She Said Yes

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Reddit Comments
  1. great another video of his expensive trip
  2. after them dating for 9 years... I'm not even excited they're getting married. they basically were married.. with a huge house... and kids.

  3. who is julian?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/RawwRs 📅︎︎ May 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
so other than that like everything's good and financially we're doing great okay oh did I haven't paid in two weeks first of all that's a lie I paid you we're fine he's good you're not even YouTube anymore I am on YouTube dude I wanted to try something new before I come back the blog and like duh I'm going back washing those dishes i sweating I know where he's at bro I had to sell my drone [Applause] that's where you got the dirt because you buried my cat my cat like why is everybody freaking this is good like a good break and we created we had success we film in 90 minute video that was success that's hard to do so everybody cheer up smile baby like this is a good day you want to take a little break before your break almost have enough money to buy the van what's it like your dad he's got this bad for sale yeah right no you better go see your dad bull crap that's a lot you are liar Oh [Music] no way dude are you serious dude I told you I was gonna help you out of things went south I think they went south I went to Florida I thought you quit blogging and all that here we go again so who told you I sell in the car it was gonna be a surprise I was gonna raise the money for you I knew it was gonna help yeah it's the worst yo notes I paid for this car 50 15 you have 15,000 or best offer I can fix that that makes you feel better you think I went eight 18,000 do you think I can get it I paid cash for this car brand-new even if you were selling you can't sell for that but cash is king someone will pay me for it that what Hey oh my god I'm a young man in a bad dream like this is so bad yeah but don't you remember what I said when you bought it if I go broke this will still be worth it well I'm going for it okay you can't sell it it's yours I paid love for it I'm financially fine I thought I was talked to Brittany I talked to Brittany every day she's on my team I know that sure why dad I love you yeah I love you too hey guys applause everybody's lost her mom like everybody has lost their mind the guys are going do you think like everybody if we're broke we have no money apparently all right my dad is trying to sell his Corvette no I bought him no no no you're not wanna you're one of them you're one of those let's try and see how much I can get out of this I mean it'd be a lot I got you that's a Christmas gift [Music] what you can't put that back in there you can't donate your money to me all right I'm fine I got you'll need to listen okay just because I took me took a break doesn't mean we're going for her cry everything's good everything's great in fact everything's never been so good all right we've had to rally together it's been awesome guys keep your money okay or donate it just not to me I I know we're hostile happen I know it has to we need to make another we gotta give the people what they want and it's about the people it's the reason you guys have this is from the people baby you wanna trip just go on a trip on a trip make an epic movie part - like the biggest one part - first we had we had to buy like we went to Dubai like what's we need something big like huge pack your bags pack their bags kids I'll be back I promise okay keep that money you're gonna need for groceries this week I'll see you soon [Music] here we go here we go okay I know it's been a while just do what you always did talking to the camera I just got a voice just got a do it here we go welcome to the walk guys to the to the movie this is number two it's a long blog it's like a movie it's a blue of blue be I'm a MOG whatever it is thank you guys so much for being here thank you so much for your patience I'm telling you everything that I pulled off on this movie I couldn't done daily vlogging so thank you so much for allowing this thank you for your support I want to start the movie thank you for the love the likes the shares the comments anything you can do to this thank you so much let's go to China baby movie number two enjoy are you ready are you are you ready yeah ready ready bad guys here we are not me or where we are in at Chicago Chicago about to hop on a very long flight hours 13 hours difference what I do yeah did you hook this up gonna tell him to be me all business Wow thought you guys said I was broke you guys said I was broke you got your business class are you flying in style I believe now you're just trying to prove us wrong and I'm more no it's not moving it's just showing all right well I mean I'm happy about it brought up on this flight we are heading to China now we're in Chicago we've already flown here this is our flight holy we can just cut the line you guys want to just cut the line Group one thank you excited so the entire trip is kind of crazy the entire trip what time change takes two days to get there because it's a 12-hour jump for all 13 our flight is just one flight we have three flights so it ends up being with time change like 48 hours it's crazy the 30 yes nuts let's move it let's move soldiers look at you guys yeah they might have a hair salon on a flight and get that thing done I already got you by asked if they even let that on here check make sure that hair's allowed in here I want to check on that this us why oh this is nice unless you got to ear buzz rid of the rot so how long is this actually okay distance to destination six thousand five hundred sixty one miles Oh 60 miles per hour how long does that take hey guys what's up yes cozy oh oh you got slippers oh you got the I look at you y'all live in your living let's try do grilled seaweed let's do it let's do it come on chase quit being a debbie downer I did a video with this kind of can-do my god that's what my [ __ ] I literally give this stuff to my fish it's like eat now the ocean I found these on the floor Julian you try it no but alright I'm like two rows right there yeah I'm just right there yeah hey backwards that's nice alright guys are all settled in everybody yeah they have the whole row hey one Santa broke well now they're planning class so hey you know what maybe they reverse psychology that's how they look nice it's although we have this awesome trip planned out we we have to get there we have to sit on this flight for hours and hours and hours it's gonna get a little boring here so it's quite an