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[Music] super-serious hang on I need you I need you don't go this is serious this is for you guys so I started thinking my brain is wracked right now I need your help Rick what how can we have a chicken those chickens that run around without an egg right think about it you have to have an egg to have a chicken right but how is there ever the first egg without a chicken what came first the chicken or the egg came and came think the chicken but how good it is chicken without an egg how could there be an egg without a chicken it is a mystery my friends it's freaking me out I wear this today feed me and tell me I'm pretty I always tell you you're pretty honey and you've definitely been eaten welcome welcome welcome to the vlog guys we're getting our day started the whole chicken egg things really irritate me dude it's like is there an explanation for that summer my just going crazy alright alright alright so hope you guys are having a great day we are bringing I got a run out real quick gonna say goodbye to these little monsters I love you bud you're the man I'll see you soon man hi Liza I think she's good she's good bye bye flash but Auggie I'll miss you buddy okay so we are every year I think that we've been vlogging we do on Easter and it's at our house and the family comes over we do Easter egg hunts and Brittany Nauta basically have to go out and get some days to prepare for Sunday which is Easter and I'm excited like kids what guy was he mad was he mad time to cut them off anyway Here I am talking about Easter and we're about to get into some road rage where everything is good we're just running out to get some stuff bring you guys a la hope you're having a great day it's the weekend now it's Friday for us probably the weekend for you so get out and enjoy your week and use your time because before not it'll be Monday we got some sunshine today though baby's gonna come out in that sunshine for me a sunny day it's gonna be sunny day when our baby's born looks like we got a lot of good feedback too yesterday we talked about what we were going to film and what we weren't going to film when it's time to have this baby we're only almost 10 weeks away guys it's coming up really fast so thanks for all the great responses and we're excited to like we're excited this is what I'm ready for guys summer sunshine heat water look at this cold flow to you dude it's awesome is it just me or is like Easter like are they turning Easter and even we're guilty of it we're preparing Easter like into Christmas or you like fine gifts instead of like a cute little basket with like candies in it that's what my sister was I don't like giving them candy because they make you go crazy that's all they want for breakfast I will eat your book and something else an Easter book like what Easter is really about IRA celebrates only needs to match so you're worse than the kids they can't you don't want them to have it but you want to buy the whole friggin right we can get baby's first pink handyman toolsets she'd be like daddy fix everything properly he's not going to need fallout with the dad like we all know you're lying okay seriously though I do need it I do need some tools for myself baby I need some honey some vessels I need a new tape measure can you stole mine I can't find it okay just in case you get me a basket this year for you to just get a belt filler for all the stuff super glue for the stupid white things sit on top of our porch but I feel like it's not just super glue if you're looking up like a plastic super glue you just described super glue perfectly yes which one would earn it's not wood baby I feel like the world is designing things for guys like me that don't know what they're doing everything stickable now oh you need something hung just stick it to the wall no screws no tools necessary that attracts me that is like me right there but then the things fall off the wall because you hang stuff too heavy turn your wallpaper your paint everything that maybe I'm not even capable of understanding how these work okay so usually the grand-prize Easter hunt is a golden egg look at these golden eggs period three bucks apiece who would do that you got to mount the bunny the golden bunny here on our wall just a second question what is going in they're going to say this is like a ostrich I'm glad my five bucks the eggs for up to ten dollars an egg baby take a small loan out all right well there's all your floor mats dude we should put this in anyway I got your new floor mat I got your new floor mat check this out I'm such a sucker dude I'm such a sucker like I think I like I gotta have it it's just so colorful I love it pineapples are in right now pineapples the new black you know I gotta say this I've had like I'm so lucky to have a best friend that I'm also like sleeping beside beside my fellas yeah I mean there's a gap now she's got like all these pillows and it is like but no like I get to come out I get to spend on everyday work beside like it's awesome I'm really lucky I really feel lucky that you have me how we do is that's funny we laugh and we so you want to know say let me think about it because sometimes I need to get this weekend started with you guys and I hope you're ready it is like I said use it wisely we gotta have some fun maybe work on something you've been procrastinating on let's get it done let's do it thumbs out we're not progressing maybe don't talk about my office it's not the time or the place we're talking about holiday coming up talking about positivity office I am certain you guys that oh dude donkey just went up so first time oh my gosh she's gonna go in the house dude dude donkey what are you doing dude come on come on oh I knew this day would come I knew this day would come the single you got up here now you got to get down push let him let him through push you talked him into doing that is that your idea here he goes whoa he just leapt off the whole thing I think there's something about empire we don't know dude I think he's like a flying talkin down he I've talked about this happening I was like one day it's not going to be long before he realizes he can get up on this porch me and the kids were just jumping and boom he jumps straight up onto the porch into the house like that anyways we're gonna oh yeah that's gonna work sweet mommy's getting that pregnancy nap right now our halfway point and we're going to hook up and actually try to watch this message disgusting probably hook this guy up definitely gonna host that guy because this isn't going to do it that full what's going on with it oh man I'm so excited for summer goodbye mud maybe now mud never leaves here so we have some family coming over tonight mom dad hopefully Dale and his kids and right now is just kind of like trying to clean this place up a little bit for ease like it's it's gotten out of hand around here man it's muddy it's it's dirty there's a donkey running in my house it's like something controlled my house dude I feel like I need to step up to the plate a little bit if I hadn't started this thing since last year and the way our driveway works when I power wash it creates like this little stream and Caine likes to ride his bikes through it