She Had A BABY!!

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what is that flash what-is-it what-is-it what-is-it what-is-it what-is-it what he we gotta jump and get it right guys welcome to today's video I have the craziest story for you legit crazy it's been a couple days and I am still in shocked about this and I don't even know how to tell the story but it's nuts let me try to explain why it's so crazy alright now you may have seen us post something on social media lately that's what this is about but I want to start at the beginning cuz it's nuts also my brother just showed up with a semi truck and all this stuff we'll get to that it's a madhouse out here there's so much going on okay I have to tell you the story and okay I'll take you out there honey oh girl I'll get Horn house there's pallets for shipping there's it's just a mess okay wait wait I need to tell the story before we show you know what I mean like we need no no no we can't do that we can't okay here's the story let me try to start at the very beginning hear me out on this because it is absolutely so crazy it shocked us to the point of disbelief and still a couple days later we're still just blown away so here's the story Sunday morning we're coming home from church we come around the corner like to turn onto our Road and outside of our white fence this fence that runs around our whole property BC actually driving we're like what is that outside what is that and as we get closer we realize there's a baby donkey to me it's like not a baby it's like this thing's walking around and it's and it's it's hugged against our fence on the inside of our fence is pixie who's like basically between the fence is baby fence pixie and they're like won't leave each other alone so we'd like pull the car over we're all in our church place where it's like in a dress she runs out she heals and we noticed this baby donkey starts obviously wanting to get away from us but then pixie is glued to the fence like trying to help this donkey and we're like what is going on immediately really why is she being like that I was like she is motherly instincts it's like yeah we're just like okay so right off the bat I know this is like maybe confusing I don't know right off the bat we're like immediately I'm like somebody dropped a baby because we're just talking about in the zoo we were like she was like we want I'm on a baby horse the baby don't you swear like somebody literally dropped off a baby and laughs and I'm like freaking out because this this baby can't eat on its own yet all right really no we didn't really know so anyway we're trying our best to get this donkey it's it's it's going around our entire property like where it can around our little farm area and pixie is insanely protective like I'm trying to help she's trying to help and pixie won't let us get near this baby even though it's nuts so eventually we corner the baby she gets a little halter around him and she can Lily pick the no maybe 30 pounds it's like tiny she literally picked this baby up we get it inside the fence we're like we gotta help this donkey we uh she calls her mom she's like we need we need formula we need we need you to go get bottles we need to help this baby donkey nurse on pixie and I was like it needs to nurse like it needs a bio it's not drinking water like I'm gonna have to get a bottle for this little baby yeah so we're immediately going into our instincts to help this thing right and then we notice it is trying to nurse on pixie we're like how does it even know and wise pixie allowing this right we're like she's not gonna be able to or he it's a boy isn't even gonna be able to get food from our donkeys keep in mind Empire's fixed right so in our minds there is absolutely no way we've had pixie 10-month Sal yeah we didn't start doing this Matt let's look at this story going before we get into that so as I'm walking back across the field I see this nastiness in the field right I didn't say anything I'm just like what is that there's flies let's disgusting but in my mind I might got to get this donkey not even thinking about that but that's disgusting all right what's next we get the baby in this in our barn my dad comes over no way someone would drop off a baby that's small right in my mind I'm so like well maybe there it's mom died and they know we would take care of it and like in my mind and my mind like people do anything right so my head that's still what's happened like I'm like somebody just dropped it off they want to stick care of it so we get them in the barn they come in here and then we realize that the babies actually like licking its lips after it nurses on Pixy like you see it go up on her grabba what are they home yeah so I'm like that's weird and then my dad and all of us how long is the gestation of a donkey so I we look it up and it's 11 to 14 months and he's like well how long have you had pixie for like 10 months and they're like oh my gosh no wonder why she was so fat last week Casey which means pixie was pregnant when we got her so we had to look back on the blog's when we got pixie which was about 10 months yes yeah and they're pregnant for more than that so pixie had a baby boy without us ever knowing without us ever thinking about that was the afterbirth you fell under that was the afterbirth the placenta or whatever it was so guys we have a baby boy don't here it's only a couple days on a knees the cutest thing ever and not just yeah try to get them over here um this thing does the trick we're out here in their field they have this is