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welcome to the floor guys today is the demo I mean we've been doing this a couple times but today's a day today's the day we promise to get the flames around burn some stuff light some stuff up have some fun do the live stream all today I got to get a bunch of gas I guess to start we just need to fill a bunch of these hope you're having such a good day man we got such a beautiful day every time I do a live stream I'm a little worried because maybe it's gonna rain outside then I can't even do the live stream so it's always it's it's good to have sunshine man you know why we enjoy the Sun because of the rain just like we take good days for granted if we never had a bad day bad days are what make good days so special let's do this I don't even really know what I'm doing today like I had all this time to prep it and I tried to get all these cool things a lot of things fell through my manager said they're illegal so we're gonna make the best we're gonna still make this a lot of fun and we got a couple experiments that should be cool and let's just roll let's go let's let's do this this looks like an appropriate place to start it is almost Halloween already guys this year is burning up so fast I hope you're using your time wisely I figure maybe we can find some like zombies scarecrow something cool to roast is it bad that I'm coming in here just to burn things these are great look at this it's like a life-size clown yeah she's thinking like some life-size some life guys Halloween is changing man what is this why why is there a zombie baby sucking a human hand yo what is going on with these babies no I can only assume that he stole this off a human right you oughta match imagine this guy on fire like this is terrible read a bunch of your comments you guys to do helium balloons like apparently those will combust are there big explosions what about this clown holding the balloons out in my yard that's pretty creepy it's a big dude thank you to those guys hooked us up with those two we got a clown and a zombie you guys seen it's gonna be so ridiculous the craziest part is that flamethrower we last like a minute like you fill it up takes a little while to fill up because the nozzle is so small and it lasts like a minute so it's you know it is what it is getting some helium in balloons I think we should like dress the clown up did you like a party hat needs a party huh we all need party hat kazoo kazoo do you know what we're using this for just that's what we're gonna suck the healing we're gonna actually blow up balloons completely opposite of both of those things we have a flamethrower and we're gonna shoot the balloons doesn't know where you're doing danger caution warning choking has it's got it all this contains gas under pressure may explode if heated we're gonna heat it alright let's try this again man I'm not gonna make a mess this time I promise I got this I got this somebody bigger well there's no fast way to do this man like the nozzle doesn't fit in the jug this hole is too small for this you have to drizzle it in if you go too fast this fills up so you have to you just have to be so patient and wait patience my friend patience dude you got the ground all wet you're covered you're soaked in diesel dude well it's kind of good I can't make do when I can't read this week I did the same exact thing my sleeve is reserved somebody's gotta be able to answer why it's gas can why does it nozzle fitnah gas can not a diesel can it's still mystery to me I never understood it try to just answer my own question I feel like such an idiot these diesel pumps over here have smaller nozzles those apparently over there are for semi trucks which have bigger holes I feel so dumb but I learned something today I never have to do that again alright we got tons in tons of fuel hood yes time is ticking guys we're getting close we are I'm gonna pick up my little man my boy Noah and if we're gonna do this we're going home we're setting up all the props we're going to light up the sky I'm excited man I'm nervous too because I don't I don't know what's expected specially since I'm trying to do it live on my livestream so it's like how entertaining is it gonna be live versus you know vlog where I have a chance to cut it make it more exciting make it more fun when I'm live it's like it's just growing uncut so there's dead spots there's especially since you're used to my vlogs I cut quicker than I wouldn't like why there's no cutting so it's just raw so it's always interesting it's always fun it's it's experimental it's you know just trying new stuff I like it too I like it I no time for these Hollywood people I'd rather give time to my fans you rather chill with these women and like you for money but I'd rather chill with my fam we gotta run him over you better move it y'all ready to see some fire big y'all what's up baby you're growing out how'd you know we were cooking you said their mistakes this is not what I thought we're slaying vampires here uh what'd you think pretty cool if you don't like him that's good because we're gonna torch him you don't like him Oh any moves around Kane he moves around like he shakes his body my brother already came and hooked up the routers and everything we need out here in the yard this is probably where we should do it like right here I'll just tear down everything I've done great maybe we torch the router at the end yeah it kills the feed torch the whole thing oh my god oh it is so a heavy little man you want to try to pick it up come here I never see nothing more you about to we were all sick everybody's been sick this week are you ready to shoot this thing today are you yeah it's up to them it's up to you guys she gave you a deal or setting out we got tons of cool stuff that dude is creepy that's enough that looks like my prom date though I mean I haven't seen her in years she looks better than before she's taller dude I mean you've done well Bernice of course you boys are going inside tonight I'm sorry you got to go you got to look at them they're like I'm ready though I'm ready oh I'll just lay your and watch I'll just leave your watch boss you are so dirty flash what are you doing now it actually does look like your prom dude right yeah Bernice's dad came along that clever agree who agrees zombie versus clown I would take a zombie apocalypse over a clown Epoque likes any day yeah how come there's not clown