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(upbeat music) - Welcome everybody to the Sidemen, "Hot Versus Cold Holiday". (everybody cheering) - It's cold. - It's pretty cold. - Today you'll be splitting into two teams, one of which will be going to a hot country- - Whoa. - And one to a cold country. - Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot. - Team captains. - Captains? - Vikkstar. - Oh! - My people, my people, come over here. - Other captain, Josh. - Oh. - Okay, okay, okay. - Okay, okay. - Joining Vik, his team, will be Behzinga. (everyone cheering) And Wroetoshaw. - Oh. - Oh, the young bucks. Oh, the young bucks. - First Vegas trip. - Vegas. - Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas. - This is the Sidemen house, boys, come on, I'm with my boys. - The boys already know their teams. - Oh jeez- - I'll take those for you, captain. I'll take those fro you, captain. - Read Team! Read Team! Read Team! Read Team! Read Team! Read Team! Read Team! - Who wants to open their envelope first? - What? - Who wants to open their envelope first? - Josh! - All right, go on, Josh first. - Josh, do it, let us know our fates. - I'm excited for this. - Oh! - [Simon] What's on the message? - It is. Okay, sun cream. - Oh! - Sunglasses, pack the lot. Bit late now. The destination will be hot. (Simon and KSI cheering) - Lets go! - But let me find out where we're going first. You're heading to UAE. - Oh! - Make your way to terminal- - Three. - Three. - Get out of here, get out of here. - You made us come to five. - Get out of here. - Their flight leaves first. - Yes. - So we gotta wait as well? - Why? - No, you got 20 minutes to make your way to terminal three. - Oh, that's long bro. - Its very long, right, let's put this down. - Fucking hell, bro, can you read? - We'll find out right now. - They're gonna miss their flight. - This team is young, their team is old. So you'll be heading for the cold. - What the fuck? - Hey, yo, yo, hold on. What you doing bro? - I just needed to rhyme, I just needed to rhyme. - Come on, bro, Come on, bro. Hey, what you doing bro? What you ding bro? - Wait, they are still reading. - It doesn't finish there. Don't miss the check in guys. Be quick to catch your flight to Reykjavík. (everyone cheering) We're going to Iceland. (upbeat music) - Flight time. Feeling so sleepy. We got here at half five and our flight is at 10 past 10. - Our flight got delayed by an hour. So yeah, we got here, what? 5:00 AM, we were here? No, 5:30 we got to Heathrow and now it near 10. We're now getting on the plane. At least got the hot country. - [Simon] That's true. - It could be worse. Kon joined us also, the scam artist, scamming a living. Should be on economy, you should be. (upbeat music) - Wooo! - We're here. - Couple of boys on a hike. We got here and we climbed up some rock. - Yeah, exactly. - Just to feel something. - We hiked, we made it through customs. They checked us in and boom, number two. - Can I do it? - Yeah. - Oh my, I'm excited, you know. - The only man here whose been to Iceland before. - Yes, yes, yes. - He's our professional. - I'm your tour guide for the day. - Okay. - All right, you ready for this? - Let's read it. - You've got one more flight to go, so you can reach this world of snow. That's the last stop, no more plane hopping, its time you did a bit of shopping. Oh my god! Get off camera, I don't care we're on camera, shop for ski/boarding necessities. Yes! - Oh! - Oh. - So what, we can fly to the? - You'll then have a dinner before going to your accommodation. Open three in rooms on arrival. Oh my god! - Are we going tomorrow? - I don't know. I don't know. - But when's the flight? - This is so vague. - Shop for that once you let in- - Akureyri. - Akureyri. - Take off time. (upbeat music) - Bog, I haven't snowboarded in, how many years? When was the last time I snowboarded? I'm excited. - Right, yeah but so my theory is, right, we're staying in Iceland, right? Because we've done all the Iceland Covid test - Yes. - I had no idea they had a ski resort here in it. Like, I don't understand. - It must be like far north and you have to like fly little prop plane. - Yeah, its gonna be a rickety bucket we're going on. - Oh my. - Oh no. Or maybe he's got us a P Jet. - It is a P jet, but its a little one. - Yeah, a dodgy one. You know what, here's the thing, Its not what I expected at all. - [Ethan] No. - No. - I'm enjoying that. - A plot twist already, so early, so early on. (exciting music) - Landed. Okay, we've been through security but we have no idea where we're going. Where are we going though? - I reckon, Dubai. - We're already there. - So I'm right. - All right, so we have touched down in Iceland. We've had a love little car journey. - Yeah. - Through the mean streets of Iceland. I thought we were going straight to our flight. - Yes, but it turns out- - It turns out we're at a sort of a boujee place for some food now. - Cheeky little place. Yeah, it's got chop sticks. It's got a knife and fork. It's got a wine glass. - I was very unassuming as well. I thought we were like stopping into a little cafe for a quick lunch before our flight. No, we're at a nice restaurant. So Tobi is setting pace here. - It's a good signs, it's a very good sign. - Yeah, its a good start. Hopefully it continues uphill. Upper mountain. Who knows? - Oh, okay. - Oh, ah. - [Kon] Josh, looks ugly. So I'm gonna gonna film you. - Nice. We have no idea where we're going. - We have no idea, no idea, no idea. Someone fucking help us right now. - Thank you very much. Cheers. - That does look phenomenal. - That does look good. - Must say, I like the look of Viks more than yours. - Don't say that. (everyone laughing) - [Harry] That is banging though. That is good. - All right, we've made it to a mysterious car to be led to a mysterious place. And we don't know where we're going. The others are in that car there. This is all very, it's weird. Because we know we're in the hot country, but we don't know where we're going or what we're doing. The it's kind of like the holiday videos. Just I know I'm in a nice place. It's kind of a good position to be in. (soft music) - I had my feet back, I tell you what, we were supposed to vlog us eating the food, but we all just wonked it down. Like its all gone. - Plates are done. That's when you know it was good. - That was honestly like some of the best steak I've had in God knows how long. - [Vik] Yeah, in a while. - Yeah, good stuff. - Very good. - And as always I could eat it all of that twice again like that. I'm still hungry. - I think we're almost here. I know my Dubai, we're going towards the Palm. We're on the Palm now. - Oh. - I won't lie mate, I was horrified that was gonna be in one of these like tiny little planes. - We saw one of them come down. - Oh it wasn't great. - We were expecting the worst. - But look at this number, that's like. That's fine. - I swear its a long jet. - Yeah, very, very, well, ideal, ideal. Genuinely, we thought we're about be taking on some rickety rust bucket but we'll be sorted. - But to be fair, little sunset flying through the mountain. - Bro, it's gonna be beautiful, you know. - [Ethan] Through the mountains. (upbeat music) - Smells really nice. - [Kon] Smells like expensive hotels, the spas, doesn't it? - Good time, very good time. - Yeah, we've made it. - He hasn't seen the ambience side of it. - I've never been to sand beaches before. First time. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Suuui. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - We made it. - We're in the middle of- - Its a cold holiday, it is a cold holiday. - This is what I had in my mind when I thought of cold holiday. - All the commuters are getting off the plane like, yeah, I've just come home for the weekend and we're like, yeah. - I don't know if you can tell us the size of that mountain, Massive. - I've never seen anything like it. - Yeah, this is sick, this is sick. - [Kon] Why does it feel very different? - This hallway is- - I've never been in a hallway like this. - Yeah, its just. - Boujee-ance - Jeez. Jeez, smiling all the way to the room. - We're all sharing Simon's room. - Hey man. - Nice on mate, have a good one, have a good one. - [Ethan] That was cute. - [Vik] That was cute. - Wow, hey, the locals are lovely, I'll tell you what. Is that our waggon? - [Vik] What? - Is it our? Oh my days. - [Ethan] Oh wow. Better look at the width. - Oh wow. (Ethan laughing) - You know we're going somewhere mad, with the tyres deflated like that. - Hello? - This is the way- - I'm concerned they're just gonna leave us in the- - Tobi keeps speaking about dividends, you know. (Ethan laughs) - This is how Tobi tries to get rid of half the Sidemen. - What on earth is this? I've never seen a car like this. - Bro, this is crazy. - They don't have many of them. - No? - Oh, this is nice. Ay yo, we're gonna get comfy. - No, we're not staying here. You are not staying here. - [KSI] Yeah we getting comfy bro. - We can watch you bathe. - Yeah bro. Yeah, we getting comfy in here. - [Josh] We can watch you. - That's highly inappropriate. - Why? Oh yeah, it is. - No, I am, its true. - Ready? - [Josh] Is there a view? - 3,2,1. It's all right. (everyone laughing) There's a pool. - Ooh. - And then we're gonna get some more warm clothes. - [Harry] Good. - And it's like minus 10- - Yes. - Celsius today and tomorrow so you're gonna- - [Harry] We're gonna need it. - Okay, nice, ready. - So we're gonna prepare a little bit for that. And of course then we are going for some dinner. Then we drive into the wilderness. - Into the wilderness? (everyone laughing) - [Harry] Okay, cool. - Iceland, where we was- - Wasn't icy, this is icy. - This is more what of what Iceland- - This is icy, Iceland. - [Guide] Yes, you were in the wrong side of Iceland. We don't go much down there really. - Really? - Is it boring? - Ah, well there's nothing I need down there. - Ah. - Tomorrow, you'll see my home. - Okay. - Okay. - This is the capital of the north, right? This is way too urban for- (everyone laughs) - So how did you end up in contact with us? How is this even? How? - Are you the guy? - [Guide] Yeah. - Oh, okay, there we go, that's why, you are- - [Guide] You'll see tomorrow. - You're that guy! - [Harry] We'll see tomorrow, he says. - The King of the North. - [Guide] The King of the North. (everyone laughing) - Envelope number two, baby. - Oh, what is it? - It says to open when we arrive at the hotel. We've arrived at the hotel, we are in our room. - It's number two. - Oh. - You ready for this? - You have to try and read it out as you see it. - Oh no, I will. - Because otherwise- - You ready? - Okay. - I'm just gonna flash it so you see, know how long it is. - Yeah. Oh, that's long. - I think the second part is, it might be off camera. - Okay. - [Simon] Okay, you ready? - Yes. - Hope you all had a lovely flight. - Yes. - It's now time for an early night. - But we had to sleep on the plane. - So boring man, what the hell? - It's not it. - Oh. - Tomorrow's busy, prepare for all, both wet and dry, you'll have a ball. - Oh. - I think I should read the rest. I haven't read it but I don't feel like that was the end. - I feel like there should be more. - [Josh] So okay. - 8:45 AM meet. - I'm not gonna sleep, I- - If have you want breakfast, 8:30 AM. Car leaving at 9:00 AM, sharp. - Urgh. - Open three in the car tomorrow. Wear trainers, pack swimwear and sunnies. - Ooh. Wait, pack swimwear? - And sunnies. - Oh boy, wait, what's a sunnie? - Sunglasses. - Oh, I've never heard of that in my life. - Sunnies. I haven't called them sunnies before. - Its a very like- - Yo, leaving my sunnies on. - White dad thing. - Yeah, I thought I'd, yeah, yeah. - But Tobi has written it so- - Yeah, yeah, sounds so, kinda confused. - Aaah! - 8:45, we've all just slept. What time is it? - [Josh] 10. - 10:30. - So we have to go to bed again. - Can't go to bed again. - Its very cosy, I've always find places like this- - This could be where, when I'm 50 or something, I say we can be benadrylled but, - Mate, that's benadryl. - Nah, nah, nah, they've got Subway. Look. - Oh wow. It's got an engine on it. - [Guide] Hell yes. (Ethan laughs) - Oh, here we go. (everyone laughing) - I take full damage, I take full damage getting out this thing. - Oh - Its a long way. - Oh it's slippery as well, gotta be careful there. I hope the camera picks up the size of that vehicle because it's just like. - Vick is just bigger than- - Bro, its crazy. - We're both just here. I dont know what's happening. (Vik and Harry laughing) We're in some random Icelandic town. - What's happening? I don't know what's happening, what do we do? I need gloves. - Do you have any recommendations for a helmet? A decent one. - This one looks shiny. - Oh this ones got warmth. Oh yeah. - These ones are good. - What do you mean my warmth? - Look at that. - I quite like this one, I quite like this one. - About to go again, I was going to show my old skills to see if I've got it. - [KSI] Have a go. - You think I can do it? - [KSI] No. - Apple with my hands. - [KSI] No chance. - Lets go in here first. - [KSI] There is no way he's doing this. - I go to gym, you know. (Josh breaks apple) - [KSI] Yo! No way! Let me see it. - Come on. (Josh talking funny) - [KSI] All right. - This is ominous, feels like there is so much planned for us like, I don't know what it is, I'm a bit shook but. - Yeah, I'm slightly scared, I'll say. I'm slightly scared we're gonna get chucked down like North East, like Blackburn or something. - All right, so tonight we're quickly going to the beach to go see our "Sides". Our beautiful "Sides" and check out our food thingy that we did. - [Simon] What a salesman. - I'll take the blue one, that one please. I guess so. Thank you very much. - After you guys. - I don't know what's happening. - I don't know what's happening. - I don't know what's going on. - We've just gone it to the shop and grabbed a loads of stuff. What? Harry, what's happening here? - Bro, I don't know. I've got my headboard, I'm gassed. Come on. 58 head. (Ethan laughing) - All right, we're here at a food festival. - [KSI] Woo! - We in here, turn up, turn up. Where's the "Sides" at? - Where are the "Sides" at? I am really hungry too. - I'm starving. So we have a stall here. A little, was it a stall? Yeah, a trailer. - Yes. - Trailer trash. - You'll see a nice little "Sides" logo on top. It launches tomorrow in the UK. Sunday. - It'll be out by the time this is out. - Its already launched., delivery on Uber Eats. - So now boys, we run. (everyone laughing) - This is what I was just saying. - Pick and mix equipment. - I'm quite happy with my helmet and goggle combo. - Same, same, same. - I've gone for like the olive with the grey. - But here's the thing, bro, if I get lost in the snow, if fall down a crevasse. (Ethan laughing) - God. - No. - Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. - Take this out to the car. - Sorry, sorry. (Ethan laughing) - Lets get these guys out of here. - Sorry, sorry, sorry. Yeah, let's take all this. - I see it. - I see it. - I don't see it, I see it. - I see it. - Yeah! Feed me bro, feed me. - Starving. - No way. - [Simon] Jeez! - [KSI] Jeez! - The Icelandic glacier water, pH of 8.4. - The bottle is a mountain, that's class. - Mate, you just know the tap water here is gonna bang well. It's gonna be so good. - [Ethan] Wow. - All right, all good. - Heist one complete. (everyone laughing) - [KSI] Yes. - [Simon] Ah, yes. - [Kon] Everything, one of everything. - This is, its real. - Why do I get the feeling, we're just gonna be staying like an igloo. - We get there, there's just blocks of ice and we've to build it up on the floor. - Food coming, we've got a whole bunch of food coming. - I'm starving. (KSI bangs table) (KSI and Josh laughing) - We're in cages right now, we're in a zoo. - The fans are out. - Everywhere I look, everywhere I look. (Josh laughing) Cameras are pointing like this. - Just staring at us. - [Kon] You're paying for this one. - [Josh] I'm hungry. - [Kon] You're paying for this one. - Paying for what? But we're paying you. (pleasant music) Food. Box. Which side are you on? Sides. - Yo, bro, share bro. - I'm hungry. - If you just open all the boxes, you have share boxes then. - They are all open. Ah, look at this. - [Josh] Are they loaded? - This makes me so happy right now. - Drop number two. Let's do this. - Oh see bro. If realistically that goes, this goes with my helmet amazingly. That's pretty sick. - Never can't go with a "Northy" right? Oh wait, do they have a one with like a bluish? That's kinda cold. I like that. I'll go with the Northy. Hoodie under the Northy, too cold. Mate, look at the inside of mine. Look at that. Oh, that fit's a dream. (Harry laughing) Come on. - [Josh] That's a happy boy. - I'm so happy. This. - [Josh] The loaded one? I haven't had a loaded one. - Take that top. Take that. You really touched that. - [Josh] Like its loaded, man. - You literally. - [Josh] I committed to the cause. - [Waiter] Here you go! - Oh, damn. - So casual. - [Waiter] One more coming. - Thank you. - One more coming? Wait, what? - That the official box, there you go. - That's where you could like eat all, all that you can get. - That's sick. Bro, this is the burger, this is the fries. Yeah, yeah. - You need a drink there. - Drink in the, whoa, this is actually. - [Josh] And the sauce you chose. - I think I'm gonna stick with my jacket. I've got my red Solomon one, which is pretty sick. Oh this Columbia one though, hold on. - These seem quite