interesting story of how we actually got here I want to throw you to that we had to get eases approved because we have a business a media company we have to jump in a car last-minute get our visas approved in New York City so let's take a journey there and we will jump back here thank you guys so much for being here let's start this trip out right and let's go man so far do you remember how it works no it's not it's actually yeah you might as well bring on wait not those I know but I look all right I'll take them I'll take them that warned them we are check these out ping pong balls everywhere all over the house just typical day in our house no matter what day it is no what's up bud see you tomorrow I gotta go tomorrow we're getting used to this just see you tomorrow this would be that's our next t-shirts right there see you tomorrow all right where's the game show you put your hair on put your hair it's hard leaving the kids now that's the hardest part I'll be back tomorrow ok I love you hey you won't say hi to everybody [Music] [Applause] you gonna let Jason yeah he's like I'll just get an extra shot back here hey he's running he's running I know he's doing the other way he's mad we dropped something nice you to join us [Music] we are at our first stop of this road trip look at these guys look each other's the future man you walk you and they got oh wow that looks good Pam I think me and you're on the same page what they could Mickey D's don't get this do it I'm have to try this right here breakfast bacon you ever had that I want Warren give me one in the sticks but I've never seen breakfast bacon is a good how is it I'm getting this I got back up oh he's gonna get in Oh [Music] [Applause] turn to country music oh man losing it no you don't want it you don't want it you don't want the rancher bro hey I'm gonna leave I leave it there somebody find it oh it's eatin hello we've been driving seven hours eight hours all right warp into our hotel row we made it Hey oh geez they're coming off cubes are coming on got us a plate we're staying this is Jersey which is close to the place we have to go to the consulate Chinese consulate to get our visas approved and as of now we're not even approved which is crazy it feels weird so yeah we're gonna settle in here and I gotta say it feels so good I spent so many years traveling by myself before it was we couldn't it wasn't even option like financially it just we couldn't travel together I feel like it's very rare that a couple gets to not only work together but get to travel together and do what we love together and I feel so blessed to have that like that is something so special and obviously good night baby good night so it's a whopping 1055 as a good day we made it we made what we got to do is warp to the morning and get these visas approved and we'll be back to China the only place with a line out the door we made it we made it long story short presently three months ago China made a new rule that if you have a media company like I do you have to come to New York the only place you have to come to New York in person to have your visa approved to go to China this has all happened last-minute for us we didn't know we had to do this so here we are we made it to New York at least one time we going to chime so the reason we had to come to New York City is just to be approved in person to go to China it's I don't know I didn't have to do this last time I went to China but now apparently if you have media company or maybe even if you go for business I'm not sure all the rules but we have to go here good oh my gosh they gotta let you in with all that secondly they indeed like the same day there either so we can't even get our visa today and our trip is just in a couple of days so it's really worried me the use of cellphones is prohibited in visa mall please turn off cell phones before entering you will be denied access you hear that guys yeah what about blog cameras got all our paperwork our passports which we had to come pick up because we already sent to New York [Music] [Applause] [Music] just like that the visas were approved and we have arrived in Beijing boom let's see me crazy dude it's 3:23 a.m. at home which means we usually like sound asleep like you should be sleeping right now but here it's 320 nm it's a broad daylight middle of the day ready to rock ready to party this morning time right no it's no it's 3:00 in the afternoon so we've just like completely screwed our brains the whole time we were flying in today long yes we know we chased that we chased the Sun chased it yeah guys we have made it to Beijing baby so fun I'm so excited yeah dude it's juice it's not like soda it's juice I get one redbull foreigner air foreigner be who you not feel like and I feel like an informer hey all right mystery who remembers the name of the vlog of whenever I was here last I've logged in this Airport before oh em gee gone wrong in the hood you think it was we made it or we finally made or we finally did it I made it read it chase take the automated people mover I wasn't reading I was reading that comes every three minutes just gonna push you full speed ready just you got to get in no we got to get in here we're going we got space we got this that's a perfect fit Mykel I was a nice people mover by you gotta be this is the best people break my haha you need to wake up it's only 4:00 in the morning you watch out you're gonna go in my Chomper gonna go much hopper get him country gonna much [Music] this is the only the start we have to get our backs with debris check through security because we have another four-hour flight into our final destination so this is we're not even there yet got a long way to go in a short time to get there Hawaii of China but no I'm leaving go there actually yeah what is that it's like rice noodles do you see like just don't look at the Pringles oh no wow that's awesome what is that lunch it oh dude those are giant bugs you guys want to eat these on the plane well let's give them the country he's wait what are these yeah we gotta get this those are like big mealworms dude what is this this is amazing like we need all of this so we can like test it here's doctor I'm assuming duck that's good for sure Francine change Tower we're cashing in 500 USD and I'll tell how much you know so 500-year see turned into 29 and 29 Honda [Music] we're trying to trick him but everything's done on phones so like if he needs to ask us something else to type it on his phone and then show us then we have to type something back and show him and it's crazy it's looking for batteries in there I never old bags are overweight and need to be consolidated