We FOUND BODY INSIDE Locker / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Mystery Unboxing / Storage Wars

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so i'm hoping hoping like hails there is not a passed away person in here this unit just gets better and better and better we went half and half with conkey's flipping adventures he got the right side which has turned out to be the right side we got the left side which has turned out to be filled with dentures and filled with collectible coins who the hell's knows what else we're gonna find today [Music] open her up george here we go here we go we're going to take a peek here and this is the unit all right look at this all right smack down the middle conkey boxes to the right boxes to the left george you got to pick which is it going to be are we taking left left or right let's go to the left like i always do at the coin pushers don't worry cocky once you go right you always go right always they found another jewelry board another mother lode yeah this lady was into her crystals we definitely we gotta go find some money this is too much awesome congratulations guys no no no no we should have went right remember when you go right you finally went right are you scratching your nose yeah what else would you use a canife for to dig into treasure okay now if this light is in here and i think it might be or it may not be but if this light is in here yeah we're going to use this at the warehouse to catch the crooks unfortunate okay so unfortunately we obviously have criminals and now what's in a bad part of worcester it's very bad parlister and now everybody knows that you have security cameras and the the goal to security is not let everybody know that you have security cameras and we have got baby stuff so we try not to you know you have to hold some of those things back so the world doesn't know is this uh i thought that was a jewelry box so the world doesn't know the cards that you have there but nobody knows where they're at oh someone's under here something's under your head look at this oh my goodness are you serious you think she did a photo shoot with her cats no i think these are nudes what's another word for cat oh yeah that's what i'm thinking careful careful let me know when it's safe to record it's not safe it's not safe we're just setting this box aside and we're gonna get into this box here we go we got another one here so unfortunately the lamp wasn't in there no the lamp isn't in there i wish it would have been look at this we've got a is that a duffel bag so that was probably some kind of army duffel bag something like that okay you know let's get this here too look at this crystal i was gonna grab this box too let's get in this box and then we'll get litter box filters let's see what's in here the funny thing is is a lot of these boxes are labeled and what it's labeled is not what it is they're mislabeled so they may have reused the boxes the spell casters reference okay now i understand that a lot of people are going to leave comments saying oh careful you got a witch's unit they're going to cast a spell on you a ghost or a demon who's going to follow you do you have any idea how many of these types of units i've bought in over 20 years and guess what's happened nothing okay here we go here we go more more it's gonna be more more more body spray theraflu um what's this what are those what to do what do dolphins know fate i don't honestly i don't know baby let's see here let's see a box in a box okay what do we got now everybody's going to go your your warehouse got broken into because you get these kind of units now the warehouse got broken into because that's what thieves do they break into things let's see what we have here and we have marble oh the box was labeled crystal sphere all right that's crystal that's polished crystal okay so that's one polished crystal well i lost it you want me to hold on to it leave it to me i'll lose it i got it and then let's see is this going to be the the twin 20 20 twin twin my guess is yes this is all part of the witch craftery oh there's a bigger one look at that look at that that's it's pretty definitely pretty it's purty definitely pretty all right let's move that aside okay we got here oh these were all the books uh stick tree that's cute fiber optic tree there we go there that looks brand new george i know you like the coin pusher have you thought about you don't play go fish card tricks all right pick a card any card george okay i'm gonna go with beep beep beep beep beep boop boop boop boop that one that one all right memorize the card have you memorized it i have now four of hearts what did i get it how did you know that are you yeah okay okay one more time one more time one more time is it the lasik it is delicious one more time all right here we go one more time pick a card any card it doesn't matter pick a card any one you want that one this which one this one right here this one yeah all right this one right here all right get a good look okay you got a good look uh-huh you're sure yep and seven of hearts stop are you serious how are you getting this are you serious how are you getting this