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welcome to the vlog I know it's a little loud in here we are currently sitting in South Beach Miami we got DJ I don't know who thought of this place we got through seas friend with us Gabby how are you we got food soon hope you guys are feeling great having such a good day we're just sitting down for what we call breakfast is 3:30 p.m. we had an amazing show in Orlando last night here's a quick shot of Orlando they even had his standing room in the back and [ __ ] house was a crazy show Thank You Orlando let's get Miami started I'm very excited to be here and out we have a show tonight too so see this when it comes to the stereotype I'm getting the chicken and welcome but I don't eat watermelon so I'm not getting the water you're not doing the water now no water hi everyone ever in my life had chicken and waffles together I know that second thing it's like a it looks amazing have you guys ever had chicken and waffles it's like salty to me that we go to rosco have you guys ever had chicken waffles you have the only Roscoe's has ever seen is in grand theft auto now that's cluck they have like one yeah yeah so that's what that is well I am going to try to film as much as I can that they kind of Rob along it for you I know I skipped yesterday and I honestly just felt like I was being too repetitive and I needed to just call it so today we're just going to rob our hope you guys enjoy it let's get started let's have some fun in Miami and see some chicken a walk we have a day off tomorrow we're traveling into Georgia Atlanta Georgia we have a show in Atlanta two days everyone just said what can we do in Atlanta we want to do something that will blow your mind Atlanta has the biggest aquarium in the country and you can scuba dive with the sharks you know I'm scared water - my biggest fear that's why you get you can get past it right now I'll panic in the water and they'll eat me they won't eat you they like dark meat hucking scuba-dive with my rush you guys know I love diving and I love scuba diving with sharks dude I'll block you and if anything happens I'll send it the world's are it's safe people do it every day hey just so you know I can't save you from a shark bodyguards hey man I mean uh I'll try but I'm out too hard because I can get up alright that's at least one idea we said what can we do in Atlanta we have a day off in Atlanta tomorrow what can we do I'm 110% down a shark guy you won't do it you would owe this down for something like that I'm not no you know why you're not down because you let your mind feel you're in fear nothing is going to happen to you in fact when you're done with it you're going to be so happy even if you said jump in water with Nemo and nori I went into it memo's are one of the most deadly efficiently world yeah exactly I'm kidding at least that's I do my idea out there then you should do one thing that scares you every day that's all think about I'll think about it okay two hundred two hundred thousand likes and you have to die they'll get that in 30 minutes three hundred I don't think I've ever had $300 hundred thousand four hundred net semarang a thousand four hundred thousand likes because I know that's ridiculous four hundred thousand likes my time we get your land a [ __ ] has to should be illegal you'll never see a happier DJ right here man this is his day hope you guys enjoy a more of a wall block today I'm just gonna film on a shoot as much videos I can and guys today what is this sir cornbread that's my cornbread yes your cornbread turn out do you put the syrup on the chicken experiment you know everyone just everywhere just dumping it all over all right you guys know I love syrup on all my sausage bacon I never try to uncheck them I think it makes sense butter biscuits chicken waffles cornbread you name it this is the south as you get and it's delicious I'm either gonna go pass out and miss my show sit on the toilet for two hours I'm gonna be really happy they're all up for grabs right now what are these like I'm almost popular dessert here Oh maple glazed bacon doughnuts thank God he said bacon I can't try it we're all so funny said we got a special treat in you guys so here we go can't walk yuck carry me you got this yes carry me Levi oh we are out of there I have never experienced chicken and waffles and I'm not sure that if I do again it will ever be that good that was insane if you've never had the highly recommended where was that place out Yardbird I can scan for you oh he's got a smile more shirt on Miami feeling the heat Will Smith baby we are running back to the hotel grabbing a couple things and then it is off to the show me Reid's live show Miami and other fun things Britney's making a little video for you guys today so I'll be playing that and just seen checking in at home check-in you know I now know why they do chicken and waffles because the chicken put you in like a sleepy coma and the waffles light you up with the syrup so I'm liking this weird funky mix of hyper and sleepy alright so I'm back at my hotel and get some things together and I'm on it I want to show you guys what I really didn't show you if you guys watched the last video I uploaded then you know I broke my hand and I really didn't show you guys the details of it and I don't