if they are overweight later they will be charged the language barrier is getting us big time it's it's slow communication is it so you have to type it back and forth taste like oh I'm no batteries in there what are you talking about look at all the light in the u.s. it's lipo but here I guess they don't want you to travel with lithium-ion either yeah okay we made it through about the Honor Flight we stopped at this McDonald's let's get it yeah what is that right there it's two burgers with like two hot dogs on it you look the same yours on me it's like a big chicken we're sure so you don't think it's the same you guys wondering about the mayonnaise what you got here Tarzan yeah your old German sausage double beef burger oh I don't look like the picture you don't look like the pitch it oh wait where's the boy oh boy hey you don't have to do this my god I'll bet it's good okay little bra no not bad good you guys all the say anything it's the same as home good murder all right last lost playing baby ones they're about to get on oh that's one 6:00 in the morning at home 6:30 in the morning at home at 6:30 p.m. here more kills good know you just go outside yeah we're gonna play through this flight it's a 4-hour flight and hopefully slow asleep a little asleep a little bit we're just gonna warp break [Music] oh it's warm Wow you made it 32 Wow plus muscle two of our time change how's it feel to be on the ground I don't know my legs are surprised all right let's go get our stuff thank you pick up our bags think they made it this far China's home the hair made it whole trip ultra hey I even slept it into customs [Laughter] tested from fleas American fleas inside there Jase yeah you tired Duke now now now it's it's noon at home it's midnight here just read it what's the say not apple juice do we have all the bags right all of them and Brian's over here just waiting for luck [Laughter] oh we got it all the bags are good there you got my phone you got we're just waiting up dude there's nothing left on the belt yep a bag still down somewhere in there Chinese boys there's nothing left country's got it he'll go get it [Music] alright warp into wow dude okay check this out check this out so we're here we've made it it's after midnight but this place doesn't even technically open until the weekends we have like two days where's just look at this bring the mouth heads in here yeah Alec races yo so that means tomorrow if we want the water part we going in you need what I need a hair dryer they got dryers in the room don't you baby goes away I work here I'm now unemployed so get me anywhere I want you ever been in a hotel this big nobody's here break-in floors for fun there's nothing here to break it's brand new so usually when I go they're all abandoned so I'm the only one there dude the whole mall there's like a mall inside here it's like everything it's weird okay we made it to our room guys this is absolutely insane this is like the nicest room I've ever been in oh the chocolate oh my god it is chocolate no what is that was that really you all guys start room it's like sunroom this will be our spot for I'm so excited right now this is so unreal man like this is like this is just the closet what fire escape hood huh put this on no are you probably this is incredible swimming pool was about getting it's a balcony it's not long whoa dude the balcony goes all the way I'm getting ahead of myself this is that we didn't show the bathroom oh wait it's just shower shower this balcony comes all yeah you know what this is this is oh my god they're gonna put on it it's on our room they're gonna put on a fireworks show these are fireworks rigged to go off for the grand opening yeah so great you have fun off of the building like that I mean what if you were to detonate what if we what if we were like in our bed laying when these are all going up that's pretty awesome yeah a couple days they're gonna of the grand opening of the Atlantis here in Sanya Sunday am I saying right Sonia Sonia it's their grand opening so we get to be here a little early before the opening and we get the experience the place look they're like testing all the lights and stuff down here I wish it was daytime this is um this is all the ocean so we're looking at the ocean out here and then there's a big water park somewhere out here so it has been an absolute adventure today a crazy journey I have always hated traveling and filming like filming travel it's so repetitive it's like the same thing you get on a plane and then you show footage of flying and like but I tried my best I wanted to bring you guys on the entire experience this week this is going to be we just got such a journey lined up it's gonna be so much fun and this room's just blown my mind guys honestly like I'm so so beyond thankful for this all of this like this is above and beyond anything I would ever ask for like we didn't ask for a room at all like this is just there here's your room so shall we start well actually you did you did she had her own room they write together yeah yeah I wouldn't be good so I think if you're ready ready start day one like our first day I think we just jumped it's day one we need showers we need to clean up and we need sleep I'm running on fumes but I'm ready thank you so much for joining us on our second 90-minute movie vlog this is something that has been so fun to try and and and just do it but you may get away from that reef chocolate look at that that's so pretty that's correct I am I'm gonna dig in so let's get cleaned up let's start day one Sun yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah imagine having an entire waterpark to yourself today like that is impossible everyone here to Lantis like you guys need a cart for all your camera gear you should know your camera company you guys are the pros we got the whole water park baby enjoy it you gotta lay in it you gotta lay down lay in the middle you got it you got to scoot up a little bit there you go enjoy this is your big day country this is you I just want to thank you for giving us this car it sold all our camera gear you know there's like a three there's like a you getting like a glass case wait which one like the water slides are really you getting this glass tube and as a floor and then the bottom just drops out and falls straight down I do not want to do it [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] so on this one we you go through the shark tunnel right now we're in okay so Julie and I are about to race on the speed loop which the floor drops out be on your feet no you keep your feet like this [Music] [Music] six person race me pretty good we're