I've had a few too many of the older book Red Bulls I need a wee well approaching the end of our journey how we said so we've gone through how we say forgotten English at this point with a normal point eight miles left boys close now four minutes it says on four minutes people looking us in there welcome to McArthur designer outer Swindon you know you can tell very strong because he's hanging on from like all different directions he's trying to stay stable look at it yeah we all walk up to a car park let's just see what happens we're gonna pull over on the left here in this one on this one yeah you know what is that there's a shark in at what is happening this is weird oh why is there a shark in there I don't know okay we have an excellent opening number four alright so next envelope envelope number four look around for a famous landmark just beware that it may be a shark we've already found it just mate no no that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good I don't want to take the mick but can you get us a little pick Oh God you've got time so record something funny [Music] alright alright cool the Tony Blair people behead him for a rock the size didn't live there you know what this is the hundred percent which is the Josh light he's played geoguessr and he's seen now they seen this in geoguessr he's gone Bobby jokes for a video we got polo John Lewis Oh John Lewis Oh John Lewis I need pop any part wants no no no plot plot no though hey [Applause] but yeah it's 980 boys you know we're going to train so just run around and then call me when you need me okay love you bye why we get entry says bro bro look at this we've got 10 minutes bro he's like a kid in a candy shop let's strip the shops out so we're going to Swindon from what I can see on my maps cuz I get a live preview whenever I put in the thing it says Swindon Designer Outlet so he's gonna tease us yeah we ain't yet designer we've already spent our money on petrol right this window I've set my mind on a watch I want to watch what buy cookies for the battle it'll be biased explain sir you're gonna you're gonna get a train sir Harry's gonna get a transfer Rick what you think your guests are oh that funny picture is very sick I'm trying not to carry too much I'll take something small these dudes look at these dudes this is getting another Lambo he's vistas as lumbers that remote control I could just get anyway there we got a drone - if you crashed one more but I've always wanted one of these helicopter Tings 70-pound oh I'm have to get one you know yeah oh my god I said I needed a smooth the next destination didn't matter I said I needed one what's wrong with you if we go quick then the window come in and it'll go we're so nice we got your present Josh you have my stuff today so we've got you I'll endure enjoyment josh has said all of you are in short so you haven't got to deal with Ethan's driving if you don't want to let's get my fun out of this now then why did we take so long getting here we could have done so much we barely spent anything all we have is toys no we went in the wrong entrance this sunglass is super dry there's night there's Ben Sherman I can't believe we've done this guys all we had to do was turn right IRA decided we need a name for the car yeah we need to Stacey sly the littles day [ __ ] [ __ ] he's deeply Joshi's dragged us reluctantly out of the shopping center all we got with toys I blame you for this I think the carpark is coming up on the left on the right on the left this is the car part of it please oh yeah thanks thanks for that you're all really nice people not for five hours one pound family like this [Laughter] [Music] geez okay okay you're in the line geez whipping excursion bringing out dirty dirty installed we store together we made it we made okay you know you have a great time he's having more than a great so we've been here for now like 15 20 minutes good Jesus Pete your [ __ ] like [ __ ] you doing Josh speakers you're pissing me off we're now over way too [ __ ] long tell mo my mom would tell us to chop chop we were going towards the service station he was like why so we hold up and now here I what's up it's made us to be there for like 20 like half an hour going like there's not even a real shock yeah someone questioned shelters their house chose told us to document the rest of this section of life Josh what surprise could you possibly have for us wait Josh says hold there for 5 mins in the car or get out and stretch legs yeah I mean I'm gonna reverse a bit more anyway because I'm actually like happy to be on your team right now thanks and you could you get a victory in [ __ ] pass the wheel pasta with a very safe driver yeah no he drives like he's doing his test every time I was there I was a safe glad I'm not like if our Hummer is gone I'm we very pissed Oh Josh josh Josh and what stupid name anyway Josh yeah where you parked I replied next to your mom got him I see Toby I see Vick I see re I don't know Toby seen it yeah you can hear him from here yellow car no returns who's in the yellow car mate you know what I like Stacy Stacy Stacy the inside is [ __ ] I've just seen the