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hey guys welcome to the at words it is Sunday good morning good morning guess what Kane I know you want to play video games all day but I got the best way to start this vlog ever mama you can get in on this too but I need your help I need your help I want to get this vlog started off right so I need you to hold this I know you're gonna freak out so just hold the camera watch that legs broken under there all right this is where the kids are gonna love it I'm gonna love this are you going on okay wait here let's go better suit up come on check this up oh we didn't get much snow we got a sheet of ice Oh it's Yayoi Brett you're gonna get in on this you resist here you need alright yeah you can do that come here Zeus come here boy taking my breath away give me your hand oh my gosh can't even hardly walk just push pain here that's what way to get started Zeus here yeah Red Team are you gonna run a jump on it you are here you get off on your mom here we go hey landed right inside nasty out there it's beautiful for fun yes sistahs all excited that's my turn yeah I know I wasn't bad the fun yeah are you gonna do you gonna run and jump on it yeah yeah but you gotta get some speed you're just gonna go fake it when you run and jump it's all about speed so you don't go blood you know I mean maybe you should just push me to go yes you can how am I gonna push I can't get no traction gogo ya better nauseous now [Laughter] oh my gosh go for it dude oh you got it [Applause] the 1080 you stopped right at the end oh [Music] my gosh I was stepping it up with the GoPro mount hey hey you guys go you guys do it with the GoPro on it what's the best thing after some snow play hot chocolate yeah no a chugged is alright guys like we like to do on every Sunday not just hang out as a family Mama's here patiently waiting you know well this have been all week when are we doing fan mail what are we doing fan on your joining us today well I'm excited to have you so Sunday has become a day where we try to catch up not like a couple packages like fan mail right so no one I are gonna start hauling in mail it's in the garage it's in the basement it's in Kane's room it is everywhere guys the fan mail is I mean the best way to put it is probably out of control before we start this this is not all of it this is not all of it this is what we've picked were you already opening oh my gosh we um I just want to say how thankful we are to have you guys sending this stuff it is a little bit crazy lately I think maybe Christmas spiked up a lot of this stuff and we're so sorry that if you sent us something for Christmas it didn't get open so some of these say open before Christmas we still got like 300 in some days before Christmas so we're early oh dude look at that nerf gun what in the world it's got a chain fed Zeus knows what that is he's like oh I got stuff to catch oh wait there's nerf bullets in there oh this is like the coolest thing ever gotta grab a weapon mom all we're gonna never better yeah all right here let's see here oh that's cool Manson we put some time into this one so I had some of these nerf guns just lying around the house there's no doubt in my mind that these are gonna get super used I think it's time for war okay I said I'm all loaded everybody know life's good in YouTube for some of this stuff oh my gosh it's not bad oh my gosh that's cool what do you think he's excited to look at him whoa what is it light up oh look at you he is so excited okay we're done with mail the kids are the kids are content okay we gotta stay focused soldiers put your guns down in open mail Oh tweet us fish candy game that's cool Kyle from Wisconsin Wow 13 thanks for the Swedish Fish Tandy can this be good just put in your coffee stirrer oh boy oh boy we gotta go little baby wow sounds like key emphasis Canaan Noah I live in North Carolina I have been given currency from two different countries three from Japan and one from Norway that's what these are so Brady from North Carolina would it be you open it game come here mustard and ketchup all over paintings Brady from North Carolina sends a painting and some toys for the kids all kinds of little goodies actually are you can open this one why don't you open one you got a you got a play to candy silly string fish here here we go here we go love the vlogs 8 & 9 years old my brother first introduced me he's 13 thank you guys so much oh these look fun the heck are they kind of card this bag is not a toy keep away pinch watch 12 pull back right we got foam all back at the same time Emma Smith 2 years awesome Emma thank you so much and a magnet from Indiana this next one's coming in from Hayden Hayden yeah Hayden Cooper and he is from Texas another Kodama I said is really cool cool I guess oh yeah say it yeah can you live you literally probably owned every Heartless card from you guys well go-kart that looks hard to make by the way what's next mama okay this is from Cassie wheeler the car oh I love that picture are you doing this from the UK which means makes a very sick even a cold can be a big problem what's her name Cassie Cassie I already love you so much look at this Christmas card look at this feel so bummed we should we should still hang people Christmas super loud popping action fizz Wiz I think we call those pop rocks here it's literally all our candy but different theirs are called swizzles ours are called Smarties they're different I like these more this is from well doesn't have a name yet but at San Antonio