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I watched the whole thing! Not all at once but in parts. i didn't send anything but your videos still are amazing! Your family is unbelievable and your videos make me happy. Whenever im down i think of you! No joke! So thanks for everything Roman and if you read this then tell Kane, Noah, Brittney, Hi!!!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Gekthegecko 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2015 🗫︎ replies
Hey hey guys how the heck are you hey guys in Legoland did you get a new Lego game for your birthday you did it before this wall gets to started I want to let you know that this could be and will be the longest long that we have ever uploaded ever on this channel so if getting mix between we got the house all clean because we're about to destroy it destroy you probably won't even be able to see the carpet when we're done all right I'm gonna go get no okay I'll be right back kiss love you love you I'll be right back right back bye bye running out really fast to grab my boy Noah he's spent the night with his friend last night so I'm grabbing him now would probably be a good time if you're gonna watch this whole vlog to grab some snacks back grab your favorite drink just relax man I hope you enjoy it this is really much owed to you guys this is a very long awaited video that we've been trying to do for a while and of course want to know it back so uh here we go man let's do this all in one Jeff on super fun you guys didn't stay up too late did you haha I know what that face means that means you probably didn't sleep over what stopped over at my dad's got some of his apples from his orchard we are home we are home again I guess the question for me right now is where do we start can you dump it out alright this is one bucket one bucket get it yeah we just push it alright oh man we gotta be careful with them okay I don't know there could be breakables ready let's go get another bucket what do you think all this crazy have you ever seen this much mail in your life it's like we have our own post office we have our own Postal Service dude that's bucket number two this is going to take a very long time and dump it dump it this way Wow we have some awesome viewers buddy got it good job Schramm oh boy we could use your hand you're gonna dive in this with us until we get it all brought up here you know help you open it we got quite the system here nose packing the buckets I'm hauling them upstairs Caine's dumping them and we're about to add Brit to the system so we're gonna double our time to take forever just to get this upstairs there's so much more over here - hey did we need some music on rockin and rollin okay you ready dump it's three buckets you like to have one that is cool somebody duct tape the whole box this is definitely worthy of bucket four four buckets can or you count in bucket 5 bucks six you know maybe we should just stop counting hey box seven gig no starting to lose his mind he's starting to go crazy down here we need backup oh well I mean I don't even know where to start this isn't it I mean look at this this is great you guys are crazy we're not crazy you guys are crazy well there's no doubt this is gonna be a freaking blast though every single package has love in it people went out of their way to put something in there go to the post office pay for it and ship it to us that's amazing thumbs up to them boom we love you guys let's have some fun let's make this fun get something to eat get a snack sit back relax on us let's do this it has to be into time-lapse of all of us lighting you can do a couple of us you know in the time-lapse we wanna do tripod maybe I do a mix cuz I've charged so many batteries for this camera I'm gonna try to shoot this as rahl as possible I mean it's kind of tough Caine's already digging we hate we have to say who they're from - okay okay mommy's gonna help you so we're just gonna start open it I'm gonna trust you like I said as well as possible I want to know who actually watches this entire video versus who skips through it that's cool on a dirt bike I have a feeling you have a whole new toy collection after this I think it's darson Thoresen you got the very first package we opened I think it's darson I could be wrong I think that's it yeah dorsen batli you can't picture box out he's trying around for like 10 minutes so we let him start with that what is it oh you know what it is open it who's this from see okay this is actually super awesome this is from James Becker and this is an Eiffel Tower magnet because when I was in Paris at the Eiffel Tower I didn't get one remember that's the one place I forgot to get a magnet so thank you that's super cool that's a big box cane holy had you maybe it's just a suitcase for you to ride on oh it's an outdoor grill there's other things back here too what the heck ah look oh that's actually really awesome it's a whole grill you guys yeah dude I'm cooking tonight that's a big problem that we have noticed if you ship stuff from Amazon so somebody ordered this obviously on Amazon and then it comes and there's no names there's