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- Welcome to "Sidemen Monopoly" (men screaming) We're going to see who goes first by the highest roll. Go first. (upbeat music) (men mumbling) No cheating. Okay, you go last. (men mumbling) - (indistinct) I'm in the (indistinct) anyway. (laughs) - No, no do it again. - One more. - No. (all exclaim) (indistinct chatter) (upbeat music) - See that touch. (all mumbling) - Can you beat an 11. - Easy. (upbeat music) - You do this for us the whole time. - I'm going to try close. (men mumbling) Close. Ten. - So, you got the second - What is your team name. - Team "Boats and Hoes". - "Boats and Hoes" shall go first. (indistinct) Teams. That hurt. (all laughing) (indistinct) your second and... (all laughing) (indistinct) - Slaves. A (indistinct) shall go first. (all laughinging) Well you got to go. Let side monopoly begin. - Come on (indistinct), lets get a double. On the double. - Oh, go on. (all exclaiming) - I can't believe it. - Please move 10. - Yo, we get popcorn. - Really? - Go. - All right, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. - Welcome to eating popcorn. You only get to eat popcorn while you're there. - I'm gonna put it down. - [Man] Yeah let me hold that. - All right he's got something nice. Three, two, one, let's go again. Come on. - If you roll another double, you get prison isn't it? - (indistinct) we go, oh, wait. (indistinct) - Welcome to (indistinct) corner shop. (laughs) Wait I'll call back. - Come by my corner shop 200 (indistinct) - You'd like to buy it now? - Yeah (indistinct) - (indistinct) corner shop ready. - The deed to the corner shop. (laughs) (indistinct) - Love that. (all laughing) - I don't feel right. Okay team (indistinct). - I hope you go to jail. (men mumbling) - Oh, no. - Welcome to the famous Benidorm hotel. (all laughing) - Oh, no. (all laughing) - I want it though. (laughs) - I love that place. - You will buy it? - I love that. - Why have you bought this? - 'Cause I want it - I want property, Okay? Listen Josh, more investments is how you do good business. (laughs) (indistinct) - The famous (indistinct), Ethan slept with a 45 year old. (laughs) - [Man] It was off camera. - I... - Exposed. - I didn't do that. I did not do (beep) - Okay, team three. (men mumbling) - Oh no. (laughs) (men mumbling) (laughs) - Oh, he's fine. (indistinct) - Welcome to Drama Alert HQ. - We should stand on here. - We will buy it. - Okay, - We will buy it. - 120 pounds. - Can I have an insurance claim on my car please? - (indistinct) see what happens. (indistinct) - Hey yo we stuck in the goose what's up. - Do you have an extra 50 please... Hey yo what's up we stacking money bitches - Can I have an extra 50 please - For what? - Wait wait, for what? - Car insurance. (cheers) - You just got insurance claimed bro, cheers. (cheers) - We'll take it. - Listen to that roar. - You got a new car. Insurance claim mate, you see. - Classy car, classy car. - Team "Bucks and Hoes" start. (men mumbling) Gives a double again. On the double. Seven, that's not bad. - That's one... - Oh Harry, you made it - Two, three, four, five, six. (indistinct) - (indistinct) and Harry's got his football thing. (indistinct) - Kick time is now owned by Bucks and Hoes. (cheers) - 22 quick rand, jeez we making money. - Big money. - Yes, under the leg. - Whoa. - Oh 10. - All right. - All right off to you, buddy. (indistinct chatter) - Welcome to the BTech sideman house, (laughs) also known as the click house. You not on the right spot. - You got into my corner shop. - Oh no. - What has he done, what has he done? - That'd be 50 quick please. (indistinct chatter) - How much is this? - 50 - Wait, have we landed on those? - No, no, no, we are on the click house. - How much is this? (laughs) - We are the working class, that's our team name. - I love that. I love that. I love that. - Please go, I'm already sweating. - We've decided to call ourselves the working class - [All] Nice - Team working class. Disgusting. (laughs) - [Man] Jesus - Five. - That's cute. - That's so sweet. - Is that Josh's thing. (men mumbling) Yeah, take that. - Josh's retirement home. - [Man] Why are you gassed for Josh's retirement home? - We'll buy it. - There's some nice ladies in there too. (exclaim) - Do they let you eat their ass? - Oh Yeah - Are we buying it? - Yeah, we're buying it. - This isn't nice at all. - The deed to Josh's retirement home. - [Man] Indeed. - Thank you. - Let me hold the cash. (men mumbling) - Oh, nice. - Oh three, two, one. - Whoa, Whoa. (all men mumbling) - Two, Three, four, five, six, seven, eight. - Sidemen clothing. - We will cop that too. (indistinct) - You just promote it. - You will cop it. - Yeah we're not wearing Sideman clothing but buy Sideman clothing. - All right, Sideman clothing, you can only have it with the discount code. - Oh the discount code is wavy. - Have you any other suggestions? (indistinct chatter) - What about Walrus? - Walrus and wavy. - There's your boy Harry is your boy. - Define my boy. - You know they've got the scoop 99 million. Let's do this. [Man] -It wasn't even a wheelbarrow. - Oh, three. - Wow. - Unluckily, unlucky boys. You are (indistinct) (laughs) You may not remember your time here. - Oh Jesus. - That was what you said. - ACE family house, Do you want it? - Yeah (indistinct chatter) - We're about to get 200 more, so... (indistinct) - Team working class. - Are you just trying to clear it up. (laughs) (indistinct chatter) You get a five. (laughs) (indistinct chatter) (cheers) This was cheating and you should be punished to Vic's corner shop. (laughs) - 16 pounds please boys. 16 pounds and 50 (indistinct) - Why 50 B? [Man] - How many of that, count that. (indistinct chatter) - So good not to be red boys, right? (indistinct) - All right team Bucks and Hoes go. - I love that from you. - Oh, always go miles away. - Nine. (cheers) (indistinct chatter) - Something Harry knows nothing about. For passing go, 200 pounds. - Thank you. - Income tax, 200 pounds. (laughs) This goes in ... - Benefits? - All right, Okay. - Can you hold on to that. (indistinct chatter) - Hold on your pocket, we don't trust them. - What do you mean we don't... Is it because we're both black. Is that why you don't trust us. - Listen, there's no race card in this game. - He pissing me off man. (indistinct chatter) (men mumbling) (foreign language) - Instagram. (foreign language) - Oh my, Instagram. - You caught that. - Ethan likes Instagram. - You caught that, gramme. - You are now the proud owner of Instagram. (laughs) - I am the, I am the - No cheating this time. - No, no this good (indistinct chatter) - No. - Are you fucking serious (indistinct). (laughs) - You owe us 22 pounds. Don't under pay us this time. You paid us as it is kicked down. - If you can kick this through my arms, you don't have to pay. (all mumbling) - I would try to do this. (indistinct) - Go, go. - This to save yourself 22 pounds. - Oh one finesse. - Give a finesse on that. - Wait, well he's red timed it. Pay up, pay come on pay up - (indistinct) You will pay them 25. You were short last time. and you're still short now. - I'm still short. - We have one time. - No, Tobby gave them 15. - Why did you give them 15 ones? - I didn't want them. - Are you mad? - Not if they can give us change. - How much? - 25 - Oh my God man. - And we get free change, right? - We going to be poor. - You are poor. - Team boats and hoes. - Oh wow. - So, finally you're here. - Whoa, wait one, two. (cheers) - This can be good. (indistinct) - Ethan wants to flex on you, travel to his gym. (men mumbling) - Welcome to Ethan's gym. (indistinct) - You don't need it. - I'll take his gym. - Thank you so much. - Six. - Okay, come on. - One, two, three, four, five, six. - I'll buy that. How much is that? - No more. - It's fine. - He owns Instagram. - Okay, well done. - You now own