want to and I really don't want to get into the details of it but if you watch the video I explained that I have a broken hand and when I get back to Ohio they have to rebuy kit and put me in a cast or a splint or however they want to handle it but I never showed you guys this is my hand right now these are all pretty normal but these right here this knuckle is what they call a boxer's fracture and you can see my knuckle is gone and actually push down and crooked which is why if you look at my hand right now I have no knuckle you see this hand this hand has a big knuckle and that's actually because my knuckle has been pushed back into this area and there's a fracture inside of it see I guess that's pretty much the details of it and it's not fun man I want to thank everybody for listening to my story and the vlogger I uploaded about how I broke my hand and it's just it's really embarrassing to me and I got nothing but love for you guys so thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here let's continue this vlog let's go I know everyone's gonna be out here waiting I'll sit it's so hard to use my hand oh you ready window you chicken how try to hit my hand on everything are you ready what are you doing getting ready what up B what's up Bob what you ready for tonight yeah let's do it awesome I don't know if you guys have noticed as much as I have but Miami is hot yeah ha earlier foo she was saying that there's a lot of hot moms in Miami who's calling me ami mommies yeah I mean moms I would agree with you Brittany was here right now I never in my life well first of all I never thought I'd ever be on a tour like they're yelling Pablo Pablo second I never thought that I would be doing a show in Miami yes Boosie you've already played here oh I had a base life are you telling me what you guys want a little bit more raw vlog today so here it is I'm gonna kind of just film as much as possible like I keep saying and this is our show tonight's our stage this is our whoa whoa I love this place how many seats is this venue 2025 2500 we've sold 11 tickets so it's gonna be it's gonna be a fun night man this is I'm truly blessed to be standing up here man always every night I feel so fortunate to have a song you go dark on stage in 13 minutes so let's go on hey hey you need to lose the seriousness this is small more show you'd be happy that my same with this mock in here yeah but where's the deep voice uh hey I did it yesterday they use things like can you bring it out for me right now for the vlog right now for the wall there it is gentlemen we go dark in 13 minutes so if we could please lower our microphones on and proceed with the soundcheck that just made it so much fun or for me you guys may or may not know soundcheck is actually really boring it's basically where we just check our mics and we always try to make fun ways to make it fun so this is our mics we wear every single night you guys seen these they're very irritating because they always move like all you guys will see if you come to the show I'm always moving them and playing with it playing with ya and it's only upside down to us the audience season all right I got you I got you usually at the shows he has smile more going all over the venue tonight he just wants to hold it right down that white spot I think what's great so why do you even listen because the crowds are so loud but it starts feeding back into your microphone and then we can't turn you up above the crowds yes you guys are like back to the future we're playing again yeah exactly like that like I said I don't I don't get along with these mics very well you're getting all this right this is the good stuff this is the good stuff this is probably gonna be the most popular part of here this will be the most popular absolutely just some random mica just just some random dude place it's not a random dude he's the only reason we have audio on this entire course anybody's my personal massage therapist that's $500 right there the price just keep going you guys know every night we do a meet-and-greet 150 people I'm gonna see you back home right now to Ohio to my beautiful and lovely family that I missed dearly hi Flash's gone crazy yeah I just wanted to come on and say hi and we miss you guys and love you and we're just hanging out hey what's up can you give him a thumbs up oh yeah oh yeah you haven't said that for a while so yeah we just wanted to come say hi and I have a big surprise I'm trying to do um Tuesday so I'm gonna vlog that and send it to Roman which will be really cool you guys will see it'll be up Wednesday for the big surprise there's ooh say hi Susie say hi Susie I know my flowerbeds need some work look at him sitting the ball down then there flash what are you doing are you trying to help me weed are you weed in the flowers flash has been quite the handful since I've been on very mobile very energetic so yeah say okay say bye everyone bye god hey everyone we're hot Dale's house the pool but I'm still drying cuz it was by the side so I just jumped on it and they'll built this crazy like warrior thing and um I'm gonna climb across because kind of are but I'll stand on hearing don't fall hahaha what's that for everyone I've spent all day on this Ninja Warrior rope pool crossing and we're already shot but we just want to say