going down y'all I got a disadvantage to the film [Music] everybody that works here is just testing all these slides you take a lip and then it drops you in and then you actually shoot up on a water slot so yeah it's amazing [Music] the Atlantis is known for their giant aquarium we just finished the water park we get to get in míriam like swim going up it's taking us yeah taking us on a trip this is this is called the lost chambers it's like you go behind the scenes of the big the main aquarium wall these lobsters that is awesome goody and right there that's that's that's later they're gonna play them up oh dude that is boss those are those are mores right there that's a puppet there's not even real those are people's hands [Music] so we're above the tank right now look at this a lot of things we get to do when we meet people they say welcome to my office when we jumped out of that plane in Dubai and we pulled our chute my my my tandem jumper was like welcome to my office it's like he just said it too it's like all these beautiful workplaces I love it and every time we do something weird you have this contact in case of emergency you're supposed to put somebody's name it's like basically saying something can happen I mean like you know in this environment I always realized I don't forget like how buff I am you know like I cannot even fit nice suits anymore yes thank you okay suiting up getting ready we are first of all look at the top this is the very top this is like what we were seeing downstairs that's all just an aquarium it truly is a mini ocean like even you guys know I love scuba diving so my favorite things in the world even in the ocean in the ocean you don't see this many fish ever never this many fish in one spot when you dive so this is gonna be like magical underwater like truly mad it's go time we're diving in mini oceans by the way 1,300 pounds of food every day gets fed to these fish 1,300 [Music] [Music] [Music] you know you're a diver when your nose is bleeding bro is it still no it's not bad yo he goes wash your face your nose is bleeding I'm like what and I wipe my face blood I know everywhere I know how this remember me I miss you oh yeah my name is Chen always remember my back the way we came dodo dodo dodo dodo that was awesome whoo thank you that's a group of my friends honestly dude imagine catching that that thing is so big yo Brit stand over here so I can show them how big that is imagine how strong that fish is that's just one of the more betta fish in the jar oh that is B you know that's that's art right there that you got imagine that was created by somebody ate your face off you can't tell me that's not like I always think the ocean is another planet tell me that doesn't is not like an alien right there yeah it's like an alien what a beautiful creature I mean I don't know if the camera shows how green and colourful and I think these change colors right these guys get they change colors they're blending in with this background okay now he's like bright red see how he's green it can just change color and they mimic the background they're the smartest fish in a sea he's like you're Bob how'd you get locked up you're supposed to be smart and pet the shark hit the shirt don't you gonna put him in his backpack sharkbait touching the shore it's really soft yeah oh look how pretty that is I don't know I can't get you out good morning [ __ ] I can't I can't get them out I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] it's been a long day for half a million dollars that plays itself I'm a hundred thousand dollar piano half a million dollar piano places I'm music club apparently an app you can walk behind you can play whatever song you want you can see all the keys going by itself it's haunted that's what cost so much the ghost we are looking for a plate they do like the bar what are those called fire sticks they do all the cool what is it and they have the fires like in Hawaii no you're gonna like the whole place on fire so you can't take this guy anywhere yo what if that light that's all gonna catch on fire get it out of there get it away get it away [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's day two baby we are in chop we're headed out we're out we're out and about what are those every year we have a nice word look at them peacocks baby so we're trying to go kind of where tourism's not where you really don't go as a tourist we're going to like real wanted to bring you guys to like in us to like real giant reat like this is awesome yo country that's a nice red bike right that one sick this looks like though Terra is with this is this where tourists go or no no pick out a bike baby I think I think this one is cute you know what I like right off the bat there's no locks everybody's bikes are just parked yeah but in the u.s. no those things would be locked up there look at these shops this is a mall no big leagues [Music] this is awesome man this is the mall so some shops aren't open some shops are different culture man like this is so different than homes I will okay so this is desert this is like beans and and corn and I'm not exactly sure what these always some type of Oh watermelon they mix it all together and they put in coconut milk so try please have try this is the cocoa nut to meet the whites walkways the ice and everything just so you know mix together sirs drink it yeah just drink it it's like coconut yeah if you only got coconut in it oh my god so good Wow No [Music] we've just entered a seafood market you get everything super that you could possibly dream of everything that you could ever want right it all you know I'm just gonna say it right now I've never seen anything like this in my life look everything's moving it's all alive yo they just closed look look at these urchins oh where do they get all this this is incredible country just sittin here eatin in all this and the place is huge I mean it's just huge just goes and Joe that was incredible like literally incredible I don't even know anything like that existed infinite live live seafood like stuff that I think even people that eat seafood don't know exists [Music] mine on there for a couple of hours help these guys out what do you think Oh recycle hey kitty kitty hi baby hi baby I'll know guys think we got keep an eye out for that tattoo shop remember what happened in Dubai I bet we'll find a really nice tattoo shop here you know the whole traditional like Wack Wack Wack yeah hammer chisel hammer nail there it is got this one that's perfect yeah Brian's been wanting this since we got here and he just hasn't stopped talking about it there you go man that's perfect oh