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(Tobi retches) - Oh I smelt it! - There's a bunch of Viks. Yo, follow me. - Oh my God! (laughs) - The Eye. - Oh my God. - He's back. - Wroof, wroof! - Tick it off, tick it off, tick it off. (Ethan and Harry laughing) - Hello and welcome to Sidemen Real Life Bingo. (Sidemen cheer) So, I've got 16 different things that you guys have got to go and see, find around London. The rule is, you can't just see it from afar, you've gotta be within the vicinity of it. - Right. - Okay. - What's the vicinity? Is it like a- - 20 metre radius? As long as it's visible on the camera. - Okay. - The first thing you gotta see is two super cars parked next to each other. - Ooh. - That won't be hard. - I hope I've got a big brain teammate, I really do. - The next is a statue of an animal. - Oh. - Okay, yeah. - All right, the third, pretty easy, the London Eye. - You gotta see London Eye? - What about it? - Just, you've just got to go to the London Eye. - Whoever gets this done first, do they get a prize? - Yeah, there is a prize, there is a- - [Sidemen] Oh! - No no, it's not whoever does it first, 'cause I think it's impossible. But if you get the, whoever gets the most. Number four, a Christmas tree. - Oh. - Nice. - And it's gotta be a decent sized one, if you find like a little tiddler. Number five is a decent busker, it can't be a stinker. - Right. - Yeah. - Number six, a shark. (Sidemen laughing) - I literally guessed it. - Number seven, someone who looks like Vikkstar. (all laughing) - Oh no. - I'm saying, at least one centimetre eyebrows okay, if they've got less than that- - That's a hard thing to find. - Number eight, a dog poo. (Sidemen laughing) - What, like real? - Like a real dog poo on the floor. If you wanna fish one out of the bin, be my guest. (Sidemen laughing) - I'm just throwing it out there. - An item of Sidemen Clothing. So, it can't be one of you wearing it. You gotta find, if you see someone wearing it. Number 10 is someone or something that's on fire. (Josh coughs) Could be anything. - [JJ] Wait what? - Anything that's on fire. - Okay, okay. - Next one, a red telephone box. - Oh, all right. - Right. - Someone in a suit riding a scooter. One of those bird scooters, you know like the- - It has to be electric scooter? - And they've gotta be wearing a suit. - [Ethan] Right. - You gotta find a crime scene. (Sidemen laughing) - Basically, we've gotta go to the ends. - Wait, so someone has to be dead? - No, no, no, no. (Sidemen laughing) - [Ethan] How about a drug deal? - An incident, you have to find an incident. A Santa Claus. - Right. - Might be a bit early for that, but we'll try. - [Ethan] I think so. - You gotta find a smashed window. - Can we cause the smashing? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll let you have that. - Wait, no, we, you don't smash windows! Everyone watching, don't smash windows. - And then last but not least, you have to find a Spanish person. - Wait, wait, wait, so like how do we know they're Spanish? (Sidemen laughing) - Well they have to be Spanish, you have to have proof they're Spanish. Should we give you three hours? Back at four? - That sounds fair. - I think three hours. - Three hours is fair. - [Ethan] Yeah, three hours is fine. - We have to be back here by what? - Four. - [JJ] By 4:00 pm. - If me and Harry had to go, - We'll add 15 minutes. - We'll add 15 minutes. - It's 7:00 PM. - We'll add 15 minutes. - We'll add 15 minutes. - The teams are pretty simple. 'Cause it's Thursday, we got a little throwback Thursday. So we've got- - Red team, red team. - The old school boys, we have Tobi and Josh. - Okay. - Oh. - Wait, no, he wanted green. - [Ethan] They probably won. - We got the return of a bit of the red team, you two. - Oh okay. - Oh no. - The blue team. (Ethan and Vik cheering) - I reckon we're underdogs, you know. - Do you know what though? I don't wanna be with Josh. - What the? - I don't know, actually I do. (Sidemen laughing) - Let's go, boys! - All right, let's get to it, let's get to it. - All right, team blue, Harry's wearing blue, that's a good sign. We're gonna start off with the Christmas tree. This is a little Google office complex. - We gonna try and hunt one down. - If they don't have a Christmas tree, they're sad. We're moving with pace, we're getting this done, let's go. - Hey puffy jacket season. - Lets go! - Aye! Look, I see Christmas lights in here. - [Vik] Does that count as a Christmas tree? - [Ethan] I found one lads, lads, I found one. - London Eye? - Yes. - Is there another London Eye in London? Can we get like a touristy London Eye, that is a London Eye. He didn't say the real London Eye. There's only one shark in London realistically. - Which is right next to the London Eye. - In the Aquarium. - Yes. - Christmas tree? - John Lewis. - Selfridges, Liberty. - Any of them big places. - Any of them big designer stores. Busker? - Can I busk? - No, a good busker. - What you mean? (laughs) - One down, one down. - Yeah, we'll count that. - That's a big one, lad, look. Just look there, come here Jay, look, come here. Point down. That's got some legs on it, lad. - Tick it off, tick it off. - You got the pen, you got the pen? - I've got the pen. - Mate, one down in what, 20 seconds? - There you go, lad. - Thank you mate. - Okay yeah, we definitely need to go West to get the super cars. - Oh, I think you can't draw on it. - I have no knowledge of London and I don't think JJ does either. - No, no, no, I kinda do. - Okay, what are you confident about? 'Cause right now, I'm confident about the London Eye and the shark. - The dog poo. (Simon laughs) - Yeah. - The dog poo. - I'll find dog poo. (Simon chuckles) Or we can make dog poo. (Simon laughs) - Should we scratch it with keys? - I've got a list on my phone. So I'll just tick it off off on there. - All right, come on guys, we don't have time, we don't have time. - No, no what we doing? - Sidemen Clothing, that's gonna be completely luck. - No, I know where the Sidemen fans are at. - Where? - Everywhere. We global baby, we global, we global. - See whoever turns around. (Simon chuckles) (JJ speaks Spanish) - One person's just, "Si." (JJ speaks Spanish) (chuckles) - Do you wanna do super cars? - Fastest way to get West? Tube, lad, probably. Near Harrods, there you have a couple of hotels that they'd be parked out the front of and just anywhere West. - Where's Harrods, where's Harrods? - Two stops West, let's go. - Ariba! - [Ethan] Oh, brother. This leg day I did is not suiting me well. - [Harry] And also guys, you've got to be on the lookout 'cause things, like-- - [Ethan] The little men on the bikes. - [Harry] Something on fire. - [Ethan] Which tube we getting on, lad? - I actually don't know. - We're going Central line. - [Harry] Ooh, buskers as well. - Someone on fire or something on fire. Candle, fam. Smashed glass, just anywhere in the ends. - Imagine, could you imagine? - Just make a crime scene ourself. Then Spanish people, so that's anywhere here 'cause tourists. (Tobi speaks Spanish) Easy. I'm the only one not in a coat, so we're running. Come on Kon. - [Tobi] Wait, why are we running? Why are you running? - We have three hours. - We need this. I think we'll find smashed glass very quickly. - 'Cause all you need to do is light one and then you just keep the spray going. - We're definitely not discussing how to light fires, I don't know what you're talking about. (all laughing) - The dog poo just arrived in flames. - We've circled a few things that we can get in West London. We can get super cars, always knocking around. There's actually a few super car dealerships. - Yes. - We're kind of cheating. - No, no, no, we'll count that and listen, if they're in a dealership and they're parked next to each other, is the car parked next to its other car? - Yes. - Yes it is. - Fair enough. - It's smart thinking. We're thinking outside