no shipper name there's no notes there's nothing all I can do is thank whoever did this right now I don't know who sent it I feel bad but I don't all right Amazon you can have it as a gift and then create a message it's probably the best thing to do yeah there's no no well thank you whoever sent that that's gonna be great for all family obviously I don't know pick them up close my eyes and reach out and get one there you go well we're opening all of them so you can almost just go for it that would be awesome for upstairs yeah what did the meetry send us down I don't know either mommy you're scaring it that night okay whoa it's like a whole kit dude it's like a whole I've seen these before that I don't know what they are oh it's just what mommy needs huh more sprinkles swedish fish dude i have a feeling we're gonna get a lot of those today Lauren in Australia that's a far far trip right there Sam now let's read it your pictures she said oh she's dedicated from ready no it came I didn't watch it yeah Lauren from Australia send them in a awesome pencil case really cool bad they're puppets I'm using and they sleep in this nice little cozy bag oh it's awesome and a koozie Lauren was so glad that we can inspire you so much reading through your letter we obviously just helped you through some rough days so you obviously helped us too so thank you for all this is really cool this is what she wants us to make smile more pencil cases like our own uh-huh yeah we hit a lot of requests for that actually it's a popular one who's it prom it must be Blake Jones Blake Jones or he stole it he stole this from the library and put his name on it ha ha put your face on the package that's cool frisbee whoa yeah you can decorate your desk upstairs this yeah no winner all right you say thanks Blake thanks Blake he hooked it up to full giant boxes of Japanese candy what is this mario kart candy okay you got it yeah he's like some crazy barbecue chips things Jill right from Columbus Ohio is local what's in Marcella that's right Marcella check it out it's like what you used to do hmm smile more doodles baby Kane I know please attempt a cartwheel for me no way you got to do it to you about both of us all right here don't worry I guess there's room watch Ammar so we got you ready on just side by side or together what on three let's read you go that way okay one two three good job ah can't you wanna try ready I'll help you daddy will help you it's for more Scylla put your arms up ready you can put a picture of us in here no that's cool wow there's like Gibson here for everybody came that was me yes this is Brittany out of it you guys got going on it's hard to keep up with all you guys whoa fingernail polish wait you know this yeah it's these I've got a golden take care dude you don't have that one yet yeah yeah the whole collection by the end of the day huh what you got long game since it are they tops dude they spin and they hit each other there you go close oh my god something about a woodshop he made this in woodshop it's like it woodshop baby ooh and there's a little bag it's a game tic-tac-toe it's tic-tac-toe oh honey let's play right now honey high blue dark blue that's awesome just put those back in there for sure hey did some temporary tattoos you guys can rock it out what does pirate tattoos woo scared me booyah [Applause] what is the wrestler belt wrestling belt he's like I don't know what that is lots of smile more love coming in from the fam the smile more family okay one of the lawyers soldiers Elena el Elena sin uh some some little duckies for the bathtub yeah some more candy and just basically says that our family has changed a lot of things for us so I'm very happy to hear that always happy to hear that super hard okay we got something here from Josiah I hope I say it right Josiah Cain that's so loud in my camera this is an entire dirtbike tip for mr. Shane at work what do you think it is thank you very much for your videos you make my life my life and I'm going to do what you said today in your latest vlog I am starting new I have a race in Cincinnati tomorrow yeah look at that any one at a time man come check this stuff out when you start doing the front flips and back flips you can grow into it you know I'm nerf war isn't it no is that what you're doing that you run in it well that's really cool dude good luck on your race yeah look at all this stuff man you wear this to school tomorrow yeah there knee and shin pads in case you record dirt bike hey let's call him should we call the boys cowboy Molly sin us probably all her toys that she no longer plays with what his little part gun half half of a nerf gun I think the kids thought it was next box hey Kelly throws nice books tanks and skateboards and action figures and cars yeah dude awesome well yeah we're gonna just start a collection to have a name what's what's the name sir your friend hunter from Boston hunter swedish fish in a monster truck do we could have the world's largest collection of swedish fish and monster trucks Bailey what did Bailey send wait this is don't worry it's not girls shoes just the box oh boy we are the stickers yeah