Our Dream Wedding!!

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if their pictures from today that is that we we manly I'll be so much [Music] you always like Tetris dudes are you ready for Hawaii yeah plus is ready for your bagel so in order for us to do a destination wedding we have to get there and the truck is already packed and we have more bags I don't know if we did the right package up here we should have because this is what we have in Hawaii so if we can't get it in here how we gonna get it to our hotel what 200 IQ you ready for this you ready for this it's so early we cannot forget the car seat this whole thing oh boy alright done we did it we did it she's full and ready like ready ready we're leaving the house right now like we're out on your good oh oh canes not buckled [Music] change of clothes number one made it to the airport did you spit up what happened oh it's like we're moving we're moving out of here thank you guys so much for coming on this trip with us there is all types of family all types of our family flying all different flights we're all meeting in one place it's gonna be a crazy trip traveling with one-year-old luckily we got Britney's mom here to save the day you gotta help us corner we're getting on a big air a big bird we gonna go fly and she don't know where she's at or she's dumb like what they doing with our bags yeah canes so ready he's so excited Oh one of my favorite parts about this trip is we don't have to wait to get back home to see the kids and the family we're all going together okay so yeah it's not leave it we have a very long day ahead of us first we have a three hour flight to Texas so let's just jump jump jump to Texas are you ready for this yeah but we got to go to Texas first Cora Cora Cora Cora she's never been to the airport before last ones on last ones oh wait for me wait for me quite you're about to be a giant spaceship here we go we're officially leaving Columbus headed to Texas and from there it's an eight-hour flight here we go [Music] one flight down Thank You penny don't you do as I said even here or making no peace no excited have you been all I just think everything we everything we do is something new for her what she's like what is this pains worse [Music] she's a she or driving the ship and gotta act like you're running thought Oliver not around the turn around the turn that's your jar Wow that's our next plane that's a that's our next plane Cara yeah yeah that's a big one we go jumbo don't blow me kisses I'm going with you I'm going you wanna go get on the big plane just like behind let's go all right seven hours 58 minutes flight we're gonna get into why it's still gonna be a chore in there because the time difference which means we get to actually use a little bit of our dance women whatever now we just go to bed early wow this is a cool plane yep we go there a takeoff get ready to go say it again [Music] ready - Rani [Music] it was just like in someone take hora now you both have fun - everything pained us Laura guys made the OpenFlow I can't see anything it's dark [Music] thirteen plus hours later you did absolutely amazing girl freaked out freaking out you know that baby scream alright we definitely did a serious warp on that flight was a very long it was eight hours and I don't know you slept you got sleep no sleep no sleep no sleep no sleep I fell asleep for sure Cora passed out dude look at this leave this place oh we're in the beautiful Maui I just love this place so much my brother and his kids my mom and dad are already here Brittany's sister chasing their kids get in later tonight a whole bunch of us all coming on different flights different planes different schedules but we were all be meeting up shortly and yeah so we're here we got all our stuff we're headed to the place and we're gonna settle in [Music] went back here what was that hotel back here is it that was that was you were in that hotel when Brittany and I uploaded the ball pit prank we were in that hotel it was uploaded from here that's kind of cool come here baby we're here come on look at this guys look at the big waterslide do you see it you see it look at the big slide dude you're gonna go down it good to see you why I didn't recognize these two handsome Devils good to see you guys oh what a pretty flower I just put it in her ear welcome to our room wait I'm so confused right now baby um no there's no door Party Time party time hello our little kitchen countertop cuckoo birds that's your room you can sleep in the bathtub night day night night Korra tweet all of this and then it comes over here in a whole second area which is a whole second thing hi Cora and then there's this one so that's our whole place it's like a double it's basically two hotel rooms that open up here which is super weird there's like a separate door yeah pretty cool huh guys a crazy thing crazy thing is at home right now it is what time is it so it's 5:00 p.m. here and it's 6:00 hour time difference it's 11:00 p.m. at home so everybody's actually really past bedtime at home how are you still rolling around I know everyone's tired we gotta hit that Beach all right look how pretty this is guys we're coming out before we all crash and burn for the day it's a big travel day so it's not check out my fanny pack with the Bluetooth speakers I know beautiful right I'm so stuffed up my sinuses are going crazy but I know this ocean air is gonna clean it up oh yeah look look at that it's like white just puts things in places it's like oh you're in Hawaii there's boom rainbow sunset building over here boys but you got going on whoa burn it up burn that last energy who's ready for Hawaii I think we need a bigger room I think we're maxed out is she asleep she went mom oh you guys ready let's go wait yeah you do you soaking it up or what I've been broke look at this that is everything get that done you look real like a hammock hanging out here yeah our ocean views not that ocean eatin you can't view it but that's our ocean view there's another Island and there's like a mountain there and there's big palm trees the flowers and your water Cora you and Liza have the same shirt - same shirt you ready go swimming you want go swimming [Music] all right it is day two and it's pretty obvious kids are playing the girls are at the gym they're doing they're jogging they're doing all kinds of stuff chase and I are gonna run out to get some things for the trip you got to have the kids need boogie boards and we need rafts and we need the fun stuff so we're gonna run out chase