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- Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Sidemen Definitely Not Tipping Point. (all cheering) Today I have six contestants who are also part of the Sidemen. They will be split into three teams. And they'll be competing to make money from this machine right here. Every counter that you see here is worth, not 50 pounds, but 100 pounds. Cause we are the Sidemen, we do it big. There's big prizes here. And hopefully one team is gonna win that. - 100 pound in each? - 100 pound each. If you clear the entire machine somehow, 50 grand right there, waiting. Waiting for you for the taking. You will find there are two times multipliers. If they drop, everything else they drop with gets doubled. And there are also mystery question mark counters. And they do something. You'll find out. - I'm so confused. - Just play along, just play along. - Nice T-shirt Ethan fam, nice T-shirt. - Museum shit. (all laughing) - So the way this will work is, there's a series of rounds where you'll be asked questions. And through answering questions that'll allow you to play. One of you in the team will go up and place in a coin into the machine. - I don't know what he's saying right now, but... (all laughing) - So essentially, each turn you'll be trying to knock off counters. And the more count... (everyone laughs) Each round you'll be trying to knock off counters, and the more counters you knock off. The more money you'll get. And on the second and third round, the team that have made the least will be eliminated. Leaving one team left at the end. - Nah, I get it now, I get it now. (everyone laughing) - So the teams for today, we're gonna have team one. Which is gonna be Josh and Harry. - Okay, my guy. - So make your way to the first pedestal. (everyone laughing) So they already stood next to each other. The next team. - Oh, god. - No, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. It's gonna be Ethan and Simon. - Gee. - I called that, eh. - And the final team is JJ and Toby. So, please move to your podiums. So the first round is gonna be quick fire. You're gonna be competing to answer questions first. And in this round you'll each be given three counters. (Ethan laughing) - He's drawn a penis. - Are you all right, mate? - No, no, no, no, no. - No, no, no, no. - So the way this round works is I'll start reading a question. At any point you can press your buzzer, and at that point you have to answer the question. - He has to answer now. - He has to answer. - I haven't started the question. Once I've started the question, he has to answer. If you got the question wrong, you're eliminated from answering the next question. Which the other two teams will have to answer. If you get the question right, - Fucking hell. - What you are then able to do, is you're either- - Nah, they've clicked off now. They've clicked off now, 100%. - We get questions, we get questions, let's go. - So, you're gonna be racing to answer questions. As soon as I start saying the question, press your buzzer when you think you know it. According to the Chinese Calendar, what animal represents this year? (buzzer ringing) - Year of the pig. Yes, year of the pig, right? Yes, yes, year of the pig. - Your buzzer didn't make a noise, that is not anything to do with me. - JJ. (laughs) (buzzer ringing) - Nice! - Pink team, you've answered the question correctly. You can either chose to play a token, or you can pass and force another team to play. If you don't think coins are ready to fall. - Shall we play? - Yeah, we'll play a token. - We'll play a token. - Okay. All right. - I think we go two. - So Simon will be behind the machine. Ethan, you gonna have to tell him when to drop. - Hey, Simon Minter. Drop it. (token tapping) - Oh, that's not looking good. - Nah, nah, nah. That's good, that's good. (Ethan shouting) - That's nice. (token machine rings) (Ethan screaming) - Okay, question two. The phrase, "Achilles heel" is derived from which country's ancient mythology? (buzzer ringing) - What? Fuck off. - Oi go on, answer then? - Greece? - That is right. - I thought you threw it, I thought you threw it. - My guy, come on. - So did I. I thought he would say... - I'm not gonna lie, I think our buzzer was first. But I'll let you have it, it's fine. - Are you gonna play. Or are you gonna pass it to another team? - We'll play, we'll play. - Which zone do you want? - I'd say first zone. - You wanna go zone one? - There we go, zone one's locked in. - You just gonna drop it? Drop it. Yeah. - [All] Oh. - I can't even see that. I can't even see that. - Stinker, he's had a stinker. (Ethan laughing) - This is good for us, it's good for us. - Moving on to question three. What is the plastic bit on the end of a shoelace called? (buzzer ringing) - Aiglet. - That is right. - Big up, Phineas and Ferb. - Are you going to play or pass? - I'm not gonna lie. Vik, I think the last two rounds mate. Our buzzer has gone in first. - No way you buzzed before me there. - No mate, I think it did. - I wanna play, I wanna play zone four. JJ, say when. - Now. (token tapping) - I don't think it makes much of a difference, when you- - [Vik] You can have it land on top. - [Tobi] Come on, come on. - [Simon] Stinker, stinker, stinker, sticker, stinker. - [All] Oh! - That's the first drop, go on go on. (everyone cheering) - 200 or 100? - That is two... Hundred points for team green- - [All] Pounds. - You trading my pounds for points, bro. (laughs) - 200 pounds. - Let me trade in my pounds for points. - For your team. Well done. Next question guys. In which month is the next general election? (buzzer ringing) - December! - It is. Are you playing or are you passing? Oi, do we play, do we play, do we play? - Get them out. - Get them out. - Get them out. - No, cause we can still... - No, we'll play. We'll play. - Fam. - Oi, oi, oi, oi. - You get your go regardless. You get all three. - I know, I never- You get all three regardless. Get rid of them, innit. - Are you ready? - I'm ready, mate. Oh wait, wait, wait. Now, now, now, now. - Whoa, whoa. This is not allowed. You can't be looking like that. - Come on. - Nah, they got... - Yes! - Nah, it's on top. - No, no, no, no. - It's on top, it's on top. - [All] Oh. - Blue tit, red footed booby, and- (buzzer ringing) - Birds. - Birds. - Birds. - Well don't say it before he answered it. - He had it, it's fine. (crosstalk) - You wanna play? - I answered it, you go. - So you wanna play? - Oh, actually you should get them out? - Is this gonna be a pass? - Hey listen, my brother. - Is this gonna be a pass? - We're brothers. We're brothers. - Or shall we make them? - We all get to use all things regardless, right? - Yeah. - We'd like you to use it. (both laughing) - Orange team you've been chosen. Which zone are you go for? - We'll go for the same as last time. It was zone four. - Zone four again? - If they get loads of counters now, we're gonna be... (all laughing) - Josh, tell me when. - When! Now! Do it now. - When. I've got grey hair now. - (laughs) I've got grey hair now. - Oh, that's not looking good. - Nah that is good, that is good. - Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Send it, send it. - I knew it wasn't looking good. - Damn. - They've been finessed. A. A. Milner, created which popular honey-loving child- (buzzer ringing) - Er, Winnie the Pooh. - That is correct. That is correct. Done good there. Are you going to play or pass? - I say, I say we play. - You want to play? - Yeah. - What you feeling? - Zone four. - Zone four? All right, go on. I'm trusting you. - Zone four could be big. - Oh, I'll be fum... If this works, I'll be so fuming. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. - Oh, all right, all right. - Oh nah, nah. That's good, that's good, that's good. - This could be big! - No! No! No! (pink team cheering) (Ethan laughing) - [Pink Team] Yes! - Okay, we need to win this. - Okay, next question. Which of these is not a type of ant? Red ant. Pink ant. Green ant. (Buzzer ringing) That was Harry. - It's a pink ant. - He is right there. So are you gonna play or are you gonna pass? - We got one left, we got one left. We got one left. Can we not just... - They got two though. - All right so I'm us, you're them. (all laughing) - What, let the universe decide? What you're them? - Nah, I'm us do it. You're them do it. - Okay. - Rock, paper scissors, shoot. Rock, paper scissors, shoot. - So that mean we're doing it? - No, that means they're doing it. - You're doing it. - All right. Four, yeah, four. - They're going drop zone four. This looks like it could be good. This zone has been loaded. - All right, drop that. - Big ting. Oh no, that's bad. - Oh that's a bit shit. That's a stinky. - It's an L. - It's an L! (Simon cheering) - Oh we're good, we're good, we're good. - Hey, whoa. See that, he blew! - I'm gonna ask you to step away from the machine. - No, he was just inhaling bro. - Into, he blew outwards. - Human function, bro. He's just breathing. - Inhaling, he was exhaling! - No it's breathing bro, chill. - One more counter to play, each. Next question. Which film maker directed... Jurassic Park. Schindler's List. - What's the guys name? - E.T. And also Jaws. (buzzer ringing) - Ah, it's Martin Spielberg. - Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg! - I can't accept Martin Spielberg. - Steven Spielberg! - I heard Martin Spielberg first! And I cannot accept. I cannot accept. I cannot accept Martin Spielberg. So, it is up to you now. Do you play, or do you pass. - Shall we just play for it, and go for it. - I think we just play for it mate, yeah. In zone three or four? - Four mate, four. - Four, all right cool. Number four. - Yeah it's you, all you. - Right, tell me when! - Now. Ah you stinker. - Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. - Ah that's... - Nah, that could be all right. That could be good. - I don't know about that. - Nah we gotta win. - Shall I tell you what this is, right here. This is the winning chip. This is the winning chip. (Josh shouting) - It moved so many! - That's ridiculous. - It moved so many! (all shouting) - Right, so do we just go play? - Yes. Go do your thing, go do your thing. - Zone four. Fuck off. (laughs) - Zone four, zone four! - Zone four, please. - Now. - I dunno - Now! - Yeah, that was Harry. - Honestly, it doesn't even make- - When do you want me to do it, though? - Just do you, innit. - I bet he messes up. - You went the wrong way. (Ethan laughing) - It's enough for that connection. - Come on, come on. - I think this could be good. - Come on, please. (all shouting) - Oh my god, we've actually banged it fam. - So we're gonna make things interesting, here. In the show, in this round. There would usually be four contestants. And one would go home with the least score. You guys are tied on the least score, here. So I'm gonna allow you to play rock, paper, scissors. For one more token. - You know what, just don't think about it too much. Whatever comes to your head first, just do it. - See the thing is- - Believe in yourself. - You're old bro, you are a rock. - Ready? (hands tapping) (all shouting) - Eh, fossil. - And I will award you... One counter. Which zone are you going for? - Ah, they're gonna get it. They're gonna get it. They're gonna get it. - Four, please. - Zone four. Let's get it locked in. - Tell me when! - When. - Fuck. - Yes! Fuck, oh! - Ah, it's a dub. It's a dub. (counter machine ringing) (Ethan screaming) - Oh my goodness. So at the end of that round, the only people with money are JJ And Toby. They've got 200 pounds. Which allows them to go first in this next round, which is the quick fire round. I will ask them questions for 30 seconds. For every question they answer right, they will get one token to play in the machine. - Yo, good luck. - Yeah, good luck small brain. (Ethan laughing) Small brain, big cheese strings. (all laughing) - I'm getting called small brain by- - Bro, I'm trying to concentrate. - Cow's drink milk. - Okay, you can answer these questions at any point. But it's probably advisable to let me finish. - Eh, can we not? - Yeah, you will lose counters on later rounds if you fuck around. Are you guys ready to start answering these questions? - Yes. - Not really, but yeah. - All right, three, two, one. How many letters are there in the alphabet? - 26. - Yes. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Is a quote from which Shakespeare play? - Hamlet. - Romeo and Juliet. - Yes. - He just said Hamlet. - What is eight times seven? - Ah. (all laughing) - Come on, come on. - Come on JJ! - 56? (all cheering) - What is the Sidemen clothing discount code this week? - Chew. (all laughing) - Sing the first two lines, of the popular Christmas carol Jingle Bells. - Jingle bells, jingle bells. Jingle all the way. - Yes. Which fruit has the scientific name of Prunus Persica? - Orange. - Nah, peach. (Ethan laughing) That's time. You got five questions right, there. Which is pretty solid. So you're now allowed to put five counters into the machine. Okay, green team. Here are your five tokens. - Thank you. - Okay, you can play them one at a time. Wherever you'd like. What zone are you going for first? - Zone two. - Zone two? - Zone two. (token tapping) - Ah! (all shouting) - Big stinky drop. - That's what's gonna happen, when timing isn't right. - Little brain... - Little brain, big cheese