yeah what was her name I don't know she sent these handmade homemade stickers Bailey Bailey those are pretty wild and hang them up somewhere and three not one three boxes of Swedish before oh one for all of us look Rowan Brittany okay all right King Noah this is from Dillon MJ from is that Ohio got a lot of local babies [Music] you know we're not even putting a hurting on this pile puttin vlog this is looks like it's from a Dylan Nicki Ryan Nick yeah are they better from the back I am truly amazed every time we do this all right how much love you guys put into this stuff the letters the pictures the custom stickers the toys let's see Kane come in this one you'll love it whoa it's like I got this teaser the prank prank okay oh yeah look at these remember these it's an alien gun okay look look at this book oh you put that in your little classroom dude it's a Marvel pop-up book this is like straight up somebody's collection of stuff I just six what is this his awesome biohazard tape I love this though I think you gonna open up our own candy store after this yeah we'll look at that big catch ready nail through the finger that's a good one hmm lunch is a bunch of awesome gag gifts it's like Oh God oh cool oh I remember this thing - our memories WorldVentures is here what are you doing I love these so much stuff drilling and your bed looks like some friends thank you thank you thank you here I'll just show you the letter cuz they have Twitter accounts they want me to shout out so boom that is the full bars if you do send anything for Amazon guys make sure you add the gift note because they don't put who it's from unless you do that it kind of stinks for us not knowing who sent what's in there he is into it and that's enough what is it looks like the whole buster [Applause] yeah you guys oughta we ought to build a shelf upstairs on the wall it's just all the cool guy people that people send us like this that's awesome Thank You Jonathan and thank you for adding your name to the Amazon order that's perfect okay no you want to tackle the next box hey guys we made this for you all a while back but never had a chance to send it but here you go hope you like it you guys are awesome keep up the great work and remember smile more when he and Mary let's see it is it Marie I'm sorry oh it's sweet heck yeah that's what we need artwork yeah yes have no idea we got something coming we need all the artwork yeah we're gonna have a nice place to put it is from Frederick from Denmark Fredrick all the way from Denmark hi Roman my name is Frederick I'm 11 years old and I comes from Denmark I comes from the night the best invention ever dude I've never had these [Laughter] the best invention ever dude I've seen you guys tweeted me that these were out but I've never ever seen them to buy I've never seen yeah oh is from Bella the girl that we went to see oh cool yeah the girl that she was hit by an SUV and we went to see her and she sent a package thank you Oh Kane is not holding on much for coming to see Bella and knit the world to her um see thank you for coming you made my day oh yes my lord Bella Bella so add that to our candy selection we're gonna be able to open a candy store by the time this is done guys hang on canes just throwing things hang on hang on hang on Oh she wrapped everything I love our suckers individually wrapped presents from Bella so awesome okay open it up what is it Bath & Body Works oh that's the good stuff oh my gosh and with one pound that's just what I need is all pound away we need to add that to your room it's the same one I know but well you would be out yeah you need a month oh I was smells delicious Kane what did you get no we got another torch think you could bring it up on the other side and you can just turn those on in the bedroom Oh thinking about I'm talking like that this is Noah Noah these are big stickers we can put these on we should put these all over our game area upstairs we call that my gosh Candace T long safety goggles for what for shooting for blowing stuff up this is like overload right now why are you guys so awesome alright yeah Thank You Bella I've also heard the bells Paulie walking now open it up aw it's a truck hitch it goes in the trailer hitch so now everybody will know it's awesome Patrick J oh boy oh boy yes it right did I say golf oh yeah dude I'm telling you I've been wanting to get golf clubs and the ton of balls so we can just smack it out the babes that's awesome I'm genuinely excited about this letter yeah right here yeah oh nice like in the church Wow awesome I have been telling the family that I want to like find online like a big bucket of golf balls so we can just whack them out in the woods and be so fun what I know this is a big package but these used to be my golf clubs I used from 9 to 12 years old at all and now I'm 16 and have nothing to do with them they've just been sat in the garage collecting dust I would love to give them to Goodwill or sell them on eBay but I decided to send them to you guys I watch your blocks every day it's brought and it always brings a smile on my face I know cane is a little bit small for them right now but