the stew as well. - Hey let me own the stew. - Wait, what? - Look at my property portfolio, jeez (indistinct) but we own Instagram, fuck you. - You a five. - We I'm in cloven. - I think Instagram and significantly more. Okay, team working class (all laughing) - Seven, four, five, six seven. - [Man] Community chest. - We see you man We see you though. - You started Patreon. - Oh Ooh. - Collect 20 pounds from each player. (cheering) (indistinct) - Oh, let me hold that. - Give me my money. - I would like you to flash them. (indistinct chatter) - Do I flash them? - No, you don't have to flash them. - Can we get like a picture with them or something. Can we? - No, it's full of false promises. - Is it only from... (all mumbling) - We got a six, seven, Oh, we got nine. - No, no it's all right. (all mumbling) - We've avoided tax. (all laughing) The rich get richer. - Thank you. - Oh he does. - Richard plays monopoly. whether it be gaming videos whatever it be anything. - This guy always wins. - Because he cheats, fixed corner. - He does. Let me go fix corner shop - Shop kick terrible. - Oh, a Spider-Man debt. - [Man] Nine - [Man] Oh no, no that's not good boys. - That's fine. - [Man] That's fine, it's fine. - Okay, You're going to get apparently. - Please hurry up. - I'll just let him scare some more. - Community chest. - Come on, come on. - Welcome to the team 10 house. (mumbling) - Yeah I love it. I love it. - Pay a good - Team 10 house. - Disgusting, I mean it now. - Oh wow. - Jesus Christ. - [Man] We get a two just fine. - Oh, oh six, six. - You won community chest. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, swag it. The sideman house! - Well, that's a big point. - That's big. - Would you like to buy "The Sidemens House"? - Yes. - They may afford it at this point. - Shut your mouth. - Shut your mouth. - Yes, yes. - Well done. - Toby, you're now living in a JJ house (mumbling) For passing go, here is your 200. - Thank you. - You have a little bit of a time to let, I'm sorry. - Seven, We'll take that. That's... - Whoa, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. - Welcome to the Mulberry mansion. - [Man] They've got a second one of those. - Which we did not get to experience, right Ethan? - Yeah (laughs) - I kicked him. (all mumbling) - [Man] Malbere mansion. - Thank you. - Yes, I can beat him up, you can beat him up though. Asper can beat them up. - We can't do that. - Let us try roll two ones. Which is the best one? - Yeah, that would be huge (screams). - Let's go. - Double, double, double. Give you a Doppler. - Oh, they got a one stop. - Oh, seven, seven. Okay, well, no please. - You get to eat popcorn. Bowl, kid. (men mumbling) Welcome to eating popcorn. Enjoy your time. (laughs) (indistinct chatter) - Now team working class. - Can we call, can we call? - Oh, okay, yeah - It goes better than the last name. - Oh 11. Hey welcome. (all mumbling) - [Man] Why you guys always together. (all mumbling) - We won our 200... - Please, we have manners - He saved you. - Yes (indistinct chatter) - 200 for pass and go. (all mumbling) Team goats and hoes Let's get it. - I take time when you go, these are eating having a good time. - Oh, 10. - Oh my God. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. JJ studio (all mumbling) - We got, we got enough. (indistinct chatter) - I wanna be Mr. Top 10. - Yeah, it does come with a free Round off. - There is JJ studio. - Thank you so much. - They only need him (all mumbling) we can trade with them. - Six. - Oh, it's all right. It's all right. Oh, that car. - Welcome to a personal favourite of mine. Simon's giraffe pen. (indistinct chatter) My brother Cal freeze. (laughs) - Thank you for speaker's corner shop, I think this is the best corner shop ever. - I know, I'm always like if you get home (indistinct). - (mumbles) he's brought this corner shop up from the ground and now we sold it to flourish. - Maybe we charging more than before. - We'll just... (laughs) - We're franchising. (indistinct) - It's targeting right now. - [Man] Nine - Welcome back to Vic' Corner shop (indistinct chatter) (all laughing) - Drop this in your cornershop (laughs) We will change. - Thanks buddy. - Double warmup. (laughs) - It's a five. - It's a three. All right cool. - All right so count of five from studio. - One, two, three, four, five - Community chats, - 200 quit first, please. - I mean, that might take it away. - You just say please. - Please because I want to know what we got before we see what's happened with this. - One step at a time. - Give us Simon - [Man] Do it your way. - Simon wanted to play. - I wouldn't have that. (all mumbling) - They all went into. (indistinct chatter) - Josh invites you to play bingo. Travel to his retirement home. (cheers) - That's well guys - They're about to overtake us on the board. - It doesn't matter. - Well, here is your 200 plus and go, thank you very much. - What'd you do over them? - Why you want... Yeah, yeah 512? (laughs) - Can I see how I count? Oh really? - Yeah It's not really count. - Okay, they're about to lap us. - We can we say like a agency fee oh middleman. (indistinct chatter) - We'll get back to the work in the bus. - Come up a hundred feet or five, five - Nine, nine, nine, two, two eight. - Oh, wait. - Where is it okay, okay, - Wait here. - That's it. - Yeah Is that okay? - Is that okay? - I'll let you do that one. - Yes, please, sir. - There is that okay? - We're out here. - What is this? I don't have the arms. - What is happening? - You barrow is back... - We brought the barrow because we want some good luck. - You brought back the what? - The wheelbarrow. - The barrow, we brought back the barrow so... (all laughing) - Yeah Cool work. - I see you. - Well, I stayed at school, isn't it? - One more five.... (all mumbling) - The system... - Put the wheel barrow away. Into jail. I did not feel comfortable saying that well the chalks is Mr. monopoly. (all mumbling) - While they're cancelled they shall not receive rent. - Nice. - Wait, what is happening? - Why are you leaning outside of it? - Can I PhotoShop a video. - What has happened? - We can either pay 50 or roll a double. - Do we pay 50 to get out? (mumbling) - Can we pay now? - Next go. - You left off, all right, say nothing. We made some contacts on the inside here - Yeah, all right. - Three, two, one go. - Oh, double - [Man] nine, oh one, two, three, four, six, seven, eight... - Tobby's church. Welcome to Toby's church. - Oh no. - We can pay this 220 is quite expensive. - 220. - We doing it? - Okay, cool. - You man in red, you need to do a thing. - We're trying bro - You need to help us. - Now, we'll get you of jail guys. (all mumbling) - JJ is enjoying jail life actually. - JJ but you're enjoying jail a little bit too much - Hey yo relax, it's cosy in here - Tobby's Church ♪ Give me in oil my lamp ♪ ♪ Keep me burning ♪ ♪ Give me in oil my lamp, (mumbles) ♪ - Oh, is that the only one you know - Oh they bagged the church as well.. (all mumbling) - I still been playing with the money before we started shooting to be honest. I have given the funds over to Josh as I feel he's the more smart investor for this future of the game. So, I would just brag about our portfolio for now. - Okay. Oh, okay - Eight. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, G's club house. - Yeah, okay. Stick to... (mumbling) - Something good. - Come on boss, man. - I need some water. - Boss man, come on. - No, don't smile. (all mumbling) - No, Harry breaks your camera and tripod. - Of course he does. - Pay 50 pounds to replace it. - Yes (mumbling) - He was gonna have to pay for it. - Do us a solid. We were tight on money at the moment... - We're broke boys. (mumbling) - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. - You can borrow my camera for the rest of the show. - He should pay me. (bell rings) - Fuck. - Yeah, like they finish the whole game is okay, - Would you like to pay your way up? - Yes - Yeah, yeah, man but still. - Tripple that in community or in Google, Fred. - Yeah, yeah - How does he end up with all the money? - Thank you very much. You're out. - Even, yay. - Fresh home... (all mumbling) - Now we know the block. Hey, watch we get close to you getting robbed. - But you can get back then though. (all mumbling) - We're about to rob some dudes. (all mumbling) - I told you the system's flawed, bro. - [Man] Hey run them back in the system. - Let's get real close to them. - Yeah, oh seven. - Oh, oh. - Hey, oh (all mumbling) - I learned some moves and Joanna. - Hey yo. - Stay away from us. - I'm coming bro. (all mumbling) All of you are getting robed. We got courses done. (all mumbling) - You realise we're cancelled not in jail. - Oh, yeah, oh, yeah fam surrender, sorry (mumbles). - You say sorry or sorry. - Sorry, and that was fine. - Yeah he threw his cart. - Okay, next one. Mr. Piece donated to your live stream. Collect 100 pounds. - Oh, we've got the money. (all mumbling) - It's only a matter of time. We get closest over. - We need to escape. - We need to get away from it. - Low number, low number come on (mumbling) - Oh, yeah, send him to jail. Send him to jail. (all shouting) - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. - How much we owe you boys. - That was the green one. (all mumbling) - All we know, we could never be rent boys. - You ain't paid rent. - Yes. - Not once. - Community chest. - Oh one, six. - Oh one, two, three, four, to the sideman's house. - Ooh, 800. - Let me hear that. How much? - What are you trying to hit? - Sidemen house. (all mumbling) - 50 nigga. - 50 pounds. - Oh God. Low, low. - Yes. - Oh, Oh. (all mumbling) - Oh, the ACE family house. - You have to pay more than just rent. - Ace to a family house. - That would be 18 pounds please. - We'll remember this. - If you want to be safe. (all mumbling) - We got the boats and hoes. - Oh, Whoa. - 10 - We take a 10? - Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 10 - We've missed out on 400 pounds. (all mumbling) - So, all the orangy. the RNG we've got to pay 400 quid. - You got 200 back. - Here is your 200. - I'd like it back please. - We can't afford the boat anymore. The boat is too expensive. - Why are you going up, go down. (all mumbling) - Titanic. (all laughing) - Now, we're whipping. We have to downsize. We paid somebody's tax we have to downside. - Pick your portfolio up. - Three, seven, Evan. - Don't you dare. Don't you dare josh. - That's clothing gang. - You know what to do, bro? You know what to do, bro? You know what to do. - Don't want to give it to you. - How are you running by the way? Not being able to count. - Oh, I six. - That is seven Joshua seven. (all mumbling) - No, I'll take the trap. - I know you'll take a trap. - There's a lot of money to be made in the trap. - A hell of a lot to made in the trap. - Do you want it? - They might know about it since they were in prison. - Do you want it? We'll have it. - Here's your 200 for pass and go. - Oh and would you like to buy it? Yes please. - Drop, drop in the bango I'm gonna look at this. - It's hard to remember. - Hey, y'all, et's see if the system is really fucked. - Seven. - Is that good? - No, it's not. - We need to pay... - Instagram. - How much do I owe you. - I'll give you. - So close. - It's full time at the row yes, full times the amount shown on the... - You act like you're their friend then you charge them all this rent. - Right, it's Instagram premium. - Listen, they paid for that. All right, they're being displayed. Holy Holy captain. - Come on, try my luck up. - Oh wait, five. - That's drama (mumbles) - Hey y'all that's 20. - No, wait it's eight. - Thank you Mr Monopoly kindly sir. - One more life. - Can I take your glasses. - From Harry's trap house. You get a nine. - Okay, that looks like a charity to me. - It's actually a nonprofit organisation. - You're a smart man. - So, we got money for that. - Thank you. - I'd love to say we are a team of the people we like giving back. - We do. - So, we will M7E Go and send kids on school trips right now around the UK. - That sounds very, oh I'm not giving you money. - Can you? - No. - Do you wanna donated 10, seven, eight? - Yes, all right. - I'll take your money and I will put some of it in Google preferred. - Oh nice. - Okay, one 50. - Oh, I can do it. - There you go. - 100 shall be added to Google preferred. - Team working class. - Jeez, big numbers. - Oh, that's a dude Perfect HQ right now with me. - Nine, seven eight. - Hey, yay. - You want to do a track with us? - Come on, hurry up. - I drop a feature if you... if you wave right now. (all mumbling) - [Man] We have a deal here. - Well, no, no here's the thing we may have 16, eight bar but you got to do full bars each and then you can pay off rent. - All right then. - Four bars each. - Fresh full bars though not just recycling. - Give me a beat. (all mumbling) ♪ I've got JJ ♪ ♪ VIX got Harry ♪ ♪ No wonder why they bought the Carrie ♪ ♪ I'm standing here with all these rats ♪ ♪ I'm about to lose them to income tax. ♪ - Oh, okay, - By the way, there is a top 10 just on this team. - That was acceptable. - Okay guys, I'm not happy with that. I expected much but... I will not be accepting that. - Come on. - We'll take five coz you tried. - Oh, fuck man. - Three, two, one, this is real teamwork here. (cheering) - The double, I need to come back to community chest. One, two, three, four, seven eight, jeez, Louise. - You've hit 1 million subscribers. Can we get a round of applause? - Congratulations. - Advance to go. Collect 200 pounds. (all mumbling) - Yes, you can go... - Come through these ends. We're supposed to protect you. - Lost, six. - That will be six pounds please. - Six pounds. - Make it 10. and I'll put you above. - Hey, well this isn't wise financially but you know I'll help you out. - There is your 10. - I don't know what's going on here. - Oh boy. - Did we just see a drug transaction. - And we went to jail. - [Man] Hand me five - And we went to jail. - [Man] Hand me five - No, no I will make it more. - A dream. - Just give me five. - I've just caught you. - Swing that way my brother. - Just seeing that week. (all mumbling) - Four, six, fucking what is it? - Ace Family House. - We got that. - High numbers Toby, yeah (all mumbling) - Please no, please no. - Okay, yeah - Oh, oh. (all mumbling) - High numbers mate. - No we're okay, we're okay, - Right, high numbers lads. - You receive your check for your YouTube boxing match. - Oh jeez, my guy. - It's way more than you actually earn it's 100 pounds. - I'll take it. - We'll make it the money's good but we need the properties. - Wait, wait wait... - What? - We would like to make a trade. - It's not go anymore. - Let's do it before you roll. - Next time, next time. - Seven, oh, we have it ready, bro. - You want to tolerate your blue? - How much does he owe you? - Hey, 12. - I now know how to count. - Okay, an eight to get the hundred deeds house. (all mumbling) No, listen, the universe will decide it. - All right. - If you get this, I'll write it. - Fall half were on your cloves though. - And it don't matter. - It, the one that right now can I have some themselves? - Nobody does justice. No. - Mr. Middle field smoke. - We're looking for a three, five, 10 or 11. - So, that was very aggressive. - They've been to jail Simon. - Five. - Fuck, I need another five. - So, give me another five or six. - Come on, come on, come on, come on please, Which means? - Oh no. - Yes, yes we got it. - Yes, yes we're buying it. - They've paid for squad house. (all mumbling) - Thank you. - Yes, sir. - You good, you good? (all mumbling) - Hey, yo, what's up? - All right. - Let's go get all right. - We need a three. - All right. - Three, three, one, three. - Ooh. - Don't you