inside bend some gray goose just to clarify you know I have got we'll see this I got money money what'd you get you stand on our car we stand on yours to be fair to fair that was justified please tell me you had that oh my how much great goes to the AB is done we want our corn dented I know Berta camera I was lucky you got money in it I'd say this down against that wall less onions this wall this looks like a firing range all of a sudden I don't feel so good okay so bets lined up back back back back there I pulled even for my first one okay so yeah I don't make that song dinner this is the funniest part times are changing times are changing I would like you to vote for one person to leave your team and a reason why if you vote them off you know what I means they get the good team right and they don't mind me reason one person from my or team yes to leave yes and it can't be yourself so you have two options yeah I know where there's no ksi cuz my reason is he has been nothing he's not been the best person okay and I also think he'd probably pick me say okay smart okay you know what if I was being tactical denied shoes Toby says a Bic but Toby fell asleep during our road trip oh so I'm gonna say Toby has to leave because he did not back the boys okay that's fair so bad content not bad contra just you just you should have more weight for the filming all right JJ yeah JJ because firstly funny teeth and suffer secondly he's driven the hallway I don't trust you to drive it I'm actually like even thinner Fabian yeah I'm really weirdly proud of even for driving well yeah let's go Toby I have stressed that much worse ah I will say Harry for his assault on the car okay go join the others man we'll see how this goes I'm a person on you and say you asked your deciding vote Simon I don't want to leave it's fair reason yeah go join them just just purely based on the fact Toby got nice last time he's getting nice again I'm progressively gonna vote Toby off the island and awful Team Green Team dream all right so now you'll know what happened however the boats for you there's no draws anywhere so it's all good I know so as a young winner each team even you are not very big teams you are not leaving teams I swear to Harry my team so the person leaving yellow team to join the good team I I bet you Scooby over you voted for him too the person leaving green team to join yellow team the bad team Toby get your stuff out the car me yeah I knew it I knew from early my JJ welcome to the team always be Green Team [Laughter] obviously let them have it I've also got a bottle of Malibu my okay you're very welcoming Stacy I welcome to the good life come on in the lavish lifestyle drinks we got this man training you know that save Simon so we decided you know what [ __ ] it if they ain't gonna drive we're at least allowed a speaker so Ethan has bought this to do so essentially Josh the budgets gone Joe yeah how does it feel to be living the lavish lifestyle right now talks it up you know what it was great it was great to not be with Simon are you surprised that Ethan voted for you to escape number five let God be a poster yeah CF kaga seat now Lux CF berry oh my god married two hours Royals I called it we have two hours of driving and my yeah by the way I don't if you saw when they and I might have run in and out so what will be done obviously I'm still in the yellow team's house Stacy boys what were like facing everything I spy with my little eye something beginning with T tree yeah because that's all this [ __ ] around us nothing here alright so we are by a star no no with me we're at both Bristol we're heading for the coast so all I'm thinking we're going to the beach if Josh is sending us this far from London it may be good ice barrier yes because I'm gonna pass it literally they call Cardiff they put it they put it object so you see [Music] oh okay Cleveland oh this is looking like okay okay its own little mansion house parking hi Harry how you feeling now Runk so so I did some digging and I worked out why that's happened oh wait Harry had nothing to eat and hold on oh you know JJ we were saying Kobe's jammy bro Stanley impress the rest of the world this should be believed well yeah you've done this before this is new for us - hit the green all right let's get you got the Gray Goose and I'll get the head there Hendrix okay let's take this with us okay feelin Simon hi I'm Alicia I just want this to be over I assume one is like okay you're here now also do this and then this one is gonna be after that and big enough to go somewhere else it is but I can see that there's a lot of writing because all the way down to here that says somewhere so stop that definitely says poop oh also yeah okay you got your envelopes in you when we first started in London thing so basically I felt this [ __ ] icky as soon as I touch it you didn't have those in there did you did we had a bag yeah [Laughter] [Music] this is where we say this is what the hoping is all thank you thank you so much unbelievable geez you guys got pull-up by KS I put up keep up [Music] [Music] a superstorm well John this place is a joke ultra not arch Fox Ned