till he gets older maybe no I can use them because he's in the age range I'd say he's gonna be using them this guy well they will definitely they will definitely get used for sure here yeah Patrick Bob Deere Roman and family thank you so much for having channels on YouTube because YouTube would not be the same without you oh thank you you have taught me to always think positive thoughts not negative thoughts and that has helped me keep my head up through life I know there's some rough patches right now but I know you will break through it thanks for everything Parise Carice I think see it oh yeah more art money guys are so creative like this is exactly what we want it's just so cool yeah you know if anybody just wants to send a bunch of old boxes that's ok needs jumping in boxes like headfirst um this is from this is from it doesn't I'm not gonna lie I feel like we've opened a lot of packages and this still looks exactly the same some toys a new bike yeah yes it's an elbow pad it's for your elbow boy we are moving right through it what do we got here you close it all up yeah okay man gonna go crazy oh cool what is that it's in another golf club of some sort Oh fragile good job can you screw up put in blog here okay hi hit me boy yeah Dan are you are you getting distracted McKinley I will world watching vlogs every day six years old I wish I could draw like that when I was six years old oh there's different yeah yeah look to people well cool oh yeah Bigfoot call try that out oh my gosh you blows right now cuz I know what he sounds like so I want to hear how do you know what Bigfoot sounds like wellness is real I've heard shows there you go that's cute way to do it do it again maybe just blow a little just took a quick pause kind of reset a little bit cleaned up all the trash took it out put new batteries in this camera I have so many charging that it's like on a on a loop so one dies I put a new one end that one dies and just keep going on the charger so to make this work Ethan sends us Wow a wooden sword watching your sweat Ethan and Bobby Ethan and Bobby Ethan Bobby hurry it's all good in the hood okay so what did they say the nice Wow awesome that's so cool and this side oh wow Kayla it's a smile more on it face you literally hit smiles on the people's bodies yeah watch him smile yo this is sweet that's one in our store yes smells good too still got that fresh lacquer stain on it okay this one's coming in from Singapore you know what you need to do you should write on the lid from Singapore because this is all from oh look at the little stars are so and on whose is from buddies our name here we go okay and you kill me dude and one more thing that looks really cool oh my god from Vanessa Vanessa from Singapore let me see huh is Vanessa Zhang from Singapore thank you so much she says we've done a lot for her well you do a lot for us she said she spent stuff for us she couldn't find anything for you I can't ever won anything for Omaha you know what I don't need it I don't just happy see these guys having fun this is so awesome y'all wanna do it alone Wow look at that bag you can't even get there you go good job are you ready oh [Laughter] [Music] ah good Jonathan hooking you up boy you gonna fight him Bevin years old and watches the blogs all the time awesome Oh Manny JAMA this is an epic pile of swedish fish hey we're gonna hang everything yeah you need posters our goal today was to hang up all know stuff he needs hung up we're gonna add ads well we had to see how much time we got all set what is it it's like a Roman soldier helmet I don't know what made out a torn-up paper yeah oh my gosh we've way more patients an idea Hey look it's cool yeah dude add it to the collection yes kale says he has Clifford's big red he's got the big red truck twin oh yeah his mom and dad must have Clifford too oh my gosh I love it so much there we go what the little birds on that this is so awesome to added a bunch of famous quotes from famous people and Frank Abraham Lincoln all types of just inspiring quotes reminders these look little wooden birds Wow you guys having fun ah this is pretty crazy man I don't know I really don't know what to say this is this is crazy it's one thing to like go from nothing to creating a fan base and then there's another like to have such loyalty that you guys pack things up and you hand make things and send it from I just keep saying yeah all over the whole world that's from Kuwait cane somebody sent a pile of poop just kidding it's a toy this is from chase from Wyoming to your kids to stuffed bears - Skyy yes to stop bears - Stefan hey give them a place to sleep maybe they can sleep in the ball pit with all our new we've been throwing stuffed animals in the ball pit now oh no way look honey this is the family pharmacist with it oh my gosh we cut we don't have this kit but we have Mellet my hole the oil okay so let me get a name here he's um she's a wellness she's a doTERRA wellness advocate she probably doesn't know is I have a lot of I know know it even know it even says before you roll your eyes and think oh no like no we have these we love these I have this in the