WILL THEY SURVIVE!!?? (Biggest jump ever!!)

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[Music] welcome welcome to the vlog guys today is so exciting are you ready you already take this on it's pretty cool stuff cane hey I'm gonna come get you really soon let's get this started I've been waiting for this day for a while even though it really has I know you guys are waiting on like what's going on in your back yard what's going on in your side yard it really has nothing to do with that so it's like at ease before the storm which is tomorrow have you ever seen this many chargers for our C's good timing there all stopping it's really looking like a playground my gosh dude that is a lot of trucks what's up guys Oh John you really have beets in your mouth how'd you make that happen dude when you come to Romans house dreams come true we got Traxxas here today what's up guys may remember when I went to Texas on tour they took me to their facility and we hydroplane the flash on their pond and was I the first to go around the you were the first Brian here made it across but you were the first make it all the way around yes sorry dude so it was complete luck by the way but they have brought in a ton of toys you know they do send me a lot of cool trucks but today they sent me a red camera which really said I think yes that's my new blog imagine blogging with it what up guys I don't even feel I don't come from a hole in that camera so let's get down to it what do we want to do today we have they've come up they've brought in tons of stuff and we are going to a attempt to jump the entire small more building not with long way searches maybe with a building 80 you got to place your jump and the landing so you're at like easily a hundred feet no matter what a hundred feet you can jump again ah no I'd go for the ramp missed the ramp go into your building can I put a hole through it yo maybe we just go through the window and outside and I find gotta go pick something up in the front yard for this spot how long oh boy look at my property guys oh my gosh it looks like a city a little town Grammys junk metal you've got it yeah oh my gosh it was made for this truck we got ourselves a ramp do they ship this in on a semi truck along with another one that's going to be used later well you think that far back they have far back oh my god how fast you think you're going to need to be going to clear the building I like 20 just on yeah man I mean so like second gear half throttle hits science this is a lot of math right it's like the juggernaut from X minutes get the mass moving nothing slows it down now we can rerigged new fireworks for you so it looks like a show when you land we do this is my debut I want to probably how I'll die [ __ ] it let's complete right now am I gonna are we gonna we're gonna have to push you lesson I ask for brand new batteries uh-huh and they said they could control me and shoot me off this way okay I'm ready I appreciate all your help no I don't get paid money this is how I get paid all right man gotcha dude that's a big ramp oh my gosh I just thinking our Internet's going to be in the way but you guys just rigged it right up perfect so we've got plenty of trucks cars to play with we've got this crazy mega ramp and natan you think they're going to do it they're pretty much professionals but that's a huge buildup car I don't know it's gonna be experiment yeah about the wind guys so that's the win Empire you ready you ready behind the first thing we gotta do is rig up some cameras and guys believe it or not the duct tape idea wasn't mine I've been trying to tell you duct tape sucks day exactly so uh you guys know in the past had a hard time getting me stick on the truck she was like just duct tape it so that's we're going to do we're going to shoot 120 probably sacrifice a camera or two today because I just want that shot so bad slow-mo gone over that building or into the side of my building either way we want that shot every wasting time you ready jumps the trucks are you going to do it you are totally you totally [ __ ] on the car walk out my guys cast your votes right now is the RC gonna clear the building is the RC going to hit my building buff the window take out some life where the truck going to go before you watch the video just put a little comment at what you think is going to happen I personally these guys are good like I've seen them jump some are seasoned it's impressive so I have a theory what's your theory it's going to hit the building going like 100 Mach 5 whatever I don't ya sound barrier yeah and then fidgets better explode and they're like stars ninja stars just hitting people just epics you want to come in I'm ended this is how I want to go all right we got the gopro gimbal on this truck it's going to chase the other one that's pretty cool clear the landing strip clear the runway got the drone running for you guys you guys know how much I like RC so I'm kind of like really happy right now we got a bunch of everybody that's working over here watching it would straight you good alright Dale's gonna go grab the landing I don't ready when you guys are they're gonna go first then I'm gonna I'm gonna try it I'm ready dude watch the speed of this thing oh my god bro my god the trucks flying the GoPros gone did it live holy it is still recording it is well it's still recording Josh this thing just went on a trip hey