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hey guys ready yeah yeah go go we got leaves like that me about 20 30 minutes I'll be right up alright guys welcome to the vlog we are off today to Rochester New York we're leaving Los Angeles right now check out this bag Britney peg Jason I can take it what you tell me what you said about my bathroom around here here are the back very attractive look at me it's so girly you guys ready for 12 hours of flying we have salt we leave well we leave at 11:15 we get at 9:30 not quite 12 hours think positive the time change every morning in this beautiful weather it's kind of like I just want to show you guys this can't really explain look at country country country he's so concentrated I came to get his attention country help just arrived at LAX we're out of your head into Rochester New York and I'm going to miss the sunshine immediately that's something that is cold with fast here what do you think of the traffic in Los Angeles no crazy Plus here in LA you're allowed to drive motorcycles through like the white line in between cars it's legal so you always have motorcycles flying between you 3-1-1 checking out your a hug dude we're cool alright guys so we've got a serious day of travel lots of time zone changes Britney I'm going to that right guys we got a butt haha yeah they're going here I can't speak today trying guys in Tron we've got a full day of travel we're jumping on two flights today after Rochester and the time zone change I'm going to throw you to Ohio to Brittany and her camera and let her take it over from here so enjoy and I'll be right back don't cry Oh Kane since Coors crying you want to start the vlog you have third hour apart you want me to how about the fish make the fish start to vlog say hey guys welcome back to Ohio hey guys welcome back to Ohio romantics mate said hey if you want to vlog I'm going to be on a plane all day I'm sure everyone would love to hear from you so I'm like okay why not so we are going today my sister and little baby Cora little sleepy Cora and little mr. keener are going into the store to get a window AC yes yes potato we were at the birthday party not long ago and they didn't have air and they still don't have air and the upstairs is like fire so we're going to go get an AC and somehow we're going to get it in upstairs wish us luck that's what we're gonna do today Cora are you ready to go out in the world today her little toes oh she's not ready okay we are on our way to loath to get a window AC they tried to get one from Walmart not long ago and they're seasonal so they have any so we're going to go here and I'm sure they have something that will help with the hotness Korra's back there in her seat and came back in his watching videos on his iPad you know the five year old life okay this is like what they have they have the white one and this one's a little bit bigger bigger of a units a little cool faster and I think we're just going to get the same thing because we know it works super good and you did want to sleep in their underwear with no blanket this is so hot this box has a big hole in it though maybe we shouldn't get that one maybe that one has little holes in it I literally think this is all the like window AC stuff they have the end of the screen indonesian it's still 90 degrees outside and super hot all right your first day out in public what do you think well i was fast literally we went in wood grabbed it Veronica pulled it to the register trying to carry it as a whole to have you pulled it to the register pay for it checked out we're out it's in it's in the back and we just got to get it upstairs hooked up now it's going to be that's going to be the real feat whoa it's hot in here so they had a little unit here that we just carried upstairs we did it mumbles we carry out stairs we have the bigger unit we're going to put down here in this window Mama's here holding the baby and Veronica said she had something for me what do you have for me oh you want to do some more yeah well you have I'm excited well follow me pal let's follow it be what are you doing are you working out yeah you're gonna working out Oh down basement I'm in the face uh-oh the basement where you waiting or not no down in the basement they're not I know Mike on my kitty yeah silly last night right yeah wash my try need it so we don't keep it inside keep flush out yeah you might lock is pretty much outside you like if he comes into literally just to eat and that's it here's right back out oh my gosh they're so kids I think that one's my favorite Oh kitty it's a boy yeah I think if we end up getting a cat and has to be girls girls are just better as cat they don't spray or anything like that what do you think you think daddy would kill us no no oh baby let's get a cat I don't know the black and white was the nail should I just text to Roman and say black and white or gray and white and like what is Pacific he has no idea what is farm yeah you guys could get distance oh and here's the wrong he's the right up I want is the smallest one