all there's this whole areas all there's the doggy is is mind blowing oh and one more one more statistic or one more thing I want to point out before we ever figure this out as they're walking down the fence line the babies outside Mama's inside I'm like I stop and I'm like they're identical like they look identical do they all do they all just look the same I was blown away about how much they looked like and still didn't even click that that could be our gonna come here they come look at the mama baby and Empire and Pirates just taking it on as a father figure look at him [Music] it makes me now it's the cutest thing you know what's even more Q is the the watching them together like look at this a couple days old being able to walk and completely fully function is just mind-blowing look at this I swear this thing's already grown in just two days look at it look at this look at our baby good job mama you did really well look at this she don't want me to get near him she's extremely protective good job did good you excited this guy laughed so hard when I called him Sunday I called him immediately I'm like this this is before wait did I I did know by the time I called you here I was like yo pixie had a baby and he just started to die and laughing she was like all swallowed up I was like she's pregnant but we just thought she was eating a lot oh she even eat a lot for a while she was huge and then as soon as you said pixie head I was like I knew yeah so last week several people were like yo PC looks big but in our head were like this must mean a lot she can't be pregnant our donkey Empire's fixed can't be pregnant so this is a real shock to all of us like legit a real shot I couldn't be happy dude I think it's amazing that's cool it's like the coolest thing could this little guy uh-uh you gotta get through me dude look at this thing only a couple days old and it's just look you can even run I'm not touching your baby I'm not touching your baby that's a good mom right there dude we got a little farm going guys I like get me hunted when she puts her back to her me on my yes she might be a little nervous yeah the vet came yesterday said they're both as healthy as they get they're both healthy I'll take one day off come on baby look at this look at this dude is that not the cutest thing in the world man oh that could make a full-grown man just met like it's the cutest thing you know I think just them together is what's so adorable my baby doesn't know anything about the world nothing look at that look at that oh man that's so cool it's so cool I'm not gonna lie I would have never added another I don't think I would have ever went out and then I go I want to get another dog she wanted a little pony and now that he's here at her home with us I love him I think it's the coolest thing yeah it's just part of our family now so that's our donkey story and I wish so this is one of them moments where I wish we had cameras filming us Sunday morning and see our faces when all this unpiloted was the funniest I mean I felt so dumb when we realized it was Pixies donkey-like Pixies baby I felt so dumb I know she went full protective mode like as soon as baby came she's like yeah but she should that's what mama does look at this guys is our baby donkey story I don't know where you were hiding this big old baby look at this big guy oh yeah you getting love Oh we'll let them out in one second look at these two dude look at these two I can't get enough come on guys there's our donkey story we have a new baby we haven't named him we don't know what the name am total mystery to us so I think the name should have something to do in that shock shocker Jack no I don't know trying to get shot Lenny lays down because it's just so I'm a sucker for this man all right let's let him out empires yelling at me come on goofballs look at this I love this jump true and off they go into their own little world is amazing man just watching them together is amazing unbelievable all right guys I was so bad that I could have captured when I happened but that's the story we love him he's amazing he's part of the family now welcome the new donkey and yeah let's go see what the heck my brother's working on back here we need a building we need a bigger building this just bring pallets up the the concrete walkway and then look into the store hay bale lift turn this place into a real farm what take it to the top window well we can open these windows imagine like a head yeah run it run the stuff up there hi baby there's a new donkey in town okay next thing on the list here s mom are you guys know we have been sponsoring creators we have been trying to do more in the community we came out with the glitch tees that we donate to small streamers with that this Friday we are sponsoring Friday for tonight it's one of my favorite fortnight events every Friday yes i watch it I'm a big fan of it this Friday we sponsor smile more sponsor it $20,000 is being given away from smile more $10,000 for the winners of Friday for tonight and 10 of you could win $1,000 each so all we do actually I'm about to send the money right now on PayPal watches it's funny oh my gosh what if I type too many zeroes is that is that 20000 you sure high percent okay wait is that 200 that's 20,000 we good we good okay so here goes our donation $20,000 Friday for tonight's sponsorship boom 10 yeah we did it oh my god that looks like a massive number it is a mess okay boom sim payment there it is you've sent $20,000 to UMG gaming so ugiy hostess on their livestream I'll link it to win $1,000 we're giving $10,000 away ten of you $1,000 they usually do one person gets 10,000 this week I requested to do 10 people get 1,000 and all you do is watch their livestream they literally pick people that are watching the stream and give them a thousand bucks each it's UMG they've been hosting this I think from day one back when I used to play in Friday fortnight so all you do is watch a stream and you have a chance win and then 10,000 goes to the winners a Friday fortnight which two of our players get to compete this week so how dope would it be if our players one Friday fortnight Aipom and hog man are teaming up doing and Friday fortnight should I be sick that'd be sick you guys all watching fortnight this Friday you could win a thousand bucks dude it could all just come back it can all just come back I really got to go see what Dale's doing are you okay people are waiting people are wait and flash you coming with me you're coming with me come on so heck yeah guys I hope you're whoa it's bright bright bright bright I hope you're pumped we're trying so hard to just do more with the community for the community and this Friday do or literally I just gave twenty thousand dollars last saw giving away twenty thousand dollars is scary as a bit like that's that's a huge commitment that's taking a chunk away from your company it's scary like I've never done that so it feels awesome to try it we will also be during Friday fortnight we will be running Friday fortnight as a code on smile more for 30% off your entire order during Friday fortnight so if you want to order anything during Friday fortnight it's 30% off as well it's a huge 20,000 over here and a hookup for you guys all in one on Friday so thank you guys for the support on all this holy smokes I don't even know where to start my brother's out here with a semi-truck and a whole bunch of toys I don't know where to start out here do you obviously I've known about this this isn't a total surprise to me but Dale you guys know if you've watched long time deals is creating and venting and coming out with these products and today I'm actually blown away by I haven't seen any of this until right now what up what is this so this is the debut of what we're calling box locks and this box law so this is an evolution of we started with card clips where you take little playing cards and you build anything you want this is the next level up of that where you take cardboard boxes Amazon boxes everything that you have laying around your house just cardboard and upcycle it into fourths and fun and we'll take scrap cardboard scrap card and these clips just allow you to connect cardboard yeah in any way shape or form that you would like yeah pretty much oh you gotta wear the top hat so you need I mean there's no lack of cardboard at our house because of smile NAR and even just packages that come in fan mail you can turn into they obviously has all this cool white cardboard but look at this dollhouse for Korra you should you should take this inside right now and taken oh my gosh 140 degrees out this is so legit lemonade I got to get my salesmen up here who saw the lemonade oh my gosh this is hilarious dude how much is it best in town I'm 65 cents I'll take it I think I got some money dude I want one Oh a $2.00 bill boom how many is that give us oh there's a deal to cup for a dollar so that's that's four cups yeah all right I love it premise obviously is these clips that Dale's invented and he makes right here in town at his factory yeah he makes all these clips that allow you to who remembers card clips we launched it on this channel it's Dale's invention and now it's an evolution of that it's bigger so now you build bigger items what's the biggest thing you've built I mean the cast is pretty big but the tank you don't get to see the tan let's take the dollhouse and then this okay right I think because I think this is awesome when we were kids imagine honestly imagine the level the level of cardboard trash that's being thrown away right now is insane you could be building doll houses and and box for Korra come here look come here it's like wait what I don't trust you look at this big dollhouse is that awesome you can put George in there come look at the other side oh my gosh this is so unique Herc pepper can sleep in there you go put bear in there too Oh could you build a cat house for your kitty can sleep in here - cats love playing in research yeah it'll hold them up yeah well I mean yeah that'll hold your cat but they love getting like the boxes oh yeah yeah there's new house they get to hit dude I think you made a hit here I think the dollhouse is a hit nice it's also it's also a toy box we'll know for sure if it's a hit if it's still hearing today Oh it'll be here cuz things don't stick around here very long you nodded hey in my place is trashed yeah but if they're not a hit it's just like gone gone gone gone gone gone oh look at this big baby down here we build you a cane you got cane you got to come see this Tamera we got you a tank for I catch up with Caine he's gone he's gone dude this is so funny dude imagine like look at this castle does the door actually come down my brother salesman of the year did go in the castle with like no effort all you can build basic structures for like nerf war arenas yeah Arina sock warriors airsoft water balloon wars and it's literally just a few big large panels if you got like any appliance boxes or some panel them out and build like a big four so sick dude I love this that is amazing I don't know how I want to show that