good I like it yeah okay apparently she's working on getting us bike to bike sir Jersey South I don't know yeah you too okay I'll see it I'll see you there Joe there's plenty of room bro oh here let me move my bag I mean my bag dude am I gonna knock this dog up on there this one do we go yeah this is how you get around just though these things are silent okay sure headed to our boss but if I guess is you can't get to it without Spooner how's it feel bagger it's nice right amazing beautiful [Music] Wow oh good yeah yes sir reached our destination oh he wasn't trying to go you have it max you're gonna see no ponds on the way here on to the next location [Music] okay guys we just arrived in you pie it's a place on the water apparently they're well known for their seafood like the best seafood around so we're gonna check that out look at this truck dude look good in that man you would look good in that Wow look at this man this is beautiful this is amazing Wow so these are all like floating islands that they've built and you go out and you have seafood on all these different restaurants Oh ma'am hop aboard come on bro let's go baby yo this is so cool I don't want to stop filming we go just entered our restaurant it's so cool where you pick out lunch pick it out barrels buckets yeah you can walk out and pick or if that's all you can walk out on that and look at all the menu yeah see I have Aquarium at home so all I see is dollar signs what these talk button your equipment not to eat they're way cheaper to eat than to put your clam juice there's a giant angelfish down there kidneys porcupine porcupine puffer fish I feel like if the whole world flooded this is eventually what it would turn into like home-like bill Islands might take the land away and then eventually you would have just fish to eat like I don't know I don't know how to explain it like we're just on floating and man-made structures with built in menus it's like literally you order your fish right here and then you eat it I feel like the whole world was flooded this is eventually what would be created from the scrap and you would just live on fish get used to a baby [Music] but it can't be no fish left as much no you got use the restroom oh good the restrooms in China are also incredible they're usually just in the ground that's the men's restroom so here we go a little privacy here mmm good enough by the way the female restrooms are exactly the same well we got up here it's like Waterworld dude it's like you seen the movie Waterworld remember that that's what this reminds me of like everyone's living off the like the land the ocean so you know how we've been walking around like the Markus and a lot of the dry food yeah like oh the fish seat look right there how they died all they're drying them out right there so right here we have up close over here look at this yo distrait drying the shrimp and the fish out right there [Music] like we go incredible really want some curb you probably right off the wall and eat it selling and never cities alone okay okay maybe try good notes and berries one of these don't you want man ice cream time it's candy man time hey get you fed up I say you what why don't you choose what you think of I don't I don't put that on me Ricky Bobby these look good to me I'm going with these two you pick whatever one you want thank you very much want one each yeah oh okay that's great these two I don't know what it is but it's delicious like strawberries and cream oh yeah yo you got that's like a giant oh good guys all set and now we're going to oh hi oh hi oh hi oh hi okay okay so we've just arrived in apparently this is like an old-school surfer town this is like their started here we go check that out the holes in that in the ground but to tear this place apart no this is incredible man this place is oh no all the scaffolding you see it's bamboo you see that all of the scaffolding this whole place [Music] with the electric lines these are power lines going through just pick them up or fish yes we took the wrong road wrong alley wrong sector no some squid bro it's drying out so there's so many alleys in different ways to go it's incredible that way because I can see like trees I think we found it guys I think we've made it oh so beautiful that rock what oh this is gorgeous definitely not surf in here [Music] a three-man race somewhere first one in the water there you gotta give me a head start why cuz I got this dragon in the wind you Eddie country says go oh he's cool rusty she just found it for us [Music] [Music] I can't catch her oh we have a little moment it's just literally doing nothing this pool is like jello it's so one the water kind of explained that like it's it's so warm the water is like it's like it's like not in water we're free jump Brian hey freezin yeah wash that thing up dude wash that rat it's not a rat Musca do you bring your shampoo oh how about this guy oh my hello girl I'll pull you in that's nice right looks like I don't know that it gets better you look good without actually kind of dig like a lock I like it yeah it is incredibly itchy it's like you don't even have to wear some yeah this thing the Sun is actually scared of this cut Raina FPS a thousand got rain acts on us okay Lottery's this put that on that's why dad named you Joe Dirt's I'm not a maker [Laughter] bamberger's this French crap oh my god bro that could honestly be any of us [Music] so we're gonna be down there this is the big stage down here I don't even know what to expect tonight but we're all we're all ready to go there has you guys gonna be honest all right so some things have changed since the last time you seen me you're already laughing I haven't even I got glad like legit prescription glass all right so you guys got to tell me how which one which one I got two needs only temporary these like all I could get before this trip so be honest I don't I don't want to I feel awkward even okay you got a second pair right oh yeah these are the ones you said like this isn't going good I can already tell this is pair number two mmm no there's a beach out there there with these I can see I these alike okay so what do you think dude as someone who's known that your entire life yeah I don't think nope what if I worry about this here's the thing I only need them like it dark with like lights like I'm fine I can see everything but with them it's like it's like cheat codes I can see better than any book you're gonna belphins let's just go without glasses cameras a little blurry you think you could maybe they'll help the camera looks crystal clear you know the big ones see perfectly in focus oh no way no that's my vision