My Life Before YouTube!!

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yo guys pixee amp what's up nothing I'll get nothing bye what is up guys welcome to day 4 baby let's do this fun fact for you if you're looking for an animal that gives you no affection like you want a pet you know dogs it's just too much and he's giving you too much love a cat you know you got to work for it you got to work for it but they still love ya if you're just looking for something that just simply doesn't love you get your donkey get yourself a donkey I'm pretty sure those donkeys could care less if I even exist but I love them I love them guys welcome to the vlog I'm running solo right now everybody's doing something right now Britney's getting her eyelashes done which I could use I could use a little love up here Cain didn't want to Keane wanted to come with me to old time then he bailed on me Noah is it's his birthday today but I don't get to see Noah for a little bit he's got all kinds of things going on and then he's coming home baby so since I'm so alone right now I thought it'd be the perfect time I've been wanting to do this for a while it's also Thursday for me so it's throwback Thursday to take you guys down a super super throwback this is I'm going to the factory this is where I worked for 12 years guys I worked here longer than I thought I worked here still today longer than I've done YouTube total that is mind locked I drove down this road for 12 years I worked here for 12 years so we're gonna go visit I'm gonna actually work some of the things I actually didn't show you guys just what it was like it's gonna be fun it's me and you hanging out my mom and dad are there so that's that's awesome you can see my parents so yeah let's do this let's go day four hope you're feeling perfect hope you're set aside any little problem you've got going on right now maybe it's a huge problem I got plenty of those set them aside for the moment let's have a wonderful next the vlogs have been like 20-30 minutes set that aside for about 20-30 minutes guys and all right so I've just arrived to the fact I have not been here for so long this is like I'm not kidding it's like the Willy Wonka of rope factories guys this is there's a lot of family secrets here there's a lot of you can look up and you can see how rope is made there's lots of ways to make rope but my dad's way of doing it is something special so I want to take you guys on this little journey and let's go someplace just walking in this arms arms just reach it through the yep who's our man okay guys so this is where I walk in every day Monday through Friday 8:00 to 5:00 minimum and then we would have 8 to 9 p.m. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. two days a week yes so just to let you know you said whose arm is that that's our mo motto arm oh yeah arm at what rope manufacture that's our so this is the front of the building where I work shipping department for I did shipping for years I did it for a long time in my mom just reminded me what did you say yeah you should show them some of the things that you did here yes we always said you got paid to be here but necessarily the work come on I grind in for a long time there's a bar up here that as your original green screen it's that white bar from your green screen so I would sketches like way before even YouTube I hung a green screen there to make videos look like my brother and Friends and then we would come in and meet dad wasn't necessarily always here you come in on Saturdays to and do things but and one thing you did was this was or you know we got a ship's kids out so it's a straight rapid so this machine rocks power traps kids but there's some times where we see in some of your videos you do of what happens to things that we have he stood there and rap you've got someone got wrapped up but it was pretty funny this rap game yeah so what I did what's up man how our tray see yes and Jonathan that's right anchors hanging and grinning thanking a grinning so you can see behind me tons oh you're doing five eight that's okay I still remember all my rope this is a station that I work for years I mean years every day every night that machine is still there and that's the Machine I work I want to hang with you dude [Laughter] some of this stuff do this stuff pictures on the wall okay this is a hanker this my best friend come on come on and we're cinnamon so show them how it works okay so 50 foot let me show you something the Rope comes off machines like this your job as a hanker it's what we called it is to put it in coils like this so that's where this machine comes in hand now I would get it like as an outsider I would assume a machine did all this but it's actually manual labor it requires him Tracy good look at this so he puts it a 50 foot coil like this and there mom see if I still got it let's see if we got it eight five eight especially get hundreds going to fit these off managed to pull this off make sure the tails in there rip it wrap it I still got this Hank your heart and then you tuck the tail and pull it that is a 50-foot piece of rope boom and then you do it thousands of times yup my hand my youssef calluses all over my hands now I'm like oh baby saw we don't throw the rope what's up boss what do I need to do today I don't know [Laughter] are you ready to come back I've just I want to put a week's worth of work in in one day this is off how cool is this guy a week of work would be like a year for you dang you know these videos really really bring out my real poem yeah not okay so what can't what else can I show them what do you want to say I don't want to give up all the secrets yeah like this is a lifetime of Secrets that you can see on the internet anywhere yeah but all right come here I'll show you something okay okay so this is where yarn starts right here so all these