strings. (Ethan laughing) - Okay, we've got zone two locked again. Tobi's going. - Wait, wait, wait. Now. (token tapping) - Nah that's big. That's big, that's big, that's big. - What we saying? - That's solid. That's good. - Come through. - Let's keep loading. Let's keep loading. - You guys are in the money if it- - No, cause they're gonna... - This'll fall, this'll fall, this'll fall. - Zone two again. - They've got three more. - Tell me when. - Wait. Now. - Oh! - Wait, wait. He's just dropped it down the- - Straight down, straight down! - How did he do that? - It just didn't bounce off any of the blinkers. - I like that. We don't like that, all right. - Where are these pieces going? - Let's go- - Zone four, zone four. - You wanna go zone four? - Yeah, fuck it. Tell me when. - You can't look. - Go. (token tapping) - Oh, that's... - That's big. - This could be big. - That's big. - No, that's big bro! - That's the one. - Ah no! (token machine ringing) - Oh my goodness. - Yo this is some- - Nah, they're play... Nah, nah, nah, ah. All right, zone four? - Yeah, surely. - Yeah, go zone four. - Their final coin. (Ethan laughing) - Oh, man's prayed. - Say when. - Now. (token tapping) - No! - Oh! - No! No, the rebound! - They need to score this. If they don't, they're at risk of going home. After this round. (token machine ringing) Oh my goodness. - Ah, this is. This is... No, no, no. - Okay, pink team. Are you ready for your quick fire round? - Yes. - Okay, you have thirty seconds. Starting in... Three, two, one... Go. What was the name of Postman Pat's cat? - Sam. - No. - Pass. - Okay, how many stomachs does a cow have? - Three. - No. - Two. - No. - One. - No. - Four. - Yes. - There we go. - What synonym... What is a synonym for- - He's wasting our time! - Erm... Break. - Pass. - In which country can you visit in Island full of bunnies? - Pass. - We're getting bare hard ones. - Why you taking so long? - Which colours make up the Indian flag? - Green, white and orange. - Well, you missed blue. But we'll allow it. - What do you mean, you'll allow it? - Well to be fair mate, he wasted 20 seconds on a question! - Every question, he's like this! - You wouldn't have got blue! - He wasted 20- - Mate, they would not have got blue. They could have had two minutes, they wouldn't have got blue. - I hope they get questions like that. And you go, da da, da da, da da. In the middle. - Ah two's good though, well done mate. (all laughing) - Can we have a counter then? - Yes. - Or are you gonna take two minutes to do that as well, mate. - Fam, he didn't speak English for half of it. - Here you go guys. - We'll do one each. - Good luck. - Oi, wait. - No, it's two. Wait, it's two! - You just gave them three! - You gave us two, fam. - It is two. - He pocketed one! - Give it back, give it back. - He pocketed one! - That's my mic, that's my mic. - You asked for three. You asked for three, and I just gave you three. - Scammers. (laughs) - You nearly got me. - Oi, give us one. (laughs) - Scammers. - All right, zone four please. - Cause he fucked up the question. - Oh. - Oh, now. - Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. - Is it good, is it bad, I don't know. - But it's, oo. It's the... - Oh my- - Oh no. Oh, no. (token machine ringing) - Yes? - Oh yes. - Simon, put it in zone four right now. - It ain't moving though! - Simon, put that in- - They ain't moving! - Wait, wait, let's analyse. It needs to go- - I think zone two. - It needs to go here. If it goes anywhere in zone four, it needs to go right here. - I need a wee, do I go now? Or, do I go in a minute. (all laughing) - If you need to wee, you improve performance. And alertness, and awareness. - All right, cool cool. - Well we have just finessed everyone, into earning lots of money here. - Everyone? - Do you know what we are? Charity, so do what you please. - What zone are you locking in, zone four? - He chose four him mate, look. - I ain't chosen yet. - It's locked in. - I ain't chosen yet. - Ah, he's already chosen. - What we doing? Simon, do what you think is best. With your heart. - Brilliant. - Oi JJ, what am I doing? - Oi, chose zone one. - All right, zone four. Zone four. - Zone four is locked in. - Oi, if it lands in that right corner. We're going home with cash, boy. - All right, tell me when. - Now! (token tapping) Fuck! - Dead ting, dead ting. - Yes! - Nah, it's on top. It's on top, it's on top. - Do it, do it, do it. (all shouting) - There's big money here. - Do something, do something. (all shouting) - Oh my god. - I'm gonna ask you to please step away from the counters. - Wait, bro. - Please return to your podiums. - Focus, focus, focus. - I swear if I hear, how many letters in the alphabet again. - Oi, do it again. - Focus, focus, focus. - How many numbers in one to 10. - What is your name? (laughs) - Okay, Josh and Harry. Team orange. Are you ready for your quick fire round? - We are, indeed. - General Custur died in which controversial Civil War battle? - Pass. - Okay, how many sets of eyelids do camels have? - Two. - One. - Two, correct. - Lady Jane Grey was the Queen of England for how many days? - Three. - No. - Seven - 15. - No. - Six. - No. - We pass. - Okay, which UK city was the first to be built by the Romans? - Manchester. - Bristol. - No. - Rome. - No, London. - No. - Pass. - Where in the world can you swim with wild pigs? - Oh, er, Bahamas! - Yes. - How much does a blue whale's heart weigh, to the nearest 100- - That's it, time. - Bro, hang on a minute. Hang on. Their questions are- (all shouting) - Eh, yo. - Yes, you have two tokens. - So, we're saying four right? - Yeah, four out. - Josh, tell me when! - One team will get eliminated. - Do it a bit blind, it's more fun. - Nah, nah, nah. You gotta tell me. - All right, now. (token tapping) - Yes, yes, my guy! - Is it big, is it big? - It should be. - Mate, this could be big. - Come on, come on. - This could be big. - As long as you get money here, you're not at risk of getting eliminated. (Josh shouting) - Bro, there... - It's so close, it is so close. - All right, do it now. (token tapping) (all shouting) - It's a L! - Nah it's on top. It's on top. - Oh my goodness. This is potentially the lowest scoring- - Yes, we did it. - Tipping Point, ever. So the way it's gonna work is- (all laughing) - Okay, so one team needs to leave this round. You guys are tied on zero pounds. - I'll be fuming if we leave, you know. I'll actually be fuming. - What if we just don't answer together? - Like, we just... - Josh, someone has to. Someone has to lose! - Let's do a pact. Let's do a pact. - I don't trust him. Look at him. (laughs) - Actually, wait. We can... Is it general knowledge? - It is. - Against