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That AK airsoft.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/baolin21 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2015 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome to the Atwood house in our very first snowfall of the year check it out it's so cold yeah come here dude it's crazy my hands oh he's all snowy he's gonna get you hopefully it's not so much that you want to go out there so bad yeah why don't you throw some warm clothes on that's it's so cold in the clouds up in the sky that it freezes the rain and turns to snow and just like if you you'll probably go one day to a mountain where it's not snowing but up on the top there's snow because it's so cold up there the higher you go the color so keen just ask - it was gonna rain so that's why I know is explaining that snow is rain but when it's really cold out it turns the snow get cool you back it out of here turn there you go no help you ready [Music] it's our first snowfall guys so we've got this tennis ball launcher for dogs shoots like the ball so the dogs have to go chase the ball no so no use if you played fallout 4 what's that thing called the junk jet and I got three things I got in the game it's called the junk jet you can put whatever you want in it and it'll shoot it Noah's been using it as his junk jet you put it all in or just one at a time you can put is that a golf ball oh sweet if you watch yesterday's vlog at the very end I said hey guys this week I want to try to do very long raw vlogs this morning I woke up and missed my kids reacting to the first snowfall I missed it and those are the memories I want to watch later in life I missed it so it has more than inspired me to film as much as possible today so bum man my kids flipped out when they seen the snow I mean flipped oh it's not even enough snow hey snow bunny I know it's awesome we just need about another foot so that is what I'm gonna try to give you guys today the most raw form of a vlog I can give you and really to be honest kind of what vlogging is all about right like not just the highlights just everything because I'm realizing that's what I want to watch in the future what do you think it is come here come here come here I got a great idea okay okay let's hook this to your truck I think it'll pull it we installed this rope as soon as he got the truck I knew we'd be using it for something you crying you want him to pull yeah just see if it'll pull there you go hold on to it came yeah he's ready go [Music] [Applause] but in second cane get mommy she's thrown the first snowball perfect example of Ohio right here look it's this it's still snowing a little but look at the sky oh we need more snap [Applause] that's good all right no you ready go in the kitchen get you a new knee oh we got a man down over here chili dog oh hey so here's what we got today and here's our goal we failed out of all week and we're gonna try to do it today when we are doing it today we are setting up the Christmas tree it's it's kind of a feat it's not an easy project it took us four hours last year but that's half the fun we do need to clean a little bit who wants to help me clean you guys know we need to clear this whole get rid of the vases yeah we need take someone we got this little calendar I'm making a mess you beat me I know taking everything from downstairs up and this point we had the kids over last night so who destroyed the kitchen did you do that it's way easier to just throw all the toys up here why are we carrying stuff just start throwing it up it already looks like that's what we've been doing anyway we need up one of them big hose suckers you just drop down just sucks all the toys up this is our first year we've ever had our stockings with our names on it which I love I think it's super cool and we got a tree have we ever had a tree skirt it's actually just mrs. Claus's dress I see see the buttons yeah you can actually wear it the outwards it looks so funny it's legit you can wear that out you get fifties that's your nose let's go down and chop our tree down Christmas time Christmas time these two boxes build our tree it's like oh no last year I think we took it up in pieces here won't you let me do it oh yeah last year I had to break these pieces of wood to level our tree stand remember if this is wrong wobbly did it did it do you pulling up all these pieces st. well is it 12 foot whoa 12-foot tree I believe my neck crazy I was wondering how they do that actually yeah in a hurry Wow oh yeah piece number two hopefully we do this right this year take it all apart good job whoa I think what takes so long about a fake tree is just Fanning out all the branches is this part making it all fluffy good job honey you're doing a great job oh yeah we're really proud of you down here nope no oh it will probably need it though yeah particular speed I don't know what to do with yeah yeah you can sleep under here no it's a jungle in there Caine get my spear that's a wild boar in there we can hunt these should I put the topper on it makes so much more sense okay and there's a last chord and did it uh that's like a hole just like out like that it I don't know yo this tree is yeah the boys are over there working on their Christmas list I can't see the Sun is like honey you got it honey do you need help don't you dare fall off that ladder so hard to see I cannot believe that I four out big this tree is your alpha Bret you plug it in I don't know where the the connector is Barbie dolls so Kate Caine's over here telling Noah what he wants for Christmas I think Noah's making his Christmas list for him so Kane says a new bike a new watch okay the tree is up it's not decorated those are the lights come on and there's a lot of lights that aren't working I mean there's a lot yeah like all these bulbs I plug it in but nothing happens thanks buddy hey thanks my bracelet Hey stand here stand right down strum the tree thanks buddy all right let me see say cheese say cheese oh man it's looking like Christmas guys Santa Claus is coming down he even up for you parkour monkey now you got a front flip over that part okay let's see it cane let's see your version lunch is ready [Music] that was a Hulk good we are ship now we were having problems with Noah's