bobbins so she call them pound cones bones - what tubes coming bobbins they start as basically one one string yeah and then they run into let's see this this is called a twister twister how cool is this and then psychically turns them all into one yarn and the one giant and this is the rope we were just looking at that bright orange row the left this makes a really nice rope it'll be balanced when it's done which means when you apply pressure it won't spin backwards on you because the ropes made of different twists that equal out can tell you I told you I told you it's the Willy Wonka of rope factory it's really good it's crazy and I got that long as you don't ruin my watershed turn it on for a minute you'll have to catch them okay okay so this is where the big machine yeah and then it run onto these large Bob grant giant yeah these guys look how big these are now the smaller the rope the smaller these gifts yes some that are like this big this is a firm big rope how big these are factory park is very loud hopefully but just don't what where's your iroquois make it rope look at this look how cool that is they all twist up here and make a beautiful rope how much is that rope hold we have 6,000 another foul line so I worked in this area for several years as well I work here I only count full-time out of high school for 12 years but I've worked this out kid [Music] and I was a little bit I was already doing thing here so I know ro pretty well this is really cool done this is like if you went to the store you needed to buy a good free-throw it's the kind of ropey with a set yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what was your favorite part here okay but I loaded these machine a long time [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is the kind of machine you could ride on if you look at this jumbo rope dude I don't think I can see the scale of it boom we're going to turn her on do it ain't you chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga how do you like that for a ferris wheel that is awesome that's making a pretty big row okay stop it in perspective my hand you can see how big this machine is they're basically sixty five pounds above sixty five pounds about a thousand pounds below this I really hope it's not too loud I used to wear earbuds and while I worked in this department so cool come back to the factory [Music] where it came from this is all I did when I graduated high school I graduated on a Friday believe on Monday I started full-time and I work here for it was my life I lived here come back and get the some of the things my dad just said I love your thinking he just said why don't you crawl up in this rope and yeah you just tell me when to turn it on ya whenever it's really good now to digging a we've done Mangal tango rope is no joke [Music] after that crazy process it all leaves on a big old truck just like this Oh so should I clock out today it's all digital you just scan your wrist beep I think we'll just ask you to leave again seeing I love you well that was awesome and I hope you guys enjoyed that I'll or I could legit start a YouTube channel where I just visit companies and factories I'm fascinated with the stuff I think it's so cool I love seeing manufacturing I love seeing how it's made it's it's always more manual than you would think you know I don't know I love that um so it's it's so crazy guys i legit was in that building longer than I've done YouTube like that just keeps like when I think about that it just blows my mind how long it feels I'm not kidding it feels like a different lifetime doesn't feel like I ever did it now it's not and I don't know man I just I started freaking out because I got older as I got as I got like around 26 or so I was like starting to freak out like what am i doing I'm not doing what I love not doing I'm not doing what makes me happy right like I'm coming to work and paying my bills I'm doing all that it's great very fortunate for my job very fortunate for my parents company they allowed me a place I know education like I had I did start freaking out I started panicking like all right kid I'm still in a phase still in the factory stuff uh-oh I think I just panicked and started making moves and started just trying new things and that's when you know my parents were like just stop coming in here you really got to stop coming in here and focus on YouTube and man from that day really helped let's go let's go see the family also one more thing how about some love for my mother and father from creating that from scratch literally I remember being a little kid my dad started the company and I was basically when I was born he quit his dream of becoming a musician he's a phenomenal guitar player he was in a band he quit all that he didn't think that was a good place to be raising us kids he wanted to focus on something more stable for us as a family which first of all is huge he started a rope company I remember him hand twisting a little machine in our garage not even our garage he like rented a garage and he just has one little machine he was just hand twisting and I remember him like with his piece first a little like six-inch piece of rope and now he's got two factories like math I had an honest I'm so proud of my family man it just it's awesome definitely most of the reason I am an entrepreneur I just saw my mom and dad just build something from scratch it's possible right and my head is always possible I seen it done so huge huge love to my mom and dad here's a super fun fact the first two and a half years that I did YouTube maybe maybe it was just two years it was either two or two-and-a-half years that I did YouTube I didn't have internet I had no internet zero well it wasn't available where I lived I just didn't have internet so I did everything you two related at the factory everything I did all my editing