Simon and Behzinga. (Ethan laughing) - You can't say that now, cause you've screwed it! - Bro, we... Bro we got this, we got this. - Karma's gonna hit you hard. - I pray we win now. - Here is your tie breaker question. What alcoholic beverage is a sommelier an expert in? (buzzer ringing) - Wine? I don't know. - It is wine. - I don't know if he pressed that first. (Harry shouting) - I don't know if he pressed it first, though. I can't hear from here. - You're a shit host then man, cause we got two earlier as well! - I'd put money on it. - Independent adjudicator, I think he pressed it first. - Shut up. (all laughing) - Do another one. - What is the primary ingredient of meringue? (buzzer ringing) (buzzer ringing) - But I know it. Egg White. - Who- - Him! - He pushed it! - Yeah, why'd you press it fam? - Yes, they didn't answer. Yes, yes, you're right. - Hang on a minute, hang on. (JJ and Tobi laughing) - No, I'm not having it! I'm not having it. - What, you didn't press. You didn't press. - You didn't press. You didn't press! That was independent- - But surely when they press, it becomes a void? - No, no. They're not involved. - Eh, why did you press it? Take away points from them, fam. - Egg whites, egg whites, egg whites. Egg whites, egg whites, egg whites. - Oi, look listen. Now you've both got one right, each. Let's like- - I'm going to the pub. I'm going to the pub, lads. I can't be bothered. - Rum, pineapple and coconut... Are the base for- - Pina Colada. - Yes, that's right. - He pressed it for them! He pressed it for them! He pressed it for them! - No, no. - Yeah, but after he pressed it. - Harry, Harry, look. (all shouting) Harry, who's hand pressed it? - Yeah but, as soon as he pressed it- - Who's hand? - As soon as he's pressed it, it becomes void. Cause there's not- - I answered egg whites! - Start a new question, go. - Simon, you pressed it half a second after him. - When he presses it, you can't carry on reading the question. - Say there's a race- - Oi shut up, man! (all shouting) - It is void! - Two to one, now! - JJ, oi JJ fuck you. - You can't carry on reading the question! (all shouting) (all laughing) - Oi, this is not gonna end well. - He's got a choke hold. He's got a choke hold, he's got a choke hold. - Oh my god. Oh my god. (all laughing) - What's happening? - If I just got head-locked for nothing, I'm gonna be fuming. - Nah, you got this bro. - When am I going? - And... Go. (token tapping) - That's gotta be there. - Surely. Surely. - This could be money. - Yeah, but it could land- - It's landed on top. It's landed on top. - Yes! (Ethan and Simon screaming) Fuck you, Harry! - That is one- - Against Simon and Behzinga. Against Simon and Behzinga. - Three, four hundred pounds. And also, the mystery counter. Which is a 250 pound gift card for Sidemen clothing, that you guys get to give away to a lucky viewer. - Yes! Eh! - That's money in the bank. And that means the second round is over. Which means in first place, we have pink team. With 400 pounds. Second place we have green team, with 200 pounds. And that means, orange team is now eliminated from the game. However, we're all about inclusion on the Sidemen channel. So they still get to stay here. And the winning team gets to choose one of them, to join their team first. Pink team, who are you choosing? - Oh we didn't even win. - I think it's obvious who they're picking. - Oh my god, we didn't even get to pick! - I think it's obvious who they're picking. - Play rock, paper, scissors. - We'd like them to play rock, paper, scissors. - And we'll pick the winner. - See I would back you on this one, but I actually do wanna play this game. (all laughing) Let's play it like the fucking neeks we are, then. - Okay. - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. - All right, we'd like Josh please. (all laughing) - See I told you. I told you it's gonna happen. - So, Harry joins. - Sup, man. (laughs) - He didn't listen to me. - Okay, so now we enter round three. We've got the pink team. And the green team. - Yeah. - All right, all right. - The way this round works, is your team will be asked a question. If you think you know the answer, you can answer it. If get it right, you get to play a coin. If you get it wrong, the other team gets to play a coin. However, you can straight away pass the question to them if you think they're gonna get it wrong. And then means that the opposite happens. Okay, so. Pink team, you are winning. And once you've heard the question, you can either play it, or pass it to the other team. If you think they might not know it. First question, for the winning team. Pink team. What is the only English county that begins with the letter K? (buzzer ringing) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, conferring! - You don't have to buzz in. - Wait, wait, wait. How long? - They're allowed to confer for 10, 15 seconds. - Is it county? - English county. They only English county to begin with- (token machine ringing) (Pink team shouting) - It was our go! That was on our go! - Na, nah. Oi. (pink team shouting) - Eh, load up my wallet. - No, no, no. Put them back, put them back, put them back. - That's allowed. - It doesn't count, you didn't do anything. - That's what happens in the game show! So now gets on our go. - Is it? - No! What the, no! They did nothing! - Can anyone confirm? - That happens on the game show! - That is what happens. - Is that actually what happens? - Yes! On our go! (token machine ringing) - Yes! - Yes! - Money! - Nah, hang on a minute. Hang on a minute, hang on a minute. (pink team shouting) - This is not Tipping Point, but I will honour that, hey, some coins fell on your go. So you're getting 300. You're getting 300 out of your 900. - I'll take that. - Do you wanna answer, or do you wanna pass? - Fam, how long have they had? They've had so much time! - You've got five seconds. If you don't answer. - Nah I'm done. - Kent. - Kent is correct. - Bro, they literally had so much fucking time. - They were gonna say Kidderminster. They were gonna say Kidderminster. - I wasn't gonna say shit! - That's so aids, man. Bro, they literally had a fucking minute! They had a minute to confer! What the fuck! - Bro, I heard like four different things from them. - I heard so many wrong answers. And then Josh goes, oi what the fuck. - Hey, we got the answer now. - He goes, ah I think it's Kidderminster. Or, it might be Kettering. Then I was like, I ain't gonna lie I thought it was Kent. Thinking I'm dumb. And they both go, oh my god. (laughs) - But we're still, this is confer- Stop conferring with them. - Yeah, yeah, that is right. Play a token. Here you go, here is your token. - Fuck your fucking