small. - Yeah, they are. - Yeah? I can't see any bigger ones. - Oh, oh, oh. - These are for kids man. - Ah, that explains a lot. - The whole box. Jeez. - I forgot we're filming a video. (Simon and Josh laughing) - [KSI] Oh yeah. - Got to excited by the food. - Did you eat all the loaded ones? There's one more. - [Waiter] Do you want another loaded one? - [Josh] Maybe. - Yeah? The last one. - Yes, please. - What a great choice to not stay at a hotel. - Yeah, we'll get back in there. - [Server*] You guys are getting this for lunch again tomorrow. - I'm completely okay with that - I'm happy with that. (soft music) - Yes. Now we're talking. - [Guide] My kid has one of those. (Harry laughing) - It's cosy. - Our purchase record. - So they're saying like you've made some kind of record purchase in 10 minutes. (everyone laughing) - That's how do it, that's how Sidemen roll, get things done. - Man I get put in a spliff, ay. - [Ethan] Whip it, cheff it. - Top it, lock it, press it, boo. (Ethan laughing) (Ethan rapping) - [Josh] Well, we demolished that. That's a food baby coming right there. - My belly. My belly hurts. - I ate too much, I ate too much. - That's filled a spot that I didn't know I had. - That's filled more. That must've filled like 10 spots right now. - I'll never ever see this baby. - Come on, come on, let see it. - [Josh] Your food baby? - Kick, I felt a kick. (Ethan laughing) - I'm probably gonna hurt my self desperately here. - Get it to slide into the. (everyone laughing) - You sneaky bugger. You sneaky bugger. - Hit marker, he got a hit marker. - [Ethan] The most amounts spent and the quickest checkout ever. - We didn't spend anything though, I didn't spend nothing. - [Ethan] Well then someone is paying for it. - I'm very concerned at like what that could've possibly cost. We have no revenue. - Oh, bro, it would be spinny, you know ? - Yeah. - It would be spiny. - We just went and bought like all of the most expensive ski equipment and warm stuff you can get without even looking at the price tag of anything. - [Ethan] Whose paid for this? Us? - Yeah, precisely. (everyone laughing) - Nice. - All right, leaving the, what is it? Food festival, essentially, beach canteen. Everyone's got food coming out. Everyone be very zombie-esque. - I could eat more to be honest. - I could eat more. - I only had two burgers. - [Josh] Feel Kon's like a feature of our team now. Like he's in our team. - Red team, red team, red team. - He's here to film us but he hasn't. - He just goes, I just had two burgers and loads of- - [Josh] And loads of fries. - I had plain. - [Josh] And onion rings. - I had one onion ring. I wanted to taste stuff and everything's banging. - I saw him dipping his finger in the sauces and eating it. - Yeah, I was tasting the sauce. So my favourite, barbecue and Louisiana. - But yeah, back to hotel for our early night. - Sushi, fish meat, sushi. Sushi. Hey Bog, Suui-shi. A little bit of Suui-shi. - All right, so we've one our shopping. We've got all our goods and now- - [Vik] It's time to eat again. - It's time to eat. - [Vik] Again. - A few hours later, but we're big hungry boys. So we've got, it's like sushi, but then there's like a Christmas menu, which I'm iron up. So I think, it looks like banging food, so far, we've got banging food here sp I'm very excited. (pleasant music) - All right, so just arrived in the hotel. The guys don't know I'm here. I was so nervous that I'd run into them by accident, but we've succeeded. And right now you haven't seen much of me in this video. So I just wanted to give you a little room tour, like of the hotel room. The guys have probably giving you the same one. I think we all have the same rooms, but this place is crazy. Beautiful mirror. Just wow. Wow. Another mirror here, lovely, all right. Oh, remember when I used to do the gun fingers, OGs on here, gun fingers in every mirror. Anyway, so, this is the room, simple. I dropped all my stuff there. This bed looks, it's just soft, it's just soft. Okay, that is beautiful. That is an infinity pool. Binocul views. - We are living good, we are eating good. I got some chicken breast, Ethan got the steak. Harry's on his second steak of the day. - Hey, don't tell him that. There's no need for that. - [Vik] They saw it, Harry, they saw it. And what have you got here? - This is a pumpkin spice espresso martini, a Christmas special. - [Ethan] Wow. - I've had a glass of wine as well. I'm feeling warm inside. It's a good day, it's a good day. - It's a very good day, it's a it's day. - [Harry] Ethan's just already started eating. (Vik and Harry laughing) - It's not gonna eat itself. - All right. - Boy in the back again. - Me and the boys. - I'm with my boys. - I'm with my boys. All right, I need to sleep bro. I got a food coma or as black people would say 'niggeritis'. - Yes, yes, sure. - Yeah, no, no, I'm finished, I'm finished. Food was great, food was amazing. - Now we are continuing our expedition- - Ooh, its chilly. - To a another location. We are so in the dark. - We're also very cold. Where are we? - We are in lake Mývatn. - Okay. - It's in north of Iceland. - Yeah. - All way from home tonight. - Nice. - We have some very nice local people that have invited you to their home. - Wow, what did we do to deserve the privilege? (everyone laughing) - This is mental. (pleasant music) - Good morning. Goodbye. Breakfast time. Before a long last day of activities. - Well, it's 9:00 AM and we are up and early. Ready to go to leave sharp. But, Kon's not awake so. - God damn it, Kon. - We're just standing outside the hotel waiting. - Why bro? - To be fair, he has overslept the whole time as well. We had to get the hotel to call his room, to wake him up. He wrote fuck in the chat so. - Hello, thank you, thank you for having us. - Nice to meet you. Hello, hello. - Hi, hi. - Bjork. - Me. - And Dori. - [Ethan] Lovely to meet you. - I'm Harry, I'm Harry. - Harry. - Ethan. - Ethan. - Vik. - Vik. - Okay and- - I'll go get the bags. - [Ethan] Oh thank you. - Okay, we are now here in the freezing cold, minus 13 degrees Celsius. It says here you can chill and have some laughs with private visit to the nature baths. - Ooh! - Okay. - This place of beauty has wandering sights, keep an eye out for the northern lights. - Ah, okay, okay, okay. - If we are lucky, we may catch a glimpse. - We hope so. - Open your next envelope at breakfast at 9:00 AM. - I'm crying, its so cold. A tear just left my eye. Wow. - [Simon] You know what card number two said yesterday? - Yeah, it said open number three. - [Simon] It said open number three. - And I can't find the card. - [Simon] In the car. (KSI laughing) - [Simon] I think JJ should open this one. - You wanna open it? - Yeah, all right. All right. - [Simon] Lets get some rhymes, so spit some bars. - Get ready, yeah, get ready to rap. - While you are in here, enjoy the ride. Because where you're going, you can't hide. In the desert, you'll be dumped. And your next ride may well be humped. - Oh. - [Simon] Camel ride! Camels. - Well, I've done that before, so. - Wow. How accurate is that? - No, I'm kidding. I'm so excited. - He's like, oh bro, I've never done this. - Whoa, I can't wait to sit on an animal. (everyone laughing ) - It says in the envelope. - Yes. - We're going to a place called the Myvatn Nature Baths. Have you heard about the The Blue Lagoon? - Yes. - Yes. - So we have the same thing up here. - Ooh. - Okay. - Just better. - Oh! - Okay, okay. - As everything else. It's a theme going on. - Okay, okay. - In the north of Iceland. So it's a public bathing space. A lot of people go there, but tonight we've rented out the whole. - Oh, we're going there now? - At 10 O'clock tonight after about an hour or so. - Okay. - We've rented out the entire property. (everyone gasps) And we're gonna go just for you, the three of you. - Oh. - Wow. - And you're gonna enjoy the better Blue Lagoon of Iceland. - Oh wow. - Okay. - Okay, nice. - This keeps getting better and better and better. - Very underwhelming. It's very underwhelming. - You're ruining it bro, you've been here before. - You know what? I've been to Dubai five times, I haven't done anything in the desert. - [Simon] Bro, we're just driving. - This is great. I'm having a great time. - Why don't we try and be like Americans and just fake it and be like, whoa, this is crazy. Whoa, what a sensation guys. - [Josh] What? - What a sensation. - Sensation. - Whoa, this is phenomenal. Whoa! Whoa, driver calm down. You crazy devil. (KSI laughing) Jeez! Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. - You're just a spoiled brat, that's what you are. - [KSI] I'm not spoiled, I'm just dead inside. - [Harry] Yeah, its fine. - [Vik] Cute. - Light work. - [Vik] Very cute. - This one's got, I saw it above us, its got a wicked view. - Oh! - Yeah. - Oh. - Well there might be a view. (everyone laughing) - The view in the morning. - At some point there might be something. - [Guide] But we'll be waking up before day lights anyways so. (everyone laughs) - Oh, good point. - Nice, how we decide boys? How we doing this? - We should get upstairs and play again. - [Harry] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, we'll play again. We'll think of a game and play again. - [Josh] Aminals. - [KSI] What were they called? Antelopes? Goat with horns? - [Josh] You were actually quite right first time, mate. - And now we see the antelopes anteloping. (everyone laughs) - [Bjork] These are pancakes because you already had dinner. - We'll eat some pancakes, don't worry. - [Bjork] And you know beer goes with anything and pancakes go with anything too so. - True. (pleasant music) - These flies, bro. - Getting sun tan on because we're gonna get burnt to shit out here in these ends. Ah, and there's flies everywhere. Ah. - So many flies. - Feels like it will attract more flies too. - This? Oh, this definitely does. - Oh. (Simon gasping) - [Harry] Look at this boys, we've been given- - Pancakes and, what do we have here? - Pancakes and beer. - Kaldi. - Viks got down the beers. - This is a Kaldi, which means cold, I hope I pronounced that right. And it's a really nice beer. I'm not usually a beer drinker. - No, no, no, - But I'm enjoying this. - This is mine, it's a Christmas beer. Yeah, I don't know, its just. - Christmas edition. - It's a darker. (Harry burps) - It is definitely darker, it's definitely darker, but nothing wrong with that obviously. (Vik laughs) - Oh, I can smell the darkness. - Yeah, it is dark, yeah, yeah. - I can smell little bit of the darkness. - Those bang. This bangs. - Oh wow. - Should we do have who finishes the most pancakes gets the good room. - I think you'll win. I think you've got a bigger, I think your like pit in the minute is endless. - Bro, generally. - We should get them to do the Icelandic ip, dip, doo. - We haven't done anything, it's almost 10. - [Josh] It's not 10. - It's half ten. - We're just in the desert. Flies. Stopping us, they're flying in front of man. - Well, we could start, right? - Why can't we start? What we doing? - We're waiting for you to stop talking. - [Josh] Yeah, that's it. All right, what's up? - Hello. - Hello. - Please may we ride said camels? - Oh, this is the life I deserve, my days. Oh. Yes. Mate, imagine that, in the morning when the sun's out, you're looking out over the river. Helicopter, helicopter. (everyone laughs) - Like how he's laid down to relax, closed your eyes and gone to, helicopter, helicopter. - I'm gonna call my camel, Chris. - Mines Bugatti apparently. - Bugatti. - Yeah, I got a better one. Wagwan, my guy. Ah, there's so many flies around, isn't there? - [Simon] Very close to this one. - Oh, fuck me. - Oh fucking hell, bruv. (KSI screams) - Bruv! Oh my god, Jesus. - Wait, no one told me that was happening bro. - Yo bro, chill man, chill. - Jesus. Jesus. - [Simon] Oh my God, I'm so close. Hey this Is what it's like for Steve every day. (KSI laughing) (arabian music) - [Simon] Yo, what up bro? - Yeah, Camel. - [Simon] Ay, me and Steve's guy man. - Jeez, look at us go. - Gang, gang. - Riding. Riding the thing. - I'm with my boys. - Ay! Camel gang. - [Josh] Bare flies. - Camel gang. - Camel gang. - Camel gang. - I can see a camel toe back there fam. (KSI laughing) I don't like how close he is to mine. - Bro my leg is resting against him. (Josh laughing) - What's good my drill, you good yeah? - Nah, this is mad. - Steve, why is your camel eating my camel's ass. - Ay, this whole experience has been ruined. (Simon laughing) - It's fine, JJ. - No, man. (KSI screams) Bruv, I'm going to die, I'm going to die. - Oh, oh my God. - JJ, oh God, the down hill is not fun. - [Simon] The downhill bit. - Oh my god, oh my fuck. - [Simon] Bruh. - Bruh, nah man. Why am I on the side? Why am I? Bro what are you doing on the side, man? - [Simon] Josh has guide him off. - Bro what's it? Mine's like trying to overtake. Are you okay? Ay yo, Chris, relax. What are you doing? Chris! Chris, what are you doing? - Could you do us a favour please? - [Guide] Anything mate. - Do you know how to do the Iceland version of like ip, dip, doo. - The choosing game. (Guide speaking Foreign Language) - Yes. (Guide speaking Foreign Language) - Yes. - That one. - It means an owl sat on a stick. - Yes. Could you do that for us, please? - Go around, us three and whoever it is gets the best room. (Guide speaking Foreign Language) - He's done it. - What? - You got a good room. - Why, is that what it was for? - Yeah. (everyone laughing) Well, there you go. (everyone laughing) - Oh, what a day I'm having. Oh, wow! Oh yeah! - We should've done that, we should've said he's out, now it's between us too. - I was waiting for you to do, that's why I didn't say anything. - I know, I know. That was the rules, that how we said it would be done. We're good people. We could have finessed Ethan completely. - He was so oblivious to what just happened. Like what did you think was going on? - I thought I was out, I thought I was out, I though I was out. - Oh, there we go. - [Ethan] Oh, wow. - Should we go and unpack our stuff for the- - Yeah, let's do it. (upbeat music) - We literally just headed into the desert by the way guys. - Where else we're gonna go? - I don't know, just in a circle. - That's true. - So what happens if the- - [Simon] We're bending to the side bro. - What happens if the camel breaks down? - Steve, Steve, Steve, stop bro. Steve, he's turning around. - Hey yo, Steve. What are you doing bruv? - Steve, stop man. - Steve! Steve! Allow it man. - They're turning around. Fuck off. - So basically ladies and gentlemen, we have just hopped out the vehicle, the monster truck, and we have arrived at the nature baths. (Vik speaking foreign language) Yes. So we're gonna get in our little swimmies. and have a great evening. - We did say before, we've a big issue that they would've force fed us food all day. - I wouldn't say force fed us. - All right just fed. - We force fed us ourselves. - Our bellies are gonna be protruding. So please no shots from here alone. - Just fast forward the bit where we scatter into the baths, that'd be great. - All right, let's get, let's get it. - I'm having a terrible time. Well, I can't even film, man. What is this? - We're going sideways, we're going sideways. Steve, stop. Steve, Steve, stop. You'll break his leg. - Should we just go in a circle then? - Bruh, bruh, bruh! Bro, please. Steve, please man. - Are we done walking in lines? - Steve man. - [KSI] Steve! Steve, what you doing? Steve, stop. - Steve, man. Please stop. Steve, Steve, Steve. Steve man, my leg is trapped, my leg is getting trapped. - Bro, where did the tan come in? Allow it man. - So in here is a steamer. The holes in the ground underneath here is a Fisher down to the volcano. And then the steam comes naturally up. There's been a steam bath here for over at least a thousand years. - [Ethan] Oh my God. - So the whole thing is built around the hole in the ground that's underneath here. That's bringing geo thermal steam from the ground. - Not dangerous though. (Ethan laughing) Bog, too smashing. Wow, this is mental. - [Simon] Steve man. (KSI screaming) - Steve bro. - Bro! - My legs keep getting tangled - What the fucking? His bone like just cracked into my shin. - We're saying chill and you're still stroking him. JJ, that's what I've had this whole time with his head. - [Guide] You wanna use the ladies or mens? - We'll use the ladies. (everyone laughing) So we may as well as, seriously, its not like you get the chance to go as well. - The venue is shut, the venue is shut. - I feel like we shouldn't. - Why? No one is over here. - I bet they're nicer than the men's. - They are, we know they're always gonna be nicer. - I bet they're nicer right? - Apparently, they are using the ladies, but yeah. All right ladies. - Let's go, girls. - JJ, you got yours off roading. - [Josh] Oh god. - Yeah, I kind of wanted it in the car. - I feel like my groin is gone. (Josh chuckles) - I've had a fun time so far, not gonna lie. - Yeah, its kinda, I guess my enjoyment has gone up plus one. - You know who hasn't? Kon. Kon's just walking out and just. (everyone laughing) - Hey Kon, there's a snake behind you bro. (everyone laughing) - Ay, don't. Please don't. - Oh bro, we've gotta go barefoot. - Yeah. - Oh my days. That is a fucking hideous body. (Ethan laughing) - You just wait now, don't worry, I'm gonna get mine out. I'm gonna get mine out. (Ethan laughs) - Look at this. Jesus Christ, Vik, give me some warning, don't just. - Bro. - He just turned around and bang. - Whoa, Vik. - Bro, I was having a