lasik baby lasik i can't believe it speaking of lasik our winner will be getting her uh surgery soon right yeah that's gonna be awesome next week look at this christmas i'll teach you that trick when you're ready young grasshopper i'm not the young grasshopper i call you the grasshopper oh my goodness look at this this says coins which we've already found quite weird okay oh man let's hope for new rinser bracelet oh look at this nice this one's actually this one's actually labeled right okay definitely my size 42c you're gonna try it on yeah [Laughter] all right polly grip there's that windsor box there's a windsor collection oh nice oh that's a beauty that amber yeah look at that there's a nice one we'll set that aside where's the coins that it said maybe in the coin purse i think it's in here okay and another purse a person a purse and a purse nothing there said combs nothing that's a cute set okay that's what i s that's what i thought when i met you that my eyes these old things i don't you see coins i don't see any coins all right i'm not seeing any coins in here maybe maybe there's something somewhere else okay let's keep looking okay maybe they dropped off into here i i don't know but they found something good two big things of something something something that's probably jewelry what do we have here storage let's see what we have here we need more more good stuff we need coins paperwork and uh again you're gonna get paperwork in the chat cats paperwork on cats magazines on cats all right that doesn't do much for us what about this silver horn silver silver unicorn silver unicorn honestly i'm kind of scared right now i know you can't read when we find unicorns i know you can't read that crazy vibrating silver unicorn i'm scared here's another windsor okay windsor collection come on be in there yes it's in there look at that there's another piece genuine it's lucite look at that there genuine lucite okay cool sweet i'll set that one aside okay let's find the silver unicorn hopefully oh there it is it's not silver i believe it is pewter riven usa what does that say down there it says fine pewter is that what it says yeah right there okay fine peter by schmidt right there red ceiling sea lake okay so there's there's that should i add that unicorn to the dragon and gargoyle yeah i'll set it aside so you can do that with the unicorn uh there are a bunch of air fresheners oh look at that soap soap holders there's a little amber barrel shot glass we've got derma wound wound here yeah that's for wound care we we do know and again no no disrespect whatsoever we do know she passed away she went to hospice we know all of that so uh no family the good news is we will i don't know what that is we'll make sure these items get to people who appreciate them and and love them again that's part of the fun of this business so while we crack a lot of jokes and we have a lot of fun we're never going to be somber about what we do we're going to have fun with what we do but we know there is a somber part of it and a lot of the fun of it is actually sharing these with other people that will appreciate it that's one of the reasons why we share on youtube because you guys appreciate it so much look at this look at this look at this candle and is this a unicorn [Applause] we can add it to the one on the island let's take it back to kelly's island let's put it with mary we should let's do it we'll take this to kelly's island this week okay now what did you find what did you come to brag about between the shirt and this i think they were harley people too and i love myself oh nice are they in there oh yeah there's that one oh wow nice very nice very cool nice buy conkey you guys i think i know i'm usually we're usually biased and we say our unit was the best but you'll have to watch both channels and figure out who got the better side look at this box great gifts away from the sausage okay and ah this is fun treasure hunting mm-hmm the mystery behind the box that's the fun of it is the mystery box yellow pages that's pretty vintage you don't see that anymore that's vintage it'll be good for up at the office cocky is taking a timeout he's got to go to the bathroom we should actually go get some of his boxes we should see because he's been finding some epic stuff yeah he is he's been finding some epic stuff for sure oh candles more candles real peach scented i haven't done a candle a lot i think a candle lot would be fun usually apple scented usually what i do with candles because i find hundreds and hundreds i use them as fire starters so when i go camping i just chuck the candles in i'll make fi i'll make fire starters and i have a whole video on how to do that on the channel in the early days traditional gardening oil and then i actually will just take whole candles and chuck them in as well because that wax burning will help that fire keep going so a lot of people they're they're not the best at building vampires take a candle throw it in just like this go buy some storage units find some candles sell them real lemon scented sell them or chuck them in your fire that's another good little tip there for you there's all kinds of odds and ends