has never seen this place in the daylight he landed late last night we do a little tour dude it's even more beautiful when the sun's out I don't know if you guys remember this this is where we bought our surfboards last year and then when we're done we we donate them to the local surf schools here whoever really wants them dude ten bucks oh we need a hard hard hard oh my gosh dude we're moving I'm moving dude that's you all over right there I think we need to go again you want to get some skimmers yeah okay all right I've been reading up do it yeah teach me but you know you got to get a surfboard you can't share a surfboard no I mean I'm down to try and serve up these little firecrackers these little guys no way yo Maui the the owner here Maui he said he can give us like a five-minute crash course you know you see shake three weeks he said a shake three weeks off from surfing right what's up man it's good to be back welcome home yeah dude don't tempt me don't tell me so yeah we're just looking at some options here skimboard weenie boards for the kids I'm looking at like certainly like an 8-foot board I know it sounds big but it's the only way and then Maui suggested I'm catching them and I go down a foot at a time and but yeah I think one of these guys I think this is like what I bought last year now Maui's hooking it up about the shave our week this works out for you guys too you ready for a surf class so I tend explain to you like you're five-year-olds - don't insult in there no no that's actually at my level so we're good bad you centre line going down the middle uh-huh make sure that your feet are centered and they're not a little bit on the sides so centers centers a winner shoulders board I got like a wakeboarding or skateboarding or even a fighting stance it's more like that so don't be game is snowboarding okay all right I think I have the habit of trying like a skateboarder right I should definitely do that okay so shoulders forward good why don't you guys get up take a look at your board and see how it's laying on the water where you want these get to the point where you can do this we can lift the front up and down once you do that you can you've got control the board you can slow it down and you can speed it up okay I'd also tell you what's the yeah paddle paddle straight up good then I saw him let's hear your foots on the side you just wiped out boy and you here for the moving on the back when you arch make sure that your legs are still on the board you're not gonna plank if it's coming it's coming the big one I got this for sure and then I applied row like one of them 360s off bigger little tail girl so I've never done the two-step I usually I usually do I usually jump straight for a handed position that's probably what messes me up but like you're saying is kind of pull yourself up try sliding the checkpoint look like checking this like it and pull your meat or your feet like this right except except more just jumping up one of my feet it's better to put it on yeah we did really good Dale just showed up you know we're I think we should just go his swings now dude I'm ready but look my board starting with dings in it already to rental you should step not my bottom right we brought him outside [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoo oh my god I got burnt in my red that's should I have a wet dude what if I'm peeling it for the wedding like peeling moisturize your bro oh my god oh my god okay so we just certain a place called thousand Peaks if I can ever see it there she is beautiful little place waves rolling every once in a while dude that was rough on a serious note though I am super rad we got blue boards for the kids we're gonna go back see if they're ready to play and go from there baby day - lets go look at that look at it say what you got my board boys ba ba ba bum hi Liza I like your dress if that's what you were gonna ask where are you going well we got back and everyone straight up is including myself exhausted it's already like 9:10 p.m. this guy what's up dude mr. sunburned eyeballs dang man I think everyone got toasted today and it's our summer so we should be like acclimated to the heat I get mom all waving who's she even waving at mama they caught me waving at nobody were you waving at the birds wait wait Ritt Oh Bruce wants daddy she wants dad your moms like she's so close to the rail she's like holding her breath over here Brett let me see who's more ready let me get both of us in here see oh my god we're not it's the camera I'm older [Laughter] AmeriCorps it's the camera you're not that bad Oh baby what you see Noah for the right comparison competition all right so maybe I am fried guys look at her skin and look at my skin right brought up but I got Sheree the boys doing and this is with something the lion something there's a mess right they just look at these worn-out fried boys do Carson your eyeballs are for uh oh my you boys are beat no know what times they here five o'clock and we're just crashing so hard we're still rocking I never heard of what never heard my kid said he wants to go to bed 5:40 know who's here Oh more more more fried people bro I can't even explain it I've no I don't think I've ever been more tired in my life right I know I feel like a bunch of like party poopers we're happening all right guys it's day three on the beautiful island Maui hi baby guess what we're done I know I kind of not guess what we're doing we aren't we have to go get our marriage license here in Hawaii right so basically we are going right now we had to set up an appointment weeks ago and this is the only moment in time the entire week that we can actually get these marriage license we're driving there right now to get that stuff done the boring stuff we're gonna get our marriage license and then you have to like transfer it when we get back to Ohio how does that oh not all I'm talking about but that's where I added look at this go in order new security card yeah you have to actually change like think of how many problems this causes if you got to change everything your ID or your signature you're gonna accidentally write everything everything has to be changed you sure you want to sounds pretty annoying are you sure you want to go through this it's gorgeous like it is absolutely beautiful here so we are gonna go get this done and then we're gonna meet up with a bunch of the family and two very special guests happen to be on the same island at the same time as us I'd like to share a story with you guys when we get to them but