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hey guys welcome to the vlog I am I don't know how to say this first of all I hope you're having an awesome day if it hasn't been perfect let's try to start fresh right now with this vlog I'm serious let's try to give each other something to smile about let's try to lift each other up let's use our comments section to lift each other up man we're all struggling with a million different things we all have problems but I promise you it can always be worse let's use each other to lift each other up man we're all one team we're all in this together we're all here together let's do it let's listen I cannot stress enough I don't know why I'm starting the vlog this way I just I want you guys to feel great when you watch these vlogs I want you to leave feeling better I want you to leave happy I want you to leave maybe wanting to do something more I want you to be ready for your day when you've watched this I want you to go to bed happy I want all right that's really what I want let's get to the vlog over the last couple days Britney has been dying to get a pup I can't even explain to you guys off camera all she talks about is this puppy all she talks about is this puppy literally she's obsessed with this puppy and I've seen your comments I've seen your team Britney everything you're all against me so here's what I'm gonna do here's what I'm gonna do come on hallo dirtbag dude what's come here come here let's tell him Zeus and I've been talking and we've been we've been thinking why don't we go please I go play why don't we go and get that puppy what do you mean tease him you're right you all stop talking about this dog your whole I have never seen this girl one no it's all you've done I was literally off-camera guys she's only been about this dog it's it can be honest with me would you want a puppy you'd take care of him mommy I know that's getting you questions I'm just saying like we have so many said this long about we have so much do so many responsibilities workout video after we go to the pet store really I practically had to drag you out last time I had practically had to leave you in the past or because you wouldn't put the puppy down put the puppy down if Kane gives me five will go $5 I'm trying to be sick like I joke around a lot in the vlogs I'm very sarcastic I'm very sometimes it's hard for you guys to even read my sarcasm I'm very sarcastic guy but I'm trying to be actually very serious on this log right now you really want a puppy like you I do I really do I think you want a puppy for like an hour no I've thought about it over the next over the last two days like could I take care of a puppy it reminds me of like you know like when kids want this is a real life thing this is a this is a I'm a living creature we already have a monkey a dog it's curious Caine I don't know what to say do you really not want a dog you know what here's the thing it's not that I don't want a dog at all like I like dogs I I want the dog to know can we handle it yes I can you probably okay and answer this question what is the plan when we leave drywall's here already watching Zeus there's always somebody here that's right teller Zeus you tell her you can't say here4s barks watch this who's here get him nice huh go check go check it out that's it good boy Zeus false alarm [ __ ] come on false alarm we mean can we y'all never say we were going I'm just trying to get a feel for how serious you are there's a big difference between wanting a dog and having a dog oh yeah team Britney all up in this place I got nobody I mean you guys were all team Britney on this I saw you had like 300,000 thumbs up for that puppy you know why because you guys don't have to take care of the puppy it's gonna be me late at night editing the vlogs with a puppy chewing on my foot mom you searched the property my mom that's a good dog that dog you're gonna have a hard time competing with this dog as a dog like this is the dog he protects the home he's the man well because you want to bring another puppy in this out discipline let's go to pet store really let's go gimme oh man I just basically poked a hornet's nest right there what do you need money the safest thing to do is not take money cane do you wanna you have five dollars right now I feel like I'm in that like time where I wake up and I'm like y'all I just had this dream where we quoted the pest what's happening I'm either a there's two things right now that's happening I'm either very weak or I just really want or maybe there's a little boil it's about the pound over there quick question what are you gonna do if we get there in the puffs he's gone are you gonna cry are you gonna be miserable for the whole night are you gonna wreck that it's my fault that we didn't get the puppy there we go guys the moment when Roman Atwoods life changed forever no he's gone one shoot she she thinks she wants this dog this is the one you have oh you didn't have this energy when you can't see straight right now this is the one for sure this is the one you help let me see let me see oh my you remember when she held up in the last video is so calm and relaxed now living in here dude I I just can't see