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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/JGG1969 📅︎︎ May 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Welcome to the Sidemen Talent Show. We are on Discord. I don't really know how Discord works but we're gonna add people in, they're gonna show us a talent and then what do we do? - We can move them to the winner section where they get a Sidemen Clothing gift card or they get booted straight out the server. - See you later. - Boot - All right, let's get it started come on. - My talent is breaking my mom's PC. - Oh wait what? - Okay. - Oh no. - Oh no. - Put some effort in lad come on. - No do it the other side, do it the other side. - Snap it in half. - The other way, the other way. - Other way. - It's gotta go in half. - There we go. - Yes. - Yes, yes. - Yeah destruction. - Oh my God. My ass is going to be beaten. There we go. - I think that's a dub, surely that's a dub. He broke the PC. - Yeah I'll back it, I'll back it. That's a dub. - What are you saying? Ethan is that a dub for you? - It's gotta be a dub. - It's three yeses bruv, four yeses. Come on. - Thanks. My mom is gonna beat my arse when she gets home. - Don't worry you're a winner. - So you're performing a diss track. All right let's hear it. (mumble rapping) - Sorry I just had to stop it. - Why did they tell us to watch that? - It had to stop - Trash. That was so trash man. - Yeah hello. - Hello. - What's up. - What's your talent? - I can do the SpongeBob laugh. - Oh, okay all right. - All right let me hear this, let me hear this. (SpongeBob laughing) (giggling) - Oh no. (laughing) - No, no, no, no, no. - I can't do this. I can't do this. - So I've drawn some up I've got eight to show you but I'll start with the first one. You've gotta guess who it is, you'll know them or it might be one of you, okay. So this is the first one. - Ay yo what's going on? What's going on? - I just got it, I just got it. - You just got it? - Ay yo what's going on? - Can we move onto the next one, please? - This one you probably won't get. It involved a lot of inspiration. - Okay if this is an Ethan's dad joke I'm going to have to kick you right now. - No, no it's no, it's not. Honestly it's not. It's not, we got more, we got more. - Who was that one? - Oh, it was Ethan's dad. - How did you not get that? - Get out, please get out. - This real life KSI Reddit. - Yeah. Yo. - How are you guys? - [All] Good thanks how are you? - So I'm Julia, I'm 16 years old and I'm from Toronto, Canada. And...Oh sorry do you want me to go this way. - There we go. - Perfect. - Perfect okay. So I'm an opera singer and I'd like to show you one of my operas today. - Oh. - Yeah, I'm kind of stressing out so I'm just going to try and calm for a bit. - Opera singing is difficult. - It's hard. It's well, it's in a different language. It's Italian. So you probably won't be able to understand but, (singing opera) (cheering) - That was insane, what the hell? - Really? - Holy shit. - Oh my God I'm about to cry right now, this doesn't feel real. - That's gotta be a dub surely. - Yeah I'm sure you can go to the dub pile - Four dubs congratulations. Thank you. - Thank you, I love you guys so much. - Hello. - [All] Hello. - What the fuck was that? - What's up? Nice to meet you Harry and Behzinga all of you. All right I'm gonna start with Vik's dad. Look at this bald man here. Fucking disgrace on his son, he didn't become a doctor. Look at this fellow here man. JJ's disappointed in him. Ethan I'm sorry but this is your dad man, I'm really sorry. And Tobi bruv, your nose. What the fuck? You can find (indistinct) in there bruv. Ay Josh you pea brain. Look at you bruv what the fuck is that on you in the future. - And he's gone, and he's gone. (laughing) - He's gone. - The energy to eat is kung fu. - Bro what a guy. - How'd you go from saying hello 20 times to that? - I thought he was getting mugged or something. - Dude's in like an abandoned house with a mask on. - Could we ask you what your talent is please? - I make really epic, comedic educational presentations and I've got one to show you today. - Okay. - Okay let's go. - Sounds interesting. - Mad ting on his face - Crocs, breathable work shoes and methods for manufacturing such. Captain Ocboter presentation. What are crocs? Crocs are a shoe made of leftover rubber from making rubbers. - What's going on? - Escalators around the world have developed allergies to Crocs and therefore signs asking for people to remove their Crocs are customary. - Why are we getting a presentation about Crocs? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why is he continuing? Ay yo stop. Ay yo shut up, shut up man. I don't care about fucking Crocs. - [Presenter] Crocs are amazing. Thanks for learning about Crocs. Hope you had a good laugh. (clapping) - Wow. Wow. - Are you impressed. - That was immense. - I'm very impressed. Yeah I'm going to jump the gun and give you a yes. - Did you like it JJ. - No, I didn't. - Do you not like Crocs? - I don't like Crocs and I don't like that presentation. - What's the one thing that you don't like about Crocs? - It's a no for me fam. - Well it's up to Simon to save-- - Are we actually serious? Are we serious guys? - I gave it yes, I gave a big yes. - That's two yeses, you're through mate, you've won. You're a winner. - No, no. - Congratulations. - I love you Simon, I love you Vik. - Congratulations. - This is some bullshit. - Yeah so I was a competitor on the TV show Ninja Warrior. - Okay. Okay. - So I will do five cool burpees, but with a twist. - Okay. Fitness, burpees, yes. - Right now. - Yeah so let's get it, let's get it, let's get it. - Piqued my interest. - Oh Jesus Christ. (murmuring) - That is insane. - Don't bump into the door - Please don't go into the door. (clapping) - That's a talent. That's a talent yeah. - You gotta give Harry some lessons please. - I'm almost there, I'm almost there. - Go on Harry. - Give it a go bro, give it a go. - You can do it come on. - Oh fuck I'm gonna kill myself. (laughing) - Be confident, tuck your knees in. - Big squat. Big, big squat and tuck the knees. Big squat and tuck those knees. - How high's the ceiling Harry, is it all right? - I'm gonna hit the ceiling. - All right, you'll be all right. - Ah boys I'm not this is not happening I'm sorry. - Don't do it then, don't do it. - I'm not I'll lose my life. - This is one of the most nerve wracking things you've ever done. - Yeah. - I imagine. - So good luck, don't mess up. - I'll try not to. I'm doing 'Destined For Greatness' by the way. ♪ Destined for greatness. ♪ ♪ Back in school days, I was known for my lateness. ♪ ♪ Always wore on will. ♪ ♪ Whenever tried to take less, always been a real guy. ♪ ♪ Never liked the fakeness ♪ ♪ Never let the fakeness ♪ - Okay, okay stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. - Okay. - That was beautiful. I thought that was phenomenal. Like your singing insane. The rap you know, I didn't expect that from you, but you blew me away. Oh you know what-- - That logo has made me a no. - Okay. Ignore him. I'm a yes so it's on Vik. - You know what I like the vocals, I like the free styling it's going to be a yes for me. You are a winner today. Congratulations. - Well done, well done Romi. Well done Romi. - Please, please take that off your face please. - Hello. Well, pretty much Con and Shifty said that this wasn't a talent but I've made a Sidemen diss track. - Right. - Oh okay. ♪ Harry we all know your FIFA packs are fake ♪ ♪ And how the hell was Sue carrying so much cake ♪ ♪ Ethan. I'm sorry that your dad left you ♪ ♪ But if my girl's name was Ruth then I would leave too ♪ ♪ Simon your videos are pretty much the same ♪ ♪ You even use JJ and Talia for fame ♪ ♪ Josh I really think you have great pubes ♪ ♪ I'm also convinced that Freya is a dude ♪ ♪ Tobi you (indistinct) so much that you're faceless ♪ ♪ Money carried and destined for greatness ♪ ♪ Vik your girlfriend's taller than you bro ♪ ♪ She's only with you for all that Minecraft dough ♪ ♪ JJ, your forehead size is brutal ♪ ♪ You got red hair that looks like pot noodle ♪ ♪ That's all I've got ♪ ♪ That is all I know ♪ ♪ I'd appreciate it if I won the Sideman Talent Show. ♪ (clapping) - Yeah it's all left foot, it's all left foot. - It's a no from me. - I didn't take too kindly to the insults. I didn't. But the flow was there, the flow was there. - You know what? I'll give a yes for that. 