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- Look at this gulp, bro look he's eating it. - That's (screaming) That's my teammate. That's my teammate. (screaming) (laughing) (group laughing) - So could I get your number? - He's sucking for England. Go on man. (group laughing) - Yes now everybody. (group cheering) welcome to pub golf 2.0, and guess what? There's palm trees in the back. There's a beach behind us. We are in Benidorm! (group cheering) - Yeah. Benidorm oh my God! (group chattering) - Welcome to what we had to experience but we're doing it the fun way, pub golf nine holes with extra rules and challenges to go through. - Okay. - Who wants to know their teammate first? - Me. - Me. - Toby, who's Toby to you mate? (chattering) - So because we're good friends, Toby is now called Corporal Toby, and we will be reporting our scores and everything to him. And he will be invigilating the whole night. (makes an impression) - He's our adjudicator, our judge. - Our sober king, our sober king, - Our designated driver. So who address you? - Who wants to know their teammate first? - Me, me, me, me, me, me, me? (laughing) - KSI, you wanna know your teammate? - Yes, I do. - Okay. Who would you like your teammate to be? - I'd like it to be Harry. - You'd like it to be Harry. - I would love it. Harry. - I could inform you. - Yes. - That your teammate. - Yes. - Is Josh. (laughing) Let's go. - Hey, don't get funny. - No, no, no - I'll drink you though. - Oh okay. - I count down drinks, we know this. - Well, that's the whole challenge Josh. (laughing) - I can survive. - Next up, who wants to know their teammate? - Me. - Harry. - Me. - Harry. Guess who you are with? - I'm like, oh, you know I'm for a guest. - I wonder whose gonna be. - I think it's Simon. - Oh my god. (cheering) - I didn't know that. - The teams have been decided, me and Vikstar. - The captain? - Yes. Come on. Simon and Harry. JJ and Josh. Now, should we go for the rules? - No ones looking on that team? - Yeah, let's go. - The rules are as follows. Spilling a drink is a plus one, failure to complete the whole plus three, water hazard, pissing yourself plus two, falling over plus two, throwing up plus four and starting a fight, plus four. Whilst you're at it. There's some challenges. The best team picture, minus two, the kick up challenge is as follows, minus two, minus one and zero. The best outfit of the night minus two, finding sticky Vicky minus one, the punch machine minus two, minus one and zero. Whilst we're at here on the topic of alcohol. Take a look at this. (rock music) - We're not starting a fire. - Start a fire. Well, I didn't really think you'd be doing that, so. (laughing) - Okay, cool. - Should we just get going to the first bar. - Please. - It's European Pub Golf. Spain Benidorm, let's go. - All right you better have your tolerance up, bro. - Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this. - Guys I'm just gonna let you know there's a shop here and if you wanted to do your outfit, you could get your outfit done in this shop. - Ooh, we can buy clothes here. - What's my name? - I need clothes. - What's my name? - Toby. - No. - No Corporal Toby. - Corporal Toby. - Or Sergeant Toby, Lieutenant Toby. - I like that. I like that. - Sir JJ, Josh, you are yellow team? - Yellow team. - Your yellow team, Harry and Simon, your blue team. - I want, wait - We're red team. - We're red team. - Should we just, oh wait. Oh, this, this has got my name. - You've gotta get a bucket out, bruv. - I love Benidorm bucket. - Yeah, you've gotta get that. Yeah. I think, this is only the start of our. - We just, yeah yeah we'll add to it, but I like this one, - We wanna add to it continuously throughout the night. - Is there more clothes in here. So I was trying to say if we change shops. - Well we have a. - The door on the way. I think. - Like's okay, there's nothing. - Every shop you want to go in, you just go in and buy something you want. - You, we go somewhere else. - You wanna start with this? - Okay. Start with this. - This is looking good. - We look like we are back on the purple team. - Yeah, honestly. - That's exactly what we look like. - I wish that I brought my purple team t-shirt. - All right. - My initial feelings, I'm feeling confident, you know. I think Josh and JJ as a team right off, because Josh can't down drinks and JJ is a lightweight. Vic and Ethan are formidable pair. I think they're our main competition here. Simon is a dark horse. Let's not forget this. - He's bigging me up the whole time. He's giving me this hat. - Nah, he is. He is looking. A man in that hat could drink, you can tell. - Oh, the thing is actually not getting any warmer, so. - How would it get warmer? It's getting later. - I know about Spain just has like natural heat. - It's being in fucking UK right now. It's freezing. - How far is this place? - Just down the road. - Just down the road, you said that last time. - Me being here before, absolutely nothing. I don't think that has anything to do with me drinking. - No, no, it does. If you feel at home, you'll be more comfortable. - (laughing) I don't feel at home. I feel like, you know, I've just gone back to a place, which I thought I could forget, (laughing) leaving the past. - Oh my God, big clothes shop. Oh my God. Oh my God. - Here we go yellow, bold I can't wear that. What are you doing? - Okay. - Corporal Toby here reporting to his superiors. You guys at home, just for today. Don't get guested. They're in here. Gettin' their outfits. Now the best dressed team will get minus two. - You gotta get that one. - Official fortnight merchandise. - I reckon you can get that on, to be honest. - I absolutely cannot. - I think you can. - Aw, yo Harry, yo appeal to your audience. You know what I'm saying? Toby's the judge. There's a Naruto shirt over there. - Loves Naruto. - Spotify. - Oh, there's anime. - No this one. - T-shirts. - Oh, anime t-shirts the team Naruto. - No, already called it. - Toby does this colour is yellow. - You can find something yellower than that. - There actually is not anything yellow. - (laughing) My face. - Oh yes. (laughing) Yes. - Don't show don't show him. Don't show him. - Oh my God. - Whoa. This is the best we're gonna get. - There's some shop over there though, like. - Is it? - There's lots of shop everywhere, look a shop over there. - Oh. - It's too cookie run across and see. - All right fine. (upbeat music) - What's you know about tick toq. - Man said tick - Tick tick though (laughing) - Red team's your favourite, Isn't