tell them? - Oh yeah the tables. We put on council, - Take the little compound. - I think we shouldn't be here. - This is actually quite good because it means you have another shot or go find the pizza. - Get at one judge. - Oh nine, nine one two three. - Why don't you get in the stuff that we own? - We would like to make trade. - Ooh. - Okay, cool. - But who do we want to trade? - Who would you like to trade with? - Can't do a straight up trade. We need keys as well. - Have we got Pete? - We like to trade with them. - For what? - We will give you the Sidedman house. For, Ethan's chamber. And 400. - He finished him. He finished Jim - 400, nah, nah, wait what? Tori. - Both of this. - That's a good tool. - Ethan's gym and 400 pounds. - So, we get 400 quid. - We pay them 400 because this is worth more. - Wait, no, no we pay you 400. - No, no we don't pay. - I figured it out. - We pay you for it. - No, no, no, no, no. - They have rolled. - The dice is fine. - Why is it a trade-off? That's what, the church? - Jeez you get another guy but you do not have to pay them. - We don't have to pay them. - They all cancelled. - Listen, we will give you Simon's house for Ethan's gym... - You take money from them or you stop there. - And we give 200 pounds. (all murmur) - You're about to fuck the team. - What wrong with that? - You're about to fuck the team. - They can build on there. - Who cares, that aint shit, this is the one. (all mumbling) - JJ is making a good point but that's fine based on... - Vic shut up. - You give us 50 pounds. - Well, that's the trade. - Is it? - You just get 50 pounds, - Can we counter offer? - Hand me over the counter offer let me hear. - We don't have enough money to build up. - Yeah, So, we just tell them to down. - Yeah. - They finished well. - Unless you I'll do it for nothing. - We'll give you 200 pounds. (all shouting) - Why do you keep going to give the bag? - We'll give them 200 pounds and then... - Just try by the Sideman house Off them for 600 and don't give them that. - So, we're not going to do it without. - Yeah hear me out the other way round. - So, you guys have the dock blooms and we have the oranges. - Oh, okay, wait, new deal. - JJ has offered the Sideman house for Ethan's gym. - Just that. - Yeah. - No thank you, no thank you. - Okay, Vic, is very boring. (all mumbling) - That's fine. - Five. (all mumble) - Good, good, good to negotiate. - Instagram - Four times that. - So, you owe them 24 times. - Oh man. - I was going to give him 50. - Not that 20. - Thank you. - Oh, I'm sorry for taking the pink slips. - Mr. Monopoly. - You are not cancelled anymore. - Thank you. - You get one chance? - No chances. (all mumbling) - Yeah please be a good chance. I beg you. - You got scammed on your favourite coin, each house pay 25 pounds now you tell us. You got to double roll again. - Okay. - Whoa five. Eleven. - What's that? - Sorry, no it's not. - No way. - Rocco damaged your house while filming pay 50 pounds. - Give us 50. - Pass and go, you get 200, but you must pay Rocco 150, so that is 150. - We like to make a trade, with you. - Okay, this, Sidemen house. - Okay. - And a hundred pounds. - And a hundred pounds for Ethan's gym. - Yes. - We can... - We do it for 150? - 150 deal. - All right. (all mumbling and laughing) - The sideman house, plus 150, this is probably the dumbest exchange. I've ever experienced. - What exchange is that? - We go buy two houses, and even gym, two houses. - You have to have at least one on each thing before you go to... - Team working class now owns all of the pink. So that's a good trade. - Don't trade for the game. - Are you mad? Hey, hey, are crying bro? I think you're crying, I think there's tears. Oh, damn! - Okay, would you like to build some houses? - Yes, please. - How many? - Two on each. - Team working class, I've put two houses and Ethan's gym, two houses on this one and as you all build this yourself. - Nice, I know you guys are professionals. - You know what? Thanks for doing my work. - Hey bro, I told you bro, we Gucci now. Hey y'all, you scared, you scared of it. Be very afraid. - [Men] Nine. - Oh, you're on? - Instagram. - Oh, chicken change. - Oh, yeah come. - (mumbles) both of them the rent is doubled. - How's it? - What's with that. - I just driving, (mumbles). - I'll suck your Dick in a buffer. - Okay, very interesting bet. - That's good. - Nice to the Corner Shop, get some snacks. - Okay, got it. two, five, two, five, oh. - Whoa, three, seven. - Oh, on the ground. - Nine times four. - Yes, 36 pounds to them please. - All the houses. - Big role. - Ooh, to click house we go, welcome to the click house. - Yes, can we go see laser beam? - That was really nice. That's really good for us that isn't it. - Push it down. - Three, (mumbles), team boats and hoes. - Three high-end properties please that's 600. - 3 houses. - Yes, please. - Yes, let me go over to the bank manager. - Yeah, he's on board, we'd like, we'd like to build up a sidemans house, please. - Okay, all right, tonight is your role? - Three, two, one each. - Five, eleven - Hi, well my guy houses have her old. - Nine. - [Man] What could be good? - Either the Mulberry I mentioned, how much? - Not a lot. - I don't think penny care working class. - Wait! (laughs) (all mumbling) - Tell me, tell me. - Five, (mumbles). - Come on, come on. - Would you to buy it? - No, we're not buying the extra pizza. - How much of a threat we were dumb on this door. - We don't need that. - How much do you get every time you cool? - No, no, no gang for the game, bro. It ain't. We're trying to say BS, bro. - What you want to make so, we could do up the team over there. You know what I mean? - I don't know what you mean. - When they come over there and they're like "oh damn this shit expensive," right? - No deal. - No deal. - My teammate would like to make her we're going to what do you feel like Morgan? - We got realise this game was this serious. - No mortgage. - We just signed a mortgage. - Yeah So, you burns the nose. - Oh, that's the library attached to the camera state land on here. - To the trappers one. - The trap six, 212th. - And go are you telling me my guys? (all mumbling) - Time change, time has changed. - Either two, four, five. - No talking business repeat please. - One. - All right. - Five. - One, two, three, four. - They do, how much does it? - So, you spent 300 Pounds. - Do they have the cash? - They don't have 300 pounds for dude perfect HQ. - We go for it. - You know what though because we're going to get straight to go on the next row. - We'd like to make a trade. - We're on vision. - We would like to make a trade. - They'd like to make a trade. - What For? - For them? - You can't buy people in this. - No, wait, no. - We will give you a Dramala HQ - Dramalat that HQ, which is over there. It would give you a set. I would, well, he has not gone. He has not gone past, over this. - 800 pounds. (all mumbling) - If I may get past this, I feel like you're doing okay, - All right. - Step over me. - No, man. - That's your better dorm. One drama alert. (all mumblIng) Five, seven, eight. Come on. - Let's just roll, let's roll. - Come on. - Yeah, this is what they want. - Is that what they want? - Oh, hey. - Oh, what's the damage? - With two houses, 180. - 180 pounds. - What happened? We drove a nice car. We've had a good time. - We did two cars. - We did a great road trip. - A fantastic road trip. - It's been so fun. - I really do love low five or seven. - Oh, six it's textile. That's only a hundred, two, three, four, five and six hundreds. - All right, google preferred by the way. - Oh, I hope I haven't mixed up my pockets. - We'd like to make an offer. - Oh, okay. - We see a struggling there a bit, right? - No. - So, for these two, we'll give you 300. - Perfect, thanks. - Cheers all right. - I get 20 plus two my space. - It's cool. - Big