what do you guys think this is a male but she said he's the sweetest in the runt oh sweet I think I have to take one literally we were watching movie there and I in Roman like all of us know why even was like we miss having something in the house we've always had cats or you know like Zeus and flash burns I now flash don't want to be inside at all so I think it's time we get a cat what do you think kitty it's going to be a part of the family oh look at applying their bear fighting each other maybe I should take two so they can play with each other yeah all this is so hard they're all so cute and really think I'm gonna take one guys I know from an don't get my head I know I can't decide girl while I'm like okay let's make them all okay let's do a test let's see which cat comes me that's the cat we're going to take home because I ready gimme no one's coming just make a news kitty-kitty anybody that was looking at me maybe in a while these guys are playing opener move oh great go home I'll pick one for you okay so my sister has six kittens that need homes and I mean I just had a baby month ago exactly one month ago yesterday so I decided maybe a month ago why not have another baby I mean I think you keeping a baby kitty but some grumbles reaction when I take one upstairs she has both of our old cats at her helm from our own house I think this is the sweetest one it is a male so we're just going to get it fixed and hope for the best so the reason that I am like for sure are going to get one is because we're trying to get a barn up for a donkey and a couple verses and like I said a long time ago on a blog that we're trying to bring ninja over and we're going to need a barn kitty mama what do you think my cat hey I got to this long mm-hmm very nice kitty Sarah famous I know but this cat needs a home those two are deer in the home a your house oh yeah well I can give back to you you don't like to take into deliver boxes we'll do it haha geez in club person babysit me kitty where you get the AC hooked up because it's so hot in here Colin said this is your favorite kitty what if we take it to our house hi are you sure yeah don't play with it look at that face oh well she's glad to see her big brother wrong Kane you're such a good big brother you're so sweet so we are going to head back to our house all of because this Kitty needs a bath hey I'd like a bath and I'm going to need help with that because the baby and kids and cat and water I think I need some help oh let go can you don't think daddy will be mad if we get a cat me maybe maybe even I'm you not here you're not here we should just take it and say well daddy can deal okay Missy let's go back in the car let's go back in the car favor excited it's the Kitty's first car ride and it's raining how to break it out here hey it's a boy we didn't get a boy rookies like what is going on he's so scared poor little kitty okay we just worked back to our house amber here helping with Cora because you know she likes to be house when we see her look at her go uh say hi Liza hey Colin what are you got Legos and play-doh I'm trying to do something important oh he's trying to do something important okay this cat needs a bath it has please which isn't very good but we're going to give him him I keep saying her grams him a bath we got him a pink food bowl and him a kitty litter box which he is yet to go in oh look at your pink little food bowl you don't care he's like smaller than just the food part he's scaring you nice kisses oh he's so sweet hi who do you think gain you love him okay so it's a school night and we ought to get the kids in the back Colin you're first you're taking the bath first okay okay I think it's costume night at our house oh you mean you're you're riding on a month Eliza's even in a costume oh my gosh you're trying to get in the bath well she had her way then yeah I came in here you did get in there didn't you what are you twisted in yo hey little kitty you ready get her back I literally keep calling this cat her a she I'm like oh people like this there was like you me and him so we're going to give him a bath in this little container in the bathtub chris is not engineers pause he needs a bath though you've got fleas on him like he smells like other cats he really needs a bath so put a little oh I know what rack case we are Oh scrub it up dab Katie's in the tub she actually just like are you just looking me like you don't mind it at all oh let me think you with the kitty oh you're so cute so we did five like four five fleas in the water some hoping we got them all and she he oh my gosh if I call her she's one more time he is completely playlist does he still think yeah oh and there's another plea so he's completely too young to do like the flea treatment or anything like that so we'll just have to keep givin giving Masen a lot my gosh look going cute me gone clean himself now he didn't care too much for the bath okay guys I did my best today trying to film from Ohio Korres upset I'm going to see what she means say mine sweetie she has the hiccups oh she's