so I'm going to fire this up get some crap done that's it donkey only get no crazy idea is here we go mister make sure you winterize it never do that stuff and I like costume alright cost you in the long run I cannot make this up this not ever happens mean it was the first pull I swear it was the first hole on this thing that is incredible Wow alright guys warping over - I always got some alright guys or so those my big ones so the next place we're going is I'm going to pick up Noah didn't know and then the family's coming to the house and I don't know they start a bonfire whatever I don't know I think we're just going to hang out we kind of really all got to get we've all been busy in our own ways or Colossus our trip since our big trip to Hawaii we've all been like that trip put us all back behind on everything's we've all been like trying everything we can to get together tonight it looks like it's going to happen and get some real time together so don't know what we're going to do or what to expect but that's the plan and I'm excited and always go get my little man kid keeps getting different spots every time I pick him up looks like he's sleeping I want to wake him up hey dude hey what's up oh hi you sleeping yeah come on go home thank you your food out here what you hunting all there's geese there's a geese eggies let's see where do you keep finding new spots or what yeah leave your heart on down out that um without that find my friends think I never do this donkey wants to live with us dude oh my gosh do you even realize you're coming up I feel like he's just following flash he doesn't realize what he's doing my buddy you welcome in if you want to come in just just come say hi I'll put a big donkey rug right here that you can step in I don't think you can see can you see glass what would you do if you just plowed through that window I don't think you can see the window oh no you can't you can't see the way though my buddy come on he knows dude he's like if he walks in here and just takes a big old poop he's gonna roll on the carpet what would you do like what's he doing right now he's like so this is where you guys go every day like I've been wondering I want you going that door what easy what's inside oh my gosh dude why would he rule he's just nervous on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down okay oh boy well I don't know what to do I care but I don't I don't know if it hurts any specific jumps again this is incredible this is like the leap of leap of faith right here he won't go can splash in here flash come on buddy oh here we go you want the full of Flash watch this jump dude free up he peeled out we're gonna call him skidmark got that posi track rear end dude don't jump that donkey don't make that jump don't that's a huge one feel like we built like a half actually we just put a big ape baby gate here I don't really think you can approach it when you do have it plasma cut fancy of a donkey and with his name like a metal gate empire empire metal gate no he can get down time flash I know I see you too he's like he's like you given all the attention to donkey right now I want the loving I need the lovin I think donkey can jump that far that's air donkey right there if he made that jump we make movies about him if he does that jump I get this donkey down we got a flush man it good on their feet I would eat it donk new planet Earth they have them Mountain donkeys or ya go yeah something like 50 feet off the rock and landing no birds in from Tigers no no that's legit all right guys so we got the family all right guys so we got the family showing up mom's carrying all kinds of stuff I'm gonna start a fire with my father maker a little fresh-squeezed orange juice here oh geez not too fast now nice and steady ladies and gentlemen cane out with hitting the double whoa into matter dude they are going to go up it's either a parachute a UFO landing pad well you got going on here pops it's a house made of fabric yeah you can move a hand literally and uh you know we threw it in with a couple sleeping bags its five-minute exit and you got a house made of fabric I love it it's called a bill tent built-in yeah I never got one so you build your tent I'm gonna take care of the fire for you okay cool we need a fireman wow this is like feasts of mania do before we like this fun we're going to keep some stuff um let me go first this is our tater tots covered in cheese and bacon dude i boys line it up wow it's bright oh you see it yeah I can't even see you it's the Terminator donor wait some what happened into the world or we go [ __ ] whoa like a little tornado the real question is did we start the fire I don't know just look at the popcorn look at the smoke look that's leftover popcorn glowing right no you know I go right there probably a hundred videos don't know how many videos ago was that way I don't think the fire is going what you never were that great a Boy Scout okay now we all know okay here's something crazy these trees right there those are from the Christmas video where I put them in my living room they're still here so we're going to roast them bring the heat [Music] oh oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree look at that Alma's office Nami dad saw me dad it's actually beautiful yeah look at that thing like it looks lit up on the camera like it's supposed to be like that it's an ugly tree anyway yeah I did it so dad you sure built your tent pretty close to the fire no you built my fire good fire close to my den please so close to section filling with hot air like a balloon oh how you guys feel about the fire but flash sure is enjoying it oh he flipped it was upside down just like live in the game how's the ice Dale oh god is it look just a cup of ice whoa I don't lean into the hole I'm on oh oh oops my shadow is so promptly this are you to give me what give me what you got boy nice Oh little midnight flip in two minutes till midnight and the moon is about to come up and it's gonna be crazy no not like you Billy okay here's what feel right here see there her head her but she got bored on you head it might be her head and she likes putting her head there well guys that is our vlog today thank you so much for hanging out with us today I believe is 20 vlogs in a row I don't know if this makes me a daily vlogger I don't know exactly the number it takes to become a daily vlogger but I'm getting close guys and I'm working on it I'm really really trying to just pick this camera up everyday and fill my life thank you for being a part of a huge part of it and we will see tomorrow beautiful one-of-a-kind smile you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 4,811,343
Rating: 4.9441323 out of 5
Keywords: Vlogs2017, family fun, brittney, smile more, daily, Roman Atwood, britt, ohio, roman vlogs, kid, vlogger, dog, vlogs, vlogging, Roman, husky, kane atwood, day, family friendly, backyard, roman soldiers, kid friendly, family vlogs, house, noah atwood, family-friendly, kids, kid-friendly, Atwood, noah, roman atwood vlogs, home, empire, flash, girlfriend, kane, everyday, atwood vlogs, vlog, donkey, youtube pranks
Id: upQZRCzH6zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2017
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