Texas baby sir isn't that who [ __ ] Buzz Lightyear oh look at this that's gonna look at I have a real nice to our collection of small more goodies okay in case some of you are just tuning into these vlogs I doubt that you're just tuning in and watching a male blog but just in case we are building a small more building where all your merch will be shipped from and our entire wall is dedicated to just your artwork I cannot wait to see it all in that building it's gonna be unbelievable and we have a ton waiting downstairs just to be moved yeah for the past 18 years of my life I never watched youtube I have always thought it was silly to watch YouTube I always thought it was silly to watch somebody else's life or pranks but one day that all changed I started to give it a try and begin to fall obsessed with your YouTube it's a lot of awesome youtubers out there and it is become the new like thing you watch I'm starting to become guilty of it at night while my videos are compressing I'm like let's let's see what's out there so yeah thank you so much for this mom oh and her knife she's gonna stab man capisco oh this is the one from zerg Buzz Lightyear's archenemy sir it's cool name we've lost came lots of sugar dots [Applause] alright this one's coming in from Jared Jared what you got in the bag this is fragile it looks like artwork looks like some art with to me that's perfect who's next for the fam here I already got one cracked open oh I can already tell this one's for Bret yoga yoga boy we're Cain and Noah oh these are awesome it's all the Game Informer's look oh mama artwork Alexia that's who sends the magazines and the yoga book from Philadelphia so this one's from Nicholas we got a set of pillows blackops pillow Christmas mittens man Rubik's Cube American monkey oh that's a cool poster this is from so honest Sens identity theft prevention ID block so you put your credit cards inside these sleeves and they basically block quite no scientist but it's basically like an RFID blocking security sleeve you just read no mm-hmm please put in vlog and a Stevens from Virginia Oh momma is awesome duck is - oh boy well we like the painting Cain likes the peanut so it's the perfect package Thank You Pamela got a whole arm load of wristbands on and he sends us a box of little goodies some little candies that came to Noah just a hey mater and pictures okay I like where this one's going hi Roman this is my family's favorite game I hope you and your family enjoy it as well from Maxwell Smith that's what I'm talking about some family activities Oh exploding kittens this sounds harmless hmm card game for people who are into kids and explosions dang this is the day out let's make this thing alright this one's coming up from Noah zapper safer maybe maybe it'll be in here Noah sapper that's whoa it's a different one - we're gonna have the whole collection we mean what's that you know what that is that's a chocolate bar oh I like card tricks there's a book Noah 30 easy card tricks you can trick your friends ninjago else is cool heads-up party game this is a fun game I think we played this before here nice alright thanks guys this was from no separate safely okay oh that's cool oh no wrong with RC cars is that from you see that oh it's an Amazon one let me see some Jeep this is put out son yeah Sanjeev let me see let me take a look see hey Roman I wanted to contribute to the toy drive I don't know if I ordered in time you didn't thanks for all the work you've been doing smile more from son Jeep that's exactly he said good job from India that came from well it came from Amazon but he what you got mama what you got mama oh nice Oh more gaming posters Noah yeah it looks like it looks like that's awesome we need more posters minecraft I think these are really cool lots of gaming because we just look they're super cool we're gonna definitely hang these up we run out of space over here Tommy Tommy sent the posters Tommy from Wisconsin we've lost Cain again what do you mean it's for me hey Roman I thought your kids by kids I mean you would love this Merry Christmas smile more from Kevin Shire oh snapdragons this is definitely for me and the kids gonna jump in on this boy you think you got what it takes oh what a family game night yeah there's presents in here for you Zeus got a big dog bone there's literally so much in this block we got a note people things are look at those are all pencils gosh that is rod Kennedy Davis 16 years old and watching your videos for about two years now I don't know where to start just want to thank you and your family for how much you inspire me to change my life for the better that is awesome I'm glad that it's nothing it's really full of presents from Kennedy Davis sends us all Christmas tree load that's our new power tap what is it it's two-player game what is that there you go boy he's like you guys do your thing I'll be over here is that goober a third up on the ceiling who's that ring for a smile when you ring it you got a smile the selfie stick to the rescue all the things really honor Pacman's power up energy drink I don't know if I need Pacman's energy not intended for children while I'm out you want a vlog okay here you go you got it this is coming in from Joel Harrison for you Kane this is a gift for you it's an Australian kangaroo off Australia for you that's a kangaroo from Australia a little boy you try to stuff him in there get in there baby kangaroo what's up what's it's called a Joey right yeah baby kangaroo is college OE okay Louis I always watch and