that's we're gonna do we're all gonna we're all gonna get in the water and it's crazy so I'm also very congested I've been blowing my nose 24 hours a day just I don't know how my body can produce this much liquid but I'm talking out of my ears anyway just watching day three baby [Music] alright I don't know is it that way we have no idea where right look at these two everything here just lifts my spirit man look at that I mean everything here okay but we can't find it there's a tattoo shop back here we could get some matching tattoos a matching Maui's this is it he's serious right now oh we got it paperwork's done they would not even asked like multiple times to film because we had to like raise our right hand like the Pledge of Allegiance and now we had to do some things I wanted to film it but they would not let me they say you can take pictures but not video our paperwork baby next up is Friday wedding we are officially you see on the paper your last name outlet we are first of all we have several special guests coming today and we're here Brittany loves to try surfing with me I'll be fun yeah and from my dad he's gonna get a surfboard we're gonna be like the family surf trip space what we're doing right now um see like I'm nervous came to this wedding now we're ready to party to basak man waiting on you mom's going surfing - yeah you're trying to drive that bus on this beach mean it's bigger than a school ball get the Big Kahuna big ride put the whole family on there pick a board out hey babe who are these stallions over here what's up see how he just dude I'm fried I'm burning on crispy how's the trip it's good I came to give you some surfing lessons and finally because we need that she's never searched she's just first time either way that's perfect we're gonna go have fun it's gonna be fun all right we got a bunch of boards we are set Matt Mira are in the Mustang do with the surfboards I saw yesterday I saw a Porsche a bright beautiful Porsche with surfboards on top of it I just love it here so much dude I can't afford any more color though okay I mean what if we're just peeling up the wedding like a lizard like I'm just [Music] dude it is so freakin beautiful this place I love it here so much dude I'm looking to happen like Jodi did okay so we've just arrived at a little surf location and last year when Brittney and I were in Hawaii with the family I had sent out a tweet to a guy named Jamie O'Brien he has an awesome show on YouTube as well and surfer and I've always enjoyed actually Dale was the first one that ever heard of him from so I became a super fan of this guy and he flew here we're gonna have some fun right now he brought a how BIG's the search for a 16 foot board and how many does it hold I don't know we're gonna find it's like super fat it's super few can ride like side-by-side even a fat guy like me can just ride that thing good we could do anything you want on this boy they do boxing and everything out there if you don't know who Jamie is here's a quick clip [Music] Jamie's getting me mounted up right out he's just lost my GoPro like literally it was about to fall off it's like now now now like that the only problem with this is you can't hang 10 anymore what straight up I'm out guys okay guys obviously I'll do my best to film this I'm not very experienced with filming in the water and all I have screws go for us to work with but we're gonna have a great time thanks for being here and got mad kill my brother my dad Jamie fair Brit it's gonna be fun [Music] [Applause] take your time yeah personal classes we're gonna get ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh man that was awesome that was super ramen huh your nerd yeah 600 mil whoo we got to see what it looks for that's what are you waiting on do come on show me your face what is it just really sunscreen that it looks oh I've been I've been like a tomato all right guys first of all thank you so much that was amazing man thank you thank you now now tell me what you're doing okay so basically we got this giant 16 inflatable board that we talked about a little while ago huh we're gonna hook it up to the truck we're gonna blow it up we're gonna get the whole crew on the board and all of us at once everyone boil of us on one way for family and look what he shipped over here guys you know how I have the pull cable machine check his out you shipped it over here because tomorrow we're doing some crazy stuff out in the ocean with a zipline yeah I'm excited oh my gosh dude this is a huge surfboard I got I got uh I don't know what Jamie's doing but I'm gonna film it just in case waiting for the sub squash to fill up this thing is huge dude that's gonna be awesome we sweetened [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] dude that was amazing like you know bass thank you guys we're gonna go get some food hungry you guys hungry starving alright look at this Rick this is like the rig oh that was so much for nothing looks so funny on top of that kid you did incredible personal surf lessons from Jamie O'Brien it's what an awesome experience man like it is fun sometimes to be the fan like I really have been a fan for a long time and it's just so cool to get to just do something fun and personal like very personal with somebody that yeah you know you watch and you enjoy watching it was awesome definitely definitely check his channel out guys he's been working very hard on it and he is just a fun dude he's like I don't know I feel like he's like the Hawaiian version of me we're the same exact age I don't know he's like the tropical version of me and he's professional or something like he's pro surfer kid so he he's actually good at something so definitely check him out man it would be awesome let him know I sent ya we are starving we're gonna go back to see the kids I'll get changed go get some food and from there I'm just not sure like we're just leading up to Friday leading up to that big moment the wedding guys guys boys it is day 4 day 4 time be tickin finger-lickin chicken yeah you guys do know somebody young clone and why I mean I'm just chillin you know over the day 4 guys Jamie has some new toys and some different things that we've never ever experienced or even try you're gonna try this you're gonna try to to get up on this thing I mean Amy oh they got we're covered all OH they've been hooking it up with care org it's boys it's kind of a boys moment right now we've got the boys Dale's got his boys and we were headed Jamie brought some some new toys and we're gonna go out and just have