officially mad kids are all playing and watching a movie I'm going to end it I love you guys and miss you and miss Roman so much all been so long since we've been apart for so hard to like really not be together we're together every single day all day long in it's so weird when he's like not here so we are doing our best here and we'll see him in a few days and we'll see you guys in a few days and we love you and this is our new kitty hopefully around the bouncy man thumbs up this video if you think it was a good idea to get a cat love you guys well guys we have meet welcome back by the way we've made it to Rochester look at this is almost like Columbus nobody here whatsoever did you can just take this this how you get the baggage claim did oh how does it feel to be on the ground if it hasn't always probably like nothing for you guys but we've been traveling today it's been great I like traveling I've always liked airplanes I sleep good on everything to pass that on the first place okay guys so here's the crazy part about this vlog right now as you guys are watching it I have technically not seen any footage that Britney has sent as of right now where I'm standing right now I have absolutely no idea what she is filmed now obviously once it's edited I've seen it so by the time you're watching I've seen it but as of right now all I know is she sent me a picture she sent me a picture okay so Rochester may have been even quieter than Columbus I think we found an airport that's quiet sir than Columbus Ria's daddy daddy to the rescue hey how are you you know we've been out here like there's nobody here nobody to pick us up Betty shows up country's gonna be so happy Betty you know why because you got jars of candy back here right a candy back there taking up everything's better with Ken everything's better with Ken you're that try to contain yourself I'm gonna try to contain yourself candy [Music] got it done okay so guys welcome to new place a bit of surprise once she gets my department I she's been sent here yeah it's a pretty excited yeah that's the church opera okay this is the max bathroom bathroom you know you have guests over you on interview limit you take a poop in there I found it looks good yeah pretty nice place has a kind of living quarter will play ball on throw my feet up relax what's your PB made Smedley my little work desk here little law the specifics oh yeah yeah that's that's me and my girl thing haha I got a nice table we can meet many people way more than I actually need it's funny I don't drink wine never have well this is the kitchen where the food is made hoc way via my oatmeal and we'll hot cereal whatever you want to call it a nice stainless phrase off to worry about rust I'll put about that let's do it to worry about dents can I do it duh exclude of the master bedroom not the Masters where I make much apparently make my coffee the master room I am a close yet but I've got a little TV and not much but I call them whole makeover then you gotta have been fun bags that's just even even in what even at home I put mint on that it's not repression I've never done that you never know when I needed I needed something gay but the ranchers on it but I do drink the rich yes but I almost weakness to your sleep I'm going to change it up second bathroom just in case you know your girls running late never mind her while she does her hair or makeup right there in our face and we got to go baby so I put I put multiple clock smears for ya smart move satanic bathroom with a shady Wallner not sure what the water shakes I think your is happening right now the jumbo shadow order this is a double-headed double-headed multiple fixtures for maximum cleaning on a long day you need to make sure you clean so double water hit you where it counts and you know just say it's pretty big shower what more than I need let's legit yeah I don't have to you guys going on my my that's pretty cool alright let's get over here in case I need to iron my wrinkly black clown all jokes aside what do you guys think of my place yeah it's got a nice view too of the city I'll show you guys that in the morning when it's daylight but I feel pretty good feels nice it's going to be weird living in Rochester really I don't know anything about the city all every mom you know that's my neighborhood ona yeah you know honestly I don't like to irritate our neighbors I think that April it's in so I'll show that room on camera I'm gonna talk about it that's where I keep my normal stuff first now this want to show you boom all day every day look at that space you could put shoes in there sneakers whatever backpack okay gang code here hang-up anything under 23 pounds that's good I know I know what a lot of you guys are saying you're probably like he's joking excess hotel room but do hotel rooms have wood floors guys would they have a wood floor you ever seen a hotel what's worse you know this maybe you want to get the basketball stuff it up have you ever see on this earth wood floors then it has to be an apartment yeah just trust me guys I'm always