you bring me such happiness I said I wanted to share some of the finger snacks with you and your wonderful family I hope you enjoy them from the windy windy from st. Louis what are they hockey so it's a stick dipped in different oh snap that's not like movie night right there you're supposed to try it all reminds me some oh my gosh that's so good you liked it mmm I've been a little weird marshmallow things they're like pink no they're like orange peanuts unless you love candy like this the orange peanut oh I know what you're talking about that's what that tastes like well congratulations this is crazy guys ah you got that big lump this mail life is short smile while you still have teeth what in the world is that guy that is a serious Batman monkey GameCube and these are all the game yeah these are tons of controllers no way oh my gosh it is pac-man forever happy fun Paper Mario never played it avatar Teen Titans 2 an entire Gamecube a bunch of controllers several games and a crazy letter with lots of smiley faces on it I'll see I'm still looking for a name from maritza Maritsa Mendez this can go into our game sooner we can we can put it over it tails retro games that's a lot of controllers yet with family you wanted to say mom long yeah I can make it save my long mama oh that's why we're sign that's so cute and of course from Ian Gibson thank you for everything you do I'm speechless marry Chris I think that's my line isn't it I'm speechless Roman Britney Cain and Noah and mom all the note actually says that hi I thought kami love this you and your family have changed my life forever please please please put in vlog you got it boss let me take a look let's go with Craig it's Craig wake up that's an S and a Z at the same time let's say Jacob from Florida this is the power of a German Shepard guys this is why we can't have nice things hang on drop it he's already knobbed the entire top off he's just too powerful that would last most dogs a long time and he's not eating it he's just breaking it what are these pull-string skateboards oh so you probably pull it in I'm almost positive that's what you do I'm all just like the seashells from the shores of a hurricane will you color I hope you enjoyed your gift I have been watching your prank channel since Columbus zombie prank Wow bye teddy it's a coloring pack paper to digital I don't want that me a digital crown inside oh you do it on the iPad wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked wait what is it little lady smile more more stuff I keep seeing him what are those that's uh I think that was protecting that was to protect it airsoft pellets I don't know clear soft bb's she shot him into the wood and that's where they stuck before that's a great shot came he just takes the box it will you ruin the carpet um only use on a clean surface rubs off or rinses with water do not eat low and low to no toxicity rip that thing open [Applause] well that's cool that's just stuff we actually made some of it that's clear I love the colors so the sign in the jelly comes from Connor from New York Kade woods sends a little bit of a late little Christmas gift is this actually in there oh that's cool looks like he rewrapped his gift [Applause] some more hot wheels car we have so many cars and fish Truitt sins the world's smallest selfie cam the paparazzi the Noah ROTC the lego guy that's one of them you get in this special pack right surprise gentlemen somebody got you something nice oh that's right that's how you know it came from me right there you have been cold you have made it under someone's naughty list try to suck less next year yeah there is no name funny it's a funny yeah I could see sending those to some people opening the blog head like Keynes Baldy pick up haha that is awesome guys Oh who wants some ketchup potato chips whoa how do they do that it looks so perfect literally they literally put our names on this thing right with you they are stickers so nice as are they're Smarties okay let's see it that's it oh they got chocolate on them the chips are crushed but we got a trial you want to try these with me ketchup chips here I'm pretty sure that we have had ketchup chips here but I've never tried on hmm well it's not good I'm like froggy ketchup means you smell it okay no man one one big break you want try bigger go home hey hey what tastes like ketchup in the chat rising ketchup sweeter than ketchup sweeter oh they're good they smell them : legit they're actually good chips cut almost like vinegary yeah I reminds me of a salt and vinegar it's like bear food naik farid Nutella it reminds like a fair fry yeah that's exactly what it is kind of toxic but good like it makes your mouth water [Music] what you got in a little pouch there little cats it looks like they made them these are homemade wallets coming in from Chris Miller Chris Miller somebody said those we got multiple ones yeah another pack of swedish fish okay go forth Jake kupp in the neverland pirates so here we are on our Sunday surrounded by loving gifts from you guys almost seems surreal doesn't it the people send all this stuff to us it tastes exactly like Swedish Fish really oh that's rad you guys game child you got a bus to move bust a move oh don't read and block what do you guys ask I'm gonna put this out there now because this is don't read and vlog it reminds me a lot of you guys asked how come you only open the boxes almost all the letters are private and they asked us not to read a blog this is why we do the packages the people that send them want