some fun with that starting off our day with that and then from there we'll see what happens but we don't know what's gonna happen that's where we're at right now guys thanks for joining us and let's go have some fun I don't know what to expect well we found the right spot let's do this dude look this way perfect sunny this way holy cow not sure what this beach is called first time here Jamie and the guys are set up with the winch down here and it's nice and flat the idea was to find a flat beach so that we could try to ride some ridiculous stuff and now this looks perfect Jamie's out there right now as well here oh my yeah yo you made it look easy this is ridiculous yo you made it look good how many times it take to be able to stand up on that I've been doing for a long time yeah or its professional Whomper dude no it's all luck and speed okay and said you like speed so if I do so Jamie's mounted Crocs to whoopers basically like tiny boogie boards anybuggy bars and you try to stand on oh man how many times you done the splits how do you only want to know if this happened just that so we brought you guys some some goggles that make you appear intoxicated and you can try to sing like heel-to-toe try to walk this line over here can't even see the lawn there we go test number one so Dale brought these goggles that just messed with your vision completely thought it'd be fun to try to ski surf ride in the water with the goggles on and see if you can perform but it's hard to even walk mom and dad in there this is like kind of like the stuff where you just got to do it one the goggles well I guess with one the lens works is like one eye right so if you close one eye doesn't work as good not as good but yeah this is this is the premise of the goggles alright it doesn't look as good through the camera but you can see how warped everything is you know your camera's big when you got another camera mounted to your camera that's that's an epic red inside there you ever worried about it leaking you ever watched whose Joby he this what's your name again I'm Jase Jase has filmed all the episodes with them first nice good times it's great to meet you man all right Jamie what you think is gonna happen oh you think dad you get up on that no I could not try not even a gym you're not gonna try there's no way come on dude I know you can do the surfboard maybe you try that maybe all right I'm gonna give a shot as soon as it's my turn it looks very challenging you're on two little board it's like never seen people ski barefoot I imagine it's a much easier version of that but it's still such a little surface area I'm just gonna lean back hard let the cord just pull him out he's going again he's going again no he's good right if you're kind of like like right here and then you're using this to balance and then just kind of pop it up just like just stand right up and you're you're on just that easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that was absolutely challenging thank you for that coming to Maui tip the winch for us like went out of his way for this to happen and that was way harder than I thought it would me a man I knew it looked easy from you guys but getting up there it's a challenge man it's a weeble wobble that was awesome my lips are raw I'm sunburned I'm baked I'm crispy I got wedding in two days I'm gonna be like a peeling zombie by the time I have to kiss my beautiful girl huh you did incredible I did way better than I thought really good I was I had to be out for at least 10 minutes Oh at least I realized I was almost at the beach I'm like I gotta bail yeah I didn't fall in bail Dale so I don't know if we can get the boys on anything but it looks like they're having a blast on their own look at these guys you guys building a what oh my god I'm gonna go back to where I was you guys keeping sunscreen on no let me see you better keep a bunch right there I'm messing around man I just covered myself in screen I know I looked ridiculous but I am so red this point maybe I shouldn't even block something's in my foot company my mother goes Jaime look at this background it's ridiculous man that's not a why oh here he goes [Music] [Music] packing up obviously had a blast dude thanks for all your time and your your toys and your crew all the full shots that you've seen these guys provided all that footage for us thank you guys all the koushin getting me up on these guys taking me out it was awesome it's such a good time we're gonna split up for now I'm gonna link up later so see you soon dude that was awesome man you guys have fun this great dude I can't give all the credit you can the guys chase was out there with the drone and you said he said it's good well I mean there's ah awesome times man I can't get enough of this play I really can't I could just use the stuffiness I'd be at a 10 I don't know what's my face of like I don't know is that peeling jet peeler Oh bring the boys up here look at this dude Oh Pringle man let's go Wow Wow oh it's so if you guys have seen the very first time Brittany and I ever came to Hawaii Maui just by ourselves we stopped at this outlook and then we climbed down this trail and we went all the way down to those rocks I don't even know what video that is but we thought when I got here I remembered that her and I went down there is for like I don't know if we did it for some I don't remember it oh we've been here it's a cool spot all right pretty cool let's top hotel motel holiday inn [Music] alright guys we are back at the hotel Brittany and Kane and all the girls went shopping so they are still out I'm gonna take Noah down grab a little food and uh yeah I don't really know what's going on I'm just so concerned about my insane sunburn I literally already see peeling one out here my face is so by the way I shaved like nine oh it was bad but I'm seeing like some skin in right here it's not it's not good man not good so me and the boys might as king came wanted to go with them but they're still out so I think me and Owens gonna head down grab a bike get some cold drink and uh continue guys I can't thank you enough for being a part of our family and everything we always do man thank you so much let's continue okay the birds are very aggressive very good Oh your boys left their plates unmanned real quick so it's kind of a rule of thumb around here you don't leave your plates on guard as soon as you walk away the birds look at it look at him dude II don't care you don't all boy if you leave your food if you leave your plate burns will shoot like we all