it? Red team's your favourite. - You a costing the judge. - Tick to. - Tick to, I like it. I like it. I like. - You look like a delivery driving fridge. - No I don't, I can't wear this t-shirt. - Oh boy I should look like an idiot. - Come on t-shirt. - Fuckin', I'm almost 30 bro. This ridiculous, I can't be doing this? Dignity has left the building. - Oh my God. - Just saw a glimpse of a bright yellow wig. Come here, come here. - Just, fuck off - Oh my God. There's no way, there's no way. Where's your wig. - Yeah, I lost my wig. (laughing) - They've taken the top, (laughing) They've taken the top (group chattering) - Well, there's literally nothing in yellow. (all laughing) (group chattering) - That was a big jumper. - You sure found it. I thought you. (laughing) - I think it's so sick that the Simon is the only place, we can get KSI to do this. - The thing is like, you didn't even have to do that man. Like I saw Josh with the wig on, in the mirror and I was like. - Yeah that's what we saw. - I'll be on but the hat wouldn't stay on as well. So I was like, guess what? The hat I was like, you look better in a wig. - This is the first one. - Are we here? - What have they got. - Football on? That's what they got. - It's time to decide the best outfit. Best, best breast teams. - Okay. - Why is it whenever you end up in a wig, like. (laughing) - Brother, what is. - Why is one team in the- (all laughing) - Josh man, give him his decency. - I got some lobe sided tee man. - I like the commitment here. I doubled up on the top. Lovely. And the wig is a nice touch, covered the hair. Lovely. - Blue team. - Oh, come on. - The shorts, you covered the bottoms nicely. - Yeah. Come on, come on. - Beautiful. - See that? - Naruto. Say that. (all laughing) - Sorry. (all chattering) - Nah blue team, I think you've done well, I think you've done well. I wish the blues matched a bit better, but. - We did that on purpose. - Yeah, yeah. - Cause we're all unique. - The whole spectrum, aye, we don't discriminate. (laughing) - Bro you just say aye so much. - All right, good save, good save. And then red team. - Tick to. - Looking drippy, tick and drippy. What's that? That is on 23. Benidorm 23 - The Benidorm Michael Jordan. - Ah. - And. - Tick To. He's a famous tick to star right. See him on tick to - Make a tick to right now. Make one right now. - We have to give it to you yellow. Minus is two for you, minus two for you. - Well done, well done. - However, let's get the first drinks in. - What's with all the cameras? - We're filming ourselves while doing. No, no, not famous. Nope. Nope. (laughing) Don't know anything about fame. - Jesus. - Imagine Brits abroad. Wow what do they like to drink? (chattering) - Who knows? Oh, here they come. - That's, I can't drink these. - Why are we having a part first? - Just aim for two. You can do it. - No. - Vic, I believe in you brother. - Get rid of them minus two already. - I've lost us as a point. - There only time I ever drink beer is on a side, men pub. The only time you'll ever catch me with a pipe. - Pro twist it. (all chattering) (all laughing) - He has it. He looks like he looks like one of twist. - We need to go get another one right here. - All right, here he is ready. He is. - Corporal Toby. - Corporal Toby. - Who's going first. - Since you lot won the outfit challenge, you'll be going first. - You think you can choose. - No way they can choose. - You wanna go last? - Yes. - No, they, They can choose. - Let Simon and Harry go first. - Twist and his mate. - They get to choose cause they won. - Please tell me you can start the first. (laughing) Part three. - I might just go first. - Get outta the way. - Like get outta the way. - All right, let's see what you can do. Whatever you do, bruv I'm proud of you already. Okay. Just, just letting you know. - I want that attitude from you. - Yeah, yeah, I'll give it to you. - Its just water bruv. ♪ We want to drink with Twisty ♪ ♪ Cause twisty is out mate. ♪ You drink's going. Oh, he is just. - Just, it gets there. (all speaking) He's got king tipping, tipping. - Solid stuff. (clapping) - That's a big, that's a big, that's a big thing. - All right? You got two more. - We've actually lost. Its no fun. - You're being heckled. - You're being heckled by locals. - You're being heckled. You're being heckled. - Can you chant for me? Can you gimme a chant? - Give you a chant? - Yeah. - Want me to drink it for you? (laughing) - No - He offered. - The rest of it, come on. The locals are watching. Come on, (laughing) Go get my open just get over and done with. (cheering) - He's done it. - Slow down - Oh, he's going. - Oh, he's going, he's sending it. (speaking from the background) - Go on, you got that. - Oh, he's pacing it. - He's pumped that. Oh, my. - That is a man right there. - I'm really sad. I'm really sad. (laughing) - He'll do one. He'll do one. - Oh he's it's cold. (all speaking) - Ronaldo just scored and I missed it. Cause this man drink. You better do this in one. I just missed the goat score. - Oh, he's got, he's got it. - Oh brilliant. Fantastic. - Ethan and Harry, we expect ones in every hole. - It's cool though, isn't it? Brilliant. It's a hard one to get down. - All right? (clapping) Come on Vic. - He's going, he's going, - he's tipping, he's tipping. We need a better angle though. - You gotta keep tipping. - You gotta stick, come on. It's a bit cold. - Why you doubting him? - Look at his eyes. - Keep tipping, keep tipping. - Stop man, yes. - I come back, bro. - Vic. All you gotta do is get the rest of that gone. - He's already done, he's failing. - That's more than 50 bit. I need a better shit. - My eyes are watering. - Vic now, you know what it's like, It goes. - Pace yourself bro, you got it. - Its acceptable as well you know. - He's got, he's got to you gotta listen. - Rest. - You actually have that, keep tipping, keep tipping, keep tipping. - Familiar level. - Keep tipping, keep tipping, keep tipping. - All right back. - Keep tipping. - Yes, yes. - Go on. Yes. That's my guy (laughing) - You did good bruv, is he all right? - No he's not. - You lot, you started minus two, your goods. What you have to do is get in five. (laughing) - This is gonna be good, getting five. - I'm not a pro though. (all laughing) - Toby is on the lookout for experience first. - Do you know how much I'm gonna nurse this drink. - It's been there 10 minutes already, bruv. (all chattering) (all laughing) ♪ We like to drink with G day ♪ ♪ cause G is our mate ♪ ♪ and when we drink with G day ♪ ♪ he gets it down in eight ♪ seven, six, five. - Those eyes, he's crying, he's crying. (all laughing) (all speaking) - What were you doing that whole time? - Oh boys. This, this like, unless you won the challenge. - You know what I need? - We have to pull back on everything else. - Oh, he's going in. - Take two. - This is the second stroke. - Grit and determination, come on. Don't stop. Don't stop. (all speaking) - That's big. That's big. (clapping) That's big, that's big. - That's huge, that's huge. (laughing) - There's a damsel in distress. (laughing) - You're good. - Four's coming - Here we go. (laughing) - It's moving, it's moving. - He's tipping. There you go, there you go. Hold on, hold on. (laughing) - Oh, that was stop. Oh stop. That was a stop, that was a stop. (all speaking) That was a stop. - It stopped? - Yeah, you went like that? - Yeah, the glass went down. - Yeah, I'm trying to see, look, it should be this motion, - Come on, we've all got lives to live. (laughing) - Oh, he's actually going on. (all speaking) - You know, he's like doing the thumb thing with his finger. (laughing) - Does that even work? - Yeah, yeah, it does. - Come on Josh, you're so close - You're there, there Josh. - You're so close - You're there. - Yeah, go on, go on. - Yeah (clapping) - I think- - Its not gone down yet. - There she goes. - I think cause he got a three we're all equal. - You got three, you got two. - Oh yeah. - Its two, two - One, one three. - Game on boys, come on. - Yeah. - This is my what's it called my calling, this area. This is my hometown I think. - Harry's gonna do a stint in Bali where he finds himself. And then he's gonna realise that he's. - He's gonna realise that he's here. (laughing) Cheap alcohol, fat people. - Harry will be down the beams be with a pine. - Oh, I see him balancing it on his belly. (laughing) - Yeah. - All right, you see these, these red lights, these red lights mean this owns, this is owned by us. We own this. - Oh true read team turning up - Red team own this bar. - What is this one called? - Heartbreak rock bar. - Heart rate. - Heart break hotel day is cool. - Okay. - Yeah. And guess what? There's a couple heart breakers right here. - Okay, okay. - And you know how heart breakers are? (laughing) Heart breakers go like this. This heartbreaks know that I'm about to eat that up. (cheering) - Get on tick to mate. (laughing) - I'm already on a wave. This sea's just over there and I'm on a wave. (laughing) - Sneak boat and he show you the wave. - So, if we go in the water, do we just. - I reckon you'll get. - You just have to say its Toby. You gotta ask him. - Yeah. You get points you get swept aways to your death in the Mediterranean. - I think you, depending on how deep you go. - There's no part you Toby feel like, you want your fancy abit. - Huh? - Man do you not watch us and think, I wish I could do that. (laughing) - No, because he'll watch us in three bars times. I mean like, oh, don't wanna to do that. - Oh fuck off, man. It's literally, that. - Is A bomb. - Say yeagar bomb. (impression of Ronaldo) What happened to no more caffeine, bro? - There's no rules. - Oh, we're doing the little ting. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. - Oh. - You know it is much cooler now. - That's a lot cooler. I would like to retract my offer. This is quite cool. - Just start at the thick of this - Go on. - That was sick, that was very fun. - I love this one then. - All right? (laughing) - Cheers. - One, part one light work. - Yeah. Get it gun. Oh, beautiful. - The glass. - It sort of gets in the way. - It throws up a bit of a commotion - That's yeah. - It's drink the drink. - Hey, I don't like this. You aint drinking? - Remember when we told you to drink your drinks. (murmuring) - He said dribbly. - That's a lot dribbling (all speaking) - Its the glass. (all speaking) - No, no dirty man helds in. - There's a lof of spilling. - Go on Simon. - Oh yeah. (all speaking) - Its the glass man. - No one dribbled down. - He did. - Bro, half of the drink was down his mouth. - I have to be firm. I have to be firm. (laughing) To your team. Be careful with that scenario. - Just keep it nice and slow. As long as you get a dribble, you're fine. - And argue he's not- - No dribble. Don't dribble. Don't dribble now. - Doesn't dribble. - Fair days. - No dribble, dribble. - That was wow. - Look how slow he's drinking. - No dribble. - Oh Josh. - Cause she's struggling with that. - What's happening? (clapping) - No dribble. I mean. (laughing) (all speaking) - I'm just saying I was told no more caffeine. I've been lied. - Twist mate. - I've been lied. - Twist his pulses up. - Nice - All right bro. - Oh no bro, look at the- (laughing hysterically) - You can't argue with that, its serious you can't. - They can - Taking this into custody. - Article one A. (laughing) (soft music) - All right we're here. Hole number three, come on. - We got inside though? - Why are we here already? We've just walked 30 seconds. - Okay boy's okay, okay, okay. - Okay. Okay. - You see what's gonna happen next. - Okay, the lovely Daytona bar. (cheering) - Daytona. - Has given us these beautiful drinks, for free. (cheering) - For free. - So I expect them done, in three. (cheering) - Okay. - All right, I reckon can introduce in one. - Come on Josh. - I hit a brain freeze, fuck me over. - Come on Josh. - Here we go to one straw, that's brave. - Keep your eye on it, keep your eye on it. - Pumping. - Come on. - Its moving slow, come on. - Easy, easy one. - Bro your so close, keep going. - Wait, is that we taking that? No. (mutters) - I think with the ice, - I don't think you can get the ice. (all speaking) - I don't think you can get anymore out. (all speaking) - The liquids not coming out so. - It almost killed him. - Two straw. - Two straw strap. - Oh, he's sucking at him. (laughing) Double gobble. He's done up again. (all speaking) - Come on man, tap. (clapping) - Let's go and go. This is a one easy. - He knows the assignment. - Oh, the one straw. - Oh the one - That's coming. - There's a lot of ice. - There's a lot of ice in there. - That is so clean. - I had the last one. - Is it hard? - Easy, peasy. - Just big goodish in your sleep brada. Big sips. - I'm surprised no one's had a really bad brain freeze. - I had a brain freeze, that was why - Oh, Boggy. - You're struggling a little bit. - You got big sips in. - Inhale it Bog. - Oh, that is drained. He's even got the angle to. - I like that - That's good. That's good. - Well done. - I'll go for it. - All