down here another one lilac here take a whiff i smell garlic what are you trying to say that you ate garlic a couple nights ago and i'm still smelling it i had garlic two days ago and you could still smell it yeah i'll be smelling it for two weeks but i don't want to switch to a bland diet okay it looks like the rest of the stuff in here is just like utensils and tools and stuff like that let's bring another box over for fun how about did you do do the viewers know that you bought this trailer with this area rug yeah it was actually in here they used to already came in everything in this trailer was in the trailer which george doesn't watch the video so she doesn't know that that was all part of a video so i used to watch the videos in 2019 but you know what 2020 new year new me okay what do we got what do we got oh that's so i taught a putty tap click on buckle up okay let's see where you're going there is this california raisins no that's arm that looks like army flip it over army i see that right there i don't know crazy stuff there oh george george something's in here something that's those collectible coins are in there oh there's money ground money come on oh there's [Laughter] okay all right street value right here is probably just joking those aren't really cough drivers but there is a dime and that's nice so there's a diamond here um see what else interesting don't you think oh some tools we'll need we'll need another toolbox for the trailer although i always have a toolbox in the back of my truck yeah so it has come in very handy i heart mickey i'm gonna can i keep that and i'll replace mickey with jeremy elvis and now mickey i just said i'll replace the word mickey with jeremy you'll still be wearing mickey and not jeremy okay let's see oh piece of glass we'll just chuck that out of the way and oh the best thing we could possibly find some italian seasoning at least it's not garlic what did you say do you know what this is this glow stick hasn't been broken yet you know what we're doing tonight we're going to the lake since we're half hour away and we're going to break open this stick okay what are you doing now well i was scratching my arm with my knife so first you scratch your nose but that actually that boo-boo was from a while ago so it just reopened but that wasn't from the knife that was from just working in a storage unit without gloves wait without sleeves got too hot for sleeves i was wearing my hoodie this morning but it was 52 degrees this morning it felt like winter but now it's beautiful it's perfect okay oh this could be good a hot plate there's a hot plate and you know what i like more than anything else hot plate whites okay all right no back luffas yeah that's where that's where it's at you could actually use a back woofer no tails no you just did fake now i would drink out of this bottle if there was anything in there to actually drink no you wouldn't let's see what's in here what makes you think i wouldn't revlon revlon come on come on what's revlon's saying is it safe i think it's safe see a lot of names i think it's safe it's pantyhose that's what it is it's pantyhose all right revlon pantyhose this looks like i don't know there's another box under here here is almost another brand new bible there's a brand new new character 25 bucks 25 bucks that's the second brand new one we found i gave the first one to george she needs it yeah now she's got the second one all right and let's see what we have here another crazy box in here set that aside there's a box in a box again okay let's see come on big money big money big money big no [Laughter] no i can't i can't okay i will i will but just remember you're the one that told me to do it this is crazy what is it is it what i think it is what do you think it is i think they're gummy they're gummy uh snacks gummy snacks yeah and just like life-size just chew on one of them gummy snacks little snack gummy snack those are prosthetic boobs [Laughter] what why why in this unit self-holding screwdriver what's this a zap light flashlight stun gun no i bet that doesn't beat the old light way oh my goodness look at this a stun gun it's a stun gun is it at the warehouse i'm gonna get her it's on it's on right now if they're on our property on the price this is a stun gun flashlight how cool is this oh light if you're watching you need a stun gun george i know you're getting hangry i found two juice boxes one for you one for me what flavor are these i think it's blueberry all right cheers they're finding knives and all kinds of things so we gotta get some more boxes i'm thinking what do you think george this area right here yeah yeah let's just take off can i show you oh it's remaining no no no no no look look look mom's ashes oh no ashes mom and bootsy's ashes we better get into this right here there it is i'm gonna set it aside i i'm not ready i'm not ready emotionally to get in there yet so let's get in here now every box isn't labeled correctly so keep that in mind just because it says ashes doesn't mean it's going to be ash we're finding out that these boxes will be used so could be anything everything i have here some shea butter you want some of this