'Cause I appreciate the time that has gone into it. - Thank you, thank you. - Just on you Josh. - What happens if I say yes? - Please say yes. - I haven't convincingly said no yet. So I want to see what you say. - Have I got great pubes, let me check. It's a no from me. - Oh. - No I'm going to give him a yes. Like I said, I didn't take kindly to the insults, but it's a yes. So that's two, two. Now what happens? - You know what I'm going to make an executive decision here. No, no, no, no, no, no it's not a talent, my friend. It's not a talent. Yeah I rate what you've done. I rate what you've done but it's not a talent. - You said yes Harry. Harry you said yes. - He's changed back on his answer. - And what is your talent? - My talent is to sing and play the guitar like Kermit The Frog. - Can we have you do something else in that voice? - Anything. - Okay. I want you to be the frog and I want you to beat the living shit out of someone. Okay so this person that you're beating up has just shagged your mom and now has slapped her and gone, "you're worthless, "you're nothing". - Bro you just came in my house. You're coming in my own house and you banged my mom what do you think you were doing? I will come at you. I will find you. I know where you live. I will beat the absolute shit out of you. You should do not come at me like that. Do not touch my mom. - Okay he just slapped you and moved away from you. - The fuck is going on? JJ shut up. Stop, stop this, stop, stop, stop. - I'm just saying like, come on bro. You gotta beat him up. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This has all gone, this is all gone so pear shaped. - Okay, okay. - I liked the guitar, I didn't like the Kermit bit. I dunno what the fuck JJ's doing and it's a no from me I'm sorry. - I want Kermit - JJ stop, stop. JJ stop. - I want you jumping off a building. You just jumped off a building. - You want that? - Yes. - Oh I'm going to Kermit suicide. - I didn't hear a splat it's a no from me. - I'm going to be singing. - All right. - Okay. (singing) - That's all I've got. - You've got some rhythm. - Can I ask, can I ask. Were you nervous? - Yes. - I want you, next time you do something like this, I want you to sing it with your chest. Yeah. - All of this. - Full of confidence. - Pure confidence. - All right what are you saying Ethan? (laughing) - Lads. Luke there's untapped potential here, but I'm just afraid on today's show it's gonna be a no from me. - It's all right. - That was really hard. - Oh Ethan. - It's all right, it's all right. - I feel like crying, I feel like crying lads. - Oh. - Oh lads, oh no. Oh yeah, it's a yes, it's a yes. It's a yes, it's a yes, it's a yes, it's a yes. - Singing isn't his talent. His talent is guilt tripping us, that's what his talent is. - Legit bro I feel so horrible like. - I'm gonna have to say yes. - That's a yes. Come on. - Mom go away. Please go away. Okay. Sorry what was the question? - What are you going to sing? - When I Was Your Man. - No pressure. This is just, you know, biggest thing you'll ever do. - Yeah pretty much. - No, no you never know. You know you might, you might do more in the future if this does well. - Well yeah, hopefully-- - Well good luck. ♪ My pride, my ego, my needs and my selfish ways ♪ ♪ Caused a good, strong woman like you ♪ ♪ To walk out my life ♪ ♪ Now I never ♪ ♪ Never got to clear up the mess I made ♪ ♪ And it haunts me every time I close my eyes ♪ ♪ It all just sounds like woo, woo, woo. ♪ ♪ Too young, too dumb to realise ♪ ♪ That I should have brought you flowers ♪ ♪ And held your hand ♪ (clapping) - Jesus. - Okay I'mma just get this out of the way. Firstly I gave a yes to someone who did a talk about Crocs. So this has blown that out of the water, it's a straight yes from me. - This is the most talent we've seen all day. Fantastic stuff. It's also yes from me. - That was insane. Oh my God. Yeah it's a yes for me yo. Jesus three yeses, that's unreal. - I'm going to sing. - Okay. - All right. - All right okay. - Let's have it. ♪ Packed up the photo album Matthew had made ♪ ♪ Memories of a life that's been loved ♪ ♪ Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals ♪ ♪ Poured the old ginger beer down the sink ♪ - Sorry she mentioned gingers, she had to go. (laughing) (murmuring) - Oh this is so brutal