token. (all laughing) - Four. - Yeah? - Lock in ting. - Good to go? - Quick man. - All right, tell me when. - Er, just. - Now! (token tapping) - Ah that's good, that's good. - Oh, that looks like money! - Nah, it went on top. - That's all your fault, that is. - Fam, you said Kidderminster. - Yeah, I know. - How do you not know Kent? - I don't know, I can't spell geography. - I can spell geography. - Go on. - G-E-O-G-R-A-F. (Simon and Josh laughing) - P-H-Y. P-H-Y. - What, and I've got a small brain? - Yeah. - I got small brain? - And cheese strings, yes. - I can spell geography. (laughs) F. (laughs) - Okay, we got a question for the green team here. The City of Angels is located in which U.S state? (buzzer ringing) - California. - That is correct. You may play a token. - I'm feeling three, boys. - Do it, do it. - Three? All right. Tell me when? - When. (token tapping) (all gasping) - It's gone over the top, it's gone over the top. (token machine ringing) - Pink team, your question is. As of 2018, how many U.S cities have hosted the summer Olympic Games? Between one and four. - Toby might know it. - Now, you can pass this to the- - You can't give tips. I don't want tips, cause we was gonna pass it. - Well that's fine, they still have the same odds as you. That's making it fair. - I think we pass it. - I'm gonna press you for an answer. - Can we pass it, please? - Two. - Two is incorrect. It was actually three. So that means, pink team get to play. - Someone else. - Nah, I did it last time. - I'll do it. - Come on Josh. - I don't think there's any good spots to go. - Two. - Two, yeah. Do a two, lad. - I reckon trust, trust. - I think five. - If I was gonna do any, it would be two. - I think he's right. - Five. - Two. - Five, what? - All right two, I'm just gonna do it no look. Ready? - Now, now. Now. - You said you were gonna do no look. - Well do it then! - Oh, that could be big you know. (all groaning) - These things do move loads. - You know all the drops happened, in between plays. - All right, come on, come on. Let's go. - Green team, this is your question. In what year did Britney Spears' Oops I Did It Again come out? - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - Is this past the millennium, or before the millennium? - Nah, 1990 something. - I'd say eight. - Remember, you can pass this question to the other team if- - Wait, wait, wait. - Nah, pass it. Let's just pass it, they ain't gonna know. (crosstalk) Pass it. - Okay, it has been passed to pink team. You got 15 seconds for your answer. - 1999. - One year off, it was 2000. (all shouting) - No, we still get it! We still get it! - They got it wrong, so you get a coin. - Okay, okay. I'm just stressing. - Did you know the year? - That was a good, a tactical pass though. All right, go now. (token tapping) - How do you do that? - He doesn't even- - Bro, it doesn't hit any of the blinkers. - He's getting cash here as well, I reckon. - Yeah, that's cash. Cash money. - Is it? (token machine ringing) - Oh my goodness. - Ah, he literally just! - Oi JJ, what the fuck. - What, I did not do anything. - Wait, wait, wait. - It's not done anything. - Honestly, it's like little kids playing. - What are you on about. - He's cheating! - What, I didn't- - The man is cheating. - I didn't do nothing. I didn't do nothing. - You know what. After that dirty play... - No, no, please, please, please. - Okay, listen. - That dirty play. (laughs) - If you minus two points, I swear to god. - These man have been screaming at your head, all day. - What I'm gonna do, is give them a nice easy one here. What is the fastest land animal? - Cheetah. - Yeah. - Cheetah? - Cheetah. - Okay cool, cheetah. - Yup, that is right. - That's you, boss man. - Where'd you wanna go? - Three looks quite appetising, to me. - Do what you wanna do. - Okay. - I'll just suggest- - Can I lock in three please, machine? - He's going for it. - Just asked the machine to lock in three. - Oi, with his chest. With his chest, he's going for it. - Did he ask him to lock it in? - He said, can I lock it in machine. - Tell me when? - When. - Now. (token tapping) - Oh my god. (token machine ringing) - Go on Behz, I believe in you. - One, one, one. - Just one. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - He's pissed over one. - Wait! - That is just one. - But you got one, we'll cash that in for you. - Thanks man. - What do we do? - Just try our best, right? (all laughing) - Okay, we have another question for you green team. The question is, Mozart was from which European country? (buzzer ringing) Are you gonna play, or pass? You don't need to buzz. Buzzing doesn't do anything. - If you think so? - No, Italy. - I'll back that, I'll back that. - Oh no, is it Germany. It might be Germany. Oh no. - It's Austria. - Oh. - Mozart is from Austria. Which means- - Why didn't we pass it? - Pink team play again. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. You do what you wanna do. - I was so sure it was Italy. - I was gonna say three. - Oi, bro. - Cause of that one, over there. - Do it then, do it. - Three please. Tell me when. - Er, when. (token tapping) - Oo, oo, oo. - It's on top, it's on top. - Is it? - Yeah. (token machine ringing) - Oh shit. - Okay, this is a question for pink team. Cadbury World is located in which UK city? - That's you, bro. - Why looking at me, like I know. I don't even eat fucking chocolate. - You do the fucking attraction thing. - I ain't gonna lie, bro. That's some Brummy ting. - You know Legoland and all that. - Cadbury World? You get out of here. - Pass please. - Okay, you're gonna pass the question. - Try and pressure us. - Nah, it's good acting. - Begins with a C, I feel. - Don't even react to that. - I am gonna go out on a limb- - We're gonna give them 15 seconds, here. - I am gonna go out on a limb, and just randomly say Brighton. - Oo, that's an L. That's an L. - That's an L, that's an L. - You've got 10 seconds for your final answer. Is Brighton your final answer? - Are you serious? He literally just answered! - He answered the question. - Is London not too obvious? - He didn't, they're a team. - Five, four. - I been thinking like, Cambridge. - Two- - All right. - Manchester! - No, it's Birmingham. So that is another coin. - Where am I going? - You, all you. - Three, please. - Yeah, dub that. - You know what, I'm not even gonna tell you when. - The lighting's had a mare, but it's fine. - Oo, is that on top? - Nope. Ah he's done it himself too, look. He's out here. (token machine ringing) - Three's a bit of a stinker, lads. - We got time, boys. We got time. - Okay, can you return to your podium please. - I got very happy, cause I got- - This is now a question for green