at home and then when I went to work I would go in the office and find a spot to upload my videos true story i uploaded for two and a half years at that factor just never know where you're gonna end up man Helen oh my god the days and nights I spent in there and somebody would have said yeah one day you're just gonna do YouTube for a living dude I would have probably laughed so hard man like honestly is it that was the impossible thought couldn't happen that's not true you just never know man flashy what's that baby a dog's give you affection flash flash there's my boy here's my baby here's my baby wussup blue eye huh baby girl good flush trying to steal all the attention come here hey what you watching pets all our cell phone samples y'all I want to show you my favorite one yeah it's the pink why do I like this so much I like all the paint job pink is our worst selling item upon everything anything pink just sells though that's kind of cold appeal yeah they sent us all these samples of like hey do you guys want to put these in the snow of the white school dude I don't know yeah I don't know why pink I think the pink is the coolest one teal is pretty cool too Cora hey she is zoned into this I mean a pinky give me the Mickey you want to say hi do you want to say hi here just take it back okay good timing I literally just got here how's the gold there how's the lashes yeah I took one of the samples Wow yeah well Bernie just making a delicious lunch I'm on survival mode coming home getting a family back together hey hey boy clothes is pretty cool I see where this is going and then this turns into a bed friends can spend the night step 3 but like one huge one that are you frowning daddy need to turn the frown upside down that it means if it's going this way it needs to go this way frown like boohoo I didn't get my way I didn't get to stay up till midnight now I'll turn it upside down see which way around the way that is cool you can just have one single Cora hi she's like you guys left me was like you left me too today so he smells good he's clean he can lay on the carpet if he wants that's right what a flash would even come up here come on flash last time I can't he came up here true story I'm in my office he comes by my door I think I'm editing or something I look up he looks at me makes direct contact and then runs full speed up the stairs jumps in the ball pit that used to be a ball pit in poops true story that was probably the last time you were up here yeah huh that's when he was a puppy now he's a full-grown my in TV got hung up today I'm a man this is cool slowly getting their house is turning warehouse all pits gone now we got a couch so that's boy it's getting there pretty soon I'll have my own rocking chair alright we're going to my brothers you won't go over details oh no good luck with that we got birthdays all weekend this place about to turn into a bomb site it's not good it is absolutely gorgeous out so that was a big mouthful of gum where's your shoes dude hey how are you beautiful I missed you today I've been around my family during not vlogging we've been like this we've been together so much that when we're apart I'm just like come on gang okay all right last clip I'll spit the gum out cuz I hate when I see myself law you want to go true story when I just got back home I got out of the car notice it just started rolling forward towards the face it's probably on the cameras though so today we went to the faculty we've been all about family and my brother has a new invention like legit he invented this awesome fun stuff for family so we're gonna go check it out right now what up bro in insane this is my car slide I've seen them from you but I had no idea okay what do you want to say well let's start I've invented this new product yeah and Romans seen it before he was actually the first person to create a tank with him yeah it is fantastic inspired another tank that we ended up actually producing but I got this room that we've been working on it's like this showcase showpiece of things you can build with it and basically it's these kits of clips and cards that you can build anything out of it I mean let's just check I've not seen this from them pepper like this or even story I don't even know where to start I'll use small more cards that's all awesome where do I start let's just start over here so that this guy's to limit here we got a nice farm a UFO abducting a cow yes these are abduction beams you know a pig okay so these are cards guys they're corns like playing card maybe we show the body maybe we show the box right there was invented clips that connects playing cards into objects like a windmill and filled a barn a farm its fatal fields right there wearables collection you make helmets oh my goodness gracious [Laughter] very serious with them look at this what dude I love the King Kong on top of that okay I think the Rockets my favorite that's amazing that's the Saturn five rocket oh wait that's made out of your clubs yes look at this oh my gosh you guys went all out it's your crown obviously small more car crown that's pretty cool welcome to a smile more I hope you've got your swords boy this is what they come in yes so this is a kit and the only difference between the kids is the colors of carbs so like this is the essentials that has these central colors you know my and then we have why I'm over here making YouTube videos nails are here inventing actual things wait this is the marble fit on this the marble go down this the whole room took about look at that you did the hours 50 hours yeah the whole room you could redo tilted towers you got to do it give me a few days like so literally anything you think of you can build with enough imagination creativity this is like a marble work thing um it's a matter of folding the cards bending the car where's the do you have a tank