big book but I'm excited this I can take like on vacation with us and these are amazing yeah I love it thank you so we actually don't have this kit no I have a few of these but not all of these here hey can't come here he's added like a snotty nose all day she uses the lavender all the time to make us all pass out it's like a have you ever seen the Wizard of Oz when they get in the flowers and everyone falls asleep that's what is freaking out under all what is it Lisa mom it's just breathe it helps oh you could put that metaphor uh yeah hmm there's so many uses for all these get me buddy we love it we love it thank you come here it looks like someone made this Iron Man helmet for you well it opens up way it's clock oh my gosh this is so funny here we should just we should just wrap always wanted one oh we should just wrapped all this up for Christmas and assembly and we got it for you yeah this is one from Kuwait how's that ready Jarvis how long until we read how long until the next package uh oh okay this is all the way from Kuwait guys I'm not even kidding Lego games look like a video game oh dear um and I really wish that I can meet you but I live in Kuwait which is too far away you never know what is that game night family was fine talking about trying to make um a game vlog where we all four do a video game so maybe in um watch all your videos for very long time since it was called sketch Empire that's how I know Wow a long time my name is faze faa ye z will go with phase which means winner in my country Wow I sent you some games and um shirt for Brittney especially sent you a game called family game night since I know that you care about your family I love spending time with them my dream is to be like you you will you are and will always be transporation along thank you so much oh that's awesome is that the front but that's the back awesome that's too much way too far with this stuff okay we were yeah I just friggin missed it walking but he fell through this box so he's opening it now okay who's it from oh my gosh or you guys know how to win Kane's heart awesome yeah it's gonna go right to our smile war store this is sweet ready ready alright what you got I like his or her record no opening allowed without vlogging alright we're blowing Oh where's this from say on the package did this come out of here this is Argentina about the box I've sent you some common candies from our gym Argentina are gentes Argentina Argentina her chicken Arjun Argentine team Argentina Argentine where you go I've I've stick them to the cardboard so they don't get damaged I hope you enjoy that's a good idea what wanted you to be my family oh you're kind of a part of our family oh my gosh Liz it yeah okay let's put it over here no one put it with our other ones Wow now that's that's how you get someone read a letter right there and oh look at that Oh who's that from look you're holding your camera he's holding a coconut I'm holding a bucket yeah Kane's holding a shovel dude that is awesome oh that's from the two twins we saw oh thank you so much for the 360 cam oh okay so you guys know when we went up to Canada we stopped in we stopped in New York to meet two twins there's some of our biggest fans that's who this is from so it's amazing well they sent us - that's awesome wait what's on your face Oh like you drew oh like your face paint yeah that's funny and I'm eating pizza stop it right here Oh oh my gosh this looks so good right now don't chocolate nut I can't read any of it some water extensions ferb for your hair dude you slap it in right there what up what up it's no I'm at school let's party hair chalk what is hair charge hair chalk try that on looks cool okay so they sent from lit INSCOM um it's it's like hair chalk and pastels you can also try smashing the chalk into water with a fork and painting it on like real hair dye you got to try it uh-uh not on me thank you guys for keeping smiles on our faces I know it isn't easy behind the scenes as you guys make it look smile more from Robert it's cool that's something different never heard of it I've never heard it yeah it says it they know you are in arts and crafts and stuff yeah this will be fun in the bathroom what the heck did you get that you can add that to your you just got the other jr. Lego so you can add that to your table nah Lorenzo Lorenzo see you this what this said the Kanan knows it it well maybe cuz they know you can build it for him [Music] therefore um they have these little warmers I'll put them in there it's like a candle oh yeah no yeah I can put them in little oh god that's a lot me this thing Wow Richard but where he goes my red nations by RJ's creation by RJ's baby yeah [Music] what are the little ducks on top did they melt Oh melt away the little ducks he wants to find a mold that says smile more so you can make smile more candles oh I'd be cool I'll be down for that would laughing else throw these candles or they just melt the whole thing melts you melt them got it yes I am I don't know the name Josiah Messiah from Indiana since some racer gloves for you did I think this was your cane because they look pretty small this