you guys need me to do it let me give a shot we might need you to do here's the thing not only the GoPro survived the truck survived so we're good to reset and just try again that's so so nuts man you already one-up them on the drive around now it's your turn up one of them going too over-the-top horsemen so it's all on me second attempt at the ramp so far what no there's no slowing down perfect right so are we in danger Roman biro here no warm-ups at all I'm just going to try to hit this ramp but are we are we are we in danger yes are you quick yet precision he did not touch that everyone not always in what is in the table and the GoPros good Oh something that's a GoPro no lon we're still alive dude I can't hit it can't hit it you gotta do it here all right man here's the thing right now we're even actually you're doing better than me cuz you've only tried once I got it it seems so easy I'm telling you it seems so easy stays that ramp but I haven't even hit it yet like the rather needle huh it's so crazy dude it's deceiving it's like you punch it at the end then you have no steering cuz the wheels come up and you just go where I've got nothing ah feels like you're riding on paper plates I already know I already know if you were here you would do it no problem I del you want to try it it's so weird I can how many ramps do I hit no problem some reason that truck in that ramp is so hard to hit you going with under the ramp I don't blame you I felt I felt so confident temp number four tway I did three did for this is Fitz attempt first attempt guys come on we got this as I hear comes you can hear it screaming oh no no no okay good call good job six of them kept getting a little I'm losing count now we got to get this and very worth it it's gonna go through the roof of the building slash the fish tank oh boy did it make it but it didn't clear it ah bless you catch it huh huh light on the end maybe local coffee he popped a wheelie on the ramp he's like going up really I feel like I need more speed yeah that wheel you did do a wheelie one another we would have cleared it I know hey you hit the ramp though think that long that was a good one Robin you should try it Wendy kill me to ride it yeah wait so you tell me that's why I couldn't drive it because that was popped out just explain to the viewers it wasn't my fault it wasn't your face I think I'm not the best I'm not the best at it but look this is from me hitting the table and you can still see the paint on the table in there dude that is so tough yeah there's been a little bit but it's still good they'll work him alright guys we're here shy about 12 feet Dale says here we go seventh maybe attempt oh my god [Music] Oh oh not good not good where's the truck the truck ran it's ashamed the truck left he report did it go there she is remember we'll get a GoPro still recording we're still trying it this is like think number nine eight or nine here we come pull speed baby oh gee [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay guys here we go wow this thing's so fast yeah that could be the most air we've had yet that thing was up there I'll she's flying oh dang so what are we thinking man what's the plan we got the truck going too fast too fast too furious we need to slow it down a bit we're going to put these tires on a different truck and give it another go because the top speed of that truck is way more manageable than the top speed of this truck cuz I feel like right now we gotta redeem ourselves there's a lot of people watching right now and we're failing that now here's the truth tails are always funny they are all like if we just did that first try who would boring boring after Kim no it's acceptable to land it I said I'm saying we got to do it right now right now and it'd have this thing still alive what's going on what are you guys putting these things does anything anybody else to buy we just had these red aluminum push rod that's a little bit verbose yeah this push rod there's an entire dent in this table from where I hit it don't know what to template attempt this is but we're going to jump this building everyone's determined I'm ready [Music] hope you guys are having an awesome day nothing but fun in this kind of Sun today I got just so much fun that's what it is this one can't lie loving it so much that's it oh is it this is it I'm confident there she go oh oh oh my gosh that looked horrible it did like 604 hi guys here so this is like Tim's number 342 33 ready yeah oh that's so I oh I heard a hit that's your plan I'm an attachment when you got the most expensive camera I oh my gosh thing you're so fast so fast blazing uh-oh he's right there wha I really thought we had it it was so close you ain't was asserting something it's not gonna rain I thought we had at that time yeah sky looks crazy like sunny and cloudy let me see let me see oh it's on the very edge of the building tail if it makes it it's gonna just barely know you cursed you jinxed us with that negativity it was right there but then you got it though that's the you we got definitely going to get a little man definitely was that what was that game what was that huh you were talking you were talking Dale trying to move donkey look at him trying to move Don he's got this on order he's got it on a chair he's got under wraps there we go that's a good spot all right do it let's do it this is it I'm ready oh you know this