laptop so him and I I took it this week to get it fixed so me and the boys are gonna plow some mac and cheese real fast no I had some problems with his laptop this week so it took me to get it fixed it's ready so we're all gonna run out and get it let the plan are you excited that's at our old house mmm they came said it has to be oh my gosh how is that me right now mm-hmm we are on the moves little baby Hulk oh look at dem hall guys he's ready to fight oh my gut blow all the glass out of the truck gonna be a her home we just got no laptop which is a huge huge thing hope you went this long without a laptop I don't know and today was like an exclusive family day all day and he just talked me into going to pick up little Owen I guess he's kind of part of the family so we're gonna go grab one so we share homes we are gonna grab him and then Brittany ran out to get extra Christmas lights and what's that stuff that goes around the tree garland is it Carly yeah because half our lights are out on the trees oh all right guys if you can survive the next 20 seconds of this video I promise you that you can forever get through any roam and I would vlog for the rest of your life you'll be able to watch it if you get through the next 20 seconds are you ready the most annoying 20 seconds in your life here we go [Music] there you go if you can get through that and that if you don't watch any room and I would vlog after that it'll make it all sound better and we're back the tree the tree doesn't look too bad mommy mommy beat us here you guys playing games upstairs I mean yeah I remember being your age all I wanted to do is help friends hey man it's fine kidding I'm kidding no have fun whoa cane starting to look pretty dude yeah yeah same thing anyway like this and you slide under and it looks really cool come on in you can see all the way up in there where are you going you totally could hide back there yeah no one would ever find you Zak's alright I always got you right you always have you Wow until you get bigger and older on me even think of that shoot some oops go but showing those epic trick shots you've ever seen that was close next five shots are gonna blow your mind here we go we getting Lego world again I just want to kiss Kane can I kiss mommy [Laughter] okay I'll be right back I'll be right back a list you mean I have to get more than one thing I gotta hit the store real fast we're gonna make tacos tonight is it for real for real dawg what are you gonna eat peanut butter and jelly all right guys as soon as I get back we are gonna tear open some of this fan mail there's a whole nother room full of fan mail as well so I don't really know how we're gonna open all this but we're gonna at least do some tonight I wanted to do all of it but it's just getting too late so fast I'm gonna dust off the car today take it out for a minute and yeah here we go here we go feels good to be in this car I never thought I'd like a car so much like I don't know I hope you guys are enjoying a little bit longer vlog today my goal is to aim for these type of vlogs a lot more often I know I'm not going to be able to do it every day no matter how much I want to but these are kind of the days that you know the more I'm I'm vlogging the more I'm realizing these are what I want to watch in my future and see my family grow and longer I film the better for us so it is tough some days it really is I'm not gonna lie we take a day off we didn't film there's either a really good reason but we just really needed a day without cameras so I don't I don't ever aim to take a day off I really enjoy Clark we all really enjoyed walking but some days we need it we need a day that being said I hope you're enjoying a little bit longer vlog I am gonna try to do a little bit longer blogs here now anyways hope you guys are having a fan friggin tastic day I mean I really mean that when I come on these vlogs every day is a huge part of me that says I want to lift my viewers up today baby and whether it's through my happiness and my kids were through maybe a motivational speech that I started spilling I want you guys to take away from these vlogs I want you to take something from them and see I hope your day is great man I hope you're not waiting until the New Year's for that resolution do it now all right I got my groceries got my grocery getter let's go it's so cold alright guys real quick real quick my car guys who makes the most bad a exhaust for a 2015 gt-r all right I don't know enough about cars but I know it doesn't scream enough listen all right I'm gonna rev it for you a little bit I ready listen [Applause] it's not loud enough it's not hot I want it I didn't even get the groceries hanger now I know there's a bunch of companies out there when I got the car there was nothing available like I think Nismo has an exhaust or something and I just don't know enough about cars but I want like a different sound all right what's that smile for I should have known you were gonna do that Travis friggin Barker we're missing some pieces we're missing we found the missing box it's got all our ornaments so this box has a lot of our ornaments that we already have tags oh that one oh this one does can you might hang it up no I'm gonna hang it up boom we're done our trees starting to look like a high school cheerleader I don't know where you going with that game cane you like my hat don't like it Grinch how about you wear it how about mommy wear yeah it came with it like feeding a couple zoo animals hooligans Wow whoa cats thanks for dinner baby thanks for dinner baby I love you you have to say any time to a girl just to make them happy two years that the trick I won you letting us in on the love secrets which ones you guys want okay we're gonna pick a few boxes each out of the fan mail there's also a lot more in in classroom cane picks the big one okay what'd you think buddy what you thinking okay there's awesome all of this in Kane's classroom go for it with the time with with the time we have left before bed down we got school tomorrow so it's a school night we're gonna open about ten maybe more than ten packages all right let's jump into it my battery lights flushing hang on a sec bubble wrap that's it it's a box of bubble wrap we get from chains adjust oh my gosh T's they're probably so