5k dollar BIG BLOCK powered BROKEN BOAT, ACQUIRED!!!

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[Music] so uh we bought a boat mm-hmm yacht it's broken it needs love but we like projects so we're taking it home [Music] [Music] well we're driving away with a big old boat really we cannot wait to show you guys around this rig [Music] sure you know it's a big vote whenever it makes the f450 small big boo we went and grabbed lunch and we couldn't help but bring our lunch the boat and of course our dog - he's already made himself at home sitting on the table he spoiled we've got the little windows open to the fresh air it's a little steamy down here I'll be honest but it's a freaking nice and we have a cool boat super cool with you okay so I know we haven't given you guys a full interior tour but we just finished lunch and Aaron was like I've got to get a look at this thing and try and figure out what's broken so he's already got tools he's like ready to tear it down yeah this upper housing right here I was car accident so first thing I'm gonna do is pop that off you see if I can see something broken in there my hope is that this whole unit salvageable maybe we just buy a new cap for it whatever parts are broken because one of the reasons guy sold it to us is this new is eight thousand dollars and we're not gonna pay that we'll finally used one or something but for now let's get it off we're still in the crotchal yeah you can see very clearly there's something wrong that's supposed to be flush I think it popped it up so I'm gonna pull that cover off it'd be so sick it was something simple gosh replace the stuff in a few parts it's a the reason it's so expensive it has two problems and they counter-rotate why get two engines when you can just have two props on one engine [Music] it's not gonna come off in one piece there's got a 454 big block in it it's gonna be a thirsty dude I've never taken the dog for what one or two everything like fall apart and family for years and when I've had ten board votes so it's got a transmission inside with just a shaft that has a I'm not he's gonna go run and get a screwdriver to left try and get this off we are really looking forward to having you guys that are boat people tell us information share wisdom with us guidance as to what you would do because this is a entirely new thing for us we have never had anything this big or like Aaron said an out driving unit like this we have no idea what we're doing so we will try and educate ourselves but it would be really awesome to have some of you experts out there that watch our Channel give us all kinds of information Oh one piece bulk of it needle bearing in there that looks fine this is correct all around here look at that crack along the bottom okay it's not some kind of spring-loaded action to some kind of pin and they're holding it or something yeah ring there's this there's a latrine right here yeah see you know it may have to come apart in pieces so so what you have is a gear coming this way I would call it like a pinion and then a gear feeling this based on what I can see so far gear coming up this way and this top gear is the one that connects the tooth that makes it change direction for whatever reason this came straight up and broke the case the good news is this case looks totally fine and that's the big expensive thing well Aaron took the boat apart more the top end of the outdrive and tell him what you found well I should have done it on camera but I couldn't help myself I got out before Emily did it came straight up here you saw is removing the front cover and it was clearly busted this cover goes on kind of the back of the engine and drive check this out we have large chunks so we did some research and so you can buy the bearings and all that stuff that you have to have a lot of special tools which I don't have and so the other concern was all this metal probably went into the lower unit and which means it's gonna have trouble as well they both have to come apart so instead we found one on Craigslist and we picked it up today at $1,250 investment yep for our $5,000 boat yeah dude that owned this boat was out on it he broke the L drive and got super frustrated and decided to sell it for 5 grand and we rushed up there before he decided to get his smarts about him sorry he you sold it really cheap dude yep so get on Craigslist just lucked out found one for a thousand two hundred fifty bucks it had recently had all new seals put in it and they had pressed for tested it make sure it's not gonna leak water props have been resurfaced which may not benefit us because it appears that there are different bits than ours but we're gonna put it on there and see how it does because it'd be sweet if it just worked so the first thing we're gonna do is I'm gonna Jack the front of the boat down because I know from playing with it when I put the lower unit down it sticks in the grass there so I'm going to Jack the trailer down and then Emily will trim that down for us [Music] one of the features that were really excited about is this thick aluminum trailer King and rad it's built like this trailers probably paid for big yeah low she goes let's trim it down so it looks as though there are six bolts that hold this outdrive on I'm gonna start by removing the bottom for these two and then the two on the other side and then we will remove the top and hopefully remove the entire unit right behind the cameras power air-conditioned job that Finley is currently sleeping in she's coming apart babe we're gonna be potent we're gonna be better real soon everybody's gonna think we're fancy and we're just some lucky kids and got a good price tell us in the comments section of what your best deal that you found is that be really fun we love finding good deals and we also get super stoked for our friends when they find good deals really well you got that for that yep so we got up this morning we drove three and a half hours picked it up three and a half hours back and now we've I think I think you can stay see I talk like I know what I'm doing it's gonna watch a couple YouTube videos youtube experts for light that's right look at all these gnarly