right, let's go. Vic suck that fucker. (laughing) Vic you suck that like you never sucked before. - I don't. I dunno how I feel about my teammates encouragement. - Let's go champ. - Okay. Oh, look at it go, oh sugar. - He's done this before. My God, this man loves a cocktail. - Bro, he owned that. - Light work. That might be the guickest on the table. - Jesus. - Go on, I bet is gone. Hold on Yeah, but there's more to have there. Yeah. Yeah. It's fine. We'll let, 'em all let so. - So fam, onwards. - I got a stitch. - I will add the scores onto the next hole. (soft music) - I'm all right actually at the moment, I was looking in the mirror and I was like, aight that was whole three, right? - Yeah. - So we are third in the way. I'm okay. Do a few more, maybe get some food in. - Are you gonna get food in? - I've already given up bro, you are against me. I've already established. - I'm not against you. - You're against me. - You're my guy, I'm not against. - I've already established, you're against me. - Burn, you playing mind games. - Yeah. No. (laughing) - Tell me how you feeling. - I'm cold. - Crunk is flat. - I'm gonna get crunk. I'm cold, I'm freezing. - Hey yo, Toby. You're looking kinda good today, you know. - Don't say that. (laughing) - What happened to your wig. - Bro, it keeps just entering my mouth. - What happened to your (laughing) - JJ wait up bro. We can't lose points fam. - He's just resting, Simon did wet himself? - There's a quickie mart. - So, suck my cock. - Show us a quickie mart. (laughing) - Wait, is there a yellow one that says, suck my cock my as well. - Fuck loud and make noise. (laughing) - Is that yellow? - Yeah. I mean, I'll take that. - Your girls go to heaven bad girls, go to Benidorm. Give me that please. - Yeah. Yeah. - We saw this last time. - No. What about this one? - What about the one that says lick my pussy? - Nah, that's too far. (laughing) - What is this? Who wears this? Who wears that? - That's a poncho. - You got a bag. - Your outfit is committed, you know. There's so many layers through, I didn't even realise you bought that. - Wait, you bought that for warmth. - Oh this. - Why you not buying something that's warm. - Isn't that? It'll do somethin'. - Its like a windbreaker. - It'll block the wind innit. - All right, so this is hole number four, large glasses of wine. Par two. Yeah. I think this where it starts getting a little bit techy for the guys. - The police haven't seen this much activity since July. I dunno. What's happening too bad. (laughing) Too bad. - They're keeping an eye on that. - They are, they just looked out. - They're like, if anyone in bed is gonna cause trouble, it's these guys. - Yeah. - Little do they know, we get plus strokes and we start a fight so we don't want to start a fight. - Oh, where he comes. - Sober Sergeant. - It's corporal cock. - Corporal cock. - Stop, where's the racist coming from? - Sure its long? - I like that one. I like that one. - That one smells like shit. - That's the house cheap wine. - Yeah. - Its agent all stiff (laughing) - Cool. - Send us Sergeant. - It's a part two. - A part two. - Part two. - Part two. - Oh, could be under part. - My Simon. I'll be honest with him. It's our time to get first again. - Is it just. - Like, I just need to know that. Wine is the end of me? - It's the beginning. - What's happening to yours? Why have you got that? Can you see that? - It's like cuddling. - Yoh wine is cuddling. - Look at him. He's fermenting again. - God blue team first. - I don't know man. - If you get this in two, I'll be happy with you. Belief. - Oh. (all speaking) - He's going for it. (cheering) (clapping) - Applaud him. - Vic, real applause that was dead. Applaud him - He's doing a classy applause. - Classy applause. - No, he broke. He's giving him like a fair play. - Don't smell it first, cause if its some fine wine. - I'm getting hints of fucking diabetes. (laughing) - Jesus. - Oh, he's chucked it. - They brought him that in the restaurant. - There he goes. - Of course he's chucked it. This mans always but a bottle of wine for dinner. - Yeah no one applauds you cause it was expected. - I applauded you. - Its quite sad (laughing) - You look sophisticated right now. You look kinda good. - You look styly. - Oh, it looks like it's fun. - Comfy. - I might lay down there. - It does go on smoother. - Ethan. - You all right. - I know. he'll pour drink and you can hear splash in his belly. - Well you tryna say I echoed, is that what you're saying? - It elaborates. - Go we know what's happening there. - Oh wait, whoa. Almost blast. - There was no need to gobble it like that. - It was too much. - Why was the mouth so wide. - It went in fucking, it went in seconds. Don't complain. - That was impressive. - I went a lot. - Is it? - No, it's not. - Or is it a cry for help. - Of now you wanna enjoy the experience? Not just a straight, like it's. - Here we go. - You gotta do this in one, now don't choke it. - Look at my throat go. - See what I mean? It's not hard to do in one. This is grim. - He looks so unimpressed. - Go on Josh. - I'm so happy with my life choices right now. - The ultimatum. - There we go. - That is how the sidemen do. - That's gone. - Oh, hang on. - If you invite this Ivan for wine, t's a whole bottle to go in one set. - Not very nice. Isn't it. - Not nice? We're not done there. - I have been informed that this particular bar, is a karaoke bar. - No. - So, the best performance. - Okay. - Will be shown on site plus. - The full performances will shown on site plus. - Hey there we go. - The best performance will get, how much do you reckon of? - A minus two. - A two. - Minus two. - Quite close one all right. - I think a two. - If you're watching you on the sideman channel, I apologise you didn't get to see the performances but. - Copyright. - Where music goes, side plus. Thank you. (burfs) - Oh God. - (laughs) Oh dear. ♪ Living in a lonely world ♪ ♪ she took the midnight train going anywhere ♪ - Cut. ♪ Tell me why, aint nothing but a mistake ♪ ♪ Tell me why I never wanna hear you say ♪ ♪ I want it that way ♪ ♪ You know ♪ - You haven't, you haven't Josh. (laughing) ♪ I must confess ♪ ♪ That my loneliness ♪ ♪ Is killing me now ♪ ♪ Don't you know I ♪ - Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. This is been the in the sidemen. (singing in the background) You can go back to playing your usual songs ♪ I see that body in the sunlight ♪ I'm feeling the heat. (singing continues) ♪ I see that body in the sunlight ♪ ♪ Sunlight ♪ ♪ Feeling the heat and it