conversation with you and you just turned around and went bang. (Ethan laughing) - That's what I'm talking about boys. Oh nelly. - All right. Got me one steak. - I'm full of steak, I'm full of sushi. - I've got about 15 pancakes chilling there. - This is recording brother. - No shit. - Is it? (everyone laughing) (everyone screams) (pleasant music) - [KSI] Hey yo, fuck these ops. Fuck these camels. Yeah, what you staring at bruv? - [Josh] This is our boys. - [KSI] Chris and the gang. - Chris and the gang. Oh my penis. - [Josh] Not so good. I'm waiting. Oh fuck. See you later, mate. Ah, that's peace, yes, my guy. - Oh, fucking hell bruv. You little shit. You fucking hell, Chris. Oh! - Thank you. - [Simon] Thank you so much. - Oh shit. - Those angles. You're now 2016 Behzinga vlog. - The forehead. - The forehead vlog, you're just eating the- - Hey guys. - Hey guys, its us, the boys here. (pleasant music) - [Tobi] Oh my days. This is sick. What? This is what we're rolling in. Holy shit. The guys are gonna love this. - All right, we're told to get back in the car. - Yes. - I have no idea where we're going. - So we've done the camel shit. - Sit on the camel shit? We rode camels and now we're just going somewhere, a location. - Oh my goodness, just go, just go, just go, just go. (Harry screams) (Vik screams) Oh my, this is different, this is different. Why have we gone this way? Why have we gone this way? (Vik shivering) (pleasant music) - Is it warm? Is it warm? Am I safe? - My feet, my feet, my feet. Oh my God, oh my God. - It does smell very eggy. - It smells awfully eggy. (everyone laughs) - Safety. - Oh it smells. (Ethan laughing) - It does have a point to it. (soft music) - So Tobi has just put in the chat. Didn't know you needed a licence for camels. Hope you packed swim stuff for your next bit. So are we swimming? - [Josh] No, that's a troll surely. - [Simon] Got to be a troll. - I'm a motor boat. - Bro, Vik, don't drop that go pro. He's the most advanced swimmer here. - Bro, film me, film me, I'm the motorboat. - [Ethan] The Indian submarine takes Iceland. Here he is. (Harry singing) - So Josh, we are leaving the desert. So I feel like you are- - Not angry. - [Simon] No, no, no, have faith, have faith guys. - Yeah. - [Simon] Faithful. Look the desert's a big place. Maybe we move up to another place in the desert. - Yeah for the dune buggies, yeah. - I just wanna go vroom, vroom, you know what I mean? - Yeah, I wanna go vroom, vroom as well. - What do you wanna what? - Is it vroom, vroom? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like camel's too safe for me, I need more high octane. - [Simon] Why do you pause in between them? - Vroom, vroom. - Vroom, vroom. - I wanna get into the sauna then. - We're going sauna then snow. - Yeah, we've been informed of the proper techniques, right. - Is you go in the sauna. - Maximise benefit, we're gonna hit the thousand degree sauna. Then go in the snow baths. Then go in here to get maximum benefits. Jeez, all right. - We'll sit in the sauna for like a few minutes. - We just gotta make it there. - We got to get a little sweat on. - Yeah, yeah. - But we've gotta make it there. - I've been told the boys are about to pull up. So I'm sat in a buggy ready to surprise them. Oh my God. Why am I so nervous? Is it a bit conceited to have myself as a surprise? I'm sorry if it comes across that way. It's not meant to be that way. Okay, right, cool. Here we go. - Lord have mercy on my balls. Right be careful you don't slip boys. Oh my God. Oh my days. (all shivering) - [Ethan] Yes, yes, yes. (everyone talking) - Okay well, this is not, he said swimwear, oh god. - [Simon] Okay, we've made a right. Crept down the block. (Simon gasps) (everyone cheers) Let's go. - [Josh] Now we're talking. - Jeez! - Okay, Okay. Who's in the car? - [Simon] That's Tobi. - [Josh] That's Tobi, no? - [Simon] It's Tobi. - It's Tobi. (KSI screams) - Either that or I'm gonna get cancelled but I think it is Tobi. Jeez! - [Tobi] I made it. - I pulled my foot. Jeez! - You telling me. - Jeez! - [Tobi] Jeez! - I was getting sad because I want it to do dune buggy and I didn't think we was gonna do it. And I said in the car, is that all we're doing in the dessert? - Jeez! - Come here. You're looking kinda wham, you know? - Oh bro, I'm just fat. - I heard the camel fisted you. - Ah, I mean, fisted my anus, yeah. (Harry screaming) - It's snow time. - Back first, back first. - [Vik] Why did we agree to this? - Back first. - [Vik] Why did we agree to this? - Back first. - [Harry] Back first? - Yeah, lay down back first. Breathe into it fellas. - [Vik] I'm relaxed, I'm chilled. - Some front action. - I've had enough, I don't care. I've had enough, I've had enough. (Harry screams) - Yep, that is more than enough. More than enough. (everyone screaming) - It's bad. (Ethan shouting) (all laugh) (pleasant music) - Well, I don't think I'm driving. - You get to drive if you wanna drive. 30 minutes each. - I'm not really a driver. - We got hour in the dune buggies - Ooh. - I'm more of a passenger. - I'm gonna have a good time, I'm gonna have a good time. - Got the bali on. You can't tell who I am, bro, I got the bali on. - [Josh] You know what? You catch me on the road, I'll be scared. Oh dear god. I'll be scared of you on road, you know. - Yeah. - [Josh] Oh, steady. Steady! - Stop living the Tik Tok life. - [Josh] What do you mean? - Woosh! - [Josh] You look wavy man. - Wait, let me- - [Josh] I'll be scared of you on road, for sure. - [Tobi] Pull your hair down. (upbeat music) - This is cool. I haven't done it before, I'm actually excited. - You ready to fucking ride? - Ride or die bitch. - I'll see you on the other side. - Brothers for life. - Family. Odds on us crashing into you? Give me odds. - No. - Give me odds though. - 19. - All right. 3,2,1. - 4 - [KSI] 12. - What'd you say? - What'd you say? - What'd you say? - What'd you say? - 9. - I said 9 as well. - You said 12. - I actually said 12. (everyone laughs) - All right, I've just woken up. It's about 8:30 AM, but it's still dark outside. But look at this view, one sec, can you even see? Look. Well, you can't even, bro, I'm in the bloody North Pole. What is this? All right, breakfast time. Jeez, boys, look at our breakfast. Come on, lovely jubbly. - Here we go, baby. - Let go. - Jeez! - Jeez! - Wait, something just fell. - Really? - I have no idea what it was, but it fell and it hit my knee. Well it's long gone now. - Oh shit. - You reckon you could fall asleep? - Oh yeah, 100 percent. - Really? - Yep, I was literally thinking about it. - You were thinking about sleeping? - I was thinking like, oh, could I sleep? And I was like, I actually could. - Are you going to? - Not for now. - So, it is 10:00 AM. - Had a great sleep. - Oh lovely. - Fantastic Sleep in the north of Iceland. We have the final envelope. Harry, you're looking so good. - Oh, thank you, sir. Cheers. I'm full up off my lovely breakfast. You said the last one? - This is the last one. So see what it says. - Okay. My last card for the youngest three, prepare to snowmobile and ski. - And snowboard. - Snowshoes or paddle boards, it's your call. What? - Paddle boards? - You might stop- - Stop by a waterfall. I'm assuming. - Its your call, waterfall, yeah. - Why is he saying paddle boarding? I'm not paddle boarding. - That sounds like a one way trip to the - - You are off your head if you think I'm- - That's how you go to the gulag. - You'd think you are off head if I'm paddle boarding. - The word is waterfall by the way, he's put in brackets. So he definitely did- - He thinks we're that stupid? - If there's a swim suit, come on, Bog. - Bro, you're off your head. - Come on, Bog. - You're off your head. - Cut to the water by the way and we'll paddle board in that stuff. Bro, you're off your head. - I'm about to have fun. - I'm about to have F, U, N. F is friends who do stuff together. - U is for you and me. (Harry claps) N is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue. Imagine if he took us out into the desert and he had like purposely not left enough fuel. - Oh mate. - Because we're all literally driving to our death without realising that. - Oh yeah, facts. It's so hard just to walk in the sand as well. - How does it feel to drive? - It drifts all the time. Because of the sand so it's constantly doing this. You've never done this before, have you? - No. (upbeat music) - Locked and loaded, baby. Yeah! Game time! - We didn't come to play. We actually did, no we did. We came to play in this snow. Yeah, we actually did. - Whoa. - Big hill. - Oh, here we go. Oh shit. - [Tobi] Oh shit. (Josh screaming) (upbeat hip hop music) - These guys are sick out here. (engine revving) - That's bold. You're gonna just get your shoes and you're gonna get in here and get