this is shooting a pretty clean Ross oh mine it's mine oh you don't understand you understand the levels the absolute worst part right what there's enough bedrooms for all of the sides they come boys you know a fall so they can come here and they have a lovely time but you know what it's not who we are in Barry we are in Barry Barry stacy is in Barry's baby state he's definitely in barring we flipped it yeah four minutes away from where women to be four minutes away from opening letter number six letters yeah I can't see much around us Premier Inn there's a void on the road as well here's the dog we've seen a person followed us to produce in Swindon we didn't see a soul - there was nine I was one and they lie The Hills Have Eyes nothing that evils have eyes people Asda Asda civilization robot we can play football we did buy a football whoo and we can do climbing okay if this is [ __ ] we're going back that's a that's a roller coaster boy in Welsh it's mad I found that so funny and now I look at it I think I think I've grown up Oh how are we going is this a place from Gavin is Lacey oh my god wait I reckon is you're not I reckon he'll say no I think it is wait we're here we're here we're here we're here all right so we've made it to Barry I I've got a sneaky suspicion that I recognized it from Gavin and Stacey and it's absolutely hilarious because if we decided to go after Stacey how'd you make this [ __ ] up Gavin and Stacey [Music] copper bath tub you know very very rare [Music] Josh Josh I said you've outdone yourself alia you've outdone done yourself wait until you see attitude that they're not happy with me still actually pretty pissed I Punjab it just goes insane Gavin and Stacey was filmed here now heads of this place wait wait what they don't know where they're going no yeah let's do go away what are you sure no no no you know you're happy where they going like south of wells your kid we thought this was spot we were like this is like three hours from London this is far far do you realize like you may like your life may be a threat from the other members of the sighs men so in the heat life is not good we appreciate this we make even more stuff even more so we are Thomas to be the worst face surely he was so close are you staying here show you off to Wales wait damn it was dating Stacey right yeah so if we're all in Stacey we're all gathered Gavin out here Gavin gang Gavin gang this is our car and we're all in Stacey here we are so we've got in Stacy I'll get it now so go ahead Cup hey sorry pee hey are you lifting your own body weight that's incredible you're the best say it you're the best over the head there's even a stripper pole oh my god let's let's go No have you ever been to a house is too big to play hide-and-seek there's a phone it's a shower cabin it's a shower office I know like you picked us for the good team but yeah is this what you guys do on these challenge now Oh house whack if you're bad you hear it was over though well then I was watching on the screen for a smoker's of people this is the most sandwiches I've ever seen [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys came into such that wasn't too touches even run we love that from you because it [ __ ] you Josh I bought that I'm even that is our form of entertainment everything look at the boys I see you I do see you people in tracksuits Clevedon hall look at this there's a bridge there's a lake there's a bench Harry's gone for the swing look at him go he's gonna stack honorary green team member we going to open it by him he's not moving like he's having way too much fun and then you can see this kid back he wasn't meant for this planet I don't know how he functions I don't say said classy people swing chill here is your place yeah yeah yeah the other team have arrived at Barry Island yes more yes sorry what'd you say we said what's your language we were yelling [ __ ] George very now I didn't however we've won two tickets home and there's a little kids outside I think we can give them to him this actually plays we give in better than apology for screaming [ __ ] Josh oh my god hi feeling good so race yeah I like the speed this one this is yes JJ let's go let's go let's go come on no this way it's good to push yourself outside your comfort no comfort zone of the seat discomfort we could have the do it one-handed yeah well that's just great thinner keep saying you're clearly doing great it's not me easy now how the tables have turned when you're too heavy for the Segway look at that that's home so I'm built that and they're like yeah that'll be my house yeah thank you yes because a great box at the start saying I'm doing fine you're doing fine how is he still there JJ I think josh is chasing him why not live a little get him get involved in nature yeah we're letting him lead the way lead by example [Music] I've never heard you say that you can't give up you've come this far JJ speeding away I come out my face do you wanna come you couldn't I thought he was putting on at the start oh no no he definitely has no idea what he's thinking can't do it alright we've had our fun 10b we've all sweated out a