the box here, even though you made the game. - I feel like we're meant to have more urgency (chuckles) - Nah, we got time. - We found one. - Yeah. - [Simon] That's the London Eye. - We just need to get close to it. (Simon and JJ laughing) - Yeah and then the Aquarium is literally next to it. - Yeah, yeah true. - Bang. Two done, we're halfway there. - Wait, we gotta actually spend money to get in there, don't we? - Josh has the Sidemen card (laughs) That little snake. - God damn it man. - Josh is a little snake. - This is some bullshit. (upbeat music) (Tobi and Josh speak Spanish) - [Tobi] Was I supposed- - It's Vik. - Go on, go on, go on, go on, I dare you. Nah, he's gone, he's gone, come, come, come. - Come on Tobi, I can't do this one. - [Tobi] What, he's gone. - Come on. - Come. - No, you're not Vik. - I'm confused. - Ah, are you Spanish? - No. - [Toby] Any of you Spanish? - Can you speak Spanish? - I got a C in Spanish. - No, that don't count. - Still don't know how easy it is to locate a crime scene. We're not detectives. - I see a lot, a lot of incidents around London, we're fine. - Do you know what though? I really want to go to the aquarium, lads, I do wanna see the shark. That's what I think, - Yeah, we'll go, we'll go, - We should go see the shark. - After this, we'll go there. - I know exactly, it's in the big circle one in the middle. - So, we can just fuck off through it, we'll just say oh, yeah, lovely and fuck off. - Yeah, yeah- - Literally, walk out straight through, straight through to the centre tank. (train roaring drowning out chatter) - I reckon we'll get a good one, we'll get a good one. - Excuse me, is anybody on the tube Spanish at all? Any Spaniards? Well, fuck. - It's like when you go and you ask for like a doctor on a plane. But you're asking for, what's a Spanish person gonna do for you? - My thought was the tube is a very bilingual and multicultural place, so you never know, you can just spot, hello any Spaniards? - You might even find a Vikkstar on the tube, you never know. - Mate, I'll do that. (Tobi and Josh speaking Spanish) - Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree. Get a picture. - Christmas tree. - Wait, wait, wait, post that, post that. - Oh shit, Christmas tree, neat. - See that, uno. - JJ, we have a fire. - Oh yeah, oh snap. - That's a fire, that, we're ticking that off. - Now we're just- Bang. - Yeah, this counts. This definitely counts, it's hot. Thank you man. You don't know how much you've done for us. - You're not by any chance Spanish, are you? - No. - Okay, don't worry. - You need some Spanish? - Oh, yeah, bring. - You want a Spanish person? - Yeah, we want a Spanish person. - I mean, yeah. - Yeah no problem. - Oh my gosh, two in one. Let's go guys. - Are you for real? - What are the chances of finding a Spanish person in a salsa restaurant? - Like, slim. - Bro, we might as well go in. Come on, come on. Yes, can I ask you a question? - Ask me any question. - Are you Spanish? - No. - No? Is anyone in here Spanish? Anyone that works here? - Yeah, but I'm the only one working here. - [Josh] Aw. - Okay, let's not bother you. - You can come later. - You thought we were playing before, back to back, - Oh geez, - Big boy Christmas trees. - Yeah, love that, love that. - That's a W. Oh, and we're there? - Yeah. We're getting held up none stop. Train's taken long to come, road's taking long to cross. It's not ideal. - 'Cause I'm thinking, even if we have to shit house it, the Harrods carpark is full of beasts. - [Harry] Ooh, the Harrods carpark's a shout, you know. - Do we see any men on scooters? Always keep an eye for the men on scooters. - True, true. - Catching them on camera as well is quite hard 'cause they're quite nippy those things. - It's very hard. They're speedy little bastards. - I was kidding (laughs) - Yeah, yeah, it's just like, just some Spanish people here. - I was like, you're not Spanish, are you? You want a Spanish person? - Fucking hell. - Just goes into his like back store of people. - Yeah. (JJ and Simon laugh) - He just goes ola? One person goes ola. You - You, come. - He's actually just called the police on us. (JJ and Simon laughing) - Oh. - What? - Oh. - What? - Are those statue of animals, what are those? - Yeah, they are. (all chattering) - It's a bit of a dodgy one. - We got the horses in the back, you know, I'll take it, I'll take it. - I tell you what, I have three horses, three bingo men. - Three Sidemen. - Tick it off lads. - Ticking, gang shit. - Woo! - Yo, we're money for scratching this off. There we go. - Thank you. - Espanol? - Any Spaniards in the vicinity. - We've come up short, there's supposed to be super cars here, there's not. - That's the Ecuadorian embassy. - There might be me, mate. - Why didn't you put the Ecuadorian Embassy on the thing? - Josh, what you're thinking? - Go to Trafalgar Square again, that's ticked off, and there'll be tourists there anyway. - Yeah. What's the quickest way to Trafalgar Square? I wanna find a better Christmas tree than the one we just found. But I say we get a basic one just in case. - Can I have a car crash real quick, come on. - That's outrageous from you. - Not like an actual one that's gonna hurt someone, a little light fender bender. - It's too cold outside. Someone who looks like Vik, that's outrageous. Why did we give Harry this? That's exactly why we gave Harry this actually, nevermind. - [Josh] Exactly. - They're not gonna say this is acceptable for a fire. - Nah, I don't care bro, it's a fire. - They said something has to be on fire. - It's on fire. - What is? - The air. - (laughs) I think he's just asked, I don't think he knows anyone. - There's no one's Spanish. All right, we're wasting time, this is time wasted. - Yeah but he has been very accommodating, he was trying. - Yes, no? - I don't know. - Behz is having a scout. Harry, let's go and ask, let's go and ask if they got Santa. - I don't think many people are gonna find a Santa, you know I think we're gonna find a Santa. - Let's move it. - Yeah. - Well, we hope he's there, he might not be there yet, but we're hoping. - Nah, he's gonna be there. - [Harry] Wait, Santa's on appointment only. - Oh, fuck. - No. - [Vik] See what we can do. - [Ethan] Hey, how do we book to see Santa Claus please? - [Employee] Unfortunately, it was sold out in August. - [Ethan] Oh, sold out in August? - [Employee] Yeah but-- - [Ethan] Is there any way we can get peek of him? Just a peek. We literally just need a peek of a Santa. You've broken a couple of hearts here now. We need to literally just see a Santa Claus. Fuck, lads. - I think that (laughs) - He does look kind of Spanish. - I think he's actually bringing- - Oh wow, oh wow, let's go, aye. - Are you Spanish? - You want a Spanish talker. - Oh, yeah! - Are you Spanish? (speaks Spanish) - Oh, wait, no, no, no, say more words, say more words. - Say again? - Say more words. (speaks Spanish) (JJ and Simon cheering) - Si! - Spanish, done. - You looking for a Spanish- - Yeah. - Yeah. - Happy to help you guys. - Thank you very much. (speaks Spanish) (JJ speaks Spanish) (JJ and Simon laughs) - All right, now we need to go there, London Eye. - All right, calm. - We just went to Santa's Grotto and they said we couldn't go in. - Yeah, as you guys heard, Ethan got shut down. Ethan really tried. - I really fucking tried to buy, even just a sneak peek of Santa but we can't. - No, he's got hefty security, beefy security Santa does but they did say Selfridges, which is next door. We've got to give it a shot, we're here. - [Harry] I'm fuming, you know. - [Tobi] Josh, red phone box right there. Come on, Kon. - Red phone box. - [Tobi] Look both ways before crossing. - Smashed, smashed. - Josh, smashed glass. - That counts, right? - [Tobi] Ah, it stinks of piss, mate. - It's here though, look. - It stinks of piss. Wicked. - That's two right there, you see this. - Bop, bop. - There's