us to put on the blog the letters are almost always private that's cute I think this has potential to be our which I like I like to do the artwork oh wow this is what it's like one we made oh we gotta lose crayon oh that's cute good family smile more smile because you're beautiful because you're unique because you can because tomorrow is a new day because no matter what you think someone loves you smile because you deserve it smile tomorrow Brooke age 18 2015 that's cute grandma you win that knife telling you she's up to something let's keep it going smile more baby okay Martin J from illinois' oh it's baby Zeus baby juice I'll take them I'm seriously gonna have to show you guys how many of these I have like it's gonna have to happen do you like it gain do you like the candy cane that's a real candy cane mama where'd you find your glasses oh you see well yes we got some looking for his bone event we got a serious all would worry less mom was she scared the crap out of me we burger change I didn't say I'm dirty my doors you said it scared the crap out of you what was a plan on words I see what you did there I take everything literally literally I like that word now literally that's all a little early 11 years old from Dylan believe it or not he carved this out of one tree just good job buddy he's been working on this for two and a half years Oh watching always been watching for tuning in here's my bad we got here in the goodie bin I like it already oh my gosh these are cool aisle and I they're all our letters purse and like all our favorite stuff so look what this is obviously Brittany's Oh Twizzlers well that's cute Reb comes also it's well thought out I actually don't see much let's see what's on this would be Noah's oh it's sweet Wow so minecraft for now milena and Kyle those are awesome yeah what about creative you guys uh okay here comes James but sweet Wow so minecraft for now milena and Kyle what about creative you guys uh okay here comes James superheroes and a Brit it's all painted like a brick that's cool for mine speed and Swedish oh she all like how they put swedish fish on there as the fridge - oh you like it there so unique yeah now what would our initials be our candy oh you guys are watching K R & B what would we say r NK v RB & K that sounds good r BN k you just up yourself you see it now that one's coming in from hutch hutch hittin 15 years old oh I like these here we go Brittany and her fake papers he's got her party supplies baby bouncy balls party supporters are weird well I'm not lacking in the silly string market oh we need I just need to know where they go canes hit me with the selfie stick anything for the shot oh that's sweet would you rather boardgame have you ever played that Noah would you rather that'll be fun well because you have to read read thank you guys we're adding to our board like game night collection basically look at all how did you miss all themselves we got a chainsaw in the garage the board game is from Daphne and Velma Daphne and Velma thank you what was that uh you can see your heel mark all right this one's coming in I have seen Cain open a few packages using a pair of scissors and I thought these might be a bit safer for him what do you mean the machete isn't safe the chainsaw wasn't safe for my boy he's gonna be an unstoppable cameraman it goes from a knife to a pair scissors dangerous nope they're actually really unique I've never seen them before Michael and I like Bill Nye Fiona I just sign it's got poo poo bill Kim semi sends a hunk of wood like a chunk of wood thrumming that wood vlogs on it pretty cool actually just burn it right in burn burn a hot knife to Noah and Kane from Susan Kate looks like some let cool Legos it's not really what's inside adding to the massive collection that we already have from you guys cars how many torches is that I can guarantee I can guarantee that whoever sent this has a dog the way Zeus is sniffing it out all right this is one of the most unique gifts that we've ever had from Jordan look at this is sand I'm not even kidding this is sand grains of sand and it even says smile more out of sand dude I'm not kidding yo wow that is made out of sand it's super pretty I do my being tricked here is this really oh I couldn't do that that is so full but that's somewhere but that's somewhere nice there light up cubes what thanks a love pearl what is it it's a real pearl so you open this and get the Pearl out what no that's friggin awesome form naturally the love pearl is pure and naturally resourced it takes three to five years in the muscle until the pearl is deemed ready for wearing wow we have to wait for know it's ready oh she's ready howdy cool to do another line and then this opens and you put it inside carefully carefully cut open the muscle and take the Pearl out you for real let's put it back in the ocean yes put it up what color it means people make wishes while God creates pearls your specialist always be granted all right what you got smile more baby audience take more like the little painting all right I can't find a name but this is a big wall sticker that is really cool yeah it's like coming out of the wall there's no letter oh this is cool oh right here Eric Eric that had to take a long time tomorrow more anime so there is a sweety to you I don't know I can't tell I don't know well you went for that fast you went for that fast look now let me see nope I mean that is hilarious put it on that is so funny it's underwear but it's a glove glove or wear under hand your pants Lee this