is for the boys congratulations on adopting your piggy your piggy bank needs special care we know pigs like mud but we must keep this piggy clean dirt and dust can cause the feet to look dingy clean with a dry soft towel or napkin Network cut the design or boils lotion on skin okay so you got to be very careful has it the age where he no longer needs me to pop bubble wrap sure that sounds awesome doll you headphone issues personalized you put money in it yeah changer that is awesome put money in my okay let's see Noah's I'm straight them once they're full mm-hmm have a cork on the bottom yeah they got a plug this is really cool so it said to be very careful with them okay flag says Atwood oh yeah that things like hand-painted yeah [ __ ] fun let me see look at what is the ps4 to these are incredible turn it Oh awesome that those are really awesome this was like completely hand-painted of that I already like you what I see whole amount oh this is adorable oh these are cool stickers whoa look at this cane you this sticker man hey those are so cool look at that license plate I was a couple of them look at this ha ha their license plates what the hang those on her downstairs yeah Wow let's go in our small more collection yeah no candy for a while yeah distorts areolas looks like a mess yeah pop rocks oh well like he was squeezing it so you look so concerned Oh [Applause] outer space you paint those screws like it yeah definitely hand-painted smile can you love the piggy bank I love more oh you want to fight me Punk want to fight me little girl Oh he's four now so he can beat us all up remember Oh tase tase tase see it work this is from maverick maverick get Roman Atwood my name is maverick I've been watching your vlogs pranks for a long time personally awesome alright cool RC car Britney's always wanted one and I wish I had a husband I can wear the shirt we actually have so much mail that the kids are are wearing out they're starting to do their own thing hey you guys got enough awesome gifts you guys want to call it quits today yeah you're done [Applause] I'll probably do a couple more I don't like yeah I'm always what if we stop Annie why don't we take a break and eat I think we're all starving they've been going at this for a while the last one I want to shout out to our Mito burrito my friends call me dormido but my name is jr. thanks for the RC car homie okay we've hit a breaking point where we all have to eat we're all starving the kids need a break their little fingers are so sore from opening so much mail look how much dude we start so much more to open mom I'll save the day you save the day mama you brought us you brought us some pizza and subs and garlic bread yeah I think little canes like coming down with some get all sniffily and tired on us that's a rough day dude that's a lot of excitement you should open the Hulk one two and you get the even know them both play with one yeah you I hope all right guys we're going to start tearing a few more boxes open you don't know if we're gonna make it through all this the time is ticking oh you have a blue smooth or shirt on he's creeping around can I sleep with him you know what Caine it could be daddy yeah it does kind of look like Daddy is it daddy do they make daddy oh my gosh is hilarious this super daddy would you believe it can I sleep daddy I can sleep with Daddy hey Roman here's a couple of Darkseid Ollie's for knowin Caine now you have a skateboard ramp and a lot of space there so go crazy with these Craig from SP hero all right rip it open looks cool yeah what could be in the box whoa the heck moon race drift crash launch looks awesome anything with those five titles I'm in yeah you must control it with your phone or something that's enough to charge it yes unique I've never seen it ollie oh okay cooking so this is from Aaron is that change yeah maybe for your piggy bank [Laughter] yeah he's just some change it's perfect oh you put some in Noah's - hey no smile more 1k Noah - Noah Atwood it's a box full of smile more goodies whoa oh yeah we could smack it into the woods whoa Parker and Zach Parker and zakiya yeah hi boys [Music] oh my gosh big bag yeah ha ha ha gosh Kane Lou this car a smile hope you guys like the stuff I sent you and can make a shout out to Jake JP unless there are also big fans JP and Lester what's up they're from Canada and this is from Joshua awesome Canadian Vickers dude Captain America stickers a bear named trouble us we got a whole new box of cars and trucks and bikes I got a switch batteries battery number three I've never barely used one battery in a vlog so we're on a third one another huge box of cars Wow there's a note let's see whose parents are mad at them for sending all our toys Ethan Hall from Texas even drew me well it's pretty good or all right well my name is Ethan from our Murillo Texas and I just want to tell you thank you for being you making people smile I Spit I sent Kane some car so he can play with them and I bought some swedish fish cuz I heard you really like them PS smell oh thanks Ethan that's like what we did with us spray painted it black whoa whoa wait does that shoot the