definitely better ones, but that's smashed glass right there. That is three. Three out of 16. - About 800 metres away that way is a McLaren dealership. Then from the McLaren dealership, we can spot a few cars, walk through Hyde Park-- - Look for dog poo. - What is our life? Then we're gonna walk up to Selfridges 'cause that's another place he may be. - He's all over the place, isn't he? - Yeah. - God damn! - All right, let's go. - I'm still kicking myself, lads. - Ola, ola, ola. - Good busker. - Yes, that's a good busker. Oh, we're out here. We're just out here, it's excitement. - [Tobi] We need this man, why did you throw that? - I don't know. - [Ethan] Yes now. - It's done. - Yeah. - Look, that one's parked, that one's parked. - That one's definitely parked next to each other. - The list said two super cars, how about five? - What did you say, rule maker? In the vicinity, we're in the vicinity. All right, give us that fucking thing. Bada bing, bada boom, we are now three scratch cards down. All right, we're making progress. - Steady progress. - Ah, telephone box, it's got, that one there, one there, one there, one there. - Yes, we're knocking them out the park. - Are there any kids? Any of the kids that look like Vik. (JJ and Simon laugh) Yo, decent busker. - [JJ] Oh, that counts. - Wait, yeah, decent busker. - [JJ] What, with music? - Yeah, it just said decent busker, right? - I mean, yeah, all right. - And they have to be decent, they have to be decent. - All right, let's see how decent they are. (indistinct speech) - Come on, I need a telephone box. - Hey, excuse me, are you guys from Spain? - No. - No, okay. - [Ethan] Nearly, lad. - Ah, Italian, I think Italian. - Oh, mate. - Italian, I felt like a spy, I was like, eavesdropping. - Should we risk and die here, should we just go? - Yeah. - Telephone boxes. - I mean, that's pretty good. - Wait, this guy, this guy, he's got it. - [JJ] All right, there we go, all right. All right, he's just getting warmed up. - [Announcer] Wow. - [Simon] I mean, the kids are cheering, that counts. - [JJ] Yeah, yeah. - The kids cheered, I think this counts. That's kind of dope. (traditional African music) - That's sick. - [Simon] Yeah, that counts, that counts. - Yeah, there we go, we got it - Aight, cool. - Easy, easy dubs. - London Eye, London Eye. London Eye is literally right here. Bang that off, bang that off, we're at five already. - Go on. (laughs) - No. - Come on, you got this line, yeet. - Guys, I'm shy. - No you're not, you're not shy, you're not shy. - [Michael] But today, you're not Tobi. - Yeah, content. - Today Michael, I'm gonna be-- - CD, 10 pound, you get a CD as well mate. - CD for a tenner? - [Josh] A buster, do you bust. - Sorry, sorry, sorry. This is the guy from last time. How are you doing? Are you good? - Yeah. - Good to see you again, man. Are you gonna perform again now? - Yeah. - All right, I'm gonna put this in, I want the performance of a lifetime from you. - [Harry] Wait. - Yeah. - Aw, it counts mate, it's a red telephone telephone box. - Does it count? It's a bit of fraud. - Yeah. - It's a red telephone box. - Yeah, we'll take it, go on, let him know. - Hello? 0-1-7, just fucking scratched another one off. - What's your favourite song, a song that you're really like passionate about? - [Michael] Something copyright free. - You could do something original, you got anything original? - Yeah, but it's quite slow. - I don't mind, I'll hear it, I'll hear it. ♪ Feels like you've have been there before ♪ - We have been there before, I've met him before. - I haven't. ♪ All justice gone ♪ - Original piece of work. Talent. - Not just any busker, - Talent. - Not any busker out here. - Talent. ♪ You know it's true ♪ - Thank you. - Thank you. - We are what you call killing the game. Killing it. - We found- - Is it shit? - We found loads of shit. - We found shit. We found shit. - It could be dog shit. (indistinct chatter) - That's a big dog, that's a big dog. - Oh, no. - Lads, we found a bit of shit. I'm in Hyde Park looking for shit. I cannot believe, simply cannot believe what is happening. - What's it come to. All right, leep your eyes peeled though. - Remember, if it's been out here for a while, it'll look a bit white as well. - You know your stuff mate, you know your stuff. - This street, right? - Christmas in Leicester Square. - Now are we are talking? - Yes. - You see this? Height. - Girth. - What. - Whoa. - Big balls as well, big balls. Right, surely there's a Santa here. - There's gotta be a Santa in here. Santa's Grotto. Josh, you gotta sit on Santa's lap, for the content. Josh, you have to for the content. - Done. All right, aquarium is right there. I feel very calm right now. - I mean, we've got a lot of time. - I feel like we smashed it. Like, this is where I'd normally say, oh, JJ will probably be asleep by now. - Oh, fuck off. (Simon laughs) - Ah, ah, look here, dog shit. (boys cheering) Dog shit! (boys cheering) Dog shit, dog shit. - Nice, what a spot, what a spot. (indistinct chatter) - Do you reckon anyone's got a lighter? - We need to find, yeah, see anyone who's got a lighter. We can always, let's just- - I'm waiting. He's smoking. - [Ethan] Does anyone got cash? - [Vik] I've got cash. - [Ethan] Go and ask him if we can buy his lighter. - [Vik]] All right. - [Harry] Vik's trying to go and buy a lighter for a fiver. Go on son. - Go on boy. - [Ethan] Please, lad, please, please sell the lighter to us, lad. - [Vik] Hey excuse me, we're in need of a lighter. Do you think we could, do you have one? - [Man Smoking] Yeah. - [Vik] Could we buy it by any chance? - [Ethan] Please, buy the lighter, please. - Yeah, yeah. - I need it. - You need it? 20 pounds, 20 pounds. - Otherwise I can't smoke. - No? - JJ thinks that he just saw someone that looked like Vik. It's too late now. - What is it- - Does that count as a statue of an animal? - What animal is it? - There's a fish on it. - Is that a fish? - Am I being dumb or is this him? - Nah, nah, that ain't- - What'd you mean, that's a fish, right? - Nah. - No? - Nah. - That's a-- - That don't count. All right, we found the Christmas tree. I mean, it's pretty much as tall as me and I'm like six foot. So, let's-- - 5;11'' - Nah, shut up. - It's closed. - Is it closed? It's locked. - Where the elves at bro? (Tobi speaks Spanish) - Okay, so we got to get London Eye and animal dung, that's easy, right. Shark, we have to go to the aquarium. We can buy tickets, get in the aquarium and just run through it. - Let's keep an eye out for scooter dudes as well. - Fire, candles, any shop that sells candles. Sidemen Clothing is gonna be completely potluck. - Yeah. - Have you got a spare (indistinct chatter) Amazing. - All right, all right. - You sure, no, no, you sure? - We're setting the shit on fire. - Yes. - We can set a shit on fire. Our shit is ready to ignite, lads. Yes, now! (laughs) Let's fucking go, oh wait, you got the-- - Bro, he didn't even wanna, free, free. - What a boy, I rate that, I rate that. (ambulance siren blares) - Incident surely, not a crime scene. - He's not gonna count that, they're not gonna let us have that. - But why don't we follow it. - You wanna run around behind the ambulance? - There was two police cars going that way a second ago. - Yeah, but their lights weren't on. - But they're the undercover, like sneakily go in. - No, come, let's get the lion. (upbeat music) - Nah, nah, the lighter's gotta be upright, the lighter's gotta be like this. Oh my God! (boys laughing) (indistinct chatter) - That was fire, that was fire. We found the fire. (all laughing) We found the fire. - Oh my God. Bro, my life flashed before me. (all laughing) - It's fire. (all laughing) - All right, let's go 'cause we're gonna get arrested. - I'm ticking it off, I'm ticking it off. (all laughing) - Yeah, this is decent. - This counts. (Simon and JJ laugh) - Oi, this is easy. - This is really