man, big man (mumbles). And we are about to collect. - We'd like to buy some more houses. - This is what I'll say.... This is why it made sure to get Casper. - What do you mean. - I mean, you gave it to them. - You were mocking the stack three houses. - Boy, probably the mortgage papers that we're going to have to submit. - It's a mortgage. - That's come through. - They got a two. They go to Twitter, which is unowned. Twitter? - Ooh, I mean, we didn't want to buy it. - We don't, we don't need it. - We all good. We don't want twitter. - And six, and you will be in Google preferred. - Let's just do it one time. - Three, two, one go - Their lack has been insane, two? - Oh, yeah - As long as they don't get it, we're telling these. I hope you guys get Google preferred. You know, you need a paid speech. - Oh no, no, no, no. - Oh, a good one, good one. Good stamina. I'm not in charge of that. - Lady luck has not been on your side. - Send them to the retirement home. - You adopt a pet dog. - Do we have it? Do we have a fake dog? - No. I Don't want that though. - No, but you will be put down. - Not like another time. - I was going to say family's got a history. - I'm not a part of it. - You can use it in an apology video. If you get cancelled. - Oh, nice. - Can we have our mood up please for passing go 200 pounds. - We sack in bread - An eight to go to Google preferred. - Ah, I felt done, ready? - In Jesus's name, give us an eight time. - Ah, Lord, you have been so good to us in these games so, deliver us these win by giving us an eight. - (mumbles) pray in an English accent. - I swear to God. - Oh, Whoa. - That's Casey Neistat's office. - Ooh. - We're not buying this. - No deal. - Travelling club. - My sideman clothing, 25 Squirters - 25, for Sideman clothing. What's the discount code again? (all mumbling) - Come on, six. - Hmm, cool. - Well I'm said oh that's 50. - Yeah, okay, they count. - Nice, one five, one, two, three, four. - Wait, could be an advancer. - Advance to the nearest clothing company or nonprofit. - Ooh, and pay the owner twice the rental. (all mumbling) - That is huge already at Logan Paul's house, wonderful. - Income tax. - That's good, right? - Oh no. - To my Bayer mansion, but you get another go. - Three, two, one, let's go. - Perfect house, all right, which one do you not like of these? more gauge 26, all right. - All right, we're going to mortgage the corner shop 400. So, the mortgage it for $100, - We've lost the ball to shop. - Wasn't doing too well. - I got robbed too many times. - Five, five, five, five, five, Google preferred. Come on boys. - Five, five, five, five, five, five, five, five five, six Toby's church. - We got money to file much for Toby's church. It was trading, they got a lot of cash. They're going to hit Google. - The rich, get richer. - It's going to happen. - They are the working class. - They ain't gonna get money though, right? - Calm, what they get. - They got to Harry's trap house and a five. They go to Ethan's gym. - Do we have that? - No, we used to believe that second hotel, we just need just low rolls. - Honestly he's throwing money at you by the way. - What bro, you are my... - Yeah totally. What are you going for? - I don't know really? - Six... - Okay. - One, two, three, four... (all shouting) - 100, please. - They do not have 100, a hundred. No, you're good, all right. (all mumbling) - He's the worst person to play on the console. - By the way, there is your 110. - Keep the change. - Eight or a six, but not a seven. - Not a seven, not a seven please - Nine, nine. - That's what we need food. - They got nice little HQ videos here. - We can win in a fight. if they got Google profile. - Let me taken, we can take them. - If we all go in, they get another job. - You move forward to... - Seven is the most likely number. Nearly all of them. - Okay, oh, seven, 11. - That's good for us as well, 'cause I knew the beds. What would you like to let your mom do that? - No. - Okay, you're right. - This is my board, I live here. - Nice. - Large, oh my God, that's good. - That's good, that's okay, that's what we're ready to haul. - They have, they pay you. They do get a 200. - How much for that email alert? - We need eight pounds. - Eight squinters is five or seven. - Right now I got a 30% chance of you're currently here. - Oh no. - Yes, yes. We are just trying to focus such as the game, we got another Shalani on go portfolio. - Rolling, oh, stop. - What is happening? - That's you right here. - So, one is calm. - Just don't get, that top was Cold. We need it, Oh boy. - I have many factors. - I think this takes money from them somehow. - You made a video ridiculing Surviving a day with only one pound. You were cancelled. Do not pass go do not collect 200. (crew shouting) - No - Yeah, so, right now you're cancelled but you get another go. - Which means you get another go. All right, cause they got a 10 all right. - So, quite a low number loan number loan number, seven Oh community chest. - What's going on. - You, Toby. Have one second. - I can them ugly. - Hey, you collect 10 pounds. - We'll tell you that too. - In Jesus name, in Jesus mane. - Cool, that's fine. - Salsa at the click house. - No, no Google much. - Sorry bro, we did deals with the business - Gang initiation fee of 200. - We go, what is it? Does it too. - We can't get 11. - That's cool community chest right now. - Four, income tax. - Oh, things you hate to say things that you - Didn't get a double, our money. - In Jesus' name, in Jesus' name, all right. - Stop playing jeez, Austin. - They to Jesus in Jesus. - It was not a five, six, third to Twitter. - All of a sudden my spirits have been six seven, eight, nine, and 10. - I assume we still got to go we did. - I brought everyone's doing bad, you go to jail. - That's what happened to us? - 150 there's Twitter. - Well we just wait, we just wait family. - That double you owe them 50 please. - That's all right. - Is that the feminine? - You had said? - Okay, again, home or a six? - Ooh, well seven - Put some prime. - Perfect and more money. - How much is that? - 26? - Yeah - Mr. Monopoly. - We would like to buy a property. - Okay, we'd like to put house on the sidemans house please. - No, you will not buy a property as a house. - Not a property. - Now you'd be able to use a lot of property. - We'd like to buy a house. - Thank you, Simon house looking good. - No matter what happened. - This game, Simon's house looking hell nice. - They're like a little, two story or you want me to? - Yeah, definitely. - Yeah or pyramid thing, all right. - Okay, three, two, one. - Let's go. - Nine, eight, okay. - Back in the beds. - Chilling post up an eight. - Oh wait they get a one oh four. - Oh, okay. - So, you got a four one, two, three, four. Welcome to my draught pen. one, two, three, four, five. They're just not two. - Not two JJ. Not a two please, not a two - We need some luck. - Okay, pause and go keep rolling. - 200, you owe them four please. Give them five keep the change for me. - Respectfully keep your change. - Three, two, one go. - That's cool. - Oh, and you had a three oh one. - They landed on a hundred these hours. They both get a set. - But it's not worth it, 'cause we'll have no money to build on it. - Yeah, it's annoying. - But I think we do it. We do it. - It's not a logical thing. - We've got to be here until 10 o'clock. - Wow. - I don't know if we want it though. - How much cash do we have Josh? - We'll leave that again, right? 