balls uh it came loaded ah shoot it that way yeah [Applause] Ethan from Connecticut Ethan from Connecticut rock and roll D that's just what we need it's that a loop-de-loop in it you know I still think one day we should be this whole house and Hot Wheels track like I mean like the whole thing do you like the world's biggest Hot Wheel track and the awesome e cool right tiring hmm you guys have truly been jamps today on this this has been a much bigger project than expected we huh boom that's pretty cool yeah it is just cardboard that's nifty this is for you um so here's what we got here fully enjoy the excitement every day your favorite youtuber keep it up I made this myself for you in this package you will find gifts for you and your family whenever I'm down you bring me back up I hope I will get to meet you and your family one day smile we'll be able to play it but oh that's cool [Music] monopoly Avengers Michael James McDonald 24 years old from Australia watching vlogs and pranks for over a year now every time I wake up get on YouTube just to watch your videos Wow thank you thanks a million never miss the vlog even though I've been uploading vlogs over two years even know you have been uploading this oh cool it's awesome it's wood oh isn't that cool so when you are in Puerto Rico and we got to ride Toby yeah member tobyh thanks kami Toby yep Toby please love back you guys remember the horse in Puerto Rico was Toby we always make them say Toby cept like a separable man I guess I gotta be careful when I tell you guys what I like okay it's from Bella Shan or Robin Jess maybe it's from all of them yeah the Robin Justice probably a company tag and then they added their kids or something yeah could be totally wrong that's my guess hey big skateboard that's pretty cool box of Swedish Fish I can he's 11 years old name's Addison he's been watching your vlogs for a long time now you are so funny and I wish that I can meet you where's he live from Dixon illinois's it's not that far Brett you are pretty Cain you are cute Noah you are funny and a cane Nick no grow up a little bit look at Noah yeah so you need to shave we got a little guy Cory Campbell looks good King goes right for the suckers like get the money like them I also set you pins for the same reason I was wondering if you could send me a couple of cards back signed let's just see a lot more business cards that's cool the Pens smile more pens yeah I made us light hundred versa maybe two fifty-six from Roman Scott Logan from a Roman luxury finds one thing instantly out every box it's fun like it Freddy's little pen oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah okay go help me in my life in the wind I'm sick i watch your vlogs it makes me feel way better you are the best oh thanks so much I'm glad that we can we can cheer you up that's for sure little dinosaur wait the last box had a little pigs in it this one's you a little CeeLo - what's going on huh look at this Christmas ornament ugly sweater oh yeah even says ugly on it hey what is it oh that's cool what you can use it kick it whoa that is a cool toy it's like air hockey but the floors that is also on your leg go take and never get enough Legos Wow look is this all wrong you're my favorite youtuber vlogger I painted two paintings for you and made some drawings I hope you like them and want to come visit Virginia Beach if you can please give me a shout out made some colorful drawings for us these are cute huh let me use your phone I think it's dead but you can go check it out this giant bag here's an all these Lego weapons and jogo that is a sweetest collection of Lego guys look from Utah that's awesome huh look honey oh you can see on the camera really it's a trick box please let her daddy's letter Noah's letter pains I'm sure has his picture in it this guy yeah yeah okay cuz he said I know you like soccer so enjoy the gifts cool yeah Diddy sent so much awesome stuff the bags of Legos I mean that is that's a collection I know how hard it is to get all that Lego yeah our soap hundred-dollar pillow you can have one they're ours they want to put smile more on them those are really heavy hat yeah oh this one you know that is wild those are cool let's head smile more on them there you go looks good yeah blow under like that hey just keep stacking updated oh oh you're supposed to shave it not tear it you didn't know did you stack them all on mommy you guys are funny you guys are funny okay get it out this is from Curtis Oh Schmidt me it's man my man smell oh man so so close but so far away we can't finish today we just can't we tried the kids got Noah's got school in the morning we got it we got we got responsibilities to do tonight unfortunately we came so close it took 10 times longer than I thought it would but we're close and all of this too so it's that time showers bath time we got to why don't we grab why don't you grab a quick shower I'll get that hooked up while you're in the shower he's trying to hook up that um oli the yeah the oli followin I I charged it uh-huh see if you do like different things hmm are you 60 hold it [Applause] ohmygosh followed the finger straight