got up right now they would swarm this table and take it so fast I enjoy that bird do on your pizza just consider it Ranch Dressing calling you gotta sit in your chair you have to guard your food well you gotta go you better cover that plate Papa Bear old crew just came out we're smarter than you we are by her to tell but we are smarter look at him all they want it I'm gonna offer him a friend you know if they all team up they can buy flip the plate over you get the noodles just for vlog purposes who's the bravest who's the bravest of them all who is the bravest there's everybody caters I see my lady Cora and Britt but I have ladies now I'm cornbread I'm talking about yours get out of here is there a rainbow I'm looking at a rainbow right now it's like there's my stroller hey mommy come here is this yours oh I like her she's always hot mom now have a good day no way all right well we got the fam back everyone's back together sweet you want some shopping huh I'm shopping huh nice loudmouth McGee there's the rainbow mm they weren't kidding about the whole rainbow you see it Hara where's the rainbow car you see the rainbow look at the rainbow she's not [Laughter] [Music] like we're all locked out of our room I gave him a key but the key didn't work so much wait don't shoot she might be having as much fun as this hallways anything a bunch of cuckoo birds man of course looking at you I was wrong with him what all right oh my goodness the great wall of sand it's not gonna block the first wave whoa I like the pyramid dude you are like it job guys guys well one thing that I haven't done on this trip that I normally overdo in the videos is a little a little fish action a little snort a little underwater exploration one of my favorite things to do and I just haven't done it so I'm gonna jump right here in this Beach with my head show up I have my family if I do we're jumping in let's chase got it I'm gonna find us some fishies all right maybe even a sea turtle [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys I got what I could get out there for now but look at this with the sailboat in the Sun ready it just looks unreal a moment ago the sailboat was right under the Sun and it looked like something out of a movie or like a like a really long vlog alright that's cool look at that beauty beauty okay let's see it you guys full sin minute watch full sin all right let's see it you just ate it you blew your shirt off it's like their ankles break as soon as he hit the water sir oh the fun you have a good time yeah your hair matches your shorts cool we love Hawaii I know we should move here with your computer so you ready to do this big thing in two days yeah two days away tomorrow we can say tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow sleeping Pizza time special guys we did it we are peeling look at that crap oh I knew it was coming I mean I knew it was gonna happen unreal man I'm busting out Britney's good stuff lotion never put stuff on my face everything my whole life anything I put on my face I break out I break it I mean I look terrible right now I mean better we'll see what happens family's about to come over we'll have a little dinner probably get ready to call it a day and just relax together a little bit and yeah dude Holy Smoke let's start vlogging from like here it says less here we go I start walking from here that's a good spot and I know I look good from here like like from back here you know right parking it in the night and thank you guys so much for watching this video man it's been so fun Megan it's a little choppy it's a little choppy that's good turn for this island it's a little it's a little weird it's it's not like um you guys know when we do the normal 90-minute movie long vlog we put the nice b-roll on the and then like nice sequences and it it flows a little smoother than I think this one has but overall it's been fun just filming and capturing some memories capturing some fun and of course so you know lined up that big weddings I'm pumped up so excited and tired okay I want to show you how jacked up my cameras look out read I am write this up look I'm like I'm not that read like my camera screw in the okay watch my hand is gonna change everything maybe maybe hey I gotta cut it okay see my face color now golden brown baby not even read like a nice tan some reason I put my hand up I switch it it makes me tan and not read so uh back to her see you watched it right there now look I'm looking on my blowing fireball see if you look around yeah you do it red see how red my faces or not terrible alright guys welcome to day 5 VR Brittany and I what's up like meets our last day last day it's our last day tomorrow we officially get married and we're off actually we're on a rescue mission right now my mom and dad just text us said their car broke down she told me where they're at and they said Roman knows right where we are so I think I remember exactly where they are but their cars broke down so we're going to get my mom and dad kind of a weird way - doesn't matter it happens ty here um so we're on our way I have no idea what today is gonna be like we kind of want to just get to the wedding even even this morning I was like do you want to film that I just wanna get to the wedding are you swimming get there so this is it for now we're gonna add my mom down and [Music] here's the stragglers you want to ride too bad see ya guys thumb in for a run too bad we're just gonna park right in this hole well right in this hole this is the chicken place remember halloa your see any chickens down here oh this one right there that dinner right there that'sa ye just have no predators oh all their babies no way you see the babies do they are dude oh man there's so many chickens nothing that there's no predators here things are just safe this place is so awesome and it's like avatar in here it's like the chickens go up in the trees which always blows my mind looks like they're like building a trail now what happens just everywhere literally everywhere trying to go up and say hi to the babies I bet that I bet that mama used to be mad that's a good mom that's a good mother protected from you too look at the little the little one right there you can already see it oh don't Brit you're asking for it Brit you are asking for it mama ain't playin my kid okay we got everyone put the seat belt in the center Center now huh okay we're gonna go check out the look at this bridge is just big enough for one huh ball jeez everybody hang on Britt do you know the name of the beach I