you know. This is so brutal. Oh she even sat there like no they hate it. Oh God. Lois I enjoyed it, Lois I know you're watching this. I loved it, I loved it. - I was enjoying it. I was enjoying it. - Lads like lads, lads, lads. I don't want to do these things, but I'm not sitting here for 35 minutes listening to singers. We need to find the bangers all right. I'm sick of singing already. I'm sick of it. - I would like sing for you. - Yeah okay. - Okay. ♪ I could spend my life in this sweet surrender ♪ - All right stop, stop, stop. ♪ I could stay lost in this moment forever ♪ Ayo stop man. Stop singing, stop. I don't know what's going on, why's he continuing? - I haven't got to the best bit yet. - No, no why don't you. - Relax. Oi relax. I haven't gotten to the best bit yet. Stop. Don't interrupt me. - Ay I'm about to kick this guy I swear to God. ♪ Is a moment I treasure ♪ - Oh. - Yo even the dog's pissed. The dog's confused. ♪ I don't wanna fall asleep cause I miss you baby ♪ ♪ And I don't wanna miss a thing. ♪ ♪ 'Cause even when I dream of you. ♪ - Okay all right please stop. Please, please stop. All right okay. Yo. Even your husky wants to kill it. So all right look stop man. Jesus Christ. Maybe if you sing with your hood down, we'd be able to somewhat hear you better. Oh my God. - What are you saying JJ? - My black Russian family wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. - It's a no for me, this guy is trash. This guy thinks he's sick, he's not, he's dead. - And Vik, Vik what do you say? - Look I love the enthusiasm. I love that you really went for it. - Don't say anything you will regret. - Shoosh. All right I love the delivery, commitment but vocals just weren't quite there. Again maybe if you weren't singing into your hoodie, you know we would have caught those notes a little cleaner. It just had this kind of muffled tone to it. So it's a no from me, I'm sorry. - You think you lot are so fucking hilarious innit? - Could I actually-- - So fucking hilarious. - Can I just turn this please. I think it was incredible. I think if you wrote your own stuff instead I think you could have a top hit. - Wait incredible. - I think that was insane. What up Notes. It's Notes. - Ay look at this guy, look at this guy. For fuck sake. - You are the best. You are a bloody legend everybody subscribe to Miniminter right now. - Fuck JJ's second channel. - You're still dead man. (laughing) - How dare you judge me like that? - All right let's see-- - I can't believe this is happening. - All right hello, what's your talent? - You're good to go - I rollerskate for Team GB. - Oh jeez. - Okay. All right. - All right show us what you got. Let's see it, let's see it. - All right, all right. She's doing a little 360. All right, all right. - Oh Jesus Christ. - Bro. - She's done a couple of spins. - We have some like really nice peaceful copyright free music over this. - Oh to be fair, This is actually quite impressive you know. - This is very impressive. - I'm meant to be in Paraguay right now at the world champs. - Oh no you got a shocker - Do you know what, For our country to win-- - I knew it, I knew this was coming. I knew it. - Yes, yes. - Yes. Yes. - I will say yes. I will say yes. - Yes. - Congratulations Mia. - Yeah, come on. - So my talent is shaving my head. - Oh. - Oh. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are you going to shave it completely? Do you do a different hairstyle? - Nah I do it just bald. - Nice. - Look at my hairline. - Yeah oh my God. It's fucked. His hairline is fucked. - Lads there's a real issue here. Lads, lads, lads fucking listen, it's a beard trimmer. Lads it's a beard trimmer. - Just get the scissors, big man ting get the scissors. - This way works bro, this way. - Bro get some scissors. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get scissors. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Get it gone, yeah. (laughing) He's still going. (laughing) He's still going. Come closer, come closer. Let's have a look. - Yeah decent, yeah. - Oh no, no, no, no. Oh. - All right I'm giving a dub for that. That's a dub. - You look sick. You look amazing. - Yes. Much better. - Jesus. Mate you actually have to shave that off. You have to shave it off. You figure out a way to shave it off. You can't go around like that. - No he can. - All right looks good, looks good, looks good. - Yeah look if you just (laughing) - Mate it's a yes from me. - It's a dub, it's a dub congratulations mate. - Okay can I spit yeah? - Yeah go for it man. - Hopefully you can hear the beat. (rapping) (clapping) - That was good. - I appreciate it, I appreciate it a lot. - Yeah you know, the character was in there, I loved it. Yeah it's a yes from me. - Thank you man, thank you. - Yes from me man. - I mean for me it was way better than Poppin and that did pretty well so. - Fam what's this motherfucker? - Yeah I'm with these guys. I'm impressed. I don't know a lot about music, but I know what was good and that was so it's a yes for me. - Thank you Vik, thank you. Stop Vik abuse. No more. - So I'm a comedian, I guess. I've got some jokes lined up. - All right, all right. - You got this. - All right okay. So I'm a 15 year old boy with a 20 year old's body, some say but I still can't figure out where to hide the body. Shit I fucked up. - Listen I didn't kick, who kicked, who kicked, who kicked? - What do you mean who kicked? - Oh mate that's so deep cause you know they're stressing. - They're so nervous I guess. - You know they're nervous and they can't. - So my name is (indistinct) - And what's your talent? - My talent is piano right here. - Okay. - All right Vik's heart here. - I know this is for you Vik. - All right. (audio cuts off) - Hey he's picking up the pace. (audio cuts off) - That was very good, very good. Yeah it's a yes from me. - That was unreal. The audio came through a little choppy. I'm sure it sounded even better in person. No, it was incredible. Great stuff, huge skills. - I appreciate it. - It's a yes for me. - Yes for me as well. Congratulations. - Hi my name is Will. - What's good Will. - Hello Will. - What's your talent? - I perform magic. - Okay. All right, all right. - Okay right watch this. So I'll take the pack like so, I'll make it stand just like this. I'll then make the cards rise up the pack just like that. Okay now what we're gonna do is I'd normally have you choose cards like this, but since we're doing it virtually I will have you name a card that you see okay. So Josh really quickly just name a card that you see. - Must I name it out loud? - Yeah, yeah say it out loud. - Four of diamonds. - Four of diamonds. Okay watch this. Right what we'll do, take the four of diamond and I'll lose it about halfway in the pack, lets say around around there, yeah? Okay now watch this. Have you ever seen a trick? What a magician does, he takes a pack he'd snap just like that and every single card goes blank. - Whoa. - Jesus Christ. - What's really cool is every single card is blank. So I'll go through, you'll notice every single card blank but only one card, your card the four of diamonds. - Yo, okay. - We can take your card like this. We can turn it over. I can give it a quick blow like that and your card vanishes. - Oi that was sick. - All right, all right. - Okay. - Jeez. - That's a dub, that's a dub. - That was good. - Magic is hard, but to do it virtually is even harder. So fair play. - I really wish I could have fucking seen that. - That was a good one, you missed a good one. - That's what I mean. I'm sat here through fucking Houdini remakes and the one person who does actually something decent is just two loading dots. - Well you get your dub from me. - Do you know what, it's a yes from me 'cause you to impressed my friends. - All right thank you. - Congratulations Will, thank you. - Yeah well done there. - Thank you, good luck. - I can perform magic. - Okay. - Oh, okay. Interesting. - I can make anything disappear. So I bought this pencil right and then put it in here right And now it's gone right. So if you see this, AirPods case. The air pods, gone. Ethan's dad, still there what you can do is just crumple it up put it in this hand. Put it in that, put it in that one. Now it's gone. But to be honest it's not the first time he's disappeared. - Can I just, I'mma stop you there. I'mma stop you there all right. - Please, please just be really good. - Listen yeah I'm shaking. So if I mess up yeah, this isn't me-- - Bro no listen look, listen what's your