feels right ♪ ♪ Feels right ♪ ♪ I wanna do this for the rest of my life ♪ ♪ I know I know you know the vibe ♪ ♪ I wanna stay with you every night ♪ ♪ You and me underneath the lights ♪ ♪ I'm always knew you were by my side ♪ ♪ I know you know you're on my mind ♪ ♪ You really make me come alive ♪ ♪ I wanna be with you for the rest of my life ♪ ♪ Looking for sun rays ♪ ♪ Needing them good days ♪ ♪ Fly me away away ♪ ♪ You're my holiday ♪ ♪ Cool like the ocean ♪ ♪ Lost in emotion ♪ ♪ Fly me away away ♪ ♪ You're my holiday ♪ ♪ Whenever your here its a good time ♪ ♪ Strawberry shirts in the sunshine ♪ ♪ Ice cold drinks til the moonlight ♪ ♪ You're my holiday ♪ ♪ Whenever you're here its a good time ♪ ♪ Strawberry shirts in the sunshine ♪ ♪ Ice cold drinks in the moonlight ♪ ♪ You're my holiday ♪ (applauding) - Bravo bravo. Hole number five. (soft music) We are off to hole number five, which is the red lion which is down there, you see the red sign? And guess who's in it If she's on to us, Stick Vicky's in there. This is where she belongs. The red lion, you go through this double doors and she's in there twirling something in her fanny. Its nuts, its the most nuts thing I've ever seen. And depending on what night we go, there's either a star wars sex show or a mini mickey one. Is that what I think it is. - A sticky star, bro? - No, that's not. - Sticky Vickey. - That's not Sticky Vicky. - Sticky Vicky's daughter bro, she retired. - It just says sticky star. That's all it says. - Sticky Vicky retired bro. - That's me bro. - No, that's - I'm sticky star one. - Sticky Vicky retired. - Sticky star right here. Stick star wanting in the cup. - Get your fanny out then. - Only in the red line. - Jesus. - The red line. - Damn they got rid of sticky Vicky. - No, that is sticky star. That is sticky. - Its her daughter fam. - Stick Star man. - It's her daughter. - Is it? you guys. - You're lying - No way bruv. (laughing) - This my friends. - Oh my God. - Can we do that instead? - We'll never last. - Can we do that instead? - Yeah, yeah. - Whoever lasts longest that's the challenge. - Whoever lasts longest. - All right, so we are at hole five. But before we do this, the winners of the karaoke round, let's start over last place. A valiant effort from these guys. - You're fair play you know. - Don't look at me. They got. - No, no it's okay. - It was the system. - Your only qualm is that you gave up. - Yes, yeah. - Red team. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Listen, we win by drinking. - Then we with a better of a performance by getting second place. The yellow team. - They deserve it. - Blue team, the crowd control. - Come on. - The performance - I know, I know. - The soul that I saw it was beautiful. You had the locals involved. Minus two for you. - Minus two. We need that, we actually need it. - Anyway. Hole number five. It's a partner cider. - But only one. - Because you're nominating. - I'll score higher than you, But I'll survive. - Yes. - They might be done here by the way. - Yeah, its either they that take points or they get fucked. - All right you've been chosen to go first red team, part three. - That's good choice there. - Do I want to it (laughing) Do I want it? - Do you want it? - Lot's of spillage. - I'll do it. Oh wait. Is he just gonna, you're not going first. - I was spelling. - Its a minus one. No. Plus one plus one plus one plus one. - No, no minus one. - He's done it in one bro. If he can do it, look, look at the gobble bro. Look, he's eating it bro. - He's given a blow job to the glass. (clapping) He sucks off the glass. Bro you were munching it. - That's my teammate. - Fuck, what the fuck is that. - You gave art to the glass. Was it cold. - No as cold as a cardigan. He's built different - That's ridiculous. - Come on, Harry. - There he goes. - Come on lad. - The big book. - Big book all right, he don't let you down. - Easy. You got it. You got it. You got it, gang. Oh, you're almost there. (clapping) Comfy, comfy - Oh my God. - No, no pressure, no pressure. - What JJ doing it. - Okay mindset all right. - JJs got, legacy. - You just close your eyes. - Legacy. - Just calm down. - Cares about legacy, think about it. You're wearing a dress and wig, but legacy. - It's what? - Your legacy means nothing right now. - [Man] KSI. - Number one. - He's wearing a dress. - There he goes. - Calling Kristen. - And open mouth. - No, he is not. - Oh my God. - You were almost there. Almost. - Almost? ♪ We like to drink with Kristen ♪ ♪ Cause Kristen is our mate ♪ ♪ And when we drink with Kristen, ♪ ♪ She gets it down in eight ♪ ♪ Seven ♪ ♪ Six ♪ ♪ Five ♪ Four Three Two - Don't stop now. - One (clapping) - Well done Kristen That was good. - Oh shit this is a water hazard by the way, So you can't go toilet after this. - Yeah we know. - I'm bursting by the way (all speaking) - Scores, currently. - All right score, update. - All right let's go. - With 12 and in third place. - If you lose, - We have the books. - It's the team who are not listening right now is yellow team. (laughing) (clapping) With 10 and in second place, it's the red team. Currently leading. - We are two behind them. - Blue team with nine. - Always one point. - Vick, you write that, like you've never ridden anything before. - They donno what's happening yet. Okay, you come, I'll talk to you. Whoever didn't just drink from each team is now gonna take a, go on a mechanical bull. Now it's gonna be minus two, but a team that stays on the longest, minus one for second place and the loser gets nothing. - What you lot saying? - I feeling my pee part. I need to pee bad too. - So you three say it, you three can go. - Hold on you can go ahead. - Can't hold. - Wait, wait, put your hands in pee bad. - If you want a pee bad. - You three are allowed to go. Those three are allowed to go, Me, Josh and Vick aren't. - I tried to get myself in on the deal. I really wanted to get on the deal. - Are you sure you guys don't wanna pee bad. - I actually need to pee a little bit. - Could be. - But you said no, so I don't want to. - Okay fine. (laughing) - One hand. - One hand in the air. - Yeah. - Oh, he I'll buck it. - This is all you bro. - I'm gonna see do this. - This is all on you bro. - Easy. - Don't mind about me I'm Tommy T. - Tommy T. - The first button. Do the same thing the first button. - Yeah, yeah. That's a wrist that has a wrist. Who's next. - What the fuck was that? What the fuck did I just witness? That was fucking atrocious, my mind lasted less than 10 seconds. Am I dumb? Am I a dump