down John just told it we are ending our night pretty quickly here I'm excited this actually means a lot to me because when I was in Paris it was the only place that I saw all the magnets I saw it like 20 times and I forgot I left Paris without a magnet I felt so bad so thank you for sending us a Paris magnet I'm gonna use this as if it was mine and I got it there so there we go and thank you for whoever sent us tea he loves the Olli thank you for everything yeah there's there's so bummed we didn't get it all open it was way more than I expected we were so frigging close to finishing this tonight it looks like nothing but that's probably still good solid two hours maybe an hour and a half because these take a long time I'm so tempted to just finish it but it it wouldn't be you have to do it with the kids and they're both asleep so I guess we will just uh we will pick these off through the week maybe that's the only thing I can take oh I don't know if we didn't get to yours I'm sorry they're probably right there we are gonna call it a night what a day I know it seems like we sat in our living room all day and that's because we did that's expected I know that's a lot you guys are so crazy inspiring to us with your letters it's nuts and we didn't get through it like actual letters not even a fraction like theirs I even show you that yeah that's next level right there um I think we're good we're done for the day yep bedtime actually I have to get ready for school tomorrow I gotta edit and Britney still goes to school that's let's get ready for school like my outfit together boom Oh for everyone that's confused I homeschool thing for anybody that made it and didn't skip anything I want to see them thumbs up I don't believe anybody watch straight through yeah that's true but that's a lot of especially if you didn't send an email would kind of be like yeah right it's yeah I think it's I don't know you guys tell us um it would have been a lot longer if we finished it I was going for a really long hug so I don't know what to expect I hope you guys enjoyed it either way whether you set mail or Denson now I don't know how I personally feel about my kids getting all this stuff like I I really don't I don't think it's healthy but it's amazing it's wonderful but yeah for them it's like it's an abundance mister like we're gonna get on christmas guess tonight wait that's it ah there's what's here's what's actually happened as you guys know this mails been backed up it's awesome it's like a piece of mail here and there but when it's been backed up for months like this is a ton of mail all at once so it feels like like their brain the kids brains got it like you can't be right after that it's just like infinite toys and gifts and it's phrases I don't know how I feel about it I gotta think about I love the artwork um I love everything gets in but that's one thing that after today after tonight I'm thinking like hmm I don't know if I'm gonna allow this to to continue forever like with with the with the toys yeah so if you want to send mail I think let's focus on some cool I'm telling you we got a big project we're working on and we need a lot of cool artwork and that would be something called us in the family or maybe aim towards family stuff if you really want to send something and maybe a little less on just the toys and uh just straight for the kids so like do stuff like interaction the family stuff like somebody sent us a game night video game like that's that's pretty cool yeah but everything was absolutely amazing guy I mean I'm blown away I'm so thank you for everything the toys the pay everything it's amazing I just as a father and I'm sure Brittany's feeling the same way you got to protect your kids I'm gonna get all these toys like oh well they already get a lot of stuff so when they see you guys just driving a dump truck toys haha what would you do so I don't know I'm just trying to I'm just being real I'm like we're definitely thankful for everything the kids are crazy thankful and excited yeah it's a lot especially follow up after King's birthday Noah's birthday like there's just so much for your birthday either way either way guys thank you we will see you tomorrow again if you didn't skip a be honest you don't have to lie just tell me if you made it through all the way through this vlog we love you see you tomorrow small one honey are you done yet come on I'm trying to get comfortable she's not comfortable come on let's just we're just watching a movie Oh
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 7,528,506
Rating: 4.9533477 out of 5
Keywords: vlogs, smile, everyday, LA, prankster, new, THE, Romans, pranks, kid-friendly, ohio, vlogger, RomanAtwood, day, pranking, roman atwood vlogs, vlog, family vlogs, GREATEST, family fun, columbus, family-friendly, family friendly, atwood, roman, vlogging, movie, Natural, crazy, daily, more, Prankster, prank, making, kid friendly, BEST, craziest, Born
Id: mzfFuXzzDFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 4sec (4144 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2015
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