epochal is like well there was that movie killer clowns from outer space couldn't watch it as a kid they killed people turned them into cotton candy and suck their blood oh my as a kid I was like why do they need to be cotton candy they have more no it's not the last one but we got a we got a pervert over here looks like a birthday party man fly whoo so we really only have enough to do this about three times I got one two three those are savory one per year long as I get a pizza I don't care dude I think I just came up with an idea a flamethrower verse GoPro like just hit it like it'll be fine it will be fine but it'll look cool that's fireproof play and then you can hold it right you just mount as long as you have plastic goggles for my eyes I'm fine your glasses are fun there's a glass right better than plastic buh buh buh fulfill the rub maybe um everyone range is going hot we're going hot wait that means dogs are going oh yeah did she go going baby he ain't gonna leave he ain't gonna leave me that's loyalty all right how are we doing Noah we still streaming okay we are live streaming and vlogging at the same time this is where it gets tricky for me because I can't always remember which one that I'm talking to hanging out with flame cam I love it all right we were fully ready to go Dale had the idea to light our little bonfire pit to kind of one things up out here it's a little chilly so yeah yeah down if you're down down with the clown Sharon you don't want to do it no you're really not gonna shoot it you have to the world is great yeah but still deals are meant to be broken there we go this black hammer just goes black I know it's so bright what are you guys doing in here sounds like a party to me so we're at 700,000 viewers right now shoot it that's not eight just kidding really at 200 the other night I was live-streaming and one of you guys gave me this idea I think your name was Brian Sorel Sorrell I hope I hope that's it Brian you came up with an idea to fill a trash can full of popcorn right oh yeah a popcorn dude is what the whole store so the idea here is just raw popcorn kernels that we were gonna try to heat the can up I think that's too deep though is the problem right or we need to raise this off the ground I don't think it's a problem at all yeah just nuke it up yeah I think we are gonna pick it up off the ground but I don't think it's an issue I think just pop now we're gonna empty it all into the yeah close this is a big fail t-mister oh he's hurt he's hurt dude I think you went through his fate yeah real definitely went through his face dude he should be dead he should be buddy he's a zombie you can't kill him in the head though not but now you guys got a stand come on Zeus come on these dogs just want to hang out with us so bad what is that hey you know we are now gonna attempt to fill a dumpster trashcan aluminum trash can with popcorn kernels light the can with the flamethrower and see if popcorn will actually pop out of the can I have no idea if it'll work it probably takes an extreme amount of heat to get through that can but we got all this popcorn we've got an aluminum trash can which is just I think this is it man I'm also gonna plant some so next season you'll be able to harvest your own pot that's real nice dude chucking so this guy's this will be 80 pounds these are each two pounds each 80 pounds of popcorn in this trash can I cannot wait to see if this works [Music] ready we're gonna fill it with some oil cholesterol free to buy the world thank goodness watching my figure watching to get bigger corny showers no I definitely want to eat it yeah all right look out let's do it oh it's so heavy he was knocking it over though honestly I think I think we're gonna make some popcorn I hope so we're gonna make some pop I really want to see some pop tonight I wanted to be like popping the lid off yeah yeah yeah we're gonna attempt to make popcorn hey John come this way cuz the winds going that way there we go popcorn 2.0 dang [Applause] I think I hear it popping [Applause] to the left a little Roman this way just a hair the clapping is poppin you can hear it it's working oh it's on fire we've made popcorn and now it's burning look at that can its glowing red touch it nobody get close to it did we have a stick or something oh no or popcorn well that can is glowing red light here on my phone ah alright so I think the oil is actually gonna boil down and start to make popcorn we need more heat yeah it started maybe get some firewood oh it smells so good look you can see kernels popping right there on top we need more heat no there's one right now there's more than one they're popping right now we need another refill I could not physically hold the flamethrower another second my face I'm pretty sure all the hair on my face is gone you look great it's so hot you should hit no hair to begin with Dale wants to attempt to continue cooking popcorn he already started a fire over here we're gonna attempt to just set that right on top I mean we've gone so far and the fact that there's 80 pounds of popcorn sitting in there on top yeah you can't sit well with me you're wasted no we're gonna eat we eating tonight boys oh man it's almost meant to be it's meant to be okay I love it you know you might need a little more air in there like it's hot pop it like it's hot oh that light looks good keep that light on yeah I like that I can't we actually did pop some you guys see it in there smells like it's burning though I know much not enough we'll time to take other trash this is during the attempt to roast the popcorn originally my yard is gone I mean gone it is ghost time I'm gonna let John take out these two ghosts I think we should John I think you should come over here can't believe you ever shot this thing I don't wanna know you don't know is ready not to you twelve son it's from Willy Wonka the original Willy Wonka it locks the flame on so right here silver button in you look like a beach now push and hold the silver button up here and that'll lock it to finger operation so we are live-streaming this whole thing hold what okay so push the when you push the red in uh-huh and you'll hold this down and let go okay yeah is this camera its setup good cuz I did hit it IMAX I don't know you're rolling I think there's a lot switch what do you now you want to do it you should take off the clown you should take out the clown seriously you don't you have to put it on your