smile more made out of Legos that's pretty unique though actually are Legos - so this is smile more for the side of your stick for the side of your tire and it's a smile mark oh my gosh let me see actually does stay smaller oh my gosh I got a do it maybe do it on the big truck tires wait how do they work that Oh so be the white yeah you got and then you glue each one down oh we're told this is a great project for the vlog - let's make a Zeus go crazy you should give it to him remember that game doodle jump whatever I know what you got know was being a trooper I think we've lost pain he he's now upstairs playing with squeaky ball okay I'm gonna pop that thing Jessie Gilmore Gilliam or Gilmore Gilliam or chase and Jesse a gift from so long that's all it says iPhone 6 plus case oh that's nice case not the iPhone as her hybrid bumper Series shockproof impact resistant diamond clear that's what I need that's what we could never find it here we go ladies and another Ohio what we got here can't have enough of these daggone chargers Oh oh he is that our toy drive you a picture with all our family look there's you mama you oh my god it looks so good so good oh these are cool I like these like glow sticks all right this is pretty cool so apparently this is from our last mail vlog somebody sent that's Kane holding a painting this time the same people sent another painting like this with a picture from an old vlog like this well he likes the ball well everybody throws it forward Jane you almost got hit with a school bus sorry I just went on a yawning spree what is it what is it Jake I live right next to a golf course and my friend and I always go into a well this one's from Tiger Woods I can tell you that it's cute baby bunny okay thank you for being a trooper hey Jane somebody put a rabbit in a box it's a lot the rabbit is alive giant book nutritional supplements and other holy okay this would be cool to do otherwise natural like I have small books that look hair loss you want some hair loss treatment some natural hair loss treatment well you keep cutting it off that's why you have no hair look that knife you just playing with that thing all day whoever sent the book thank you so much there's no name it's so bad when when you guys don't put your names in it but you know you are so thank you hey Roman every day you bring a smile on my face this is a small thank you I think your kids to get a lot of good use out of it indeed they will keep going keep doing I'm making this world a better place hey Tim cramp hey Tim thanks an entire deluxe art set which is definitely gonna get you here we got over here homemade crowns Roger from Arizona so you just start coloring different colors this one is coming in from George from Baltimore Maryland he sends a Ninjago Lego alarm clock you push his head he lights up a big bag of Legos Rubik's Cube oh you were just talking about having something for that okay okay you need it I need one for my vlog camera how'd you like to snap my blog cam in not a socks what snowman made our socks what's that why this is squishy is there balloon in there there's something in there anyway I have all kinds of ornaments next year - cold Nash Co you literally just sent an army of Twizzlers canes like oh that's got my interest oh it's heavy all right for tonight unfortunately we got time for one more we did really good look at that that's probably another half hour to an hour what oh my gosh look at these marshmallows guys that looks like Britney that looks like you this is all pictures of you guys what yeah there's you guys swingin there's you behind the camera what's spider so now here's a little bit of the part you don't get to see this is the behind the scenes this is where we go through and organize everything from cardboard to trash to keepers all the stuff you guys sent artwork toys everything gets separated board games it's it's unbelievable this part takes just about as long as it as the opening takes so oh stop oh you broke the boogers honey we're warping into the night a little bit and weaving up this little basketball game nobody's made one yet definitely easier on a flat surface but we're just sitting on the bed goofing off oh yeah you got this got this it can be done early I only wear a straight-through it was a swoosh nothing but net I don't know if I got it it's literally like having a bear get in your tent you just you just stay quiet and you hope nothing happens all right it's time to say goodnight and goodbye for now you'll have the arc reactor didn't in time and we got some cool stuff today [Laughter] all right guys I wish I could sit here and say Brittany oh yeah that's the same one it's been burning for a long time I wish I could sit here and say we're gonna get some time together but I have this entire vlog to edit he loves that thing oh did he already break the squeaker yeah it's go on squeakers gone oh darn so fantastic day it was fun you guys are absolutely insane sending this stuff and we got so much stuff so thank you guys thank you thank you we will see you tomorrow yeah is he eating a squeaker right now so I'm gonna get editing that is what I gotta do it's already getting late and I gotta get up super early tomorrow we love you we will see you tomorrow don't forget how awesome you are your beautiful smile yes it go Oh [Applause]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 5,104,191
Rating: 4.9439287 out of 5
Id: tQxWynGjFyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2016
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