ass? Do I look like a dump ass? - Look how close to camera to your face bro. - Am I a dickhead? - Is this the mouth? - Am I a dickhead men? - Its the mouth bro. - Man was like yeah I got this. - Oh come on Simon. - You've hoed up the gaff one. And now my friend min lot show how it's done. No, this is bad bro. I'm sleepy. Hello? Yo. - Hello? - Sam your wrist is weak. - Crispy hands. - Your wrist is weak. - Chris pants. - Weak wrist. - Pack it Chris. - Weak That shit weak. - You build like a pack of (all speaking) - That's my that's my teammate. - He didn't know he done better. - My ass is on fire. - Say something. - I did well. - What happened - For me. - You did well for you. - Yeah, yeah I got 45 seconds. - Well I assume that's a fucking - 46, 35. That's not bad You wouldn't last four and you know - Vicks got (all speaking) - He doesn't have have his coordination. Yeah. Bucket. Bucket. Yeah. Use the fries. Use the thighs Thighs and hips baby. - Use your thighs and hips - Yoh ride it Vick - Vicks got no ass and it still jiggled. - That's 33, that was less than mine and you know it. - Relax. - I saw it. - Relax. - I saw it. - Say that one more time. I'll give him a point. - Oh. Oh, why is he doing that to it? Why did he do that - Oh he spanked it. Oh, ride it. Ride it, ride on it. Ride on the cocky. - Oh, yeah baby - Yeah, you like that you damn hoe. - Yeah less than me. - Hold it. - Fucking hell. - 10 seconds under me. - One hand up. - Why were you coming at my wrists? - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Why were you coming at my wrist? - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - I heard, you have weak wrists (laughing) Dry wrist You got a dry wrist. - Ride it. - I'm sorry, I'm shit. - He's riding it. Look at the hips go. Oh baby. (fake moaning) - Look at the hips, the hips are good. - Come on Bogo. - Here it comes. - He's keeping his hand down though. - Why so frail. - Enjoy it my boy. - There you go. - Enjoy (fake moan) Enjoy - Yes, I beat everyone. - Let's see it baby. (cheering) - Oh shit, he's doing well. - He's done it. He's done. - My guy. 55 - You got 55. That was very good. - Jesus. - Is that Sticky Vicky? Stick Vicky? Oh wait, I found her - That's the point - I spotted Sticky Vicky. - No way man no. - I spotted Sticky Vicky - She wants. - No way - She asked for a picture. I've we'll get, We'll get Casty. - Hi mates. - Amazing. - There's no way. - Amazing. - Thank you. - If you want, I come in show in 10 minutes in time. - 10 Minutes! - Aye, aye. - 10, half front of everything else. - Who can I bring on the stage. - Him - Him, okay. - Yeah, yeah you get minus three? - How you lick a pussy? Good? (shrieking) - Minus three. - Minus five if he's doing the mad ting. - I mean. - Lets see what it is. - No way hold on. - If he's licking it, minus - I have to watch. - Well, my agree to. - [Commentator] Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, sticky star. (clapping) - Here she is. (upbeat music) - It's done now. - It's less than 10 minutes. - Yeah, it's done now. - I thought we'd have a better warm up. - Oh no. Its all now. - Well I. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's that? I wait. What's that though? Not a burger. Oh yeah. U aint seen it. (laughing) - [KSI] Sticky Vicky - [Josh] Sticky Vicky - [KSI] We seen it - [Josh] we seen it - They get a minus one. - The legacy continues. - That's how old she was with a shoot. - 75 bro. - Brada - Wow. - Why you breathing deep. - Bro, I've seen it twice. - Do you feel like. - But - I donno what I've witness. - Its all right its sexual. - Just bizarre. - Oh that's a drink there. - What is that? Surely not say really surely. No. Who could have seen it coming? - Come through. - It's the alarm. - Toby you evil man? I had the alarm. - Kill me. - Blow job yeah. - Bro it's a shot. - Blow job yeah. - No, I don't need do that. - Who's going first. - Just do it in a line quick ting. - Send that over. - All right, JJ you first. - We'll talk about blow job. - Quick fire. - Aye. - Go fuck yourself. - Hole number six. He's gone. Oh, Josh. Josh is brave. Oh, he's gone again. - He sips it weirdly. - He sips it down. - Yeah, he doing that like communion wine. - As it should be. - Yummy. - Beautiful. Beautiful. - All six well done lads. - Is that it? We done. All right for play fair play. - Next challenge. - Challenge. Toby announced. - The shots are pretty straightforward for all of you. - Okay - Standard. Yes sir. - It's challenge time. Before we do this challenge. - Yeah. - It's time to announce the winners of the last challenge. - - Oh, no. - Yeah, yeah. - The riding the bull. - Is it been that long? Something else taking space in your minds? - We certainly saw something. - Its definitely stuck herself in her, in my mind. - In what? What? (all speaking) - The ball challenge, in last place with a disqualification, but two hands on the ball. - Oh no. - It's the red team. - So that's a plus one? - No zero. - Zero, he came last. - This is zero. - I apologise. - You've got second place, minus one. But I believe 35 seconds. That's huge. - Yellow team. - With minus two is the blue. 46. - Now he was there for time, you know. - You did 55, you know. - Be like Toby. - That's why co deficit is 20 seconds. - But now it's a kick up challenge. The team that spills the least amount of water while doing 10 kick ups. - What you trynna say, is it both players? - One person from each team. - Oh cheese, wow. - Relax brada. - Okay. Okay. Wait, wait, wait. Do I get extra points if I. - You pull yeah. - If I pull, if I get someones number? - If you get a number like this. - Minus one yeah. (all chattering) - What's up. I've come here to say wow, you girls are absolutely stunning. Thank you. - It's my birthday. - It's your birthday? Happy birthday. - It's birthday. - What's your birthday. - Yesterday. - Okay, how old are you? - 22. - 22 - 16 - You 16. - 15 and a half. - 15 and a half and you. - 21 - 21. Okay. Would it be amazing if I - She's very single, - Single? - Yeah. - I'm the only single one. (laughing) - Okay. - If he gets a number like that, minus three, all of us have taken men. (chattering) - If he gets a number, he deserves it like he does, but I wanna compete. I'm competitive. - Compete then. - No I can't do it. - So could I get your number? - You can, - And then maybe I can, you know, take you on a date. - Yeah, of course you can. - Are you in London? - No - Do you know what boss is? - I know both. Yeah. I go there a few times. - Yeah. Yeah. - Okay. Oh, you are. So