easy. - Now, we have to try and find a real life shark. - Yeah, there's an aquarium right there. - But a shark. - Yeah. - We need to flame this. (all laughing) - Oh my God. - I'm putting it in the bin, it needs to go, crime scene, crime scene? (laughs) It's a crime scene. - Put it in the bin. Do we give up on Santa Claus or what do we think? I feel like it could be the key though, I don't know. - Santa Claus will bang it. Well, how close is Selfridges? - It's a 10 minute walk. - I think Hamleys is a better shout than Selfridges. - Hamleys is also a 20 minute walk. - I don't know where he's going. He's gonna get us though, he's gonna get us. Hello mate, can we go to Hamleys please? - [Driver] Hamleys? - [Ethan] Yeah, thank you. (upbeat music) - The lion. You see this, it's the lion. - How'd you want to post it? Do you want to get up there? Bro, I don't feel that athletic. This feels, I'm wearing white as well, this feels hella dirty. Oh my God. I gotta hop to this. Post up. - Squat, squat, squat. Post up. - Tick off the lion. - Bye-bye. We out here. This will go down in history, by the way. (all laughing) This will go down in history when the Sidemen set shit on fire in Hyde Park. (laughs) - To be fair, the aquarium and seeing the sharks is pretty much the icing on my cake 'cause I love sharks. I used to draw sharks and write up fact files about them. - Yeah, no, we don't have tickets. - No, we just want to buy tickets now. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. (JJ and Simon laughs) - Nice to meet you, man. - Yeah, likewise man. (laughs) - Tickets. - [Camera Man] There you go mate. - Just to let you know, make sure there's no flash photography. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Fish can't blink. - All right, shark time. - You gotta focus on getting a Vik. - All right, we'll get a Vik. - 'Cause that's an easy one to do, we'd just gotta get it. Counts, right? That count? - It's lit. - It says fire. - Come on, come on, come on, Josh, kill it, we're wasting time. - Okay. You gotta find dog poo, gotta found Vik. - We haven't found dog poo? There's always dog poo by these trees. - Do you know why they are hammerheads? What's the point in the hammerhead? - Yeah, so they can, - Bare around them. - That's the thing, they can see, pretty much - Like 360 cam. - Yes, they can pretty much see- - Ersel vision. - They've got Ersel vision lad. - Mako sharks are good, yeah. - They're rapid. - I just love, mate, Great Whites are undefeated, lad, they just are. - Black telephone box, this is what I'm talking about. - Come on, my brother, come on, yeah. Kon, odds on you just taking a shit by the tree and we pretend that's dog poo. - Kon, for the content bro, come on. - We don't have time for this. Where are we going to find a Santa Claus? - Just some homeless dude, with like white and fucking beard and shit. - Stop. (JJ laughing) - Yo, just find a paedophile that's screaming kids. - And then call the police on him and that's a crime scene. - Oh, sick. - All right Hamleys, on the quest for a Santa. - Yes now. Look at this. - Looking for a Santa? - Yes, I think so. - Yes, yes. - [Worker] Not till 24. But we do have the elf men like me. - Can we get someone in a Santa costume? - [Worker] Probably not, sorry. - There's no way. - [Worker] We got a big LEGO Santa. (indistinct speech) - We'll take it, we'll take it. - [Ethan] That runs. - Are you Spanish? - Why you not wearing Sidemen Clothing? - I'm not, she's wearing ZRK under the troller. No! - Yeah, I know, I know. - Does that count? We can film that though, surely, like till halfway there. - It's halfway there. - Aw. - Okay, so we haven't found Sidemen merch, but we found TGF merch. - [Tobi] Big up TGF. - Does this count? Doesn't count, does it? But you said you're wearing ZRK underneath. - ZRK underneath. - Can you prove it real quick? - Oh. - Oh, the Rubik's cube. - Don't have to take it fully off 'cause it's freezing. - Just a quick flex, there we go, no snakes, just ladders. - That counts, ish, right? - No, we need Sidemen, come on, we need Sidemen. - Aw, we need find someone with Sidemen Clothing, but it's hard, we're playing bingo. - The one day I'm not wearing it. - How far away do you live? - Close enough, - 10 minutes. - Hop on a train? - Nah, don't worry about it. - Nah, nah. Take care, have a lovely day. - Lovely to meet you. Take care. - Bye. (Tobi groans) - So close, we're so close. - Oh yeah. - Exclusives. Oh yeah, if you see other Sidemen, I don't know if you know the other Sidemen members- - Or anyone else with a camera. - Yeah, yeah, tries to get in to film here, just be like, no, you're not allowed. (JJ and Simon laugh) Oh my God. Yo. - [Worker] We've got a number of sharks here. The big ones are Sand Tiger sharks. - [JJ] If you fell in, would it eat you? - [Worker] No. - Oh, okay. - Nah, you're all good. - [JJ] Oh, we're, (laughs) I'm just checking. - It's difficult, you know. - [Vik] Hop out here. - We've got Schindler's list, it's Schindler's lift. (all laughing) - There he is! - There he is, the boy. (indistinct chatter) The boy! (all laughing) - [Ethan] Yes now. - You know what, that counts. - It counts, it counts. - Surely that counts. - That's tonnes of it. - [Worker] Do you want a picture with it? - Yes we do, yes please. - Yes, yes we do. - Let's get a thumbnail face now. - Okay, cool. - Lovely, perfect, we got a Santa. - [Worker] All right, have fun guys. - Thank you very much. - Thank you. - All right, let's go down there. - Let's go, let's get out. - Look at this one. - That freaks me out. - Yo! Mad. Bro. - That freaks me out, man. Feed? - Feed? - Uh-uh, that's you innit. - Oh, mate. - Have that Santa. - Have that noncy Santa, mate. - Exactly, we didn't get a creepy one, mate, we got a LEGO one. One more and we're halfway through. We can get the Bakerloo line to Waterloo. - Yeah, let's do that. - So, we need to walk to Oxford Circus. - That's at the top, that way. - Yeah? - Yeah, sure. - Ola. - Ola. Nope, all right. (Tobi and Josh speak Spanish) - The more I keep saying ola, it keeps sounding weirder and weirder. - You gotta do this. - It actually wasn't, it actually wasn't. - Doesn't matter- - I'm not gonna be straight up racist here. I'm not just gonna call any brown person Vik just 'cause I'm black, oh, he'll get away of it 'cause he's black, no, I'm looking for the thick eyebrows, yeah. - She's on the phone, - Yeah it's fine, we'll wait. - I can't interrupt a phone call, but we've got someone talking Spanish on the phone right behind me. - Are you definitely sure? - Yeah. - You could be doing an Italian hearing again. - Not again. I hope this isn't a long phone call. Are you guys Spanish? - I'm Spanish, she's Italian. - Really? Where are you from in Spain? - Madrid. - Oh, that's awesome, well, lovely to meet you, have a good day. - [Simon] We're now feeding the shark. - Oh my God. What the hell. - [Simon] Do we just literally kind of drop it? Oh, there it is! - Oh, they're coming. - [Simon] Look, did you see this? - Yeah bro. - What's that? See that? An eye. Not that eye, London Eye. - Six down baby. - I need to tick this off. You do it, you tick one off, you haven't ticked one off yet. Give me the pen then. - I'll give you the honour. - Ah, that's crazy. - It's like whoa. (laughs) - That's actually crazy. - They scream at me (indistinct) We can't film them 'cause they're so young. (kids screaming in background) - We've done Spanish now, so you need to tick that one off. - Spanish, so give me the keys. - Look! (all cheering) - Bro, we're doing bingo, we're looking for someone in a Side- my guy, my guy. - I can't believe it. (indistinct chatter) - Two chains relations, that's my guys bro. Yes man. - All right. - All right, where's the keys? - Hang on, scratch it off, scratch it off. - Scratch that one off, you've just played a massive part in this video, lad. - My guy, my guy. (all laughing) - Yes now. - Yes