hi from Ohio to everyone go all the way Noah all right Dale say hi to everyone on Romans channel wanted to say hi to everyone you don't see me for a while and I miss you dad um I love you and miss you see you very soon and I can't wait till you get home love you oh man I was such a good effort I'm scared my first fan cinnamon yeah are you excited did you come to I really love these mean greets always remind me why we do what we do and this is because of you right here how far did you fly 15 15 hours you're why miss hi what's up oh you guys are amazing thank you so much are you got back yeah yeah they get ready they are getting ready Miami what do you mean see because these kids are supposed to be outside come on we got we gotta get ready guys we'll see you soon baby Showtime baby be walking out about to have some fun let's go have some fun and hope you guys are feeling so good hope you're having a great day you guys are everything thank you give me a chance at fun maybe I was going to his first rap ever on this entire tour he has never done this before he's here in my office this is never a tone in your face I was one of the cringy estate give it up I like to bring country out here to arm-wrestle for hey background roaming just tap bunchy become an arm-wrestle me someone done Oh what a show Miami was so fun we had the best time out there good job USA best show ever no we said that enough that's a wrap on my Emmy thank you guys so much for coming whoa gotcha good job tonight bro I appreciated those I don't know who what did I win today I didn't look at the scoreboard I don't care about it all is long before fun that beats I genuinely had a great back to Rio and night oh I gotta tell you this off-camera okay so we just hit backstage our show is over and I just got to say how many shows have you come to five this is your fifth Roman versucci show give me such a big hug thank you so she just walked into me and pussy's face was like five shows what I don't even know today I'm like becoming a fan of you hang out you never real talk about were you sitting tonight because I didn't spot you yeah further in the back okay yeah we didn't see the back yeah last minute look can you just hit us up ahead of time so I can give ya home shows like maybe that hat or that for country whoa you know what I know what this is about now she likes Benji we have seen many people show up to multiple shows but she now holds the record for five of our shows not the Hat she said about the Cubs Oh we're representing cargo of finances she got in the exact design and shading notice girls go to five of our shows country DJ came outside I'm from a man from the outside looking in yeah you're amazing you always show great support get energy everything will just appreciate the love and support you show come on two brothers I hit I really appreciate you might say thank you so much good thing well no you know it's way quicker if you just get on the tour but I need to chose him by yourself no I flew she's fine Oh am i dry that you flying around don't work have you ever been to Europe no do you want to go stop it are you serious I feel like I want to fly to Europe do you want to go you have a passport yeah are you serious let's whatever up that's fly to Europe let's do it yeah you're coming to Europe you want to go for real you hundred versus you if you have a passport I'm flying you to Europe Wow I can't hey buddy is yeah she's coming to Europe at least six shows we got Ritchie six we're gonna walk out Sarah bus pop-up a pop pop pop oh I blow can you help me out a little bit yeah you can do another rap out there yeah I mean yes okay I like a bunch outta gas see he's not kidding even he's not the night in Toronto when you guys I was out there for like half an hour signing autographs against a person I love you out I know exact Wow so let's lose them - this is a serious part of the night where DJ coordinates with over that we have to get out okay so soon as we get past this guy make this lever here quick look wait look I'm kind of excited but I'm kind of nervous where we at with Roger house sriracha pote lake style but it's like more I think Chinese which I love I'm a big fan they're making it right here all right okay basically it's like an Asian Chipotle you choose from all these things you pick you're like what you want noodles or rice your your kind of meet your sauce I don't know what to get yet we get some spicy though no good no imma be completely honest two species idea to come here at wholly regret this this is like this research giving Hughes unbelievable it's so good Oh is he really gonna disrespect him like I was even pull out my camera clothes just eating talking he was like you haven't been talking I've just been eating it's amazing yeah Pablo I got a challenge for you after that cringey rap tonight yeah have you ever snorted sriracha just one drop what we give it one drop you tell me anybody ever done that give course yeah okay just one drop look at the result usually smiles happen Oh often say don't honey someone's got to do it the freedom sinus as well one wrong you don't to do that nor do you have to do all that I just gave you enough anything Roman knows what happened so he wants to see what's going to happen with you so it might not be bad at all you don't do it tomorrow