Ironwood speech okay we're going there right now because we have to decide where we want our stuff for the wedding tomorrow I'm kind of cool kind of neat right see this breakdown brought us all together so uh who said that drop him off no this is an aunt I just want to get a shot of this we come here every time we come to Maui and it's like there's a little walk off right here and you can come down here to the rocks down here and you can walk but look at the I doubt the camera does justice but it's it's gorgeous it's amazing perfect this place is a smile maker man all right so this is supposedly the walking down right now to the actual beach and we'll be getting married on and be honest have you even seen pictures of this place yeah well this'll be it baby less than 24 hours we're gonna do it right here right where there's no buddy that's gonna be our spot actually there's a little wedding one on there now it looks like probably our group right there that's gonna be us neighbor looking into the future that may be you ready for this party honey there's barely room there's barely time to turn Matt I guess is this is final no it's even better is that both of our faces waited till today to start peeling so tomorrow I may just lose my cheeks and my nose all right well that got me uh we're getting there like that that's like we just finalized the final step definitely excited are you nervous are we gonna have one of those pass out videos or like I just think on the beach [Music] just the break romanette woods final trench it was a prank I just I just jump onto a dolphin and I skip across the water Roman you need to come out with two versions of this you know why one is the prank it's the real yeah it would have been a really mean one not a dislikes that guy who's that okay so we've we've come back to our room we're about to go a little bit Brittany looks 10 times better than me my shirts all wrinkled I'm a mess yeah is this this you're going out hose look at the hand lines girl I'm tan hey it looks better me come on that see that that's just that's just a team right there I do I know guilty Cora are you picking out oh that's nice buddy whoo hey you give me five oh okay hoorah gimme five whoo double trouble I'm just trying to get some camera time with my girl you should do that thing with those break it up by the doorway and you disappear well let's try I was gonna do that the other day with her but I forgot [Laughter] dad go that way all right Brett Pizza time no Britt loves pizza tonight's the night Pizza it up just brought gifts there you go hey he's on me what's this Mike [Music] [Laughter] why'd you actually wear it tonight what's it say bridezilla easy bro it's not over it's not over yet don't blow it bro don't blow it well everybody knows now so this is the famous deep-dish Lahaina pizza is everything you dreamed of what you guys think okay think we come here every time we've come to Maui which is we've always come here and I'm eating a calzone never tried one here but I've had pretty much okay go what was that yo I thought that was like I'd literally thought you like your finger snap this is our last our fifth day we kind of wanted to just get to that sixth day that's our wedding day and it's literally tomorrow actually it's less than it's like right here guys it's crazy so we're gonna just bounce the wedding day I'm excited I'm really sorry all right guys it's officially the wedding day and like I called it my whole face peeled off this morning I do I look like Rudolph no look like Rudolph dude I'm literally glow look at my nose dude get in on that what you think that came I'm hurt and dude hurt and so um girls men get ready forever we're getting ready now I don't really know what to Sam I'm so excited though going crazy right now I'm sure Britt is too like I wish I could see her haven't seen her so wait for a walk out on that beach baby yeah you guys I'm gonna get dressed I'm gonna do the kids hair and we're gonna walk out dude we're going right out of here [Music] this is started off let's put the buckle in the rear oh you mean just straight black I flip the buckle yeah we're doing great thank you only I could only do this in Hawaii I can only wear this annoying okay let's show the pineapples - Oh long roads my actual oh you Clark okay we just gotta get this belt figured out and then get my kids and my hair done and we're out of here though I'm gonna attempt to flip my buckle I've never done this before but I have my belt I just I don't know it's the only bill I haven't doesn't look good I want to try to just go black okay hair is good no approved did I get the back yeah yeah yeah okay let me get you in Kayne only who has some more sand in their hair me or you we are beach bombing or not [Music] whoa all right family this is it we're going in we're going in well one thing's for sure it is hot in Hawaii baby we're gonna be sweating by the time we get this done on the beach how cool you get to go to wedding with no shoes that's legit yeah look at these giant koi holy smokes oh never mind amber to the rescue we are on the move we just got an uber got my main man right here my bro up front that ring ring baby who's got the we lose that final thoughts I'm just so excited to officially do it so get the cake there is gonna be cake after this we undo our Beach the wedding and then after that we get to go play beach like we're gonna get married on the beach and then from there we will go somewhere else with like cake and stuff don't get cool it's gonna be awesome [Music] we're at speaking now I think once I get all my flowers and everything I'm just gonna cry okay so just yesterday we were walking down to just scope this beach out and now we're here to officially do it this is it this is the final lot and I have never seen Brittany and her dress at all so I'm so excited to see her turn this corner in like 20 minutes probably slow motion yeah I mean we can do that for them definitely yeah I don't know we're gonna do our best I'm not gonna be vlogging chases running around with his camera so whatever we get we get I don't know so you got butterflies this is exciting I know it is give me five dudes awesome dude boom yeah here we go still got the ring right all right [Music] Roman shoes are so cool the photographer's taking pictures of them there's chase that's the signal that we're getting really close let's go get in really close it's getting closer almond Congrats yeah dude Romans getting instructions right now they're pretty pretty detailed horns and everything welcome welcome