now. - Thank you bro. Appreciate it very much. - Thank you, I appreciate it. - Should I give you this back? (all laughing) - Apparently, JJ and Simon are in here already. - Yeah, so let's go tick it off, so they don't have this up on us. - 45 pounds. - Man said 45 pounds. Tell them we just want to see the sharks. Wicked. Thank you very much guys. - Just walk, come on quickly. - Appreciate you. - Are we allowed to turn around, is that possible? It must be, right? - He said, yeah, we can come back out. Oh, you don't have a ticket? Oh, we didn't buy a ticket for Kon. - Ah. - Yeah, okay, yeah. - I'll take the camera, sorry. Let's give this shark bro. - Okay, so it's right here. - [Tobi] Right where? - Done. This big donny right behind you (laughs) Try and look behind you right now. - [JJ] Flipping heck. - Don't like that fish man. I don't like it, I don't like that man. - [Worker] That nice big eye there, do you know what I mean? - [Josh] Quick, quick, quick, quick. - Shark, there's a shark right there. - There, there, there. - Oh, baby. - Do you see him? The big one there. - Oi, this one's peng. - That is a shark right there. You see this? Shark. You cannot argue against this. - [Tobi] This is peng. - [Josh] Shark, shark, shark. - [Tobi] Listen, we got the shark, that's all we need. - We're supporting the sea life, innit, that's what it is. - Exactly. - 58 pounds for a ten second experience, that's what you want to do. - That's profit right there for them though. - So wait, what would you feed the sharks? - So, we feed them fish. - All right. - Fish guts and fish and yeah, just simply let it go- - See, I don't like that man, that ain't normal, that ain't normal. - Where can we skrrt to? - Super cars, Santa Claus, I reckon there's gonna be a Santa Claus near the super cars. - Go across Big Ben. Yes. - Come. (upbeat music) - [Ethan] Right, where are we going? We need to get through the tube. - Where did they go? Do you know where they went? - If you guys had any doubts about the legitimacy of the last clip, we got my guy right here. You know, you look kind of like me, bro. - I know, right. - We got a Vikkstar lookalike with the Sidemen merch, Sidemen backpack. - Hell yeah bro. - Official, legitimate, two for the price of one. - And I have the hoodie. - Wait, is it under here? - No, but it's in the bag. - In the bag. - Yeah. - Unreal stuff, pleasure to meet you. So we just got Sidemen Clothing legit, - Yeah. - Definitely not- - Definitely not the, yeah. - Definitely not scamming anything. What's happened, Ethan? - Well, we said we're getting on the Bakerloo South line, they was right behind us at the Oyster tappings, they go down the stairs - They're gone. - And they're literally nowhere to found. - You can't let Harry out on his own in London. - No. So now, we're braving it, we're going to Waterloo to go and get the London Eye. - Who knows where Harry is? - Hopefully, we meet up with them at some point. - Jeez, it's not even on the bingo card. - Celebratory mate. - Parkour. - You speak Russian. (Kon speaks Russian) So, what if you just be Russian and we say it's Spanish. (Kon speaks Russian) - Harry won't be able to tell the difference. Let's go get them super cars and we'll figure out the rest. - 23andMe video, it said my cup, I'm 1.6% African. - Look, don't do a Ethan on us now. - I'm not trying to be like that, you know what I mean? I'm just, sometimes I just- - You're not trying to be African, why is that Josh? - I knew that he'd twist it, always, always, always. - Wow. - Job done. - Two, four, six done. Fish was a no, that is a yes surely. - All right. Yeah, all right fine. - What do you mean all right fine, that counts yeah? - Yeah, that counts. - Next one, done. - We have managed to track down a pretty banging busker. Nice. ♪ Excuse me for getting ♪ - Perfect. - Thank you. - Thank you man, cheers. Yes, we're knocking them out, we're knocking them out. Well, I've lost Vik and Ethan, I don't know how it happened, they got stopped by someone. But managed to knock out the busker, gassed with that. We have literally got London Eye, shark, someone who looks like Vik, someone on a scooter, a smashed glass and a crime- It sounds like a lot when I say it like that but we're making steady progress. - We're going to Park Lane, so on the off chance there's two cars parked together that are super cars. - Like McLaren there. - They've got the garages with the glass windows. - Candle shop. - Yeah, we can find a candle shop. - I'll buy a candle, I'll have the candle. - Josh is a candle guy. - Yeah. - Oh, there he is lad. - The boys, the boys. - We found a guy legit wearing Sidemen merch. - He had a Sidemen backpack on - Sidemen backpack - Rate that, rate that. Did you film it on your phone? - Yeah. - Also, even better news boys, I found a banging busker. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Playing the keyboard, singing. - Oh. - Shit, I forgot that was on the list. - Wait, we're on 10 then? - 10. - Let's go. - And we're guaranteed London Eye, we're gonna see the shark. - So, we're getting 12. - Bro, we'll get easy 12. - Well, I see a phone box. It's right there. - Two phone boxes. This is easy. - Yeah. - This is too easy. We need to find a park though, we have to go to a park to find dog poo. - Or we could just make dog poo. - How are you gonna make dog poo? - I mean, just shit on the floor. And then we just go, oh look, there's some shit on the floor (JJ and Simon laugh) - If we're gonna get the shark, we have to steam roll through that. - Yeah. - 'Cause Josh said it's an hour. - Just look at the shark and then move back out. - What do you mean it's an hour? At what rate does he work at? - Josh said it, mate. Well, we're about to get the London Eye. ♪ I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind ♪ - Mate, me and Vik was saying, when we was on the train, we really wanna fucking win this. - Yeah. - I think we will, if we just don't, like- - If we don't end up back there too late, we've got it dubbed. - Yeah. - We've got a dub. - Okay, so we have come over to Park Lane, the Aston Martin dealership because we are shit housing it a little bit. We know that there super cars here, guaranteed. So this is like our plan B. So we'll get this one first and we have two super cars very clearly parked next to each other, all right. - [Tobi] Why can we not get inside? - Ain't that kind of thing, you know. - They're parked next, just stand-- - Like Brandon always taught me, you can't go in there unless you're gonna buy it, you can't go in there. - We can buy it though. - Wow. Wow. - saying, Sidemen can buy it. - You see that. Money changed him, KSI winning the fight changed him. - What you, how, what? Hey listen, you lot know me innit, you know me. - Yeah, they know you, you're flexing on them. - No, no, no. - Phone box. Phone box. The thing is after this, we're on struggle town. - Nah, we can go Mayfair for the Lamborghini. - Well, we need two super cars next to each other. He specified next to each other. - Yeah, true. - This is a fraud. - Bro, can you not get in? - Oh you can, it's just- - Oh, wow. - It's really heavy. - Damn. - We're here, the big apple. - Look, that is holding this fucker up, that is, this, this right here - Mad. - Is holding that- - is it actually? - Yeah. - Yeah look, it's pulling it. - [Harry] That's mad. - Yeah, look, it's pulling it. - [Harry] That's so mad. Hey Bogo - Scratch the thing. - Scratch that. - Get the photo. - This isn't heavy at all. - Oh, shut up, I'm not a boxer. - Bro, are you weak? - Yes I'm weak. (JJ and Simon laugh) Found another animal statute, in case they argue. - Eagle! Eagle! - There's also a Christmas tree there as well, just in case they argue that one. (Josh and Tobi cheering) - And the Porsche. - I made it to around the corner. - Aye, get out the road, get out the road, one second, one second, one second. - [Camera Man] Cool, done. - This is gonna be, actually a lot harder than I thought. Oh, done that, dog poo. - That's not, where? - [JJ] There. - [Simon] That's not dog poo. - [JJ] That's definitely dog poo. - [Simon] (laughs) It's not dog poo. - It smells like dog poo. - [Simon] You can't smell anything. - [JJ] The audience can't smell it, so. - Aye, sit gang. - Skkrr. - Ws. - Mate it is quite, the London Eye's pretty big, innit? - It is quite big. - We just need a dog that's gonna poo, anyone? Anyone got a dog? - Woof. - Oh, bad dog. - Woof. - Can you have a poo please? - Woof. - Woof. (laughs) - London Aquarium time, Harry, do you realise, by saying we needed to see a shark, you've cost the Sidemen 290 pounds. - Is that how much it is? Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. - This is a 300 pound clip. Please watch all the adverts, buy some Sidemen Clothing. - We're going into Hyde Park trying to find some poo genuinely. - Josh, Josh. - But we haven't even seen a dog yet, so I don't understand how are we're gonna find, I'll run, don't understand how we're gonna find poo without a dog unless you've put it on the floor. - Dog, oh, that's such a cute dog. My heart. - [Harry] There must be a shark somewhere. - [Ethan] Is that a shark? - Where? - That thing. - That huge thing? - Oh, that is a- is that a shark? - Wait, there's better windows, there's better windows, let's go up a floor. - [Harry] Clock's ticking lads, the clock's ticking. - [Ethan] Clock is most definitely ticking Vikkstar. - Bow wow wow, yipee yo- fucking leaf man. - Sorry, has your dog poo yet, by any chance? We're playing real life bingo, we're just trying to find a dog poo. - It has done a poo. - Is it down there somewhere, - Where about? - [Josh] Is it hidden? - I already put it in a bin. - No! - Darn it! - [Tobi] There's too many good citizens. - Okay, back, back, back, back. There we go, yeah, within 10 metres, within eight metres. - [Harry] Jeez, look at these. - [Vik] Mate, yo he's mean, look at this one, look at this one, this one's mean. - [Ethan] It's weak lads. - Bro. - This one's mean. - [Ethan] But look, his teeth lad. - Oh my God. - He's vexed. Mate, that is a big boy. - All right, so we're in the ends - Ends. - Of Mayfair. (Simon groans) And guess what we found fam. - Porshce ting. - Porsche one, Ferrari two, done now. - I mean, look at the number plate firstly. There we go, look, our pen's run out but we've now done the top line, we've done this line. - Aye. - We need to find Vik, we actually have to find Vik and dog poo. - She kind of looks like Vik. - Police tape, police tape, police tape. - Where? Is that police tape, are you sure? - Oh my God. - Come, come, come, yeah that's good, that's a good thing. - It's an incident do you reckon someone got murdered here? We need to be careful. - Okay, go on, you do it. - All right, so we're in Hyde Park, we were looking for dog poo but instead, we found an incident. We don't want to go too close because we don't know how sensitive the situation is. But look, there's police tape everywhere, there's police vans everywhere, there's police posted up. - Wait, is that forensics? - I hope not, oh my God, it is forensics. All right, we're going any closer. - But you need to film the van though. - We are in Hyde Park and we on the lookout for a dog. - Or someone to shit. - I really thought this was a sure-fire way to find a dog. - Why is there no dogs? - Maybe if we just start barking, a dog will come to us. - Woof. - That's not a bark, that's you saying the word woof. - Isn't that what dogs do? - No, it's more of like a (Simon imitates bark) - I don't wanna get Loganned. - I don't wanna, yeah that's what I'm saying, - I need receipts. - I'm trying to avoid that whole situation. - We don't want to show too much, just in case it is sensitive, like he said, just in case it is someone who's been like hurt but it definitely is a crime scene. (upbeat music) - [Tobi] I'm not gonna lie boys, that is huge. - Ticking off the crime scene. That gives us number nine out of 16. - Woof, woof. (Simon laughs) Woof, woof. Woof, woof. - Why have we got the same dog? (laughs) Why is there no dogs? - Look at this. - Would you have that. - We've got a bit of memorabilia to celebrate the occasion. - Look at the shark mate, it's about to eat Bog. We've got exactly one hour. - 59 minutes. - Let's walk it back- - And, and- - Okay, which way are they? - Up there innit? - That way. - Boys, I think I found a crime scene. (Simon laughing) Ah, there's definitely crime here. Crime has definitely happened here. There's yellow tape, it counts. - For what? - Bro, I don't know, but there's a reason why there's- - Does it say caution? It says wet paint. - Shut up. (Simon laughing) Bro, shut up. It does not say wet paint. - All right, you wanna tick it off? - You know, we're ticking that off. It doesn't say wet paint. - That's caution, it does just have like yellow tape on the picture. - There we go. - I think that counts. Wait, look, wait, that says caution. That actually says caution. - All right, there we go. - That says caution, that says caution. - My God, we've done it. Okay, there we go, that. - This is a bit of a weird one, we're doing a scavenger hunt and one of the items on the scavenger hunt is dog poo. - Oh my, dog poo! - You mind being on camera? - Sure. - All right, so I just asked if they got dog poo, there's dog poo in this bag, can we open it? - Sure. - Really? - I mean, do you have this on camera? - No, no. - You have to get like right close to it. (lady laughs) - Aw, no, no, no, what do you mean? - I'm not gonna let you have the point then. - No, no, no, no sniff test, no sniff test. I mean, I trust, Kon, just get in and blur it, yeah. You don't have to pick it out, you don't have to pick it out. Oh, it's in another bag. - It's a bag in a bag. - Okay that's cool. - No there is, there's two. - There's two? (Tobi retches) Ah, I smell it, I smell it. - Yeah, you got it? (Tobi retches) - Can we just trust me on that? - Whoa. - Which one did that? - Whoa, whose dog was that? - Tyson McNuggets. - He dropped a McNugget. He dropped a McNugget. - Picture grind, pose. - Whoa. Wait, when I caught a whiff of that, boy. - Eight, nine and 10, so we need Santa Claus, a candle, both are at Selfridges. Someone Spanish? - Dog poo! Have you seen any dogs anywhere? - No? Okay, don't worry. - There's surely no chance. - [Ethan] You think we're gonna get all of them? - JJ's just gonna be a mop the whole day, he's not gonna do anything. Josh is sick and Tobi's sick as well. So, they're a bunch of stinkers. - I don't think anyone's getting ten other than us. - Also, if we wanna get back up, massive line right there. - What's good, man, how are you? - Ooh, oh. Hey, how's it going on man? You all right, what's up? - All good, thanks nice to meet you. - Good. - Nah, nah, nah. - Nah? - Nah. - Come on. - No, no, no. (indistinct chatter) - Lads, lads, lads, absolutely no chance. - He has my brows. - All right lads, I'm just gonna call out anyone, anyone that walks towards me now. - And he recognised us, so we could have just the photo. - You've had it, you've had it. If you think that looks like him next to me, you've lost your head. - Mate, I'm gonna be fuming if we go back and- - Lads, it looked nothing like him, you lot are shit housing it too much. - Oh, no. - Hi, sorry to bother you, we're doing a scavenger hunt and we need to find someone who looks like my friend Vik. Is it all right if we get a picture with you. You can say no, you can say no. Okay, thank you, I appreciate it. I asked, he actually lowkey does look like Vik. - Vikkstar said no, that was Vikkstar as well. - What if, we trick Vik into meeting up with him. - Yeah? - Get him, put his hands next to a mirror because in the mirror, it's not actually like him. But it does look like him. - But it has something that looks like Vik. - Exactly like him. - No, that's not- - But