SHES GOING TO JAIL I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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I know what you're thinking what the Hales are they up to today well today is Thanksgiving and on behalf of us to all of you happy thanks giving we're so thankful for you as a viewer and a subscriber if you haven't subscribed yet don't forget subscribe hit the bell make sure you click also you get notifications every time we upload every time we go live now today you're gonna get a special behind-the-scenes of deleted scenes things that were never ever shown before so for example you're gonna get to see a safe you're gonna get to see a unit you're gonna get to find out that everything in Texas isn't always bigger and you're gonna find out what happened to the girl named Sierra who stole from us gave us $100 counterfeit bill let's dig in and let's find out what the Hales happens today [Music] this has got to be one of the most unusual units we have ever seen the only thing that's actually in this unit is a safe in a box all right we've got three minutes I've placed a bid currently I am the high bidder let's look at the safe what do you think about this it's a five by five there's one picture this is the picture number one why not just put a safe just in the unit why is it in a box number two who opened the box was it the facility manager who took pictures was it the person who put the safe in the box number three why is the safe on its back why is in this standing up normal on its feet less than two minutes to go I was outbid so now it's up to 240 for this century safe that you could buy for $100 at Walmart hahaha it's a five by five I want to know I have so many questions okay I'm gonna go to fifty just to see what the Hales happens and here we go two hundred and fifty remember I have to pay 10% on top of that I'm also gonna have to pay 7.5 percent sales tax and now I am the current high bidder yet again outfit again we're at 260 now this is gonna be my last bid 270 this thing is empty but there's so many questions like why why in the box why on its back so we're gonna go to 70 we're gonna see what happens and we are getting texts by Grimes we are currently 270 we are the high bidder we're gonna ride this one out that is the last bid let's see what happens I was outbid again at two hundred and eighty dollars as you can see here at this point bidding is just foolishness as there's no evidence that there's anything valuable in there so many questions if you're subscriber of what the Hales and you are the winning bidder on this safe please please let us know what the Hales was inside on to the next unit right now everybody's wondering where in the world is Jeremy and George let me help shed some light on that a lot of times we don't actually suggest using a flashlight when you go out into the storage units as a matter of fact we tell you not to because you wouldn't want to highlight what you see to everybody else but there are time for you absolutely need a flashlight and we're telling you these are the best flashlights in the world that we've seen the Oh lights okay and we want to let you know there's time for you to get one as well you want one for your treasure hunting or if you want one for somebody in your family for a Christmas gift great deal going on today it starts today the 28th through December 2nd and there's a link in the description and in the pin comment you can use that and get some discounts this one is the best one by far this is a seeker too we love this yes we've gotten George George on these and a bunch of our other friends as well because these things are so incredible this thing puts out so much light it's like daylight has come I mean this is basically a beam of a star captured in a aluminum casing now there are other lights as well we've might have seen us using this one and this is the baton really cool and then you can also get the rechargeable now here's the cool thing with these okay they're rechargeable this is another reason why we love these they're USB rechargeable and not only are they USB rechargeable they're magnetic so anywhere you're actually recharging your phone you can recharge your actual flashlight with the USB and since it's magnetic and storage units aren't magnetic you can hang this thing up on the ceiling as a light on the ceiling on the side as a spotlight it's hands-free makes it really cool one more thing and they have tons of lights but I want to show you one more specifically when you're looking for vaseline or uranium glass you've got the here's the UV ray light one okay see it there all right this is this is cool because it's keychain and now you got UV and you can find out if you have your rhenium glass or if you got the vaseline glass so these things are super cool check the link out below great gifts for treasure hunters you know where we're at we're in Texas biggest pawnshop at least that's what the story's the largest pawnshop in the biggest state here it is sweet I'm going to see what it's like [Music] Justin I'm here in Texas with you where are we and what are we doing I don't know what we're doing could you just put me on the spot but we're in Texas and we're in Garland and we're the garage we're at a garage sale Rene it's in the house is in the house stereo Renee's trying to make money look what I found right here Justin all I did yes I did yes I did right there and there it is I'm in Texas Renee's trying to do a deal on a stereo and the big money is out here in the cardboard box I don't think I'll tell them what I just found what do you think I don't want to point it out but it's right there oh it is yeah there it is yep George is gonna want it [Music] all is not lost because we have this other unit right here here let's refresh this unit I am currently high bidder at a hundred and fifty dollars and I'm going to show you why I like this one so much let's take a peek right here at this picture if we can get it you see all the dust right around the actual table now if we were to fast-forward through some of these pictures let's look right here on the box it says grannies and grampies so I see dust I see old I see granny Gramps these boxes totes you know all kinds of cool stuff so this was our back-up plan and so we're gonna try and get this unit except it looks like somebody just outbid me this is unacceptable what the Hales do they think they're doing we're gonna go with a hundred and seventy because we really are interested in this unit it's got great signs and now we're at a hundred and seventy let's see what we can do to win this thing oh no they didn't they just went 180 we're going 190 now their threshold is probably gonna be about 200 there it is they're at 200 so current high bid is $240,000 $240,000 all on online bidding it's at 370 now I'm the high bidder and how do we know this isn't the actual facility bidding against me trying to shill or drive the price up so there's four minutes 25 seconds I'm a high bidder at seventy I thought this one would go for so much less I started at a hundred I do think the potential is there yeah this is the best phone number and if you guys need me in court for anything just holler happy that's it we do know that she took the TV to great finds great finds contacted us because we made a video of it and we and we put it on our YouTube channel and they have they have the video footage and I show the video footage on the YouTube channel of her bringing in the TV and and getting paid for it by grape vines so that video do you remember him they paid her 35 dollars for the stolen [Music] okay all right and she's done this too how many other people did you say just one other no thanks for the update and if you guys need me for the trial if it goes to trial let me know thank you thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 292,488
Rating: 4.8176308 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 2LFFyH8Su5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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