back you can set it down just pull the trigger you'll do it she's gonna do it no no don't hurt him he's my friend going off and scaring everybody all night it just goes off Brits gonna take out the clown get a break get him get him you went from not shooting it to now you want to shoot it with it on your back let's just see if you can support it alright let's see it I give you so much credit where everyone on the livestream is giving you hard saying you can do it you got this oh she's got it that was awesome Keith you've gone you did so good just push the red button I mean there's no eyebrows not a little makeup can't fix did that make you feel like incredibly powerful is that the head I yeah I don't hear you laughing now you punk you did it even though we didn't even come close to our 800 she did it I'm proud of you by the way we are also just about to hit 320,000 we've picked up 20,000 people in the last ten minutes and we're still not done we're not done we got the big zombie oh and Clifford Clifford's going down oh yeah yeah no more truck get it John dude is it wait wait wait there's a door here you have to kick down okay you got to kick down the door you got to get in you got to save the little girl ready yeah go let the girl go more John she's chief all through the land oh no look no scope it wasn't no scope actually what he said is if you send another disco party he'll rip his shirt off into a disco what yes what I heard five seconds five hold on wait [Applause] there was totally no disco I would have now there was John his pants are down he's gonna have his pants up this is a family show Emily hey yeah this goes on B just shake a bunch of you want us to burn that was great he does he told me yesterday you shot your first gun ever machine gun today you'll be shooting your first flamethrower nice let's get the GoPro on the zombie he's got like a metal frame uh-huh let's try to mount this GoPro okay well I don't know how to tell you this but this is Ami's from the future dude he's got a GoPro and he's mad survives help we if John holds the flamethrower down there's a slim chance we're gonna lose the GoPro if he just if you just torch torch torch it's gonna be fine give up we want to kill the zombie we all just saw me without killing the GoPro and you win the game okay that's the game game you kill the zombie no you stand right next to it to make sure everything's good have you seen the movie aliens where ripley's going oh I don't see going down to destroy the ha that part - oh he's alive he's alive keep it going look at his body wait wait wait stop he's falling he's dying that's it no he's good we gotta get the GoPro it's unplug where's my GoPro where is it dude it's still recording I'm not kidding the light is on keep it keep it going here it's still recording dude dude it's probably molten I know I need to get my card up kick it out oh it broke kick it my way oh my god no it stopped it's not recording anymore you need a glove and you need to detach the top most likely that's polycarbonate with a melting point of roughly 500 we go here we go here we go he looks perfect oh god it's like a bluing memory card memory card looks good but I'm saying your GoPro is done pull the battery it's hot as fire hold the battery maybe the battery cell burn up I have to go pro now honey looks good you think you know what whoa the lens is on fire it's not that hot inside here it is we'll see if the footage is on there - she shut off it was recording in the fire when I was still recording it's like when I kicked it maybe I stopped it that's what I'm hoping that'd be great is that I killed it [Music] wait my god blow it's still recording I'm not kidding the light is on still recording dude well this is what's left that's what if you ever wanted to know what's inside a zombie that's it oh oh oh you really got to do is take out the support system and they fall so no I asked if he could shoot something so have at it boy pull the pull the lever you can get old school ones filled with water and they're the best movies ever although having a fun project you should do it awesome it's already out so nails got a crazy idea like most of his ideas we're gonna dump the popcorn out onto the ground and use the last of our torch the very last bit of our torch and see if we get any popcorn I'm ready I want to make this a real video where we actually try to do it over a fire you just gonna put it in the rubble you can do all of it yeah I'll eat it John will take care I got doesn't look like that much the light in here dang well you made a little popcorn let's make some popcorn boys my camera is so dead it's a splashing red forever it's almost out it's almost out is it now we're all done gonna hang out again with me this dog has to be like he can be anywhere as long as his eyes are on me if I'm around the corner he has to come around the corner I think I just blew a bubble out my nose it's really strange like he can go out all the way out in the yard as long as he can visually see me he's fine as soon as I go around the corner he's flies he's like full speed and then if you got food guys thank you so much for hanging out today man I had a good like I don't know how it translates because I was live-streaming my brother Dale helped me out so much if you watch the stream you know he took it a lot and was talking you guys said that I couldn't vlog so hopefully it's a nice mix between the live and the vlog and I didn't take too much away from either one thank you guys for being here thank you for watching the stream and we will see you tomorrow for another day I don't know what we're doing I just really got tired I'm gonna eat this stuff and say goodnight thank you we love you you're beautiful small one [Applause] yeah
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 11,430,529
Rating: 4.9138889 out of 5
Keywords: family-friendly, brittney, Natural Born Pranksters, daily vlogs 2016, Roman, daily, Roman Atwood, fire, clown, family friendly, atwood vlogs, roman atwoods, Girlfriend, best, kid friendly, kid-friendly, Smile More, vlogs, kane, noah, roman vlogs, kane atwood, pranks, halloween, smith, stupid, crazy, hot, zombies, family vlogs, Atwood, everyday, best pranks, ohio, roman atwood vlogs, live, vlogger, noah atwood, fun, roman soldiers, youtube pranks, family fun, kids, stream
Id: Gq8EDcn5Tjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2016
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