I love going ball. (laughing) Yeah, yeah. All right. Let me give you my number and then you can like text me. - Okay. - That's fine. - I will tell you Josh going over there in a Tutu doesn't help him. - No, I know. - Josh come back. Josh. You're not helping him. You're not helping him come back. You're not helping. - That's me and you smell it right. - Hard. Great to meet you Emily. - Lovely to meet you. - I'll see you soon. - Take care have a great night, see yah. - Technically, cause she rung you. - Oh yeah. - That means you gave her your number. - Look at what he's dress in. - He's in a wig and a bra. - Look at what he's dressed in. - Allow. - I don't wanna see your bra. I don't wanna see it. - Do you know what it is? What hole is this? This is whole six, we have three more holes. Look, what's happening to these fine men. These fine men are in bits. It's happened again. - Shout out Emily. - You run over in a dress and a wig, you deserve it. I see Josh over in a tutu and I was like dude that's not gonna happen. - Kick up. Kick up. - All right - Three, two. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. - Spillage. - That's 11. - That's my teammate. - That's a cut for that's my respect. Ready? Little bit of glass. - So easy for Simon. - Sweaty central. See it, you're a baller. - Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. - That's my guy. - Obvious. - They have to lose points. - Oh really? - That's it. - There's no way. - Two, three, four. (laughing) - You know what though. - Wait fallen over as well. - No, we've actually lost a lot of points. Oh no. Hold on. - Being up there, having a picture with flash fucks you up. - It did fuck me off. - No, no, actually you didn't have a picture of flash - I didn't make you fall off. - What's the reason I fell over. (laughing) - Rubies and all of a sudden I saw a flash and I was bamboozled. - Stop lighting the affects. - See when the flash. - Flash there and then I, and then I'm on the ground. - Take a picture of Toby doing kick up. - Okay. - Do kick ups. - Keep you up - And do no, no, no. But take a flash. You see what I mean though? It fucks you a bit. You are a footballer, remember that? - He's alright. Remember you're footballer. Remember you're a footballer, - but you knew it was coming as well. - Yeah. - You knew it was coming. - Keep reach. - Bro the flash. - That might be best scene photo. - Yeah. - That might be best scene photo. - After careful reviewing the VA offer, I have concluded that the flash did indeed be come into play. - Did it stop the kick ups or the fall? I, what do I explain? - Was this serious foul play or what was it? What was it? I need some know. - Its a mess. - sabotage. - Here we go. - God Josh. I should have taken a lot of points. - You've got this bro. - I need to pee. - One of them is a four. - So do we just, is that another four? One of them is that one of the four, - one is a four, one of the four. - I'm gonna give you zero points. - Okay. - I think there's a plus four on the cards there. - zero. - Only one for the four, right? - Minus one, minus two. - No four, no four, no four for the let's move. - Let's move. - No, but the first four. - Shut up. - Let's let's leave this move on. - We need to leave? We need to leave bro. - Can I ask what it is? - It is. - It smells nice. - Two quarters vodka. - So a half a vodka. - And then there's a little bit soda then there's a little bit of lemon juice and there's a little bit blue cursor. (chattering) - Two quarters vodka. - This is the finisher. - Smell that and tell me what it smells like. - It smells like dentist. - Yes. Yeah. - Oh, you're right. - This is dental fluid. - No, you know when they're like, okay now just like switch it around your mouth and I'll spit it out. - You're not supposed to drink this. You're supposed to swish this and spit it out. - Hole number seven. There's nothing relaxing about this blue lagoon. - Is there nothing relaxing about it? - Who's going first's going JJs going. He trying to make green. - Yeah. That's pumping look liquid. - Oh he sucking that one. - Suck it look at him. Oh my God. He's gone. Oh my God. We go. Nice. Nice. Nice. - Go on Josh. - Wash worker. - Wash worker. - This is no struggle. - He can do it. (all chattering) - That's not, it's not. It's a straw. So it's (fake sipping) So what is it? - I don't know. - It's two fourths vodka of apparently. - It is two quarters of vodka. - There's not much. - Quarter. So not half, two. Not half. We just waste on the board. - Okay. - Two quarters vodka. - Its a little bit of lemon juice. A little bit lemonade and blue. - Who's interfering. - Harry. - Not me. - Not me. - Despite the interference, despite the bit he goes for it - I respect the continuation. - Fair play. - I see you though. - Sorry. - Straw less. - This actually worries me cause of the ice. - Oh, spill it shot out on his leg look. - Bro, this is dripping bro. - Ice could never stop this man. This man is the ice man. Look at him. - Oh my gosh. - Ice in the veins. - You naughty boy. - Flawless stroller. - Is that quite nice? - Well he's gone. Go on. - He's gone bold. - Sucky, sucky $5. - Wait eight, 2000. - That's Easy's. - Easy. - Shoot, shoot, shoot. - The that way. - I Don't know - Everyone's got, everyone's got lots in the bottom. - I don't think so. - Everyone's got lots in the bottom by the way. - Compared to that bro, - Everyone's got lots in the bottom by the way. - Controversy. - Lads it's his video. We'll let him have it. It's his video We'll let him have it. - You know Toby plus me. - Team Toby plus me. - It's less than yours. - Toby plus me Toby plus me Toby plus me - Is raining by the way. - Make a decision cause its rain. - I let him off. - No. - This man argued that you should get let off the fall. So oh, it's let, offs. - I'm pretty sure I heard big say no, that's a plus. - No it is me. I wanted the fall. - You say he should have, - I wanted it's should have the. (chattering) - I did say they. After the fall. - Dial, dial. - Classic and fashion video's gonna get rogue. - It's one, it's 10 plus one. - Yeah. We've been filming for way too long. - Yes. - Half the club pubs. - Yeah. Yeah. - Bars are shut. So we're gonna do the last holes in this beautiful blip - The red lion love us. Red lion appreciate us. - Shoutout red lion. - So we will do the final two holes in the red lion right now. - You know what I'm doing better than I did last time. - You don't seem that bad. - Yeah. Which is great. - So respect. - Because last time I was fucked up. - You And have this and one hole, we'll last. - Last time you didn't see me at the end. - It is time, the eight number hole. - Eight number hole eight. - Three number hole. Hold last time. - This is a double vodka, apple juice, - A double, - A double - Apple juice. - 20 plus one, a double - Double. - And is a part two. - A double wanker. - Come on twist. - Twist. Gimme a move. - Twist. And pause. - Oh, oh. - He's going. It's going. - You're almost there. - Big man minter. Very light. Don't leave anything of the judges. It's all gone. It's all. - That's good, I will be checking. - Brain freeze. - Drink it. - I've seen Bog do this in his literal sleep. - Hey, it was horrible though. - How do you do this as. - You bro? - Yours is three done. - It's done. - Who's next? - I we'll go. We'll go. - JJ going. - He's keen, the man with all the numbers. - A keen being - The man with every number is. - Don't stop. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - Fair enough. Fair enough. Cold. - It's cold. When you get to like here. But its not too bad. - You in your head, you know it's bad, but it's. - He, ain't not, like there's no way he doesn't drink this. - Oh, he's dancing. Oh wait. He's cool. He's cool. That pause for so long? Nah, you. - Matter? No, no, no. It doesn't matter. Cause anyone can want, wait, hold on. Have we hold won every drink since the pine. - Yeah, for a while. Yeah. I think every single person holding. - Won every does. - Sucking. - You on sucky, sucky. - Whoa. - But he does it in like three sips. (all speaking) - That's easy. Nice. - The trifecta. That was nice. Yeah. - That's easy nice. (all speaking) - I enjoy wrapped up. - Suck it. Suck it. Suck it. Slung. - All right guys. Next up is a punching machine. - Oh sick. - So the person who gets the most higher score. - Yeah. - Gets minus three. (all speaking) - That's almost as much as a throw up. So you need to. - Minus two, one, zero. - Yeah. - Predictions. I think he misses it. and it goes like predictions 54. - I dunno what I reckon. He's been here for eight 70, right? - JJ up first. - 54. - Eight, six, four. - Bro. You guys got a lot of commoners. - This is a lot of pressure. Go on son. You should whack it. Let him know you boxer. - 864 said, oh my God. - Fair play, fair play. - I've lost one. - Getting the point. That's kind light as well. I on that one. Come man. - Well I'm fucked top my face. And I still knock someone out. You know it's. - Nine, six, two. - Eight, seven, four. - Harry that's good. - Yes. - 835. - It's a hundred less. It's a hundred less. It's a hundred less it. Hundred less. (all speaking) - Up next. Best gone. - Run up, run up. - Third, third. - Oh chill bro. - All of this to come in third. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - Oh shit it rocked. - Oh my God. Oh my God. - No run ups. - He's big. He's big. He's big. Hold this guy back. Hold this guy back. - What did you get? - 935 - Cool. Cool, cool, cool. - There we go. - I was high for a while. - What, what. What you feel me dig it? - That was a bang. - Dickhead, dickhead. - My teammate. - Yeah, yeah. Wait, is it Howard's birthday now? - Yeah, it is. ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you. ♪ ♪ Happy birthday dear Harry ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ (whistling) - I'm old now, I'm old. - It's all right. You're in the right place. - Finally, about fucking time. - The winner of the box in and getting minus two, yellow team Minus one, red team. - And nothing for you but its your birthday, so. So the final hole is a past seven. - Past seven. How's that work. - You go, I go. - Take it in turns, no back watching - We'll go first. - You got a team going first. - Great JJ. - Two, one. - Go on JJ. It's moving. - Okay. - That that's. - What the fuck? - That was incredible. - All right JJ. - I can't believe what I've just seen. - Josh, finish this. Okay. - Gobble gobble lad. Gobble gobble - Oh, he's ripped it. - The gorilla grip go on. That's an experienced throw. - The throw go. - Go on Josh. Now leave it. Now you can leave it. - He's finishing it bro. - Oh my. - You know what? I'll give him that. I'll give him that. (all speaking) - We turn into a part seven, seven. Look, this was juice. Two. One. Ease off. (all speaking) - Do do damage. Do damage. - He's sucking for England go on man. - The six sucker. - That was so easy. - Well done. - You know what? - Three, two, one, go. - Imagine the fizzy you're on right now. Keep going. - Incredible, incredible. - Here we go birthday boy. - Its easy for the birthday boy. - A bit more, bit more. Its done. That's a part five bro. And with that ladies and gentlemen, that is it. European pub golf is complete (singing) - Say boys, there is no better way. To end being 25. What a fucking night. - There are two points between. - Last and first. - Last and first. - Oh my God. - Between last and first. - Can't we lost - Wait, wait, wait. Just wait. - Third place - Just wait. - It is, the read team. - Vick, I drank a cider and one to come last. - It's his video and he's lost. - That means you got 17. You got 18. - Wait, no, no. - I'm sorry. - In second place. It is. - I beg, I beg. I beg. I beg. - JJ and Josh. - Which means the birthday boy takes the job. - Come on. ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy birthday. ♪ - What wait? - But We have to take into consideration. - Oh wait, why do this? - Don't do this. - Best team picture. - Oh shit we don't have one. - Do we have one? - We do. - But they do have one. - Where's your team picture. - We don't have a team picture. - We don't have one. - We have one. - We don't care. We're out. - No we're done. We're done. - They have a picture. - Toby which means. - We took one. We took one. We knew take one. - Its a good picture. - It is - Better. - Which means. - The best team picture goes to yellow team. Which then puts them on. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - 13. Making them the winners. - It's done - They deserve it. but ladies in gentlemen. - Let's fucking go. - Ladies and gentlemen. We're about to go and watch star wars. The discount code is star wars. See you in five minutes. Goodbye. Thank you for watching European pub golf. See in a bit. (hiphop music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 18,713,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: GfWL0-dI3Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 16sec (4156 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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