'cause we got done this. - Oh, okay. - A five or a fibre. - It's fine. - They've landed on the face house. Fantastic news, really happy to some stuff play me. - What'd you what'd you like mortgage, - So, you landed on phase house 300. are you buying it? - Yeah, so we're going to give you a 170 in cash. - Okay. - And we'll get a mortgage free properties please. - Okay. - That's been in dorm hotel teams in house and Harry's trap house. - Whoa, sorry. - Pause, no, no. - Nice teams goes great. - I have joined the set gang Team. - Working class breaks the standards. Please stand as standard. - What's that? The hope? - Sorry, so I was just inspecting the floor five. That's cool. - Interference, interference. - Do you want to roll again? Yes, okay, they said no, - Six is good. - Six, he said no, 'cause you've counted them. Can I get that roll in the bath? - Whoa, is that even in shot? - Oh cool. - Cool, that takes care. If you do that again though, I will find that. - Skip it, skip it. Don't give us a lumber. - That is no, you've had four and a one. - What's like a five, that is a five they're on cloud house. - They own all of these is actually hasn't landed, it could have been on a one as well a six or an eight will cause damage. - Oh, come on, you lost over an eight to four here right now us get the money boy and double. - One, it's in the next step. We'll go in and Giraffe pen. - We've been giving you peace. - That will be 14. - We take a little money all the time. - Yeah, but you know what they say? A consistent graph that goes upward is better than a directly upward one. - Yes, safe investments. (men laughing) - I bet your heart raced. - We just pass go, we need some money. To get to Greenwich. - Eleven one, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11. - Yeah, no one's got this right? - Yeah, no one has it. - We bought it with our newfound 200 quit. - If you want, I don't really want to make more money. - You know that was your 200 puffs and go. - Thank you. - Would you like to buy it? - You know, that's going to be ours. - It's going to be awesome. - No, just don't roll income tax free. Four, five and six, seven Oh six. - We're going to pass. - Go there the first. - Okay, we're good, it's a six. - The income tax - Does not land on anything bigger than that. (all mumbling) - Pay prime position. - You got advanced though. - You release a parody song. - Oh, that's not good. - That could be good. - He's getting a little bit. - Ooh, no way. - Yes, okay that counts. Oh, okay, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. - How many times are we going to land here? - Like I don't know, I don't want to buy it, I don't want it. - Sorry, Casey, wait. - Who's blue - Six, eight or nine till nine - In Jesus' name? - In Jesus' name at six, eight. - Now, with three houses. How much is Ethan's gym? - Let's go, I'm just going to watch. - Oh, I will find you. - Hey, you guys are ready. - I'll find you. - Yeah, I'll please know. - 450. (men mumbling) - Oh my gosh. - I'm 50 please this? - We're down to 230, 230. then this is still dangerous. - The mabeyer mansion we were hanging on. - We've got one more time round. - One more thing has been mortgaged and so has kicked down. That equals 330. - So, they still are you? another 120. - Yeah, so that's the 120 and hand them Doris. - Oh wow, thank you for not turning around. - Surely not two in a row six. - No, we don't want them. - Well, that is the more expensive one. So, I believe that's 500. - No it is. - Sorry, 500 please. - Hi, that's a Glock YouTube gloves, JJ with the big tray. - Hey yo. - Okay, that's two 54 so far. Do you know what fair. - They've done a madness yet. - Prison changed them. - Okay, they have mortgaged more properties which means fat. - Hey, you guys are going to start driving forwards? - Navigating your field. - I'm just saying if there is a chance over there, no time. - Well, we're good. - Casey Neistat's office cancelled. - Yeah, they've just won the game, that was perfect, that was fun never been more happy to be in jail. - My life who says crime doesn't pay, he doesn't commit crime. - I'd appreciate it if you want so happy to be cancelled. - Okay, Sorry. - So, you've done a terrible thing, - If they get a nine they're back, come on. - Nah, if they get a three there's no way they don't even have to pay you. - True, hi, let's do it. - Let's get you 20, a free. - Now you might as well. - Five, welcome to pay them. - Their mortgage debt. - We have a get out of jail. - Free card lads. - Six, six will stay cancelled. - One that Josh gets a five, five. - Oh my God, no way. - Get a three. - Let's do our chance though. - He does, his buck is fine. - It's not good. - You click bait as your girlfriend, right? That'd be good though. - That video went viral. - Collect 100 pounds. - We'll go back in the pocket. - So, all the way up here, please. - We don't want... to double their out. - We want to stay here for, for, for staying here, we're staying here. - No drama, no Drama, join us in there, but you get to roll another guy. - Can we roll from here? You got a double you're out. - You can pay. - I wonder what would you like to pay? I don't know. - Hey, we don't want to go in that pain. Plenty of, but they get a 10? - It's all worth it. Oh, sake. - Sorry, we've got another shot we got, we can get for next drop of mortgage that you do not own. - Okay, a three for lots of Mulah. Ooh, well that's a six. So, you're already here. Okay, that's so eight. - Is that Okay? Safety, safety, safety. - Let me don't care man, I'm a double. - Three, goes to an eight. Oh no, cancel excellent that form. - Oh no, no. - So close. - What of cat? - She's getting far and far. - I know we put another 50 on it and said Okay, - Seven. - Seven, dude, perfect and again the bro is the one out. - Just come out. Yeah, this is to leave, by the way you leave this, you leave. Nah, oh, whoa. Okay, you must pay, but you do not get this role. - All right, 50 and a you can go into, we will enjoy - No seven Instagram, right? Oh, just sell a house. Knock it down from taking one. - Yes I do. - You don't get a hundred back. Do you have to back half the house? - The house. - Okay, Yeah - Yeah Okay, - So, that is 100 beds. - Three, sidemen clothing. - You need a three or five please. - We just have this wait. - But we needed a three Oh five. You said wait, wait, wait. - We have to pay insurance. - What did I tell you? - They have to pay insurance. - They're Patriots. - Definitely, hold on a minute, please. - This isn't working anymore. - We've gone out with Don yes. - Two little double there. - Your 20, 20 please. - My dash an eight. - And you land Toby's church but you do not pay. - All right, let's go here on the way out. - Three, four, six, seven, four, seven. We'll start from the ground closing. - Nice, all right. - Oh, they get a seven. - Sean chances. - You crash your car while blogging. - It doesn't work. - Go back three spaces. - Oh, he can move. Jesus, didn't want us to be well hundred. - Please go darker. - Darker these guys. - Rolling with no stress. - There's no worries. - They get a three, I think at a time. - Oh, boy problems. - Like here's to not income tax or 11 - The mortgage back in the trappers. - Oh boy. - All right. - We're in danger zone, boys. - That next house we're in. We're in a horrible house. - Hey yo, it's been nice knowing you guys. - Okay, a seven, nine or 10 (all mumbling) - Seven, nine or 10 that's a six. - Give him that four gets a - Oh, he does honey again. - Oh my, ain't got a four over here. - They got 10 free six in a row. - You on though good. Kick down. - Well, I'm just saying, you're getting pretty close. - Oh good. - Imagine Ted. - Oh my goodness, - Other players have threatened to expose you for lying to your fans. You pay them 50 pounds. - What, come on. - Tell them a little bit cancelled secrets. - I will tell you our secrets. - Did we lose them? No, we've got 800 no 400 - Five, seven, eight - Bring the empire down. - Whoa, yeah, please. - Oh, wow was about to get preferred. - We nearly got preferred. - I rolled my sixth. - Where was yours? - On Twitter? - He's got a one, he can't get it. - You can get low one though. - Double one, six, six. - Want to kick house number behind them - Going through it though. - I find your own Sideman house, but when you get a five, you pay tax or team 10 house. - 200 for pass and go. - Oh Jesus please. - Blip Luke nine, nine. - We can pull that. - We actually got peas now, because we have a house on the cloud, 200 please. - All right, come on put it on that 200. - Do you need help building at nah, probably charge me. - No, do it. - What did I say? - Charge me across my patients are not there. - That's amazing study. - Okay, Let's have your role. - Oh, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. - Nine, ooh, no WebEx. - You mentioned, yeah, we like to buy a house. - You know what? We'd like to buy a hotel. - Oh boy, three hotels. - That's taken us to the cleaners combination. - Demolition, demolition, demolition. - If you're not doing it with your balls - I don't want to see it. - Come on team. - I'm starting to get bored. - Ooh, that one team 10 house. - Does he get a six? - Just I didn't saw the twin jury. - It's that guy again? - What's the double double five. You didn't want to double, you wanted 11. - To a six to a six. - Oh five community chest. - You Harry that's more likely to be something racist. - Oh, you're cancelled. - Okay, Pasco, let's go collect 200. - Hey that's cancel. - Take your, take the tobacco to cancelled. - He's getting home so far today. - Six, six, one, two, three, four, five, and six. - We not getting the house please. - You hid in Guernsey to evade tax and got caught. - Ah, I pay 40 pounds per house - The house got one, which is only one to 40 pounds please, well they get a five. - No or they got one Toby's church. - Would you like to do your way out please? - Okay, I wanted to apology. - Firstly, they're going to be racist, being racist. - I'm sorry for being racist. - That'll do three, two, one go three or four. - Come on. - Oh my God Cornish. - Jesus! - Oh crap. - You can look at it. - We just went for it. - Go done it again. - Do it again. - Hi, how are you mate? - From Toby's church. - You got a one and a five, 100 things house we're doing owns. - No one owns it but would you like to buy it? How much cash? - 400, 500 - Vic's corner shop too, are you going to roll? - Oh, is that good six they want, is that okay, would you like to buy that? - No, we're good. - Thanks, here we go. - Would ruin you. - I bet it is. - Oh my God - Got out here. - 450 pounds, no three with a hotel. - 550. - 750, really? Give us everything. - Four 64, seven, seven, four, seven, eight, - I'll tell you one, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, and 10 it's four 84 86, four 24, 24 20. - Oh, yeah. - I call it your blade. - Checking the pizza, you're going to get your PS 680. - We'll take that. - We'll give them the Gaucho for you. - You owe them another 70 still. we got 70 a hundred hundred. - Pleasure doing business with you. - You bought that was 430? - Yes, that's 430. - Oh, thank you. Can fair dude. They've won, holy shit. - There is your 30. - Okay, Things are about to end I feel. Please, roll people. - Well, have you done this to people? - Where are we at? - That's three. - You're currently at, do you get a five? - I could never, but I still in, you must pay damages for the dunk tank Ethan broke. 20 pounds, please. - I bought that battle scars - When you're on property. - Well what's that name is the free, is it? - Yeah, it's gonna move through three guys. - Can't afford it, it's a three for sure. - Come, come through my girlfriends. - Y'all wait. - We got now. - Yeah, your community chest. - I had no look you lose. - It's not your dinner. - Your Lose fitness February and have to pay for everyone to eat it. - No, but... - Oh, pay 50 pounds. - I can tell you now. - Yeah if you get to know your, the nine, come on the nine, nine, it's going to happen. - That positive affirmation. (men shouting) All of this money floating this middle section of going to be long. - Now that roll, come on two, three. - It's a chart. - What's up, what's up, what's up, what's up? - Sorry, this is JJ and Toby you have to pay. You need to film Sideman Sunday. (crew cheering) - Oh, no traffic to the Sidemen house. - 600 hundreds. - I would like to spend all of our money on houses for these two 400 houses. Last I lost, lost roll the dice essentially, trust me. - Yeah I trust you, - I mean, it's not, it's a chest. - Seven, seven one go - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. - All right before we start we'd like to spend 200. - Thank you all, what would you like to do - Before we start Mr. Monopoly? We'd like to spend 1000 great British pounds and put five houses across our greens five. - Everyone's starting to finally slap their Dick on the table, now let's go, I mean, we just put a cash in that. Let's see your role. - Oh, yeah - Cheat nine 90 these house a hundred days buying it. - Okay, We don't want it. You'll go, no banner text at some point. - 10. You got to eat popcorn but he get another go don't you dare roll a 11. Yeah, he made that. - All right, the 10 would be nice, let's get it. - I'm so hungry. - Oh four, we've paid it four times now, I guess so we're pretty used to it at this point. - Okay, here we go we could actually get some money. The Hunter Dave's house. - If they get a nine foot. - Oh my God fine. I find again, Oh, this. - A hundred pounds chicken. (men mumbling) - 10 five times now that's five times. - Oh three. - You went viral on TikTok. - Ooh, advanced to the nearest social media. Instagram owned, you must buy it from the bank. If owned, throw the dice and pay the owner a total of 10 times the amount thrown, but it's mortgage. - So, we move on seven, nine or ten first off. - I'll tell you, I'll do the rest. - Seven, nine, 10. That's a three, sorry four, four, six. - Yeah We don't want just roll. We'll work it out. - Oh, what was that? - Wait, wait, wait. - We'll just hang on. - Bye, it is it's only 750. - It's only 700 more money for us. - Who can I hand it to you and your mortgage? - All your houses. - Four houses and another 50. - Yeah, we got another 55 houses. Five houses, five houses. - Which one would you like to remain? I will keep the sidemen house strong please. - And you get 50 back. - Okay, here we go. - This is going to go on for a while between them. - They're from super tax. - They're going to one Sideman house. - Seven, seven, seven. Do you wanna buy it still yes it and we'll have it tomorrow. - We'll just babble on that. - What did it look like? - They now own Elvish and you'll go. - There Instagram right now please. - Oh, JJ studio. 72, sad time. - It was 700. - Oh, oh, oh 50. - Just the turn of the game. - They just bought a house. - Let's see where you go. - These are all the same stuff. - We're going to hit Google prepared. - Now, I swear to God if we do no, no chance. - You win a favourite tournament. - That is not true. - Collect 150 pounds. - Okay, we'll take it. - Let's see from L vision, 10 straight to M seven. - We already dead. - You got to get another, have another go. - They've made it clear. - The pink. - Thank you. - And seven. - Maybe if we could try the Ray Click house. - That's all right. - I'm doing it right. - That's why they're taking the go from JJ Trap house. - Is it your studio? - Do you want Jay's studio. - You're on Trump you receive a dog. you used an apology video to escape being cancelled once. - So, you got to get another go. - All right let's do it. - Okay now I know we're 10 and you guys get some money. - 9 or 10 and sober. - 700 thieves - Hundred thieves house. - Back to the things you like to buy. - We can afford it. - Now. - Can we build two more houses please? - Yes, how much is that's? - 400 right? - One on face. - And one on flops. - Would you like to story? - All right, click house. - I believe right now. - Yeah, that's where we eat life. - One, two, three, four, and five. - From click house as