my vision now my vision mmm I don't need glasses let's go to the car [Music] okay guys so we are down here at the grand opening of the Atlanta super awesome red carpet ruling through it there's some mermaids like imagine what it costs to import real mermaids into this place [Music] this place is Cham and there's so many people [Music] [Music] holy moly working oh boy welcome to day three guys look at this view once then look at this holy smokes my the only one believable you scared Hite scared of heights yes we are going to a place called Monkey Island apparently there's like thousands of monkeys yo this is beautiful gorgeous how do you say beautiful how do you say it in Chinese beautiful no no we got this Meili Meili Meili yeah yeah yes we made it let's go boys let's go how cool was that is Meili as beautiful okay so we at a place called Monkey Island and it's incredible it's just monkeys everywhere climbing up street post on the trees this one's just chillin here I gave you five dude oh he wants to wear your wallet you want this I give these cameras on my face see if he'll take my camera look at his ears I wouldn't do that no I do [Music] look at this little guy I want to get the little one this little dude he's about to leave he's like I'm a D he dropped something is a Rolex watch there everything was just going so good all they want that food babies to look at he's to grow they're having a standoff you throw it okay okay let me do it here hold on one second buddy watch this watch this watch this I'm getting it watch it yo nobody messes with that one they're going turn them off they lay it like you're endless food they don't even want it watch watch here comes another sup my friend we're buddies right we're but you don't want me just for food right you want to hang out dude how cool is that that is pretty cool come I'll put it on my vlog camera he's gonna he's gonna vlog for you guys it's on my camera lens are you making transactions you're making transactions over here no bail are you making friends dude they're literally everywhere that's so amazing [Laughter] so you get food I'll give you five don't put the mullet on them if you'll wear the moment to take it Brett what you think how can you go oh he's coming I'm not work he's like I'm not working for it [Music] on how old he is right here yo this place isn't that monkey just run by right off the bat this is insane like I never seen it's like being at the zoo but you're in the in the cage and the monkeys want to hang out it's like the workers oh there's a hole I didn't see them up at yo they're everywhere why we shoulda brought him some food maybe their ears gone it's like you better get away from them ah they look friendly till it shoot Oh see a possum so you're not in a park you're not in a museum you're not in a zoo this is just the land and there's monkeys everywhere [Music] peanuts mold it then I'm gonna take the mullet I want the peanut like these butterflies oh wow but what if you think they will I'm hairless this whole trip yo you don't think it'll take them away he'll be fine are you gonna do it if they take it and I'm hairless they're not gonna take I did put you some mane and tail no I've put some conditioner right about to be hairless like Nair I think this is your guy I think this year guy he's already eyeballing it he's already eyeballing look at him dude he's eyeballing you got put on your head hood you dropped one coke to the tree go up to the tree put it on top you wanna put it they got to pull your hair off ya ready okay okay what a name they definitely saw him he definitely saw it running yeah he knows he knows they're smart they all know I gotta go up to the trees go up to the tree they know dude oh man you have to work for it you don't want it don't want it you know that mullets dirty they put it on top I don't think he's hungry enough yo squat down to these guys I think they're hungry dude look he's got a whole mouthful oh okay there's one we got a biter there's still one up here didn't salt me baby you put one in your mouth Ryan so mouthful put it in the wallet what was it oh cool they like that I want to see him peel it yeah dude they got the orange juice oh are you guys what is that Chinese a Chinese Apple yeah yeah I love it you do it no I think I'll take it absolutely okay gave more than enough while I'm at it what if you close my eyes out right now what if he takes my eyes out right now you have another one yeah the Chinese Apple trick all right don't try this oh boy what do you mean lucky he wanted no harm he wants more I don't have no more apples bro what if she got an egg I mean you brought a whole goodie bag dude I got two bananas oh my gosh you're gonna collapse he's gonna start a monkey riot so aggressive so I'm gonna hopefully see put one in your pocket and see what happens I'm gonna go put one in my pocket on the outside oh that's all they know bro they know but got em all whoa baby no he's feasting country's feasting it's a candy man right it's a banana man little guy forget him I said what you got what you got yo you got to double stuffing he's had a whole banana oh yeah I know bread if he could say I think he said thank you I'm pretty sure that's what he said yeah yo he knows that he knows that's gonna get stolen oh snap he knows that can be stolen it does seem like whatever they're holding is theirs okay so they got apparently these hotdogs back here oh my I'm gonna hurt itself but they're pretty red if they're different what are you getting sausage or hotdog it just yourself it's so hard to watch just soak up that language barrier there's no everybody so computers y'all one looks good and honestly how that's not one of the monkeys yeah that's a Johnsonville brats it dude Chewie is it good though tastes good I don't know what it is man we're off what you think of the monkeys it's pretty crazy oh boy here we go we go pretty this is don't take us to McDonald truck I feel like we're like like if you went and visited the actual Jurassic Park I feel like we'd be like rolling into it right now yeah I'm free [Laughter] [Music] okay so Brittany and I are warping around we got a little time alone which kind of rare on the trip like this you know and I guess we haven't really been down to the beach either and I guess with a red flag you can't swim in the ocean it's just too dangerous but it looks beautiful don't water yeah this part is obviously still in the construction but doesn't really matter down there oh I guess oh my yeah you believer in China chop jellyfish nope [Laughter] seriously though we're in China China I know I love these islands Mike there's resorts out on this island it's a