team. In a formal dinner setting, which set of cutlery would you use to eat your first course? - They got names for the cutlery, man? - Shut up. - Wait, what? - I know. - They have names? - Oi private school, come on. - You can either give them a name, or a location. A name or a location. I'm gonna give you 15 seconds. To either pass, or answer. - The outer set. - Do you wanna pass it, lads? - You've got- - Nah, we're gonna stick with. - We're saying the outer set. - Your answer is? - The outer set of cutlery. - Yes. That is right, it is the outer most set. You have earned yourself- - What is that called? - I don't know what the name is, but it's the outer most set. - Where to? - Oi, let's go zone four again. - Hold it, hold it, hold it. - Now, now, now. (token tapping) - Josh, why are you telling them when to play? - That's good, though. - It is a good one. - It will be okay, it will be okay. - I think they've probably got cash. - I want something. (token machine ringing) - Yes! - Oi that's big, that's big, that's big. (pink team shouting) - JJ, fuck off! - You didn't get any, any way! (laughs) You throw yourself to the- - Minus two! - You've thrown yourself to the floor for nothing. - He had his warning. - Their team needs help. - They can't get that one. - For absolutely nothing. - They're about 500 pounds behind. Let them eat, let them eat. - JJ, come away from the machine. (JJ laughing) - You know what? You know what the... All right, go back to your podiums. I feel like you've been robbed. So, you know what. I'm gonna give you half of them. - Ah, the commission comes back? - The commission. I'm gonna give you 300, right here. All right, there's one more question each in this round. Pink team have 800, green team have 500. Whoever has the lowest amount, at the end of these two questions. Will be leaving the show. And then, the final team will face the final round. And you know what? This round it worth double counters. Here we go, this is going back to the pink team. What is the tallest mountain in the UK? - UK? - All right? - Ben Nevis, yeah. - That's what I'm thinking. - Yeah, all right. - He doesn't know. - Okay. - Ben Nevis. - Fuckers! - Ben Nevis is correct. - What are we saying now? Cause there's- - What do you think? What's your initial reaction, right now? - There's a lot hanging off on four, still. - Well I think, just plop it in whatever you thinks natural. - Josh. - Yeah? - Do you. - Yeah. - But 360, before you do it. - Can we pick today? - No. - Which one do you wanna illuminate? - Four, please. - All right, zone four please. - Tell me now. - All right, when. - Now. (token tapping) - Oo, it could be big. - Where is it? - It's right at the corner. Oh, thank god. (token machine ringing) - Nah, it's on top! - Oh, no. That is nothing. Everything to play for. It comes down to this question. - It's gotta be easy. - Green team. If you have conjunctivitis, you have an infection of what? - What? - I don't know, but if you- (pink team laughing) - You don't know the answer? - Nah. - Wait, wait. Have a little confirmation, see what he thinks. - Are you gonna answer, or are you gonna pass? - It's an eye infection. - Yes, yes that is correct. (JJ shouting) Here we go, this is. So, you need to get at least two counters on this. - At least two? - Cause it's double score. - Oh, I thought you meant. Okay, now it makes sense. (JJ laughing) - So- (JJ shouting) (all laughing) - The closest one. If you were to get it there. - Can you, can you stay away from the machine. - Oh whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - Stay away from the machine. You'll lose your whole score. - If you were to get- - He's love tapped that. - Eh, watch yourself. He's love tapping those. - Nah, nah, he's not touching it. He's not touching it. - He's love tapping these. - Back up, back up, back up. - Yeah. (JJ stomping) - No, no, get away. - I might just fuck around, and drop it in three. - It's a earthquake. - Okay, they've locked in three. And stay away from the machinery. - Er, now. (token tapping) - I mean, that's stuck mate. So, unfortunately. - Nah, hang on. Hang on, hang on, hang on. (pink team laughing) - No, oi! (all shouting) - Oh, there we go. - Oi, they shook the ground near it. - Yes. - Wait, wait, one more. - Certy, certy banger. (token machine ringing) (podium crashing) - And the green team are out of the game. (Ethan laughing) (JJ shouting) (tokens tapping) - Oi, yo. - My leg! - I need points! Points! - My chest! - Eh, our points! - So unfortunately, green team. Even with, you know, everything I tried to do for you. You have been eliminated from the game. However, I'm gonna let the winning team. Pink team, take one of you through to the final with them. It is now up to them to decide who they want for the final. - I think you deserve it, bro. - Me and JJ, go out. - I will decline it. I will politely decline it. - Oi listen, it was nice knowing you. - Pink team, pink team. I'd ask you to look at how sad JJ and Harry look, by the way. Before you make your decision, look how sad they are. - I want Harry. - Pink team, we just want to make it clear. No one voted for Tobi. - What? (pink team laughing) - We'd like to take Harry. - Harry's going to the final! (pink team cheering) - Oi, wait, wait, wait. Wait. I wonder why! I wonder why! You think you wanna be doing that, yeah? You wanna do that to the two black people? - Well played, well played. - To The two black people, yeah? We have four white people, saying fuck you to the black people. Calm, calm. Well played guys, white power! White power! I see you. I see you, nice. Well played, guys. Well played. - That's not good. That's not why I said JJ. - Congratulations pink team. You've made it to the final. You have 800 pounds. Although, your team has increased in size considerably. It's doubled. - Whoa, whoa. - Anyway, the way this round is gonna work. Is you're gonna drop in the bonus... Star. This is worth 10,000 pounds. If you can get it out of the machine. - Wait, what? - Now that is the challenge. - Well how we gonna get it from the back- - How many questions have we got, then. - You will get six questions. And you can earn up to a total of 18 counters, if you answer the hardest questions. And you get six of them right. You can choose the tier of the difficulty. Okay guys, where do you want to place your bonus star? - All right, it's going in three. - Yeah, just. You know what? - [Josh And Simon] Let the universe decide. - Just do it when you want. - When you feel right. Sometime- - Yeah, today though. (token tapping) - Oh, no. - Oo! Oo. - It's gonna push out a lot. - Yeah, but we don't... - Where the money's still, though. - It's money! - It's still