wait are you serious I feel like I'm at a cardboard core show right now this is amazing off the ramp send him in the pond oh my oh there's a race car just a little campsite no squirrels allowed this one might be the coolest saw him what they're in you guys have any guesses what they're in right now all right guess it in the comments before you keep watching before you keep watching what is it mr. so sick I get the perfect angle this one dude is it this side is it alright ready hey you guys opt-out look at this a full tank this is soon okay wait how long did that take here's the coolest thing okay before we get into that hey Dale there's some flaps up here I would never figure this out this is only my brother here free of the south so just rotate that turn right there oh stop the front okay so sky's the limit right I mean it's up to you it's like Legos or something you could build whatever your imagination it's basically recycling cardboard to you're reusing it to build something fun for the family for the kids it's really really cool man like I'm proud of you this is so cool this is amazing how many different style Clips are there so there's six different angles okay and since cardboard is semi flexible it creates basically an infinite range of angles with those six angles okay okay I mean obviously you can build just about anything fireworks oh I mean this would be like for inside the house or the basement just Fox tunnels super simple exposed it doesn't it's like I built it or Michonne puffs largest flash yeah dude box tunnels are the best it's been so much time in here beanbag in their blankets iPad ps4 Xbox getting spear stone in there invading they're invading so here you have it dude that's how it comes yeah that's the retail ready kit right there have you guys ever had a gigantic pimple inside your nose it's killing me actually my nose is actually swollen from it I woke up last night I could barely touch my right here Oh terrible even example this kit comes with 80 clips and like a little instruction guide this this is all the pieces this huge fort right here is only 42 clip that whole tunnel thing is there's only half of what it's only half of what comes in here a lot of clips it'll use a lot of cardboard it's a lot okay alright so you can build a lot yeah okay sweet so just like we launched Dale's court clips we're launching box locks for the first time ever guys this is super cool super unique just something that I've never seen I think it's I think it's pretty hard nowadays to not see something right like oh I've seen that before I've never seen this before it's cool it's unique and it's in its family it's based on doing something as a family so to me that's a win that's a huge win pitch it out with toys calm so it's out with toys calm and if you use code Roman it's thirty percent off and it's ready to go they're ready to go there live right now super dose and just so you guys know I don't make a penny at all from this I'm just hoping my brother out I want to launch this I want to make his toys big just doing this as a brother so support him I think this is awesome and I think we need imagine like we run some type of contest on a bill and the winner yeah you know what I mean like I think we need to do something cool with this because this is unique dude if you can build tanks and castle walls and what else I mean look at the kids they're just all over here building structure in so yeah I'll run it in the description there's a lot to look at today but Chuck is hey Brett is that you what you flush peed on the tank first thing flash did walked it ran over and whizzed right on the tank Marcus is my tank it's this thing yo that's a that's a cool doghouse dude and it drives RC remote silent Tesla motor in there and the feet crawling in the back yeah that's that's that's there's nothing to do with it that's hilarious yeah we need for rotator at 12 degrees dude we need two tanks filled with roman candles battle which one catches on fire first we battle douse him in gasoline no well no no one would be in are you flying the airplane do you like it dude she's so cute yeah she's a pilot look up at me you guys think they're gonna work you think the wings are gonna work off the tower too easy too easy we're gargoyle wings Hey just make it just make sure you land on the yard all right oh wait the blobs in the way Oh what do you guys think is it gonna work you guys think it's gonna work one billion percent all right no I just push it over to the side just push it out it away all right the little birdies want to jump they go off this tower all the time but now they got wings we don't know what will happen I think that's smart up the little one who's gonna fly across the pond first make sure you do your best Eagle call yeah if you don't make the Eagle screech you won't actually fly all right let's see it there goes Dale oh I think he got air yeah I think he flew what [Laughter] all right it's tank verse army truck who will win here we go I think the tank should be way closer but I mean it's not really verse army truck right now right right now it's more like tank verse a faraway army truck but it'll still be funny blah blah oh oh he's taking some shots he's taking some shots not quite reaching the army truck okay alright putting all he has in that okay doing some damage to the truck I see some hit markers boom boom see some 2016 bouncing off air that's pretty awesome is this tank means business this tank means business I see some some war residue she's been to battle you can tell we just like shot your