this dog in our house look Britney's switching sides now she's looking at it pretty husky look at this thing do you think that Britney should get a dog what you're supposed to on my side oh this is your sister are they like I'm confused like one eyes blue one eyes what do you call a dog like this are you sure you don't want a hamster dude look at that can't mommy just get something like that picking out toys for me he's going he just laying out his bath and his nails fun sounds like you wait so we came I feel a little ripped off because I finally came in here so she could get her puppy I was all-in and then you didn't get that puppy okay well this is all so you listen to me about that but you know us too well it's okay so the one I wanted was half husky because what I really wanted was a husky and they had him and I so is there a chance if you waited a day and you came back that maybe you wouldn't want this one either all right you wanna get a rope you better get one of everything for Zeus because he's gonna feel really betrayed tonight not by me Zeus come here let me picture shorts come on daddy's got you daddy things this is Dada life right here man middle the store I can't believe my eyes he is welcome to the Atwoods now all we got to do is introduce in the Zeus Zeus Zeus was mommy got what is that what do you think Zeus we think but sniffing transition around here guys we have a husky there's a husky in my house there's a husky in my house I know this is acting I thought it would be different he's really like ignoring him completely Bret Caine what do we name in this thing you like Flash Cain really likes flash blue because he has one eye if he had two eyes would you call them blues hey I think me and you feel the same way right now bro here's today's question guys we need a name for this puppy before I go any further in this vlog I want to let you know that Saturday I will be doing edgy lives my first live show I've never done live [ __ ] I know Britney's done a little bit of it and I've jumped in on hers everybody's live-streaming so I'm gonna give it my first ever attempt this Saturday I live got me super cool I'm excited to try I will be honest I don't know exactly what time but I will tweet out or snapchat tell you guys when I'm gonna be on and I will be giving this away live brand-new unopened gopro hero4 silver my absolute favorite one so come check me out Saturday it would be fun it's gonna be a live vlog basically plus a giveaway you gonna go live with me can the poppy calm the puppy can a lot if you guys don't already have live got me I will put the link in the description download it subscribe to me and let's have some fun it's gonna be a new thing I want to try to put together like a live show like a live fun show plus a giveaway and the family and the new dog and cane my manager John make it up dude come on and so I hope to see you guys on live dummy Saturday we're gonna have a blast I'm nervous like live is different than blogging blogging I didn't cut my mistakes like hey guys hey it lives like brawl I can't cut some be great you know what I didn't forget what this was gonna be like I tried to pre-warned oh he is cute though gotta give you that oh my gosh it's a whole new world here I think we're having some success can you see the changes I'm loving the double eyes Lisa alright guys we really need a name for this dog pain just has been calling him flash you like flash we need to call Noah and have him weigh in on this this eyes man looks like he's almost any read oh no he's so tired Zeus you're being very very patient Zeus is foot is almost longer than that whole dog alright guys we're gonna have to in this vlog you like the puppy you sleepy are you happy mommy guys we love you thanks for hanging out today what a day man I still don't know how I feel I hope some of you guys are actually on my side today at least for today he's a cool dog I'm not gonna lie it's a cool dog I probably grow on me really quick Britany Oh par be right in the end two things please comment today what do you think this dog should be called he's got one blue eye if that helps he's white and black he's a husky it's really cool of him second don't forget link in the description for live dot me I'm really excited to do like a big live stream so please check me out on there and subscribe to me and that's it we love you thanks for all the support better give me a thumbs up today for this see the mom beautiful and one-of-a-kind smile or if she is gonna be on baby maybe she's gonna lap surprise laughs she works for us so she's used to all the shenanigans
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 14,854,051
Rating: 4.9420667 out of 5
Keywords: vlogs, pranks, everyday, new puppy, Atwood, husky puppy, Roman, vlogger, Natural Born Pranksters, best pranks, ohio, roman atwood vlogs, brittney, family fun, kid friendly, kane atwood, daily vlogs 2016, family-friendly, atwood vlogs, vlogging, family friendly, Roman Atwood, youtube pranks, New dog, family vlogs, daily, noah atwood, roman vlogs, kid-friendly, roman soldiers, roman atwoods house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 16 2016
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