chunks of metal okay that's good let's unhook this shifter paper go to the shift cable right here that's got to be unhooked that's our next step so we can move it out further pop it off in the screwdriver yeah I think the SIL blew out in that outdrive and it allowed all the oil to xscape I think that's what blew it up Lord may have blew the sill whenever it put it all went haywire but the new outdrive should remedy that yes new outdrive has brand new sealed in the gimbal bearing feels perfect so we're not gonna change that Paul silly I'm aware that I should be replacing this bellow but we're not gonna replace that either because it's in good shape and this winter we'll have time to tear into this and actually fix everything right we're gonna put a real thin layer of silicone on this where these o-rings go I don't know if you're supposed to but I can see that add silicone on it before so I'm gonna go ahead and do it myself it's really hard to get [Music] [Music] we've got our shift linkage here it's in the little channel let's go a little bit more oh yeah super easy so we would not normally pull anything in with the bolts but we've got all these o-rings in there we put a little bit of silicone on it so I didn't want to push it in and have it bump and then come back out a little bit in fear that the silicone stick to that o-ring and then let it drop that place so we got it close and then I watched everything and just very gently pull it in it didn't take much effort so we know that it's not like bending the housing or anything like that all right I think it's time to give these a torque I can find the socket here is quick google pull this 50 foot-pounds so that's what we're doing there torqued got wait good job okay let's go see a fiddle the shifter goes down and out of gear trim it up a little bit that's good okay so this is the first time we're ever starting our boat yes we bought it without starting it I don't even know if this is the right key there's two here getting ready to hit the key and then I will put it in gear and then we'll see what happens but I'm gonna shut it off pretty quickly because we don't have water running to it at all all right here we go [Music] okay wait for word it works yeah what's wrong now breaks up pretty easy too it did it sounds good yeah big black baby and we're gonna go get the muffin thing you so we can put water on yes okay try it again I'm hippity again okay the water is on okay and we're gonna see if we see if the impellers working take it out tomorrow [Music] couldn't tell what's pumping water out back here yeah I don't know what that along is what's this Sayer here well pressure too low engine temperature is too high or Drive all levels too low maybe that's what it is we need to check that again definitely had in it yeah but it could be low we're going to investigate what the buzzing is tomorrow when the Sun comes up it's the next day and we have we're gonna install the plug I think that's a good plan I think we should do it now also Aaron just added fluid to what we think to be a reservoir for the out drive so it looks like it has a wire that goes to that reservoir so we're hoping that when we crank the boat up again that it won't be doing its buzzing thing because it was really low in the reservoir that would be nice on out drives that I've used in the past there's a plug that you pull and it has oil in it well this one did apparently on this boat that's not really check it so there's a reservoir with the sensor in it and it does say right there on the dash if it's low on out drive fluid it's going to be so hopefully that's the problem and we can go boating oh my gosh can't wait oh Emily yes we need to torque the Rambo yes we do I look at perk specs thank you [Music] alright now let's crank it up and see if the buzzing is not gonna happen now just buzz for a second mm-hmm power down engines that's awesome [Music] now the question is is that a cam or is that miss alright we filled the freshwater tank up our trailer has fancy wheels air boat made the real good cleaning y'all she grungy she sweet babe we feel so lucky to be driving this truck it's so amazing that's a pretty truck man mmm and that's up her Tebow already for a to her oh come on let's go she needs a really good cleaning but this area back here is where the engine is there's a seat that comes out of there and then this seat is switch side so you can have a seating area for people there or of course right here [Music] let's go down into the cabin so you got a step right here it's nice and tall down into the cabin there's one bed there there's windows this opens up for fresh air microwave storage this is pretty great storage in here storage underneath that little seat there's your stove and more storage in here get your sink more cabinets underneath there a little mini fridge and then up underneath here is another bed and this one is actually bigger than the one that's over the nose that's forward and this is aft is that correct Erin so this one is quite deep and this is the cushion that's the cushion right there that makes the kitchen table a bit the TV with more storage behind it and here is the bathroom that's the door so that opens up and this thing actually the whole room turns into a shower got these buttons and there's a shower curtain that clicks on to all of those buttons and closes the room in and makes it one big seller and so then this pulls out and you can connect the showerhead right up there and it's pretty great we're on a boat look Karen all right is it time take her out think so let's do it backing up at the boat ramp Finley's excited very windy today that is a monster we jumped on the nose that was a trip and our depth finder is telling us it's upset but we know we've got depth here weird [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Flying Sparks Garage
Views: 4,072,284
Rating: 4.800375 out of 5
Keywords: bayliner 2855 outdrive replacement, bayliner 2855 tour, yacht tour, yacht, yacht adventure, bayliner 2855 interior, bayliner 2855 cabin, bayloner 2855 test drive
Id: I-aDjJ9mnoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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