beautiful place honestly whoa baby another jellyfish another jellyfish I know mine this is so pretty whew so beautiful no no no it's warm look at this look he's he's living in the bag no he's probably doing it on purpose he can get right out if he wants wait he wasn't stock he's like wait a second what are you know about that I gotta build a tripod wait with that Krabs you gonna come out and steal your camera I don't have a tripod look yeah you're just gonna put the camera on that it's kind of genius you should make a little smiley face on he's got two eyes coming out with tripods calm no you just sense that that's nothing yes we can oh look at that Sun well yeah it looks professional it'd be so funny someone like nearest like to the picture of us it was an actual tripod I don't know if it's gonna stay that way I'm gonna add some addition it's gonna be a little weird looks good that son in there pictures from today that is that with the hips any man I love you so much yes I'm just building that shy [Music] wait really when did you think it was not easiest the most stressful thing in my entire life you'll be my wife Bree I feel like I'm in a dream right now if not the dream thing but it does feel like that oh my god boy oh my god [Music] I've never been more excited about anything in my life you know how scared I was actually pull this off by the way by the way nobody in our entire life as well it's amazing it's so pretty no it's perfect really The Roommate guys look how beautiful you look I see [Music] like pictures of it I just wanted it to be me and you honestly you know only I struggled so hard to find the perfect moment wait you really planed it this whole time yes of course what do you mean yeah I just I just got that here no oh my god it's so pretty I [Music] I'm so sick of calling you my girlfriend it's the worst I hate it I want to call you my wife my wife that's my wife that is my wife that's what I cannot with you don't even my boyfriend for a lifetime over seven years my god it's so pretty like I literally can't get over it covers up your are what looks perfect oh my god thank you my track it around huh did it hurt it's literally perfect I feel like this is a prank it's not a break oh my god I literally I'm just gonna keep the camera oh it's beautiful it looks so perfect I'm so excited I had the box in a sock oh my god Chuck on so we turn the camera off we've literally been rolling around in the sand like ridiculous animals so excited I'm excited as you and I'm honest to god like we're on a beach in China let me see that thing baby let me get a shot yeah I can't wait to see it in the sunshine [Laughter] literally like so shaky yeah I got you I got you you know how hard it is to pull a surprise on guys I haven't slept like jet LAG's one thing but pulling this off and I did it so simple so I just want it to be me and you nobody knows about this I mean you're the only ones and the person that helped me get it well you look perfect with it is made for you yo we're engaged baby what I'm marrying this girl murder nobody speaks English justice making a llama miss you that's been the best Bourdon on his beach right there I think I might just leave it there well thank you for all your hard work in a smiley face I think really you know yeah really really put you in the mood I'm on cloud nine happy happy happy happy happy not one thought in my mind I've been walking out I've you walking back at this thing on my alright so this evening I pulled off something that I want to do for a long time and I couldn't tell you guys about I feel bad but Brittany and I are getting married for photos dude you better not be playing I'm not playing this is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life without telling anybody Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] huge lots tell how much it is $500 lobster look at his head honey I proposed I did I was waiting for you all to get to work record overhead ladies mama Britney's mom boy you're late for work [Music] she saw I guess what Britney said yes or get married mama now sorry about the last nine years I propose the Brittany I know right thanks man we're just kind of making the rounds letting everybody know they saw we just thought we just we just called mom she had a pretty sure we just changed her entire week yeah she really enjoyed it [Music] [Laughter] we're getting married yeah when we called mom and she had FaceTime so she got to see us in the ring and we'll send you a picture yeah she's super she's super happy so you might want to call her and just say that you know [Music] we'll see on the other side love ya guess what I have a fiance now yeah oh yeah very big came with a wheelbarrow careful of pickaxe and I'm coming for you normal well let you know alright I love you don't tell anybody how are you you know how I am I'm engaged [Music] teller yes I'm so tired too I do I totally - I proposed just I did I did it I sort of marry me today I saw nobody believes us but it actually happened [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] not even touch you [Music] J for China Sun yeah baby let me see let me see future at my contracts up papa welcome to day for China we are all we're doing some photos of Rishi's engage paparazzi we are you know today's different it's a whole new world this girl she's so Chase is nailing those fresh I I guess it's calling age met photos they insisted that they were done mine are gonna just mean but yeah we're here we've got a little Cabana for a little while and we're really just chillin right now it's you know I just can't splain how happy shaken bake different world yesterday I had a girlfriend come to China I'm engaged what happened in town alone sorry she just came to try to year one yes you do and then I gave her a promise ring the first year we were together and nine and a half years eight and a half years later you want us to hold hands holding hands hold hands okay no you take your swatch off I'm really shocking but this guy I got an idea let's do photos in the water dude everyone it's everybody in the water go under the bridge it's all I don't know what the temperatures is a different heat here in China it is it is they know how to do crazy think too is the poles are warm it doesn't when you get in it's like mean it feels good not in a lot but I don't know it's not that like cold refreshing feeling it's like like you're walking in air so this is what's left of the big grand opening event that we came to it's it's kind of crazy they built this entire thing all the way out there is is raised off the ground they built a stage up on there no way wah is bamboo [Music] whoo so where