money for us. - It's P's, it's P's. - 200 pounds earned with your bonus star. So, these are categories. Would you like to start with, history, geography, animals, music. Or, the human body? Or news? - We'll go with music, please. - Okay, you've chosen music. Do you wanna play for one, two, or three counters? - Two. - Two? - Nah, he wants to go three. - Three? - Only for like, out of all of those subjects lads. I feel like, if we- - Let's go three. - He could ask Beethoven. - Yeah, but let's find out. Let's find out. Let's do it. And then we can know for the future ones, whether it's gonna be that hard. - But we've lost music then, though. - I think go for it, you know. - Two, or three? - Ah, I'm in a dilemma. - Yeah, you've messed it here. - What you going for? - No, cause I'm happy we picked music. - We're gonna do three. Come on, we're big men. - Bro, we're gonna do- We're gonna do every single category. - You'll play all six categories. You're just choosing where you start. - We're gonna play all six categories. - Yes. - Well, fuck it. Let's put our dick on the table. We'll have three, please. - Okay, music for three. In musical rhetoric, what does... (Josh laughing) What does allegro mean? - Isn't that a manager? - Pellegrini. - So let's go through things in music. We got notes. We got tempo. - Pitch? - We got pitch. - We've got... - I'm just trying to figure out what rhetoric means. - Yeah, I could have... To re-word it, in music what does allegro mean? - Can we have a hint? - We've got reverb. We've got- - You know what. You know what, I like you guys. So I will give you a hint. It's something to do with pace. - Oh, you think fast. - When it speeds up. Just when the tempo speeds up. - Like a beat switch? - 10 seconds. - You can have a fast tempo. - Nine, eight- - Let's go with it. - Seven. - A quicker tempo. - Fuck it, you do it. - Six. - Five. - I ain't saying it. - We'd like to go with a quicker tempo. - That is correct. (pink team Shouting) - I said that! I said that it was fast! - You said it straight away, and I was like. - Oi, big man from Brum again doing it. - Big man. - GCSE A in music. - Here you go, these are your- - That is big. - Three tokens, from music. - Three, please. - Three, there we go. Ready to play. - Do I just go whenever? - Yep, yep, yep. (token tapping) - Bag secured. - Is it, is it? - It could be. Bish, it might be. (token machine ringing) - I don't think I'm good at this. - Doesn't matter, just do it. - Can I go whenever? (token tapping) - Nah, it's on top. It's on top, it's on top. - Harry, do it. Harry, you do it. - You know Harry, you're not being a winner today. Be a winner today. - Stay with three? (token tapping) - Money. - That's a good one. - Okay, okay. - Harry might be our boy. Harry might be our boy. (all laughing) - What was that noise? - Yes! - Money, money, money, money. - That's good, that's all right. That's one question. All right, let's go. - The back of his head. - Why didn't you tell me earlier? - You look like a sparrow. - All right guys, what category do you want next? - Er, animals. - Half an hour, lad. - Okay, are you playing for one point, two points, or three points? - We can do three. - We go three? - Yeah, we'll do three. - Shall we do three every single time, fuck it. - All right, big cocks. - Three, please. - Massive hogs. - Animals, for three points. Which animal does Swiss law prevent... Prevent only owning one of? As they are social animals. And don't enjoy being alone. - It's dog or hamster, I reckon. Dogs or hamster. - You're on a shout here, for like gerbils and that. - Dog, for sure. Hamster? - It's definitely not cats. - There's a law about hamsters, though. You can buy a hamster for five euros. - Chill, chill, chill. No need to disrespect hamsters, like that. - My dog had separation anxiety. - Yeah that's fine, but I'm talking about Swiss law. That's fine. - I'd go dogs, go dogs. Too easy though isn't it, for three. - I think it's a weird animal. - For three, that's too easy. - Hamster, rabbit- - Swiss law is going to be out there. And it think it probably will be like, a gerbil, hamster or something like that. Rabbit. - Do gerbils exist in Switzerland? (all laughing) - Listen, there's hamsters. There's gerbils, there's also guinea pigs. - You know there's some animals, that you treat as like, a baby when it's young. - I think it's rabbit. - Guinea pig. - We're gonna go with guinea pig. - No, not guinea pig, not guinea pig. - It is guinea pig! (pink team cheering) How did you know that? - I don't know how I knew that. - Oh, that's mad you know. - All right, another three tokens. - We go two out of three. Two out of two, sorry. - We're playing for money, here. - That's so big from the boys, you know. - A thousand, and going for more. (token machine ringing) (token tapping) - Money, that's money. That stinks of cash. That absolutely reeks of it. (token machine ringing) - Nah, they're all going on top. - You shitter. - Oi, let me do this one. - I reckon go in two, Simon Minter. - Yeah? - Look, that. - I'll listen to you. - No, just- - Nah, back it, back it. Go two, go two. - Nah, I trust you. - Okay. (token tapping) - Oh, no that's... That has done nothing. That has done absolutely nothing. Okay, what category would you like next? You're gonna need- - Science. - There is no, there is no science. History. History, how many points- - Three. - You wanna play for three- - Big dick. - Points. - Listen, but... - Shut up. - Consistency on all three, innit. - When did World War start? - 1930, what second one? - We've fucked it. We should have gone for one. We should have gone for one. - 1911 for the first one. - In which century, was the Declaration of Independence signed? - America was only discovered in like, 1800 though right? - Yeah, so think they have 125 years- - That was a bold sentence from him. That was bold. - No, it's true. - I know, but you could have looked like an idiot. - Let's say, 19th Century. Cause I'm thinking like, 125 years is not too long ago. - The 20th Century is too soon, right? - 20th Century is way too soon. - We're in 21st right now. We're 20 years into it. - Let's just guess 19. - 19 out. 19th Century. - Yeah, 19 boomer. - It was 1776. How many points would you like to go for? - Three, three. - Which body of water borders Turkey, Greece and Italy? - Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. - All right, I'm gonna throw out some names. Is it Caspian, Mediterranean? - No wait, Mediterranean is Italy. What's the other one? - Wait, wait, wait. What are the three countries? - Which body of water borders Turkey, Greece and Italy? - I think it's Caspian. - I dunno, I said Dead Sea. - I like how you're