dressed. In here, helmet. - This is nice. It's like a little hide out for you guys to just come and have fun. Oh my God, oh my God, these gloves. Oh my God. Oh, I said it last night, I could cum. - Incoming. - Whoa. Holy shit, this is cool. This is one of the coolest things I ever done in my life. Oh shit! (Josh screams) Nah, this is lit. I'm gassed, I'm so gassed. - We in the desert, desert. - It's the desert, desert. Hey, you're fucked if you're getting lost out here. - So class, we're gonna go snow snowmobiling, okay. - Okay. (everyone laughs) All right. - Yeah, every day stuff here in north Iceland. Have you driven a snowmobile before? - No. No. - A quad bike? - Yes, yes. - Yeah, it's relatively simple. There's one button to go forward, grab on your right hand. And there's a break on your left hand. Try not to hold both at the same time. - Yeah. - Try to stick with my trail. There's a, you know, there might be some cliffs and some boiling mud pools. (everyone laughs) Preferably we would like you to excurse. So that and then we're good to go. - Cool. - Let's get it. - Sounds good to me. (upbeat hip hop music) - My ass hole is so wet right now, you know. - Wait, why? - Sweating. - Oh shit. - Why else? - I mean, you might piss yourself. (all laugh) Well, 3 options. You pissed yourself, you've cummed yourself or you're sweating. - Did you say cummed yourself? - Yeah. - From my asshole? - Well, I mean, it could have dripped down into your asshole. - Ahh. - Oh, well I don't know how much you're enjoying this? (Simon laughs) - The vibrations. - Yes. - Jeez. - Yes! Come on boys. It's Boltic. Its worst than Boltic, it's Arctic. - We're in the Arctic. (upbeat hip hop music) - Kinda wish we were able to go a bit faster. - Same. Every now and then we get a little bit where I'm like, oh, I've got some space and I can go fast. And then there's a hill. - Whoa. - Fish, ooh. What you saying? Sideman Abandoned, desert edition. - Oh God. - Fuck off. (Tobi laughs) - After Vik. - Go Vik! (Vik revs snowmobile) (soft music) (Harry and Ethan rev snowmobiles) (soft music) (Ethan laughing) (Harry cheering) (pleasant music) - You were asleep. - No. - You fell asleep. - Okay, oh, I'm awake, now. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus. Oh damn. - Yes. Yes. This is what we want. (Simon cheering) - Lets go! (upbeat music) - Take me home, country road, to a place- - We're stuck in the snow. - I belong. (Harry drives snowmobile) West Virginia, take me home, country road. - Hi. - You come here often yeah? - That's a nice ride. - Yeah. (Tobi laughs) I got two seats in the back for you two yeah. (Tobi laughs) - You two? Does that include me? - Why you talking like that? Stop, stop, oh my God. I love your Goggles. - I don't know if you can hear me but it's very like, ah, I can't speak. (Harry shouts) (upbeat music) (everyone revving snowmobiles) - Lets fucking go! (upbeat music) - Oh jeez! - My knee. - Be careful. - Oh shit, I got whiplashed. (upbeat music) - Mate, Vik looks so unstable on those things but fair play to the lad he's going for it. My balls are so squished into my trousers. Ill try my best though. (upbeat music) - Skrt, skrt. We are here KSI. - Yay. - Your Uber has now finished. Please give me five stars. - Fucking lit. Absolutely lit. (whimsical music) - Behz had a rotter. Behz has had a stinker. - Ethan's got stock in the snow. Shock. Where is he? Did he fall off? I don't know whats happened to him. They all stopped down there. He's returned. - I was pressing it and it just won't get up. - He actually got was stuck in the snow. I was taking the piss. The fat bastard. - Yes, hello. - Where are we going now? That's the question. - I think. - Something to do with water. - Yeah, we wouldn't do another desert thing. It'd be really weird to leave the desert. - [Josh] To go back to the desert again. - Yeah. About three times in a row. This says lake, but we drove past that. - That's Love Lake. - Or we could go to Love Lake together. Actually, I feel like I would've third wheeled that though. - Thanks. - Shut up, man. - I'm gonna throw out there and go with the boat. (pleasant music) - Oh my days. - This is insane. This is absolutely insane. (upbeat music) - We've got word, I assume that we are nearby. - Because I think we've arrived.* - So this guy will start filming. - Fam. - Where do you think we're going, JJ? - I have no idea. - Have a guess. Have a look around and guess. - Oh, come on, figure out. Come on, you got this. Come on. - Amusement park? - Okay, look around. You don't always have to look to your right. Still looking to your right. Look straight ahead. - Dubai Harbour. - Oh. What would be on harbour, bro? - Oh, we're going to a boat. - Well, there's your excitement. - [Josh] There's that boat over there. - [Simon] Okay. - [Josh] It's definitely yachts. - Oh my God. There's boats Boats and hoes. - Where? - What? - Thank you. Woo. - Hey, this is nuts. This is ridiculous. Woo. Woo. (upbeat music) - It is the excitement dance. - Yes, bro, I'm out of the desert. - [Josh] You excited? - I'm actually excited to not be in the desert anymore. I feel like It was- - Yeah and not to sleep. - It was quite long. - Mate, we're in the middle of batshit nowhere. (Ethan laughs) Mate, this is unreal. This is unreal. - Boys are like what? - They're basically like, oh, we're gonna have "Sides" on a yacht. - You lot, what's the point? There is no point doing these fucking video. - There is literally no point, yeah, yeah, they've kept just saying everything- - You lot are not coming next time. - [Simon] What? - Good luck trying to trick us. - They'll just like say, oh, were doing this and we're doing this, we're doing this- - You know who we need? We need me, you, Harry and Vik. - Yeah, we'll just be oblivious. - And we just wouldn't care. - We just, whoa- - We're good at reading people. - You lot, think too much. Just stop thinking, just stop thinking. - We're not thinking, I just wanna know where we are. - [KSI] You guys think too much. - You told us get in the car and tell us where you think you guys are gonna do next. - And then you guys are like so why aren't you excited? It's because you told me what we're doing for like the past three hours. - No, no, no. Hang on, hang on, hang on. We didn't say why aren't you excited, we said, why are you you asleep. Because he was asleep the whole journey. - Oh yeah, that's how I recharge. - KSI and the S is for sleep. - Okay, snowmobiling is sick. - So sick. - I'm obsessed with the view. I can't stop looking bro. - So Tobi set a challenge, which team can get the best photo. - Yeah. - Look at this. - It's gotta be the one, right? - There no way. - Should we back helmets off or keep these on? - I can back mine off, yeah. - Back it off? I think back it off. - It would look sick, yeah. We just hold them. - Yeah, yeah. - Like an F1 driver. - Oh, shit. It's that one, isn't it? - What? - The fucking, A, I, D, A one. - Where does it say A, I, D, A? - A, I, D, A. - In cruise cruise ship in the background, Tobi. - Bro, you did the cruise ship. Bro, my G. - You thought it was a cruise ship? - [Josh] You hired a whole cruise ship for us. - A whole cruise ship. - There's four of us. - Its not that one. (upbeat music) - I hate on a G that's typical. - Light up my spliff get spiritual, whoa. - Man are getting wavey getting lyrical, - Whoa. - Jeez, okay. Oh. - [Harry] Let them know, Vik, let them know. - [Ethan] Oh shit. Oh shit. - There's a lot of boats here. - It could be any boat. - I reckon it's this one. - Looks a lot like ours. - This fishing one. - That'd be a bant. - [KSI] Yeah it could be this one. - Is it? - Ay! - No, I made you stop for no reason. - [KSI] Oh you dickhead. - [Simon] Oh man, I literally saw KFC on there and everything, bro. (upbeat music) - Jeez! - I'm just on his track. (upbeat music) - Mate, we're approaching the edge of something. I don't what it is but it looks ominous. (everyone gasps) - Yo, lets do it. - Wait, you've got to try and jump up. - Yeah, that's Ronaldo's jump. - Oh! Oh yeah, let's do it though. Let's do it, let's do it, lets do it. - Can we stop for two minutes and do the Adidas challenge? - Oh shit, it actually is. - I'm glad I didn't opt for a snowboard. - Yeah, this is gonna be brutal. Bro, we're gonna, this is not gonna be pretty. Our first time back snowboarding is down some fucking icy middle of nowhere. - Tectonic plates. - Header challenge, we've stopped by. * - All right, Tobi is first. - [Josh] Feel, Tobi is better than all of us though. - All right, yeah, so he can show us up, you know, straight away. All right, Tobi, 1.5. - I mean. Oh nice. - Nice! - [KSI] Jeez. - 1.8 Nice. - This is mad. - Wait, 2.2. - [Josh] Easy for you, that is. - All right, this is a step and jump. - One step remember. Are we allowed