for your next car what about this banishing cream nope all right no banishing cream for her i don't know what those are no look at this found money we've got money we found money all right let me pull it out of here this is a little now conkey might have a whole lot more on his side what is that too i don't know oh that's military right there that's definitely okay let's do this there it is in my hand all right what do we have we've got a penny american penny got some foreign money in there fun golden token good time good time doucheland all right doucheland oh i can't believe i just dropped it there's a buffalo nickel and the date is well worn off there and there's more douche land and a key to something hopefully we can find what that key goes to nice i'm going to put that over here other of the monies that we found i'll just set that over here [Applause] um some more jeans it looks like a good surface where were those felt pads this says spooky tree faces so spooky tree [Music] i guess it looks just like you you hang it up right let's do it side by side it's the same person i can't even tell the difference it totally looks like this is the face i make to get in your phone okay face recognition yep all right that's kind of cool you hang that up on a tree it's a little that is pretty cool we should hang that up on our tree it'll keep the uh the rodents away or we could do an asmr video with it just like hey pull this thing up for asmr let's pull another box how about i don't want to do the ashes one yet let's try this let's see what's in here u-haul is usually a pretty good bet somebody came in with paid boxes they had to buy these boxes usually means money usually or a bunch of garbage in a box oh george george george oh i thought for a second do you think it was jewelry and i still may be right i actually still may be right it's pretty bracelet this is avon that's an avon [Music] okay that's what i saw first or maybe not set that aside [Music] cleaning supplies the crazy thing you have to go through everything because you don't know you don't know where the stuff is hidden and these have proven to be pretty random [Music] but here's another this looks like a brand new purse who checks because people hide things in the weirdest spots point in case wait case in point that's what i meant to say case in point what's that doing in this purse but there is the angel in the purse we've got some oh look at that you think we'll find a gun i don't know i think anything is possible at this point i honestly think you found a pew pew anything is possible and you remember the last two pews you found they were in a drug mart paper bag yeah i do i do oh boy i can just see the trolls and the haters going off on this right now going through it passed away cat ladies you wouldn't you prefer us to actually save it from going into the landfill well i definitely prefer not to have to deal with things like this ashes are just part of the business and so i'm hoping hoping like hails there is not a passed away person in here but i guess we're gonna find out [Applause] all right can't put it off any longer there's cold patches sterile pads and a train bad timing training incredibly bad timing train it's like the train is telling me don't go through this we should take a timeout all right time out here we go back at it that is lorraine county that's where i grew up lorraine county in illyria and then spent high school in grafton i was a mid-view committee okay let's see what else we have in here oh another year another unicorn look at that we got a uniform all right this might be a little teapot short and stout filled with paper clips all right so far we're okay i'm doing all right oh you know who's getting that george you know who's getting that that's going straight to george george oh he'll love that that is going straight but i'll set that aside for george george oh my goodness are you seeing what i see another unicorn that's not what i see what do you see i see the bible on two white boxes and i'll just tell you what this white boxes are check this out key chain collection we do have a keychain oh my goodness look this keychains are really collectible unicorns a pew pew multiples another mini calculator digital calculator push a button you open it up and you use the calculator okay let's set those aside this is getting crazy why would you put recipes next to your ashes another unicorn i can understand the uniforms i guess world's greatest mom i understand that because one of these are her mom if i mean we're gonna check we're gonna check right now let's just check yeah there's the paperwork [Applause] it is it is right there there's there's one there's one urn and this is the pet you know how i know why that's the pet how it's not labeled but this one this one actually is labeled this is mom so we i already know there's no survivors i don't know what we're gonna do let us know down in the comments if you knew there was no family survivors what would you do [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 286,626
Rating: 4.5959373 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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