it all happened right here at the beach yo I think the board is still there I think I see it our board all the way down there this is really funny our board is still in the sand which is weird cuz the water has been coming all the way up I was a good tripod baby I built it to last to figure why we're doing all our photos we would at least see if our board with you I can't believe look at this she's a little crooked but she's there oh my god the song you were gonna keep that look that's the sock that it was in oh yo that's the board dude I had it standing straight up no smiley face is gone but look the waters come all the way up here it's like revisiting the path is a good board feel like I should take it back up into the vegetation there's an insect up there you don't want to go up there that's where I got it from this giant squid it just washed up what if he's a lot o Brien's get Barnes getting yelled at can't put the whole chair and pull Brian get somebody get out of pool get out a pool Brian and now the first rain of the entire trip you know back in Ohio is just raining I'm sure by here you just seen our first hi first of all downpour back in Ojai there you guys go he's almost had a heart attack what a week what oh I need to try I need to build a tripod what I'm a stick and I'm along nothing top of glass that's right yeah we got fancy truck I need to start carrying a tripod so with me guys what a week doing kind of a super warp right now we spent the entire day with everybody at the pool and now we're here we're like about to eat a little bit it's very successful trip Perry we leave at 5 in the morning tomorrow so we have to pretty much gonna rest up like six hours yeah these these movies were making there's like there's there's next to no sleep with we just we just we did good this week okay this Dubai was like no sleep bye we had scheduling parties and this night last night last night was my first night sleeping at all because I was so nervous and excited to propose to Brittany that I had to tell everybody like I'm jet-lagged I can't sleep but mentally all are gone I'd still like in chocolate my engaged my every thought was proposing to her and I couldn't sleep so traveling can't sleep trying to obviously make the movie and it was just chaos mentally it was like a so after the proposal I I understand so much about our trip though yeah there's so much I want to tell you about trying to get this ring and preparing this proposal and maybe we'll save that for a vlog after the movie um but yeah last night I slept the entire night and it was out I felt good I would so we're about to grab a little fit check out what's French we've had so many french fries this week yeah we're gonna shout out and then get to the airport you ready let's go the airport I like to sleep a little bit first [Music] my folks said you are food on the plane now I have a 20 [Music] we go plain number two of three oh my gosh it's only a 14-hour flight so good go fast [Music] one more flight one more flight we're home baby here we go so we started this when we left our hotel this morning we're over 26 hours yesterday last flight we're all smile we actually are elsewhere we just said we're all smiling where you hope it doesn't go except that night and I'm like yeah cuz we just now getting up so bad soon as we get on their time schedule chase the shot chase is done we have to carry him this way because they kept it a decade and his toothbrush like travel with a bunch of woodland bears [Music] thirty plus hours later we have arrived home Columbus let's go whoo great trip I'm so happy that you guys took thinking about me to supply the dessert menu for the wedding catering is done back home at last in the weather is perfect you know the other thing it stinks this by the time we get home one of my favorite parts is coming home to the kids that is the highlight of every trip coming home to them kids I mean we had some amazing highlights on this trip by the way but the kids are probably gonna be asleep or master warp into tomorrow morning let's go flashy flashy baby hi I know I know hi baby Oh sleepy tiger Kanan hi bud I love you it's Korra sleeping okay warping into the next day because everybody was sleeping what's up girl my little rockstar looking him teeth in there hey dude sleep know it what's up I wanted to give everybody a chance to say hello before we signed off on our second movie which I hope even flash wants to say hi do you see that he opened the door I don't know if I cut it you want to say no I uh need a camera hog and flash vlogs really wanted to say goodbye as a family movie - and she looks so funny hope you enjoyed the movie is so much I could talk about it for a day I feel like it's another vlog of me did Britney just talking about the the the certain parts of that trip so I'm hungry I'm hungry I like how the pink vines it's been like two weeks the ping-pong balls are still hanging out y'all teaching core bad habits I guess if you're watching at this point thank you so so much this was such a special and huge video to us and we're obviously so happy to be home with the kids the family the dog the cat yeah I guess there's nothing in that bag for me better say thanks Noah so that is our movie guys like I said I feel like there's so much that I want to like talk about like the story behind the ring and getting it and getting it to China without Britney front it's a whole video in itself anyway guys we love you excited we're like the goal is to pump out some vlogs not every day but we plan to pump out some vlogs in between our next movie oh cool cool cool in the popo Brits and baby land back [Music] again if you're watching at this point thank you so much hope you enjoyed our second movie thanks for being so patient and we will see you very very soon anybody got anything to say before I say goodbye okay there's Kane all right so cool love you guys so much we'll be updating always on Twitter super updated and see you guys super soon thank you so much for everything we love you and soon we will officially be the atwood family beautiful if one-of-a-kind [Music] you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 14,684,216
Rating: 4.9289556 out of 5
Keywords: Roman, Brittney, Atwood, Movie, Proposal, engaged, married, wedding, second movie, number 2, date, dating, china, sanya, island, travel, vaca, vacation, trip, vlog, 90min, home, family, smile more, film, getting married, beach, tropical, kids, noah, kane, cora
Id: Hd3UIh4EKVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 38sec (5558 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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