welcome [Music] or known a colic a walkie [Music] and would give it away this lovely bride and you are thank you so much [Music] [Music] may all your hearts be glad and made the both of your spirits be light for we are here today to help celebrate the uniting and marriage of you Brittany and you Roman it is a journey that started the first time you guys both of you sat eyes from each other fell in love learned how to respect each other found ways to make each other happy and tickle each others so and gave a lot of thought and reference which brought you here to this place called Paradise so Roman make her lay it over her shoulders you make a wish we can rub forehead rub noses but if you want to have a real good time all three Mike I am a hollow a lie that is great Lord as you stand here in the present of all friends and family we ask for your blessing upon this couple as they enter in left their days together be happy and all their words to each other be sweet though their paths are intertwined let them be aware of each other's separateness left their homes and allow it to be a place of joy and serenity each other's body with love honor and respect and as they learn from each other they grow stronger as individuals and culture Matt please repeat after me Brittany from this day on work you be my wife [Music] miss together and laughs she's got that work by your side dream your heart to fill your heart your soul to always seek out back to play with you whenever hi day even as we grow Oh always love you with all my heart and from this day onward I choose you Roman be my husband this and laugh work by your side breathe your arm to film your far you are tall - always back don't play with you even at always in all my heart meet after me at the same time in going and growing in this line I promise to love you even when you drive me crazy and respect you when we do this agree to help and assist you if bad times come our way - always our grateful in my life you never walk alone rittany at this time by the powers given but I just truly have the honor to call you or the first time husband and wife ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce to you for the first time mr. and mrs. [Applause] bring Korra and your home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is that what is a sleepy girl what is that my end that's really good [Music] [Applause] there we go I can kind of see you guys where the Atwoods we're the outward oh you double fist in the bread huh you got over here look like a boo over here with your loaf of bread you want bread well booth split his in half wait allowed and split it in half for a boo it's my baby girl she been so tired it's like dad you're in the way that thing no she is not giving me nothing today no trick me with the blanket yesterday although at the beach she did point and she won but once she got to you she was like I know you a man she loves man you know why cuz Nana's bedtime look this girl looks like a friggin angel are we doing messy cake or we don't like from but we're like goofy people you want to really be professional about this this is awesome this little spot they said it do we go look we both got him now actually I'm not wearing mine I've been paddling so lose I got it in my wallet though keep it right here sorry I believe you do you don't that look now we're clink bros now you can draw them on the top of your roof chipping paint Brett there's our Kate we get a focus on oh there it is mr. and mrs. is it miss or mrs. I don't know mrs. mr. mrs. Ella there you go looks just like us where do i she got it or I got it we got it you got it together so you should vote whole day okay and then I would just cut down those real flowers I thought those were enemies that's a good night that'd be unless you can smear on each other to pieces decided that they're supposed to eat it eat it you can move together and she gives you [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] put it in I just want to make sure she got it father/daughter all right forget I'm not here just ignore me [Music] you keep me out of this kids are all married off look at this beautiful land guys up just had cooler at the pool we all grabbed a quick little nap I got Noah I got keen we got the toys is your hat I see your hat we are house to its massive house up on the hill we are up it's officially our last day here in Maui and on the way back it's all on your side you got a great view of these rocks we got we got my parents my brother his family and then chase in their family all follow on us we got a little train going on and we're going on a little bit of Ventura if you guys remember last time we came here we went to this an insane blowhole that just shoots the ocean right out of its body Britney was pregnant at the time so she with Cora and she did not get to come and came to and get to come either it's kind of adventure Noah and I did so we're taking everybody including Britain Kane to the blowhole which is unbelievable how's it feel to be married married lady what do you think I don't think it's kicked in yet we were eating breakfast and she's like I got your husband on there and then she walked away and she's like did you notice she said husband and I was like I'm just so used to everyone called us married before I know it's official feels great it feels good my lips are oily I got a ring on now so let's head to the famous blow [Music] look at that beautiful view of my dad so you remember coming here huh it was cool Wow look at this view wow wow wow wow wow I think I'm gonna lose my head on this trip the wind just keeps sucking it right on my head I hope I don't either yo this is so awesome this is like half the fun is the adventure getting to the blowhole there's all these this is like the wish Ross people stack them up and if you put a rock on that rock then this person's wish comes true so whoever put that one made that one's come true or they were just stacking rocks for fun but they're all over check it out right now you can't wish to get married now you got this alright well got the whole family out here it is so windy that doesn't translate because the my camera has the windscreens on it but it is you see it yeah that's pretty cool huh look at these trails man matted by humans look at this place guys look at this place holy cow Hawaii is so good so pretty so I am always curious and how these rocks are made I mean look at this thing it's just been cut out by wind and water it's just sitting you ready climb down he's got to keep climbing this is