little bit but I'm certain so how far is it I'm forty two hour and 42 minutes of driving again I'm twenty minutes without going anywhere okay they're in nine I'm gonna be 9 p.m. and then we need to eat I might just sleep and wake up at like 6:00 a.m. so I can leave yeah she's cold now a parkour mousse oh yeah oh he's down oh yeah yay Bates Bates time to get away that's mad so the other team oh my goodness they're over there oh boy this guy is a psychopathic amount oh you're a rough day bro he does some bad stuff Toby Toby Toby we're 18 minutes away I mean we're pretty confident we're gonna be campy in Wales toward early to me cheeky stars where I believe Simon has said something in the chat and said I assume you're camping with us this is mad yes let's go all right so we are five minutes out just said to open it five minutes roughly away this is our final one there this is this is everything apparently now I'm hoping there's a twist please please say something positive on this earth are you ready I know you're probably tired but we're not done yet because of all your troubles I put to a private jet no is it a cuz I saw there's no Airport in char there's no Airport Ethan wherever you are out in the dark just know that we're going down there we're going down there boys oh here we go oh my god I thought honestly this boy any around here but please either Hey so my steak is all kind of nicely sliced up hairy Zola is all sliced up he's diggin in Josh's you know cutting his on his plate and you know porting it over nicely the whole thing private jet with a pac-man eating it is here right okay can you see that smoke oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my thought we almost died wait yo it's a spaceship is it Russia head road yeah let's go look for a ship right it's not down there well I assumed we parked here okay okay this is we can do with this okay first up spaceship damn look at this okay up the stairs Oh yo yo damn hey blaze I I'm happy I won the basketball earlier in there I'm just saying I'm happy because I'm gonna test the bet okay okay okay Jamie said can't finish the steak do you want to swim over and help me out lads [Laughter] we good so hairy steak is mostly gone but then again so is here are you good you had a long day yes do you feel like you caught up on food too badly too quickly take a nap on the fall all right you want to go jet next okay to learn this is this is the this was the joke this is what he's talking about he was like look to your private jet I mean it is sick it is very sick and inside nice okay head in head in halo in here okay you I my sink why was this plane it could have been this is me this one cuz I'm a little bit too tall yeah oh my god it's our file oh this is not this is this one is this one is a bit more me this is a bit more cozy you can't really hear the outside and stuff this one's a bit of me alright so you on the pattern I want this one oh you have to poop it next I'm feeling kind of joy feeling kind of j-pin a bit fly I like I'll go in the UFO because [ __ ] I'm so fly I'm in space it's the big way plane oh this needs to be first-class they need to make a plane with this as first of all no this one's this one's this is my favorite we could cook in here some pans up there yeah I bears the demands and lasted you do you say we look got a sausage in a bun you know one hot dog ting yeah deep through it oh yeah yeah I've been given permission set boys running around by side you are about starting a fire oh yeah yeah you hit up yeah yeah you hear the music you hit the music bro someone DJ this one DJ Dan here bro [Music] [Music] [Music] so I assume this is marking the end of the road trip for me because I am trying to get in my little space your bed over there but yeah I've been left on the bad team again team not sure how I feel about it I'm coming home with a quite a wound I suppose we're all going to bed I think has had a long last day it hasn't been that bad it really hasn't it's like Ethan was actually decent at driving after I thought he was gonna kill me it's just it's just a lot driving really if I'm honest but we've made it here this place is actually kind of sick it's like very sick [Applause] [Music] it could have been a lot worse I'm not gonna buy the full of Harry and Vic having that good day after betraying me like that that's probably the worst bit but now I really really really really really really loved this you know as you preferred us so Thank You Harry and Vic I can't say I prefer this could happen experiencing everything but sleeping in a jet like this very very cool and it's been an absolute pleasure and I'll see you guys soon hey that isn't a Josh and decide when to bankrupt thank you I know you're exhausted
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 26,400,411
Rating: 4.9712391 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, sidemen holiday, sidemen $10000, sidemen $10000 vs $100, sidemen road trip, sidemen challenge
Id: zi6BQRG5xH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 50sec (5210 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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