listen to my logic. It looks exactly like him, - That's still Vik. but its not him. - A reflection of Vik is still Vik. - No it's not. - [Kon] I don't wanna be in this group anymore. - What do you mean? Why? - [Kon] I don't like arguments. - That is broken, does it work? (Harry and Vik cheer) That is broken, look, come in close, look now. - Mate. - That, broken glass, that is. - [Vik] Yes now. - And they tried to put it together, being broke. - Give me the keys, give me the keys, give me the keys. - We got three left? - Three left. - Three left. - He's stopped now, he's stopped yeah, oh no, he's going, he's going again. - Look, same outfit, man, if you whacked a bit of gel in your hair lad, that's you. That's my boy. - You all right mate. Can we grab a picture on here? - Oh mate, you smashed it lad, we smashed it lad, - We smashed it lad, thank you, cheers. - Thank you, have a good day. - Thank you very much. - Perfect. - Two more to go. Major key, major key. - Now, what is something we haven't got yet? It's your boy, Kris Kringle. - Man like Mr. Claus. - Man like the father. - Yeah. - Yeah. He knows, he knows we got it. - Killing the game right now. - Aye, so, technically, - It doesn't count. - Okay. - A horse is just a big dog. (Simon laughs) I mean, I think we found the shit. All right, what noise does a horse make? - Neigh. That was more of a pony, wasn't it? - Nah, it's more nay-oof. (Simon laughs) Nay-oof! - Okay, and a dog? - Woof-o! That counts, cross it off the list. Are you ser- - Cross it off, we're done, done now, out and now, we just need to find Vik. - Usain Bolt. - What you say, my guy. What man, why are you looking at me like that? Aye stop. You know I'm shy, why do you do that? - Okay, if anyone's doubting whether that was me or not, any queries, look, you see that's me, that's me at age seven or something. Honestly, that would have been me. If I didn't find YouTube, that would be me. - Oh dear, but that counts, that definitely counts. - Oh, without a doubt, without a doubt. - Okay, so we're trying to work out what we can do for the fire one, we got the candle idea. We could do a flaming Sambuca shot, that counts, right? - [Kon] Three flaming Sambucas? - No, no, no. - Two flaming Sambucas. - Oh, he doesn't drink. - That's for you. - Apple juice and two- - Apple juice and two flaming Sambucas. - [Kon] Okay, okay, okay. - That dude right there, ask him- - In two seconds, we gotta try and find someone who looks like Vik. - That dude actually looks like Vik, oh my God, oh my God. - Get him, get him, get him. - We have to find someone who looks like our friend and you actually look like our friend, could you help us out and just grab a picture of us? - Oh my God. - Oh my God, there's a bunch of Viks. Yo, follow me. - No, no, no, JJ. - Oh, which one? You look like Vik. Hey, Vik, a friend of ours, can we take a picture? - Sure. - Let's do it. I mean, you look like Vik if he had money. (all laughing) Thank you bro. - Thank you. - You can say no, you can say no. Fuck man. - [Kon] I think we can score that point. - What does he say? - We can score that point but we blur him. - Have you got it on camera there? - Yeah. - All right, calm. So we found someone that we think looked like Vik, like a younger Vik,but older than Vik, but he looked younger than him. He didn't wanna be on camera- - So we blur his face. - Oh, we smashed it, man though. - We can't count the dog poo. - (laughs) Yeah we can. - We also can't run around shouting (laughs) All right, well I'm ticking this one off. You can't- - Nah nah mate, as long as it, what did I say? - It's an incident. - It's cornered off. - Someone's crashed into the thing - 'cause it's gone flying, they smashed into there, look. - Mate, look at this. - That's recent, that is. - Incident gang. - That's an incident, that is an incident. - Mate, I didn't think it was a thing until I saw it's a flattened traffic light. - Incident gang. - Traffic light got clottered. - Hey. - Oi mad, that is actually- - That's as good as we're going to get lads, and it's cordened off, it's an incident. - Bang. - Get to scratching Bog. - Mate, I'm a traffic light. - Oh my God. (all laughing) My mom told me I could be anything, so I became a traffic light. - Lets go. - What do we need now then? - It's just a guy on a scooter. Now all we do is just, we head back. - A few of these, they're gonna be fuming. When we rock up and say we got 15, they're gonna be in shock. - So, we're almost done with time, but we have found someone who is Spanish. Go ahead. - Mr. Espanol. (guy speaks Spanish) - Oh, he's out here, where are you from in Spain? - Mallorca, it's like Balearic Islands, so Balearic Islands, Mallorca. - Jeez, come on, my guy. Aye, tick that off, tick that off. - Oh, we're out here. (guy speaks Spanish) (guys speaking Spanish) - All right, well while we're just doing that, someone just walked past and guess what they're wearing. - Come on. - We out here. We're actually gonna finish this. - Tick it off. - We're gonna finish this. - Come, let's grab a picture, let's grab a picture. - Get a photo real quick, okay Perfect. - Thank you very much. - Thank you. - Appreciate you man. - Numero 14. - Tick it off. - We've got collateral right there, you see that? We've got collateral, it's like montage days all over again. - Bro. - All right, let's head back. (JJ laughing) We get it, you're fit. - Go to keep them abs. (groans) Ah! (Simon laughs) - All right, the time is what? - The time is currently ten to four. We did say that we were gonna meet at 4:00 PM but we allowed 15- - 25 minutes early. - We allowed 15 minutes because you never know what happens, life can catch up to you real quick, but- - We're early mate, we're early and 15. - We got one left. We got 15 out of 16. - By any chance, do you have any flaming drinks? Like any flaming Sambucas or? What actually sets on fire, could we set it on fire ourselves or is it like health and safety? - Vodka works. - Go on. - Is this going to work? Am I gonna set myself on fire? - I don't know. (JJ and Simon laughing) - I win! - Yeah, I knew it, I knew it. - So we need broken glass, creepy Santa Sidemen and Superman. - I wonder where we're gonna find Sidemen Clothing. - There's one. - Oh wow. (all laughing) Hey wassup bro, how you doing? - Jeez. - Oh, what are the chances. - Oh, we can tick that off now, look, we can tick it off. - Aye. - Jeez. - I don't know where you got that. (all cheering) My guy. That's another one done. We got 15 minutes left. - I believe, - I think we got the dub, the filthy dub. - I think - Ooh. - We got the dub. So, we're gonna head back in and see everyone else and see what they did. - Did you burn yourself? - No. - Let's take the L, - I think it's an L. - Let's take the L. - My finger's numb. - Are we taking the L? - My finger's numb. - Are we taking the L? - We can't take the L. - Set it on fire, Josh. - Fire. - Put it on the thing, put it in there, try and light that. That was definitely on fire. - [Kon] I'm not very pleased. - I'm not pleased, I don't want to take it, I don't want to take it, leave it. - We admitted defeat. - We're going for victory. - You went for victory? - You're going for victory. - That was really close. - All right, we ran into the- - Keep your cards close- - What team were you? - So, is it really close? - What team were you? - Blue. - We ran into the blue team. - [Ethan] So you're really close, yeah? - Guys, keep your cards close to your chest. - Keep cards close to your chest, all right, what are you telling me? - Bro, I'm just trying to look for broken glass. - Aye, back up man, back up. - Oh you're trying to look, - Oh! - They're trying to look for broken glass. - Ooh. - We've had broken glass, - Why you telling them? - Oh, wait. - We got that ages ago. - [Ethan] All right come, good luck guys. - If you're double figures, then, we respect it- - I mean, we- - Yeah, we have double