awesome like as far as he's talking about like beauty this is it this is so pretty doesn't help that it's you know sunny blue skies blue waves the waves are rocking down here my beautiful wife my wife just sinking in just want to say if you're watching this point in the video thank you so so much this is a very long vlog this is uh we call our movie vlogs and yeah so if you're still watching we know you watch us and you follow us and you're here with our family it's amazing so let's go check this whole out it's it's really blowing of course my family's up in the water what do you think of this dude a lot bigger that's it Dale little Dale my mom and dad Conrad Noah you gonna go get wet all right family everybody say cheese when that water blows when that water a soaking wet dogs over there boom we're gonna wait and watch my family get pounded here boom I almost lost my blog camera on that one doll these fish all these fish get blown up out of this blowhole they land in this water Wow so there's all kinds of fish in here I'll try to capture some here's one little lawnmower blennies right there it's on the rock right there look at this one ready holy cow oh my gosh I love the scene right here my dad and Kane how cool man whoa okay need these boys back here this is the angry side right here these big swells roll in and just pound this wall and go up true I'll say this do not want to be in there that is an eater army has a washing machine right there man it's angry the famous wait what is that the famous heart heart rock kinda yeah there it is that's awesome I feel like if you were making a movie about being on Mars or some other planets where you come filament the terrain is rough it's tough it's hard to move play that's a Mars Rock right there now we hiked up you like back up and I think we might go to a beach to the one-and-only where we were married and do some like wave there's like there was like waves won't try to ride maybe we made it good job that's awesome Oh ice water attack ice water attack Oh your steel [Music] all right getting at you getting out you guys going you going to eat beat what mom I'm unloading we unloading baby ain't no time to eat I'm just kidding you can eat if you want to eat thanks buddy push all right I got it I got it where it's gonna drop a couple of us off here at the beach I'm gonna check out the water they're gonna all grab some food they're hungry okay Connor I can catch this wave stand up Conrad yeah that's awesome gotta get Kane out there can't you going out all right buddy hold on all right Kane's heading out for a wave if you've never I haven't been able to get Kane out there but for some reason he just saw Conrad to it and that was like day he'll take me so I'm pumped to watch it let's see if he gets away dude you you rock dude dude give me five that was amazing and you just single-handedly inspired Kane whoo you got this buddy you got this buddy oh yeah here we go here we go Kane's first wave ever uncle day ah maybe not maybe not maybe I got excited I got excited if he gets it I think they get this one I think they get this on money going out round two Oh this might be it we can turn around no all right here we go here we go come on Kay nurse come on Kay NORs you've got this this is your wave boy we go stand up that's good job and him waves are smashing you out there okay Harold why he took us out well first of all he found my camo hat on the highway last year they say it's super random story you can go back to the vlogs if you want to watch it but yeah dude what's up man so long and he just brought it brought us a wedding gift you want to open it let's check it out see what it is oh it said it's the turtle made out of coconut I love the flower as a pizza good pizzas do in no brick Rob got pizza but rock rock pizza and we're heading gonna tell him I'm officially a little bit crashed out I am so times like the first one out of the water I just sat on the beach and yeah I don't know I think the week is catching up to me you're already wearing me out babe my back the hotel all right pause back to the future pause it Oh either my they bring wedding gifts more wedding gifts we've been on the island some time you guys made this yourself and we just cut a bamboo tree down a whole pile of pop sockets oh you guys wrapped it in banana peppers you were the one tearing down the tree out there hanging it up are you serious that was made oh no it's arm B come up with an Ohana is family yeah so it's the Atwood Maui and the date we got married R & B for Roman and Brittany that's gotta go over our aquarium now we got two things for our aquarium one from Harold and one you guys it has to really it's beautiful thank you guys it's way too small to surf on so I'm gonna have to hang it is carved in what's called infinity would last forever hi baby is that the airplane is that the big airplane Cora yeah you love it before we left she was just pointing this draft she loves that name whoa we made it what a long trip you little trooper you did so good I know let's go get out of here you recognize this place little trooper dude such a long trip where is he where's doggy where's donkey - good what a trip well guys we are back home back to the clouds back to Ohio there is so much that I want to show you and get caught up on but I think we'll save that for a different video thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for supporting my family and I for supporting the long vlogs of the movies for being a part of everything that we do and and being so patient during the gaps that it takes to make these videos we love you so much oh cannot thank you enough for being a part of our lives you are truly a massive massive part of our lives you've changed our lives forever thank you so much we will see you very soon we're gonna be dropping a bunch of vlogs normal vlogs 15 20 minute vlog um in between the next movie so we love you thank you thank you thank you and we will see you soon and you're beautiful you are truly one-of-a-kind more [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 10,815,604
Rating: 4.9500628 out of 5
Keywords: Wedding, Marriage, Roman, Brittney, Atwood, Maui, Hawaii, dream, family, Smile More, Kids, Noah, Kane, Cora, Beach, Island, Tropical, family friendly, summer, Date, fun, Surf, Surfing, The Atwoods, Ocean, Sunset, travel, movie, Vlog, Vlog Movies
Id: FhId1AHmZZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 23sec (5483 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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