bummed cuz we bought a bag huh no they're wood who's that from Jason Cummings you're the first one to send us an Amazon package and you put it as a gift so your name came with it Jason Cummings thank you for the tease you guys send Amazon stuff they never include your name so you have to put it under gift this one's coming in from Logan and look yeah a book from Logan do you have that one it's a Minecraft book cool just in case one GTR wasn't enough thanks Reagan I sketched it up uh-huh you guys are so cool so talented you can't sit oh that's cool the smoke you like it that is awesome Sam thank you so much he made smile more out of the exhaust that is freaking awesome really let me see he made a little Roman soldier skateboard little trick a little trick trick spot yeah Josh says he's 11 if he drew this that's really impressive yeah I mean if he do that at 11 years old I'm impressed [Music] just yeah what's in there [Laughter] these two monkeys who is that from because I'm not I don't think Cain likes it Cain do you love that monkey Oh is there a note inside the bag somewhere well no there's got to be alright Andres and Sebastian would they send no huh man remember when we used to get tons of those yeah it's like we showed him in the we showed him in the vlog once and everybody Cinna we have so many apparently you probably for you dice we have that same car GTR lots of GTR love in today's mail look at that Sebastian Anan dress [Music] oh they sitting well stingray to kadam --is this kid with this monkey oh my gosh that's my so good and renew it from Virginia please do not show this letter in the vlog show the puffle what is that minecraft stop-motion oh it's cool do we got to do this in the vlog so you you like move them one and then you take a picture move them on take a picture move like the one stick you guys took a little plug no I'm with like Legos - thanks Adam we may have to intro a vlog with this man spider-man spider-man Wow first we just fished of the night what is with this dude this is deal he's like you can bend him around so it's just the pencil from China he says I don't know that's all the info bother his name's Jess thanks jazz that is a cool pencil you should use this for school yeah wait does heavy eraser that's cute how can you not smile that it's magic hey guys it's Roman here he came there you want these ons you look like one of them old detectives so much better than these who's that from though is that back from this is Samantha London when it makes noise oh my gosh that's too cool it's a motion bird a little a time for just a couple more she got them floppy eyes nose got the floppy fingers diagnosed with Braddock's love lymphoma cancer I just thought it would be cool if you showed this in your vlog because I know if people heard from you they would support more than if I tried to tell me Cain says he sees bubblegum she's talking about a serious story things like I see so so Charlie so here's the one with cancer which is his brother's the worst we're now saw your warrior sweeter that goes so well together a Sawyer strong like they all got their head shaved oh look you just mad cuz you don't have a saw your boy your shirt it's all right Sawyer man it's always so hard to hear he's real tough stories but you got this you got this in the bag we're looking at all your pictures and the Atwoods got ya I'm a sore your warrior you don't see what he sent just want to give a huge thank you guys for sending all the mail and all the postage stuff I mean it knock Noah out peace I really took it out guys he's done I'm pretty sure it is bedtime wrap it up schools school can't even say the word school yeah so it's a school night we're wrapping it up it's time buddy it's time you only got like a couple days cuz Thanksgiving so I don't want to hear it I know give me a hug don't worry man before you know it you're gonna be 30 I love you so much sleep better than ever thanks kind of cool actually yeah not on there yeah we got a mess to clean up look at that oh you look so comfy can I have a hug nice hug it's been in there since vacation what sand okay [Music] I I have to start taking all this cardboard out she's Louise man I was like such a fraction in the mail we have and it makes such a mess with all the cardboard you guys are incredible though I just can't get over the the amount of stuff like all right guys I think this is actually a good time in this vlog I'm gonna take all this trash out Kane's getting the bench waving to him you're in medic mode thanks for sticking around today and watching the go out with family here you boo boo we will see you guys tomorrow I hope you like a little bit longer vlogs I'm gonna work on that that's something I really want to do personally as well and just correct me out with that hair we're getting a haircut this week are you into it tomorrow yep so we're talking about Christmas today guys what are you asking for for Christmas that's the only thing I want to see in the comments today what are you asking for for Christmas what about you okay big Jurassic dinosaur cage I don't even know what that is hope you guys had a wonderful day or having a wonderful day maybe it's morning lunch I don't know what time it is where you guys are thanks for watching us and hanging out and we will see you tomorrow where's your lint roller this broom is always so random we will see you guys tomorrow be positive think positive don't worry about anything negative just battle it baby push right through it you can do it I love you smile so our plan today was to set up our Christmas tree which I we all really wanted to do and then we we remembered it's Jessica's birthday it's my brother's wife's birthday so we're going to meet up with him how
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 5,274,975
Rating: 4.9466052 out of 5
Keywords: smile, everyday, more, prankster, new, Born, Romans, RomanAtwood, GREATEST, family vlogs, columbus, ohio, making, movie, LA, crazy, BEST, kid-friendly, family-friendly, vlog, vlogging, pranking, prank, vlogger, craziest, roman, kid friendly, Prankster, day, vlogs, daily, family fun, roman atwood vlogs, Natural, THE, pranks, atwood, family friendly
Id: xwhLTLcNwmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2015
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