brand-new deuce in the house dude didn't even faze my truck I don't know we did show a new truck first tank I think I think the tank had his shot I think the truck should have his shot I think he's gonna hold its weight no problem yeah alright wait why do you need that your turn are you going to war dude look I'm going to war what are you gonna do to it that took us like an hour and a half to build dude what's he doing no way it started what do you think he's gonna do uh-oh No [Music] oh my gosh dude it didn't even break it takes fun dude is perfect is it a million pieces too easy dude oh you think the tank won destroyed Wow even in obvious defeat you're in denial Canon still ready to fire good the canons still fireable but I'd say just by looking at it it looks fine the honest truth is you give me 35 40 minutes and it would be back to normal true you could rebuilt like crush that like that game over I only left some tread marks but the cardboard is fine we ready ready ready ready oh you're lucky you're too smart we can go get it I can go get it out they're all known steps in come I'm all really good to see you you just missed our tank we crushed the tank why I was told not to come until 1:00 or 1:30 you nailed it speaking of breaking stuff and blowing stuff up who remembers how grandma mom all got this car brand-spanking-new who remembers that what video is that this looks like some antique sorry I don't know what she brought over looks like some little pictures and stuff for Brit we're gonna cats they're loving the Playhouse okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to film them more than you I didn't mean it I didn't mean it mama brought over a bunch of old pictures old pictures like pictures of her grandma grandpa yeah oh look at that car that's your grandpa oh I never met him right no he's a man you know these are classics right out of the chute this is Brit if I can get focused see the little corner right there that's Brit what's this a young American Oh such a young American dude looking at pictures makes you realize how fast time goes you look through this book and you're like it's crazy and just like that baby stormed out rained out that's it game over lock the door we don't want any of that is coming down a hard we need I never thought it says but we need it or pawn is so low it's like probably that low on uh this well this will definitely help dance girl dance girl whoa did you hear that what's going on out there flash you're lucky your inside that's all I gotta say feel like I need to go out there can't get that way so no they go in the barn though right like immediately I have no idea shut a man if they are in no okay in there just standing in the field all of them they have a barn what are they doing it's about the style it's only gonna right look it's about to stop raining I don't know they're so goofy they don't move like sometimes when it rains they stand still don't move they haven't moved there's just all standing there what are they doing they were like statues there goes Brett brightest idea now after having donkeys for a while I think maybe they either enjoy the rain they used the rain to wash themselves they do something because when it storms everyone else I know goes inside food and they just stand like I don't want to be out there when it's raining flash don't want to be able to go when it's raining but donkeys they love it all right well today's video really was just I I had to tell you guys the donkey story that's that's the really the only reason I started filming today was I had to share we had to share this donkey story with you it's just so incredible huh okay I'll turn it up I got a vlog they can't do normal things without me you got to turn the TV down so the new baby donkey we need a name for him if you guys want to throw names in the comments we'd love to read through them I think we always listen to you guys's name suggestions and just hear you guys out to my brother's invention any support that you can give him it's just incredible I love being in a place where I can help my brother and I know you guys are so supportive so anything you can do there is huge and then fortnight Friday watch it live on UMG it's a chance at $1,000 for 10 of you and of course the winners get 10,000 but it's just a lot of a lot a lot of cool little things today we are gonna into here we were going to go to the fair but it is going to be a mess so we're gonna skip it tonight the kids aren't even here they should be here soon we're just gonna call it it's it's gonna be it's this is what it is today what up so thumbs up guys for the new baby donkey and I'm hoping to film a couple videos this week so we'll keep them rolling we've been we've been doing we've been doing okay it's been definitely progress we love you thank you for everything last thing and I hate to ask this I'm gonna post our smile more socials if you have room to follow one more social account please go follow smile more we're getting ready to do a lot of new things over there we're even going to be doing its very own series are you being impatient you're out all gone look at my couch oh my god this place needs a lot of work we love you guys you are beautiful you're one of a kind smile you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 2,700,251
Rating: 4.9517083 out of 5
Keywords: newborn, baby, family, Family friendly, fun, motivation, inspire, Inspirational, summer, outdoor, build, Toy, toys, new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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