for armwrestling you got a hard-on for me country it's a fight you guys okay with sriracha is it's hot chili sauce and uh I mean you eat it it's not that spicy or drowsiness and my mouth is like really it's not burning but it's tingling hey God you're gonna do it if you give me I'll stick to the deal I will stick to the deal if you do it hundred percent yeah yo success requires sacrifice I'll sacrifice my fame let's go alright I draw the line yeah how makes a line gonna be what nother thing you ready good you don't have to clear it but that's enough to get it in which one's working versus stepping up to the plate guys I'm impressed he's doing it for a reason if he doesn't I'm gonna tell you what the reason like the next thing I'm gonna steal and be in the hospital no no I gotta go here yeah I guess I'm a - Hey - I got big mouths right yes you bro all right now you got it see I found it I got such big nostrils it was in my nose I was so disappointing I took it we did Oh I feel like my nose is bleeding I feel like my nose was Cicilline it is it bad my stomach hurts I took a while to open my nasal system you go um I get sick oh my how does it feel now I'm scared it's gonna keep coming up but it took a while to look through my asel cavity oh and he's burning so bad my nose is big so there's a lot to go through oh it was that little door who's good he did it my guys the deal deals a deal I'm gonna stick to my end of the deal I'm scared to breathe through my nose right now because I'm gonna feel it again so I keep breathing through my mouth my nose on my oh you you did so much right it's not bothering because I didn't feeling the effort so I felt like a champion and I was like I can show everybody that I can keep going like my life is I'm plenty deals a deal this was the deal he did the sriracha I shout out his YouTube channel yeah tell him hi what's up Roman soldiers I've been on tour the Roman I got a block channel called dose of [ __ ] if you want to come on by check out some vlogs and subscribe I would love you so much there it is thank you good job I'm impressed you did a lot I'm gonna I'm gonna end this section on the blog with don't do that she's probably not gonna kiss me now was she supposed to that was awesome man we out how's it feel feels good I can I can breathe so clearly I can breathe clearly now all right guys last time I was right here on this beach I was filming the skunk prank or spraying people the skunk and my flip flops got stolen by the flip flop pirate you doing here about that no I was all everybody heard about it everyone's talking about it bro you must've been out what now wasn't a big deal but a pirate took my flip-flops spit on them and then spent two hours cursing them in a different language and dancing on top of them why I don't know why this is a flip-flop Barbara that's what they do how you doing buddy buddy buddy you broke my flip-flop bro you broke my flip-flop oh you're disgusting you just spit on my shoe that day I was like you gotta love my Hemi she gonna do what's he gonna do I like that whoa yo he's rubbing my shoe [ __ ] look at this he still got him in his hand yo I can't even make this stuff up like I can't even come up with this look at him he's got him in his hands dude he's still spitting on them baby still spinning alright guys another night another edit another hotel somebody Demetri brought me this Mickey Mouse has a good thing too because I have now used up every one spot more hats on the whole tour and I'm out completely out no more small more hats another great show another fun night man I don't even know what to say but thank you guys for being here guys tomorrow we pack up and head to Atlanta Georgia we have a show Tuesday night in Atlanta Georgia if you guys want to come check it out it's going to be a blast I'll put the link in the description for the show and I'm excited man Alana's gonna be big it's a big show so thank you guys we love you from the bottom of our hearts I'm so nice get video from Noah today in Brittany and I can't wait to get all I honestly cannot wait to get home and I'm having so much fun on tour it's a surreal experience but there's always the thought in the back of my head that I I'm just I miss my family man there's no other way to put it I just miss my family I'm sure you guys understand that relate but uh there's just nothing better than that see you tomorrow guys thanks for everything you're absolutely beautiful you're one of a kind stay positive push through the negativity you are awesome mama he's good give me five all right
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,497,786
Rating: 4.9753084 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, Natural Born Pranksters, pranks, best pranks, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, ohio, youtube pranks, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, daily vlogs 2016, Challenge, challenges, Tour, RVF, Roman vs Fousey, Roman Atwoods, girlfriend, brittney smith, Noah, Kane, Atwoods, daily, everyday, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, fail, fails, chicken and waffles, south, southern
Id: E9ZMm8eykxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 32sec (1892 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2016
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