brain's working. The middle one? - No, Dead Sea. Dead Sea's like- - Turkey. - Turkey, Greece and Italy? - No, look. Mediterranean's all three of those. - Italy is in Mediterranean, the centre of it. - No, but you're saying- - Turkey is on the far right hand side. - Greece is in that middle bit. - Listen, listen. - Josh seems very confident. - I done a Mediterranean cruise, it does all three of those. Other than Turkey. - Right, come on- - All three of those, other than one of them. - Turkey has go the sea, the Mediterranean. - If it's Caspian we jump him, okay? (all laughing) - 10 seconds to answer. (all shouting) - The Med, the Med. - It is the Mediterranean Sea. (pink team cheering) - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Three, again. - Can I jump you now, can I jump you? - All right. I'm gonna go two on one, and one on three. Ready boys? - Yeah, just do you. (tokens tapping) (token machine ringing) - Yes, go on. - Oh, that knock down. (token machine ringing) - Oo! - Please, it's going over it. (token machine ringing) - We've only got one left. - Go on, then. (all laughing) - Which one we saying, boys. - Two. - Two? - With difficulty. - Can we get double tokens? - Oh. - That's all right. - Is it good? - Is it good, is it good. (token machine ringing) Oh, you fuckers. - Okay. - News please. How many points are you playing for? - Three. - Three. Which film has been pulled from some cinemas, - Blue story. - It was Blue Van something, innit. - I need to finish the question. - Blue, innit. - That is, that is three. That is three. Okay the question was, which film has been pulled from some cinemas recently, due to outbreaks of violence. And it was The Blue Story. - Yeah, we're sacking off the big one. - Is this a real game show? - Yeah. - Yeah! - And it works, when they do it? (all laughing) - Oh, what's happened here. - No, that's good. - You've banged that. I'd put Harry's life on that. (token machine ringing) - Look at that. Look at that. - Do it again. (token tapping) - Oh that's solid. That is consistency. - Nah, that's bad. There's a big gap there. - That's not going anywhere, lads. - Is it not? (token machine ringing) - Oh, that's all good as well. - You're a beast on stage. (token machine ringing) - Come on, someone else do it. - Shall I go two again, yeah? - Yeah. - All right, two please. - Incoming. (token tapping) - Oh no, oh no. (token machine ringing) (Ethan laughing) - See, that's what you wanted. That's what you wanted. - No, that was a Simon drop. - You know what, you guys are having a stinker here. You've won that, put it back in. You lose the hundred, but you can play it. You can risk a hundred. Do you want to do this, or do you wanna take the hundred? - Yeah, we wanna risk it. - Okay, so you've lost a hundred from your score. You've dropped it. Ethan, you are consistent. - Ethan, you should do it all the time. - You are consistent. - Come on. - Are you gonna get more than a hundred back from this? I hope so. (token machine ringing) - You little wanker. - You fucking... You're good for nobody, piece of shit coins. - You're final category is the human body. - Yeah, three it up. - Get you above a thousand, here. - Three it up. - Okay. - Semen, what? - You're going for the three point question. - Yeah, huge hogs. What is the average healthy temperature of a human being in degrees centigrade? - Room temperature. - Why you turning your back to the camera? - What's room temperature though, is that 20... - 21? 22, 22? - I have my room a little bit hotter. - I don't think it's 28. - I think it's 37. - He's cracking up, so it can't be- - Fam, are you good? - No, but they are. - You know what, you guys are on the ropes. So, I'll give you two degrees either side of what you give. I'm giving you two degrees either side. - Two degrees either side. (cross talk) - If you go 35, that covers... - I think we either go 35, or 36. - If you go 35, it covers 37, 36, 35, 34, 33. - 36. - Let's just say it, man. - Yeah, 36. - Okay it was 37, so- (pink team shouting) So, I'll give you your three points. But I had to help you out, there. - Tell me when. - Oh sorry, yes, no. - When. - When. - When. - When. - Okay, tell me when now. - When. When, when now. - When now. (token tapping) - Will you get some money, here? - Oi actually, we banged it for him though. He's fucked it. - That is the spot. - Ah, it's a big one! Oh, you're good. You're good, you're good. (all cheering) - Mini Minter! (all cheering) - That is 400 quid, right there. You know what, we're gonna leave it there. You're gonna add to that. You're gonna add to that. - I go four. - Different. - Unorthodox. Probably not gonna drop anything. - Quick, where'd it go? - When, now. When, now. - Did he just run his mouth at me? - You know, Ill give you an extra hundred if you get anything from this. I'll give you an extra 200, if this gets anything. - Oh, that's a banger. Nah, he's got it. - He might have just got a fatty. - Nah. - Semi chub. (token machine ringing) - Okay, he's gone for number two. - Number two, come on. - When now. (token tapping) - He's just dangling it. - That's a banger. - That is the same spot. - That's a banger. (crosstalk) (token machine ringing) - [All] Oh! - It's on top, it's on top. (all cheering) - What do we have here? If you can get three here, Ethan. You've double your score from a thousand, to two thousand. This is your final piece. - I've got faith in him, you know. - He's gone for two. This is your final disc. - He's been solid. - He's consistent with it. - Go on. (token tapping) Nah wait, wait. (token machine ringing) - That's good, that's good. (token machine ringing) (all cheering) - You've done it! You've made it to 2,000. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. So in your last four discs, you've added a thousand to your score. Which mean the four of you take home 2,000 pounds. Congratulations. - 500 each. - How much? - 500 each. That just shows, if you work hard. - We could have had a rack. - You get sink to the bottom. You can always make it back to the top. (Simon farting) (all laughing) Make sure you subscribe to the Sidemen channel, before you do go. - Yeah, we're trying to overtake Phase. - Only about like, 50% of you are subscribed when you watch these videos. What's wrong with you? - Fix up. - Subscribe, please. - Can we beat Phase to 10 mil? - Easy, dub. But, make it easier. (Ethan shouting) - Oh shit, we got more money. (upbeat hiphop music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 8,658,040
Rating: 4.898385 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: H3mnP9K3Kis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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