name? - Archie. - Archie, bro look, chill bro. Look we just sat in a cool, go on Yeah bro. You got it, you got it my friend. (upbeat guitar music) You know when Simon Cowell waits for the shit one and waits for the better one, we've done it, we've done it. (clapping) - At last we found one. - Thank you at fucking last. - Honestly guys, guys it is a fucking pleasure, it's an absolute pleasure. - Thank you, thank you mate man. - Thank you. - No thank you, thank you so much man. - You're amazing. - It's dubs all round for us mate. - Big instant dub. - Thank you so much. - Banger. - I'm going to be singing 'My Way' by Frank Sinatra. - Oh, I love a bit of Frank. - Hey oh. ♪ Yes, there were times ♪ ♪ I'm sure you knew ♪ ♪ When I bit off more than I could chew ♪ ♪ But through it all ♪ ♪ When there was doubt ♪ ♪ I ate it up and spit it out ♪ ♪ I faced it all and I stood tall ♪ ♪ And did it my way ♪ ♪ I've loved ♪ - Okay. - Stop, stop, stop. All right we get it, you're good. Fucking hell. Jesus. Talk about showing off. That's a yes for me. That was insane all right. - Thank you very much. - Very unique, very talented, it's also a yes from me. (upbeat drumming) - Drum it yeah, drummer, drummer boy. - Ooh. Did you see the flick? Do you see the flick? - I saw the flick. - Do you see the flick? (laughing) - Kick it over, yeah. - My fucking, everything's broken. - But why did you do that? - That's part of the act is it not? - No, no, no I took it too far actually. - I'll tell you what mate it's a yes from me. It's a yes from me. - Hundred percent. - The stick fumble got it for me. - Okay. How long will it take you to solve this? - Under 20 seconds or so. - Okay could you please...hold up-- - Under 20 seconds. - Could you please close your eyes and twist it a lot. Just to show it's mixed up. - Oh look at the tech. - That's someone you know has solved Rubik's. - All right I got my timer ready. Okay do you want me to count you in? - Under 20 seconds. - Three, two, one, go. Actually it might not. It will be short though because I've already done two layers. Oh wait. Done. - Wow. - Wait what time, what's the time? What was the time, what's the time? - That was 20 seconds on the dot. - Oh my fucking God. - I'll give you that one, that is impressive. - That's ridiculous. That's ridiculous. - Holy shit. - It's an absolutely yes from me. - The second I said mix it up, and the second I saw these fingers do this. I was like yeah no he's-- - Yeah he knows what he's doing. It's a yes from me. - Absolute yes. - Jesus. - Enjoy your prize, congratulations. - Thank you. - I'm Joey. - I'm Michael. - And we're the Blues Brothers. - Okay, okay. - Okay yeah. - Let's go. - Right we're going to be singing and dancing. - Okay. - You're ready, can we go? - Yeah whenever you're ready. - Yeah, yeah go ahead, go ahead. ♪ Everybody needs somebody ♪ ♪ Everybody needs somebody to love ♪ ♪ I wanna love ♪ ♪ Someone to love ♪ ♪ Sweetheart to miss ♪ ♪ Sweetheart to miss ♪ ♪ Sugar to kiss ♪ ♪ Sugar to kiss ♪ ♪ I need you, you, you ♪ ♪ I need you, you, you ♪ ♪ I need you, you, you ♪ ♪ In the morning ♪ ♪ When my soul's on fire ♪ ♪ Sometimes I feel ♪ ♪ I feel a little sad inside ♪ ♪ When my baby mistreats me ♪ ♪ I never, never, never, never had a place to hide ♪ ♪ I need you ♪ (clapping and laughing) ♪ I need you, you, you ♪ ♪ I need you, you, you ♪ (clapping) - Let's skip the formalities that's a straight dub for me. - A hundred percent win. - That's a dub. - That's probably the best performance I've seen. - That was amazing. - Yeah definitely, without a doubt. - Nice thank you guys. - Thank you. - Well done. - How'd that go? - Oh that was, that was it? - What'd you think? - Is that your mom in the back? - Yeah, that's my mom. - Okay. I will say yes if she twerks for us. (laughing) Then I'm going to have to say no. I mean hey yo her back is mad fam ay. - Oh no, oh no. - Ay yo your dad is gassed. All right but-- - I'm gonna give you a no so you can leave. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - Goodbye. - Well thanks a lot anyway. - No worries man. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 8,957,982
Rating: 4.9545898 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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