figures - [Ethan] Are you in double figures? Yeah, nice. - Yeah, of course. - All right, so we're securing a candle right now and a muffin, I'm going to eat a muffin after we put a candle in and light it on fire. It's gone out. - You're a donut. - Put it back in. - Put it in. - Where's the hole? - There, there. - I can't see. Just take the thing. - I haven't got it with two hands. - All right, let them do their thing, let them do their thing- - Yeah. - You go do your thing, yeah. - You turned into a proper drug dealer recently. (indistinct chatter) - Yo Bats, what you saying bro? - I'm trying to look for like- - How many left on your- - Hey, what, get off me man. (laughs) - Fire, baby. - Sets on fire right there, you see that, something's on fire. - Yeah. - Ooh. - All right, tick it off, tick it off. - Make a wish. - Nine. Wait, nine? - Don't tell him how many we got, don't tell him how many we got (Simon laughing) - You got nine? - You just said you're on nine - No, no, we ain't on nine, we on double figures bro. - Oh, don't worry, welcome to the double figure club. - Okay, boys, we're back at HQ, we've had a lovely afternoon, let's go over what we got. Hands in the air if you got two super cars next to each other. Lovely stuff boys. (all cheer) Who got a animal statute? - Plenty of those around. - Big lion. (indistinct chatter) - London Eye? (all groan in agreement) Christmas tree? (all groan in agreement) A good busker? - Yeah. - Yeah. - What was your buskers? - [Josh] Leicester Square. - What was he? - What was he doing? - [Josh] He's singing, he sung an original song for us. - Original song - Aw. - Original content, I have a CD. - Who saw a shark? - We did. - Yeah, yeah, Sea World. - Same place? - Got the photo for- - Everyone saw everything. - We fed a shark. - That's kinda next level, I'll give you that. - Yeah - We got the fucking memorabilia as well, we did the whole damn thing. - Why you showing the polar bear one? - We got loads of them. - Let me see, send one. - Oh, oh. - Oh! - Bro, he just ripped up our- - Surely that's gotta be a fucking thing. - That was the best one. - That's gotta be a thing. - Oi, that's a, deduct two points, ref. - You just deducted- - I'm deducting a point, I'm deducting a point. Who got a Vik lookalike? - Yeah. - Yeah, I can't wait to see them all on the video. (all laughing) - We got a few, actually. - A dog shite, who saw a dog shite? (Vik cheering) - What the- - Jeez, everyone's done bits you know. (indistinct chatter) - It's vile. - Ours kinda looked like horse poo but- - Ours was in a doggy bag. - In a bag and she opened it- - She opened it and just the wharf- - That's commitment. (all groan in disgust) - The wharf was mad. - That's disgusting. - We thought we were gonna die. - Sidemen merch, anyone spot any Sidemen merch? (Vik cheering) - What the hell. - No one's missed any yet. - Okay, I'll admit, we did cheat at first. (all shouting) - But then after, we did it legit. - I gave my hoodie to someone, I told him, simply walk past, that's fine. Five minutes later, we see an actual Sidemen backpack. - Yeah, but that's like doing the legal hit in one round and then winning the next round because of it. - All right, something on fire. (Vik cheering) How's everyone got all this? - We bought candles. - Bro, okay. - Bought a lighter. (indistinct chatter) - Okay, so we set the dog shit on fire. - Yeah, none of these count. (all laughing) - All right, red telephone boxes. (all groan in agreement) This is a tricky one, suit on a scooter. - No. - No, they weren't out. - It wasn't rush hour. - They're working, they're all at work. - Yeah. - We were in the wrong time. - Yeah. - That was stress. - Okay, a crime scene/ incident. - We actually found a crime scene, like cordoned off tape, - Did you? Forensics. - Oh, mad. - Ours was a bench with a caution tape around it. (all laughing) - You never know what might have happened. - He literally a picture of caution tape. - A madness could have happened. - Yeah. (Tobi laughing) - Someone could have got stabbed. - Yeah. - All right, who found Santa? (Vik cheering) - Oh wait, nah. - Where was your Santa? - In the shop window. - Was he real? - Was he a real Santa or not? - No. - He's a fake Santa, okay. - Fake Santas don't count. - [Tobi] He didn't say that. - We found a giant LEGO Santa. - LEGO Santa. - He's bigger than all three of us put together. - In Hamleys. - I mean, there was a Santa on the tree. - How big was your Santa? - Yeah true. - Bigger than me. - Human size, yeah. - Yeah, human size. - Big enough to have a little - You can fit around it. - Hand around it, yeah. - Yeah. - It counts, it counts. - Yeah, it counts. - A smashed window. - We couldn't find this. - Yeah! - No. - In the red letter box. - We're tied, right? - Yeah. - That's right. - Okay, so did you find a Spanish person? - Yes. (indistinct chatter) Yeah we did as well, it's a tie. - Big draw. - So, you got 15? - Yeah. - 15? Aye. (boys cheering) - You're on minus two- - Wait, so you both got 15? - [Sidemen] Yeah! - Guys, we can't have a draw, we can't have a draw. I think I know how we need to settle this. How? - You guys get your Vik lookalike, we get our Vik lookalike and we put it to the other team and you guys decide. - Ooh. - You gotta pick your best one. - Pick your best one. - The other one's on camera. - I mean, where's your Vik? - Have they? - I think they won that. - I think they might have won. - I think they won that. - The violin might have saved us 'cause Vik played violin when he was younger. - Oh, we could be in deep trouble, we could be in deep trouble. - Deep water, deep waters boys. - I think we might have just lost this bingo game. - We should have gone with the darker one, we should have gone with the darker one. - Mate, the darker one looked nothing like him, lads. - Unless you're talking about the guy on the right. (all laughing) (indistinct chatter) - Which is Vik. (all laughing) - I think that looks good. - Whoever's this one is losers, man. - Nah, nah, nah. - Absolute no. - If you think that one's nowhere near, then the other one was a whole universe away. - Wait, I think that's good. But looking at it now, it's a bit of a stinker. (all laughing) - That's a dub. - I'll get your prize, I'll get your prize. There's something I didn't tell you, lads. This was actually for $10,000. (Sidemen cheer) So you win $10,000 guys. - It's been there the whole time as well. - Well I thought we were going to win. - [Simon] We lost anyway. - Yeah, but you minused two us. - Nah they we're gonna lose, - We lost anyway. - They lost anyway. - We got like 13, thy all got 15. - Yeah, fine. - So you get $10,000, congratulations and you also get. (all cheer) There you go mate. - That's only been passed around for ages. This has been (laughs) This has been knocking about for a minute now, lads. - It was a prize in the Christmas football challenges like two years ago. - Yeah. Well. - Congrats guys. - Rule off bingo. - The state of this thing. - Sidemen merch, did anyone do a discount code? - No. - Ooh. - Well, discount code is- - Bingo. - There you go. - I was gonna say poo. - No, we did poo last week. - No, we did that, yeah. - Did we do it last week? - Yeah. - Really? - Bingo! - Also, subscribe to this channel, tell every single person you know to subscribe to this channel. Comment subscribe to Sidemen, #SidemanTo10Mil everywhere on YouTube and Twitter and we're good. - And you know what, FaZe are on like, they're like a million subs ahead of us. - Oh, we gotta beat them. - Ooh. - Okay, Sidemen to 10 mil, everyone. - Everyone, do it before he falls asleep. (all laughing) (upbeat EDM music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 12,022,715
Rating: 4.9632645 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, w2s, ksi
Id: gXcL-FK4kE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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