I built a tank yeah the tag like the proto I built one of these like when he first came out like when he first showed me these like hey I'm working on a new invention I've made a tank it was similar to this oh my gosh card Domino's three today I was at the Willy Wonka of rope factories now that Willy whoa those are cool we have our Halloween little theme up here too with that and pumpkins so why do I like this so much because last what the cows I know why do I like this so much yesterday I asked you guys what you do as a family right and then today I was like you want to come see my official vengeance done and it's it's ready to launch and he has he doesn't have like a launch company and I have a vlog just let's put it in a vlog dude I got families that love I got families that love family stuff this is family stuff imagine a night where you guys get tons of cards out and you build something using creativity and you you have all kinds of things they can build out of the bottom yeah at the box it comes with a 24 page book an idea booklet with like oh what you see here is actually in the book some of it not well I would love to see what you guys can build out of this stuff cuz this is imagine imagine you've started a new company from scratch this is it but there is like nothing else this is it backwards oh my gosh Wham and I think I think what's really cool and fascinating is that it's something for everyone boy girls teens adults like with if you just start building with them anyone can find something to build I think it's amazing dude it's amazing yeah you know you build doll houses I love it I really think it's really cool it's like another building object the pyramids are cool the care package flies animated little airplane do you see my smaller problem oh my gosh it's what the it's with our cards probably looks better on you than being smaller Oh her hair is in there her ponytail we didn't have enough time short change - I was gonna put smile or oh well you owe me and what happened yeah I want it I want a more store not one in my store yeah okay I'll do smile more store okay as I ran out of time I love that color to do it in that Paula Deen maybe black sides maybe make it pop whatever you want I love it really cool okay it's family baby I love it I hope that you do fantastic on this and you've these are ready these are percent ready for sale right now they can crash the website if they they didn't try and crash it I know if they do you guys have crashed no joke you guys have crash websites before so I would love to send you all to this they'll doesn't have a store they'll doesn't have a company to sell these from this is just us right here knocked off this may be mounted it correctly I didn't mount that one actually the cat did that okay tell them how they get it okay so it's card clips calm that's card clips calm easy breezy and we're offering since you guys have been with Roman and with me and with the whole family for so long it's like the biggest offer we've ever done ever it's 30 percent off the entire order and with every kit you buy I'm throwing in an extra deck of cards so there'll be a free bonus deck of cards in with whatever you order and yeah they're ready to go there's like there's there's six different kits and then a whole bunch of different color cards yeah so you check it out all on the site like all the varieties and all the stuff and up I'll link in the description super simple it's like a Christmas item this is like so perfect yes it's perfect timing for Christmas it's literally say for ages 3 to 103 that's kind of a thing you know what I like about out you know I like about it I guarantee if you buy this for someone they've never seen it before no it's probably like it's like new you can be the first credit and I'm making it right in the factory local yep so we get shown that yeah we can't we filmed it and then also use promo code Roman borrow a man all right another thing that's super cool is Dale makes all the clips himself like right down the road there like not made in China they're made right here and we filmed a bunch of it showing you how they make that it's a factory day baby showed you how to make it so let's jump to that right now more pretty warp warp to the exposure you call these machines plastic injection molding machine plastic injection molding machine this is a machine day it's a factory day baby I love it it's all family to factory people factory people or production mass productions dinner you guys make items physical yeah I make digital you make item still man come on more stretchy stuff going on out the door true true and we make stuff for your smile bro rollers it's a guy these are the massive machines Dale actually manufactures all our cups smile markup he manufactures his own stackers like the dominoes are here yep poke dominoes which is a whole nother and saying and then now he's his new invention Cardinal invention yeah is that what they're actually called ISO card clicks is the brand and then the that most creative card builders okay they're fantastic I know we're actually running some of the clips right now we're gonna take you long and show you how they're made straight finish let's see it well we're kind of at the finished process once we're on this platter this is where the beef goes in yeah so this is actually read brown and dehydrated beef plastic yep plastic and then it turns into a hot liquid this stuff's doing so much I'm confused this is the human brain right here human brain and you know what something that's been crazy like we have this robot up here and we have conveyer belts and everything and this is like the simple way to do it this is a robot this is not the typical robots for this really like a basic this is the most basic robot you can have here here we're going today's Walsh's been the food school machine school we're