as many steps as we want? - I'm not gonna go into the water. - You're allowed one step forward and then have to go up. You have two, basically. (everyone cheers) - This is ridiculous. - Eh, 2.45. - That's mad still though. - Yeah, he ain't touching this one though, right? Hey, that was high. That was clearly- - Was it close? - Like you won't, you weren't going, you won't do it. - [Josh] Do a run up, why not. - [KSI] That was a bit closer, that's a bit closer. - That's so high. - I don't think you're gonna do it in five attempts, but it was close. - Yeah, yeah. (Ethan laughing) - Fucking hell, Bog. Bog! (Ethan laughing) - Does that hurt? - Oh, ow, yes. Bro, you're throwing it like that. - Oh yeah! - I wanna make sure I draw with you. - [Tobi] I need to do it with one foot. (everyone cheers) - Jeez, jeez, jeez, hard, hard, hard. - He hasn't tried to jump, isn't it? - Jeez, go on king. - Still just touched with his head. - Okay. - Hey, you struggled, bro. - It counts, it counts. - It counts. - [Simon] Do it again just for the satisfaction. - [Josh] For our collection. - [Tobi] Okay, that's better, that's better. - This one might be on ropes. - We'll take that, we'll take that. - Now the big one. - He aint getting this one. - Fuck, there's no way. All right, bruv, I give up. - Try it. (everyone cheering) - You were closer than that. - Was I? - Bro, he nearly fucking headbutted the wall. (everyone laughs) - All right, it is time to ski and snowboard down a volcano. - Yes! - After you Behz. - [Harry] Go on lad. Go on Behz! - Wait. - Oh, he's got it. Oh, yeah, okay, he's moving. - [Vik] He's moving. - [Harry] Oh look at him go. Oh no, oh fuck. (everyone laughs) - I've lost all technique bro. Come on, Bog, lets see it. Yeah, you're good. - Oh Christ. - You're good, you're good. I can't do that. (Ethan laughs) That's not possible for me anymore. I used to be all right, but now. - [Harry] It's icy as shit, bro. My God. - [Tobi] Bro, did you just chest that? - [Josh] Boy, what a header. - Did you just chest that? - Oh crazy header. - Oh, you're the best, you're the best. Had to leave the ground for that one. - [Josh] I think Simon gets it, you know. - [Tobi] Easy! - Nah, that one? Are you mad? - You can jump though. Look at how clean, at ease that was. I'm not gonna lie, he has got a hop on him. - Which foot? - Go off your stronger foot. Oh! - There aint no hope. - [Tobi] One more? - Maybe, one more, one more, one more. (everyone cheers) - One more, one more, one more. - [Simon] I'm not getting this. - I'm not gonna lie, when Ronaldo does it, he has a runner. (everyone gasps) That was close, you know. - It aint bad. - All right, our go pro batteries are freezing, it's minus 19. But we're on the move. Harry's all the way down there. Ethan, let's go. - [Ethan] Harry's gone. - [Vik] Oh, its icy. - [Ethan] Jeez. - [Vik] After you. It gets easier once you're off the ice. (Ethan laughing) All right, I'm gonna ski over a rock. - [Ethan] Bro, those rocks are lethal. - [Vik] Oh okay. - [Ethan] Yeah, maybe don't. - Not a good idea. Ski down a volcano, they said. - [Ethan] Yeah. - It will be fun, they sad. (Ethan laughs) Go, go, come on. He gets knocked down, he gets up again. You're never gonna keep us down. I would describe this more as ice skating than skiing. - Nearly, it's coming. It's coming. (Vik laughing) - Right on my broken shoulder. Ah, and I'm holding a GoPro again. It's a good thing my shoulder is made out of titanium now. Ouch, that was straight on ice. - Ah, nice. - Come on, don't let us down, 220. - [Everyone] Nice. (everyone screams) - Hold up. (everyone cheers) - Think he's just tried to be too calm. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - How the fuck do you get that? - You run and jump. - Oh bro, he was so far, he was so far. - Jump. Yeah, you're struggling. - Look at my snowman, one sec. It's four high. It's pretty cool. Vik, look at my snowman. Oh, you are. - I can't balance bro. Hey. No. Have mercy. (whimsical music) (everyone laughs) - All right, Steve. - [Simon] Stevie, middle one. - [Josh] You gotta try it. - Steve, do it, what do you mean, do it then. - How tall do you think though bro? - There's no way, there's no way. (everyone cheers) - Fuck off, fuck off, go away, fuck off, go away, go away. - All right, fair play, fair play, fair play, fair play, fair play, bro. (KSI laughs) - All right, this is gonna end badly. (whimsical music) Jesus Christ, this is terrifying. This is tragic. Oye, we stink, you know. We stink at this. - It's gonna be a little paddling pool in it? - What? - [Simon] That's where I saw the cheffers. Is it that one? - [KSI] There's no way. - [Simon] Yeah, now I don't know, I'm not happy now, I don't know which one it is. - When do I react? - [KSI] Nah. - [Tobi] Thank you. - [Simon] Is it this one? - [Tobi] Welcome. - [KSI] Nah, it's too big. (Simon screaming) It's too big. - [Simon] I'm waiting until- - [KSI] Nah, this is actually too big. - [Simon] I'm gonna go take a piss and then it's ours. Ah, slippers. - [Tobi] Slippers. - "Sides", its ours. There's "Sides". (everyone cheering) There's "Sides", boys. Jeez! - Well, this might be like the biggest boat we've been on. - Can't see like where the snow goes. It's just a white. (wind blowing) - [Harry] Oh here it comes. - Behz is back. - Did you get that on film? - It's my way of stopping. - All right, we're gonna make it down boys, we got this, come on. - Is it snowing now? Cute. Very cute. This is the most icy, dangerous skiing I've ever done. - Tobi has surprised us all day, but you haven't had this yet. - Where do I begin boys? - This, this is what you start with. - The XIX box. The big boy. - Oh! - Oh wait. - We didn't have this. - No, no, put that back, put that back, put that back. - Chill, chill, chill, chill. - There you go, there you go. There you go. - Jeez! - All right, so we've got Seven Up here. Some Korean barbecue sauce. What's this? - A Sando. - It's a Sando. - And this? Oh slaw. - You can get fries- - I'm a fan of slaw. - We got items here, we've got some items. - I want to swap them out for fries because I'm feeling fries right now. - We'll just eat everything. - Okay. (Harry screams) - This pitch is icy. - The last time I skied was like pre pandemic. So like three years ago. So I'm like rusty and then I'm thrown down like an icy volcano. - Ah. - My boys are falling left, right and centre. - Oh God. See ya. (Harry screams) - Oh my God, I'm so happy right now. I'm happy. Is that my burger? My burger's in here, boy. - Try it, bro. - Let me just get a couple more- - I'm actually gonna try the plant base. - Are you? Waffle fries are peng. - Not even using the sauce. - Hella, peng. - Good, right? - Sorry, sorry, We've done a fucking madness. - Ah-huh. - Like genuinely. - This is what I told you yesterday. - Like genuine. Nah, forget the camera, we've genuinely done a madness. (pleasant music) - Yes, we've got it again. (Ethan shouts) For fuck sakes. - That was a hell was a shambles from start to finish. It was all right. Vik, you're supposed to be the sick one bro. - Bro. - You are awful. - I am. - You are just as bad as us. - Lead the way. Go on. - I'm gonna fall over, we're going upstairs. (Simon singing) - [Josh] Blue cheese. - Oh bro, look at it. - Like a mix. - Fucking hell, it's like a DJ set right here. - Bro. Oh this is nice. - Wait, wait, it says jacuzzi. - Oh. Wait, what? - This is the jacuzzi. - There's a jacuzzi in here, buddy. - This place is mad. - [Tobi] Josh, can you DJ? - This is mad. - [KSI] Do you know how to DJ? - Yeah, this is so nice. - I'm just happy right now. Like my friends are happy. Look how Simon's smiling at the building. I didn't say go away, I said look at him smile. - You just ruined my smile. - [Tobi] Brother, come here. Hey, hey. - Hey you ruined my smile. - Simon's enjoying himself. JJ is having the best time of his life. JJ is at his best when he's like this. This is him in his element, you get me. And then Josh is doing Josh things. - [Simon] He's taking pictures of me in a sexual nature. - If my friends are happy I'm happy. - Oh, now we're talking. (Ethan screaming) - Woo. - Now we're going. - Now we're moving. Oh fucking hell. (Harry shouting) (Ethan laughing) (Ethan laughing) - I'm tangled, I'm tangled. I'm tangled, I'm tangled. No! - Yeah, come on. Come on! Oh shit! Watch out, watch out. (everyone screaming) (upbeat music) That was sick, thank you man. - [Ethan] That was sick. - Mate, it's good, it's good. It's just like wakeboarding that's why. - Huh? - It's just like wakeboarding that's why. - Yeah, mate, you smashed it. I just kept digging the snow. (upbeat music) - [Tobi] The boys are actually having a sick time. Gas, look at Simon go. Look at you. Look at the smile on his face. Look at it. And then there's grandad. Taking it easy. I'm joking, he's been racing the whole time as well. - I'm stoked. - I can imagine. I can't even see him with these glasses, man. - Thank you for tuning in to how to snowboard 101 with Ethan Payne. As you can see, I'm a very technically gifted border and my stopping techniques are revolutionary. Harry is just merely learning. See you soon. - What a vibe. Skiing up a hill, skiing down a hill. Woo. - All right, I don't know what we are doing next. We're just enjoying it, we're already half way through the day. We've got loads more to do. - Yo, this pina colada. Oh, bro. So good, ay, yo, you got to try this. - Yeah, let me try it. - [Tobi] Yeah, what's it saying? What's it saying? What's it saying? - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Simon] That's what it's saying. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I can hear it, can you hear it? - Bro! - Yeah, yeah, - [Tobi] Bro, listen. - Yeah, yeah. (Tobi cheers) (upbeat music) - Okay, so this is the biggest crater, massive crater. Our friend Anton is just stamping to see how far away from the edge it's safe to go. - [Harry] I'm not going close to the edge, bro. I don't care how safe you think it is. - Another good reason to know where you're going in your snowmobile. - That is nutty bro. If you fell off that bit there you'd be all right. - [Vik] No, you probably die. - No, you'll land on the snow there. - [Vik] Bro, look how far it is. - Bro, think about hard this was. - Okay, I guess, I guess. - Come on. - Where's the Burj Al Arab, behind us somewhere? - The Burj Al Arab is- - Right there, look. Yeah, I can see, it's right here. - It's right here? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And? Where's the sweet ones? - Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. - Ah? - What? - I'm a sweet one. - Stupendous confectionary. - Stupendous confectionary, that's me right there. - Oh, hot chocolate. Are you kidding me? We're living at every level you could possibly live. Hot chocolate out of the- - Boys. - [Vik] With the flask with the boys. - [Ethan] Hot chocolate with the boys. - Hot chocolate. (upbeat music) - [KSI] Fucking hell, bro. - [Simon] Josh man! No he didn't, he messed up man. - Hey, it was ready to go, it's the pressure in the thing, it was about to go away. (everyone booing) - Hmm, oh, talk to me. That's hitting different. Come on. - This is the life, hot chocolate with the homies. Hot chocolate with homies - You're on your own, I'm drinking hot talk with my boys. - I'm drinking hot chocolate with my boys. - I feel like we should just break into dance. (upbeat music) - [Simon] Where is this going? - All right, all right. So right, left. Right, left. Right, left. Right, left. Right, left. Right, left. (KSI singing indistinctly) (upbeat music) - But yes now, we are at a waterfall. It is epic. Hopefully you've seen the epic shots, but power is here. (Vik and Harry laughing) - What a laser from range, I'm so sorry. - [Vik] Bro, he deserves a free shot. You can have a free shot. - Fuck me, I'm ice cold. - [Vik] You deserve a free shot. That was rude bro. That right there was a violation. - [Harry] Bro, it was supposed to be a back in the head. - You know what I'm happy about? The GoPro took the majority of it. - He turned into it, I'm sorry. Go on, have a shot on me. Have a shot on me. - Oh shit, yo. This boat about to go down. This boat about to go down. - No, it's not, it's not. It's not about to go down. - I'm about to sink. We about to sink in this bitch. Are you ready? Are you ready? One, two, ay, ay. (upbeat music) - Ah, no, not in the heart. - Just to let him know. Let him know, that's where you hurt me. - Sorry. - Oh nice, right, well that's a waking up, Jesus. Don't need a coffee. Just get blasted in the face by a snowball. But we are off on a hike now, you've always wanted us to do this. - Right, finally. - We're on a hike. - From pro clubs to this. - Visit a country. - We're doing it. - We're on a hike. - So you know what, I'd argue that I've changed. Look what we've done in other Sidemen videos. - Yeah. - We might not have done it before. We would've stayed and playing clubs all our lives. (Vik and Ethan laugh) - But we do probably do need to get another win. - What do you mean on clubs? - On clubs. - Oh yeah, we do, we do. - We've got another episode on the way. - This kind of stuff thinks of you as the sheer power of nature I'd argue. - Yeah? - Like you could drown an elephant in down there. Like a moose would drown in that. - True, that is a good point, yeah. Something, yeah, if a lion ended up in there. - Exactly, exactly. - It wouldn't stand a chance. - No chance. - Or maybe it would. - Ah. - How long do you think you'd survive in there? - I reckon, you know what? We might even be able to survive that, you know. - How long do you think you'd survive in there? - I think you'd be all right. - I reckon the shock would knock us out. - Yeah. - I reckon I've got about five minutes in me before I die. - Not even. - Maybe less, but mate, generally all the settings that we've been in today and trying to like pan to go around have been like immense. - We're in Game of Throne land as well. We're north of the wall. You guys, who are fans of Game of Thrones. All of the scenes that are north of the wall was shot within- - Within kilometres. - Yeah, up here. - Really? - And the thing is, you haven't even scratched the iceberg or tip of the iceberg with Iceland, genuinely. - There we go. (upbeat music) - All right, we're back in the Harbour. I think we've have dinner coming up. So we is gonna get changed. Views round here is nutty. Like there's a whole car festival, Ethan would be gutted. There's a bunch of Japanese cars here. There's a car festival going on. There you go. There's the boat we was on right there, craziness. - Jees, look at us explorers. Checking out the waterfall. Got a new hat from the shop as well. You know how we do. Jesus Christ, mate, that water looks terrifying. You do not wanna get like sucked into that. - It's dinner time, I think to wrap up, have you enjoyed your trip? - Yeah. - What is that it? Ay, scrap dinner dinner, scrap dinner, scrap dinner. - I had a great time, I rode a camel. We're in the lobby, we need to be quiet. - Is it "Sides?" - It's not "Sides." - Sushi samba. Right across the road. So its local. Sushi samba with the boys. - Oh yeah, you did say. You did say. - What did you say? - Sushi Samba. - Did he say that as well. - He did, he did. - I was gassed, I was gassed about. - I'm not doing this again, we're not doing this again. - Tobi, I was excited about that. - I didn't say anything. - How did you know? Like there a big sign, Sushi Samba, we were the first to arrive at the hotel, I was like, Sushi Samba. - I didn't say anything. - I'm not doing this again. - Ay, cold team. You guys are the shit, you guys are my guys. - You lot, lets go eat, man. (upbeat music) - It's between the Christmas shrimp and the calamari for the appetiser. And then I'm gonna go for the most expensive thing on the menu which is the Tomahawk and then black clod as well. Just because I just like having the option. (KSI laughing) What are you guys doing? - We're looking at the menu. (upbeat music) - We should order some food before you leave. - You can't leave until you order food. - Okay well, I'm gonna end this. - I wanna get, wagu edumame, some Soshi and salmon Sahimi and then waggy steak. - Team Cold, clocking in with pretty cold waterfall. - Pan around a little bit. - Look at the ice No, the ice ices in the cave, in that look over there. That waterfall as well that one's having a day off. It's just, someone's turning to switch off. - This place is so sick, it's so sick. I feel like we're just experiencing so much. - Yeah. - It's outrageous. - We've been Dubai. We can go to Dubai, whatever. - I've been in a bucket. - Come on. - I've been next to an ice waterfall. I ain't bit up a mountain on snowmobile. - Yeah. - But we got our team photo? - Yeah. - Looking cold. - Get here. - Yeah. That's it. Yeah. - That is insane. - Power, it's about drive, it's not power. - We say we devour, put it into what? Put the hours. We are gonna take the holiday title. - Okay, let's go. - Okay. Looks nice. (upbeat music) - We represent people and bring out your flag. (upbeat music) (all cheering) - Hot team, you know? (all cheering) - Let's cheers then. - Cheers, cheers. This is the life we deserve, you know? This is the life we deserve. Not bad spot for a bear. No, that's all. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 24,058,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 7Oa-GtZE9tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 19sec (4999 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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