I'm never being sarcastic it's always the truth you see what I'm seeing you see what I'm seeing you ready do some fast v stuff that's it look at this green apple Roadrunner just staring at us that's what we need country as all we need chase Wow let's Mopar in a pop pun joke dirt that's what he's Carlos yeah whoo use that way in a spoiler you know I must say one of the best things about Rochester so far it's a sidewalk it's like if I had sidewalks in my house that's quite the art piece right there quite the art it's huge all right it just like that I'm walking back to my brand new apartment hope you guys like it not a hotel so stop saying it's out of town I live here now my place see I took a little tour of Rochester and I can't wait it's not robbed Chester Rochester Rochester I am I'm so excited for tomorrow because it is my first ever and I get to I get to be there to work and film and have fun I will be at the Nitro Circus event here in Rochester New York and I'm so pumped so I didn't want to tell you guys about forever because I bleep land to do some really cool stuff and I will get a lot for the vlogs it's just getting a fun day like it's perfect I'm like collaborating with a bunch of cool people it's just going to be great sweet fun and really what I love to do is have fun but before I go tonight and by the way I did see more of what Brittany said I did I see some of it I don't know how I'm going to say anything right now I'm not even a I don't even get into it get distracted before I go tonight I'm going to throw some love to one of my favorite sponsors you guys been hooking you guys up forever I feel like I've been showing you guys their cool games and tonight tonight tonight at the end of this vlog is rolling sky rolling sky is extremely addictive I just got to say like me and my kids will start playing this game and all of a sudden week it it's just who can get the furthest every time I'm pretty good at this level I'm not a lot I really have skills baby that's what you call it Oh what it's just fun it's simple and it reads so fast to repeat man to play just go left right just go to the music let it flow baby kind of just zone into it you know you feel it get it get it I'll beat it for you guys right now you're ready boom watch a split comeback in yes watch the Hammers come on baby come on you got this whoo you can trust it you trust it huh think so jump over jump on the ice I think that's ice I don't know come on come on come on all right here we go that's where it gets hard that's where I'm not good at it I look boom come on man whoo I love it dude adrenaline no oh my gosh here we go here we go here we go here we go so he gets tricky sorry it's tricky don't fall for it just go straight boom laser beams hammers I got this like nothing like nothing boom boom boom boom looks easy right go get it I will see you guys do it it's just a great game it's addictive up no joke me my kids play that game all the time and it's it's fast like you follow you just get back up like you just can keep plenty and playing and playing and there's so many levels and it gets really hard too by the way I still just realized if I turn this way look at the lighting so much better it's horrible so if you haven't downloaded a rolling sky it is free it's completely free I'll put it in the top link in my description check it out have some fun with and tell me how far you get me some pictures I will actually try I will see how far you make it on one of them hard level it is brutal like some of them I like I want to see how far you can get so yeah go get it some love for my sponsors man those guys have been hooking it up and giving you guys some cool games and like I don't know they're fun they're fun stuff I like games I am I'm going to call it a night because my voice is getting hoarse it's raining East Coast Rebecca nice go see this morning I said you get addicted to the LA weather because it just rained out here love you guys so much we'll see you tomorrow I'm really excited for tomorrow it is going to be great and fun and hopefully everybody's just healthy and safe at the end of it is is Nitro Circus these guys are next level so I'm home I love you guys we'll see you tomorrow you're beautiful also I've not seen it yet but gift personal love for vlog and she really you know it's funny if I had to fly all that so initially when I woke up us and man I'm gonna be flying all day what am i a film for you guys and I'm not kidding she text me and said Cora slept almost all night she's got tons of energy and I just feel like getting up doing something filming for you and I was like whoa she's once you watch it twice we go she's awesome and she's the best I love you guys I love my family too if you're watching we've seen them all you're beautiful one-of-a-kind smile you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 6,837,137
Rating: 4.9460588 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, new, kitten
Id: -XK8lxPoUJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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