well. - Five, Toby's church. - Are you telling me my guys, download please let this game end. - Two, three or five. - They may be out. - Now we're good. - Paul's house. - Another go catch. - Can we build before this next game? - Okay, hold on. - I've got another two houses. - Yeah, off this next role will be the next term. - We'll see if anyone hits that good. - No luck. - 10 or a 10 or 12 - 10 as well. (cheering) - 750 for this. - We ain't got the 300 from the houses. - Seven, so that's that's a hundred and like 10. - Wow, okay, - Yup - That's 300.. - Yes - And then we get 400. - They went bankrupt. - So, stupid trade 10 times and it hit them. - We had to make a trade to make things move. - That's it done as a final offering, can you please take the boat on with you? - Please pull the boat. - Just lifts off this team is they should wait. - No, no - This team is dead. - Okay, I respect your tribe. - Okay, Seven. - One, two, three, six, seven. - We're in jail. - Get to jail. - Land on there. - Now you don't have to pay them. - Yeah, we like to buy some houses. - Oh, okay, - Two house (mumbles) - Seven houses. - He's going out now. - So, that's it. - Seven hours is how I've been booked. - Hey, listen. - I know people in here, boy. - I know these people that longer than you. - Do you want four inside man? - Yes, please. - Okay, I know people on your row. - Hey yo Landon easy. - I know people are on your road. - Okay, could you please roll? - It's your goal? - What's yours. - You land here, dude. - Perfect tape. - Oh, no. - Did you like fail? - Not coming out with an apology. - Oh wait. - [Man] Hey, apology to camera please. - We didn't do anything. - [Man] You, kissed your sister on screen. - No, no! - [Man] That is what you've done to apologise, please. - I'm sorry that we kissed our sister in the stream. - [Man] Yeah, that's fine. - Just rolled a four or four now. - You know, cause I was around him. - No, in Vic's corner shop it's mortgage. so you don't get anything? If you got a double one. - [Man] That's your knee, okay. - Double nine here. - Logan pool house safe. - Can you buy it please? Now we're good. - We might as well buy it because the more they land on them. - You wanna buy it? - Yeah we buy (mumbles)? - He goes, well, Yeah - We'll give you 140 then. - Yes, please. (upbeat music) (all mumbling) (upbeat music) - (mumbles) perfect, fuck! Oh, so that would be two houses, perfect. We'll be 390 pounds. (upbeat music) You hit 1 million subscribers advance to go, they got lazy. (all mumbling) - Just calm. - Three, five or six. - Easy (mumbles). - Three, five or six. - So I can't get one. - No, don't get one - One or two or one or two. - Don't do it. Don't do it. - Yes, yes, yeees! - Two, three, four, five, 750? - You hear that? - Oh one. - It's the money calling bro? - What's up yoh, how you doing babes, your looking good, you smelling good as well. - Four houses, four houses and we get 50 back yet? - It's over fam, it's over. - So yeah. (all mumbling and laughing) - Do you guys want a forfeit? - No. - They were that which means 100 graves house. Would you like to buy it? - Yes, yes - We bought houses on those. (all mumbling) - We would like to buy some houses. - Wait, no you haven't on mortgage days. - Oh, that's a mortgage then. - 100 and 280, 286 please. - One to two houses. - Just give them free. - Can do this with, Okay, - So you're on mortgage. - Them, I'll get yours. So 150 per house. - 150 two two houses. - I mean, no way we've got more. We've got more. - Okay, they've bought three houses. - Oh, we'll you go to Logan Paul's house and you got another goat. - Ooh, that will be 450 please, I'm just getting 10,000 steps. - I've just hit, had organised seven steps - And now the Westside. - Collect 100 you get your own YouTube original series. - Can we also... - Yeah come on. - Do three houses please. - With this. - Yes. - Three houses have been bought. 11, go to jail. - Oh, holy shit. - Get out of jail without get out. - Okay, Could you please hand it over there? - Holy shit. - Are you telling me my guys, - They are in jail currently so you do not have to pay up your land on it. - Nice. - That's actually great, man. - Oh, right, let's get 10, jeez. - Jeez, oh my God. - There is a little bit of money now. - 200, 300. I was about 380. - I blamed just long enough this game. - Nine, four on a shot. - So with this cake in shop. - Okay, all right. - Pick up the dice man. Things have got interesting. - Would you like to build some houses? - Yes, please. - Yeah fuck it, three house fam. - Three houses, one on each. - Yes please. - I said tell you what? (all mumbling) - 11 that's jail, jail again. - (all mumbling) - Where you going? - To jail bro. - Would you like to pay your way out at next? - Well, yeah, we'll do that after, but yeah. - Fam... - It's is ridiculous. - I told you the system is against. - This is mad. - I don't believe that. - One, two, three, four, five. - Oh, would you like to get out? - We out, we are like apology please. - What do you do? - You kicked your dog. - I would never do that. - You kicked the dog. - Kicked his dog. - He kicked her. - I apologise, sorry. - We couldn't want it. - Yes, this game nine. - Vic's going to show, shop again. - There you go. - What is this? - There we go. - Tommy loves that shot, bro. Leave me alone, leave me out of this. - I'd even say. - I've given up on the shoes and that's what? - Ah, 12 up. (all laughing) - Phase house. (all mumbling) - Phase house, how much? - 1,100. - 1,100, how much money do you have? - I don't know. - You just take it. - 1,100? - Yeah, how much does it 200, 100 each, 300? - In cash you had 106. These are all worth 50. - I just took free houses up there as well. - Taking these houses. - What, a hundred? - Okay, What? You paid 200 for them. - They paid 50 or 75, 75, one 50. This is worth 250. So these is? - 750. - 750 plus 331, is 1081, 1,100 so then you'd have to mortgage these... - Plus four houses as well. - So I don't understand. I've done five that's five houses- - Okay, okay, okay. - So you lose these, you lose this. I did lose these. - Low key, this might be the greatest monopoly comeback I have seen. - Like it might be. - Oh, so you don't have to believe it. - And you can take these instead of just take one house. - You guys get another thousand, right? - How much does he get, a hundred yeah, a thousand yeah, 300. - Cool JJ went to work in class. We weren't supposed to win. - 400, 500. - JJ the system is set for us not to win. - Don't touch me fam. - Okay, they been paid. - Okay, all right. We rolled a double. - Okay, before we go, we'd like to turn all of those into hotels, please. - Thank you very much, mate. - Yeah, the church. - Yes, we want to leave yes. - Sorry for kissing our sister again, or your sister again. - I know yours as well. - No, yours, your sister - We are out here, back on the road game. - Okay, please go. - Where were you? - We were on Toby's church. - Are you sure? - Yeah. - If you on Toby's church... - And I mean, it's one thing. - Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11. - We're out, fuck monopoly. - The working class are never meant to win. (all mumbling) - Which means gang windows today. - Oh, which was like, you know this isn't real. - Enjoy that man. - Enjoy it though. - What about my house? - I liked the video, yeah. (all mumbling) ♪ Crazy how inside feels just like outside ♪ ♪ Here we go, let me go, let me go ♪ ♪ Here we go, let me go, let me go ♪ ♪ I'm busy blocking out pain with no remedy ♪ ♪ When I'm ready to say it, you're not hearing me ♪
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 24,957,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: CHPa8bLgnkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 31sec (6511 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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