gonna learn this stuff anyway oh yeah his hands on you learned all this for yourself well I didn't have someone who came out it was a retired guy he did it for his whole life and he just cannot taught you came out taught me everything I needed to know and he still I still call him all the time you can't learn that you can't learn that crap in Heights not gonna happen five okay so no Dale's crazy House of cars yeah literally have a house of cards way to eat wait so these all these clips are being pumped out of this machine little at a time being carried up this belt and dumped into this box flip card click it all includes dude no matter how cool it is it is a crazy investment you almost got to be crazy to run with any idea that requires all this machinery up front you don't get this stuff and then test it you gotta buy this and judging by these machines not cheap people not not cheap a brutal probably brutal okay so what's something cool I can show oh this thing dumping the X excess plastic I think if you just held the camera up right here and show the mold opening and that noise these parts are so light it requires air to spray down to get them out of the mold really quickly so that it can close up again and make new parts like this is like the stuff Elon Musk is talking about is machine exactly they only the world whether we're making a full-size car and a bigger machine or whether we're making card clips at the same time look at all this stuff guys look at all this stuff does this make your life seem simpler case this looks like something out of a movie this is like something back to the future you would use thank you point 5 gigawatts really all this is doing this is taking natural plastic which is just uncolored plastic and adding color into it that's all we're doing here yes and then this big unit here is grinding any and all access plastic and putting it back into the process for almost a zero-waste manufactures you're recycling your own blasted yeah so anything extra or let's say it's defective or the wrong color something we grind it up put it right back in and make new parts awesome the class today your teacher will be that words this is so cool man so obviously you're running purple here yeah how many of these little B does it take to turn that white purple almost nothing like one bead like god this whole pub here a little a little tiny scoop handful turn it all purple it's really like 2% so why not just use purple plastic it's not cost-effective the people who make the plastic aren't the people make the colorant hmm and it's just there's two different worlds you can buy free colored plastic but it's really expensive all right oh my gosh man back from factory clips well I love it did I hope it I hope it does so well it's so original it's so cool it's so unique baby I mean look maybe you guys have a store a toy store that you want to put my card clips in it'll be cool hey yeah there's an email now I every single viewers gonna have a toy store right now yeah well that's easy I know just the guy since day one just have to leave but I might just stay here I might just stay all right are you going on with those I think can be really good at this everything he goes with nice oh yeah they'll saved up also money about an Xbox I'm proud of you man yeah I think I'm just whoa Jim no oh can you just got the hook-up did early birthday it's been a day of family creations man I don't know and we created smile more but I feel like my brother and my my family are I'm the ugly duckling is what I'm thankful all the pins and calling you're gonna create a thing for all the pins in cars all right do whatever you want Korra come back get this oh hey mr. cork come here and we're gonna get in the funny mirror these things are dirty can we do here oh hey hair core I remember looking all funky I understand I look crazy oh there we go mr. Longman mr. stickman mr. big old truck you could rot in that she's gonna do it again oh gosh oh gosh not to be attacked mommy got me all right guys just pulled into the house this is never done ready like just pulling in I get out Oh y'all trucks moving oh you know watch the truck just starts rolling no bread no it's so funny what you gonna do now y-yeah this is what we do when she whines no more whining crying gets tickled whining gets flying haha give me that binky give me that Mickey thank you daddy say hi say hi you crazy girl don't fly off here good here goes oh you want tickle to flash you do you do fresh ones tickled well guys I I was waiting for Noah to get back but it looks like he's not getting back to a very late nice we're gonna end this vlog start fresh tomorrow for his actual birthday party we're celebrating um all day tomorrow first birthday and then Cain's birthday so should be a really just family fun days lined up for next few days plus she was coming up behind me I hope you enjoyed today an awesome day like an awesome day I feel so good about today man just see what my family is created and continue to create is crazy anything to say mama who's we love you guys Korres gonna clean up she's gonna finish cleaning the kitchen get it girl get it girl yeah I get it girl and we'll see you guys tomorrow thank you so much for being here for supporting not just this family but my entire family we love you you are beautiful one of a kind smile more [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 1,991,560
Rating: 4.9586201 out of 5
Keywords: Roman, Atwood, The Atwoods, first job, worked, work, Rope Factory, How its made, tour, inspire, inspiration, motivation, Brittney, Noah, Kane, Birthday, happy, Family, Family Friendly, House, home, content, vlog, vlogs, daily, day, everyday
Id: XnoFtH9EBUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 49sec (2329 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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