is some sketchy action right here I can dodge a wrench Dale's on donkey Duty right now you got to touch his butt just touch his butt yeah see all y'all just touch it like this the fly you want him to fly over you're comfortable chase you feel that's where you're safest oh no man has been a dangerous day dangerous days like this should be called oh I thought you said that was the safe place I got it I got it this is what's gonna have to happen just saying we need a sparkle show I guess we got time for one little shower perfect perfect timing everyone's proud in the already pouting garage for it literally things like a rain delay people are running point our servers I know this the property is nuts and you guys heard it a million times but wait till tomorrow what is that what is that you get stop stop hi fixing the runway to let y'all this used to be a lot nicer ma'am I Drive I used to be nice stepping it to the x01 this thing is a mean machine but flies like a bird out if you remember when I ramp my xo1 but it completely destroyed the car so these the trucks are designed for this Center the kids not supposed to leave the ground so anything can happen I just want to make sure there's no airline in the area is that air traffic control I'm going to apply our air traffic control that someone actually she own up this has been the problem all day got to have it he was just trying to help him out man anything there's no excuse for missing this ramp now okay is he gonna clear it no yeah no yeah I don't know what I maybe I think that's what an OD is I can hear it screaming not bad not bad tip number two here we go come on baby oh that's it it is gone let me went over the floor dude whoa yeah I can't believe this single Drive I think he's alive [Music] [Music] it's your job you know you did it I think it's still alive wait event like that that's dr. modification all right the building is complete now we take this rail off we race a truck across the porch down into the pool hydroplane across and ramp out the backside doable whoo you like that one it's awesome right we're gonna try to hey we're going to try to ramp the truck into the pool and go fella I got what you want got what you want go to the bottom probably wall I'm gonna jump in you're gonna do it yo Noah what if we went under and GoPro dit underwater going across very tired yes being under the water here using my golden knife hey I gained you talking you hurt my my golden knife I asked them if they would ruin it okay look at this rig stake to rope to table to rope to stake and then another rope straight down here building a tabletop around I don't know man every once awhile we just really come through with some geniusness oh my gosh this just looks like the perfect situation on it look at that you're putting that back in right sure baby you know me let's see it job bud we go yeah nice driving boy the hydro beast you guys just need your own hydro beast like just one design for hydro plant a methide hydro beast ah make it like a yellow submarine there's your wait that's what you're going to hold on to all right guys if the GoPro we get a shot of the truck going slow-mo underwater it's all because of Noah so let's do it alright one successful first attempt was successful here we go again I don't know why I'm the one doing this play so fun here we go I'm just guess that you guys down alright now are you ready [Music] [Applause] alright damron we're going to do two at the double we're going to train it right out side by side said one two three job and I didn't say it I was like we'll go on go but I never counted okay so for the final grand finale we've done the pool we did the roof we are going to mount something good high five I hope you got some killer shots and Suns beautiful the lights bright we are now mounting the coral reef for the swimming pool all right we're ready safety first for a reef and you got the front row safety seats in there here we go guys no idea what to expect but we're just gonna we're just going to go I don't know what to do I'm gonna slip this here set you guys down it's all on me if I wreck this right now it's going to be a mess [Music] Roman just leaves RC in the water yeah well our season 100 well I had to stop it I want to drag it into the pool final destination here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] that is awesome heck yeah we'll hang that up tomorrow that's up we needed that today right here I've already would have blocked all the broken shingles he's gone soon Oh all right guys we are we are going to call it a day we have I don't even know where to start so much footage so much going on got to be up at 6:00 a.m. which to me is like the end of the world I do not get up that early I don't think any daily vlogger gets up that early um it's tough it's tough we love you guys so much I hope you enjoyed today's vlog it was definitely an absolute blast to me and that's all I got for you today with see them all for what could be one of the biggest vlogs possibly that I've ever done we love you guys you are beautiful you're one of a kind smile more Oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 15,917,820
Rating: 4.8718209 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, Rc, remote control, jump, jumps, traxxas, ramp, ramps
Id: tKY10DRhkLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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